Since childhood, first our mothers, then our grandmothers, taught us that fruit is good.

It's better than candy and cookies. They don’t make you fat, but they are so beneficial!

A pack of vitamins in each pear or tangerine. This is true - fruits are incredibly healthy and important in dietary nutrition.

At the same time, their calorie content is often prohibitively high, too, and the sugar content causes a sad sigh.

Should you give up a plate of fruit while losing weight and leave it for the period of weight gain?

Of course not. You need to eat everything, but of course, in moderation.

In this article, we have prepared a table of caloric content of fruits, the ratio of BJUs (fat and carbohydrates), as well as several useful recommendations on how to correctly create a fruit menu.

What determines the calorie content of fruits?

This indicator is directly affected by the liquid and sugar content in fruits and berries.

That is why, if you carefully study the table of calorie content of fruits per 100 grams, which we have prepared below, you will see that dried fruits are endowed with the largest number of calories.

During the process of dehydration, they lost almost all moisture, but their caloric intake increased significantly.

You can eat a bowl of fresh cherries, but in the case of dried cherries you will have to limit yourself to a small handful.

It is important to understand that in this case we are talking exclusively about fresh, dry or frozen fruits.

Canned pineapples, for example, which we love so much, during heat treatment not only lose some of their nutrients, but also acquire additional sugar due to sweet syrups.

The more sugar, the more calories

That is why, if your task is to find the ideal fruits for weight loss in the calorie table of fruits and berries, you should pay attention not only to the GI and the number of units, but also to the fact that you need to eat fruits fresh/frozen.

Leave a handful of dried fruits for a snack. We exclude canned compotes from the diet completely during the period of weight loss.

Table of calorie content of fruits in ascending order per 100 g or 1 piece

Table of calorie content of fruits in ascending order

How to eat fruit correctly

“Like dessert,” you say. And this is the main mistake. In addition to useful microelements and, most fruits have a carbohydrate composition.

And if you add a good portion of carbohydrates to traditional cereals, soups, vegetables and other dishes from our diet, you are guaranteed to gain extra inches and have digestive problems.

Unlike protein products, fruits and berries are digested in the duodenum, and not in the stomach.

After a hearty multi-component lunch, the body is simply not able to process several incompatible foods at the same time.

For this reason, the ideal time to consume healthy treats is:

  1. On an empty stomach
  2. One hour before meals
  3. As a stand-alone meal

It is better to eat fruits as an independent meal.

Eat fruits in small quantities, limiting yourself to 1-2 fruits or a serving of up to 300 grams.

This way you are guaranteed to get a lot of nutrients and not gain extra centimeters.

TOP 5 fruits for weight loss

Apple, 52 calories

If you eat an apple raw, fruit acids will provoke the production of hydrochloric acid, and this will end with the urge to eat to your heart's content.

The solution is to eat apples. This way they will give you a feeling of fullness and will not irritate the mucous membranes.

You can't live without baked apples

Orange, 47 calories

Like its citrus counterpart, grapefruit, it contains a lot of dietary fiber and little.

For a low-calorie snack that is also healthy, it is best to eat oranges as a meal on their own.

Grapefruit, 42 calories

Not only is it low in calories, but it also has one of the lowest glycemic indexes among fruits. Sugar from citrus fruit is absorbed very slowly, the fruit contains a lot of fiber.

Nutritionists advise leaving it for that terrible occasion for anyone losing weight, when in the evening you really want to eat half the refrigerator.

Fat-burning grapefruits

Raspberries, 40 calories

Berries are not only rich in calcium, folic acid and vitamin C, but also have the ability to strengthen the walls of blood vessels, which means making workouts more effective.

Plus, raspberries are excellent at breaking down fats.

Watermelon, 38 calories

Another unique summer berry is 80% water. Watermelon cleanses the liver and kidneys, takes care of our genitourinary system.

Thanks to lycopene, it slows down the aging process.

Summer watermelon

TOP 5 calorie content of fruits for weight gain

It would seem that the easiest way is to look at the calorie content table for the most high-calorie fruits and start actively leaning on them if you are an ectomorph (one who is naturally born).

