The most amazing and popular fashion house of the 20th century was created by an incredible woman - Coco Chanel. The story of her life is fascinating, it is full of unknown secrets. Dizzying popularity, struggle with accepted fashion standards, personal dramas, connections with the Nazis, the path from obscurity to recognition - the great Chanel went through everything.

Real name: Coco Chanel - Gabrielle Bonheur

Gabrielle Bonheur Chanel was born in the small, nondescript town of Saumur in August 1883. The girl's parents lived quite poorly; they were second class people. Her father was a market trader and had little interest in his own children and wife. Mother worked in the kitchen, moonlighting as an ironer and a maid.

Her sick love for her husband took away all and vitality. Hard daily work and the indifference of her beloved man soon exhausted Zhanna completely. After her death in the winter of 1895, Albert, the father of the family, sent his daughters to an orphanage and his sons to farms.

In Abaza, abandoned children were looked after by strict nuns. Gabriel was never visited by her father; the only people who kept in touch with the girl were her aunts Adrienne and Louise. The orphanage was a rather gloomy and strict institution, with its own laws and orders. The only joy in those years for young Gabrielle was the holidays that she spent with her Aunt Louise.

Together they sewed for days on end. Her aunt taught her to show not only her sewing skills, but also her own imagination. From Louise, the girl learned to decorate ordinary, nondescript hats with intricate ruffles, frills and folds.

Gabrielle spent 7 years in the shelter. When she turned 18, she was faced with a choice: stay in Abakan and become a nun, or leave the institution. That same day, the girl went to Moulins to visit Aunt Louise. There she entered the Institute of Noble Maidens, where she was accepted on a charitable basis, and graduated 2 years later.

The owner of the atelier liked Chanel for her sewing skills. He invited her to work in 1903, Gabrielle agreed, but she was not attracted to the position of dressmaker. Moulins at that time was crowded with soldiers. One of the officers invited a girl to a variety show. Between acts, theater visitors were allowed to go on stage. Gabrielle loved performing in public, so she became Coco Chanel, after the names of the songs she performed.

Variety show visitor Etienne Balzan drew attention to Gabrielle. At that time he already had a mistress, and he did not feel the need to get married. For an illegitimate girl, a relationship with a rich officer is a chance to escape poverty. A year later, Chanel became his kept woman. She talked to richest people and even then she showed bold character traits, skillfully defending her own opinion.

The beginning of the career of the first female fashion designer in history

Coco Chanel - a breakthrough in fashion!

In those years, the profession of fashion designer was considered exclusively male. Women's fashion consisted of incredibly fluffy, long, suffocating skirts, moving around in which was already a feat. Young Chanel was outraged by this fact; “fashion has turned into a mockery,” she said.

One day at the races, Gabrielle surprised everyone with her outfit: a man's frock coat and a boater hat she made. It was pretty daring. Etienne encouraged his mistress's interest. He gave her a room in which the girl could do sewing. But this didn’t suit young Gabrielle; she didn’t need a hobby, but her own business.

In 1909, Chanel met a man who understood her interests and was ready to help her. The circumstances of her acquaintance with Arthur Capel remain a mystery to everyone to this day. The man saw in her an irresistible desire to achieve her goal and was ready to help. In the summer of that year, Gabrielle left her lover Balzan and went to Paris with Arthur.

However, Chanel did not completely break up with Etienne. A year after moving to the capital of France, Capel and Balzan agreed to jointly finance Coco's first production - a fashion hat store. “It’s like they gave me a toy,” she said. The store created a real sensation among fashionistas. A completely new trend in the direction of women's accessories.

The hats did not have the usual ruffles and frills; they combined sophisticated style and practicality. Gabrielle believed that pretentious clothing made women look old. After some time, Chanel opened another store in the south of Normandy in a town called Deauville. At that time, it was considered the most fashionable resort, exclusively for the rich, royalty, ambassadors and celebrities. Coco Chanel was counting on their attention.

Life during and after the war

Chanel 5 - the most famous fragrance

In the summer of 1914, difficult times came. Europe was embroiled in a devastating conflict. France was at the epicenter of events. The streets of Paris were emptying every day. But such tragic events gave Coco a chance to truly show her talent. Most of the men went to the front, France rested on women's shoulders.

Working at a factory in dresses with ruffles and frills, corsets and clothes was uncomfortable and even dangerous. And the Chanel style, which consisted of simplicity and practicality, would come in handy. Coco jumped at the chance. In those years, it was difficult to find good fabric, usual for women's clothing.

The fashion designer found a way out; she created a small collection of casual clothing from fabric that was intended for sewing men's suits - jersey. Chanel's idea was a success. " Old world I was dying, an opportunity presented itself to me and I took advantage of it,” she said. During the war years, the romance between Coco and Capel gained momentum. One day Arthur gave her a surprise.

They went to Biarritz, which was located on the border with Spain and remained neutral. This city was a paradise for the rich. Everyone who had the opportunity to travel went to a fashionable resort. There they forgot about all the hardships of war. Chanel saw in Biorritz an opportunity to rediscover herself, as she had once done in Deauville. She wanted to expand her empire and in 1915 opened a new boutique.

From that moment on, independence came to the female fashion designer. “I thought I gave you a toy, but it turned out I gave you freedom,” said Capel. He understood perfectly well that Coco no longer needed his financial support. Now the house of Chanel is back on its feet. In 1918, a peace treaty was signed and the war ended.

It's time for Coco to celebrate. Taking advantage of the hardships of wartime, she lost nothing over the years; on the contrary, her empire gained significant influence on the fashion industry. Some time later, Arthur Capel betrayed her. In 1918, he announced his intentions to marry an Englishwoman from a noble family.

Coco was depressed, broken. She loved Arthur with all her heart, saw in him support and support. “He knew that I loved him and he loved me. That’s the only thing that mattered,” recalled a grief-stricken Chanel. Although the affair with Capel continued after the wedding, Coco was not so happy about it.

Now she has become not the only lover, but only a mistress. Very soon a tragedy occurred. In 1919, an English motorist crashed. The terrible news hit Coco. “I lost everything by losing Capel,” she said. Now she was left alone.

The fashion designer blamed high society for Arthur's death. She thirsted for revenge, wanting to bring them to their knees before her. Gathering her strength, she intended to show everyone how merciless she could be. Her first actions were attempts to rewrite her biography. And she was very successful in this, composing many romantic stories of her childhood. It was no longer possible to find out the real her.

The second thing Coco did was move her boutique to a more prestigious, spacious premises. It worked, the Chanel empire regained its power. Celebrities, rich ladies and even crowned heads wanted to be at least somehow associated with the style icon of those years. They admired her and her exquisite taste. In 1919, Chanel moved to the Ritz Hotel.

