Someone reads horoscopes, compiles personal astrological forecasts and believes that the stars have an unusually strong influence on our lives. Some people consider astrology a pseudoscience and reading horoscopes a waste of time. Both versions are polar, but both have the right to life. And be that as it may, astrology cannot but attract attention, it is mystical and mysterious, it seems to provide an opportunity to touch the unknown, the stars themselves, the secrets of the Universe! And touch this a little mysterious topic We also decided, having tried to create a compatibility horoscope for all signs of the Zodiac.

Who should Aries build a relationship with?

Aries is a fire sign, a sign of a leader and a confident person. The emotionality and energy of the Aries man sometimes prevents him from building harmonious family relationships. Aries is able to attract attention, his charisma rarely goes unnoticed. In addition to numerous friends, this sign gathers crowds of fans around itself. But natural confidence in his own exclusivity makes Aries selfish in love.

If both partners are Aries, such a union is explosive and unstable, although quite passionate. Two strong-willed and decisive people will be in constant battle, in constant rivalry. Only really strong feelings can make someone retreat, and then only for a while.

Aries can create the most harmonious union with:

  • Taurus. The sensuality of Taurus and the ardor of Aries are fertile ground for long-term relationships. In such a union there will never be a lack of passion.
  • With the signs of your fiery element - Leo and Sagittarius. Such a union promises a fireworks display of feelings and emotions, especially if Aries’ partner is an ardent Leo. The main thing is not to walk on the edge of a knife and not try to test each other’s patience.

Success of the union with Cancer, Pisces or Virgo can be estimated as 50/50, if really strong feelings and the desire to compromise, a happy alliance is quite possible. But an attempt to build a life with Scorpio may fail. Apart from a passionate relationship in bed, finding other common ground can be incredibly difficult. The same as with air Aquarius, the originality of which after a while may begin to irritate Aries.

Suitable signs for Taurus: who to pay attention to?

Taurus is a strong personality under the auspices of the Earth element. Taurus is good in everything: he is smart, insightful, practical. This sign is thorough and reliable, and is in no hurry to get married until it is confident in the exclusivity of its partner. Taurus is faithful to the chosen one and does not tolerate betrayal. Adultery is beyond his understanding and those Taurus who are faced with a partner’s infidelity take the betrayal very hard and are wary of new relationships.

Therefore, most of all, Taurus will appreciate your loyalty and constancy. An alliance with one's own sign is not bad. This is a union of two fundamental business people, who will most likely be more productive in the professional field than in love.

  • Pisces and Gemini- a good match for Taurus. But with a fiery Aries it will be more interesting for him.
  • WITH Capricorn Taurus should also be quite comfortable; these signs have a lot in common.
  • Neutral relationships with equal chances of success or failure await Taurus when trying to connect with Sagittarius or Aquarius.
  • The chances of a successful union are slim if Taurus chooses Leo or Scorpio. These signs can be selfish and too flighty for the solid Taurus.

Compatibility of Gemini signs: who can they get along with?

Gemini is a mysterious sign. They are so changeable that even their significant other cannot predict the actions of Gemini. Gemini is a real adventurer of the zodiac circle; their unpredictability often attracts the attention of other signs. And having gathered loyal fans around them, Gemini is faced with a painful choice and cannot always decide right away.
Such mental anguish causes a lot of anxiety for both the Gemini himself and his partner. Gemini will experience any failures on the love front for a long time and painfully, especially in his youth, because this is a serious blow to his pride. To prevent failures in the future, Gemini will use all his seduction skills, especially if we're talking about about Gemini man.

  • Two Geminis may well create a harmonious couple, however, the desire of both partners for novelty can disrupt the fragile union.
  • He can hold Gemini with his passion and ardor Aries.
  • Lions have a chance to be tempted by the brightness and unusualness of Gemini, however, the inconstancy of the latter can put an end to a potentially good union.
  • In fact, Gemini’s inconstancy is difficult to come to terms with and Capricorns and Pisces and, naturally, jealous Scorpio.
  • Gemini can meet a soul mate in the same changeable Libra or in creative Aquarius, who values ​​freedom no less than his “colleague” in air element.

Who is Cancer compatible with? Ideal match for Cancer

It's not always easy for Cancer to start something new, and relationships are no exception. But when he decides on them, he will show all his sensuality and emotionality. But you shouldn’t expect rapid actions and actions from this sign; he is used to acting slowly, but for sure. Such consistency and forethought helps Cancer build stable and long-term relationships.

Cancer values ​​family comfort and hearth; he is a wonderful family man. Material well-being and prosperity are important to Cancer. Cancer will be comfortable and cozy in the “company” of signs of its own element. In principle, Cancer’s homeliness and leisurely nature will contribute to building strong relationships with almost all signs of the Zodiac.

