It is one of the main components of any computer. From volume random access memory depends on the number of programs that the user can work with simultaneously. The more memory, the more programs you can run without slowing down your computer's performance.

In addition, some programs and computer games For normal operation they require a certain amount of memory. Therefore, inexperienced users very often ask how to see how much RAM is on the computer. This question we will look at this in this article.

Method number 1. Computer properties.

The easiest way to see how much RAM is on your computer is to open the computer properties window. This can be done in several ways. For example, if your work computer has a “My Computer” icon (an icon, not a shortcut), then you can click on it and select “Properties”.

You can also open the computer properties window through "". To do this, open the “Control Panel” and go to the “System and Security – System” section.

Another option is the Windows key combination + Pause/Break. Just press this key combination in any window, and the window we need will open in front of you.

After you have opened the computer properties window, turn your attention to the “Installed memory (RAM)” item. The amount of your RAM will be indicated here.

Method number 2. Task Manager.

If you have Windows 8 or Windows 10, then you can see how much RAM is on your computer using the Task Manager. To do this (for example, using the key combination CTRL + Shift + Esc). After that, go to the “Performance” tab and open the “Memory” section there. Here, in the upper right corner of the window, it will indicate how much RAM is installed on your computer.

Method number 3. Special programs.

You can also see how much RAM is on your computer using special programs, designed to view the characteristics of a computer. For example, you can use the program. Launch this program on your computer and go to the “Memory” section. This tab will indicate how much RAM is on the computer. You can also see other RAM characteristics here.

Method number 4. BIOS.

If your computer does not yet have an operating system installed or does not start, then you can see the amount of RAM using. Go to the BIOS and examine its contents. One of the BIOS sections should contain information about the computer.

Usually it indicates the processor model, its clock speed and the amount of RAM.

Before you increase the amount of RAM on your laptop, you should check what type of RAM your PC already has. If you install an unsuitable module, a conflict may arise between the old and new memory sticks, as a result of which the laptop will malfunction, freeze, or even stop turning on. Let's look at what characteristics you need to pay attention to when choosing a new RAM and how to determine the type of RAM already installed on a laptop.

Basic RAM parameters

The first step is to figure out which parameters are considered decisive for random access memory devices. These characteristics are:

Methods for determining the type of installed memory

There are several ways to find out which RAM model is on your laptop:

  1. Using a visual inspection of the RAM.
  2. Check using additional software.

Visual inspection of the RAM strip

You can check the amount of RAM using easy handling in laptop properties. To do this, right-click on the “My Computer” shortcut and select “Properties” from the list that opens. RAM capacity can be viewed in the corresponding line.

However, the information obtained in this way is not enough, so you need to find out the remaining RAM parameters. All memory card manufacturers print important data directly onto the card. To check them, you need to disassemble the laptop, remove the RAM from it and carefully read the existing designation.

As an example, let's look at how to find out the model and characteristics of RAM, appearance which is shown in the figure.

Our RAM is produced by the South Korean company Hynix. Slot capacity – 4 GB. By the abbreviation 1Rx8 you can tell that the bar is single-sided (1R), that is, all the chips are placed on one side. Double-sided RAM is designated 2R. The number 8 indicates the number of memory chips.

This model has a throughput of PC3-12800. This allows you to find out the type of RAM (DDR3) and maximum speed functioning (12800 Mb/s). To determine what the RAM frequency is, 12800 should be divided by 8, which will be equal to 1600 MHz.

Let's look at another example - RAM for a Kingston laptop, model KHX6400D2LL/1G:

  • RAM type – DDR2;
  • operating speed – 6400 Mb/s;
  • frequency – 6400/8 = 800 MHz;
  • capacity – 1 GB;
  • 2.0V means that the board is powered by a non-standard voltage - 2 V, which must be set manually in the BIOS.

On some storage devices, information is presented in a non-standard form, however, even in such cases, you can find out their parameters. For example, Kingston RAM labeled KHX1600C9D3X2K2/8GX has the following properties:

  • frequency – 1600 MHz;
  • C9 – delay 9 cycles;
  • type – DDR3;
  • 8GX – capacity 4 GB.

Programs for determining RAM parameters

If for some reason you do not want to disassemble your laptop computer (for example, it is under warranty), but you still need to check what RAM it has, you can use additional software.

One of the most effective programs in this area is AIDA64. It allows you to find out not only the type and parameters of the storage device, but also the characteristics of the rest of the hardware. To check what RAM is on your laptop, you need to:

Once you understand the RAM parameters, you can independently increase its volume, thereby improving the performance of the laptop.

In this article, we have explained in detail for dummies how to find out what RAM is installed in a computer or laptop, how to easily and simply look at its type, frequency, timings in order to buy a suitable upgrade bar or add one compatible with already installed RAM modules.

Random access memory (also called RAM, RAM or abbreviated RAM) - the most important thing in computer. Both in itself (because without it the PC will not turn on), and its volume (the larger, the more comfortable). If you came to read this manual, it means you are planning to add RAM by adding or replacing modules. We all know that gone are the days when 4GB of RAM was cool. Now the browser alone can “eat” 2-3 gigs of RAM. So it's time to upgrade your RAM.