Public recognition of Coco Chanel

Little black dress by Coco Chanel

Coco did not disdain the opportunity to achieve success through bed. Men became something of a trophy for her. “I developed the habit of surrounding myself with influential people in order to establish a strong connection with high society,” she said. In the 20s, her affair with Igor Strovinsky began, however, at the same time she maintained contact with the Duke of Westminster.

They met on Christmas Eve in Monte Carlo. The man was fascinated by her, presented her with luxurious gifts, sent her and was eager to achieve her favor. The famous fashion designer spent the summer at the Duke’s estate, communicating with the richest people from her lover’s entourage. There she met the Duke’s friend, the British Chancellor of the Exchequer, Churchill.

The rumors about the wedding of Chanel and Westminster were not confirmed. “I didn’t want to give up the empire that I had worked so hard to create,” Coco justified herself. In fact, the Duke would never marry her. Gradually, the people of France recovered from the consequences of the war. Tight corsets, long skirts, which constrained movements, are a thing of the past. The world is ripe for the ideas of a female fashion designer.

“Dress tastelessly - they will remember the outfit, dress impeccably - the woman will be remembered,” Chanel liked to repeat. Her fashion house began to create more and more new products, each time shocking society with the boldness of its decisions.

Coco decided to take a serious step. The famous perfumer Ernest Beaux created a collection of fragrances for her, the main idea of ​​which was a combination of several scents. Coco chose one of them. They were named Chanel No. 5 and became the most popular and expensive fragrance. The next invention was the little black dress, created in 1926.

According to one famous magazine, it was supposed to become the uniform of elegant women. A little later, Coco made a revolutionary step in the fashion industry by inviting ladies to wear trousers. successfully changed the traditional fashion preferences of those years and became the head of a huge empire. Unprecedented success in a career that was considered exclusively male, and free relationships with the opposite sex, made Coco a symbol of the post-war generation of emancipated women. Chanel's prestige reached its peak.

In 1939, Germany attacked Poland. A few days later, France and Britain declared war on the German Empire. Hitler started the most terrifying and bloody war in human history. France did not fall immediately; Coco’s colleagues persuaded her not to close the fashion house. But in May, thousands of refugees filled the streets of Paris. She closed all the shops, leaving only the perfume shop open, and left the city. In June 1940, the Germans bombed Paris. France capitulated.

Return to the fashion industry

Coco Chanel never considered herself a beauty...

Coco was used to achieving her goals, and she also successfully led the Chanel house through one war. She decided not to give up this time either. Coco returned to her favorite hotel, but Paris was an occupied city, and the Ritz was the headquarters of German officers. But Chanel managed to stay in one of the civilian rooms.

She was focused on survival and tried to act according to the situation. Coco provided perfume to the officers' wives, and spent her evenings surrounded by their command. Chanel felt that she was getting old, it frightened and upset her.

At this time she met Hans Gunther von Dinklage, he was Nazi spy. After having dinner together, they became lovers. Chanel was not embarrassed that he was 13 years younger. While dining one day in the company of Hans, Coco found herself drawn into a dangerous game.

She was offered to assist in signing a peace treaty. Chanel for a long time communicated with people from high society, was the mistress of an Englishman for 8 years. “You Germans don’t know how to treat the British, but I know,” she said, without thinking about the consequences. After this conversation, Chanel went to Berlin, where she met Walter Schellingberg, head of foreign intelligence and personal assistant Himmler.

At that time, he longed to reach an agreement with the allies and make peace. Coco was supposed to organize a meeting with Churchill, but overestimated her influence on the British, the story ended in nothing. Chanel returned to the Ritz. Paris was liberated on August 25, France became independent again. Coco sensed the coming changes. German officers interrogated, women found in connection with them had their heads shaved as a form of humiliation and were forced to walk through the streets of the city.

Coco found herself in a dangerous situation. She was the mistress of a German spy and her attempt to assist the Nazis was known. The guards came for her with an arrest warrant, Chanel did not resist. She was threatened with public humiliation, but after several hours of interrogation, she was released without charges. The circumstances of that day remain classified to this day.
It was dangerous to remain in Paris.

Coco went to Switzerland. She lost everything that was dear to her. The reputation was irretrievably ruined, and the fashion house was closed forever. But she did not stop observing the changes taking place on the catwalks. By that time, Christian Dior's collection had become popular.

Fluffy skirts, frills, folds and ruffles once again adorned women's clothing. Chanel despised the current fashion and decided that it was time for her to return, she broke up with Hans, her personal life came to naught. She set about creating the most important collection of her life. The stakes were high, universal recognition or complete failure. At 73 years old, Chanel returned to Paris, presenting the collection to society.

France still has not forgiven her for her connection with the Germans; the press wrote that there was nothing interesting or new in Coco’s show. But recognition still came, this time from overseas. Americans admired Chanel's style. Over time, France forgave Chanel, Europe idolized her.

“Fashion, you know, goes out of fashion, style never,” said Coco.

In the 60s, Coco became the head of an international fashion empire. But Chanel became weaker every day. She was never married and never managed to start a family. “A person should not live alone, I didn’t understand this before,” she regretted. In 1971, life became a burden for Coco, and in February she died at the Ritz Hotel. While injecting morphine, Chanel said last words: “This is how they die.”

Coco lost her family in early childhood, she had neither money nor opportunities. But thanks to this, she developed ambitions and an incredible desire to conquer the world. Chanel quickly achieved her goals. She created the most famous global brand, Chanel, to this day, which personifies France with its inherent romanticism and sophistication. “I was able to create something that changes endlessly, but always looks stylish.”

The story of Coco Chanel in the TV program Life of Remarkable People:

In contact with

Coco Chanel is an outstanding female fashion designer, founder of a fashion house, who proved that elegance is impossible without convenience. Her designer fantasy includes a little black dress, trouser woman suit, handbag on a chain and other signature items that create sophisticated style.

Chanel No. 5 perfume is a top seller, and the Time publishing house includes the name of the Great Mademoiselle in the hundred most influential people in the fashion industry. Which life story is hidden behind a brand whose logo – two crossed letters “C” – is known throughout the world? The biography of Coco Chanel will tell you about this.

Childhood and youth in the monastery

Gabrielle Bonheur Chanel was born on August 19, 1883 in the French town of Saumur. The girl was born under the zodiac sign “Leo”; subsequently she will decorate her interior with figures of the king of beasts and use the “lion” motif in the fittings.

Leos are characterized by a desire for success, but was it easy to achieve?

