Debertz is a card game. There are varieties of Deberts: clabor and belot; classic and team Deberts.

Deberts: rules of the game

The game uses 32 cards (a small deck of cards without sixes). Two, three or four people can take part in the game. When playing with four players, you can play as a couple (deberts for 2) or for yourself. The game is played in one hand, up to 301, up to 501 or up to 1001 points. The goal of the game is to be the first to score the required number of points.

The dealer in the first hand is determined by lot (when playing on the site - randomly). This is often done as follows. The deck is removed, after which the participants take turns taking cards from the top of the deck. The one who draws the ace becomes the dealer on the first deal. The dealer shuffles the deck and lets the player sitting on the right remove it. Each player is dealt six cards - twice three. The top card of the remaining part of the deck is turned over and placed on the table or on top of the deck, face up. When playing with four players, not three, but two cards are dealt, and the inverted card goes to the player (or the dealer - the parameters can be changed when submitting an application), while the order of the deal (to the left of the dealer) is preserved. Trading takes place in two circles. On the first round, the dealer's opponents can order a game in the suit of the inverted card, or, as they say, according to the first trump card, saying "I'm playing." He can also pass, then exactly the same choice is given to the dealer himself. If the dealer also passes, a second round of betting occurs.

The first word again goes to the player sitting to the left of the dealer (“on the move”). But now he can independently choose a trump suit and order a game in it. At the same time, it is no longer possible to assign a suit as a trump card, which is the suit of the “first trump” and was rejected in the first round of betting. If the player again does not want to play in any of the remaining suits, he again says “pass”. At the same time, the dealer must now play one of the remaining suits.

If one of the players ordered a game of Debertz download, it makes no difference whether it is the first trump card or another suit, each player is dealt three more cards, all three at once, with the player to the left of the dealer receiving the first cards. Thus, each player will have nine cards in his hands (eight in a 4-player game). After this, the bottom card is taken from the deck and placed on top, face up, so that the card that determines the suit of the first trump card is visible. Often this is done by simply turning the entire deck over and placing it on the first trump card, leaving part of the latter available for viewing.

Before his first move, any player has the right (but not the obligation) to perform two operations (when creating an application, you can either enable or disable these parameters):

How to play debertz

After the end of the trading process, the process of ordering combinations begins.


Combinations in Deberc

Name Number of points View (example) Note
20 points Three cards in a row of the same suit
(half a ruble)
50 points Four cards in a row of the same suit
20 points Queen and King (trump)
Afterbirth 10 points - Goes to the one with the last bribe
100 points Six cards in a row of the same suit
Victory Seven cards in a row of trump suit through Ace

* hundred does NOT EXIST on the site.

Combination seniority

If several players have the same combinations, then the highest combination is considered to be the one consisting of cards of the highest value.

  • Any fifty-kopeck piece is older than any tertz (this means that a player who has a fifty-kopeck piece in his hand will (probably) be able to score points for it at the end of the game, even if the other player has three tertz in his hands. The latter simply will not count).
  • Bella - does not participate in the auction.
  • Debertz - the player who announced this combination immediately wins the game.

This is the basis. The question arises: “How are opponents’ identical combinations counted?” On the site it is possible in the game options to choose how the same combinations will be played, namely:

  1. along the way, the combination of the one who sits first to the left of the dealer will play (if the dealer and any player have the same combination, then the dealer’s combination plays);
  2. by suit, the trump combination will play. If the combinations are not trump, then none will play;
  3. the afterbirth, the combination of the one who takes the last trick (afterbirth) will be played. If no one took the afterbirth (from those who play combinations), then both combinations do not play.

When playing for a pair (team debertz), all combinations of partners whose pair has the highest combination in their hands are played.

Combination applications

To get points for a combination, it is not enough just to announce it. It may happen that your opponents will also have their own combinations in their hands. In this case, combinations, no matter how many there are, can pass, i.e. be counted only for the player who has the highest of the others, even if he only has one, and his opponents hold two or three combinations. On the Debertz website for free this happens automatically; when playing live, if several players have combinations, they find out whose is higher as follows:

Let’s say the dealer’s opponent, making the first move, announces “terz”. If the dealer does not have any combinations in his hands, he says “pass” and asks for a tertz to be announced. At the same time, he must first also make his move. The player who declared the tertz says from what card value his tertz begins - for example, “tertz from jack.” Thus, during the game, his opponent has information about all the cards included in the combination of the player who announced them. If the dealer also has a tertz, he asks “height?”, after which he also makes a move. The dealer does not have the right to ask the height of the opponent’s third only if he himself holds only a non-trump third from nine, which is obviously younger than any other third, while he also says “pass” and asks to announce the third. If a player has several combinations in his hands, then first he announces only one, the highest one. Having found out that she is passing, he announces to everyone else.

