We continue to develop and apply cool competitions for corporate events. It started in , and here I write again 2 options:

Competitions for doctors

Remade competitions for any other company.


Collecttouch the bag.

On state exam we needed with eyes closed(literally) collect and explain a special first aid kit with antidotes - it was assumed that there would be a lot of smoke in the nuclear damage zone, so it was necessary to rely not on vision, but on the sensations of the fingers. (Now I’m thinking about us, really, or something nuclear war did you cook? Bless and save!)

So, I suggest that you assemble your bag by touch, filling it with the necessary items. It is necessary to bring the contestant(s) to the table, announce the task and blindfold him well. We collect a bag for going to the patient from what is lying on the table under the sheet. And we name out loud what we put in.

Or we take it apart - we put everything out of the bag on the table, also explaining. Of course, among the necessary medical items there must be something completely different, inappropriate. But our hero is blindfolded, so it should be fun to listen to his guesses.

All items must be completely safe: unbreakable, without sharp edges, corners or edges, non-spillable, chemically inert.

For health workers

We put everything medical, but something definitely should be off topic: some kind of hospital registration journal, a container for sterilization (or is it already last century?), honey a tool used only in a hospital...

For corporate events in other industries

We are packing a bag to visit a sick friend (girlfriend, mother-in-law, mother-in-law, beloved boss). On the table there may be a bandage, cotton wool, syringes in packaging, medical gloves, an enema bulb, plasters, mustard plasters, jars with the inscription “ Raspberry jam" and "Canned hot peppers", a pharmaceutical pack of linden flowers and some kind of laxative mixture, etc. You can complicate the task a little by saying that 2 or 3 items should remain. It will be interesting to see what they put in the bag - an antipyretic or laxative, raspberries or peppers...

Competition: Intramuscular injection.

When we were taught to give injections into the gluteal muscle, we had to remember the main thing: mentally divide the buttock in half vertically, then horizontally. And we inject only into the upper outer quadrant - and only there, otherwise we will hit the nerve.

(If you are planning to make injections according to my description, double-check the information with a specialist - maybe something has changed since then! It is unlikely, of course, that the nerve fibers have changed their dislocation, nevertheless, check. Since this is not a master class on injections , and cool competitions for corporate events for doctors and more)

The task of the competition: blindfolded, hit the desired area with a syringe.

What to use instead of a syringe and the gluteal muscle, you decide on the spot according to the situation from what is at hand:

Training dummy;

Darts and a board for them, but now aim not at the bull’s eye, but at the segment from 12 to 3 o’clock;

A small pillow and an awl;

A large soft toy and an empty disposable syringe;

As a last resort, a lined sheet of paper and a marker as a syringe.

The funnier and more unusual, the merrier.

Competition: Who's under the mask?

This competition, unlike the previous ones, was born not from past memories, but from the opposite: while I was looking for photos for the top competitions, I came across this shot and immediately decided to beat it.

It’s as easy as shelling pears to carry out, and there will be plenty of fun (we did a similar one ourselves, but then it wasn’t a competition for doctors)))

Several people cover their faces with medical masks (shawls, scarves), and put hats on their heads (any hats, preferably not their own). The assistants cover them with a screen up to their necks so that only their heads are visible. The screen will be a tablecloth, a sheet, a cape, a large stole, a piece of plywood - anything, the main thing is to cover it, otherwise they will be recognized by their clothes or shoes. You can stand, you can sit in a row.

Then they turn (or bring in from the corridor) a person who will recognize them. As soon as you guess wrong, the next one comes out to guess.

We had a good laugh at the time. Here’s the trick - you look and realize that you know the person, but you also know the hat he’s wearing... someone else’s hat... As a result, everything turns wonderfully in your head, and you name the owner of the hat, and not the one whose eyes you just looked into. And so it is for many.

What is important to consider here :

Suitable for a company where people have known each other for a long time - otherwise they would not recognize the person even without disguise;

If health workers see each other in such attire every day, then they need to wear other masks and caps that look different from the usual ones. Because otherwise, everyone will be recognized immediately, and the competition will end as soon as it begins.

This is where I finish the competitions for doctors, but you can read others - they can be used for health workers too.

With wishes to have a lot of fun,

Day medical worker celebrated annually on the third Sunday of June. Patients, friends and relatives on this day express their gratitude to doctors for their dedicated work. And, of course, doctors celebrate this holiday corporately, in a narrow circle. This is precisely the case for which the proposed scenario is designed.

Dear friends! I am pleased to welcome representatives of the most humane profession - medical workers - to this festive table. All of you are on own experience You know that people in white coats have to work very, very hard. And this is a wonderful, selfless, heroic work, sometimes wise saying, known since ancient times: “He works well who rests well.” Therefore, I urge you, dear comrade doctors, to sit down festive table and forget about all your daily worries and difficulties. Let's relax!
(Music sounds, guests are seated at the tables, choose treats.)

