We all feel especially strongly attached to something. Some simply cannot live without coffee, others cannot imagine a weekend without mountaineering training. And what does it represent gaming addiction from computer games? This is one of the forms of painful addictions. There are more dangerous hobbies. A huge number of people turn to addiction specialists because of alcohol or drug addiction. Computer game process without restrictions and control, it is not as dangerous as alcohol or psychoactive substances. And yet this is a real threat, sometimes deadly.

Computer games: a form of leisure or a dangerous phenomenon?

If we take into account the very first experiments, computer games have a history of approximately half a century. Gaming addiction to any computer games is a relatively new phenomenon, although gambling addiction as a disease has been known for a long time. At all times, there have been people who literally lost their heads when playing cards, dice, or roulette, especially for money. The current variety of computer entertainment has created a significant aggravation of the situation.

Where does a person have a chance to get behind the wheel of a Lamborghini, single-handedly defeat an army of God knows who, found a monster corporation, or even head his own state? Mainly in the virtual world. To do this, you just need to deftly move the mouse or joystick, react relatively quickly to virtual events, or master just a few buttons on the keyboard.

Computer games can be divided into two large groups. There are programs that are installed directly on the computer using disks or distributions downloaded on the Internet. Such programs are local, have a relatively limited playing space, the number of levels, they are finite. Some of them allow you to boast of high results in the online leaderboard.

Another significant group is online games. Some of them are extremely simple: the same tic-tac-toe, catching a cat in a small field (by closing the space with dots), solving simple puzzles. But there are others. On the Internet, even basic shooting with balls, making “three in a row” or “Mineweeper” combinations can turn into a whole virtual world. Realistic and fantasy, mystical and horror - the plots of online games are numerous, attractive, and therefore often dangerous.

Gambling addiction in adults, adolescents and children

There are childhood diseases and old age diseases. Computer gaming addiction in this regard is indiscriminate and affects all susceptible individuals, regardless of age. Many children, having barely learned to press buttons, already suffer from an irresistible urge to constantly “play cartoons.” And adults, respectable people, enthusiastically discuss “crafts,” the results of battles, prospects for the harvest of rejuvenating apples, as well as all kinds of upgrades for characters and game equipment.

To some, such conversations seem to be commonplace. Just think, people get carried away by something, who is bothered by it? However, people are often so distracted by thoughts about the game that they begin to cope with their job responsibilities worse. Some even lose their jobs. Moreover, addiction to computer games in adults is often accompanied by exorbitant expenses. And we’re not just talking about virtual casinos here. Many online games offer their customers special accounts, as well as in-game currency, which provides additional features. Sometimes for tens and even hundreds (!) of thousands of rubles.

Teenagers susceptible to computer gambling begin to study worse. They are almost or completely out of the control of adults. The virtual world absorbs recent children and leaves them no time for real life. As for preschool and younger children school age, then they are more dependent on adults. This saves them from real gambling addiction. However, the first symptoms of an unhealthy hobby are found even in toddlers who have barely learned to speak properly.

Psychological dependence on computer games

Alcoholism, drug addiction - these addictions are characterized by the presence of both mental and physical dependence. First, the body strives again and again for the feeling of satisfaction that alcohol, nicotine or psychoactive substances bring. Then addiction occurs at the cellular level.

Computer games do not create physical addiction. After all, the virtual world is before your eyes, on the monitor. However, this is the case when psychological dependence alone is enough. Years of research have shown that most often people with the following character/psychic traits suffer from an unhealthy craving for computer games:

  • unsure of themselves;
  • deprived of the attention of parents, loved ones, peers, colleagues;
  • having various complexes;
  • having a limited outlook;
  • failed to fully implement in real life your plans, intentions, potential;
  • aggressive;
  • with excessively high self-esteem.

For your information:

Most often, psychological dependence on computer games is provoked by failures in life, physical/emotional immaturity, and social maladjustment.

Various signs of computer game addiction

How can you determine that your significant other, boyfriend/girlfriend, or child is developing (or already has) a pathological addiction to computer games? It is necessary to pay attention to the following manifestations:

Despite the fact that gaming addiction is predominantly psychological problem, there are physical signs too. The key ones are dry eye syndrome (from intensely looking at the monitor, gamers begin to blink rarely, and the mucous membranes of the eyes dry out), carpal tunnel syndrome (pain, limited mobility), migraine-like pain, sleep disturbances, back pain.

the new kind psychological addiction, in which a computer game becomes a leading human need. It seems that this type of addiction is not as terrible as alcoholism or drug addiction, in which toxic substances become indispensable for normal metabolism. But this is only at first glance, because modern computer games are becoming more and more “advanced” and imitate reality more and more perfectly, so everything more people become their hostages.

Some statistics

Statistics on the prevalence of this dependence differ significantly among different researchers. Doctor of Psychological Sciences Alexander Georgievich Shmelev believes that about 10–14% of people who use computers are “avid gamers.” At the same time, Harvard University psychologist Maresa Orzak cites much less comforting statistics: she believes that among people who play computer games, 40–80% suffer from addiction.

