The Day of the Optina Elders is celebrated annually on October 24. What kind of great personalities were the elders of Optina Pustyn?

Who is the Optina Elder?

The forefather of the Optina eldership was Elder Pasy Velichkovsky. His disciple Lev was the first Optina elder, who led a whole movement of monks who moved to live in which Archimandrite Moses was at that time. Thanks to his merits, a lot was done in the monastery: hotels, refectories, a library, a mill, factories, buildings, horse yards and even walls with turrets were built. The archimandrite was helped by thousands of pilgrims who came to Optina Pustyn.

But the most important asset is the deepening into spirituality, which became possible thanks to the arrival of the elders Leo and Macarius. From that time on, spiritual blossoming began. What kind of amazing personality is this Optina elder Leo?

Elder of Optina - Venerable Leo

He was a man who lived in the interests of the people. He loved people very much and pitied them in every possible way. No one could resist his intelligence and insight, and tears of repentance rolled from everyone’s eyes. Elder Leo truly healed people. The villagers accepted him as their father.

But not everyone welcomed the elder so warmly. Some forbade him to communicate with ordinary people. It was unfair, which only spoke of ignorance. Good deeds were quickly forgotten and the elders were fairly oppressed at that time. The successor of Elder Leo was the hieromonk Father Macarius, who came from a noble family.

Venerable Macarius

The Optina elder Macarius spent his entire adolescence studying economic activity. At first he worked as an accountant, later he decided to completely manage the farm, which he did not cope with very well. In all his troubles, he always turned to the Holy Scriptures, but for this he was often laughed at not only by his offenders, but also by his family. But one day Macarius’s offenders fell before him in repentance. From then on, Macarius decided to devote the rest of his life to God. He went to the Ploshchansk Hermitage, where he took monastic vows. Upon the arrival of Elder Leo in the Ploshchansk Hermitage, Father Macarius accepted him as his spiritual teacher.

Optina Elder Macarius was a mentor learned people and intelligentsia. He mainly communicated with those who translated into Russian the works of Father Paisius and other ascetics.

The real flourishing of Optina Hermitage came thanks to Elder Ambrose, the successor of Father Leo and Macarius.

Father Ambrose

Ambrose's grandfather was a priest. The elder was born on one of the holidays, when there were many guests in his grandfather's house. Later, Ambrose often joked that he was born in public and lives his whole life in public. Ambrose's upbringing took place in a church environment. He successfully graduated from theological seminary thanks to his unique abilities. Ambrose began his mentoring path by accepting students at home. Later he became rector of the Lipetsk Theological School. A serious illness forced the elder to go to a monastery. But, having recovered, Ambrose still continued his worldly activities for some time. Later, on the advice of Elder Hilarion, Ambrose went to Optina Pustyn, where he became an assistant to Father Macarius in publishing activities, because he knew 5 languages. Whatever the monk did, he did it for the Lord. Everyone around noticed this and loved Ambrose dearly for it. The monk succeeded in both spiritual and practical life. His advice, often given in a humorous manner, was quickly remembered. He tried his best to save human souls, sometimes even resorting to whips and penances.

Miracles of Healing

The icon of the Mother of God “Spreader of the Loaves” played a special role in his life. Father urged everyone to pray to her. Thus, he taught that the Mother of God cares not only about the human soul, but also about the earthly needs of everyone.

Elder Ambrose was known as a great miracle worker. He healed many people from merciless diseases. During Ambrose's eldership, an intelligentsia began to emerge, whose main idea was to change the political system of the country. But many were disappointed. the idealists were skillfully filled by Elder Ambrose of Optina. He revived the meaning of life in the minds of many people. Crowds flocked to Optina Pustyn at that time. Here people were charged with enthusiasm to continue living happily and without worries. This monastery was also visited by artists, famous writers, politicians, and philosophers.

Social activity

Elder Ambrose practiced asceticism for more than thirty years. Recent decades he was involved in the founding and organization of the women's room, in which more than a thousand nuns subsequently found peace. There was also a school, a hospital and a girls' shelter. After the death of the elder, everyone was plunged into sadness.

Elder Joseph of Optina

This was the closest companion of Father Ambrose. The elder raised him in his shack. From childhood, Joseph had the gift of seeing saints. The Mother of God appeared to him. His favorite pastime was reading the Holy Scriptures. When the boy's parents left this world, the merchant for whom he then worked wanted to marry his daughter to him. But the young man dreamed of a different life, a life entirely devoted to the Lord. Then he decided to go to Elder Ambrose, who strongly recommended that he stay in the monastery. For 30 years, Ambrose took care of Joseph with great love. After the death of Ambrose, Joseph became the abbot of the women's monastery in Shamordino. He received visitors, and many saw in him the personification of Father Ambrose himself.