Gabrielle's childhood was difficult; she can be classified as a self-made person despite the circumstances.

Gabrielle remembered her mother Jeanne poorly, or, as she admitted in her memoirs, she did not want to remember. 19-year-old Jeanne fell in love with Albert, Gabrielle's father, and became pregnant. The guy ran away, the fugitive was found months later: Albert worked as a fair trader and did not sit in one place for a long time. Zhanna came to her grief-lover and gave birth the next day.

When she became pregnant again three months later, her partner advised her to “go to work.” A young woman with a baby in her arms wandered from house to house, offering help with housework.

The birth of the second child, Gabriel, did not lead to the parents’ wedding; 5,000 francs, Jeanne’s dowry, helped to legitimize the relationship. Gabrielle has a younger sister and brothers, but her mother, out of blind passion for her husband, pays little attention to the children.

Gabrielle has more pleasant memories with her father; his appearance in the family was awaited like a holiday. Gabrielle claimed that her father was handsome and inherited his appearance: a white-toothed smile, eyes with a cheerful sparkle and thick hair.

After the death of his wife at the age of 33, Albert gives his sons Alphonse and Lucien to work as farm laborers, and entrusts his daughters to the care of the sisters of the Aubazine monastery. Gabriela was 13 years old and never saw her father again.

My loneliness has made me a strong person Coco Chanel


In Aubazine, Gabrielle lived a sad life, numerous prohibitions weighed heavily on the young rebel: she had to wake up, fall asleep and start eating at the command of the nurse on duty. The years in the orphanage left a deep imprint on her worldview.

Many years later, Chanel will order her architect to repeat in her house the stone staircase from the monastery, along which she was forbidden to run as a child: at least in her villa she will walk as she wishes!

Gabrielle had the status of an “orphan” with a large number of relatives: her paternal grandparents gave birth to 19 children! This is a documented fact: only the grandfather and aunt Louise took the girl to stay with them during the holidays.

Gabriela calls Aunt Andrienne, her father's younger sister, "sister" because of the small age difference. She was also in Aubazine, and common romantic dreams of a rich groom and freedom unite the girls. When they decide to marry Andrienne to an old notary, Gabriela persuades her to flee the monastery.

The money doesn’t last long and the unlucky runaways return. They are quickly assigned to another “high security” institution - the boarding house of the Institute of Our Lady of the city of Moulins. Gabriel stays there for two years, from 18 to 20 years old. Recalling these years, Chanel will say in an interview that she “did her time,” and when asked by a surprised journalist “for what,” she will clarify – “for dissent.”

The boarding school graduates had to be ready for independent life, so they were taught sewing. These skills will be useful to the future clothing designer.

Youth and Etienne Balsan

After boarding, Gabriel and Andrienne work for the Grampers in a store that sells dowries for brides. The girl also does minor repairs to the dresses of society ladies: she sews on frills and sharpens lace.

Is it then that Gabrielle develops a distaste for floral perfumes, which she will remember when creating her own scent? After all, wealthy ladies did not like to wash, and in order to get rid of the emanating amber, they generously doused themselves with floral perfumes.

Gabriel decides to crack the code of fate and change his field of activity.

If you want to have something you've never had, you'll have to do something you've never done. Coco Chanel

The girl wonders what fame can bring her? Moulins was a garrison town in which the 10th Cavalry Chasseur Regiment was quartered. In the Rotunda cafe, watching the singers, Gabrielle decides that she sings no worse than them, and tells the director of the establishment that she is ready to sign a contract!

The effect of surprise and self-confidence provide the girl with what she wants. After the church hymns, Gabriel easily copes with the operetta verses, and his cavalry acquaintances do not skimp on applause.

Her “rooster” couplets, with the chorus “ko-ko-ri-ko,” are very popular among the local military. Calling the girl for an encore, the audience chants “ko-ko”. This nickname will become her pseudonym.

Gabriela's success evokes caustic remarks from her rival colleagues; she is teased as “the starving woman from India” for her boyish figure.

Only nonentities have no envious people. It's better to be first than to be second. Coco Chanel


The popularity of the singer of the garrison Moulin is not enough for Gabriela. Her friend Etienne Balsan, the son of an industrialist and a passionate fan of horse racing, lends the girl money.

So in 1905 she sets out to conquer the city mineral waters Vichy. By pouring water for holidaymakers, Gabriel raises money for vocal lessons. But the classes do not help her get an engagement, and she returns to Moulins.

Will you really have to pick up sewing needles and threads again to make money? But life confronts her with another, more difficult choice.

From the resort town, in addition to disappointments, she brings back an unplanned pregnancy. The girl is terrified of repeating her mother’s path. Convinced that giving birth to a child in her situation is tantamount to death, Gabrielle chooses life: “If I had not done this, there would be no Coco Chanel.”


22-year-old Gabrielle begins new story– cohabitation with Etienne Balsan. The girl asks to go to his estate in Royeaux as a student, Balsan takes her with him and teaches her horse riding on the estate. But not only that: the girl becomes his convenient backup lover. Chanel herself does not consider herself a Balsan cocotte, because she does not take money or gifts.

One day, Balsana's kept woman Emilienne d'Alençon, who was visiting Royeaux, asks Coco to remake her hat - just as she remade it for herself. Soon, all of Balsan's friends are wearing hats modified by Coco.

Chanel strives for independence from men, and the success of avant-garde hats prompts the young milliner with the idea of ​​her own store. Coco receives Balsan's permission to take over his Parisian apartment and continues his design experiments there.

Chanel opened her first store in the capital in 1910 at 21 rue Cambon; within a year she moved to house no. 31 on the same street. There is still a Chanel store there, opposite the Ritz Hotel.

Arthur Capel and the resort business

In 1909, in Spain, Chanel meets an English soldier, Arthur Capel, whom everyone calls Boy. The green-eyed brunette captivates Gabrielle at first sight.

He not only financially supports her cause, but also helps Chanel to reveal herself as a person. Boy invites the girl to expand her business in the seaside resort of Deauville, where Chanel opens a boutique in 1913.

Coco watches with regret the “poor rich women”: because of the ridiculous outfits, resort girls are unable to ride horses in a man’s saddle, drive a car, play tennis, etc. leisure.

The corseted “prisoners” slowly parade under sun umbrellas and are drenched in sweat. Fashion catalogs of that period dictate mandatory wardrobe elements: huge hats with veils, lush bustles, tight corsets, long trains.

According to Chanel, elegance without convenience is impossible! She begins not to dress, but to undress women. Her clothes prioritize comfort. More and more ladies are walking around Deauville in simple hats that you can take off and put on yourself - “in complete disgrace,” as authoritative fashion designer Paul Poiret calls the newfangled hats.