There are some gender and age aspects of such addiction (English: addiction - addiction, addiction, in a broad sense - an obsessive need felt by a person for a certain activity). The intensity of passion for computer games is more pronounced among boys than among girls. Young men, on average, spend twice as much time on computer games. The older and more educated a person is, the less time he spends on computer games (completely different goals appear, and it becomes a pity to waste time).


The reasons for addiction to computer games are as follows:

  • lack of bright and interesting moments in real life. Everything is so everyday and ordinary that a person is looking for a simple and often cheap way to diversify his life. This is how he begins to join the virtual world;
  • hidden inferiority complex, various psychological trauma in childhood and adolescence are a consequence of the fact that a person “didn’t finish the game” in a timely manner, so he tries to make up for lost time;
  • Quite often, such addiction develops on the basis of sexual dissatisfaction, when relationships with the opposite sex do not work out, and a person tries to “switch” to something;
  • sometimes the first step towards the development of this addiction is “extra” time. For example, people who are forced to stay at their workplace from 9 to 18, when this time is just needed to “sit”, begin to get involved in computer games or aimlessly wandering around the Internet.

Psychology of gambling addiction

The mechanism for the formation of computer addiction is based on withdrawal from reality and the need to take on a certain role. In most cases this is a means of compensation life problems. At the same time, a person begins to realize himself in the game world, and not in the real one.

Now there are many computer games, fortunately, not all of them are equally dangerous. Conventionally, they can be divided into role-playing and non-role-playing. By determining which category a game belongs to, you can assess how dangerous it is.

Role-playing games are distinguished by their pronounced influence on the human psyche. At the same time, a person “gets used to” a certain role, identifies himself with some character, while simultaneously escaping reality.

Among role playing games 3 types can be distinguished:

  1. with a view “from the eyes” of the character;
  2. with an “outside view” of your hero;
  3. leadership games.

Games are the most addictive with a view from the eyes. The gamer completely identifies himself with a certain computer character, enters the role as much as possible, because he “looks” at the virtual world through the eyes of his hero. Literally a few minutes after the start of the session, the person begins to lose touch with the real world and is completely transferred to the virtual world. He identifies himself so much with the computer hero that he can consider the actions of the computer character his own, and the virtual world itself begins to be perceived by him as real. At critical moments, he may fidget in his chair, trying to dodge shots or blows, and turn pale.

If you look at your hero "from outside", then the strength of entering the role is less compared to the previous type of games. Despite the fact that identification with the computer character is less pronounced, emotional manifestations associated with the game are still present, as can be seen during the failures or death of the computer hero.

At leadership games a person leads several (or many) characters. He does not see his hero on the screen, but invents a role for himself. Pronounced “immersion” is possible only among people with developed imagination. The psychological dependence that forms during leadership games is quite pronounced.

Symptoms of gambling addiction

There are a number of signs of addiction to computer games:

  • One of the main symptoms of computer addiction is severe irritation that occurs in response to the forced need to withdraw from a favorite activity. When the game resumes, you can immediately notice the emotional upsurge;
  • a common symptom of computer addiction is the inability to predict the end time of the session; the player will postpone it again and again;
  • the computer becomes the center of an addict’s life, so when communicating with others, the most interesting topic for him will be a discussion of his favorite computer game;
  • as the addiction progresses, a person’s social, work and family adaptation is disrupted - he forgets about work, household chores, studies, and loses interest in them;
  • the presence of psychological addiction is also reflected in a person’s habits: in order to spend more time at the computer, he increasingly eats without leaving the monitor, neglects personal hygiene, sleep time is reduced, and the computer sessions themselves are lengthened.

Fortunately, this addiction does not develop all at once; it goes through a number of stages. The sooner you notice its presence, the easier it will be to deal with it.

Stages of gambling addiction

There are the following 4 stages of addiction to computer games:

  1. Initial stage - slight infatuation. It comes when a person has already played several times, and, as they say, “got a taste for it.” Such a pastime gives a person positive emotions. At this stage, the game is situational in nature, the person plays sporadically, only under certain conditions, when there is free time, but he won’t play to the detriment of something important.
  2. Next stage – passion. The transition to this stage can be determined by the emergence of a new need - play. At this stage, a person already plays systematically, and if this is not possible, then he can sacrifice something in order to make time for his favorite activity.
  3. And finally, the stage dependencies. In the pyramid of values, play is elevated to the top level.
    Dependency can manifest itself in one of two forms - socialized and individualized.
    • Individualized form is the worst option; it is characterized by loss of contact with others. A person spends a lot of time at the computer; he has no need to communicate with family, friends, or those around him. For such people, the computer and everything connected with it is a kind of “drug”; it is necessary to regularly take the next “dose”. Otherwise, withdrawal occurs in the form of depression and increased irritability.
    • For socialized forms are characterized by the preservation of social contacts. People suffering from such addiction prefer network games. For them, such an activity is not so much a “drug” as a competition. This form is less harmful to the psyche compared to the individualized one.
  4. Over time (this may occur over several months or even years) attachment stage. A person’s gaming activity fades away, he begins to become interested in something new, and social and work contacts can be established. However, a person cannot completely “say goodbye” to the game on his own. This stage can last for many years. The emergence of new games can provoke a surge in gaming activity.