The great philosopher Arthur Schopenhauer argued that “happiness lies primarily in health.” I offer to drink the first glass for you, who stand guard over human health, and therefore human happiness! For your health!
(Music plays softly as the guests begin their meal.)

One day in a restaurant, a doctor saw his patient, who was enthusiastically absorbing glass after glass of alcohol. The doctor could not stand it and approached him: “Listen, I allowed you to drink no more than two glasses a day!” To which the patient kindly replied: “Of course, doctor. But I’m being treated... not only with you!” Friends! I propose a toast to the hope that all doctors will find obedient patients with whom it would be a pleasure to work and whose health (or successful treatment) they can raise a glass to!

(Music sounds again, after the toast, the participants of the feast chat casually at the table.)

This professional holiday- a holiday of the smartest, kindest and wonderful people in the world. I am sure that a person who knows how to heal is able, like no other, to understand, sympathize and support other people. I invite you to take part in the competition for best congratulations and wishes to my colleagues.

(Two or three people express their congratulations and wishes. After this, the toastmaster invites everyone present to evaluate the eloquence of each of the speakers with applause. The one who receives the loudest ovation is recognized as the winner and is awarded a medal (chocolate) or any other comic prize. And his congratulations and wishes are accepted as a toast.)

And now you are invited to find your dance partner, using the hint of fate (you and I know how important the role of this lady is in our lives).

(In two hats there are halves of cards: in one - those on which the beginnings of famous proverbs are written, in the other - their continuations. Participants in the game draw out one half (men - from one hat, women - from the other) and look for the one with there will be a card with the beginning or ending of this proverb. So they find themselves partners for the next slow dance(but you shouldn’t insist that those who don’t want to dance). The number of players must be even (it is advisable to include all those present).

Suggested list of proverbs:

1. He who is forewarned is forearmed.
2. All that glitters is not gold.
3. God protects those who are careful.
4. The thief’s hat is on fire.
5. He who knows a little of everything knows nothing.
6. They don’t go to someone else’s monastery with their own rules.
7. There are devils in still waters.
8. A bird in the hands is better than a pie in the sky.
9. Water does not flow under a lying stone.
10. Seven nannies have a child without an eye.
11. Where it is thin, it breaks.
12. Brevity is the sister of talent.
13. They judge not by words, but by deeds.
14. At night all cats are gray.
15. What is written with a pen cannot be cut down with an axe.
16. It’s better to see once than to hear a hundred times.
17. The miser pays twice.
18. In love and war, all means are fair.
19. What goes around comes around.
20. If you don’t know the ford, don’t stick your nose into the water.)

However, before we move on to dancing, I want to remind you of the words of P. Dubois: “Only a cheerful person can be a doctor.” Let's drain our glasses for good spirits and good spirits! Wonderful music sounds that invites you to cheer up. Everybody dance!

(A game is played, in which everyone present is recommended to take part. Participants are divided into 2-3 teams, more or less equal in number, a captain is chosen for each team. The captains receive from the presenter 2-3 cards with task words (for example, joy , syringe, couch, resuscitation, crocodile, ostrich, dawn, etc.). correctly guess the pantomime. If only two teams are playing, then the time spent guessing the given word is taken into account. The team that was able to quickly guess the meaning of the image wins. If three teams participate in the game, then the winner among them will be the one who gets greatest number points (for each correctly guessed word the team is awarded 1 point). If the number of points is the same, you can declare a draw, declaring that “friendship won,” or you can give the teams additional task. The winners receive balloons with funny designs or other funny souvenirs as a reward.)

Well, you have passed the test of mutual understanding. Truly, your ability to understand each other without words is unique. I suggest we go to the table to raise our glasses to this great human quality inherent in all of you.

(Low music plays while the guests are sitting at the table.)

The holiday of medical workers is celebrated in the summer, when it is warm and sunny, and the peak of work is in the winter, when it is cold, slippery and flu-like. These two seasons are very important for us. And not only for us. It seems that there is not a single poet who has not written poems about winter or summer. And poetry with a melody is a song. And now, dear doctors, I propose to conduct a professional check for “sungness”.

(After 5-6 dances (slow ones alternate with fast ones), the toastmaster takes the floor again.)

Just a moment! Now I suggest you play a game of sleight of hand, because it is known that skillful hands doctors work miracles.
(4-5 people participate in the game. It is necessary to prepare a double sheet of newspaper for each player and wet towels to wash hands from newspaper ink. Players stand in a circle or in a line and hold an unfolded newspaper by the very corner in an arm extended at shoulder level. On command players try, without giving up their hands and without resorting to the help of another, to completely crumple up the newspaper and gather it into a fist. When finished, they raise their hand with the newspaper above their heads. While the participants in the game manipulate the newspapers, the spectators count down the seconds in unison. The winner will receive a reward - a “Master” diploma magic hands"and a bouquet of lollipops.)