But the task is to build muscle, and not to cover the bones with a layer of fat.

That is why fruits for weight gain also need to be chosen wisely.

Ideal, according to nutritionists, options for muscle growth:

Papaya, 43 calories

Yes, yes, we know what is exotic and where you can find it in our gray apple reality.

Exotic papaya

But! Papaya contains a substance with almost the same name “papain”, which promotes the breakdown of proteins consumed in food.

If you don’t have the opportunity to eat enough of it somewhere in hospitable Pattaya, buy frozen in the supermarket.

Advice: by the way, the calorie content of frozen fruits is much lower than fresh ones, because they contain a higher percentage of water.

Pineapple, 50 calories

Citrus contains lion's dome of bromelain, a substance that improves the process of food digestion.

This means that pineapple helps reduce pain and promotes rapid absorption of protein into muscles.

Irreplaceable pineapple

Berries, average calorie content 60

All berries contain anthocyanins and ellagic acid - antioxidants that prevent inflammation and joint pain.

An additional plus is that all of their types reduce the rate of fat cell production.

Kiwi, 61 calories

What's good about kiwi, besides its ability to strengthen the immune system?

Vitamins A, D, E, which stimulate metabolic processes and support, which is especially important for athletes suffering from myopia or farsightedness.

Such a familiar kiwi

Tip: the kiwi peel contains more antioxidants than the pulp, so the ideal option is to rinse the fruits well, puree them in a blender, and eat without peeling them.

Banana, 89 calories

Firstly, it is a source of energy and easily digestible sugar.

They are rich in potassium and, despite their relatively high calorie content, have a moderate glycemic index.

Carbohydrates from bananas are absorbed slowly, which means they protect against sudden surges in glucose.

The ideal time to take bananas when gaining muscle mass is immediately after a workout.

Avocado, 160 calories

One of the highest calorie fruits in the table in ascending order is avocado - as much as 160 units.

Versatile avocado

But adding it to is one of the main points of proper nutrition.

A source of potassium, monounsaturated and butyric acids that help fight excess fat.

Plus - it helps to better absorb the beneficial components of other products.

Therefore, do not forget to diversify your salads with them both when losing weight and when building muscles.

What do nutritionists think about the fruit calorie table?

Famous American nutritionists and healthy eating specialists Andy Bellattiand Jen Bruning believe that two cups of fruit is the ideal daily norm for any person.

It is important eat a wide variety of foods, from citrus fruits and berries to bananas, because they all provide benefits.

It is also important to try something new - you will certainly add to the list of your taste preferences.

Try different types of fruits

Andy and Jen say thatThe fruits not only contain phytochemicals that have antioxidant properties but also improve human health.

According to a 2017 American study, eating fruit is directly linked to increased psychological well-being in young people.

However, consuming too much fruit can lead to health problems.

While it may seem like the road to wellness is paved with goji berries, it's important to remember that fruit isn't all there is to nutrition.

As Bellatti noted, they are not a rich source of iron or zinc. Overeating fruit can also cause stomach upset.

Separately, it is worth creating a diet for those who suffer and not overusing freshly squeezed juices:

  1. “Fruit juice does not contain fiber and many of its derivative antioxidants , - explains Bellatti.- There is often too much Sahara. A good alternative to freshly squeezed juices are those that preserve all parts of the fruit and at the same time provide a feeling of fullness.”

Less juice, more smoothies

As you can see, the key to the health of our body and proper nutrition is to maintain balance.

Don't give up a few dates just because they seem too high in calories, but don't forget that 10 at a time is too much.

You will learn some useful tips about the fruit calorie table from this video:

Fruits and berries are constant components of a healthy human diet. They need to be consumed regularly, every day. Some varieties of fruits can give health and youth.