  • Will perfectly complement Cancer with the same thorough and constant Taurus.
  • Homely Virgo has every chance of becoming the ideal half of Cancer.
  • Scorpion Most likely, he will leave vivid memories of himself and give Cancer unusual emotions, but these signs are unlikely to create a long-lasting union.
  • Cancer can be unusually drawn to the unusual Aquarius, this is an alliance of opposites that can end either well or not so well.
  • Scales their indecision can make Cancer seriously nervous, and therefore it is better to avoid such a union.

Who is suitable for fiery Leos?

Leo is one of the most emotional and passionate signs of the Zodiac. Without love, he does not understand his existence. And this sign loves passionately and sometimes dangerously. Leo treats every hobby with extraordinary seriousness and confidence that this particular partner is what he was looking for. Therefore, Leo is quite capable of early marriage and does not always tie himself with the knot of Hymen once and for the rest of his life.

Leo is able to attract the attention of almost any zodiac sign. But for many, a connection with a fire sign can be disastrous. Especially when it comes to air signs.

  • Twins often attract the attention of Leo, however, their inconstancy drives a jealous Leo into a rage, which can end very badly.
  • With the housewife Taurus Leo is calm and comfortable, but from this union he takes more than he gives; this attitude quickly depletes and exhausts Taurus.
    The Lion also oppresses the humble Cancer, so one cannot expect anything good from such an alliance.
  • Leo can be happy with a representative of his own sign, having formed an unusually energetically powerful union, provided that from time to time one of Leo will give the reins to his partner.
  • A successful match for Leo can be made by Sagittarius, a sign very similar to him, also a leader, but capable of yielding his leadership to Leo.
  • Scorpion+ Leo is a passionate combination, but, alas, short-lived.
  • With Aquarius it may become longer, but Aquarius’s confidence in his own exclusivity will sooner or later infuriate the expressive Leo.

Virgo compatibility in love: choosing your soul mate

Virgo is another solid and practical sign, subordinate to the elements of the Earth. Virgo is hardworking and demanding, and not only of others, but of herself too. She values ​​order, practicality, accuracy in words and actions. Virgo always tries to finish what she starts, and she demands the same from those around her. He approaches the choice of a partner with the utmost care, putting forward a number of his own requirements. However, when Virgo is truly in love, she forgets about all her pretensions.

  • In union with her own sign, Virgo can live a long and, in principle, happily, but this union will be devoid of passion and ardor, because Virgo has the ability to suppress her emotions and behave evenly and calmly in any situation.
  • Virgo is somewhat similar to Taurus and Capricorn, and therefore you can quite count on a favorable outcome in tandem with these signs.
  • Virgo can also be attracted to eccentricity Aquarius, and here with Cancer or Pisces she will most likely get bored.
  • Of the entire zodiac circle only Scorpion will be able to evoke fireworks of emotions in Virgo’s soul, but how long these fireworks will last will depend on both partners.
  • Virgo is quite capable of curbing Leo and make a strong pair with him, provided that she really wants to do it.
  • Bright Sagittarius- also a good match for Virgo, especially if Virgo in this union is a woman and Sagittarius is a man.

Sign suitable for Libra: who should they be with?

Libra fully lives up to its name. They carefully weigh and analyze everything, and sometimes their overthinking scares off their partner. Therefore, Libra is not always happy in marriage; even having decided on it, they can continue to be tormented by doubts, wondering whether they did the right thing, whether they chose the right partner. Sometimes Libra pushes increased requirements to their partner, but at the same time do not forget about their own development. Almost always, Libra is a smart, intelligent person with a broad outlook and an excellent conversationalist.

  • Not a bad match for Libra - practical Calf, he is smart and will be tolerant of his partner's hesitations.
  • Libra should beware of relationships with fire signs - Aries and Leo, their emotions and ardor can either ignite the fire of love in the heart of Libra, or, on the contrary, tire them out with pressure and activity.
  • Libra can be happy with a representative of their air element - Aquarius. The romanticism and sublimity of this sign almost completely corresponds to the desires and aspirations of Libra.
  • No less successful game - Capricorn, his assertiveness will perfectly balance the indecisiveness and apprehension inherent in Libra.
  • Libras should beware Gemini, the dual nature of this sign will not contribute to harmonious relationships.
  • But an alliance between two Libras is very rare. When both partners endlessly weigh and doubt everything, the likelihood that one of them will decide to take the first step is negligible.

Who is suitable for a passionate Scorpio?

Scorpio is a deep, ambiguous sign of the Zodiac. Scorpio is distinguished by will, perseverance, and determination. In love, Scorpio looks for passion and emotionality. It is important for him that his relationships are sensual and vibrant. Scorpio is the most purposeful sign of the Zodiac; he will persistently seek the favor of his partner. And given his charisma and ambiguity, he will surely succeed. Scorpio loves to win and in terms of the number of love victories, he is ahead of the entire zodiac circle.