It's no secret that to a good doctor Not only your own talent, knowledge and sensitivity are needed. For success in this difficult field, support and understanding from colleagues is very important - what is called teamwork. Friends, let's remember what words can be used to describe such work and the components of success. (It is expected to list the concepts: cooperation, friendship, alliance, unity, unanimity, like-mindedness, consent, camaraderie, community, interaction, mutual assistance, mutual understanding, mutual assistance, cohesion, coherence, teamwork, singing, etc.) Now I suggest you check for Practice your ability to act together as a team.

(A game is played for which all participants are divided into 2 teams. The first team is given the theme “summer”, the second - “winter”. Players must remember and sing in turn a verse or at least a few lines from songs that mention these seasons or about their signs.

For example:
“Winter”: A snowstorm is blowing along the street,
My little darling follows the snowstorm: “Wait, wait, my beauty, Let me look at you, my joy!”
“Summer”: One summer at dawn I looked into the neighboring garden, There a dark-skinned Moldavian woman was picking grapes.
“Winter”: Oh, frost, frost, don’t freeze me, Don’t freeze me, my horse.
“Summer”: And the dawn is already becoming more and more noticeable - So, please, be kind, Don’t forget these summer evenings near Moscow!
The winner is the team that was able to sing something corresponding to the given theme when the opponents were already exhausted.)

We sang wonderfully, friends! It seems to me that there are no winners or losers in this competition. After all, despite the fact that you were focused on certain seasons, all the songs that were played speak mainly about love, which lives at all times. Let's raise a glass to the singers of love, that is, to you, and to love!
(Low music, dance break announced.)

Men most often become the luminaries of medicine. Honor and praise to them! But ask them if they could
would they have achieved such heights if it weren’t for the active help of their fellow assistants, if not for the skillful and gentle hands of their sisters and nurses? And if you pay attention to the entire medical staff, it becomes obvious that “we cannot live in this world without women, no”... It is worth giving them their due and thanking all the women working and practically living in the kingdom of Hippocrates. I propose a toast to their health!

Doctors can rightfully be called pioneers, sea captains. After all, no matter how many identical diagnoses there are, the people who have to be treated are unique. And with each patient the doctor makes a new journey into the unknown.
In connection with this, let's sing “The Song of Aesculapius” (the text is sung to the tune famous song I. Dunaevsky “Song about the Captain”):
1. There lived a brave Aesculapius, He healed everyone
And he saved people from death more than once.
I picked up fifteen at a time,
I spared no effort,
But he never even asked for leave.
And in trouble
And in labor
I sang this song everywhere:

After all, a smile heals hearts.

2. But one day Aesculapius

Saved the maiden from death's paws
And he fell madly in love with the patient.

He blushed fifteen times

He stuttered and turned pale,

But he never dared to smile.

He grew gloomy

He was losing weight
But no one sang to him in a friendly way:

“Aesculapius, Aesculapius, smile,

After all, a smile heals hearts.

Aesculapius, Aesculapius, pull yourself up,

Fate smiles only on the cheerful!”

Doctors, doctors, smile

After all, a smile heals hearts.

Doctors, doctors, pull yourself up

Fate smiles only on the cheerful!
I propose to raise a glass to your life choice, for the calling! (Music sounds.)

A friend of mine, an orthopedic doctor, told the following story: “There was a knock on the doctor’s apartment. He opens the door - no one. Then he goes out onto the landing and sees a skeleton leaning against the door! “It’s always like this! - the doctor grumbles. “They hold out until the last minute, and then crawl to the doctor!”
Let's raise our glasses so that people remember doctors in time and appreciate their selfless work. Happy professional holiday to you!
(The feast ends with bravura music.)

Doctor's Day is approaching, which is celebrated annually on the third Sunday of June. Despite the fact that doctors are serious people with a responsible profession, they love to have fun. Fun and games on Doctor's Day in nature will help make the holiday memorable and bright. And competitions for Medical Worker Day should be thought out in advance and related to their professional activities.

Games and competitions for Doctor's Day

Doctor's Day is celebrated in the summer. Therefore, it is possible to celebrate a professional holiday not indoors, but outdoors. In addition, organizing games and competitions for Medical Day in nature will be much easier.

Guess the doctor's specialty

You should prepare cards in advance with the names of the doctors’ specialties. After which one person is given a card. It is necessary to show, with the help of gestures and facial expressions, which doctor he is talking about. we're talking about. The one who guessed first takes his place.

Lord of the Pipette

Several players can participate in the competition. Each person is given a pipette, a glass of water and an empty glass. The contestants' task is to transfer water from one glass to another as quickly as possible, using a pipette. The winner of the competition can be given a certificate or a “Lord of the Pipette” badge.

Preparing for surgery

To conduct this competition, you must prepare the props in advance: robes, shoe covers, gloves and hats. Pairs of players participate in the competition. The participants are blindfolded, and each of them must put the equipment on the other for the operation as quickly as possible. The winner is the couple that completed the task faster and more accurately.

