These fortune tellings are effective because the author tested them on herself. Therefore, I claim that everything you read about below works great.

1. Fortune telling on the water

Of all the elements of nature, water has the most better memory. We are 70% water, our brain is 90%. Therefore, whatever you say to the water you are going to drink is what your body will receive. This unique effect of H2O is responsible for the high effectiveness of this fortune telling.

Before going to bed, sit on your bed. It is better if the room is dark so that nothing distracts you from concentrating on the question you would like to answer. The truthfulness of the answer depends on how collected and concentrated you are.

Take a glass of water in both palms. Relax your body. Think about your question for a few minutes. Bring the glass to your lips so that when you speak, your breath touches the water. Tell her a few kind words in a half-whisper. Science says the most effective words for water are “love” and “thank you.” But you can say what comes from your heart. Tell her your specific question in a couple of phrases. Approximately, it should begin like this: “Dear water, you know everything, please tell me (further what you want to know).” Slowly drink half of it. Place the rest in your head, on the nightstand, if not, on the floor. It is advisable after this not to watch TV, not to read, but just to fall asleep.

At night you will see in a dream the exact answer to your question. The main thing is, when you wake up, don’t forget it. To do this, I give advice: do not open your eyes as soon as you wake up. Replay in your head what the dream showed you. Then you definitely won't forget it! Take the glass, thank the water again and drink the rest.
This fortune telling is especially effective when the issue concerns health. But not necessarily.

2. Fortune telling with wax

Everything is simple here. Melt natural wax and slowly pour it into a bowl of cool water, maybe straight from the tap. You will be amazed at the pictures you see! Sometimes you can see the answer so accurately that you are simply amazed. Since water and wax are natural things, do not forget to hold the wax in your hands, thinking about your question, and say “thank you” to the water.

This fortune telling is also good because along the way, you can improve your health. In this case, you whisper “Our Father” into the water, and your assistant, holding a bowl of this water over your head, pours wax into it. Don't forget about safety, do everything carefully and slowly!!! After use, the water is poured onto the ground, and the wax is buried in the ground.

3. Fortune telling on coffee grounds

Well, where would we be without him! Everything is also much simpler than it seems at first glance. Be sure to take it natural coffe in grains. It is advisable to grind it by hand, but how will it work out? Place a heaping teaspoon of coffee into a cup, with or without sugar - as you wish. Important point: The cup and saucer must be pure white, without patterns or rims. Pour boiling water over it. Cover the cup with the front side of the saucer. You wait 5-7 minutes, turning your question over in your head. If you want, you can speak out loud, but specifically.

You drink silently, slowly, leaving a sip. Cover the saucer again in the same way with your left hand. The right hand holds the cup, and quickly turn the cup upside down so that it remains standing on the saucer. Wait a couple of minutes. Carefully turn the cup over. Admire the resulting patterns. Interpret the answer. If the wax shows you the exact answer, for example, you may even see a familiar face, then in this fortune telling you will, of course, need creative imagination. But that’s exactly what makes it interesting!

By the way, unlike the first two fortune-telling, which answer a specific question, this fortune-telling can immediately show you the past, present, and future.

4. Fortune telling from a book

The simplest fortune telling, which does not require special skills, but is also quite accurate. Most often, in this type of fortune telling, the Bible is used, oddly enough. But it is not important. The main thing is that this book is authoritative for you. For example, it’s convenient for me to use a book of aphorisms, quotes, or just an oracle. Here you also need a developed creativity in order to correctly understand the answer. But everything comes with experience! You may not get a direct answer, but this fortune telling is one of the most interesting and enjoyable!

So on right hand put the book down and cover it with your left hand. Close your eyes and ask a question in your mind. Open the book with your left hand where it will work. Now, either you can point your finger at random and read the answer. Or tell yourself: right (left) page, such and such a line at the top (bottom). That's it, read it.
Most often, this type of fortune telling answers a question like: what is in store for me? Or, what should I do?

There could be a fifth fortune-telling here, the most accurate, time-tested. It's about, of course, about cards. I won’t lie, I have always been drawn to this business, although I had no such teachers or family members. I swung straight at the TAROT. Why waste time on trifles! I learned on my own, through practice. By the way, everything I predicted came true. But! Smart people slapped my hands. A man who has been involved in card fortune-telling for about 30 years said that he even takes out the Tarot once a year, according to special occasion. And that they can open the door to such forces that will sweep me off the face of the earth like a grain of sand. I, as a person who has some connection to the occult sciences, of course, believed it. So, I don't recommend it. If you really want card fortune telling, find a professional.