  • An almost ideal union for Scorpio is an alliance with Cancer, Cancer can become a reliable partner and support for Scorpio, which is very important in long-term relationships.
  • Scorpio is often attracted Aries or Leo However, the union of such strong personalities is, as a rule, a hurricane, a typhoon, unable to pass the tests of everyday life.
  • It is better for Scorpio to avoid inconstancy Gemini. The jealousy inherent in Scorpio can lead to very bad consequences.
  • Not the best match for Scorpios - Libra and Virgo the first ones are very calm for him, while Virgo is unlikely to be able to appreciate the sexual sophistications of Scorpio.
  • But here Pisces You may like the sexual energy of a passionate sign.
  • The Zodiac does not advise Scorpio to waste time on Sagittarius, both signs are initially polar, and therefore it will be very difficult to find common ground.
  • With Aquarius everything is also ambiguous. Initially, this sign is very attracted to Scorpio, but Aquarius loves freedom and independence very much, while it is important for Scorpio to completely possess a partner.

Suitable signs for Sagittarius

The fire element, which subjugated Sagittarius, left its mark on him. Sagittarius is active, sometimes unbridled, but at the same time not as reckless as Aries. Sagittarius loves change and travel. His love for freedom and independence can become a stumbling block when Sagittarius builds long-term relationships. Because of this, some Sagittarius are wary of marriage and even afraid of it.

In principle, Sagittarius can be happy with almost any sign if he tries to pacify his craving for independence and does not speak out for an open relationship.

  • Sagittarius can consider representatives of their element as a potential couple - Aries or Leo often this is a good union of two strong personalities, the main thing is that both partners monitor their emotions.
  • Taurus and Cancer can pull Sagittarius back, which he most likely will not tolerate.
  • Homely Virgo is also unlikely to appreciate Sagittarius’s passion for travel and excessive spending.
  • Scorpio It will be difficult to moderate your jealousy and understand the craving for freedom inherent in Sagittarius.
  • It is unlikely that he will understand the lightness and frivolity of Sagittarius, prim Capricorn.
  • But here Aquarius will appreciate these qualities, because he himself is like that, and therefore such an alliance should be quite successful.

The best match for Capricorn - compatibility of signs

Capricorn can be considered a conservative of the Zodiac circle. The opinions of society are important to him; he strives for stability and financial well-being. Capricorn approaches everything in life from a purely practical point of view, including the choice of a partner. Capricorns value order, stability and calm in relationships. They do not pursue unbridled passion; it is more important for them that their partner becomes a good owner or parent.

  • A good union from a practical point of view, Capricorn can organize with Taurus or Cancer.
  • Capricorn has a high chance of successful and long-term cooperation with Pisces.
  • Capricorn is also attracted to fire signs. The success of such tandems is likely if Capricorn does not show excessive persistence and claim a leading role in the family.
  • Capricorn can also be tempted by adventurism Sagittarius, but is unlikely to be able to share his hobbies, given the natural caution of this sign.
  • Capricorn should be comfortable next to his own sign. In such a union there will definitely be loyalty and constancy, the main thing is that the partners do not get bored.
  • It is better for Capricorn not to get involved with representatives of the air element; the success of such an event is unlikely. Unreliable Twins, doubters Scales and as if out of this world Aquarius- not what Capricorn expects from life.

Sign suitable for Aquarius: looking for the best match

Aquarius is the most extravagant and unusual Zodiac sign. Only he himself can understand it, and not always. Aquarius always stands out from the crowd: in outfit, words, actions. This is a 100% creative, extraordinary person. Aquarius never strives for marriage; the highest value for him is freedom. At the same time, he is capable of strong feelings and experiences, which he will hide with all his might if he feels that they threaten his independence.

  • Aquarius may well be able to compromise in alliance with Aries, because he loves strong and extraordinary personalities.
  • That is why he will be almost 100% interested Scorpion. Alas, the jealousy and possessiveness of the latter can put an end to the union.
  • It will be difficult to understand the unpredictability of Aquarius Cancer or Taurus. However, with the latter a completely viable tandem of opposites can develop.
  • Aquarius, with his characteristic irony, will most likely ridicule selfishness Leo, uncertainty Libra or excessive homeliness Virgo, and therefore such unions are short-lived.
  • Aquarius may like the same freedom-loving spirit as his Sagittarius or emotional openness Pisces. And here Capricorn for Aquarius he will be a boring, uptight and overly down-to-earth partner.

Which sign suits Pisces?

Pisces is a very sensitive sign. They have tremendous intuition and accurately capture their partner’s mood. This skill helps Pisces build strong, long-lasting relationships. Pisces are capable of being original and unique. They easily give their care to others, however, they do not allow them to be openly taken advantage of. It is important for Pisces that their partner can look into their very soul and evaluate inner world, and not just peck at the outer shell.