First to come to France World War reflected in the resort of Deauville; vacationers are leaving, boutique owners are boarding up their shutters. But Gabriel does not close the studio. But what kind of fashion can there be in wartime? Still the same – comfortable Chanel fashion.

The city is filled with visitors: aristocrats come from front-line estates, a military hospital appears. The designer's opinions about the simplicity and functionality of clothing appeal to the ladies helping in the infirmary: it is impossible to care for the wounded in corsets and hats! Things are looking up. The next city to fall into Mademoiselle Coco's stylish shoes is Biarritz.

In Biarritz, a luxury spa resort, Boy helps rent a villa for a new atelier. There are hundreds of dressmakers working for Chanel, and the total number of workers, including boutiques in Deauville and Paris, reaches 300!

Mademoiselle Chanel makes high demands on her employees, getting rid of lazy people and defectors. Chanel's products are of excellent quality and are not cheap. When Boy asks why it is SO expensive, Gabrielle, who had entrepreneurial foresight, answers - so that they take it seriously.

Chanel does not draw preliminary sketches of models; instead of patterns, she outlines the silhouette with pins and cuts off excess fabric directly on the model.

The first publication of her model appears in Harper's Bazaar magazine - a dress without a waist, with a scarf tied at the hips and a vest in the style of a man.

In Paris, Chanel becomes truly popular in just a week - so says the legend. One day, a lady who was dressed by fashion designer Poiret quarrels with him and decides to go over to Coco Chanel.

The lady's name is Baroness Diana de Rothschild. Having bought a dozen dresses, the new client recommends the couturier to her relatives, and they as soon as possible make Chanel famous. Money flows like a river.

Coco settles accounts with Boy: he returns every franc invested in the business. Arthur Capel is surprised: he thought he was giving Gabrielle a toy, but it turned out to be freedom.


Coco also shows her business acumen when textile raw materials run out in warehouses due to military operations. At the beginning of 1916 there was nothing to sew from!

Jersey presents Chanel with “surprises”: the dense knitted fabric does not wrinkle, does not emphasize the curves of the figure, and hinders movement.

Violator fashion rules eliminates folds, stops emphasizing the waist and shortens skirts so that you can see the calves of your legs!

Boy jokingly begs Coco not to expose the young ladies’ knees, because men will start grabbing them “even in restaurants.”


Class prejudices flourished in those times. Chanel notices that Boy is ashamed of her. And this is when magazines devote laudatory articles to her, and famous clients crowd the boutiques!

As a sign of protest (Boy likes her luxurious long hair), Chanel cuts off her curls. Her appearance in the theater with a boyish hairstyle creates a sensation. The haircut a la garçon is gaining popularity, harmoniously complementing the practical “Chanel” look.

The worse a girl does, the better she should look Coco Chanel

Chanel finds out that she is expecting a child, but does not have time to tell Arthur about it. Ambitious Boy proposes to the lord's daughter and surprises Coco with information about the wedding.

Chanel later asked what would have changed if she had been the first to tell her news? But her mother’s example convinced her that a man should not be tied down as a child. Coco is not destined to become a mother this time either. The 9-year romance ends tragically; in December 1919, Arthur Capel dies in a car accident.

Meeting the creative elite and patronage of the arts

Coco is brought out of her depression by meeting Sert, a Catalan decorative artist, and his wife Misya. The friendship with this woman will last more than 20 years; Gabriel admits that without her she would have died “a complete idiot.”

The Serts introduce Chanel to high circles creative elite, she has a chance to watch the birth of brilliant paintings and poems. Chanel meets artists Pablo Picasso and Salvador Dali, playwright Jean Cocteau, and poet Pierre Reverdy.

Misya introduces Coco to Serge Diaghilev, the organizer of the ballet “Russian Seasons”. Backstage at the ballet, Chanel watches the dancers give their best in every practice. Coco learned to work from the Russians - this is her own recognition of someone who herself deserves the title “workaholic”!

Chanel supports cultural projects, helps creative people. For the production of “The Rite of Spring”, she gives Diaghilev 300,000 francs, invites composer Igor Stravinsky and his family to live in her villa, arranging “full board” for his wife and four children. Patronage inspires Chanel: in the recent past, a poor orphan, now she makes a contribution to art!

The fashion designer extends the influence of Russian culture to professional activity: opens a recruitment in the atelier for Russian emigrants who knew handicrafts, opens a workshop for hand embroidery, introduces Slavic motifs into models.

She cannot do without an affair with a Russian: Prince Dmitry Pavlovich becomes her new dear friend. Nicholas II's cousin is 8 years younger than her, handsome and poor. He supports Chanel morally, she supports him with her wallet.

When Dmitry leaves for America a year later, the couple maintains friendly feelings. Chanel calls the prince “the genius of useful acquaintances,” and it is he who introduces her to the creator of her own fragrance, perfumer Bo.

Chanel No. 5 and a little black dress

New woman wearing Chanel clothes I couldn’t smell the old way, like violet, rose or hydrangea: I really love the smell of rose oil, but a woman who smells only of rose oil is completely mediocre.

Ernest Bo, who previously worked at the royal court in St. Petersburg, experiments with a palette of scents and achieves a new shade of notes using aldehydes. Chanel likes perfume samples.

To produce them on an industrial scale, she begins to collaborate with the Wertheimer brothers. The Chanel Parfam company is created, to which the fashion designer brings his recipe and name and receives 10% of the shares. She will later regret this distribution; the Wertheimers will register new companies as dummies and will hide sales volumes.

– Where should perfume be applied?

“Where you want to be kissed,” their creator will say.

What influenced the release of a new product to become a sensation?

Marilyn Monroe also contributed to the success of the perfume, coquettishly admitting that she wears “only a couple of drops of Chanel No. 5” at night. After her announcement, millions of bottles of perfume are sold out.

Perfume is still popular now; according to Forbes, perfume is in the TOP 8 most counterfeited items, along with Rolex watches and a 50-euro note.

In 1925, the Chanel brand name appeared on the perfume bottle. According to one version, the emblem is the initials of Coco Chanel; according to another, it is the “double horseshoe” symbol of good luck, depicted in Vrubel’s sketch.


The revolution in the perfume industry is followed by another challenge to society. Once, while in a theater box, Chanel was looking with her eyes for someone she knew. Contemplating the crowd, the thought comes to her about the excessive diversity of outfits: it is not the faces that catch the eye, but the colorful dresses.