Consequences of gambling addiction:

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Computer games have long grown out of the status of entertainment for children. Addiction to computer games among adults is growing at a progressive pace.

Adults are addicted to computer games. If a virtual worker is pulled away from the computer for 2 hours or more, he, like an alcoholic suffering from a hangover, begins to experience withdrawal symptoms. Game addiction often causes various mental disorders: sleep, attention, .

Diseases caused by addiction to computer games

The experts' conclusions are not reassuring. Anyone who spends more than two hours a day playing video games is at risk of becoming addicted to a computer game. What diseases and pathological conditions can gambling addiction lead to?


Headaches, migraines

migraine in people addicted to computer games is a consequence. The concentration required to complete a computer game forces people to sit for hours without moving with statically tense neck and spine muscles.

Migraine attacks can be caused by severe pain within a few hours to several days, and in severe cases may be accompanied by nausea, vomiting, and painful sensitivity to light and sound.


I don't want to scare you, but addiction to computer games in adults can lead to death. There are precedents. Why adults? Yes, because you can drag a child away from a computer or game console, force him to do his homework, physical exercise. And who can stop an adult from spending days in the virtual world?

In 2007, in one of the Internet cafes in Daegu ( South Korea) A 28-year-old man passed out after playing Starcraft for 72 hours continuously. During this time, the victim did not sleep and ate almost nothing. Doctors who arrived at the scene confirmed death from heart failure due to exhaustion. And this is far from an isolated case where addiction to computer games in adults caused death.

Dmitry Belov

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Don't run from reality, because reality is what makes you human.

What is gaming addiction in children? A painful predisposition or a consequence of upbringing? How can you fight this?

Gambling addiction - the reasons are within us.
Today, gaming addiction is one of the most common problems. children's education, which affects mainly children from 8 to 16-18 years old.
Modern children often learn computer literacy earlier than language or mathematics: we live in an era of high technology and crazy speeds. In principle, this is neither good nor bad, the main thing is how to manage the resources we have. After all, the same computer and the Internet can become both a tool for creativity and obtaining new information, and doping is akin to drugs. Despite the fact that among children and adolescents computer addiction is acquiring alarming proportions, the public treats this fact rather condescendingly: they say, it will go away with age. They say it’s better when a child sits at home at the computer than hangs out in an unknown place and with whom. Computer games captivate and captivate, but at the same time they emasculate feelings, and real life ceases to be a source of pleasure.

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Many experts agree that humanity owes such terrible diagnoses as depression, burnout syndrome, chronic fatigue, alcohol and drug addiction, and suicidal tendencies to high technology. The task of parents is to form in their child an adequate attitude towards the computer world, to make his life so bright, interesting and rich that no virtual fun can compete with it.
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The child does not feel the difference
Until the age of seven, a child is not able to draw a clear line between fiction and real life. And if at such a tender age the baby “dives” into computer games and TV, they become his reality. But the experience acquired in the first seven years of life largely shapes our life attitudes and values. What kind of “baggage” does a young gamer get? Agree, the virtual world, at first glance, may seem much more interesting than the real one: the colors on the monitor are brighter, events change at any speed, and you don’t need to make any special efforts to win. In psychology there is such a thing as a sense of life: the ability to be surprised and rejoice at everything that surrounds us, to perceive life as a miracle, to live “here and now.” A child immersed in an illusory world is unlikely to be happy with, say, a blossoming flower - why, if with one click of a computer mouse he can “grow” a virtual jungle on the screen?
Spider-Man doesn’t gallop along real streets and dinosaurs don’t run around – but pseudo-reality is replete with characters that excite the imagination.
As a result, the baby becomes uninterested in exploring the world, getting to the bottom of things. Such a child does not see any other way of obtaining pleasure except to immerse himself in surrogate emotions and experiences.

Boys are at risk
Most often, it is boys who fall into computer addiction. Girls' games - the same as daughters and mothers - are full of emotions, so girls do not need to be fueled by surrogate experiences. Girls are “allowed” to cry, be offended, and throw tantrums. Boys are dominated by a historically established stereotype: you have to be strong. As a result, boys are forced to constantly suppress their true feelings and emotions. In addition, due to the characteristics of male psychology stronger sex“withdrawal into oneself” is more typical. For boys, the “zone of productive solitude” is vital - for recovery, accumulation of strength, and analysis. And if this niche is absent in reality, the teenager will create it artificially. Well, then, the instinct of a winner has been in men’s blood since cave times - that’s why boys get hooked on all sorts of “shooting games” and “adventure games” (if girls play, it’s more likely to play strategic or logical games).