  • Signs of its own element can try to unravel the complex soul of Pisces - Cancer and Scorpio.
  • Pisces are quite capable of reveling in passion Aries or be seduced by a solid and seemingly unshakable tandem with Taurus. Both unions have the right to exist and can be quite viable.
  • But from Gemini It is better for Pisces to stay away; their inconstancy can disrupt the subtle mental organization of Pisces.
  • a lion and Pisces are two opposites and talking about a successful union is a stretch.
  • With Virgo there are more chances, her practicality and delicacy will help vulnerable Pisces find peace of mind.
  • With the indecisive Libra It will be difficult for Pisces.
  • But with Aquarius they will be able to find a common language, unless this sign breaks the fragile Fish heart.

With whom can you build a harmonious relationship? Check it out urgently in our exclusive rating!

Finding a mate is easy. The hardest part comes later, whenrelationships go through trials and it becomes clearcan you really be called family with this person, or are you -completely different?

If you are in doubt about something right now or just want to stock upuseful knowledge for the future - read the advice of our expert -astrologer. Today Marianna Abravitovatold our readers about which zodiac signs form the mostideal unions.

Libra and Aquarius

Representatives of these zodiac signs have a lot in common, and, thanks tosome differences, they only complement each other. They have a widerange of interests and the same craving for beauty, so they alwaysthere is something to talk about and something to do. It's never boring. INat the same time, Aquarius helps Libra in making decisions, and Librawarn Aquarius against impulsive and rash actions.

Taurus and Cancer

Representatives of these zodiac signs have the same goals and values. Taurus andCancers are looking for harmony, calm and stability, they dream of a familyand home comfort. Therefore in romantic relationships these unions are likeAs a rule, they form very strong pairs. Conflicts arise between themrarely, and when this happens, one of them is always ready to give in.

Virgo and Capricorn

Between these signs of the Zodiac strong and almost ideal relationship, becauseThey value each other's honesty and straightforwardness. They are capableenjoy every moment while being together and do not allow third parties andexternal circumstances influence their relationship. Moreover, such unions are more oftenThey all pursue common goals and give each other so much freespace as needed.

Aries and Pisces

These are complementary signs. Aries inspires Pisces to be decisiveactions, while Pisces teaches Aries the ability to wait and give inwhere necessary. Often there are relationships between them like"child-parent", but both feel great, understanding that each of them plays their own role. With each other, these couples feel harmony and security, as well asgrow and develop. You can say that they even bring friends good luck to a friend.

Scorpio and Leo

Scorpio and Leo are ideally compatible, although disagreements are common between them. Theystrong, powerful and passionate natures, and together they form verya strong union that can move mountains. In this relationship bothpartners look in the same direction and each tries to do everythingthat he is capable for the sake of another.

Gemini and Sagittarius

These zodiac signs value freedom of action and passionately desire to know the whole world.They prefer a constant shift to a dreary life and routine.scenery, risk and adventure. This is what unites them. To such couplesthere is never a dull moment together, they complement each other, and onlywith each other they feel the necessary degree of freedom.

Compatibility is of great interest to everyone today. This is especially true for women. And although at the present stage there are quite a lot of compatibility horoscopes, most of them have the same opinion. In this review we will try to consider the question of which zodiac signs are suitable for each other.

Interests come first

Taurus and Cancer. The union of this couple will be based, first of all, on the same interests and attachment to the family and children. However, failures will still happen. It will not be possible to do without friction. And regardless of the presence of mutual love and respect, betrayal may occur on the part of any of the spouses. However, in such betrayal there will also be positive sides. With its help you can make the union stronger. In the relationship of this couple, the expression “everything is known by comparison” is completely true. Each of the partners, after going to the left, can find many advantages in their relationship that previously went unnoticed. Therefore, speaking about which zodiac signs are suitable for each other, we can say that Taurus and Cancer are capable of creating a happy union.

Virgo family and Capricorn cunning

Taurus and Virgo. Marriage between these signs is quite common today. And in most cases he is happy. Both representatives are characterized by practicality, common sense, and managerial qualities. Speaking about which zodiac signs are suitable for each other, it should be noted that this particular couple is capable of arranging their home in the best possible way. However, one cannot help but notice that Taurus is characterized by stubbornness. However, Virgo is also flexible. A representative of this sign is able to forget about his interests for the sake of preserving his family and peace in the house.

Taurus and Capricorn. The union is considered favorable. And this is largely due to the fact that Capricorn is characterized by diplomatic abilities. He is a leader by nature, so he often takes on the role of educator. Taurus can sometimes show outbursts of protest, but Capricorn's cunning copes with them quite quickly. This creates the complete illusion that the partner is absolutely free. Speaking about which zodiac signs are suitable for each other, one cannot fail to note this couple, which is capable of becoming happy.