In addition to terts and fifty kopecks, another combination is also involved in the game - bella. It represents the Queen and King of trumps and is worth twenty points. Bella does not in any way affect the announcement of a terza or a fifty-kopeck piece, i.e., for example, you can declare a tertz or a fifty-kopeck piece from an ace of trump, as well as a bella. The player announces Bella by making a move with one of the cards (Queen or King), but not necessarily on the first move, i.e. he can play the Queen or King trick without notifying the opponent about the presence of the second Bella card, but when he plays with this second card, he must declare Bella if he wants to score points for it. Of course, he may not do this (depending on the current situation). According to the rules of the site, the bella is credited to the person who showed up even if he did not take a bribe for either the Queen or the King (the only condition is that there must be any bribe, even a “dummy”, otherwise a ski is recorded). “Dummy” is a bribe worth 0 points.

In classic Debertz, the player who plays goes first (rules on the website). The card that is placed second in the trick must match the suit of the move - it must be placed in the suit. If the player does not have cards of this suit, he places a trump card - it is mandatory to hit with a trump card. Only if he has neither cards in the move suit nor trump cards, can he discard any of the cards in his hand. If the move is made from a trump card, the opponent must put down a higher trump card, if he has one - it is mandatory to interrupt the trump card (when playing team deberets (for a couple), it is mandatory to interrupt the opponent’s trump card, but there is no partner). The bribe is taken by the player who puts into it the highest card in the suit of the move, or the highest trump card. The seniority of cards is determined by their value, and the values ​​of cards in the trump and non-trump suits differ. The cost of the cards is shown in the tables below.

Play Debertz for free after registration. Download classic and team Debertz for free without registration.

Card seniority

The player who took the bribe makes the first move on the next one. In this way, the game continues until all nine tricks have been played (or eight when playing with 4). In this case, there is a bonus for the last bribe, called the “afterbirth”. The player who takes the afterbirth receives ten points. At the end of the drawing, points are counted, and specifically for combinations, for afterbirth and for points in tricks.

Scoring in Debertz

Debertz players count their points for free one by one, and first they count points for combinations, for last, as well as for jack and nine trump - these points are called “words”. Next, the player places his cards on the table one at a time, face down, while simultaneously summing up their value. When he reaches a jack or nine trump, the second time he, of course, doesn’t count them, but says “I’ll pass.” Once both players' points are tallied, they are compared. If a player scores more points than his opponents, then each of them is credited with the number of points they scored. If the player scores fewer points than one of the opponents, then they say that he hit the byte. In this case, all the points are recorded for himself by the player who has the most points - both his own and the player’s points.

If the player and his opponent have scored an equal number of points, this situation is called a “dangling byte” (DB, “eggs”). In this case, the player’s opponent writes down all his points, but the player does not write down anything - his points “freeze” until the end of the next deal. The one who scores more points in the next hand gets the stuck points. If in the next deal a BB occurs again, the player’s points hang again, until the end of the third deal, and the points of the first hanging byte still remain hanging. Sometimes they play live in a different way: in the immediate next hand they play out the points that hung after the first dangling byte, in the second - the second. However, when playing on a website, the situation with WB is a little different. More about this in the section.

The first player to score the required number of points wins. If, during the calculation, they find out that both have scored the required number of points, the one who scored more wins (site rules). Sometimes they play in such a way that in this situation the player who took the afterbirth is declared the winner. If the points are equal, another deal occurs, after which the players’ total points (or afterbirth) are again considered.

Learn to play Kharkov Deberts, learn to understand the techniques of playing Deberts. Learn the intricacies and secrets of the game of team deberts. Strong opponents will teach you how to play Debertz well and reveal the secrets of the game. You will even learn how to cheat in a game with friends. Play for free with a computer to master all the rules of the game.


On the site, in the classic online Debertz, there are the following penalties, punishable by the removal of points.

This concerns fines according to the site rules. There are other penalties when playing live, such as:

    Pencil rule. It means that the player who has counted and recorded his points puts his cards aside without mixing them with others and puts down a pencil. His opponent(s) have the right to check the record. If an error is discovered by the opponent, the amount of the error is debited from the account of the person making the mistake, and it is also added to the points of the person checking.

    Traditionally, a mistake of 100 points is not penalized. However, if that player happens to be playing and his points are lower than his opponent's, a byte will be announced.

  • False announcement of a combination (byte to the announcer).
  • Having an extra card in hand (byte to the dealer).
  • If the dealer asks about the growth of the opponent’s third, having a obviously unpassable third, or without having either a third or fifty dollars in his hands, then at the moment this circumstance is clarified, the deal is stopped and canceled (byte to the dealer).
  • if the dealer has fifty dollars or a third of the ace of trumps, which is obviously higher than any third of his opponent, he does not ask the height of this third, but immediately announces his combinations. If he asks a question about growth, and then announces his own combination, which is obviously older than the one announced by his opponent, then his combinations will be canceled, and all of his opponent’s announcements will pass - this is the punishment for an illegal question.