During his life, the ascetic endured many trials. For many years he did not even have a place where he could retire to prayer. He lived right in the waiting room, where there were always a lot of people, but all this only strengthened him.

Elder Joseph was an ascetic. He practically did not eat, slept little, and was content with old, poor clothes. But all this only developed his spiritual wealth. In return for his hardships, the Lord gave him the gift of insight and the ability to heal people. Crowds of pilgrims turned to him for help and advice. With just a few words he could remove a stone from the soul, instruct and console. His prayer of grace covered all those who suffered.

Elder Barsanuphius of Optina

Before his tonsure, Elder Barsanuphius led an active worldly life. He was a colonel, leader of the Orenburg Cossacks. At a difficult moment of mortal illness, the elder ordered to read scriptures. At that moment, the Heavens parted, and a healing bright light illuminated everything around. Something in the monk’s soul turned upside down. Heavenly voice told him to go to Optina Pustyn. People in the world did not want to let Barsanuphius go, trying to keep him with all sorts of titles. They wanted to make him a general and even marry him. But the elder easily overcame all difficulties and obstacles.

After ten years of monasticism, Barsanuphius received the status of hieromonk. After serving as a priest in Russian-Japanese war, he returned to Optina Pustyn and headed the monastery.

The elder saved many destinies with his instructions, but not everyone liked his activities. Many complaints were received against him, and he was removed from Optina Pustyn.

Elder Optinsky Anatoly

WITH early childhood Elder Anatoly sought God and strove to live according to his laws. But his strict mother did not want him to go to a monastery. After her death, the elder immediately went to Optina Pustyn. Later he took refuge with Elder Ambrose and became his novice. The venerable Optina elders raised him in asceticism.

Father Ambrose asked Anatoly to help him, and he immediately plunged into active work. Among his friends, Anatoly bore the nickname “Comforter.” He received special recognition from the common people, especially the peasants. But the nobility also listened to his advice.

Nectary Optinsky

In his youth, Nektary (Nikolai) was a smart boy. He was an excellent worker in a merchant's shop. After proposing marriage, on the advice of the merchant, Nikolai went for a blessing to Theoktista, who advised him to go to Optina Pustyn. There Nicholas was met by Father Hilarion and sent him to Ambrose, who convinced him to stay in the monastery.

In 1912, Nektary was ordained an elder. But until recently he did not accept this title, humbly considering himself unworthy of it. The elder received many visitors in his small hut. He found his own approach to everyone. He gave some instructions for a long time, while others simply left books in the waiting room. While waiting for their turn, people read them and all their questions were resolved. Intelligentsia and simple people for the elder there were no differences. He treated both of them equally and spoke their languages.

In 1923, the monastery was closed, and Elder Nektarios was taken under arrest. After his release, Nektary went to the village of Kholmishchi, but even there he was pestered by people thirsting for advice.

In 1989, Optina Pustyn was revived, and the relics of Elder Nektarios from Kholmishchi were transported here. Eyewitnesses said that a pleasant fragrance emanated from the elder’s relics, and they themselves had an amber color. Therefore, everyone who turned to the elder for help even after his death received his blessing.

The Optina elders left valuable teachings for the common people. Never condemn your loved ones, pray to the Lord for forgiveness for condemning your own brother. To achieve success, you always need to make an effort. A person must become a servant of his life, and it should not serve him. You should never become a slave to your feelings. One should go to the Lord through humility.

The last Optina elders accomplished many great deeds for humanity. One of them was Nikon.

Elder Nikon

Two brothers, Ivan and Nikolai, from childhood inherited the love of God instilled by their parents. Having matured, they decided to go to Optina Pustyn. Elder Barsanuphius immediately saw a special gift in Nicholas, so he took him as his student.

In 1915, after being tonsured, Nikolai received the name Nikon. And already in 1917 he received the rank of hieromonk.

After the closure of Optina Hermitage, almost all the elders were expelled, and some were arrested. Elder Nikon was assigned to receive parishioners who wanted to confess. So he became the last Optina elder.

Only the instructions of these God-chosen monks have reached our time. The prayer of the Optina elders plays a special role in the life of every Christian. This spiritual appeal to the Lord destroys all obstacles and helps to properly set your mind for the whole coming day.

Complete prayer of the Optina elders

"Lord, give me peace of mind to meet everything that the coming day will send me. Lord, let me completely surrender to your holy will. Lord, at every hour of this day, instruct and support me in everything. Lord, no matter what news comes throughout the day, teach me to accept it with a calm soul and the firm conviction that everything is Your holy will. Lord, show Your holy will for me and those around me. Lord, in all my deeds and thoughts, guide my feelings and thoughts. Lord, in all unforeseen situations, do not let me forget that all this was sent down by You. Lord, teach me how to communicate correctly with those close to me and those around me, elders, younger and equals, so as not to upset anyone, but to bring benefit to everyone. Lord, give me strength to endure the fatigue of this day and all the events during the day. Lord, guide my will, teach me to pray, believe, hope, endure, forgive and love."