Guess the medicine

It is necessary to prepare cards in advance on which the names of the medications will be written. The volunteer takes one card and must gesture to indicate the disease that can be cured with the help of this medicine. Then you need to guess the name of the medicine itself. The participant who completed the task first takes the place of the one who depicts the contents of the card.

First aid

Those interested take part in the competition in pairs. They stand next to each other, their hands are tied to each other. Bulk mittens are put on the second pair of hands. The team's task is to bandage the legs of each member of the couple with toilet paper.

Imagination and creativity competition

Divide everyone interested into two teams. Prepare in advance for each card with the names of medical equipment, as well as two cards with topics. Within a certain amount of time, each team must figure out how to use medical equipment in non-standard conditions. For example, the theme could be vacation, outdoor recreation, or cuisine. And as medical equipment, a hammer for testing reflexes, a syringe, a thermometer and a phonendoscope. The most creative team wins, and the rest of those present can serve as the jury of the competition.

Accurate diagnosis

Fun and funny games for Doctor's Day can be created based on other traditional competitions. The only condition is to add medical topics to them. For example, the classic game of cities can be played so that instead of the names of cities, participants name the disease. It is best to divide those interested into two teams. In addition to the names of real diseases, participants can come up with diagnoses themselves. The most creative team wins.

Guess the melody

The presenter prepares compositions in advance in which the diagnosis can be traced. Then he turns on these compositions one by one. The participant who guesses as many diagnoses as possible wins.

Funny figures

To conduct the competition, you will need several pairs of medical gloves and colored markers. The participants’ task is to paint the gloves in such a way as to create funny animals or other funny figures. The winner is determined by a general vote of those present.


Funny active competition, which can be held in nature, when those present have been sitting too long and want to stretch their legs a little. Those interested are divided into two teams. One participant from each team is given a thermometer, which he holds under his left hand. He needs to pass the thermometer to the next player and so on until the last one has it. For safety reasons, it is better to use a cardboard thermometer.

If you are planning fun party, competitions for Doctor's Day, games and entertainment for Medical Worker's Day will help make this day unforgettable for every participant. Don't forget to prepare symbolic gifts and prizes for all participants.

An active entertainment program in honor of Doctor's Day will make the holiday interesting and fun. Funny themed competitions and outdoor games will give participants good mood And positive emotions. Themed quizzes and marathons will amuse medical workers and allow them to show off their hidden talents.

    The competition involves 2 teams of 3 people each. One of them will be a patient, the other two will be plastic surgeons. Each team receives bandages, plaster, gloves and cotton wool.

    The task of plastic surgeons is to transform the patient beyond recognition with the help of the materials provided. You can cut strips from bandages and wrap them in the form of hair, give the client a beard, or change the shape of the head by placing an inflated glove under the bandage. Everyone can show their ingenuity and imagination.

    3 people participate in the competition. Each participant receives a beaker containing alcoholic drink(men can be offered cognac, and women - wine or champagne), pipette and tweezers.

    The participants' task is to drink the entire contents of the cone using a pipette. They can snack on the lemon that is on the saucer in front of them, but they can only pick it up with tweezers.

    The fastest laboratory technician who drinks the contents faster than his rivals wins the competition. As a gift, you can give him a comic badge with the inscription “laboratory assistant Vypivaiko.”

    Game "Long Arms"

    A game of skill and speed. Everyone participates in it. They are divided equally into 2 teams. You can organize a competition between men and women. To play the game, you need to make 4 improvised hands in advance: put on medical gloves and tape them to long sticks with tape.

    The presenter gives the teams 2 improvised hands. At a distance from the participants, there are plastic glasses, bottles, and small inflated balloons on the table.

    After the “start” signal, players take turns taking “tools” and using them to move one item at a time to another table.

    The team that manages to move the most items wins.

    Creative competition. All interested doctors participate in it. To carry it out, you need to prepare European standard masks white(one for each participant), felt-tip pens and colored markers.

    The contestants' task is to draw a mouth on the mask, which will give the face a certain emotion. It could be a smile, a funny mouth with protruding teeth, etc. You have 2 minutes to complete the task.

    After the time has passed, doctors must put on their masks and choose the most original one by general vote. All participants can write to back side masks wishes or leave an autograph and exchange designer items as a souvenir.

    3 medical workers participate in the competition. They get the role of surgeons. Each of them chooses an assistant. The presenter gives the participating surgeons a grapefruit, a plastic knife and a pair of medical gloves. Then he blindfolds them.

    The surgeon's task is to use a plastic knife to cut the grapefruit into equal parts as quickly as possible. The more slices you get, and the more even they are, the better. Assistants can give hints and try to confuse opponents. The surgeon should listen only to the voice of his assistant. You have 1 minute to complete the task.

    The most careful performer receives the title of “best surgeon.”

    Game "Thrower"

    Everyone can play. To play the game you will need darts or syringes for two cubes and a patient depicted on whatman paper who is preparing for an injection, with his pants lowered and his butt enlarged. If syringes are used, they must be filled with water for weight. Whatman paper needs to be attached to cardboard and hung on the wall.