Of course, there is still such a mass of fortune-telling that no single article can accommodate. From the simplest, such as: on a chamomile, on a clock, on a ring, on a table, etc. To professional ones, such as: runic, zodiac, astrological, palmistry, etc. It is, of course, up to you to choose and answer. But let me give you some advice: don’t look into the future unless absolutely necessary. Think every time whether you really need it.

Fortune telling seems to us to be a pleasant and harmless process: indeed, at all times it has been one of girls’ favorite pastimes.

Yes, fortune telling is a kind of game, but, like any game, it has its own rules. Not only the result of the prediction, but also the health of the predictor – mental and physical – largely depends on their compliance. Although, if you think about it, this is quite normal. After all, among other entertainments there are quite dangerous ones: bungee jumping, for example. And following safety precautions will help avoid unpleasant consequences.

Of course not. Fortune telling is a kind of test for the human psyche, so you cannot categorically guess:
Mentally ill people and simply people in a state of strong emotional agitation - their inner world, already unsteady, may simply not be able to withstand communication with the subtle planes of existence.
For the same reason, you should give up fortune telling after drinking alcohol - on the one hand, it is easier to enter an altered state of consciousness, but you will no longer be able to fully control the process of communication with the “otherworldly” world, and the consequences will be the most unpredictable for you.
During illness, when you feel weak or simply tired. Fortune telling is a rather serious waste of personal energy, and it may simply not be enough if the body’s internal resources are already depleted.
People who are on the verge of significant, turning events (on the eve of the wedding, during pregnancy). You should also refrain from guessing if a decision has been made, but you are not sure about it. How accurate will the interpretation of the fortune telling results be? After all, in this state it is easy to interpret the signs in a way that is more convenient and beneficial for yourself, and as a result take the wrong path, thereby distorting your destiny and, possibly, the lives of loved ones.
Believers, if their religion does not welcome this kind of rituals (Christianity, for example). In this case, it is better not to conflict with your conscience and not to do what you yourself, by virtue of your faith, consider to be a sin.

Traditionally, there are several periods of the year that are favorable for practicing fortune telling:
Christmastide (from Christmas to Epiphany)
On the night of Ivan Kupala (from 6 to 7 July)
Saints Peter and Paul's Day (July 12)
Day of the Intercession (October 14)
Trinity Day
Gromnitsa (February 2).

Many people have a question: is it really Christian church, which has a negative attitude towards various kinds of predictions, encourages them these days?

Of course, the church does not encourage fortune telling at any time and under any circumstances. These days were considered favorable for various kinds of predictions back in the days of our pagan ancestors; these were certain “days of power,” and the cunning “church fathers” only cleverly “tied” their significant dates to them.

You should not guess on the days of the “dark moon” (the so-called Days of Hecate): these are the 2, 9, 15, 23, 29 days of the lunar cycle - at this time you cannot vouch for the accuracy of the predictions.

In order for the energy that you perceive during fortune telling to reach your consciousness more easily, it is a good idea to remove obstacles in its path. To do this you can:
Free your hair from hairpins and clips, undo your braids.
Remove all extraneous jewelry (exceptions include talismans that help clairvoyance, as well as security amulets that protect against negative energy effects).
Wear loose clothing without a belt. For women, “female” clothing is required: trousers prevent the opening of lower energy channels (by the way, remember that sorcerers usually also wear wide robes).

You only need to touch objects for fortune telling clean hands: this way you free your hands from energetic “dirt” and become even more open to receiving information.

Before starting fortune telling, you should light a candle - the fire will provide you with additional energy protection. If you are telling fortunes for someone, then this person should bring the candle.

The fortune telling procedure should begin with special rituals that help you tune in to this process. Each fortune teller may have its own methods: prayer, meditation, certain actions. Over time, you will find exactly what will best help you enter the state necessary for fortune telling - to calm down internally, detach yourself from pressing problems, and stop the flow of obsessive thoughts.

When reading the signs that appear during fortune telling, try to be objective and consider any situation from a detached perspective. To do this, do not give free rein to your emotions if you are telling fortunes for yourself and do not try to “get used to” the situation if you are telling fortunes for someone else. By the way, in the latter case it is very easy to “invite” his problems into own life. You don't want this, do you?