In this version, you can say But this prayer also has a continuation.

“Lord, do not abandon me when I meet face to face with my enemies, but for the sake of Your Holy Name, rule me.

Lord, illuminate my heart and mind so that I can understand Your eternal laws by which You govern the world, so that I can correctly serve You and my neighbors.

Lord, thank you for everything that has happened to me and will happen, for I firmly believe that you especially favor those who love you. Lord, bless me in all my words, thoughts and deeds, deign me to glorify You with joy, for only You are worthy and glorified forever and ever. Amen".

The prayer of the Optina elders for the day charges with faith and gives protection. By reading it every day, you can solve many unresolved problems. The songs of the Optina elders truly heal not only the body, but also the soul.

The main difference between a true confessor and others who are only trying to be like the elder is wisdom and humility. One of the most famous and mysterious representatives of the Russian clergy, who has become the symbol of the oldest monastic monastery in Russia - Optina Monastery, as well as the personal spiritual mentor of the Russian Patriarch Kirill, is Elder Eli. This man is rare example of lung, sublime and pure state of mind. That is why hundreds of people from all over the country seek meetings with him every day.

Who are the elders?

Each person goes through life in his own way. In order not to stray from the right path, not to fall into the abyss, he needs someone who will indicate a landmark, will not let him get lost, and at the right moment will support and guide him on the right path. Since time immemorial in Rus', elders have been such helpers. They were respected and feared at the same time, because they are followers of the ancient Russian magi, who absorbed the Great Wisdom with the blood of their ancestors. Many elders possessed the gift of prediction and healing, but the main objective a true elder - to know the revelation of God and spiritually help someone in need.

Elder Eli: biography

Ily (in the world - Alexey Afanasyevich Nozdrin) was born in 1932 into a large peasant family in the village of Stanovoy Kolodez, Oryol region. His father, Afanasy, during Patriotic War in 1942 he was seriously wounded and died in hospital. Mother, Klavdia Vasilievna, raised four children alone. After graduating from school in 1949, Alexey passed conscript service in the army. In 1955, he entered the Serpukhov Mechanical College, and after graduating in 1958, he was assigned to the Volgograd region to build a cotton mill in the city of Kamyshin. But not finding himself in, he decided to devote his life to God, enrolling in the Theological Seminary of the city of Saratov. In 1961, due to Khrushchev’s persecution and pressure on the church, the seminary was closed, and Alexey was forced to move to Leningrad, where he continued his studies at the Theological Academy and was tonsured as a monk with the name Ilian.

Since 1966, he served as abbot at the Pskov-Pechersk Monastery, and in 1976 he was sent to serve as obedient to the monastery of the Russian great martyr Panteleimon on Holy Mount Athos in Greece. There, the future Elder Eli lived in a mountain monastery and became a priest in the Panteleimon Monastery. At the end of the 1980s, he was recalled back to the USSR and sent to the restored Optina Pustyn, which had been deserted for the past 65 years. Here Ilian accepted the great schema, which provided for complete alienation from the world for reunification with God, and also took monastic vows with the name Eli.

Over the next 20 years, he revived the elder ministry in the monastery, which ultimately returned Optina Pustyn to its former greatness. In 2009, Elder Eli was appointed confessor to the Patriarch of All Rus' Kirill and moved to his residence in the Trinity-Sergius Lavra in the village of Peredelkino, Moscow region. In April 2010, on the Easter holiday, the elder was elevated by the Patriarch to the rank of schema-archimandrite.

History of the monastery

Optina Pustyn is an Orthodox monastery for men, located two kilometers from the city of Kozelsk in. According to ancient legend, the monastery was founded at the turn of the 14th-15th centuries by the repentant robber Opta (or Optius), who took monasticism under the name Macarius. The Optina monastery served as a haven for elders and elders, living in separate buildings of the monastery, but under the spiritual guidance of one abbot. The first mentions of this monastery can be found in the scribe books of Kozelsk dating back to the reign of Boris Godunov.

At the beginning of the 18th century, Optina Pustyn experienced difficult times due to constant taxes to the state for the war with the Swedes and the construction of St. Petersburg, and in 1724 it was completely abolished according to the Spiritual Regulations and annexed to the Transfiguration Monastery, located in the neighboring city of Belev. Two years later, the monastery was restored, and construction of new churches began on its territory, which continued until the beginning of the twentieth century.