A relationship in which everything will be calm

Gemini and Leo. At first, such an alliance will be based on passions and violent feelings. After some time, all emotions will be weakened. However, instead of them there will be friendly, respectful relationships that will help strengthen the union. the main role will go to Leo. These suitable signs Zodiacs will always try to please each other in everything. Moreover, if the woman is a Gemini, then her partner will begin to pamper her. If the woman is Leo, then the partner will become the very obedience and complaisance.

Gemini and Libra- suitable zodiac signs. Their relationship will be smooth and orderly. No outbursts of delight or emotion. The main feature of marriage is harmony. Representatives of the signs have a large number of common interests. From the outside it may seem that the dominant role went to Gemini. However, Libra will be the true master. But they will play the role of a secret ruler. It will be good for relationships if Libra is a woman. Nature has endowed her with excellent maternal qualities and thriftiness, which is highly valued by her partner.

The strongest relationships

Leo and Libra- Zodiac signs, suitable friend to a friend. Royalty, which is characteristic of Leos. Balance of Libra. They simply complement each other perfectly. This marriage is the most successful, since it contains both harmony and constancy. They can find a common language and make compromises on absolutely all issues.

Which zodiac sign suits a Gemini man? A union with Aquarius will be the most successful from all sides. And this will not be affected by constant showdowns. This couple can be brought together by common interests. They can perfectly complement and enrich each other. They will never be bored. In many ways, this is facilitated by Aquarius, who is highly original. In this regard, he simply cannot get tired of Gemini, who always strive for adventure. However, in such a couple, each of the partners must firmly understand that none of them will ever forgive betrayal.

What can you say about representatives of the Cancer sign?

Are the zodiac signs compatible? Cancer and Virgo? The union will be strong mainly thanks to Virgos, who are able to accept any whims of Cancers. Virgos are characterized by constancy and rationality. Quite often, they are able to forget about their interests, turn a blind eye to various antics on the part of their partner, hoping that he will soon come to his senses, repent and come back. This is usually what happens. And this situation suits everyone. The partners will not feel any discomfort.

You can often hear the question: “Which zodiac sign suits me?” If you are Cancer, then the union will be strong with a representative of exactly the same sign. Life guidelines, the same attitude and perception - all this contributes to the longevity of the union. Representatives of this sign can understand each other almost instantly. In addition, they treat family values ​​with trepidation and seriousness, trying in every possible way to protect them from various disasters.

Striving for comfort and common interests

The union of such signs as Leo and Sagittarius. In this regard, it can be considered quite durable. Such a couple can be united by joint work, common interests and the same worldview. Both representatives are characterized by excitement and a love of adventure.

One of the most common and no less successful unions is marriage between Virgo and Libra. They have the same desire for everything related to comfort, coziness and well-being. They are characterized by similarities in everyday life. Representatives of these signs have similar opinions on many issues. All this is an excellent guarantee of the stability of relationships.

They try to keep their feelings

Scorpio and Capricorn can form quite an attractive alliance. Both representatives have a strong character. They are able to carefully carry their feelings through many years, while preserving love. Their feelings are quite strong and constant. They will not change each other.

Which zodiac sign suits a woman? If she is a Virgo, then you should pay attention to a representative of the same sign. The marriage can be strong and quite happy. Both representatives will understand each other almost perfectly. They are characterized by intelligence, patience, and efficiency. In this regard, there will always be prosperity and order in the family.

Practicality and passion for travel will be appreciated

Perfect for each other Virgo and Capricorn. In these relationships, the qualities of economy and practicality that Virgo possesses will be taken into account. Children in such a union will be desired and loved. Accordingly, they will make the marriage even stronger.

Representatives of the signs can make an excellent couple Libra and Aquarius. This relationship will be the envy of many. The relationship of this couple will be strong thanks to common interests and plans. In addition, they both share a passion for travel. Partners will be characterized by sociability, the ability to have fun, and ease. Both will constantly come up with something, strengthening their reliable alliance.

Friendship comes first

Aries and Aquarius. These people are considered ideal partners. Aquarius is characterized by a readiness for various changes. Both will treasure their relationships with many friends. Therefore, there is nothing strange in their willingness to take almost any action for the sake of friendship. This will not affect the relationship in any way. Aquarius has great respect for their partner. The same is true for Aries.

Union Libra with Sagittarius will be based not only on feelings, but also on active activity. It is thanks to this that they are able to achieve a high position in society. This union can become magnificent.


They will make a great couple Scorpio with Sagittarius. The marriage will be especially successful in sexual terms. In this case, they fit together just perfectly. On top of that, they will make excellent parents. Representatives of these signs are also capable of becoming ideological like-minded people, which can play a significant role in such relationships.