Where do legs grow from?
To claim that virtual fun is the root of all the troubles of “problem” teenagers means to confuse cause and effect. After all, a “different reality” can only aggravate existing problems.
In other words, happy, harmonious developing child is unlikely to experience an increased craving for the computer world.
“When at a reception parents complain that their child is stuck on the computer, I suggest they look within themselves for the reasons,” says Svetlana Roiz, children’s and family psychologist. – I ask moms and dads: “Who showed a child a computer game for the first time? What do you know about your child’s preferences, what games does he play? How much time do you spend with your child, what do you talk about? Name a few bright events in the child’s life in recent months.”
We, parents, must be aware: we sit our child in front of the TV, buy him computer games - after all, we have work, laundry, cleaning, and often we simply do not have time to play other (sports, board) games with our child. This position of the parents drowns out the seeker instinct in the child, assigning him a safer, at first glance, role of the spectator.
Dependence (any: alcoholic, emotional, computer) indicates that a person’s contacts with his immediate environment are disrupted. Think about how you communicate with your child, do you have access to his inner world? At the same time, it is important to remember that every phenomenon has both a negative and a positive side. Often very sensitive and creative children with a fine mental organization are immersed in the virtual world. The task of parents is to help the child reach his potential.

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The main causes of computer addiction may be:
1.Lack of communication with peers and people significant to the child.
2. Lack of attention from parents.
3. Lack of self-confidence and strength, shyness, complexes and difficulties in communication.
4. Children’s tendency to quickly “absorb” everything new and interesting.
5. The child’s desire to be “like everyone else” of his peers, to follow their hobbies, to keep up.
To some extent, computer addiction and gaming addiction may result from the influence of the school environment. Because when other children actively discuss games, then your child wants to take part in their conversations, to be part of this aspect of school, children's teenage life.
6. The child has no interests or hobbies, or any other attachments not related to the computer.
7.The formation of a child’s computer addiction is often associated with the characteristics of upbringing and family relationships.
For example, conflicts in the family, when a child runs away to an online club, into the computer world from the real world. Why? Because he lives there in a different reality, in one where there are no quarrels with his parents, where there are no quarrels between parents, where his life is simple and understandable.

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According to statistics, every fifth or sixth child with signs of computer addiction is cured of computer gaming addiction independently and without consequences.
However, one should not hope that addiction to computer games in children will go away on its own; a fragile child’s psyche may not be able to cope with the influence of the addiction that has arisen.
If long hours in front of a screen make you worried about your child, pay attention to

Signs of computer addiction:
1. The child develops an obsessive desire to play on the computer (console, tablet, etc.) He will gladly prefer the company of an “iron” friend to any, even his most favorite pastime.
2. Friends suddenly disappeared somewhere. If someone comes to visit him, it is to play together on the computer. He himself goes to his friends for the same purpose.
3. An incomprehensible emotional upsurge, which is abruptly replaced by a bad mood. Taking a closer look, you will understand that all this is connected with virtual successes and failures in the game.
4. Staying at the computer all night and refusing to eat because there is a “very important battle” going on online.

Computer addiction develops much faster than any other traditional addiction: smoking, drugs, alcohol, gambling.

Thus, experts identify the main symptom of computer gaming addiction – a constant obsessive desire to play computer games.

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The dangers of computer addiction.
1. The computer becomes a powerful stimulus and the main object for communication.
2. At first, the computer can compensate for the child’s lack of communication, but then this communication may become unnecessary at all.
3. While playing or surfing the Internet, the child loses control over time.
4. A child may show aggression if he is deprived of access to computer games.
5. Permissiveness and ease of achieving goals in games can affect the child’s confidence that in real life everything is just as simple and you can “start” the game again.

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6.Due to a neglectful attitude towards food, vitamin and mineral deficiencies may occur.
7. Many hours of continuous exposure to a monitor can cause blurred vision, poor posture, decreased immunity, headaches, fatigue, and insomnia.
8. Children stop fantasizing, the ability to create visual images decreases, emotional immaturity and irresponsibility are observed.
9.Depression may occur when you are without a computer for a long time. Home and family fade into the background. There may be problems with studying.
10. The child’s social circle decreases and, as a result, the lack of life experience and communication experience.
11. The child’s psyche and worldview may be disrupted.

A child who has become addicted to gaming gradually changes and changes quite dramatically.

Problems begin with studying at school, attention falls, and any interests outside of games disappear.
We observe in our school (!) that a child often cannot tear himself away from playing in class, during recess, and is constantly distracted during the lesson if some hero “lives” in his phone or other gadget (for example, a “tablet” or (sorry) “poop”), which must be served, cleaned up, fed, etc., in order to score the necessary points. This is becoming a craze, with catastrophic levels of involvement. Teachers here are sometimes powerless to change anything. We are no longer talking about the moral side of “serving” such game heroes. To what level of thinking are our children slipping at this moment???
Or simulation games, where children imitate completely adult relationships with vivid intimate components between a guy and a girl. Of course, after such an emotional shock, he will no longer be interested in studying...