Thus, in 1926, the embodiment of the idea of ​​asceticism appeared - the little black dress. Decorated with a simple semicircular neckline, it emphasizes the figure, sets off the whiteness of the skin, and at the same time is almost invisible.

“Well-wishers” claim that the designer is forcing her clients to share her grief for Boy - previously black was worn only in mourning. But the women liked the dress.

Without decorations, it was suitable for a business setting, and with pearl beads, a gold bracelet or brooch it looked like an evening outfit.

You never get a second chance to make a first impression. Coco Chanel

Vogue magazine in its 26th article notes that the dress “has become as popular as a Ford car!”

Duke of Westminster

In Monte Carlo, Chanel meets the Duke of Westminster - Vendor, as he was called. He showers Coco with luxurious bouquets, personally shot game, and jewelry. Chanel is conquered, but only to the extent that she allows herself to be: she “gifts” the Duke with cufflinks worth a car’s worth!

The designer spends a lot of time with Vendor at Eaton Hall Castle. Looking at servants' uniforms, Chanel gets ideas for creating women's jackets. She discovers a new fabric - soft English tweed. English tendencies can be traced in her work.

The press “marries” the beautiful couple, but Chanel understands that becoming a married “madame”, she will have to leave the Fashion House. A duchess as a dressmaker - unthinkable for that era!

When I had to choose between a man and my dresses, I chose the dresses. But I doubt that Chanel would have become known to everyone without the help of Coco Chanel men

Chanel still considered the idea of ​​marriage - if she gave the Duke an heir who would occupy a high position in society. But 46-year-old Chanel is not destined to become a mother. She refuses Vendor, because the Duke cannot be called a model of fidelity.

Once, in her presence, he invited another beauty to the yacht, and then tried to pay off Chanel with a huge emerald. Gabrielle kicked out gem overboard.


In 1931, Prince Dmitry introduced Chanel to Sam Goldwyn, the creator of American cinema. Goldwyn dreams, both in films and in life, of dressing movie stars in Chanel clothes and offers a million-dollar contract.

The designer was required to visit Hollywood twice a year and design costumes. But Gabrielle hesitates, because previously she created her own models, and did not indulge the tastes of capricious actors and actresses.

Thanks to the persuasion of her new lover, the artist Paul Iriba, Chanel signs a contract and crosses the ocean. A warm welcome awaits her there: for a trip around the country she is provided with a White color train, the press enthusiastically calls the “Great Mademoiselle”, and celebrities line up on the platform, led by Greta Garbo.

Although the partners do not renew the contract next year, Chanel gains invaluable experience in working for the mass consumer.

The same age as Paul Irib becomes Chanel's last hope for family happiness. But tragedy strikes again: he dies on the tennis court in front of Gabrielle.

Maybe I became the Great Mademoiselle because I have no one to feed dinner? Coco Chanel

In the summer of 1936, Paris was engulfed in a strike. Workers incited by left-wing coalition political parties, demand higher wages and agreements with trade unions.

Chanel feels betrayed - the dressmakers won't let her into her own fashion house! But she pays them well and provides them with a 2-week vacation in the summer!

An enraged Chanel has to go with her team to the world war so as not to disrupt the exhibition of the new collection.

The Second World War

With the outbreak of World War II in 1939, Chanel closed its salons, leaving a store that sold perfume. When the son of his older sister is captured, the fashion designer turns for help to the attache of the German embassy, ​​a German by nationality, Baron von Dinklage.

He rescues her nephew, and 56-year-old Chanel begins a relationship with him. When they remember her relationship with the German, Chanel will comment on her personal life: I am so old that when a lover gets into my bed, I don’t ask him for his passport!

Today it is difficult to name a fashion designer who has had as great an impact on world fashion as Coco Chanel. This woman, who lived in a time of great historical upheaval, was able to become famous by creating a new silhouette of women's clothing, as well as several original accessories and fragrances that continue to be relevant to this day.

The article below will help you find out what the real name of Coco Chanel sounds like, and about some of the most dramatic events that happened to this great woman.

Gabrielle Chanel

In 1883, in the small French town of Saumur, a girl was born who was later recognized as the queen of world fashion. The baby, who was given a difficult fate, as she was the second illegitimate daughter of Albert Chanel and Jeanne Devol. Although her mother subsequently gave birth to two more sons to her common-law husband, he did not want to formalize the relationship with her, so initially the names of the girl, her sister and two brothers were marked with shame.

When Gabrielle was only 14 years old, her mother died of asthma, hunger and cold. The father got rid of four children, placing the older girls in a monastery orphanage, and his sons in the care of relatives.

Gabriel learns to sew

Although for any child ending up in an orphanage is a tragedy, it was there that young Gabrielle received a profession that allowed her to become one of the most famous women XX century.

Girls who found themselves in the care of nuns were taught sewing, as well as good manners. Both were very useful to Gabriel when she left the orphanage at 18.

The girl, along with her aunt Adrienne Chanel, with whom she was almost the same age, was hired to work in a lingerie store for newborns in the town of Moulins. The owners were pleased with the work of the young seamstresses. However, having saved some money, Gabriela and Adrienne decided to open their own business.


Now that you know what Coco Chanel's real name is, it's time to tell where her pseudonym came from. So, two young seamstresses worked tirelessly in the town of Moulins. They were left early without adult care, and no one told them how a “decent girl” should behave.

Soon, the niece and aunt made close acquaintance with the officers of the regiment stationed in Moulins and began to often visit the local cabaret “Rotunda” with young people in uniform. Once, during a noisy party, Gabriela sang two songs Qui qua vu Coco and Ko Ko Ri Ko. Although she had neither a special voice nor stage talent, the cabaret visitors liked the beauty’s performance, and every time the girl visited this establishment, the officers chanted “Coco, Coco!”, inviting her to sing the song about the chicken again. Soon a new nickname was firmly attached to her, which weighed on her until the end of her life. Be that as it may, it made everyone forget what Coco Chanel's real name was.

First novel

For many years, the name Coco Chanel has been associated with the word “kept woman.” Despite the fact that the fashion queen of the 20th century always worked hard, it cannot be denied that from a very young age she received money for the implementation of her projects from men whom she chose taking into account the contents of their wallet.

The seamstress Coco's first lover was officer Etienne Balzan. He was about to retire and decided to settle in a newly acquired castle in Royeaux, where he planned to breed horses and organize a riding school. Coco herself asked to be his “student” and moved in with him, ruining her reputation forever.

It was in Royeaux that she created her first revolutionary women's clothing. The fact is that she found horse riding in an Amazon skirt extremely inconvenient, and she went against all traditions by ordering men's breeches for herself. She also refused the hat and veil required in such cases, replacing it with a ribbon that she tied around her head.