Recording points

Recording of scores is traditionally done in pencil. Points can be written either by numbers in the table (as is done on the website) or by special symbols. Live, most often, special characters are used, since their use dramatically increases the speed of recording and counting. There are three main symbols:

Equal to 20 points - equal to 50 points or - equal to 100 points

If there are not enough points to write a symbol into the table, the player can write them above (-) or below (+) - these are the so-called “small points”. For example, if a player scores 36 points, he writes down two sticks and 4 on top (that is, 40-4). Record 68 points – three sticks and 8 on the bottom (that is, 20*3+8), or a circle, a stick and 2 on top (that is, 50+20-2). There is a recording rule according to which - if there are good ones, there are no bad ones, that is, you cannot simultaneously have small points in the pros and cons in the record. To show that the entry for “small points” is not relevant, it is enough to cross it out. Once a player has put down the pencil (or given it to another player), he does not have the right to pick it up again and add points to his table. The pencil rule is activated.
An example of recording a game with up to 1001 special symbols (when you score 500 points, you can put a line to make it easier to count points “by eye”):


  • If in the final hand (that is, the hand after which one, both or more players score the required number of points) one of the opponents has a BB, then another deal will occur, and the result of the game will be counted to the one who has the greater number after this hand. points.
    When playing live there should be - if the BB is to the one who is playing and he “closes”, another deal occurs. If the BB goes to any other player, and any player or the one whose obligation closes, the game ends.
  • If a player has played two WBs, then the points for the first WB will be counted to him (on the second deal), and the points of the second WB will be played on the third deal.
    When playing live, it should be that the player’s points hang again, until the end of the third deal, and the points of the first hanging byte still remain hanging. Or in another way: in the immediate next hand the points hanging after the first dangling byte are played out, in the second - the second one.

There is no need to download Debertz for free, since the game takes place in your browser window. You can play Debertz for free with friends without registration.

History of the origin of Debert

There are several versions of the origin of the game:

  • Some believe that debertz was the final stage of the tertz game, invented in late XIX centuries in the convict prisons of Sakhalin and Siberia, which later became an independent game.
  • It is believed that Debertz originated in Jewish communities in the 30s of the 20th century.
  • It is believed that Debertz appeared in the 70s of the 20th century.

Whatever it was, the fact remains that this game appeared in our country in the seventies of the last century and quickly gained enormous popularity. Now you can play it on a computer, download it to Android, iPhone, Java or a flash game via Bluetooth.

Deberts has Moscow and Kharkov rules, as well as some variations related, in particular, to fines and punishments. However, it should be noted that from the point of view of the rules, Debertz is one of the games with stable and precise rules in all regions of the country, and variations on the theme do not affect the essence and strategy of the game, as is typical, for example, for varieties of preference.

On the website, the rules of Debertsa represent a symbiosis of the Moscow and Kharkov varieties of the game with the addition of some variations and the ability to adjust several game parameters.

Deberets terms

  • Bolt - ski (game without bribes, BVZ).
  • Manela is the trump nine.
  • Throw-kill - a requirement for the opponent to first put down a card, and only after that show the announced combination.
  • Cutter, Candle - the bottom card of the remaining deck.
  • Juss is the trump jack.

Debertz is a popular card game that has won the appreciation and love of many fans of gambling card games. Today, anyone can play Debertz online without registering on Internet servers.

Depending on what type of game of Debertz the user prefers, the rules, penalties and agreements between players vary. When playing Debertz online, the player can customize the rules and game options to suit his habits, abilities or playing skills.

Our system allows you to play with live players from all over the world, you can really play with real person to Debertz via the Internet.

Game scheme

Debertz is played by two to four people. A small deck is used, including cards from 7 to Ace of four suits. Each card has its own value and determines the size of points: for cards from seven to nine they give 0 points, then the number of points is distributed according to seniority - jack, queen and king are awarded from 2 to 4 points, respectively, an ace is worth 11 points, and a ten is equal to itself (10 points).

The value of cards in the trump suit has been increased, and the rank of cards has been changed.

  • The most valuable card of the trump suit is the jack - 20 points;
  • A nine counts as 14 points;
  • The point values ​​of Ace, Queen, Seven and Eight remain the same.

Rules of the game in Deberts

Users of the online game Debertz are dealt six cards. The last cards remain on the playing table, and the top card turned upside down determines the trump suit. The player can accept this random choice of trump or pass, then the dealing player can choose his own trump. If the players agree to this trump card, the game process. With a mutual pass from all participants, the cards are re-dealt, the top trump card changes, thus starting a new round of the game. After the second deal and a new trump card, the players are dealt three more cards from the deck and then they operate with 9 cards.

If there is a trump seven, the player can exchange it for a trump card, determined by the dealer and placed on top of the deck of cards.

The game progresses with one card from each player, in the suit of the previous card, or you need to beat the first card laid out with your trump card. All trump cards must be covered by other players.

In the process of making moves, they announce the availability card combinations: tertz or bertz. The tertz combination includes three cards of the same suit, standing in a row in the deck; the tertz is four cards, one after the other, of the same suit in the deck.

Conducting scoring

When the drawing is completed, players begin to count the points earned, summing up the points for each card, plus 10 points are added for the last trick and the cost of the declared combinations. A tertz is worth 20 points, and having a combination of tertzes is worth 50 points.

The winner takes all points earned. If the opponents have an equal result, the points of the dealing player are awarded to the winner of the next round, and the points of the playing opponent are recorded in his table.