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A lot of research has been devoted to studying the specifics of interaction between children and adolescents with computers. scientific research(O. N. Arestova, L. N. Babanin, Yu. D. Babaeva, A. E. Voiskunsky, S. A. Shapkin, M. Cole, etc.).
We would like to introduce you to the results of one of them.

The study involved 146 students in grades 5–6 of secondary schools in the city. Nizhny Novgorod, of which 76 boys and 71 girls aged 10 to 12 years.
According to the results of the study, it was found that younger teenagers with a high degree of computer gaming passion have more low performance mental abilities than their peers. This may be due to the fact that, unlike real games with peers, computer games have a destructive component for the full development of a younger teenager. Computer games developed according to a given (template) scenario cannot fully reflect life situations, simplify methods of solving various problems, do not contain moral tasks, and thereby contribute to the primitivization of thinking.
When studying self-esteem, we looked at indicators based on criteria such as: confident, capable, happy, sociable, hardworking, smart.
It was found that younger adolescents with a high degree of computer gaming orientation are more confident and less sociable compared to ordinary peers.
Discrepancies between the level of intelligence of a younger teenager and his self-esteem may indicate an inadequate attitude towards himself as a result of significant discrepancies between the “real self” and the “virtual self.” During the game, the psyche of a younger teenager forms its own virtual world, which has a certain degree of stability. Game reality acts as a kind of transformer of the child’s consciousness. At the same time, emotions are concentrated around the computer game character and the actions taking place with him. The altered state of consciousness reacts sensitively to the slightest changes in the playing space. Victory virtual character are perceived as personal achievements, the child feels like a hero. Victory is a positive self-esteem and positive emotions. The game becomes a formative environment personal qualities, an indicator of success. Teenagers who have not undergone role identification in social reality find their image in the game.

The predominance of risk appetite was revealed in younger teenagers with a high degree
gaming computer orientation compared to younger adolescents with a low degree of orientation at the level of significance.
A computer game allows a child to experience a special excitement - a feeling of personal success and importance.
The delight of getting the desired result and the excitement of waiting for it become more attractive than all the other joys of life.
Children with a high degree of gaming computer orientation have low scores on such parameters of subjectivity as: the ability to reflect, freedom of choice and responsibility for it, understanding and acceptance of others, self-development.
Younger teenagers with a high degree of computer passion are characterized by insufficiently developed self-control and self-control in the process of activity.
The results of the study indicate that computer players have a poorly developed ability to reflect, which is a means of self-knowledge; in life situations they find it difficult to variably choose types of activities, social circles and methods of self-expression.
Volitional qualities in younger adolescents of the first group are significantly lower than in the second group.

When studying social environmental factors, it was revealed that in families in which parents often buy computer games for their children, the risk of adolescents becoming increasingly interested in computer games is significant. Most parents have a positive attitude towards the fact that their child has this form of hobby; they do not see the destructive functions of computer games; they specifically buy various games so that the child spends more time at home under parental supervision.
The social circle of younger teenagers with a high degree of computer gaming passion mainly comes down to communication with friends and heroes of computer games.
All the leisure time of such children mainly comes down to playing on the computer. Low rates of communication with relatives and literary heroes were obtained.
A computer game serves as a means to satisfy those needs of a younger teenager that are not satisfied in real life, a means of compensating for life’s problems. The personality begins to be realized in the illusory game world, and not in the real one, this entails a number of serious problems in the development of personality, in the formation of self-awareness and self-esteem, as well as the higher spheres of the personality structure.
Taking into account such age characteristics of younger adolescents as weak volitional regulation, it becomes obvious that computer games provoke children to systematically fail to complete homework, as well as miss school classes; a child’s psychological separation from school with all the ensuing consequences is also possible.

“When a child’s main pastime becomes computer games, Internet chats and TV, his emotional and sensory sphere suffers first of all,” says Natalya Yeshchenko, a specialist in Waldorf pedagogy, teacher and art therapist. – Judge for yourself: becoming a superhero in a fictional life is much easier than in the real one. In order to win a virtual victory, mental effort, reaction speed and certain skills are enough. But in real life, success is impossible without the ability to feel, negotiate with people, hear your intuition, and use creativity! Computer games form a distorted idea of ​​life, lack of will and passivity, which are hidden behind bright exploits in the virtual world. Is it any wonder that, having grown up, yesterday's gamer refuses to take responsibility for his own destiny?! IN last years Doctors are increasingly having to deal with hyperexcitable, hyperactive children. There is a simple explanation for this phenomenon. It is very important for children, especially small ones, to experience emotions through the body (this happens, for example, during outdoor games). And when a child enthusiastically watches a cartoon or races in virtual rallies, his brain works very intensively. But the body remains static, it does not experience this activity! And then the parents wonder why the child turns the whole house upside down and wakes up every two hours at night.”
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Experts note that different kinds computer games can affect a child in different ways.
1. The most dangerous are considered to be role-playing games with the view “from the eyes” of a computer hero.
This type of games is characterized by the greatest strength of “dragging” or “entering” into the game. The specificity here is that the view “from the eyes” provokes the player to fully identify with the computer character, to fully enter into the role. After a few minutes of play (time varies depending on individual psychological characteristics and the gaming experience of the player), a person begins to lose touch with real life, completely concentrating on the game, transferring himself to the virtual world. The player can take the virtual world completely seriously, and consider the actions of his hero to be his own. A person becomes motivated to be involved in the plot of the game.