Optina became one of the largest spiritual Orthodox centers in Russia; pilgrims and sufferers were drawn to it from all sides, some of whom settled in the skete, built in 1821. As donations came in, the monastery acquired land and a mill.

In 1918, Optina Pustyn was closed according to the decree of the Council of People's Commissars of the RSFSR, and in 1939, on the territory of the monastery, by order of L. Beria, a concentration camp was organized for five thousand Polish soldiers, who were later shot in Katyn. From 1944 to 1945 here is a filtration camp for Soviet officers who returned from captivity.

Optina Pustyn today

Only in 1987 did the Soviet government transfer the monastery to the Russian Orthodox Church. From that moment on, active restoration of the monastery began - both material and spiritual. The ideologist and coordinator of the restoration of the Optina Monastery is Elder Eli. It was thanks to this man that the monastery regained its glory as the largest center of Orthodoxy and pilgrimage. Its unique energy and the beauty of its temples attract thousands of pilgrims and tourists from all over the world. On the territory of the monastery there are 7 existing temples:

  • Vvedensky Cathedral - main temple monasteries;
  • Church of John the Baptist and Baptist of the Lord in St. John the Baptist Skete;
  • Temple of St. Hilarion the Great;
  • Temple of the Kazan Icon Mother of God;
  • Temple Vladimir icon Mother of God;
  • Church of the Transfiguration of the Lord;
  • Temple of the Icon of the Mother of God “Spreader of the Loaves”.


The holiday village of Peredelkino is located in the nearest railway stations - "Peredelkino" and "Michurinets". The town is famous not only for the monastery and Elder Elijah, but also for the fact that famous writers and artists lived and worked there at one time. Among them are Alexander Fadeev, Bella Akhmadulina, Valentin Kataev, Bulat Okudzhava, who also held his famous bonfires here, where Rina Zelenaya, Arkady Raikin, Sergei Obraztsov performed. The house-museums of Okudzhava, Pasternak, Chukovsky and Yevtushenko are located here.

How to get to the monastery?

Considering that Optina Pustyn is located near the Peredelkino and Kozelsk railway stations, you can get to it by railway will not be difficult. Electric trains run from Kievsky Station in Moscow in the direction of Kaluga or Sukhinichi. You can also get to Kozelsk by bus from the Teply Stan metro station.

Car owners, given the current abundance of various navigation systems and maps, will also not have special problems with the search for the right path. But if getting to the monastery is not a tricky matter, then how to get to Elder Elijah for an appointment is a completely different question. Before setting off for this purpose, you should find out in advance about the daily routine at the monastery, as well as the reception schedule.

If God wills

Many people want Elder Iliy (Peredelkino) to talk to them. “How to get an appointment with the elder and will he accept?” - these are the main questions of visiting pilgrims. Of course, the schema-archimandrite will not be able to satisfy all those who suffer, but, as local monks say, if God wills it, the meeting will definitely take place. Usually Elder Elijah receives people in the refectory before lunch, where those who have arrived are seated at tables, and the line moves around these tables. If people make noise in line or argue, he will personally disperse or reconcile the guests.

Closer to 16 o'clock, the elder retires to rest, and when he returns and whether he will return on this day, only the Lord knows. The monastery has its own Internet resource (www., where you can find out where Elder Elijah is now and when the next reception will take place.

The Power of Prayer

It is believed to have double power because it is the prayer of an enlightened one. They say that if he prays for the repose of the soul, then the soul of a sinner can even be freed from hellish captivity. An amazing incident also occurred in Optina Pustyn. One day, a soldier who was seriously wounded in Chechnya was brought to Elijah’s monastery. The doctors did not know how to save the soldier and did not dare to operate, since he was unconscious and the bullet was a few millimeters from his heart. Elder Elijah’s prayer “May God rise again” made desperate doctors believe in a miracle - the wounded man came to his senses and opened his eyes. After the operation, the soldier began to recover.

Stauropegial monastery Vvedenskaya Optina Pustyn is known all over the world. It is often called “a prototype of the Kingdom of Heaven,” “a fragment of earthly paradise,” “the receptacle of Christian love and the focus of asceticism.” This is because there, like nowhere else, people come closer to the ideal of Christian relationships, a spiritual height inaccessible in everyday life. Since the appearance of eldership in Optina Hermitage (1829), the grace of the Holy Spirit has descended upon it in full. In 1918, the monastery was closed, and during the Great Patriotic War it was used as an agricultural artel, a sanatorium and even a concentration camp, but despite all the upheavals, it was restored in the 80s of the 20th century. In our time, pilgrims from all over the world continue to come to the holy Optina elders with their doubts, pain, or simply for advice in difficult situations.