Variations of the game

Depending on the type of Debert, players can play without a trump card, taking into account the usual rank of cards. The game continues until the player scores 501 or 1001 points; players agree on winnings in advance.

How to play Debertz online

After loading the game interface, you will have access to a section with all the games that we have on this moment. Select the "Card Games" section or click on the "Quick Start Game" button.

After this, you will be taken to a page where you can create a table, join the game or watch other people play. All the buttons necessary for this are located at the bottom of the interface.

To play Debertz without registration, you need to log in through one of the available social networks; this is the easiest and most effective way.

You can also play in guest mode without registering. To do this, click “Login as a guest”, but keep in mind that in this case some functionality of the system will be limited.

This card game will be interesting for a company consisting of 2-4 people; if the number is maximum, then you can play pair-on-pair. It turns out that players located opposite each other become partners. There are 32 cards in the deck, from 7 to Ace. At first, everyone receives only 6 cards, another one is revealed, taking into account the standard rules. Playing Debertz online, you will understand that the trump card is determined in 2 circles. First, the first word is given to a random player, then everyone expresses their opinion. The initial candidate for trump card will be the revealed card, so you can agree with it or refute such a proposal.

When the word “pass” is said, the choice passes to the second player; if he is not satisfied with the state of things, “pass” is heard again. Accordingly, if none of the opponents agrees, this suit will not be counted, and in the second round it will be possible to assign a new suit. After this, all players again receive 3 cards. The drawings also take place in stages, players open combinations, what they have in their hands, whose cards it will be is determined in computer mode, then the process itself begins, which consists of the guys taking bribes. On our website you can play Debertz online without registration (to do this, you can log in through any social network), all games take place with live players.

The rules of bribes are extremely simple, the same suit is placed on a certain suit, suddenly not available options, you need to use your trump card. If both are missing, any card should be given, and then the highest card will take the trick.

When visiting online games in Debertz, do not forget that if someone has a trump 7 in their hands, they can exchange it for a revealed trump, but only before the first move. If a participant throws a trump card, it must be beaten with the highest card of the same suit. Plus, don’t forget that the seniority of the classic and trump type cards is different. Counting can be done directly during the game; points directly for combinations are credited only at stake.

Total points are calculated by summing the announced combinations, as well as the value of the cards taken during the game. If someone gets the last trick, in other words, the afterbirth, he gets another 10 points. When a player has a minimum of points, he will have to give them to his opponent, this situation is called a “bid”. Once you earn 3 bids, you lose 100 points.

Nowadays, there is no exact information about how Deberts appeared; there are several versions. It is a popular belief that the game gained popularity at the beginning of the 20th century, it was preferred by convicts who served time on Sakhalin Island. Initially, it looked like the final stage of a game of tertz; later the action grew into individual entertainment.

There is an opinion that Debertz appeared in European communities and became popular in the 30s of the 20th century; exact data is not available. Nowadays, this game has gained unprecedented popularity; even card game professionals like it. There are Moscow and Kharkov versions, plus other variations that differ in minor nuances, fines and punishments. At the same time, the peculiarity is that stable rules apply in any of the regions, and variations should be considered as well-thought-out game strategies; this is typical for such entertainment as

Debertz game is a card game based on bribes. The game can be played by 2 to 4 people. It is accepted that the game is designed for 2 players, but due to the fact that the game began to be played at a non-commercial level, game options for 3 and 4 players appeared.

Rules of the game of Deberts

The game uses a deck of 32 cards (from 7 to Ace). The goal of the game is to score 501 (small game) or 1001 points (large game) faster than your opponent for a certain number of games in the game. Each card has its own value.

Cards of non-trump suit:

  • Jack– 2 points
  • Lady– 3 points
  • King– 4 points
  • 10 – 10 points
  • Ace– 11 points
  • 7,8,9 – 0 points
  • Trump suit cards:

  • Lady– 3 points
  • King– 4 points
  • 10 – 10 points
  • Ace– 11 points
  • 9 – 14 points
  • Jack– 20 points
  • 7,8 – 0 points
  • An important role in the game is played by the presence of combinations on hands:

  • Tierce
  • Deberts (Berc)
  • Bella
  • Some rules use other combinations:

  • Tierce(three cards of the same suit in a row) – 20 points.
  • Half a ruble(five cards of the same suit in a row) – 50 points.
  • Deberts(7 trump cards of the same suit in a row) – if there are in hand, then the player automatically wins the game.
  • Bella(trump queen and king) – 20 points.
  • Tertz, Deberts, Fifty can only be announced during the first two tricks. If the opponent has a higher combination, then your combinations are canceled. The higher combination is the one with the higher tower, plus any combination with trump cards is higher than any non-trump one. For combinations to be counted into the total score, you need to take at least one trick. Combinations are announced on the highest card. For example: “I have a trump third, the tower is a jack,” that is, I have nine, ten, a jack and all trumps in my hands. The procedure for announcing combinations is quite consistent. First, the player says that he has a combination in his hands (for example, tertz), the other player either says that he would highlight his combination (if he himself does not have one) or asks for a tower to equalize with his own. But if he has a higher combination than tertz, then he simply shows his. If the combinations are equal, the one whose owner highlighted first is higher.