2. No less dangerous are games with an outside view of “your” computer hero. This type of games is characterized by less strength in entering the role compared to the previous one. The player sees “himself” from the outside, controlling the actions of the game hero. Identifying oneself with a computer character is less pronounced, as a result of which motivational involvement and emotional manifestations are also less pronounced compared to games with a view from the eyes.
3. Strategic games, “leadership” games, are less dangerous, but can really engage a child. This type is so named because the player is given the right to direct the activities of the computer characters subordinate to him. In this case, the player can act as a leader of various specifications: the commander of a special forces detachment, the commander-in-chief of armies, the head of state, even the “god” who leads historical process. In this case, the person does not see his computer hero on the screen, but invents a role for himself. This is the only class of role-playing games where the role is not given specifically, but is imagined by the player. As a result, the “depth of immersion” into the game and one’s role will be significant only for people with a good imagination. However, motivational involvement in the game process and the mechanism of formation of psychological dependence on the game are no less strong than in the case of other role-playing games.
4. Next come non-role-playing games: arcades, puzzles, speed games, gambling.
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Subconsciously, the child chooses exactly those games that best reflect his suppressed needs.
Strategic – the child lacks structure. At the same time, it has the potential leadership skills, such a person can lead others. A positive “substitute” for computer strategies is chess, construction (by the way, “strategists” are the easiest to get rid of the craving for a computer).

Sports - activity is suppressed, perhaps there are some bodily blocks. If a kid is chasing a virtual puck or ball ( team games), he has a great need to be part of a peer group that is significant to him. Switch his attention to real sports fun.

“Shooters”, horrors – unlived aggression or suppressed sexuality. By the way, aggression is one of the emotions necessary for the survival of the species (in psychology there is even such a concept: a normal level of aggression). Another thing is how much there is and in what direction it is directed. Such a child needs to move more, and he also needs tactile contact (hugs, massage) with his parents.

According to the standards of the Ministry of Health, 7-10 year old children can spend no more than 45 minutes at the computer. per day, 11-13 year olds - two times for 45 minutes, older ones - three times.

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Who is more addicted to computer games?
1. Children of those parents who are most often not at home.
2. Children of wealthy parents or workaholics who are constantly busy.
3. Children of those adults who are often comfortable that the child is busy and does not distract them with requests to play.
4. Children of parents who are themselves dependent on the computer and the Internet.

As psychologist Anatoly Klivnik notes, the most dependent and, at the same time, undesirable age is 12-15 years.
For one dependent teenage girl there are up to 10 boys, this is due to the fact that the crisis of adolescence is more difficult for boys, and there are many times fewer computer games for girls.

A child caught in a computer addiction network needs help.

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How to deal with gambling addiction?
1. First of all, do not prohibit. The aggressive position of parents, aimed at a sharp, strict prohibition of the game, as a rule, will lead to the establishment of a barrier between the parents and the child. Moreover, the child will still play, but outside the home: at school, with friends, in online clubs.
When trying to “pull” a child out of the computer world, parents should act tactfully. The forbidden fruit, as we know, is sweet: the greater the resistance, the stronger the desire. You cannot forcibly take away a child’s computer without giving him anything in return.
Stereotyped behavior must be changed. Is your child used to getting a beating for his computer games and unfinished homework? Experts have proven that if a reaction is repeated 7 or more times, it slides into the subconscious. In other words, the child simply does not hear the reproaches addressed to him; for him they are nothing more than an annoying background noise. To change the situation, try to demonstrate sincere (!) interest in your child’s world.
As the Russian says folk wisdom: “If drinking cannot be prevented, it must be led.” So it is here. If gaming addiction is already a reality for you, try to share it with your child. Discuss games with him, weed out those games that contain scenes of violence, encourage aggression in him or serve as a source of excessive drive. Play educational games with him together. Establish and deepen contact with your child, understanding that gaming addiction is, first of all, a call indicating that we have problems in mutual understanding with our child.

2. Other most important aspect- formation of interests in the child that are not related to the computer world. So, Sport section, where he can practice karate, football, roller skating, skateboarding, can be a good alternative to gambling addiction, since there he will communicate with other children who also have interests outside the world of games.