This review has attempted to look at the strongest alliances that can be formed. different signs Zodiac. We hope you were able to find your relationship here. And if not, then there is no need to be upset, since we decide our own destiny.

Each zodiac sign imposes its own characteristics on people born under it, and these characteristics accompany them throughout life path. Signs of the same element have a lot in common, and this, of course, unites them. When different signs interact, there can also be successful combinations, but not always, this is where the zodiac character plays a role

A person cannot overcome the influence of the stars, even if he consciously strives to change his character. Temporary successes may appear, but at a crucial moment nature will still prevail.

This is the secret of the incompatibility of some Zodiac couples, just like their most successful combination. Let's see who plays the role of a horse and who plays the role of a tremulous doe, and why they “cannot be harnessed to one cart.”

Leo and Taurus

Both signs are great owners, and it is this irresistible quality that serves as an obstacle to their peaceful coexistence. A sense of ownership gives rise to jealousy, which is fueled by other characteristics that distinguish each partner.

Leo (element Fire) loves to shine and charm, there are always many fans around him. He feels like the ruler of the crowd, he is proud and powerful, the last word always strives to leave behind.

But Taurus (element Earth) is stubborn and straightforward, has a strong character, and then finds a scythe on a stone. For him, the main values ​​in life are friends and family relationships, so in the breadth of Leo’s nature, Taurus sees a threat to what is most valuable to him. He is more practical and rational, while endowed with a subtle aesthetic sense, but almost devoid of the ambition that accompanies all Leo’s actions. He good professional, he needs a calm work environment, not noisy extras. It's hard for them to be together.

Sagittarius and Scorpio

In this pair, the stumbling block is also a common basic quality - both are extremely proud. Only they understand life differently, so their pride is expressed in completely different forms.

Sagittarius (the element of Fire) is very noticeable in the crowd, he is open, charming and sociable. But he doesn’t strive to be the center of attention; that’s not important to him at all. He has an active life position, is purposeful and ambitious. Excessive self-confidence sometimes lets him down, but Sagittarius has no doubt that he is always right.

Scorpio (the element of Water) takes on others: he is mysterious, sexy and charismatic. He has a special charm and never lacks love partners. Scorpio is picky, he values ​​intelligence and originality, and his natural insight gives him the chance to correctly assess a person at first sight.

Even though he's like watermark, knows how to successfully adapt to the situation, it is difficult for him to get along with Sagittarius, because everyone considers himself right and does not accept the position of his partner.

Pisces and Gemini

Pisces (Water element) are delicate and attentive; in love they strive for complete trust in each other. For a loved one, they give all their care and attention and are ready for a lot, including compromises and concessions. Pisces do not strive too much for achievements in their careers and status; for this they are a little lazy and not demanding of material wealth. But where they can get something without difficulty, they will not miss it.

Gemini (Element Air), do not agree to graze the hind ones. They want to be the center of attention, are ambitious and strive to achieve their goals. They tend to have high intelligence and noticeable Creative skills, they are diplomatic, sociable and charming. Geminis are seriously focused on building a career and strive to achieve success in life.

According to Pisces, they are too lightweight, unable to truly appreciate their love and care, this offends and disappoints them. Gemini, for their part, is annoyed by their partner’s nagging and constant dissatisfaction, as well as by his uselessness and weakness.

Capricorn and Aries

Each of this pair clearly expresses the characteristics of their zodiac sign.

Aries (the element of Fire) is unstoppable in its pursuit of the goal. He is courageous, stubborn and adamant and inexorable in moving forward. Restraint and caution are not characteristic of him, he is touchy and will not stop before taking revenge. He has a good memory, and he successfully makes enemies, despite the fact that he knows how to adapt to new conditions. He generally loves innovation and change, and perceives stability as stagnation. He is bored in the conditions of monotonous everyday life.

Capricorn (Earth element), it would seem, like Aries, has great ambitions and persistently strives for its goal. This is precisely where they compete and try to outdo each other. Capricorn is no less stubborn than Aries, but does not act with a frenzied onslaught, but with perseverance, diligence and consistency, using the same monotony method that infuriates Aries.

For its part, Capricorn is irritated by Aries' ability to get into trouble by constantly participating in some kind of adventure. The conservatism characteristic of Capricorns is completely unacceptable for proactive and innovative Aries.

Libra and Cancer

Changeable and unique Libra (Air element) often makes a deceptive impression. Some consider them excellent workers, active, with a bright personality and an original creative streak; others note laziness and complete absence desire to do something; still others admire Libra's remarkable ability to debate and win an argument.

In fact, Libra is characterized by all of the above, it’s just that their life goes in stripes, when a period of activity gives way to inaction. With all this, they have a good sense of direction in life, know how to make a profit, strive to live beautifully and even be sybaritic.