    Players are dealt 6 three cards at the start of the game. The rest of the deck is placed in the middle of the table, and under it is the top card from the deck (face down). This is the trump card. Next, the player sitting first to the left of the dealer says whether he is playing trump. If he doesn’t play, then the next one is asked. And so two circles until the last player (the one who dealt the cards). The latter is obliged to play if he plays with obligation. If there is no obligation, the cards are thrown into the deck, shuffled and all over again. On the second round, the player can play any suit except trump. After the determination, the game continues by distributing three more cards to each person. The trump card is the suit that is played. A person who has a trump seven in his hand can exchange it for the trump card that is under the deck. The player begins the drawing of bribes by placing one of the cards on the table. The rest put either a trump card in the suit (if there is none in the suit), or another card (if there is no trump card or in the suit). The one who has the higher card in terms of points takes it, only any trump card is higher than any non-trump card, and if not in the suit and both are not trump, then the one who entered first takes it. After the end of the drawing, points are counted, including 10 points for the last trick, the so-called afterbirth.

    The game points are summed up, and the player who is the first to score what the game declared wins. maximum amount eyes. If a player does not take a single point, he has XB. XB in the game and minus one hundred points from the total score. If the player who played the suit lost, he has a byte. Three bytes and also minus 100 points. Any fraud or malfunctions in the game are punishable by certain fines. Having an extra card on hand, missing cards, false announcements and playing with an inappropriate card are punishable by a byte.

    Deberts for money

    Debertz is often played for fun. But on a commercial level debertz for money. There are two options for playing for money. One of them is based on the total bet per game. The one who wins the game based on the results of the games played is the winner. Another option is based on the difference in points after each game. In this case, each point is evaluated before the game. And the difference in points between the winner and the loser is paid out to the losers in the form of money. Certain conditions are also stipulated. For example, if the difference in points is more than half the game maximum, then the amount is doubled, etc.

    Number of players: 2, 3, 4
    Card seniority:in the trump suit - 7, 8, D, K, 10, T, 9, V; in the non-trump suit - 7, 8, 9, V, D, K, 10, T.
    Purpose of the game: be the first to score 501 points or more.
    Rules of the game. Great game In my opinion. I often play it online. The game is intellectual and, without the simplest analytical abilities, it will be difficult to win; a random win is almost impossible.

    There are several opinions about the origin of the game:

    Some believe that the Debertz card game appeared in Russia in the mid-70s XX century;

    Others believe that she appeared among the convicts of Sakhalin at the beginning XX century and after it became widespread throughout Russia;

    It is believed that Debertz appeared in Jewish communities and was very popular in the 30s XXcentury;

    Some believe that Debertz comes from Scotland, where it is called Bela;

    I heard that Odessa residents say that they invented this game.

    Deberts has a large number of options and arrangements: Moscow Deberts, Kharkov Deberts, Odessa Deberts (Klabor), Deberts with agreements, etc. Today, many sites offer to play Deberts online, over the network or by mobile phone, onlysuch applications either do not have or have few settings, which does not allow them to show all the delights of this game.

    First, let's describe the rules of the game in Deberts according to Moscow rules , since these rules are considered classical, and all other variants of the game are derived from it. Then we will consider all the remaining varieties.

    Moscow Deberts

    Played by 2 or 3 players. The game is played to 501 points. The game consists of several hands and continues until one of the players scores 501 or more points. Dealing consists of several stages: dealing cards, trading, playing cards, counting points.

    Dealing cards. The first dealer in the hand is determined by lot; in the next deal, the player who gets the cards deals the cards. greatest number points in the previous deal (in some companies, cards are dealt one by one). The deck is carefully shuffled, removed and each player is dealt 6 cards, 3 cards at a time. The remaining deck is placed in the center of the table, closed. The top card of the deck is revealed and placed perpendicular to open form under the remaining deck (like a fool) This the so-called potential trump card with which players will agree to play or not play.

    Trade. After the cards are dealt, trading begins, which can consist of two stages.

    First stage. Starting with the player to the left of the dealer and further clockwise, each player, based on his cards, announces his consent to play with the trump card that was revealed when dealt, saying “I play” or to refuse the game by saying the word “pass”. If the player agreed to play, then the players are dealt cards and the drawing begins; if he said a pass, then the same right goes to the next player clockwise. In the event that there is not a single player who would agree to the game and everyone says pass, then the second stage of trading begins. With appropriate agreement between the players, provided that one of the players has agreed to play, and one of the players has If he has a seven trump card in his hand, he has the right to replace it with a trump card.