The tables are covered with white cloth up to the floor, and there are flower vases on them. Upon entering the hall, each guest is given lottery tickets. Tables are designed for 2-4 people. There is pleasant music in the hall.

Our deepest bow to you.

To present certificates of honor and valuable prizes to honored medical workers, you are invited to (full name).

The presentation is performed to the accompaniment of solemn music. After the presentation, a girl enters the hall with a bouquet of flowers. She performs “Song about the Doctor” by Alena Sviridova, during the performance, she comes to each table and gives a flower, which she places in a vase.

Winter or summer, spring or autumn,

Diseases come, they won’t ask us,

On guard of health, always on the alert,

They are always on duty

They pass our pain through themselves,

They always help us in trouble,

From everyone who has been in hospital wards,

Thank you, people in white coats.

(Scene “At a doctor’s appointment”, with the participation of three people. The doctor is sitting at the table, the patient comes in.)

Hello, Doctor!

(The patient lies down, the doctor examines him.)

What are you complaining about, young man?

My heart hurts, my blood pressure jumps, my eyes burn and my head feels dizzy.

Yes, yes, yes, speak your heart.

Yes, doctor.

(The doctor listens to the patient with a stethoscope.)

Your eyes are burning, your head is spinning!

Yes, doctor.

(The doctor takes out a photograph beautiful girl and brings it to the patient’s face.)

Is it easier?

Oh yes, doctor, it's much easier this way.

Get dressed, you're in love. It’s not fatal, but if it doesn’t go away in two months, you’ll have to live with it for the rest of your life.

(The patient leaves, another appears.)

Hello, come in, undress, lie down.

Yes, I am, this is the doctor, here...

(Hands out papers.)

I told you, quickly undress, lie down, we’ll sort it out now.

(The patient undresses and lies down.)

about doctors

And I will say again:

"Traumatologists, you have the floor!"

Speech by traumatologists.

Congratulations to endocrinologists:

In the endocrine department

We will listen to the singing.

Dedication song to an endocrinologist:

Spring has spread

Green canopy

And the shore is gentle

Everyone is waiting for the wave.

Love you girls


They are hormones

Always full.

They are cheerful, they are healthy,

And the jokes are bold on the tongue.

They won't tell you

Not an ounce of anything new

And they won't go

Walk to the river.

But there will be faithful ones

They probably

After all, they are not geologists,

To walk.

First in work

Not nervous at all

And dearly

Dream about them.

Spring has spread

Green canopy

And the shore is gentle

Everyone is waiting for the wave.

Love you girls


They are hormones

Always full.

Congratulations to neurologists:

Now walk more quietly

So that no one can hear you.

In neurology now

Sleep is observed.

The work of a neurologist is difficult

And she's not always very cheerful.

Old people and children believe in him:

He is a healer not of the heart but of the soul.

Souls are more difficult to treat than hands,

Everything there is according to the rules, everything is according to science:

The nerves are healthy and the body is healthy.

You do not believe me? Honestly!

You are very, very dear to us!

Sing to us, neurologists.

Speech by neurologists.

Congratulations to urologists:

Not many will survive

Work in urology.

Come in, don't make any noise,

Don't wake up the department.

In urological


A lot of "critical"

Without a doubt.

People lie there

Seriously sick

And operations

It's not simple.

Difficult cases

It often happens

Only doctors there

Don't be discouraged.

They help everyone

Beautiful people!

May they have good luck

Will accompany!

In my opinion, everyone

Will greatly oblige

If you have your word

Urology will tell you.

Speech by urologists.

Congratulations to toxicologists:

Now another road

Let's go to toxicology.

In toxicology

Hard life!

In toxicology

Just hold on!

That poisoning

That's indigestion

Spoils what's good


They poison everyone

Whatever came to hand!

Everyone gets poisoned

Who lacks intelligence!

And fussing

Sometimes a nurse

Can't sleep at all

Until the morning.

Happy holiday to you,

Dear doctors!

Let them be yours

Hearts are hot!

I'm ready to say:

Toxicology - over to you!

Speech by toxicologists.

And now I promise:

We'll play a little.

Not flying and not looking,

There will be a medical examination:

Need you to know

Which office did you end up in?

about the ophthalmologist:

1. You got into the office,

Where there are no bandages and iodine.

The fundus will be examined,

A magnifying glass will be connected to this,

He is pure in soul and heart.

That's for sure... (ophthalmologist).

about lore:

2. This doctor will wash your nose,

Maybe push some cotton wool,

If necessary, open his mouth -

He will check his throat

He will put tampons in his ears.

Everyone has known for a long time:

He is a serious person

This doctor is called... (ENT).

about the gynecologist:

3. You can laugh or cry,

Only this is a female doctor.

He immediately senses illness

He treats all pregnant women.

His day in the service is long.