Cancer (Water element) is completely different, it is sensitive, fearful and selfish, very affectionate. He will demand from the fickle Libra constant attention and confirmations of love. And if he is not satisfied, he will become gloomy and tough. Emotions rule the life of Cancer, reason retreats before them, so it is difficult for smart and logical Libra to understand what really motivates Cancer.

If for Cancer intuition and sensations come first, then for Libra it is common sense and logic. In addition, his reaction depends on which lane he is in this moment located.

So they argue, each about his own, looking at the other from his own bell tower and not accepting the arguments of his partner.

Aquarius and Virgo

Light and dreamy Aquarius (element Air) is extremely curious, greedy for new experiences. He loves various parties, where he is in his element. The creativity in him is very strong, but his aversion to systematicity and monotonous work is also insurmountable. He does not want to tolerate any boundaries; they constrain his freedom-loving nature.

And all these qualities are absolutely unacceptable for Virgo (Earth element), who is distinguished by her efficiency and organization.

At work, she is always valued as a talented and conscientious performer, but her pedantry in everyday life makes the home environment intolerable for the unsystematic, creative Aquarius. He does not pay attention to the requirements to maintain cleanliness and order in the house, he perceives them as a restriction of freedom, and Virgo’s nagging annoys him. And Virgo, in turn, is infuriated by his irresponsibility and disorderliness. If Aquarius loves parties and going out, then Virgo finds them a burden; she is disgusted by this tinsel and does not want to waste time on it.

So it turns out that the spheres of interest of Virgo and Aquarius practically do not intersect. So how can they be combined?

In most cases, a compatibility horoscope is a table that indicates which zodiac signs are suitable for each other. It provides information about how strong the couple will be, whether it is worth entering into a close relationship and creating a marriage union in the future with a representative of a particular zodiac sign, or whether it is better to remain just friends. The compatibility indicator tells you whether the love of these people will remain after the official marriage and how successful it will be.

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      Zodiac sign compatibility chart according to date of birth and gender

      The table contains information about favorable horoscope compatibility options, as well as undesirable combinations of marriage partners.

      AriesTaurusTwinsCancera lionVirgoScalesScorpionSagittariusCapricornAquariusFish
      Aries_ _ _ + + + _ _ + -
      Taurus + _ + - _ + + +
      Twins_ + _ _ + +
      Cancer + +
      a lion _ _ + + _ + _ +
      Virgo + + + _ _ _ _ _ _ +
      Scales+ + + _ _ + +
      Scorpion + - _ _ +
      Sagittarius_ + _ + + + _
      Capricorn + + _ + _
      Aquarius + - _ _ _ _
      Fish_ + _ + + + + _ +

      The symbol "+" means a favorable combination of characters, "-" - unfavorable, and an empty cell - neutral compatibility.

      • Aries

        The Aries woman is characterized by unpredictability and frequent mood swings. Sometimes it is very difficult for a partner to understand her. In most cases, it is quite possible for such women to create a strong union with men born under the following zodiac signs:

    1. 1. Cancer.
    2. 2. Sagittarius.
    3. 3. Leo
    4. 4. Virgo.

    Since Aries women are strong personalities and leaders by nature, their relationship with the stubborn Taurus will be quite difficult. Union with Aries is possible only in the presence of strong and pure love. A woman with Gemini will often quarrel.

    The Aries man is distinguished by perseverance and confidence in himself and his abilities. He imagines himself only as a leader in all spheres of life, including love. He sets his conditions and expects his partner to fulfill them unquestioningly. Aries can create a successful couple with a representative of any sign only if the chosen one will delve into his every word. A marriage with a Gemini often ends in a breakdown, since such a man does not like eccentric and domineering women.


    Representatives of this sign are unhurried and slow personalities. They need affection and sincere confirmation of a man’s feelings. An alliance with dynamic zodiac signs is doomed to failure. To create a strong, good family, a woman will choose a representative of one of the balanced signs: Aquarius, Pisces, Libra.

    Taurus men are in most cases good husbands and fathers. They take care of their other half and love the comfort of home. Will become ideal love relationship such a man with a representative of the related element of the Earth. A good family union will be with a woman of one of the signs such as Sagittarius, Virgo, Cancer. A marriage with a Lioness will be unsuccessful due to the latter's aggressive manners.


    Representatives of this sign are gentle and easily vulnerable romantic natures. They constantly need affection, care, and expression of feelings from their partner. Such a woman should feel that she is desired and loved. Perfect family she will succeed with Gemini, Aquarius or Capricorn.

    Gemini men are freedom-loving individuals. They do not tolerate boredom and monotony in any area of ​​life, including love. They like to spend all their time actively. The Taurus woman will cool Gemini's fiery temperament. However, this union will be short-lived. A marriage with a Lioness or Pisces will also be short. The best option for creating strong couple is a representative of the sign Libra or Virgo.