And as a result, this will make it possible to ensure a normal healthy balance of interests for our child.

3. Remember that you yourself are an example for your growing baby. If you are constantly on VKontakte or Odnoklassniki, or constantly talking on the phone, then, first of all, you show your child that this is how you should spend your time.

You can awaken a child’s interest in real life only by your own example.
Find time for heart-to-heart conversations, read books together, share your experiences, organize joint leisure time with your child, sport games, trips to nature, fishing, ski slopes, etc.

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Prevention of addiction to computer games.

1. Personal example of parents - if you allow your child to play for some time a day, then you yourself should not spend more time at the computer.
2. List of joint activities, games, clubs, additional activities, etc.
Everything must be planned so that the child does not have a free minute.
3. Use the computer as a reward, for effective education, as encouragement.
4. It is important to clearly control the games the child plays. You should know what kind of game it is and monitor any deviations in the child's behavior after he has played the game.
Irritability, agitation, and insomnia may occur. All this indicates that either the playing time has been exceeded, or the game is not suitable for the child.
5.Give preference to educational games and sites. Discuss with your child those games that, in your opinion, would be more useful for him to play.
6. Treatment with the “beauty” of reality: exploring the world, museums, theaters, parks, traveling, communicating with interesting interlocutors.
7. Installation of special network filters and specialized software that allow you to control and limit the child’s communication with the computer.

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The mental and spiritual state of children is an indicator of the well-being or ill-being of the entire family. In psychology there is a concept - an identified patient. It denotes a person whose problematic symptom reflects disharmony that exists within the family. That is, something is broken in the family, in the relationships of its members with each other, but only one of them is the carrier of the symptom creating the problem.

When an identified patient appears in a family, for example, a computer-dependent child, the entire family, as a rule, sees the problem only in him and seeks help. psychological help in connection with it, formulating your request: “what to do with it?” or “how to fix it?” It is very difficult for a child to overcome computer addiction if he does not change existing system relationships in his family, which led to addictive behavior. If, without understanding this, you try to influence only the child, then it will be almost impossible to achieve good results. The right way out is to restore normal, mature family relationships.
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So, in principle, any child and teenager can become addicted to a computer, but the chances are reduced if:
– there is an atmosphere of friendliness, peace, comfort and trust in the family;
– the child has diverse interests and hobbies;
- the child knows how to fix positive relationships with others;
– the child knows how to set at least the smallest goals.
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The task of every child is to become an adult, an independent person who can make constructive decisions, be responsible for his actions, make informed choices and build his life based on healthy spiritual and moral principles. The task of adults is to help him in this difficult task. It is important to remember that the foundation of independence and responsibility is laid gradually, but you should start building it as early as possible.

Computer game addiction is a new type of psychological addiction in which a computer game becomes a leading human need.

It seems that this type of addiction is not as terrible as alcoholism or drug addiction, in which toxic substances become indispensable for normal metabolism. But this is only at first glance, because psychological dependence on a computer is no less strong than any other. In addition, modern computer games are becoming more and more “advanced” and imitate reality more and more perfectly, so more and more people are becoming their hostages.

Some statistics

Statistics on the prevalence of this dependence differ significantly among different researchers. Doctor of Psychological Sciences Alexander Georgievich Shmelev believes that about 10-14% of people who use computers are “avid gamers.” At the same time, Harvard University psychologist Maresa Orzak cites much less comforting statistics: she believes that among people who play computer games, 40-80% suffer from addiction.

There are some gender and age aspects of such addiction. The intensity of passion for computer games is more pronounced among boys than among girls. Young men, on average, spend twice as much time on computer games. The older and more educated a person is, the less time he spends on computer games (completely different goals appear, and it becomes a pity to waste time).


The reasons for addiction to computer games are as follows:

  • lack of bright and interesting moments in real life. Everything is so everyday and ordinary that a person is looking for a simple and often cheap way to diversify his life. This is how he begins to join the virtual world;
  • a hidden inferiority complex, different in childhood and adolescence, is a consequence of the fact that a person “underplayed” in a timely manner, so he tries to make up for lost time;
  • Quite often, such addiction develops on the basis of sexual dissatisfaction, when relationships with the opposite sex do not work out, and a person tries to “switch” to something;
  • sometimes the first step towards the development of this addiction is “extra” time. For example, people who are forced to stay at their workplace from 9 to 18, when this time is just needed to “sit”, begin to get involved in computer games or aimlessly wandering around the Internet.


The mechanism for the formation of computer addiction is based on withdrawal from reality and the need to take on a certain role. In most cases, this is a means of compensating for life's problems. At the same time, a person begins to realize himself in the game world, and not in the real one.

Now there are many computer games, fortunately, not all of them are equally dangerous. Conventionally, they can be divided into role-playing and non-role-playing. By determining which category it belongs to, you can assess how dangerous it is.