Fruits are practically one of the most important foods in the entire diet. You shouldn’t give them up even during a period of weight loss, as they are full of vitamins. fiber and other beneficial substances. Of course, in order to get the maximum benefit from fruits, you need to follow certain rules for their consumption. These rules are not complex and easy to remember:

  • High-calorie fruits are best consumed in the morning or early afternoon. If you really want fruit in the evening, you can indulge in non-sweet varieties of apples or pears, as well as some citrus fruits
  • Often eating fruit only makes you feel more hungry. You can avoid this by combining the fruit with wholemeal bread and bran. This bread is very healthy and does not promote obesity.
  • There are fruits that can only be consumed in strictly limited quantities during illness or when losing weight. This applies to bananas and grapes
  • There are modern fruit diets, adherence to which allows you to lose weight quickly and pleasantly. However, doctors are not very fond of such radical methods and advise replacing diets with fasting days
  • To diversify your diet, you can make fresh juices and smoothies from a variety of berries and fruits. It is very useful to drink a glass of this drink every day.
  • It is believed that if you replace regular sweets with dried fruits, you can achieve not only improved health, but also weight loss
  • Daily consumption of berries and fruits normalizes stool and eliminates constipation
  • Half a kilogram of fresh fruits and berries every day will help you supplement your diet with useful microelements and vitamins.
benefits of fruits for everyone

Of course, when you are on a diet or simply watching your shape, you need to carefully study the calorie content of each fruit. This will help you avoid gaining excess weight.

Calorie table for fruits per 100 grams:

Fruit name Squirrels Fats Carbohydrates Number of calories per 100 grams (kcal)
orange 0,9 0,2 8,3 38
grape 0,6 0,2 16 64
pear 0,4 0,3 9,5 42
apple 0,4 0,4 9,8 44
melon 0,6 9,1 39
grapefruit 0,7 0,2 6,5 35
mandarin 0,8 0,3 8,1 38
banana 1,5 0,1 21 91
mango 0,5 0,3 13,5 67
pomegranate 0,9 13 52
prunes 2,3 58,4 242
dried apricots 5,2 55 240
raisin 1,8 66 271
persimmon 0,5 13,2 55
date fruit 2 0,5 72,3 306
a pineapple 0,5 0,2 11,6 49
apricot 0,9 0,1 9 40
figs 3,1 0,8 57,9 257
peach 0,9 0,1 9,5 42
kiwi 0,4 0,2 11,5 49
avocado 2 20 7,4 208
quince 0,6 0,5 9,8 40
papaya 0,6 0,3 9,2 48
plum 0,8 0,2 9,6 43
pomelo 0,6 0,2 6,7 32
lemon 0,9 0,1 3,3 16

Video: “Fruits. Benefit and harm"

Benefits of citrus fruits: orange, tangerine, lemon, grapefruit

Citrus fruits are the most unique fruits. these fruits contain:

  • sugar (glucose)
  • pectin substances
  • minerals
  • vitamin A
  • B vitamins
  • lots of vitamin C
  • vitamin P and PP

In citrus fruits, you can eat not only the pulp, but also the peel; it is also full of microelements. Citrus essential oil is very beneficial and aromatic. Citrus fruits can strengthen the immune system and even fight colds. Citrus fruits contain few calories and that is why they are an excellent product for losing weight.

Orange rich in vitamin C. It contains a large amount of antioxidants that have a beneficial effect on the human body. It is indispensable for those who want to improve stool, lower blood pressure and even improve their mood.

benefits of orange

Another famous citrus fruit is lemon. It is often used to combat colds and viral diseases due to its high vitamin C content. Lemon is able to quench hunger and relieve thirst even on the hottest day.

benefits of lemon

Grapefruit - a fruit that gives youth and health. It is a storehouse of antioxidants and beneficial acids. The fruit perfectly blocks the feeling of hunger, normalizes intestinal function, speeds up metabolism and improves metabolism. Thanks to these processes, high-quality weight loss occurs.

benefits of grapefruit

Mandarin - Everyone's favorite fruit, which can restore the level of vitamins in the human body during the autumn-winter period. Tangerine contains many useful substances that have a beneficial effect on the digestion process. The fruit helps fight seasonal diseases.

benefits of tangerine

Video: " Citrus fruits: characteristics of citrus fruits; harm and benefits of eating citrus fruits"

The benefits of exotic fruits for humans

Exotic fruits are interesting and tasty. Often unusual fruits have a lot of useful substances and often cause an allergic reaction. You need to eat such fruits with caution and in moderation.