This doctor... (gynecologist).

about the dentist:

4. And now I ask for a chair,

Take a seat quickly

Open your mouth wider

Wait: the doctor will come.

He will conduct excavations in the teeth,

He will make fillings and braces,

Will remove the diseased fragment...

This is a wonderful... (dentist).

about the cardiologist:

5. He doesn’t look at you menacingly,

He's always so serious

He has his own program:

Can take a cardiogram,

Can I take your pulse?

And check the pressure.

And imagine as an astrologer,

Everything will be predicted... (cardiologist).

about the surgeon:

6. He is sometimes sad, sometimes he laughs,

Never separates

He's with a scalpel. Friends,

He can't live without it.

He is always cheerful, fresh,

What is not needed will be cut off,

He will sew what you need...

Maybe vice versa.

He will drink a little alcohol,

I'm flirting a little with the nurse...

He is a brother and friend to all doctors.

Did you guess it? He... (surgeon).

about the nurse:

7. Who is always with a bandage and cotton wool?

In a white ironed robe?

Knows what? Where? For what?

How to treat? Whom? And with what?

Will give his orders

And will he sign all the decisions?

Who is always ready in the morning?

This is the older... (sister).

about the pharmacist:

Now let's go to the pharmacy

Let's look at the river for medicine,

And we'll find out who looks like

Our question will determine.

1. Who will make the medicines?

He will arrange all the showcases,

He'll stand by the window,

He'll look at the medicines

The ointment will knead well,

Will the powder be successfully weighed?

Answers in a sing-song voice

Well, of course... (pharmacist).

about the pharmacist:

2. Well, who is this, by the way?

In a white cap and robe?

Like a minister in a vast kingdom,

Checks all medications.

Checks everyone:

Who is right and who is wrong here?

Who didn't get enough pills?

Where did you spill the powder?

Who chatted like TV?

Did you guess it? He... (pharmacist).

about the chief physician:

3. He is in a separate office,

Always responsible for others

Knows everything and knows everyone

And in business there is always success!

He can't sleep at night -

He knows the troubles of hospitals,

But you can’t solve everything, even if you cry -

This is definitely the main... (doctor)!

The medical examination went well

Of course, it became clear to me

That everyone in the hospital is healthy

And cheerful! I give you my word!

Happy holiday, dear medical workers!

Happiness and success in your hard work!

Scenarios for a medical worker's day

Medical Worker's Day is celebrated annually on the third Sunday of June. Patients, friends and relatives on this day express their gratitude to doctors for their dedicated work. And, of course, doctors celebrate this holiday corporately, in a narrow circle. This is precisely the case for which the proposed scenario is designed.

Dear friends! I am pleased to welcome representatives of the most humane profession - medical workers - to this festive table. You all know from your own experience that people in white coats have to work very, very hard. And this is a wonderful, selfless, heroic work, sometimes a wise saying, known since ancient times: “He works well who rests well.” Therefore, I urge you, dear medical comrades, to sit down at the festive table and forget about all your daily worries and difficulties. Let's relax!

(Music sounds, guests are seated at the tables, choose treats.)

"medical" scenarios for the holiday of doctors

1. In each destiny there are indicated

main road milestones.

Don't give up on your luck

and may God help you!

2. So that illnesses are severe

the world was not allowed to collapse,

be perfectly healthy.

Happy holiday!

Happy holiday to you!

Jokes about dentists (suitable for a skit)

I happened to watch a dentist rummaging around in his car.

Very interesting.

What's interesting?

He took the pliers and said: “Be patient, my friend, it’s about to happen.”

It hurts a little."

What are you doing doctor? I needed to pull a completely different tooth!

Calm down (yawning), dear, gradually I’ll get to him!

A dentist addresses a patient sitting in a chair:

As soon as I start drilling your tooth, please scream louder.

There, in the waiting room, a whole crowd of patients is waiting to be seen, and after ten

minutes the football cup match begins.

Doctor, the teeth you put in for me hurt a lot.

Great! This is the best proof that teeth are


Patient, how nervous you are!

What can I do - you always get on my nerves!!


Breaking into a snow-white smile with all 32 teeth, I want to congratulate you on your holiday, from the dentist! Only you can defeat the terrible enemies of healthy teeth - caries, periodontal disease and pulpitis. You give us health, beauty and self-confidence. Let the whole planet smile at you today! Happy Dentist Day!

This is a doctor without sentimentality,

He heals teeth, pulls out roots.

Patient records for him

A week ahead.

The tooth will be driven under the crown,

Even an implant will be inserted,

All wishes will be fulfilled -

He is always happy to help you!

Hollywood smile -

This is everyone's dream!

He is like a musician on the violin,

Sculpts for you without difficulty.

And a smile like you dreamed of.

Insert a filling? No problem!

We always knew about this -

Everyone needs his work so much!

Who is this? Dentist!

This is a professional!

His work is difficult and subtle,

Finally the day has come

When can we congratulate

Happy personal holiday to him,

To add to your wishes:

Only the best!