You shouldn’t second-guess a person for whom you feel antipathy - it will be difficult for you to remain impartial.

If you are telling fortunes to several people, watch carefully own fortune: Your energy potential with such a “conveyor” can imperceptibly become quite depleted. If you feel tired, it is better to apologize to the person and offer to tell your fortune next time.

Basic rule: each question is asked only once during one session. Perhaps, by using a different technique or repeating fortune telling several times, you will get a result that suits you, but in fact this will only mean that your fortune telling tool (cards, runes, etc.) has already been thoroughly “saturated” with your energy and gives you what you so passionately want. Of course, such a “prophecy” no longer has anything in common with an objective prediction.

After the fortune telling is completed, it is necessary to cleanse yourself of negative information that you may have received, as well as traces of energetic influence.

Wash yourself with running water, wash your hands. It's best to take a shower.
Let the candles that burned during the prediction procedure burn out on their own.
Thoroughly ventilate the room where the ritual took place.

To block the information channel to which you connected during fortune telling, take a “fee” from the person for whom the ceremony was performed. This could be money (even a purely symbolic amount), any item (remember Vanga, who accepted pieces of sugar from those who approached her, which, by the way, were also carriers of information about the problems of these people).

Sometimes, having told our fortunes, we are disappointed: events promise to develop completely differently from the scenario that seems favorable to us. And, instead of calming down, we begin to worry even more.

First, think about how objective your interpretation of the results is: are you sure that you interpreted them correctly and did not try to “adjust” them to the realities already known to you?

The prediction should not be taken as a sentence. It’s just that now the circumstances have developed in such a way that this is the most likely outcome. But this does not mean that it is predestined! The course of our lives is influenced by thousands of little things that we are unable to take into account. Perhaps, after some time, under the influence of some of your actions or events beyond your control, the likelihood of the predicted misfortune will be reduced to a minimum.

In fact, we never know exactly which circumstance will turn out to be happy for us and which will be tragic. Life teaches us the necessary lessons, and, trying to “skip” them, we encounter similar problems in the future, but in an increasingly “harsh form” until we find a radical solution.

There is always a danger of getting hooked on fortune-telling by starting to ask “higher powers” ​​for advice on any matter. This is simply a desire to shift responsibility for our destiny to someone who is stronger and more knowledgeable than us. In fact, no one can follow our path for us, and they won’t lead us along it by the hand either.

Fortune telling only helps a person to better understand the situation in which he is currently located, can point out the events and relationships that shape this situation, and also show possible ways exit from it. Probably, treating divination in this way, you can make it your assistant and adviser, and not look for ready-made instructions and life scenarios in fortune telling.

Many magicians and shamans use candles in their work, and not only to burn them. You can notice how sometimes sorcerers gaze long and intently into the flame. Certain meanings can be discerned in a candle flame. a common person.

If the candle burns evenly and the flame goes clearly upward, then this good sign, it personifies a favorable environment around, a good aura, and calm relationships.

If the flame blows away and sparks, then the place is unclean, there is a lot of negativity in it, or the personal state of the person performing the ritual is weakened and nervous.

When you look more closely into the candlelight, you can see patterns on the walls or in the air that symbolize something important to you. Also, a person at this moment may experience visions, as there is complete concentration on a certain thought or problem. Often, after such sessions with a candle, clear thoughts and ways to resolve problems come. A person feels peace and a surge of strength.

Fortune telling for the betrothed

Before going to bed, you need to eat something very salty (do not drink it), then say the ancient words: “My betrothed, mummer, come to me, give me something to drink.” According to legend, whoever gets a girl drunk in a dream will be betrothed.


To find out the answer to a question of interest, you need to focus on it and go outside. Secretly overheard conversations will be important clues, from which a clear picture will emerge in the end. A bad sign It is believed to hear shouts of quarrels and swearing.

Fortune telling by apple

Make a wish. Take an apple and cut it with your left hand. If the seeds are not cut and you get an even star in the core, then your wish will come true.

Fortune telling on objects. Symbolism

IN big company People can be told fortune telling on many small objects. For example, collect in a box a wide variety of things related to the type of human activity: a coin (financier), a compass (traveler), a sleeve () and others. The pulled out object symbolizes the activity of the future spouse. Options for this fortune telling can be very diverse.