Avocado- one of the most high-calorie fruits. This fruit does not taste sweet and is often combined with other foods in salads and snacks. It contains a large amount of fatty acids and has a positive effect on the gastrointestinal tract and the condition of human skin.

Mango- one of the most useful fruits. It contains a lot of vitamins that are so essential for humans. Mango perfectly improves the functioning of the immune system and can even improve mood due to its high vitamin C content. Mango is very good for women's health; another property of the fruit is to increase libido.

benefits of mango

Has unique properties papaya, which contains many useful microelements that have a beneficial effect on the functioning of the heart and blood vessels. Moreover, the fruit is recommended during the fight against excess weight.

benefits of papaya

Figs - unique for its beneficial properties. It is quite high in calories, but can have a beneficial effect on the human gastrointestinal tract, improving digestion, eliminating constipation and even curing inflammatory bowel diseases. Figs “inhibit” the division of cancer cells, which means they prevent cancer.

benefits of figs

Video: “Benefits and harms of exotic fruits”

What are the benefits of dried fruits?

Since ancient times, folk healers have regularly used dried fruits to give people health, longevity and beauty. These treats are full of important microelements and vitamins. This is why they become so useful to humans. Why do dried fruits have beneficial substances? “It all lies in the way they are dried.” After all, in essence, dried fruit is a concentrate of fresh fruit.

In the off-season, namely in winter, dried fruits are an integral part of the diet. During drying, fruits completely retain their substances, and sometimes double them, and that is why they are relevant and necessary for a balanced diet.

Dried fruits are not only healthy, but also very tasty! They contain many biologically active substances:

  • potassium
  • sodium
  • magnesium
  • calcium
  • iron

There are much more of these substances in dried fruits than in ordinary fresh fruits. In addition, they can positively influence work:

  • stomach
  • intestines

Therefore, they are able to remove toxins and waste, thereby healing and rejuvenating the body. Potassium, which is abundant in dried fruits, has a positive effect on the heart organ, strengthening its walls, and magnesium on the condition and functioning of blood vessels. Also, not everyone knows that regular consumption of dried fruits mixed with nuts and honey gives women’s health and even slows down the growth of cancer cells and prevents oncology.

dried fruits

For those who want to lose excess weight, doctors recommend eating dried fruits every day. The norm is 100 grams of various dried fruits. They are low in sugar and high in fiber.

Video: “The benefits and harms of dried fruits”

Calorie content of berries. Calorie table per 100 grams

With the first appearance of berries, a person just wants to try them, and this is no coincidence. This is because during the cold period the body is depleted and requires useful microelements, of which there are many in a variety of berries. This is not only healthy, but also an incredibly tasty treat. The berries are incredibly popular fresh, and in some cases dried.

  • vitamins
  • fiber
  • antioxidants
  • minerals

The unique effect of berries on the human body is that they are able to reduce all oxidation processes. It is the expected processes that destroy the human body, wearing it out and causing it to age. Berries give youth and “freshness”.

Berries must be an important component of the human diet. It is useful to eat them exclusively fresh, and some dried berries are an excellent substitute for desserts. Berries go well with fermented milk products, as well as in fruit salads and in combination with granola.

benefits of berries

Of course, the berries that have just been picked from the bush can be called the most delicious. It’s not uncommon for berries to be frozen so they can be enjoyed all year round. Frozen berries are also tasty, but lose half of their beneficial properties.

As already mentioned, berries are real antioxidants. And all this thanks to the presence in their composition:

  • vitamin C - responsible for collagen production
  • anthocyanin - reduces inflammation
  • quercetin - slows down the aging process

There is a secret that allows you to find out how many useful substances and antioxidants are in a berry - this is its color. The brighter the berry, the richer its taste and vitamin composition.