    Second phase. Starting with the player to the left of the dealer and further clockwise, each player has the right to declare any other suit trump, calling this suit, for example, “hearts” or saying “pass”. If the player has chosen a different trump suit, then the cards are dealt to the players and the drawing begins; if the player said a pass, then the same right goes to the next player clockwise. If all players refuse to play, then the cards are collected from the table and transferred for a new deal to the next player in a clockwise direction. There is a variant of the game called “with obligation”, when if everyone says pass at the second stage of betting, then the dealer must choose a trump suit and play, and there is no new deal of cards. If one of the players has chosen a trump card, then the other players say that he is “playing” and call such a player “playing”.

    Before the cards are dealt. As soon as a player appears during the trading process, the dealer deals 3 more cards to each player from the remaining deck, opens the bottom card from the remaining deck and places it on top of the deck in an open form. This card is called a "cutter" or "candle", it has no meaning other than informational. This rule only applies when playing with two or three players, since it looks different with four players (described when playing with four players).

    Thus, each player has 9 cards before the start of the draw.

    If one of the players has 4 sevens, both before the trade and after it, when the players already have 9 cards, then the player can demand a mulligan by showing the cards to the other players, but only before the first move of the drawing is made.

    Card combinations. After the trade, the drawing of bribes begins. Before the trick is played, the player who goes first can announce the presence of special combinations of cards and receive points for this. A special combination of cards is called a combination. A combination can only be announced after winning a trick or when a player goes first in the game. Another player has the right to beat the announced combination with his own combination if it is higher. As a result, The player who has the highest combination will be awarded points for the combination. In the classic game there are 3 different card combinations:

    Tertz - 3 cards of the same suit in a row, for example, 7-8-9;

    fifty kopecks, berts, half tuna, half tash - 4 cards of the same suit in a row, for example, 7-8-9-10;

    Bella (pronounced with an "e" bella) - trump queen and king (trump marijage).

    The seniority of combinations from youngest to oldest is as follows: tertz, debertz, bella. When considering seniority, the following must be taken into account:

    Any fifty-kopeck piece is older than any tertz. For example, one player announces 2 terzas, and the other announces a fifty-kopeck piece, then the owner of the fifty-kopeck piece scores points for himself, but the owner of two tertzes does not.

    If the same combinations are equal, the combination with higher cards wins, that is, the combination D- TO- T is older than the combination IN- D- TO.

    If the combinations are equal, the trump combination has the advantage.

    In case of equality of combinations, where the cards of the combinations are the same and the combinations are not trump, the advantage goes to the player who announced the combination first, that is, if player A announced a terce and then player B announced a terce and these terces are equal and not trump, then player A becomes the winner.

    Among several equal combinations, the winner is the player who has one of the combinations with higher cards, despite the presence of several lower combinations. For example, player A has 2 terts from a jack, and player B has one tert from a queen and the other from an 8, then player B wins.

    If the opponent does not beat the player's highest combination, then the player can announce all other combinations that are lower than the first announced one. These combinations should not contain a single community card. For example, you cannot declare fifty from an ace and tertz from a jack (trump) at the same time, since the jack is the common card for two combinations. The exception is Bella. Bella can be included in any other combination. Bella is not interrupted by other combinations and does not interrupt other combinations herself.

    Examples. Let's say player A announces a combination of tertzes, and the next player in turn announces the same tertz. Player B asks player A why he has tertz or says “Height?” Player A must name the highest card in his terza. For example, player A has 9-10-B, then he should say "Jack". If the players have several declared tertzes, then the player says the highest card of the highest tertz. If player B has a smaller tertz, then he says “Less” or “Yours”. If player B has a higher third, then he calls his highest card in the combination, if the thirds are equal, then the one who has the trump third wins the announcement, if there are no trump thirds, then the one who announced in the order of cards dealt first wins.

    If player A announced fifty dollars, then the following players no longer announce tertz.

    Tertz and fifty dollars must be declared before the first move. Combinations that were not announced do not count. The player can declare Bella at any time, both before the start of the game and during his first move.

    Prank. After the announcement of the combination or vice versa there were no announcements, the players play tricks. First in the game when playing the first trick The player moves to the left of the dealer. When playing each next trick, be the first The player who takes the previous trick goes. You need to play with one card. The next player clockwise must place a card of the same suit, if there is no such card, then must put down any trump card of his, if there is no such card, then he must put down his any card. If a move is made from a trump card, then it must be interrupted, that is, a trump card must be placed on it highest value, if there is no card of higher value, then you need to put any card of the trump suit, if there is no such card, then you need to put a card of any other suit.

    Scoring. After the end of the drawing, players count points for the cards contained in their tricks.

    Points for bribes
    2 points - jack in a non-trump suit;
    3 points - queen;
    4 points - king;
    10 points - 10;
    11 points - ace;
    14 points - 9 in trump suit;
    20 points - jack in trump suit.

    Thus, for one change ( played game) you can score 162 points, this game is called “one hundred and sixty-second.”

    To the points scored for tricks, players add bonus points for combinations and for the last trick, which is called the “afterbirth”.

    Points for combinations

    10 points - for the last trick;

    20 points - (bella) trump king and queen;
    20 points - (terts) 3 cards of the same suit in a row;
    50 points - (fifty dollars) 4 cards of the same suit in a row.
    If a tertz was announced in the game, then such a game is called “one hundred and eighty-second”, where 20 points per tertz are added to 162 points. Points for terts and fifty kopecks are credited to the player only if he took at least one trick, even without points. Points for bella are always recorded, of course, if it was announced.