    Cancer women are romantics by nature. They need an equally attentive and courteous partner who will pay compliments and give gifts.

    If a man is a strong personality, then he will become a reliable support for a woman in life and such a marriage will be successful.

    But for this, the Cancer woman must learn to trust her partner. Good compatibility she may experience this with a representative of the sign Taurus or Leo.

    Cancer men try in every possible way to prove their love to their other half and treat her with great respect. Relationships with Libra girls will be difficult. The ideal wife for Cancer would be a Taurus woman.

    a lion

    The Leo woman makes quite high demands on her other half. Since representatives of this sign are domineering and strong natures, they need a softer and more accommodating spouse. A marriage with an Aquarius man will not be the most successful. Strong and long-term relationships are possible with Virgo or Sagittarius. A relationship with a Scorpio man is quite dangerous.

    Leo men are concerned about their own well-being, and only then about the feelings and desires of their beloved. The other half of Leo should show tenderness, care, patience and endurance. Virgo would be his ideal marriage partner. Leo's relationship with Gemini or Libra can have a tragic ending.


    The Virgo woman has a rather conservative outlook on life and needs to be constantly pushed. She doesn't like to show her feelings and emotions too much. True love and affection can manifest itself in the marriage of such a woman with a Pisces man. In order to avoid quarrels, misunderstandings and constant showdowns, she should not start a family with representatives of such signs as Virgo, Sagittarius, Capricorn, Libra, Scorpio.

    The Virgo man is a good family man. It’s easier for him to fulfill any woman’s whim than to offer something of his own. He can create a good family union with Pisces. You should not start relationships with women born under the sign of Scorpio or Aquarius.


    Considering the changeable nature of Libra, such a woman should look for a balanced and calm partner. Her relationship with Scorpio will work out well. It will be possible to create a good alliance with Pisces, Taurus and Aries.

    The partner of a man who is a representative of this zodiac sign needs to be constantly prepared for sudden mood swings of the chosen one. Libra will create good family with the Lioness. Relationships with Virgo, Aries, Gemini will become problematic. A marriage with a Taurus woman can end in betrayal and divorce.


    A representative of this zodiac sign needs a man who is strong and romantic by nature. It is important for a Scorpio woman to trust her partner. A marriage with Gemini or Pisces will be successful. Relationships with a man of your own sign are doomed to failure.

    Scorpio men want to be leaders in marriage. They like it when the family lives by their rules. A good partner for Scorpio would be a woman born under the sign of Pisces or Sagittarius. There will be no harmony in relationships with Aquarius, Aries or Virgo.


    Representatives of this sign are freedom-loving individuals. They do not tolerate any control over themselves. At the same time, Sagittarius women need attention, protection, tenderness and affection. They will have good relationships with Leo, Scorpio, Capricorn. A marriage with Gemini, Aquarius or Aries will be full of quarrels over trifles.

    Men of this sign are charming people who attract many fans. Sagittarians are not easy to keep, as they love fun and freedom. A marriage with a Taurus woman can end in severe nervous shock. A Leo woman or a representative of the same sign as the man is suitable for Sagittarius.


    Capricorn Womancarefully thinks through his actions and actions before doing anything. She respects her other half very much. A strong marriage is possible with Taurus, Capricorn, Gemini. Relationships with Libra are doomed to constant scandals over trifles.

    Men of this sign are often thoughtful and indecisive. Capricorns need to be constantly pushed to take action. A Taurus, Sagittarius or Capricorn woman will successfully cope with this task. Relationships paired with Pisces or Scorpio will be unsuccessful.


    Representatives of this sign strive for a cozy and warm family environment. But it should be borne in mind that they require constant feeding of feelings. Otherwise, the love of the Aquarius woman will quickly fade away. It is important for such a woman to see that her husband has set a certain goal for himself and is trying in every possible way to achieve it. A good marriage is possible with Gemini. Such a woman will have a tense relationship with Virgo, Pisces, Scorpio or Aquarius.

    Only a wise and patient woman can make the life of an Aquarius man happy. This is the representative of the zodiac sign Taurus. Compatibility with Leo, Virgo, Sagittarius, Aquarius is unfavorable.


    The Pisces woman needs a strong and purposeful partner who will be the leader in their couple. Representatives of this sign prefer family life be in secondary roles. They have good compatibility with Scorpio, Cancer, Taurus, Virgo, Pisces. Relationships with Aries or Capricorn will become difficult.

    The main secret of a successful relationship with a Pisces man is the lack of desire to re-educate him. This will lead to loss of romantic feelings on the part of the partner. A good union is possible for him with Libra, Pisces, Scorpio. The marriage of such a man with Capricorn and Aries is doomed to a quick break in the relationship.