Calorie table for berries per 100 grams:

Name of the berry Squirrels Fats Carbohydrates Calorie content per 100 grams
Watermelon 0,7 0,2 8,8 40
Cherry 0,8 0,5 10,3 49
Strawberry 0,8 0,4 6,3 32
Raspberries 0,8 0,3 8,3 39
Currant 1 0,2 7,3 35
Blueberry 1,1 0,6 8,4 41
Cherries 1,2 0,4 10,6 50
Gooseberry 0,7 0,2 9,1 41
Cranberry 0,5 6,3 34
Blueberry 1 0,1 7,7 34
Sea ​​buckthorn 0,9 5 52
Rowan 1.4 8,6 46
Rose hip 1,6 24 101
dogwood 0,9 0,1 46 209
1 10 43
Strawberries 1 11 34
Blackberry 2 6 31
Mulberry 1 14 52

Berries are a source of folic acid, which is so necessary for women's health. In addition, it takes care of the human cardiovascular system. Fiber, which is abundant in berries, improves bowel movements and improves the functioning of the gastrointestinal tract. Also, folic acid is what is responsible for the production of serotonin in the body - the “happiness” hormone. Regular consumption of berries prevents depression.

Video: “Health benefits of berries”

How to eat berries correctly? Berries for weight loss: dogwood, lingonberry

In the fight for a slim figure, all means that bring benefits are good. This also applies to berries. The fact is that berries are able to regulate digestion processes in the human body, as well as control the deposition of fat. In addition, berries are the worst enemy of cellulite.

Factors that often lead to weight gain include:

  • slow metabolism
  • poor metabolism
  • lack of vitamins in the body

Berries are able to normalize all these processes, and therefore lead the body to proper and high-quality weight loss.


Of course, all berries are useful for consumption and weight loss, but some should be eaten with caution. Probably everyone has heard about the benefits of goji berries for the figure, but not everyone will be able to find this “wonder” on store shelves. Dogwood can serve as a substitute for goji. Dogwood is a delicious dietary berry, useful both fresh and dried. It is customary to eat dogwood:

  • separately as a snack
  • add to yogurt
  • add to porridge
  • add to fruit salads

The norm for dogwood per day is about forty to fifty grams of berries. It’s not uncommon to make an infusion from dogwood and even add it to main courses. You should not eat dogwood in large quantities, as its excess provokes a strong appetite.

Another unique berry is lingonberry. This is a must-have menu item for those losing weight. The berry is so healthy and contains a huge amount of useful microelements that there is simply nothing like it in nature! The berries have a laxative effect and are able to remove all waste and toxins that have accumulated in the human body over the years. It has been noticed that even in the absence of physical activity, berries “take away” extra pounds and give health.


Along with dogwood and lingonberry, each berry has its own unique properties. Berries:

  • improve skin condition
  • improve hair condition
  • improve vision
  • eliminate inflammatory processes in the body
  • improves appetite and digestion

It is best to eat berries in the first half of the day: for lunch and breakfast. By adding berries to your oatmeal in the morning, you double the benefits of breakfast. Also combine berries with nuts, honey and yogurt. It is not only healthy, but also incredibly tasty!

Video: “Goji berries are dogwoods”

The question of how many calories are in vegetables and fruits arises during many diets. The presence of fresh foods in the diet is healthy and approved by most nutritionists ]]>

Calorie content of vegetables

The table contains the calorie content of the most popular vegetables. During the cooking process, it can change both down and up. Some vegetables absorb a lot of water while cooking. In this case, the number of calories per 100 grams of product is reduced.

Calorie content of fruits

The table contains the calorie content of popular fruits. The most high-calorie of them is avocado.

Seasonal berries contain many beneficial substances. The table confirms that consuming them in moderation will not harm your figure and metabolism. The most high-calorie berries are sweet grapes and rose hips. Fresh rose hips are rarely consumed in large quantities. When adding it to compotes, the total calorie content of the drink increases by a small amount.

Calorie content of dishes

Vegetables are the basis of human summer nutrition. In winter, the choice of products is narrowed by the peculiarities of their storage, but some vegetables are prepared all year round.

The table includes the calorie content of popular vegetable-based dishes.

When following a diet, a calorie table is not always necessary. In most cases, limiting the amount of carbohydrates in the diet is required. The high energy value of some products is ensured by the content of fats and proteins rather than carbohydrates.