How to get to the elder in Optina Pustyn at the present time

Optina Pustyn is located about 300 km from Moscow, not far from Kozelsk, Kaluga region. There is no direct train connection between Moscow and Kozelsk, so it is better to use your own vehicle or join our bus excursion. Professionally trained guides will help you learn a lot about the history of Optina Pustyn, as well as resolve issues related to the Orthodox worldview. As part of a trip to Optina Hermitage with us, pilgrims can visit the men's monastery of the Savior Not Made by Hands in the village of Klykovo and the Kazan St. Ambrose Hermitage for women (Shamordino) in the Kaluga region.

Elders and New Martyrs of Optina Hermitage

The icon “The Council of the Venerable Optina Elders” traditionally depicts 14 elders: Hieroschemamonk Leo (Nagolkin) 1768–1841, Hieroschemamonk Macarius (Ivanov) 1788–1860, Schema-Archimandrite Moses (Putilov) 1782–1862, Schema-Abbot Anthony (Putilov) 1795–1865, Hieroschemamonk Hilarion (Ponomarev) 1805–1873, Hieroschemamonk Ambrose (Grenkov) 1812–1891, Hieroschemamonk Anatoly (Zertsa-lov) 1824–1894, Schema-archimandrite Isaac (Antimonov) 1810–1894, Hieroschemamonk Joseph (Litovkin) 1837–1911, Schema-Archimandrite Barsanuphius (Plikhankov ) 1845–1913, Hieroschemamonk Anatoly (Potapov) 1855–1922, Hieroschemamonk Nektary Optinsky 1853–1928, Hieromonk Nikon (Belyaev) 1888–1931, Archimandrite Isaac II (Bobrakov) 1865–1938. The prayer of the elders has the power of grace, which is why it is so important for many to get to Optina to venerate the shrines.

The canonization of the Cathedral of Optina Elders took place in 1996. This event marked the further development of the Optina Hermitage and the influx large number pilgrims in subsequent years. Celebration of Remembrance venerable elders Optinskikh - October 24.

The Russian Orthodox Church glorified 15 people from among those who suffered during the years of repression of the 20th century as new martyrs and confessors. And in 1993, Russia was shocked by the murder of three Optina monks on Easter: Hieromonk Vasily (Roslyakov), monk Trofim (Tatarnikov) and monk Ferapont (Push-Karev). Nina Pavlova's book "Red Easter" tells about these events and is read in one breath.

Elder Elijah

The name of Schema-Archimandrite Elijah (Nozdrin) (born in 1932) is traditionally associated with Optina, since he is the confessor of the Optina brethren. In the Orthodox community, he is considered one of the most authoritative elders of our time. Many call him the last Optina elder.

While still studying at the Theological Academy, Alexei Nozdrin, the future Elder Elijah, met the future Patriarch of Moscow Kirill. Since 2009, Elder Elijah has been the personal confessor of Patriarch Kirill. Now Elder Elijah serves in the Church of the Transfiguration in Peredelkino on the territory of the patriarchal courtyard. Many go to him for advice and help.

Elder Ambrose of Optina

The Monk Ambrose is the third Elder of Optina, in the world - Alexander Grenkov (1812–1891), who became the successor of the Monks Leo and Macarius of Optina. He had a huge influence on the spiritual state of society in the 19th century. People who came to Optina during his lifetime turned to the prayerful intercession of Hieroschemamonk Ambrose, and they continue to come to the relics of Hieroschemamonk Ambrose even now. The reliquary with the relics of Elder Ambrose was installed in the Vvedensky Church of Optina Hermitage. Among those who turned to the monk for help and advice were famous people of that time: for example, the saint’s correspondence with L.N. Tolstoy and F.M. Dostoevsky has now been published. It was the holy elder Ambrose who became the prototype of the elder Zosima from “The Brothers Karamazov” by F. M. Dostoevsky.

Alexander, the future Ambrose of Optinsky, was born into a large pious family in the village of Bolshaya Lipovitsa, Tambov province. His father was a sacristan, and his grandfather was a priest. The boy was raised in an atmosphere of Christian strictness. Alexander was distinguished by his lively disposition and intelligence. However, he was never very obedient. Science and any teaching were easy for the boy. His teachers predicted a great career for him. In 1830–1836 he studied at the Tambov Theological School, from which he graduated with honors, then there was the Tambov Theological Academy. Choice monastic path It wasn’t easy for him: life’s turn was too abrupt.

There are legends about the gift of foresight of Elder Ambrose. He could half-hint a person to his sin, do it subtly, casually, thereby leading him to sincere repentance. He understood what the sufferer came with before he addressed him with a question. There are known cases of how he saved people from certain death, when they had not yet thought about the threat to their lives. Great gifts from the Lord were given to the elder for his humility and greatest love and attention to people. Hieroschemamonk Ambrose was glorified at the Local Council in 1988.