1. Medical gloves, or Strong-willed doctors. Volunteers are given one medical glove. Their job is to inflate the glove until it bursts. It is better to involve men to participate in the competition. Whose glove bursts faster wins.

2. Dentist. Volunteers are being called. The presenter says that now they will implant dental implants. Gives them each a small wooden block, painted pink or red (the color of the gums) and a nail. The task is to drive a nail into a block. The hammer, of course, is not included. Each participant finds his own way or uses available material. Whoever drives the nail in faster is the winner.

3. Competition “Dress the Doctor”. Couples participate. Each person is given a white shirt big size. One of the pair is a doctor, the second is an assistant. The assistant should put the doctor's shirt on backwards and fasten all the buttons on the back as quickly as possible. The pair that completes the task faster than others wins.

4. Pipette. 2-3 people are called. Each person is given a medical pipette and a beaker with an alcoholic drink. The task is to drink the contents of the beaker as quickly as possible. However, you can only drink using a pipette, drawing liquid from a beaker into it and pouring the contents into your mouth. Whoever empties the beaker the fastest gets the winner's prize.

5. Procedural. Couples participate. Each person is given a bandage or a roll toilet paper. One of the pair is a nurse or nurse, the second is a patient suffering from flux. The task is to bandage the patient’s cheek as quickly as possible. You need to bandage until the entire roll of bandage or paper is used.

Corporate event for Doctor's Day

In our country and in countries former USSR Every third Sunday in June, “Medical Worker’s Day” is widely celebrated; in all corners of our vast homeland, doctors of various specialties, nurses, medical brothers, and people of related professions work tirelessly, giving themselves entirely and completely. Having received the mandatory higher education They devote their energy to preserving our health, identifying pathologies, and treating sick people. Sometimes overcoming difficulties.

There is probably not a single person who would not be grateful for the help provided in difficult times, experiencing ailments, pain, and lack of self-confidence. Doctors can not only cure us of illnesses, but also instill confidence in our abilities and successfully recover, or live with serious illnesses and enjoy life.

And on Medical Worker Day, we remember our kind and compassionate doctors, paying tribute to them, giving gifts and admiring their hard work, congratulating the doctors.

Preparing a holiday for Medicine Day is not so difficult, you just need to clarify which doctors will be congratulated that evening at the corporate party (doctors of an entire city clinic, or specialists, such as gynecologists or ophthalmologists)

What unites everyone is, of course, toasts to medicine.

Toasts for doctors:

Year after year goes by at a gallop

You expect only good results from life

You are not poor, but you are not rich either

Your profession is your kumach

You can be kind and hot,

Crying is not heard in failures

You are a brave executioner of diseases

You are proudly called - Doctor!

Corporate event scenario for Medical Worker Day.

The organizers of the holiday must think through everything to the smallest detail.

Starting with the design of the room.

Having prepared a good quality camera and lens in advance, or ask a professional photographer who will take photographs in work time all doctors, then select the images of all doctors.

Print and hang in the room, decorating the pictures with flowers, balloons, or make each a small applique corresponding to the character of each owner of the photo.

Lots of flowers and balloons always put you in a festive mood.

Attach a wall newspaper or a poster for Medical Worker's Day to the most visible place on the wall:

Wall newspaper here

The holiday must be divided into two parts - official and entertaining.

In the official part, those invited to the celebration and officials give the floor.

Then there is an entertainment program.

Very important in entertainment program are competitions.

Competitions for Medical Worker Day must be indirectly or directly related to medicine.

We will present several for the day of the medical worker:

Scenario for Medical Worker's Day - holiday scripts from otkritka.com

for health workers

Presenter: Oh, you, guests - gentlemen!

Have you gathered here?

Happy Doctor's Day to everyone

And glorify your deeds!

Your hospital town -

He is neither low nor high.

Good people live there

And it brings health to everyone.

Chief Doctor Aibolit

He keeps order here.

They work here with their souls -

Anyone in the city knows.

I offer you a riddle:

Who knows about everything in the hospital

And he suffers for everything with his soul?

Strict, handsome, stern, smart.

Did you guess it? Who is he?

Presenter: That's right, this is the chief doctor of the hospital and I am pleased to give him the floor.

(Speech by the head physician)

Presenter: A doctor accompanies a person throughout his life: from the first child’s cry to the last quiet breath. And he will be very lucky whose parents endowed him with enviable health, but this does not always happen. And here you, dear doctors, come to the rescue! I offer to fill your glasses and drink for you! Here’s to your health, luck, success and simple human happiness!

Presenter: So, a person is born, and who meets him on the threshold of the big and difficult life? Yes, our doctors are gynecologists, midwives and maternity ward nurses.

Song for the gynecological department (to the tune of “Our Neighbor”):

Make a woman beautiful

And healthy you should.

For this important purpose

Gynecologists are needed!