Popular protein-rich plant foods include:

  • beans;
  • soybean asparagus (Chinese fuzhu);
  • nuts (walnuts, brazil nuts, almonds, hazelnuts);
  • whole grain;
  • brown rice;
  • bananas;
  • spinach;
  • sunflower seeds;
  • soya beans;
  • avocado.

All nuts and vegetable oils are rich in fats.

Carbohydrates can be obtained from foods such as:

  • pumpkin;
  • dried beans, peas;
  • corn;
  • White rice;
  • buckwheat;
  • potatoes, Jerusalem artichoke and sweet potatoes;
  • rye, oats.


The variety of vegetables makes it difficult to count calories. Based on the classification, you can calculate the approximate calorie content of a dish if there is no accurate information about the calorie content of its ingredients.


  • potato;
  • sweet potato;
  • Jerusalem artichoke.

Dishes made from these products are considered quite high in calories, so they are best suited for lunch. The approximate number of calories in them is from 60 to 77 kcal, with regular potatoes being the highest in calories.


Root vegetables include:

  • beet;
  • carrot;
  • turnip;
  • radish;
  • swede;
  • roots of parsnip, parsley, celery.


The calorie content of onions of different varieties ranges from 36 kcal for leeks to 72 kcal for charlotte onions. You can get more calories from garlic. It contains 149 kcal, but eating 100 grams of this product is a difficult task.


  • tomatoes;
  • cucumbers;
  • eggplant;
  • squash;
  • peppers;
  • zucchini;
  • pumpkin;
  • artichokes and other vegetables.

The calorie content of these products ranges from 16 to 35 kcal.


It is unlikely for a healthy person to cause harm to health when consuming vegetables and fruits. The main thing is to control the quality and quantity of food consumed.

Fruits and vegetables are the first and most important products that are used during the diet. This is very justified, because their composition contains a minimum amount of calories, but at the same time, the energy value of the product is quite high.

But the degree of this component in each vegetable and fruit is actually different, and not all products of plant origin can be used when following a diet. We will consider in detail all the subtleties of choosing the right products for weight loss in this article.

Fruit calorie table

Using the calorie table, you can easily calculate the most optimal fruits that are suitable for weight loss. This table greatly simplifies the process of creating a diet menu.

Name of fruit A portion Calories
Apple The average size 70
Apricot The average size 20
Banana The average size 50
Grapefruit The average size 20
Kiwi The average size 40
Mango The average size 100
Orange The average size 30
Peach The average size 40
Pear The average size 75

Vegetable calorie table

Vegetables, like fruits, have different caloric content depending on the type and variety of vegetable product.

Detailed data on the calorie content of vegetables can be compared using this table:

Name of vegetable A portion Calories
bell pepper The average size 30
Broccoli Average portion 20
Cabbage Average portion 20
Carrot The average size 55
Corn The average size 60
Cucumber The average size 10
Eggplant Average portion 20
Potato The average size 125

This product will be a good helper in losing weight. The components of the sweets have a gentle effect on the body, have a 100% natural composition, this determines the absence of side effects.

Of course, it is especially important to combine taking pills with proper nutrition and exercise. In this case, the effectiveness will be maximum, and the result will be noticeable on your face.

Are there negative calorie foods?

One of the most popular food items that has gained everyone's attention recently is the concept of "negative calorie foods."

According to this theory, you can eat as many foods as you want without gaining weight. And that's because these foods take more calories to digest than what they contain.

Consequently, there is no addition of this component in the body. This does not mean that these foods do not contain calories, but only the fact that the body spends burning more of a given component than what is consumed in food.

Such calories are divided into two categories. Empty calories and negative calories.

  • Empty calories are those that, when consumed, generate huge amounts of a given component (fast food and refined sugar are the main sources). They contain no nutritional value.
  • Other, negative calories come from foods that are nutritious and low in calories. They fit well into any diet when it comes to losing weight, since the body requires minimum levels of this component in order to produce energy and maintain an active lifestyle.

Low calorie foods

There is such a definition as “free food”. These are those foods that have 25 calories or less per medium serving. "Nearly Free Foods" have between 25 and 60 calories per average serving.

Also, there are “free” and “almost free” products from this component that can be found in various departments of any grocery store.