Romance number two

When the girl realized that she was just a toy for Etienne, which he would part with without regret as soon as he got tired of her, she decided to accept the offer of the English industrialist Arthur Capel. Unlike her first lover, he didn’t even know what Coco Chanel’s real name was, and she could tell him various tales about her ruined loving father, who called her a chicken, and about his vineyards.

Thanks to Arthur, who was known in the world as Boy, Gabriela opened her first store in Paris in 1910. A year later he moved to rue Cambon at number 20, where he operates to this day.

Initially, Coco sold original hats, which made her establishment ultra-fashionable. It became prestigious to wear the hats she designed, and she expanded her business, renaming the store Atelier Chanel. As assistants, Gabriela summoned Aunt Adrienne and older sister. In addition, her real feelings for Arthur Capel awoke, so the young woman considered herself absolutely happy.


Soon it became crowded in Paris for Gabrielle, and she decided to open a fashion store in one of the most famous resorts in France. Her choice fell on the super prestigious Deauville. By this time, only a few used Coco Chanel’s real name, and she herself had no intention of telling her respectable clients that she was the illegitimate daughter of a traveling fair trader. Things were looking up. Moreover, there was no end to famous clients, among whom was Madame Rothschild. For some time, Coco even hoped that her adored Arthur would appreciate her business acumen and legitimize their relationship. However, Capel had no intention of proposing to his longtime mistress.


In 1914, Europe became the arena of struggle between the leading powers of the planet. French resorts were empty, and panic began in the capital. Coco decided to close down her business. She was dissuaded by Arthur, who was known for his gift of foresight and business sense.

He was right, and Deauville was soon filled with members of the families of aristocrats, bankers and businessmen who had fled their estates and wanted to forget the horrors of war. The only operating store in the city was the Coco boutique, so there was no end to visitors.

In addition, the war was not conducive to affectation, and everyone quickly appreciated the advantage of Chanel clothing models, among which shortened skirts and loose-fitting blouses predominated. Coco made money from the war tirelessly. So, when many ladies became nurses in hospitals, she began selling elegant white coats. She also has the main merit in popularizing short haircuts. After all, many hairdressers were taken to the front, and accordingly, there was no one to do complex hairstyles, so girls and women began to cut off their braids and cut their hair like Madame Coco.

By the end of the war, foreigners returning to Paris did not recognize the French women, who looked and dressed completely differently from the female half of the rest of Europe. Soon such emancipated fashion spread throughout the world. At the same time, no one knew the real name of Coco Chanel, although she was already considered one of the most famous women planets.

Between the wars

Even at the peak of her fame full name Only a few knew Coco Chanel. However, it was enough to see two intersecting letters “C” to make it clear that this was the creation of the most famous Parisian woman of the first half of the 20th century.

Unfortunately, Gabriel was no longer happy with anything, since Arthur first got married, and a little later got into a car accident. So Coco lost her loved one.

Romance with the enemy

In the fall of 1939, Chanel closed her fashion house and boutiques. She hoped to wait out the occupation calmly. However, in June 1940, the Germans captured her nephew Andre Palace. Gabrielle was forced to turn to the attache of the German embassy, ​​von Dinklage. As a result, the young man was released. However, the diplomat, fascinated by 56-year-old Chanel, demanded payment from her for her services.

After the war

Today, few people will be able to give an answer if they are asked: “What is the real name of Coco Chanel?” Moreover, for several years almost nothing was known about her. After the liberation of Paris, the French did not forgive Madame Coco for her relationship with a German, and she left for Switzerland, from where she returned to her homeland only in 1953. Four years later, Chanel again achieved recognition by introducing a tweed suit with a collarless jacket and patch pockets.

Coco-Gabrielle died in 1971 at the Ritz Hotel, leaving behind the legend of an orphan who became a fashion queen, and many iconic wardrobe items that will never lose their relevance.

Now you know what Coco Chanel's real name is. You also know the biography of the famous fashion designer. One can only marvel at the vicissitudes of the fate of the orphan Gabriel, who became one of the most famous women of the last century under the funny nickname Coco.

By 1913, thirty-year-old Gabrielle Chanel had two salons in France. Having borrowed money from Arthur Capel, with great excitement she opens a store in the French resort of Biarritz, right on the border with Spain. With this milestone, the Chanel brand begins its conquest of Europe.

And already in 1915, a fashionable European magazine wrote: “A woman who does not have at least one Chanel dress in her wardrobe can be considered hopelessly behind fashion.”

After a century, the things desired by fashionistas from Chanel can be listed endlessly: from classic coats to elegant brooches. Today, the House of Chanel has 150 boutiques around the world and hundreds of thousands of branded products.

According to some reports, the company's annual turnover is more than a billion dollars. And the brand’s logo is one of the most recognizable and quoted in the fashion world, as is the name of its founder, the great Coco Chanel.

Who is she? How was this woman's life? Where is Gabrielle Chanel from? You will learn about all this by reading the article.


“My father really didn’t like it. He was afraid that they would call me Gabi. So he came up with the affectionate nickname Coco, which meant chicken.”

This beautiful story Gabrielle came up with the idea to drown out the pain of an orphaned childhood in which there was no fatherly love. Chanel received the nickname Gabrielle much later from visitors to the Rotunda cabaret, where she performed after her shifts in the store. In several songs she performed, this word was constantly heard.

Gabrielle Chanel: biography, childhood

She was born on August 19, 1883, in a shelter for the poor in the French town of Saumur. She got the name Gabrielle from the nun nurse at the orphanage hospital. Neither the mother, the daughter of an ordinary worker, nor the father, a traveling merchant, could come up with a name for the newborn. The girl became the second of five children in this family.

When she turned 12, her mother died, exhausted by asthma. The father, who had a passion for the road and drinking, disappeared. The authorities assigned two sons, as abandoned, to someone else’s family, which received benefits for them, and the brothers worked like hell. The three sisters briefly lived with their uncle and aunt, but soon found themselves in a monastery orphanage.

Later, Chanel spoke of those events as unbearable blows for a child’s soul, then she had to deeply feel what it was like to lose everything. This pain gave rise to a hopeless inferiority in the girl, which pushed her to desperately bold actions until her gray hairs.

Uncompromising, arrogant, insolent. Hatred for the idle lifestyle of bohemians and a burning desire to earn money on their own in order to achieve all the benefits of this life. That's all I found in my difficult childhood Coco. And this was useful to her in order to prove to him, who abandoned her to an indifferent man with a mediocre fate, that she exists and she is worthy of love. By the way, they never met their father again.