    Players record the points they receive in a table. In each hand, the player who declared trump must take more points than his opponent in a two-player game or than both of his opponents in a three-player game. If the player who declared trump took fewer points than his opponent, then his points are added to the opponent’s points, and the player is given a bid (byte), which is designated in the points table by the letter “B”. If the game is played with three players, then the player’s points are recorded to the one of the two opponents who took more points. In case of equality of points, two situations can occur, as follows:

    the player who ordered the game (the player) scored the same number of points with his opponent (two-player game) or with his opponents (three-player game), in this case, the points of this player are recorded separately and are called a “hanging bid”. These points will be received by the player, including the player who ordered the game, who scores the most points in the next hand;

    if the bid took place, but both opponents of the player scored an equal number of points, then in this case the player’s points are also recorded separately and will be received by one of the opponents who will score more points in the next deal; the player who received the bid does not claim these points .

    The game is won when one player is the first to score 501 or more points.

    Errors in the game and penalties. In each player's record there is a "pencil rule" - this is when a player makes a record and does not remove the counted cards from the deck, and then puts down a pencil. If an opponent notices that another player has added extra points, then he points out this error and writes down the difference for himself, and these points are deducted from this player. If there is an error of 100 points, the error is simply corrected without penalty. If a player (except for the player) recorded fewer points than he scored, then the error is also simply corrected without punishment. If the player has recorded fewer points than expected, then a bid is announced. Bydom is also punishable:

    false replay (erroneous card move);

    if you have an extra card in your hands;

    lack of cards in hand;

    false declaration of a combination;

    replacing the trump seven with a cutter (the bottom card of the remaining deck, which is placed on top of the former potential trump card);

    replacing a revealed potential trump card with a seven if the game goes differently.

    False announcement of the end of the game is punishable by immediate loss of the game.

    Agreements in the game

    Trade . By prior agreement between the players, there is a version of the game “with obligation”, when all players after the second round of betting say pass, then the dealer must play and the cards are not mulliganed.

    If one player declares a game with a trump card open during the deal, then any player who has trump seven can exchange it for a trump card open on the table, both before and after the buy-in, but only before the first move (most often before raising the buy-in cards) . The owner of the trump seven may not exchange it.

    Card combinations. Several more combinations are possible, for which points are awarded or victory is given.

    A hundred - 5cards in a row of the same suit, for which 100 points are awarded.

    6seven cards of the same suit, for which the player is awarded victory.

    Prank. Bella can be declared during any of her moves.

    Scoring. There is a variant of the game with two players, when the player needs to score not 501 points, but 301 points to win. When playing with four players, it is possible to play up to 1001 points.

    Fines. Sometimes, for 3 collected bids, a player is given a penalty of -100 points. There is such a thing as a “ski” or “bolt” - when a player does not take a single trick in a hand, a penalty is imposed for this when playing with 2 and 4 (for himself) player -50 points and when playing with 3 and 4 (pair for a couple) at -100 points.

    Note. All of the above agreements apply to Kharkov Deberts, but since they are often added to classical rules games , without calling Deberts Kharkov, so it was decided to highlight them separately. Below, when describing the Kharkov Deberts, they are duplicated.

    Kharkovsky Deberts

    Kharkovsky Deberts (Debchik) is played according to the rules of Moscow Deberts with the following changes in the rules. Moreover, this may not necessarily include all of the agreements listed below; just a few basic ones are enough and it will essentially be a different game, and the number of agreements in the game is determined by the players:

    it is possible to play with four players, including pair-on-pair, sometimes this option is called “Beloid”;

    each subsequent deal is made by the non-winning player, and in turn clockwise the cards must be moved; if the player has not moved the cards, then a bid is written to him. A shift is when, after shuffling the cards, the player who is given this opportunity must divide the deck anywhere into two parts and swap them, thereby protecting the deck from card manipulation;

    3 collected bids may be subject to a fine of -100 points, and a game without bribes may be subject to a fine of -50 points;

    the potential trump card must lie on top of the deck;

    when playing with two people, the cutter (the bottom card of the deck) does not open, so that it is more difficult to play and it is impossible to calculate the opponents’ cards;

    If the dealer is given the opportunity to choose a trump for the second time, then he must name a different suit, that is, which was not a potential trump. Usually this is how the deliverer is driven into “obligation,” that is, into a hopeless situation when the deliverer does not have good cards, and he is obliged to play;

    after the trump card has been determined, the players are dealt not 3, but 4 cards when playing with 2 or 3 players, and 2 cards are dealt when playing with 4 players, thus the entire deck is in the game;

    There are several options for handling a potential trump card:

    1) the player takes it for himself;

    2) it is placed at the bottom of the deck;