Many vegetables with high water content end up being "free" or "almost free" of this component. Therefore, when deciding to go on a diet, you should think about eating exactly these foods.

Here are a few foods that have minimal calorie levels:

  • 2 large celery stalks = 13 k, 1.2 g fiber;
  • 2 cups shredded lettuce = 18 k, 1.4 g fiber;
  • 1/2 cucumber = 20 k., 1 gram of fiber;
  • 1 medium tomato = 25 k., 1.3 g fiber;
  • 1/2 cup baked peas = 30 k, 3.4 grams fiber;
  • 1 carrot = 30 k., 2 grams of fiber.

These are just a few of the main products that contain a minimum level of this component. In fact, there are many more of them.

Let's celebrate! If you follow a diet, you can make a list of such foods, based on which you can create a varied menu that you won’t get tired of for a week, two, or even a month. Moreover, the menu can be changed periodically or certain changes can be made.

When following a diet, it is very important to create the right menu, which will include products with a minimum content of this component. Many sources write that the fruits can also be eaten during a diet.

However, there are fruits with varying levels of this component. That is, not all fruits can be eaten to achieve diet results.

The question remains - what determines the calorie content of fruits:

  1. Firstly, the calorie content of fruits depends on their taste. That is, the sweeter the fruit, the more of this component it contains. This is due to the level of sugar in the fruit, and sugar is the first and most important component of calories.
  2. Secondly, the calorie content of fruit comes from the fat content factor. The fattier the fruit, the more of this component it contains.

Do you want to lose excess weight?

A slim figure is the dream of many women and men. I want to be at a comfortable weight without exhausting myself with strict diets and heavy exercises.

In addition, excess weight can lead to health problems! Heart disease, shortness of breath, diabetes, arthritis and significantly reduced life expectancy!

It has the following properties:

  • Speeds up metabolism
  • Burns fat deposits
  • Reduces weight
  • Lose weight even with minimal physical activity
  • Helps reduce weight in cardiovascular diseases

High and low calorie fruits

Fruits are one of the most nutritious, dense and healthy foods. Besides water, soups and vegetables, fruits are the lowest calorie food group and should be part of any weight loss diet.

However, not all fruits contain the same level of this component. Some of them are quite high in sugar and calories.

The list below is intended to provide low-calorie fruits for your diet. These include strawberries, peaches, melon, grapes, blackberries and papayas. These are the most common fruits that contain very low levels of this component and sugar.

In addition to low-calorie fruits, there are also fruits that are very high in calories and which should never be eaten while on a diet.

Here are a few of them:

  • Avocado. 322 k.;
  • Figs 350 k.;
  • Banana. 400 k.

Note! These are the most high-calorie fruits, but in fact, there are many fruits that also contain large amounts of this component. Figs, avocado and banana are the most high-calorie fruits among all kinds of fruit foods.

Stories from our readers!
“I don’t have a lot of excess weight, only about 5 kilograms. But these kilograms are located in very unpleasant places that cannot be corrected with exercise. Conventional diets also did not produce results - completely different parts of the body lost weight!

A friend advised me to speed up my metabolism and ordered these sweets. I was very pleased with the natural composition, pleasant taste and ease of use! Combined with a light diet and plenty of fluids. I recommend!"

Calorie content of dried fruits

Dried fruit is an excellent source of nutrition because it is simply a fruit that has had most of its water content removed but still retains its sweetness, flavor and nutrition. Some popular types of dried fruits, such as raisins and dates, provide good nutritional value, as shown by nutrition facts.

Dried fruits tend to be high in this ingredient, but the nutrition label will indicate that it is a good source of vital nutrients. Refer to the calorie chart for your favorite type of dried fruit to determine calories and nutritional information.

During the drying process, fruits lose a significant proportion of their water content. Therefore, most food ingredients are highly concentrated, resulting in their relatively high calorie content compared to the same fruit when fresh. Sugar is sometimes added to these fruits during the drying process.

The following examples refer to one serving of fruit (each serving contains an average of 60 k.):

  • 2 dried figs;
  • 2-3 dried apricots;
  • one piece of dried pineapple;
  • 2 slices of dried apple;
  • 2 dried prunes;
  • flat tablespoon of raisins.

