Problems with access to arise for various reasons - the user has forgotten his password, login, or Mailbox hacked and changed important data. The question of how to recover your mail password can be solved in several ways, described below. The easiest way to restore your account is to use the number cell phone or the answer to one of the suggested security questions, if the owner account I haven't forgotten him.

Ways to recover a forgotten password

There are several options for action here. Everything will depend on what data you provided when registering the mailbox. This may be the answer to a security question, use mobile phone, mail for forwarding or contacting the service staff directly at the support service. Let's consider each of the options.

Answer to security question

You can start restoring directly from the login window. You need to act according to the standard scheme:

Please note that the described credential recovery is only suitable for emails that have not been used in the last three days. Otherwise, you will either have to wait or use another method.

Additional mailbox and e-mail forwarding

When registering with, the user can specify a different email address, which, in case of problems, will allow him to receive a new password. Working with this tool is also very simple:

Forwarding letters from the current mail to another can also be configured. Then, if the account owner has forgotten the password, he will only need to write down the forwarding address in the required field, where he will subsequently receive a letter with a link to change the password.

Here you will be asked to check your current personal data with those available on the server. In the future, in a similar situation, this will help you quickly recover your password. If everything is correct, click “Yes”, then “Continue”, after which you can change your credentials.

Entering a cell phone number

This is a simple and reliable method that can be used if the user has forgotten his credentials, but entered his mobile phone during registration. For this:

This confirmation method is one of the most reliable, so if you did not indicate your phone number during registration, you can correct this at any time by doing the following:

  1. Go to your email settings;
  2. In the personal data section, enter your current number by clicking on the add phone button;
  3. After about 5 minutes or earlier, you will receive a confirmation code, which you immediately enter in the appropriate field.

Using the phone number in, you can not only recover the password if necessary if the owner has forgotten the email, but also link the account to the phone, which will make the mailbox better protected from hacking. If necessary, you can always delete the added number by going to the settings page.

Restoring a forgotten login

This problem does not happen so often - after all, users forget the login much less often than their password. However, it is usually impossible to restore the login using any standard method or even by contacting the service administration. This is exactly what employees themselves answer in the help section of the service to the question: “Can I make a request from you to restore my mailbox?”

Therefore, when you need to restore your login from, you will have to rely only on yourself and the friends with whom you corresponded. Contact them in some way and write that, for example, I cannot do the job because of a forgotten email name. Most likely, your colleagues will be able to find the lost mailbox in the correspondence list and tell you the forgotten login.

Contacting support

This method will help you recover your password, and perhaps sometimes your login, when the user not only forgot this information, but did not indicate a phone number during registration, an additional e-mail, and does not remember the answer to the security question. Before contacting the support service, create a new mailbox, the login of which should preferably be selected on in order to have a channel for communication with service specialists.

You can send a request to to reset your password using a special form:

Below, describe in as much detail as possible the data that you can remember:

  • names of folders other than the standard ones that you yourself created for your account;
  • the latest incoming and outgoing letters, the date of their departure and recipients;
  • approximate year or time period from the moment of account registration, etc.


A page on may be blocked by the site administration due to spam sent from your account to other users. If you are not a spammer or a hacker of your own profile, then, most likely, attackers have tried their best here, the main protection against which is the further restoration of access to the profile.

The page restoration procedure is simple and takes a few seconds. To start it, you need to click on the link “Forgot?” on the main page of the website in the mailbox next to the “Password” line. (it is located above the “Login” button) and follow the prompts of the wizard that opens in the next window.

Here you will be asked to provide your username. If, of course, you remember him. You can also get to the page for restoring access to e-mail and all site resources by typing the following combination of characters in the address bar: Enter your login in the appropriate field and click “Next”.

To restore access, you can choose the option that is most convenient for you: enter the address of an additional email address, indicate the phone number used during registration, or answer a security question. Please note that the answer must be entered into the line as it was written earlier, respecting case and spaces. Please note that you will not be able to use this function if the box has been used for three last days. In this case, you will have to choose another method, for example, using a telephone.

To do this, please provide the last four digits of your mobile number. Wait for an SMS message with a code. Enter it in the appropriate field and you can start changing your password. Enter the code from the picture and click “Continue”. If you can't make out the combination of letters and numbers, refresh the image and try again. Then click "Save".

If you cannot recover your password yourself, contact support by first filling out a special form. Please note: the more detailed your answers are, the more columns are filled in, the faster you can start using your email account. The list of required fields in the questionnaire includes the user's last name, first name, patronymic, age, date of birth, answer to the security question, information about the approximate date of registration, e-mail, password and date of last login, at least approximate.

After you can log into the mail service, access to your page on will also be restored.