Spiritualist fortune telling

A dangerous type of fortune telling, but very interesting. Its meaning is that a group of people calls for help a spirit who answers their questions. There are many varieties: with a saucer, with a book, with scissors. When conducting a session, a serious and positive attitude of all participants is important. It is imperative to open the door or window, turn off the lights (you can only light candles), and hold hands. There must be at least one person in the company with strong energy, and he will be the guide. At the end of the session, the spirit must be carried out and the space behind it must be closed.

Twelve holy days (according to the number of months in the year) have always been full of rituals. With their help, they tried to ensure well-being for the whole year, to protect themselves from evil spirits and the evil eye. During the rituals, girls traditionally took off their pectoral crosses, all the jewelry and belts, they let their hair down, and only candles were used as lighting.

Types of proven fortune telling on water

Take four glasses and fill them halfway with water. In the first - add half a spoon of sugar, in the second - salt, in the third, put a piece of bread, and in the fourth, lower the ring. Blindfold your eyes and turn around yourself twice. Ask your friend to swap the glasses, and then choose one of them. If you come across a sweet one, the year will be rich in happy moments, including harmony in your personal life. Salt promises difficulties, but if you make an effort - definitely you will succeed. Bread is an unexpected profit and solid capital, which can be especially important in difficult financial times. And the ring speaks for itself - expect a marriage proposal, a new addition to the family, or just a comfortable love relationship.

There are other proven fortune telling related to water. For example, pouring it into a deep plate is a conditional “sea/reservoir”; stick thin paper strips with predictions along its edges, the “shores”. It could be like general concepts(“success in work”, “health”, “wealth in the family”), as well as something more specific, say, the name of the future spouse or cherished desires. Take half a shell walnut(“boat”), place a small candle stub (“guide”) in it, lower it into the middle of the plate and wait: which shore will your homemade boat of hope land on?

A fail-safe option for girls with a very rich imagination. Take a glass with a flat bottom, fill a third with water and lower the ring to the bottom. Now rub your eyes thoroughly and persistently try to see the face of your future husband through the water in the middle of the ring.

One of the oldest (read, “tested” for centuries) proven fortune telling is on wax. “Voskolei” is mentioned in the Potrebnik of 1639. For the ritual, pieces of beeswax were drowned in a mug or spoon, and then poured into a vessel with cold water(you can use a saucer) or on the snow. In another version, wax was dripped into water from a slightly tilted burning candle. Carefully catch the “figurine” and peer at the frozen outlines - you can judge the future from them. The beauty is that the resulting figurine (if its interpretation completely suits you) can be saved as a talisman. The most famous meanings:

cross - troubles with finances and/or in your personal life;

beast - be careful with your surroundings, it seems that an enemy is hovering around you;

stripes - for moving or traveling;

a human figurine is a new faithful friend;

trees - joy;

a wax pancake that has settled to the bottom - marriage is not expected in the next couple of years;

a lot of small round droplets frozen next to large figures - to money. The bigger, the better!

Types of fortune telling with objects

For those who vacation in hot countries during Christmas time, you can safely skip this point and move on to the next one. Everyone else should be more careful. Take a small mirror, pour water over it and at exactly midnight take it outside into the cold. When patterns appear on the surface, bring it back into the house and examine it carefully. If circles appear, you will live in abundance all year, if you notice a spruce branch, you will have to work a lot, squares promise various difficulties in life, and triangles promise luck in any matter.

Of all the types of fortune telling, this is as old as time and fails extremely rarely. Our great-great-great-great-grandmothers chose a book of spiritual content for this - most often scriptures. In a modern interpretation, they can be replaced by anything that comes to hand at the time of fortune telling - a book on psychology or, for example, a favorite magazine. Without opening the publication, ask a secret question out loud or to yourself, guess the page number and the line at the top or bottom, and open it in the right place. The answer is in front of you. Let's give a hint: almost every issue of ELLE contains more than five hundred pages. There is room to expand and something to dream about. The most advanced method (here and now) is fortune telling on the Internet. For example, click at random on any article on the site and count required quantity lines. We won’t recommend anything bad, and we have more than enough betrotheds.