Help to appear

To the kids in the world,

To you from everyone, from everyone for this -

Thanks and hello!

(All songs are performed by pre-prepared participants of the holiday.)

Presenter: The little man is growing up, his mother brings him to an appointment at the children's clinic, where he receives one of the first documents - a medical history, and the local pediatrician and a nurse become one of the family members.

Song for the children's department (to the tune of "Top - Top"):

Stomp-stomp, baby stomps,

You're rushing to the hospital with your mom,

They will get a vaccination and an injection,

So that you can get better.

Top top, don't be afraid of them:

All in white and kindly robes,

There is nothing better and kinder in the world

Children's clinic doctors!

Top-top, top-top, very difficult,

Top-top, top-top, first steps.

Presenter: Along with the acquisition of life experience, a person acquires various diseases. And he goes with them to the beautiful clinic building. Here, at his leisure, he can walk on all floors and in each office they will receive him, listen to him, and give him good advice and a recipe.

Song for the clinic (to the tune of "Aty - Baty, the soldiers were coming"):

If your teeth hurt or your chest feels hot,

Go to the clinic quickly, dear friend!

Here they will greet you with a smile, they will be able to treat you,

And, of course, you can get sick leave!

Here are x-rays and cardiograms.

And mothers bring their children here.

Any doctor here can see you.

And you can get everything tested here!

Presenter: In the same building there is a service, without which not a single medical worker can live, no matter how capable and talented he may be. Can you guess who I'm talking about? Yes, this is your dear accounting department!

Everything is in your hands.

Finance is power!

You are our almighty king and god!

Life without money seems hateful

If the chief accountant didn’t help!

Presenter: We wish hospital accountants to contact doctors as rarely as possible, and medical workers to meet with them as often as possible!

Song for accounting (to the tune of "A Stream Flows"):

The month has flown by, it's time to pay,

After all, we won’t be able to live long without a salary.

Everyone in our accounting department is beautiful.

Let's get the money and we're happy!

We say "thank you" to you,

Thank you for you.

Such an accountant is simply a treasure!

Everyone is happy to say “thank you”!

Presenter: If a person’s blood pressure has risen, his heart is acting up, his cough does not go away for a long time, he can be firmly confident that he will definitely talk to the staff of the therapeutic department for some time.

Song for the therapeutic department (to the tune of "Little Red Riding Hood's Song"):

If it's long - long - long,

If the cough does not go away,

If it gets hard for you,

Stomp, ride and run,

Perhaps, then of course,

That's probably true, true,

It's possible, it's possible, it's possible

You should go to therapy!

Ahh, you'll get a lot of injections here!

Ahh, there are still a hundred procedures in reserve!

Ah, there are doctors and nurses here,

Ahh, all habits heal,

Ahh, don’t come here to them!

Ahh, don’t come here to them!

Presenter: And if you ate something of poor quality or suddenly fell ill with some unknown disease, then, of course, they are eagerly waiting for you in the infectious diseases department.

Song for the infectious diseases department (to the tune of “Tick-tock, walkers”):

Why have you eaten too much again?

Why did you get so sick?

To ease the suffering,

Needs rinsing!

Tick-tock, little steps, the years fly by,

And in terms of infection, everything is fine with you - just great!

Presenter: They end up in this department completely unexpectedly and suddenly. And it is in this department that the sickest patients are the most severe, requiring great care from doctors and nurses. Which department am I talking about? Yes, this is a surgical department.

Song for the surgical department (to the tune of "Call me with you"):

Once again they are bringing us a patient in an ambulance -

Work again!

In the operating room the seconds are running,

Care for everyone!

Can we take trouble away from people again?

Can we save you from death?

Bring happiness to the sick?!

Call me to your place, I will come day and night,

I will always help you, even if you don’t want to.

I will ease your suffering, you will fall asleep and forget everything,

I want to help you, I want to help all people!

Just know it!!!

Presenter: We cannot remain silent and not say warm words of gratitude to our bosses or, as it is now fashionable to say, sponsors!

Song for chefs (to the tune of “Tell me what you need”):

And in our hospital it’s both light and cozy,

But don’t bother us with the repairs!

True, our bosses are golden guys.

And they always give us whatever you want!

I’m walking through the depot, the boss meets me:

"Here you go again, darling!

Make me a list of what I need, what I need,

I still won’t give you what you want!”

Our editors will never offend us either,

He will give you as many consultations as you want!

And he knows and sees all our problems,

But you can’t take money from him!

He says: “I can’t, life has changed dramatically,

I would be glad, but you can’t trample on a bubble!”

You, our dear ruler, help in any way you can,

We are whatever you want, whatever you want!

But we hope that our life will become better.

Yes, for a thousand rubles, not for a penny!

Our good bosses will call and say:

"Come and take whatever you want!"

Presenter: I propose to drink to our friends, to our dear sponsors, because it is very difficult to live without friends!

Presenter: And now I ask everyone to come to the table.

(Feast, games, dancing.)