Role-playing games are distinguished by their pronounced influence on the human psyche. At the same time, a person “gets used to” a certain role, identifies himself with some character, while simultaneously escaping reality.

There are 3 types of role-playing games:

  • with a view “from the eyes” of the character;
  • with an “outside view” of your hero;
  • leadership games.

Games with a view from the eyes are the most addictive. The gamer completely identifies himself with a certain computer character, enters the role as much as possible, because he “looks” at the virtual world through the eyes of his hero. Literally a few minutes after the start of the session, the person begins to lose touch with the real world and is completely transferred to the virtual world. He identifies himself so much with the computer hero that he can consider the actions of the computer character his own, and the virtual world itself begins to be perceived by him as real. At critical moments, he may fidget in his chair, trying to dodge shots or blows, and turn pale.

If you look at your hero “from the outside,” then the power of entering the role is less compared to the previous type of games. Despite the fact that identification with the computer character is less pronounced, emotional manifestations associated with the game are still present, as can be seen during the failures or death of the computer hero.

In leadership games, a person controls several (or many) characters. He does not see his hero on the screen, but invents a role for himself. Pronounced “immersion” is possible only among people with a developed imagination. The psychological dependence that forms during leadership games is quite pronounced.


There are a number of signs of addiction to computer games:

  • One of the main symptoms of computer addiction is severe irritation that occurs in response to the forced need to withdraw from a favorite activity. When the game resumes, you can immediately notice the emotional upsurge;
  • a common symptom of computer addiction is the inability to predict the end time of the session; the player will postpone it again and again;
  • the computer becomes the center of an addict’s life, so when communicating with others, the most interesting topic for him will be a discussion of his favorite computer game;
  • as the addiction progresses, a person’s social, work and family adaptation is disrupted - he forgets about work, household chores, studies, and loses interest in them;
  • the presence of psychological addiction is also reflected in a person’s habits: in order to spend more time at the computer, he increasingly eats without leaving the monitor, neglects personal hygiene, sleep time is reduced, and the computer sessions themselves are lengthened.

Fortunately, this addiction does not develop all at once; it goes through a number of stages. The sooner you notice its presence, the easier it will be to deal with it.

Stages of addiction development

There are 4 stages of addiction to computer games:

  1. The initial stage is mild infatuation. It comes when a person has already played several times, and, as they say, “got a taste for it.” Such a pastime gives a person positive emotions. At this stage, the game is situational in nature, a person plays occasionally, only under certain conditions, when there is free time, but he will not play to the detriment of something important.
  2. The next stage is passion. The transition to this stage can be determined by the emergence of a new need - play. At this stage, a person already plays systematically, and if this is not possible, then he can sacrifice something in order to make time for his favorite activity.
  3. And finally, the addiction stage. In the pyramid of values, play is elevated to the top level.
  4. Over time (this may occur after several months or even years), the attachment stage begins. A person’s gaming activity fades away, he begins to become interested in something new, and social and work contacts can be established. However, a person cannot completely “say goodbye” to the game on his own. This stage can last for many years. The emergence of new games can provoke a surge in gaming activity.

Dependency can manifest itself in one of two forms - socialized and individualized.

The individualized form is the worst option; it is characterized by loss of contact with others. A person spends a lot of time at the computer; he has no need to communicate with family, friends, or those around him. For such people, the computer and everything connected with it is a kind of “drug”; it is necessary to regularly take the next “dose”. Otherwise, withdrawal occurs in the form of depression and increased irritability.

The socialized form is characterized by the preservation of social contacts. People suffering from such addiction prefer online games. For them, such an activity is not so much a “drug” as a competition. This form is less harmful to the psyche compared to the individualized one.

Consequences of this dependence:

  • self-esteem decreases, a person’s self-awareness is disrupted, over time he may view himself more as a computer character than a real person;
  • people suffering from such an addiction get used to the fact that pleasure can be achieved without any serious actions or volitional efforts; over time, in the real world, they stop taking initiative, become passive, and personality degradation occurs;
  • the consequence of addiction may be disruption of family and social adaptation. The gamer devotes more and more time to the computer, and conflicts arise in the family on this basis. Over time, friends may turn away if they do not share a passion for computer games;
  • an ever greater craving for the game is reflected in professional activity person: he can play work time when you need to do something urgent. Lack of initiative, desire to leave work as soon as possible, negligent attitude towards one’s own labor responsibilities inevitably lead to problems at work and even dismissal;
  • In order to play some computer games, you need to pay for various services. Consequence of addiction similar games may become debts. In the hope of winning, a person can borrow significant amounts of money, take out loans;
  • When sitting at a computer for a long time, not only a person’s psyche suffers, but also his physical condition. Visual impairment, excess weight and work impairment gastrointestinal tract due to insufficient motor activity and irregular nutrition, problems with the spine, hemorrhoids - these and other diseases can develop due to excessive passion for computer games.