Coco spent two years after her native monastery in another boarding school, after which she was assigned to work in a bridal goods store in the city of Moulins.

Having quickly gained trust from the store's customers, she took small orders home. But the dream of becoming an artist brought her to the stage of the Rotunda cafe, where she performed popular songs and gained her first fame and the attention of men.

Word of the young singer quickly spread throughout the small soldier's town. And the lively orphan was miserably kicked out of her decent position in the store.


The meeting with Etienne Baysan opened the door to another world. A military man, an aristocrat by birth, he had a huge inheritance and a glorious character. Their relationship began in that very “Rotunda”.

Having moved to his country house, the young provincial girl gained access to, but never became, Etienne’s legal companion.

When Gabrielle Chanel, whose photo in her youth is presented to your attention in the article, decided to open an atelier, Baysan refused her a loan, but provided her with his Parisian apartment for these purposes.

Despite the warm relationship, Etienne never confessed his love and was not eager to get married. His feelings flared up when his mistress left for another. The other was his closest friend.

The battle

Arthur Capel, known to his friends as "Boy", was an orphan, but managed to create a fortune and was accepted into high society. With him, Coco realized that you don’t have to be born rich - you can become one. Thanks to Boy, she began her career as an entrepreneur.

He gave money for the workshop. He lent them, because only on such a condition did the proud milliner accept them. So, in 1910, the first Chanel brand boutique appeared in Paris. At first there were hats, but later it was filled with other creations of the novice couturier.

In 1913, with Arthur's money, a second store was opened in the resort town of Deauville. With the arrival of the Germans in France in 1914, many wealthy refugees ended up in Deauville. Gabrielle was able to repay all her debts to Capel and open another boutique in Biarritz, where her march across Europe began.

Meanwhile, Etienne and Arthur shared Coco for a whole year. At this time she was calmly going about her business. Capel understood that this was a truly independent woman, and did not even try to make her his wife.

Fight remained the main love of her life. In 1919 he died in a car accident. The one who gave her everything again made her experience a terrible feeling from childhood - complete emptiness and loneliness.

Gabrielle Chanel: personal life

Life went on. In 1920, Koko meets Dmitry Pavlovich Romanov, the Grand Duke and cousin of the last Russian Tsar. He is young, good-looking and unmarried. Their short relationship helps her forget about her grief.

The Duke of Westminster was the richest man in England at that time. He arranged shows for her in London, without which there was no hope for success in Paris. Coco admitted that only with him did she feel protected and weak. He was able to replace her father. To marry her, the Duke divorced for three years, but due to the impossibility of having an heir from Gabrielle, they still separated.

Paul Iribe is a talented artist and sculptor. He was the first and last man they actually intended to marry. He died in the hospital after suffering a heart attack in her arms. It happened during a tennis match, shortly before the scheduled wedding. After his death in 1935, Chanel could not sleep peacefully for many years.

In the fall of 1940, she began dating a German citizen, Hans Gunther von Dinklage. No one approved of this connection. Of course, Coco didn't care about anyone. Thanks to her relationship with Hans, she is expelled from the country, he follows her. But the family did not work out again, and at this point Chanel stopped looking for happiness in love, completely devoting herself to work.


By the 40s, Gabrielle Chanel, whose photo you see in the article, had five stores on Rue Cambon in Paris. With the fascist occupation, they closed them all. During the war, she moved in Nazi circles, because only they could buy her goods then. But it should be noted that, having a commercial interest, she never thought about political revolutions.

Towards the end of the war, arrests of collaborators began - Coco was also interrogated. They say that before entering the station she said: “If I’m gone for a long time, call Churchill.” She was not arrested, but for her association with the Nazis she was strongly advised to leave France.

She could never forgive her Motherland for this. After spending 9 years of exile in Switzerland, Chanel bequeathed to be buried there.


In 1954, 15 years after the House closed, she returned. But the sensation ended in failure - the public did not accept the collection. Chanel was tearing and throwing. She could not give up the championship to Dior, whose new look was appreciated by Parisians for its pomp, deliberate decorativeness and bright colors. Coco has always promoted discreet luxury and dreamed not of seasonal style, but of noble classics.

With gloomy frenzy, she set about creating a second collection and emerged victorious. She achieved recognition, displacing the men who reigned at the fashion Olympus at that time.

Coco rose to never leave the catwalk again. She brought comfort, beauty and elegance back into fashion. Her style is an eternal classic, a sign of good taste, a hymn to simplicity and luxury, the freedom to be yourself.


On January 11, 1971, while getting ready for work, she felt unwell. The ampoule with the usual drug did not give in; only the maid could open it. But the injection didn't help. She died of a heart attack in her home at the Ritz Hotel in Paris. This was the first day of her life when she did not go to work.

Russian trace in the life of Chanel

What “Russian trace” did the famous Coco Chanel leave? Here are some facts:

  • Based on the Russian men's shirt, Coco came up with a blouse that has become a business classic among French women.
  • The imperishable scent of Chanel No. 5 is the development of Moscow perfumer Ernest Beaux.
  • I came up with the bottle myself, using a bottle of Russian vodka donated by Romanov as a basis.
  • Diaghilev’s first “Russian Seasons” in Europe were paid for by Coco.
  • When the Russian Ballet does not have enough money to pay for Diaghilev’s funeral in Venice, she will again take it upon herself.
  • Her house was a refuge for the immigrated Russian intelligentsia.

Little known facts

Interesting facts from the life of Coco Chanel:

  • Being nearsighted, all my life I was embarrassed by glasses and carried them in my bag.
  • During sea ​​cruise The Duke of Westminster gave her a rare emerald. After admiring the stone in an expensive setting, she threw it into the water.
  • Only after her death did the world learn that Chanel had reduced her age by 10 years.
  • Since 1935, after the death of Paul Iriba, she began taking injections of the semi-legal drug “Sedol” and did them until the end of her life. Chanel assured that she uses this medicine only once a day.
  • At the suggestion of the Romanovs, she used cheap labor in the workshops - refugees from Russia.
  • The signature black toe on light shoes is her way of visually shortening her size 40 feet with a height of 169 cm.
  • One of the first to suggest famous people advertise your brand by donating promoted products.

This is Gabrielle. Someone will envy her, someone will admire her... In any case, there is someone to follow as an example...

An amazing success story of a female entrepreneur, a famous French fashion designer and stylist, who rose from the very bottom of society to the heights of world fame and incredible success.

The biography of Coco Chanel can serve as an example of what with perseverance and self-confidence you can achieve what is at first glance unattainable. Coco Chanel, whose quotes express deep thoughts, was an interesting conversationalist.