Before midnight, prepare a mirror and place a couple of spruce branches in front of it. Before going to bed, write the name of the person you want on the mirror or cherished wish. When you wake up in the morning, the first thing you do is look - if the inscription has disappeared, then everything will definitely come true, and if it has not changed at all, you will remain in your interests.

Have fun and try your luck with your friends. Four girls take part in this fortune-telling at once, or each one in turn. A piece of bread, a coal/pebble, a piece of clay/brick and a ring are placed on the corners of the cutting board (in the village they called it “fat”). They cover the board with a towel and begin to spin it, singing: “I’ll save the fat for the holy evening. The fat is small, the windows are large, slanted and slatted, the flea couldn’t jump, the goat jumped, took away the horns, and wrung its tail. Choose your corner! When you finish singing, stop the rotation and see who gets what. Bread is wealth, coal is illness, clay is sorrow, and the ring is marriage.

It is known that it is during Christmas time that the most intimate dreams occur - be more sensitive to night rest during this period. The easiest way to tell fortunes is to say before going to bed: “My betrothed, come to me.” And the next morning try to remember which acquaintance/stranger came to you first in a dream? To be sure, you can put scissors and bread under your pillow, which attract prophetic dreams, especially on the night from Thursday to Friday. When you go to bed, say: “Thursday with Wednesday, Tuesday with Monday, Sunday with Saturday. Friday is alone and I, young, alone. I’m lying on the Zion Mountains, three angels in my heads: one sees, another will tell, the third will indicate fate.” To be continued in the dream.

Hippolytus? Serezhenka? Or maybe Jason? Place several dozen paper notes under your pillow with different male names. (The more and more original, the more interesting!) The next morning, without peeking, pull out one of them - the name of the man destined for you by fate.

What methods of fortune telling are there with cards? For example, like this! To one of Christmas Eve take four kings from the deck, mix them and put them under the pillow. Get one out first thing in the morning. The king of spades is an elderly groom or a jealous person, the king of hearts is young and rich, the king of the cross is a military man or businessman, the king of diamonds is desirable.

The most fashionable way is fortune telling with stockings. Before going to bed, a woman puts one new stocking with lace on either leg and says: “My betrothed, take off my shoes.” Your future husband will be the one who takes it off in a dream.

I felt a little salty - this is about Epiphany fortune tellers. A few minutes before going to bed, eat something salty: cucumbers, herring - whatever you like. In ancient times, girls took a thimble of salt and a thimble of water, mixed them and drank them (or rather, ate them!). Before going to bed, say: “Whoever is my betrothed-mummer will give me water to drink.” Fate will connect you with the one who fulfills this request in a dream. Don't sleep through your happiness!

Many representatives of the fair sex are interested in the question of how to learn to tell fortunes. Everyone wants to know what awaits them in the future. IN modern world exists a large number of a wide variety of fortune telling methods that allow you to find out your future at home.

Today there are many ways to tell fortunes about your future at home. A variety of items are used for this.

For fortune telling, you can use a wide variety of objects that may be at hand. Most often they take cards, paper or a mirror for this. These items were used by our ancestors. We will analyze the most popular fortune telling at home.

What kind of fortune telling on mirrors exist?

How can you tell fortunes on a mirror? In order to perform a similar ritual at home, you need to wait until sunset. Ideally, the ritual should be performed late at night. Before you tell fortunes, you need to tune in mentally. You need to clear your thoughts of all negativity, you must be determined to achieve a positive result. Set a clear goal for yourself and don’t think negative thoughts.

Many have heard about fortune telling for love at home, which is carried out on the mirror. This ritual is the most truthful and simple.

In order to carry out a similar ritual at home, you need to prepare two mirrors. They must have the same shape and size. Next, you need to place them in such a way that they face each other. Prepare two candles in advance that need to be lit during fortune telling.

Place burning candles near one of the mirrors, on the front side. Take the second mirror in your hands and stand in front of the one on the table. At this moment, the reflection of another mirror should be visible. They say that you can see your betrothed in the reflection.

Prediction using candles

Fortune telling for love can be done using candles. But there is one rule here, you must pay attention Special attention on the color and shape of the fortune telling candle. Spiral candles are used for prediction, but church candles are used to recognize the betrothed.