Reverend Ambrose knew how to listen and give advice to everyone who needed it, to show compassion and spiritual guidance to support those who had lost their way. In his instructions and sermons he spoke very simply. In the elder’s own words, he asked the Lord for this simplicity for many years. A huge number of miraculous healings are known at the relics of the great saint. Thanks to the prayerful intercession of Father Ambrose before the Lord, help came to people, solutions were opened life problems, epiphany came. Everyone needs spiritual guidance in the world: Christian wisdom makes us better, kinder and brings us closer to the Lord. “If you want to have love, then do deeds of love, even without love at first,” said Elder Ambrose.

Reverend Father Ambrose, pray to God for us!

Operating temples and shrines of Optina Hermitage

Now there are eight operating churches in Optina Pustyn. Of these, Vvedensky, Kazan, Vladimir and Transfiguration churches in daytime always open. Everyone who wishes is blessed with access to shrines: revered icons and holy relics of the venerable elders of Optina:
The relics of St. Nektary and Ambrose - in the Vvedensky Cathedral;
The relics of St. Isaac I, Anthony, Moses - in the Kazan Church;
The relics of St. Leo, Hilarion, Macarius, Anatoly (Zertsalov), Anatoly (Potapov), Barsanuphius, Joseph - in the Vladimir Church;
The relics of St. Raphael, confessor - in the Church of the Transfiguration of the Lord.
In the main church of the monastery there is a particularly revered shrine - the Kazan Icon of the Mother of God.

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A new book

The publishing house of our monastery has published a new book - “The Life of the Hieromartyr Veniamin (Kazan), Metropolitan of Petrograd and Gdov, and those like him who suffered the Venerable Martyr Sergius (Shein), the martyrs Yuri Novitsky and John Kovsharov » .

In the new book of the famous Russian hagiographer Archimandrite Damascene (Orlovsky), the reader is offered the life of Metropolitan Veniamin (Kazan) of Petrograd - one of the first holy martyrs who did not sin with their soul or conscience during the persecution that began and gave their life for Christ and His Church .

Venerable Optina Elders


The first founder and inspirer of the Optina eldership. A man of unshakable faith, extraordinary courage, firmness and energy. The entire life of this elder, spent in selfless service to God and his neighbors, was an expression of evangelical love. With your exploits, unceasing prayer and through God-like humility he acquired the abundant gifts of the Holy Spirit. The miracles performed by the elder were countless: crowds of the destitute flocked to him.


Elder Leo's disciple and companion. He lived as an elder in the Optina Hermitage at the same time as the Monk Leo, and after his death, until his death, he carried out the great and holy feat of caring for the elderly. The main virtue that he especially cultivated in people is humility, considering it the basis Christian life. “If there is humility, everything is there, if there is no humility, there is nothing,” said the monk. The name of Elder Macarius is associated with the beginning of the publication of patristic works in the monastery, which united the best spiritual and intellectual forces of Russia around the monastery.


To the meek old abbot. He showed an amazing example of combining strict asceticism, humility and non-covetousness with wise management of the monastery and extensive charitable activities. It was thanks to his boundless mercy and compassion for the poor that the monastery gave shelter to many wanderers. Under Schema-Archimandrite Moses, old temples and monastery buildings were recreated and new ones were built. Optina Pustyn owes its visible flourishing and spiritual revival to the wise leadership of Elder Moses.


Brother and companion of Schema-Archimandrite Moses, a humble ascetic and man of prayer, who patiently and courageously bore the cross of bodily illness throughout his entire life. He contributed in every possible way to the work of eldership in the monastery, which he led for 14 years. Written instructions venerable elder are the marvelous fruit of his fatherly love and the gift of a teaching word. Before his death he said: “ I would like to console everyone, and if it were possible, I would tear myself to pieces and give a piece to everyone.”


The disciple and successor of Elder Macarius. Being a Zealous Advocate and Preacher Orthodox faith, he managed to return to the fold Orthodox Church many who are lost and have fallen away from the Orthodox faith. “Only from the moment we recognized him,” the elder’s spiritual child recalls, “we learned what peace of mind is, what peace of mind is...” The elder hermitage leader died in prayer, with a rosary in his hands.


A great elder and ascetic of the Russian land, whose holiness and godly life God witnessed with many miracles, and the Orthodox believing people - sincere love, reverence and reverent appeal to him in prayer. A disciple of elders Leonid and Macarius, he inherited from them the grace-filled gift of eldership and remained in selfless service to people for more than 30 years. He founded the Shamordino convent, ministered to many monasteries, his letters and instructions are a source of spiritual wisdom for those seeking salvation. The monk had a high, clear mind and a loving heart. Extraordinarily compassionate and gifted with grace, he was especially distinguished by his Christian love.