Coco Chanel was born in a shelter for the poor in Saumur in 1883. Eugenia Jeanne Devol and Albert Chanel had her second daughter born out of wedlock. The future celebrity's real name was Gabrielle Bonheur Chanel, which the girl received in honor of the nurse who delivered the girl's mother. An interesting fact is that Coco herself deliberately shortened her years by giving her date of birth 10 years later.

The biography of Gabrielle's early life contains bitter pages. Orphaned at the age of twelve, the girl soon received a second “slap in the face from fate”: their father left them, five children. And soon the relatives get rid of them by handing over the children to an orphanage.

The years of life spent within the walls of the monastery orphanage can hardly be called happy... But it was they who taught the girl perseverance, patience, and hard work. There Gabriela decided that if fate did not want to give her at least a drop of happiness, she would ensure that she received it in full, to the brim. The life story of Coco Chanel is a vivid example of what a woman who sets a goal can achieve.


The biography of Chanel in her youth is much more interesting, filled with quests. Immediately after leaving the walls of the monastery orphanage, the girl went to work in a small shop as an assistant to a lingerie seller, but in her free time she worked on the cabaret stage as a dancer and singer. Chanel failed to become a celebrity in these arts, but the name Coco stuck with her forever. And it is from her performances in the cabaret that her personal, intimate life begins.

Etienne Balzan, an officer and not a poor man, falls in love with a 22-year-old young singer and invites her to live with her. Coco Chanel has a new chapter in her biography, the title of which is “Life as a Mistress.” She agrees and moves into his luxurious Parisian mansion.

Needless to say, life in comfort and prosperity initially delighted her. But Coco Chanel, not used to inaction, began to get bored. And she decides to become a milliner. And the role of a kept woman no longer seems so attractive to Gabriela.


Balzan did not take Coco’s desire seriously, since there were plenty of milliners in Paris even without Chanel. But the girl was already burning with this desire.

And having met a man who understands Chanel and promises to help her open her store, Coco leaves her former partner and goes to live with Arthur Capel, an English industrialist who in 1910 helps her open a hat shop. The biography of Chanel the entrepreneur begins with this store. I wonder what this store is still in operation today.

Chanel's early years brought her fame. Clutches - small rectangular bags on a chain - owe their birth to Coco's forgetfulness. An excerpt from her quote reads:

“I keep losing purses and purses! Besides, they are very uncomfortable to hold in your hands all the time!”

The history of the famous perfume “Chanel No. 5” has only an indirect relation to Chanel herself. After all, they were created by the Russian emigrant perfumer Ernest Beaux in 1921. Having fallen under the spell of the already mature, but so attractive Coco, he invited her to choose the perfume she liked among 24 samples. The woman chose the fifth scent, which got its famous name.

Coco herself treated perfume with almost reverence. An excerpt from a quote from a female fashion designer says that the scent trail trailing behind a lady will accompany the image she created, sometimes playing a primary role in this matter.

Little black dress

History of origin unique model dresses, according to researchers of the biography of Gabriela-Coco Chanel, are connected with the love story of this amazing woman. Throughout her life, men fell in love with this most interesting woman, but Chanel never managed to tie the knot. Coco was very worried about the death of Arthur Capel. Quotes from her speeches reveal the depth of a woman’s feelings.

“He is the greatest success of my life! He discovered something unique in me and taught me how to develop it at the expense of the rest,” she said about Arthur.

But society considered it shameful to mourn for a person whose marriage was not registered. And Coco came up with the idea interesting model outfit - the smallest black dress, which is still fashionable today.

It can be worn during the day, in the evening, and on holidays. But the most important thing in this outfit was to change accessories depending on the purpose of the garment.

Thus, in the biography of Coco Chanel, personal life and business, love and creativity were intertwined.

Wise sayings from celebrities

Many Chanel quotes are truly philosophical thoughts out loud. For example, the phrase: “You shouldn’t waste your time beating a wall, cherishing the hope of hollowing out a door in it - isn’t it better to look for other ways to apply your strength?”

Many of the woman's quotes are related to her great love. “Love should mobilize a person, add wings and courage to him!” But not only tender feelings help human achievements, says Gabriel. The following quotes can be confirmed: “Only those who are unaware of the inevitability or even the possibility of defeat can achieve success” and “A person must be the master of his will, but always remain a servant of his conscience.”

It seemed that time had no power over the appearance of the first female fashion designer, famous to this day. She blossomed every day. Her beauty motto was quotes: “Simple food and good dream at open windows, getting up early and working hard will help create vigor of spirit and body. You shouldn't stay up late - there is nothing valuable in night vigils at social parties. Night sleep good sleep is more valuable than entertainment” and “A woman may be born ugly. But if she remains like this after 30 years, it means she is either incredibly stupid or terribly lazy.”

Gabriel's sense of humor can be the envy of today's comedians. Just look at the quotes about champagne, which Coco supposedly can drink only for two reasons: either when she is in love, or when, on the contrary, she is not in love.

If you carefully read Coco Chanel’s quotes, you can understand that she believes that the main thing in fate is not providence and chance, but constant work on oneself.

Another love affair

The story of her next love is connected with the war, when the woman stopped her business. But in 1940, her nephew Andre Palace was captured. And Coco Chanel, in whose personal life there was a lull during this period, goes to her friend Hans Gunther von Dinklage, who is an attaché at the German embassy. The result of this trip was Andre's release and a love affair with Baron Dinklage.

The end of the war brought troubles to Coco: they remembered her contacts with the Germans, declared her an accomplice of the Nazis and arrested her. However, on Churchill’s advice, the woman was soon released with an offer to leave France. She moved to Switzerland, where she lived until 1953.

Interesting and eventful in the success story of Coco Chanel were the years of life in adulthood. At the age of 71, Gabriel decides to return to the world of fashion and releases his new collection. However, it turns out that the world has already forgotten the talented fashion designer. And only three seasons later, fans again placed Chanel Gabriela-Coco on the “pedestal of worship.”

Now the fashion designer presents in his collections not only clothes, hats and handbags, but also jewelry, as well as luxury shoes. And again Chanel, as in her youth, is a stunning success!

Last years of life

In the fifties and sixties, Chanel dressed Hollywood stars the highest level. These are Liz Taylor, Audrey Hepburn. The success story of a female fashion designer is once again reaching its apogee. And now there is even a Broadway musical called “Coco”, where the role of Gabrielle was played by Katharine Hepburn. Through the lips of the actress, quotes belonging to Gabrielle are uttered from the stage - they are original, and sometimes even creative. For example, quotes such as “I don’t like long men’s jackets - I can’t watch how a man treats me during a conversation...” are pearls of ironic content.