How many calories should you consume every day to avoid gaining weight?

Fruits contain sugars of natural origin, have a minimum of fat and many useful vitamins and minerals that the human body needs. Diets exclude confectionery and baked goods from the diet of a losing weight person, but fruits are an excellent alternative and satisfy the need for sweets. Fresh apples contain a minimal amount of calories and a lot of fiber, which cleanses the intestines of harmful substances and toxins.

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What fruits can you eat while losing weight?

The lowest calorie fruits are lime and lemon. These fruits contain about 30 kilocalories per 100 grams. Their use promotes rapid burning of the subcutaneous fat layer. To lose weight, it is recommended to drink a glass of water with fresh citrus juice daily. It is advisable to do this in the morning, before breakfast.

People who want to lose weight are recommended to include the following fruits in their diet:

Name Useful action How to use
Grapefruits and orangesCitrus fruits are a source of vitamin C. They also contain bioflavonoids and enzymes that effectively fight extra pounds. Fruits stimulate the digestive system and accelerate metabolic processes in the bodyGrapefruit and oranges go well with braised chicken breast. They can be used not only in fruit salads, but also in vegetable ones, and complement seafood dishes with citrus fruits.
AvocadoThe most high-calorie fruit, but this exotic fruit is a dietary product because it contains easily digestible fatty acids and relieves hunger for a long time. This unique fruit contains practically no sugar, but contains vitamins of all groups and mineral salts (potassium, sodium, phosphorus, calcium and magnesium)

Avocado goes well with:

  • fish dishes;
  • meat; seafood;
  • fresh vegetables and fruits
KiwiIt has a mild laxative effect and promotes the normal functioning of the gastrointestinal tract. This fruit has a lot of fiber and a small amount of sugar.Nutritionists recommend eating one ripe kiwi half an hour before your main meal.
ApplesThey are the most affordable fruit with low calorie content (about 35 kcal/100 g). It is better to choose sour varieties as they contain less sugar.You need to eat apples with the peel - both fresh and baked.

It is not advisable to eat bananas and grapes during the diet, since these products contain a lot of fructose and are high in calories.

Fruit calorie table

The list of calorie content of fruits in ascending order and their nutritional value (BJU) are presented in the table:

The product's nameCalorie content per 100 gramsBZHU, g per 100 g
Lime27 0,85/0,12/10,6
Lemon32 0,93/0/3
Grapefruit34 1,11/0,13/11
Watermelon37 0,65/0,12/8,9
Melon37 0,65/0/9
Pomelo38 0,92/0/10
Orange39 0,91/0,24/8,2
Mandarin42 0,63/0,25/8
Apricot43 1,4/0,11/9
Peach44 1,2/0/9,4
Plum45 0,85/0/9,7
Pear46 0,52/0,33/9,6
Apple47 0,14/0,12/8
A pineapple48 0,43/0,22/12
Nectarine51 1,25/0,22/11,1
Papaya52 0,63/0,14/11
Figs53 0,74/0,1/11,4
Persimmon54 0,53/0/13
Feijoa56 1,6/0,52/13,2
Quince56 0,54/0,12/15
Mango58 0,53/0,22/11,6
Kiwi62 1,14/0,6/4
Grape66 0,73/0,23/15,1
Pomegranate75 1/0/11,3
Banana91 1,41/0,14/20
Avocado183 2,4/9/15,2

The daily intake of fruit for an adult is 250-300 grams.

And a little about secrets...

The story of one of our readers, Inga Eremina:

I was especially depressed by my weight; at 41, I weighed as much as 3 sumo wrestlers combined, namely 92 kg. How to completely lose excess weight? How to cope with hormonal changes and obesity? But nothing disfigures or makes a person look younger than his figure.

But what can you do to lose weight? Laser liposuction surgery? I found out - no less than 5 thousand dollars. Hardware procedures - LPG massage, cavitation, RF lifting, myostimulation? A little more affordable - the course costs from 80 thousand rubles with a nutritionist consultant. You can, of course, try to run on a treadmill until you go crazy.