With the whale chief and elder, he instructed in the spiritual life not only the monks of the Optina Monastery, but also the nuns of the Shamordino convent and other monasteries. Being an ardent prayer book and ascetic, he was a sensitive father and a patient teacher for everyone who came to him, always sharing the treasure of wisdom, faith and special spiritual joy. Elder Anatoly had an amazing gift of consolation. Rev. Ambrose said that he was given such prayer and grace as is given to one in a thousand.


The most memorable abbot of the Optina Monastery, who combined firm management of the monastery and the subtle art of pastoral leadership with humble obedience to the great Optina elders and high asceticism. Schema-Archimandrite Isaac’s life’s work was to preserve and confirm in the monastery the spiritual covenants of the elders. He knew no peace - the doors of his cell were open to the brotherhood and the poor. In food, and in clothing, and in the decoration of the cell, he observed the complete simplicity of the ancient ascetics.


Disciple and spiritual successor St. Ambrose Having shown the image of great humility, kindness, and unceasing, heartfelt prayer, the elder was more than once honored with the appearance of the Mother of God. According to the recollections of contemporaries, many, even during the life of Hieroschemamonk Joseph, saw him illuminated by the grace-filled divine light. Rev. Joseph was a man of deep inner activity, who always maintained heartfelt silence and unceasing prayer.


With the whale chief, about whom Elder Nektarios said that the grace of God in one night created a great old man from a brilliant military man. Without sparing life itself, he fulfilled his pastoral duty in the Russo-Japanese War. The elder had extraordinary insight, the inner meaning of the events that took place was revealed to him, he saw the hiddenness of the heart of the person who came to him, lovingly awakening repentance in him.

The main difference between a true confessor and others who are only trying to be like the elder is wisdom and humility. One of the most famous and mysterious representatives of the Russian clergy, who has become the symbol of the oldest monastic monastery in Russia - Optina Hermitage, as well as the personal spiritual mentor of the Russian Patriarch Kirill, is Elder Eli. This man is a rare example of a light, sublime and pure state of mind. That is why hundreds of people from all over the country seek meetings with him every day.

Each person goes through life in his own way. In order not to stray from the right path, not to fall into the abyss, he needs someone who will indicate a landmark, will not let him get lost, and at the right moment will support and guide him on the right path. Since time immemorial in Rus', elders have been such helpers. They were respected and feared at the same time, because they were followers of the ancient Russian Magi, who absorbed the Great Wisdom with the blood of their ancestors. Many elders possessed the gift of prediction and healing, but the main goal of a real elder is to know the revelation of God and spiritually help those in need.

Elder Eli: biography

Iliy (in the world - Alexey Afanasyevich Nozdrin) was born in 1932 into a large peasant family in the village of Stanovoy Kolodez, Oryol region. His father, Afanasy, was seriously wounded during the Patriotic War in 1942 and died in hospital. Mother, Klavdia Vasilievna, raised four children alone. After graduating from school in 1949, Alexey completed military service in the army. In 1955, he entered the Serpukhov Mechanical College, and after graduating in 1958, he was assigned to the Volgograd region to build a cotton mill in the city of Kamyshin. But not finding himself in the profession of a builder, he decided to devote his life to God, enrolling in the Theological Seminary of the city of Saratov. In 1961, due to Khrushchev’s persecution and pressure on the church, the seminary was closed, and Alexey was forced to move to Leningrad, where he continued his studies at the Theological Academy and was tonsured as a monk with the name Ilian.

Since 1966, he served as abbot at the Pskov-Pechersk Monastery, and in 1976 he was sent to serve as obedient to the monastery of the Russian great martyr Panteleimon on Holy Mount Athos in Greece. There, the future Elder Eli lived in a mountain monastery and became a priest in the Panteleimon Monastery. At the end of the 1980s, he was recalled back to the USSR and sent to the restored Optina Pustyn, which had been deserted for the past 65 years. Here Ilian accepted the great schema, which provided for complete alienation from the world for reunification with God, and also took monastic vows with the name Eli.

Over the next 20 years, he revived the elder ministry in the monastery, which ultimately returned Optina Pustyn to its former greatness. In 2009, Elder Eli was appointed confessor to the Patriarch of All Rus' Kirill and moved to his residence in the Trinity-Sergius Lavra in the village of Peredelkino, Moscow region. In April 2010, on the Easter holiday, the elder was elevated by the Patriarch to the rank of schema-archimandrite.