Nowadays, using multiple mailboxes at once is normal. They can exist for a variety of purposes: personal - for correspondence, for registration on social networks and online stores, and even on dubious sites (by the way, use Anonymizer in Mail for this).

You can have at least 10 different addresses. It's all good. But you can accidentally completely forget the address of one of your mailboxes. We tell you how you can remember and what to do to prevent this from happening.

In what cases can you forget your email address?

Of course, when there are a lot of boxes. When mail was created a long time ago and for one purpose. When suddenly asked in the morning after long holidays. When I burned my bridges. Options can be listed until the night.

In these cases, there is no need to panic, since all is not lost.

But what if…

For starters though try to remember your mailbox address yourself. Maybe you wrote it down somewhere? Check out your favorite notebook. 🙂 Try to remember why you created this mailbox in the first place? Does not work? Then we move on to plan B.

Plan b

There are several more ways to remember your mailbox address. Let's list them:

  1. Ask your friends or colleagues to look at emails from you in their inboxes. If, of course, you wrote to them. 🙂
  2. Check the address in the settings of the online store or social network, as well as your Apple ID.
  3. Browser. Logins and passwords can be stored in your browser settings in the appropriate section.
  4. And finally... in your other mailboxes. What if you sent any important letters?

To prevent similar situations in the future, make it a rule to at least write down your username and password so that you can quickly access it. There are many options.

You can use, for example, a very ordinary notepad. In general, there is a large number of applications for storing logins and passwords in encrypted form.

In addition, you can set up a mail collector and check all your mailboxes in one.

Have you forgotten your personal information for logging in to your email? Don't worry, it's very easy to regain access to it! Depending on whether you forgot only your password or also your login, recovery may take from 5 minutes to several days.

If you cannot remember your password when logging into your email, click on the active link “I forgot my password.” The system will transfer you to new page, in which you must fill in the “Email Address” field and enter the captcha. The next step is to correctly answer the security question that you specified during registration. This could be “ Maiden name mother”, “Favorite dish”, “Dog’s name” or others. After filling out the data correctly, you should come up with a new password and continue using the mail. Sometimes you may need to enter a mobile phone number to which an SMS message with a forgotten password will be sent. If you cannot answer a security question correctly or have forgotten your electronics login, the first option will not help you. To restore mail, you will need to create a new mailbox and contact technical support. It is better to indicate the name and security question as in a forgotten mail. Next you should write a letter to the technical department postal service. Be sure to include all the information you know. Please provide your email address, approximate date of registration, first and last name, and date of birth. If this box was assigned to any social network or was used to register on forums - please indicate this in the letter.

After a certain time, a response from a technical support employee will be sent to the newly created email. It will ask you to provide additional information, or a recovery link will immediately appear in the email. forgotten password. After recovering your password, go to settings and create a new, easy-to-remember password.

Only those users with whom you corresponded can tell you the name of your mailbox. After specifying the correct email name, you can use the instructions below to restore access to your email.

After restoring your mail, try to write down your login information in places that are inaccessible to other people. And change your password periodically so that attackers cannot take over your data and information.

This article is being written at the request of one of our group members social group"Classmates". In one of the previous articles, we looked at the process of creating an account on the service () But life goes on as usual. It may turn out that you for a long time have not used the service, during this time you forgot your password, perhaps phone number has already been changed (not the number you indicated during registration). Namely, now you need to get into this account for personal use. How to restore access to your mailbox, having meager data about it in memory?

Well, let's try to do something. First we go to home page and click on the link “Forgot your password”

Go to the password recovery page. Enter your mailbox. As an example, we will restore access to the account that we created in the above article.

Be careful when entering your mailing address. Click the “Restore” button. If an error was made, a notification about this will appear. If the entered address exists in the service database, you will go to the next page.

Since we have linked a phone number to our mailbox, we would only need to enter specified code from the picture and click “Receive code via SMS”. But we’ll complicate our task, suppose we haven’t used this account for 2-3 years, changed the operator or changed the number. In a word, we cannot receive an SMS message with a code to the phone number associated with the account. What to do then? To choose another method of restoring access, click on the link “I do not have access to the specified phone”

On the next page you will be asked to enter the data that you remember: first name, last name, date of birth from the account to which you are restoring access. It is advisable to indicate the password that was used during registration. If you don't remember, enter a new password. To contact you, please provide another email address to which you have access. Enter the code from the picture and click “Submit”.

Next, you will be asked to remember the addresses to which you sent your letters, from whom you received them, with whom you corresponded, and the phone number attached to your account. Try to fill out as many fields as possible and provide additional information. After filling out the fields, click the “Submit” button

After this, we are notified that our application will be reviewed by the support team shortly. We wait and periodically check the postal address that we indicated to contact us.

Now you know how to restore your mailbox on, even if you have forgotten your data.