A church candle will help you recognize your betrothed

How to tell fortunes with candles? In order to perform the ceremony, you need to remain alone in the room. At this moment no one should interfere. You need to relax and only then light the candle. Focus on the flame, if it behaves calmly, then all your endeavors will be crowned with success. If it begins to bifurcate, then troubles await you soon. If you light a candle and it immediately goes out, then an unexpected blow from fate awaits you.

There is another way with candles for a fortuneteller. You need to take a small piece of paper and write your lover’s name on it. Mentally ask yourself whether your future will work out with this person. After which you need to burn the leaf with a candle. Collect the ashes and stand near the window at midnight.

IN open window stick your hand in and watch the ashes. If nothing happens to the ashes, then your loved one will remain with you for life. And if the ashes are carried away, then you have no future with this person.

Predicting the future with maps

You can conduct fortune telling on cards for love or a ritual on cards for the future. To do this, you need to use special cards that can be bought in the store. Can you do fortune telling on playing cards, just take 36 cards for this.

How to perform a fortune telling ritual

  1. Before fortune telling, the deck needs to be shuffled well; during this, mentally ask the question to which you want to know the answer.
  2. Next, you need to remove part of the deck with your left hand and put it underneath.
  3. After which you need to take nine cards and lay them out in a fan.
  4. There is only one requirement: under no circumstances should you turn them over or look at the cards.
  5. You can find out the meaning of the cards through interpretation.

There is another way to tell fortunes on cards; to do this, you first need to carry out all the steps indicated above. But this method is that the cards need to be laid out in a cross. The very first card must be placed in the center. The remaining cards need to be laid out from top to bottom and from left to right.

The meaning of the cards must be made as follows:

  1. The top card indicates what will happen soon.
  2. The right one allows you to find out about an event that you are not expecting.
  3. The bottom one testifies to a past that you have long forgotten.
  4. The left card will help you find out what difficulties await you in the future.

The fortune-telling diagram on the cards allows you to learn a lot of new and interesting things. Many modern fortune tellers use just such methods, because they are the simplest and most honest. Cards will never lie, and if you decide to do fortune telling for the future, then use this method.

Tarot cards help you find out your destiny

You can also find out your fate with the help of special cards called Tarot. Each of these cards has a clear interpretation; you don’t need to look for it anywhere, it is printed directly on the map. But it is worth remembering that if you use Tarot, you lose a lot of energy. Therefore, it is not recommended to do this unless absolutely necessary. This also applies to those people who are not experienced sorcerers or magicians.

How to tell fortunes on a book

Fortune telling by book is the simplest and can be used by anyone. For such fortune-telling schemes you only need to know a few rules:

  1. The main one is to choose the right day of the week and book.
  2. More suitable days for such a ritual are Tuesday and Thursday.
  3. On this day, books are more inclined to tell the truth.
  4. It is worth choosing a book that matches your question. You shouldn't take a medical reference book if you're interested in the future.
  5. To perform the ritual, you need to take a book and mentally say the question.
  6. Then open the book and point your finger at any line, just don’t look at it.
  7. Then read it and try to interpret it.

Most often the lines that appear are those that have hidden meaning. And if we talk about a certain time of the year, then this question you have in mind will be resolved at that moment. You can use the book all the time, but you should not solve important issues with its help.

Fortune telling methods of the 21st century

Modern technologies have come far ahead, and today there is no person who does not use mobile phone. Especially for this occasion, there is a simple fortune telling at home. For this fortune telling for love, you need to think about your lover and dial any number that comes to your mind.

Phone call to a stranger- a modern way to find out about the feelings of your loved one

You can find out about the interpretation of fortune telling by what you hear on the other end:

  1. If nothing happens, then your loved one is not thinking about you.
  2. If the other end is busy, then wait.
  3. If the number is not available, then you have a serious decision to make.
  4. If it says that you dialed the number incorrectly, then your loved one’s relationship with you is not the same as yours.
  5. “Hello” means that everything will work out for you.
  6. “I’m listening,” your lover is making plans for you.
  7. “Yes,” soon your life will change dramatically for the better.
  8. “Speak” - soon they will confess their love to you.
  9. “Where are you calling” - a serious scandal awaits you in the near future.
  10. “On the Wire” - your loved one is very bored.

Any method of fortune telling is good and interesting in its own way.

You can take any of them and try, but any fortune telling should be taken seriously. Today there are many methods to find out your future and it is not necessary to use the services of psychics to do this. This can be done independently at home and for this you can use improvised means.