History of the monastery

Optina Pustyn is an Orthodox monastery for men, located two kilometers from the city of Kozelsk in the Kaluga region. According to ancient legend, the monastery was founded at the turn of the 14th-15th centuries by the repentant robber Opta (or Optius), who became a monk under the name Macarius. The Optina monastery served as a haven for elders and elders, living in separate buildings of the monastery, but under the spiritual guidance of one abbot. The first mentions of this monastery can be found in the scribe books of Kozelsk dating back to the reign of Boris Godunov.

At the beginning of the 18th century, Optina Pustyn experienced difficult times due to constant taxes to the state for the war with the Swedes and the construction of St. Petersburg, and in 1724 it was completely abolished according to the Spiritual Regulations and annexed to the Transfiguration Monastery, located in the neighboring city of Belev. Two years later, by order of Catherine II, the monastery was restored, and construction of new churches began on its territory, which continued until the beginning of the twentieth century.

Optina became one of the largest spiritual Orthodox centers in Russia; pilgrims and sufferers were drawn to it from all sides, some of whom settled in the skete, built in 1821. As donations came in, the monastery acquired land and a mill.

In 1918, Optina Pustyn was closed according to the decree of the Council of People's Commissars of the RSFSR, and in 1939, on the territory of the monastery, by order of L. Beria, a concentration camp was organized for five thousand Polish soldiers, who were later shot in Katyn. From 1944 to 1945 a filtration camp for Soviet officers returning from captivity was located here.

Optina Pustyn today

Only in 1987 did the Soviet government transfer the monastery to the Russian Orthodox Church. From that moment on, active restoration of the monastery began - both material and spiritual. The ideologist and coordinator of the restoration of the Optina Monastery is Elder Eli. It was thanks to this man that the monastery regained its glory as the largest center of Orthodoxy and pilgrimage. Its unique energy and the beauty of its temples attract thousands of pilgrims and tourists from all over the world. There are 7 operating churches on the territory of the monastery:

  • Vvedensky Cathedral is the main temple of the monastery;
  • Church of John the Baptist and Baptist of the Lord in St. John the Baptist Skete;
  • Temple of St. Hilarion the Great;
  • Temple of the Kazan Icon of the Mother of God;
  • Temple of the Vladimir Icon of the Mother of God;
  • Church of the Transfiguration of the Lord;
  • Temple of the Icon of the Mother of God “Spreader of the Loaves”.


The dacha village of Peredelkino is located in the Moscow region. The nearest railway stations are Peredelkino and Michurinets. The town is famous not only for the monastery and Elder Elijah, but also for the fact that famous writers and artists lived and worked there at one time. Among them are Alexander Fadeev, Bella Akhmadulina, Valentin Kataev, Bulat Okudzhava, as well as Korney Chukovsky, who held his famous bonfires here, where Rina Zelenaya, Arkady Raikin, Sergei Obraztsov performed. The house-museums of Okudzhava, Pasternak, Chukovsky and Yevtushenko are located here.

How to get to the monastery?

Considering that Optina Pustyn is located near the Peredelkino and Kozelsk railway stations, getting to it by rail will not be difficult. Electric trains run from Kievsky Station in Moscow in the direction of Kaluga or Sukhinichi. You can also get to Kozelsk by bus from the Teply Stan metro station.

Car owners, given the current abundance of various navigation systems and maps, will also not have any particular problems finding the right path. But if getting to the monastery is not a tricky matter, then how to get to Elder Elijah for an appointment is a completely different question. Before setting off for this purpose, you should find out in advance about the daily routine at the monastery, as well as the reception schedule.

If God wills

Many people want Elder Iliy (Peredelkino) to talk to them. “How to get an appointment with the elder and will he accept?” - these are the main questions of visiting pilgrims. Of course, the schema-archimandrite will not be able to satisfy all those who suffer, but, as local monks say, if God wills it, the meeting will definitely take place. Usually Elder Elijah receives people in the refectory before lunch, where those who have arrived are seated at tables, and the line moves around these tables. If people make noise in line or argue, he will personally disperse or reconcile the guests.

Closer to 16 o'clock, the elder retires to rest, and when he returns and whether he will return on this day, only the Lord knows. The monastery has its own Internet resource (www., where you can find out where Elder Elijah is now and when the next reception will take place.

The Power of Prayer

It is believed that the prayer of an elder has double power, because it is the prayer of an enlightened one. They say that if he prays for the repose of the soul, then the soul of a sinner can even be freed from hellish captivity. An amazing incident also occurred in Optina Pustyn. One day, a soldier who was seriously wounded in Chechnya was brought to Elijah’s monastery. The doctors did not know how to save the soldier and did not dare to operate, since he was unconscious and the bullet was a few millimeters from his heart. Elder Elijah’s prayer “May God rise again” made desperate doctors believe in a miracle - the wounded man came to his senses and opened his eyes. After the operation, the soldier began to recover.