    3) it can be exchanged for a seven, but in a game of 4 players it cannot be taken away, the player takes it;

    the debertz combination can be considered differently - 6 or 7 cards of the same suit in a row, these can be trump or non-trump cards. The player who declared and showed debertz receives the maximum points (301, 501, 1001) and wins the game;

    when playing with 4 players, an additional “hundred” combination is introduced into the game - 5 cards of the same suit in a row;

    the seniority of combinations does not depend on the presence of a trump suit in the combination;

    White can be announced only until the moment when the last trick is turned over, that is, until your last move;

    the first move belongs to the player;

    When playing cards, the player has the right to put a trump card or a card of a different suit in response to the first card with which the turn began. In this case, at the end of the game, the player who notices this has the right to take any one trick from this player, but only except for the trick with a trump jack;

    in a 3-player game, the points of the player who received the bid can be divided equally between the other two players, regardless of which of them scored more points;

    the game cannot be ended early with the trump jack. A player who wants to close the game must take any trick after moving the trump jack. If the jack was still the last trick, then the players begin a new deal. If the player does not have enough required quantity points, then all points for the played hands are doubled to the opponent and the game continues;

    In a 4-player game, the obligation may not apply to a teammate.

    Klabor (Odessa Deberts)

    Odessa Deberts is played according to the rules of Moscow Deberts and partially contains the rules of Kharkov Deberts and completely new agreements in the game. Some game terms have been partially changed. Listed below are all the agreements that are used in Odessa Deberts, although it is not necessary to use them all:

    when playing with 4 players, they play in pairs two by two;

    cards are always dealt clockwise in order;

    the first move is always up to the player;

    White is announced only at the moment when the player places a trump queen or a trump king. If a player declares a white and another player takes the bribe, then the points for the white are credited to the player who took the bribe;

    if after the end of all played cards in the hand the player has not taken a single trick, then 100 points are deducted from the player’s account;

    shifting the deck after shuffling the cards is mandatory;

    Dealing of cards always begins with the player to the left of the dealer;

    If the player, after dealing the cards, has less than 2 points in his hands without a buy-in, then a mulligan is announced. Sometimes minimal amount players agree on points before the game;

    if the dealer is given the opportunity to choose a suit a second time, then he is obliged to name another suit, he cannot pass, this rule is called “obligation”;

    if the opponents score an equal number of points, then a “hang” is declared and the next player deals the cards clockwise and the one who chose the trump last time will have to play the suit that comes up when dealt, that is, the trump is not chosen. Terts and poltinas are not declared by anyone; only whites are allowed to be declared. If the player who earned the hang wins this game, then the points are recorded in the usual way with the addition of points last game. If there is a bid, then the opponent will receive points for both games;

    terzas and halfs can be shown in the interval from the cards being dealt until the second trick is turned over;

    if both opponents have the same terts in seniority and both terts are not trumps, then the terts is counted to the one who took the last trick;

    the only card in the ten suit is called “uncovered”, since when entering this suit there is nothing left to do but lay it out;

    there is a concept of “lunging”, when, with a non-trump trick, the player deliberately puts a card of lower value, instead of the ace he has in the same suit, so he saves the highest card so that the next time he plays in this suit he has a chance to pick up a ten, which may turn out to be uncovered ;

    the opponent's trump card is always interrupted;

    when playing with 4 players, the potential trump card always goes to the dealer;

    An additional combination of “clabor” cards can be used; this is 6 cards of the same suit in a row starting with an ace, immediately dealt to the player without additionally dealt buy-in cards. If a player declares a club, then the game is considered to be won by him;

    in the event that a player takes a trick with a trump card, or puts in another suit, provided that he has the suit in his hands with which he was “in”, then a mulligan is announced, and 100 points are deducted from the player’s (players’) account.

    Short Deberts

    This variant of Deberts is played according to the rules of Moscow Deberts with the exception of the following changes to the rules. These changes serve as game options.

    Short Debert: The player who scores the most points wins.
    Short debertz in one hand without a bid for two: the player who scores the most points wins; who ordered the trump card does not matter.
    Short debertz in one hand without a bide for three players: the player who scores the most points wins; who ordered the trump card does not matter.
    Short debertz in one hand with a bid for two: the player who ordered the trump card, in the event of a lower score than his opponent, loses a double bet - the bid is double.
    A short debertz in one hand with a three-way bid: the player who ordered the trump card, in case of winning, receives one “bet” from each player, in case of loss, pays each one “bet”. A bet means a certain number of points.
    A short debertz in one surrender with dave (offer to surrender) together. The player who says "Dave" invites the opponent to surrender for a certain number of points or to play for double the number of these points. The same player does not have the right to make an offer 2 times in a row. If the opponent of the proposing player accepts the offer to increase the bet, then the right to make the next dove belongs to him. If he offers to further increase the bet, then the right to make the next bid again passes to the opponent.
    The increase in the bet is negotiated between the players before the start of the game and can be either an arithmetic or a geometric progression.

    Deberts with fifty dollars

    This version of the game involves following rules in the game: at any time after the opponent has nominated a trump, but before the last three cards are dealt, the player can invite the opponent to write down 50 points without playing. If the gap in the score reaches 250 points, the game will be considered over and the winnings will belong to the player who leads the score.