If modules are replaced, then it is enough to find out only the type, i.e. memory generation - DDR3, DDR4 or God forbid DDR2. And if you add RAM strips to those already installed, then this is a more difficult task - in some cases, the modules may not make friends with each other. By the way, we once wrote about an excellent utility for testing RAM modules for compatibility called. We recommend using it even if you find clearly identical modules on sale. Anything can happen, in the end, there is a manufacturing defect, and even more often - careless handling in the distribution network.

It's quite easy to make a mistake when purchasing, especially if you are not a computer expert. Moreover, some consultants do not differentiate between memory types. Therefore, a little erudition in this matter will definitely not hurt you.

Below we will tell and show how to understand what RAM is installed in a laptop or computer. You will learn to determine the type, generation, frequencies, timings, etc. detailed information about memory modules in order to buy yourself the right stick that will fit in motherboard, will make friends with the already installed RAM and finally speed up your computer.

How to find out what RAM is installed in a laptop or computer

Method 1: View RAM Information in CPU-Z

CPU-Z from the developer CPUID is a free utility that will give you what is called comprehensive information about your computer’s RAM.

In the screenshot above we see the following information about the memory modules of your PC (desktop computer, laptop, netbook):

  • Type (or generation) random access memory - DDR3.
  • MarkingPC3-10700 with frequency 667 MHz. A larger number means faster chip speed.
  • ManufacturerKingston.
  • Part number. In some cases a useful thing. If we're talking about about a laptop, branded workstation or server, then components can be reliably purchased according to the part number. This will come in handy if you need to purchase exactly the same stick of RAM as those already installed in the computer.

Method 2: open your computer or laptop and look at the memory live

If you don't want to use programs, you can read the type and frequency directly on the bar itself. Anyway, sooner or later you will need to disassemble your PC. And if you want to take memory to the store as an example, this method is the way to go.

How to extract memory

The modules must be removed carefully, one at a time. Turn off your PC, wait until all the fans stop and the lights turn off. Only then remove the modules, simultaneously pressing on both latches of a particular strip.

Precautionary measures

RAM is afraid of static electricity. Therefore, it will be very good if you spray your hands with antistatic agent before touching the memory. Store modules removed from a computer or laptop in special packaging or an antistatic transparent bag.

What memory to buy as a replacement, how to add identical modules and what is the maximum volume

If you plan to remove existing RAM modules and completely replace them with new ones, then to go to the store you only need to know the markings and type of computer - desktop or laptop. It’s already clear from the markings what generation the memory is. PC2 means DDR2, PC3 means DRR3, etc. Therefore, if you install any memory with the same markings as it was, only of a larger capacity, then the computer will work with it. The only exceptions are some older netbooks released before 2012, which may not detect sticks larger than 2 GB due to an artificial limitation. Therefore, if you are too lazy to understand the types of RAM, you can buy 8 GB instead of 4 GB of PC3-10700 memory and call it a day. The main thing is, tell me, for a desktop PC or laptop.

But, if you want to buy the fastest memory that can be installed in your current computer, it makes sense to go to the official website of the motherboard manufacturer and download (or view) a list of supported RAM modules. By the way, this will also be required if it turns out that there are no memory sticks with exactly the same speed on sale and you need to find out which ones are suitable from those that are available. I show the example of the motherboard of my old computer from 2009:

There is no point in buying such top-end modules for the sake of speed, but if they are the last ones that can be found on sale from the outgoing memory generation, then there is no choice. In total, if the motherboard has 4 slots, you can install a maximum of 16 GB of RAM (4 x 4 GB).

Where you can get confused

  1. You can get confused in the markings, for example DDR3 PC3-12800- this is the same as DDR3-1600. 1600 in this case means double the bus frequency, and 12800 means bandwidth expressed in GB/sec.
  2. Modules for desktop PCs (DIMMs) and laptops (SO-DIMMs) are of different sizes, but can be labeled the same, for example PC4-12800.
  3. There is low voltage memory, but it looks no different. Indicated by the letter L (low voltage). Example DDR3L. If it is installed in a motherboard designed to work with conventional DDR3 modules, the components may fail.

Is it possible to add RAM modules from another manufacturer, with different frequencies and timings?

Yes, you can. If only the memory was of the same form factor (for example, for a desktop PC) and generation (for example, DDR4). Only after this you need to test them all together for compatibility for about a day. Purely theoretically, when using modules of different speeds, the faster ones should reduce the frequency to the frequency of the slower ones and work successfully. But in reality, the modules may not become friends. And conflicting strips cause chaotic reboots, i.e. make your computer unreliable and your life unbearable. Therefore, install whatever you want, just test it in Memtest+.

I once added a SO-DIMM PC3-8500 Transcend 4GB module given to me to an existing PC3-10700 2GB Samsung and everything started up with a bang and is still working to this day. Lucky. Although everything about them is different - the manufacturer, the timings, and the frequencies.

Good luck with the upgrade!

Increasing RAM is one of the most simple ways speed up the computer if there are problems with reloading pages in the browser, slow minimizing and maximizing applications and other symptoms of insufficient RAM. - a simple procedure that can be handled without contacting the service.

However, it is necessary not only to install, but also to correctly select new modules for purchase. RAM varies in type, frequency and capacity. Before purchasing new RAM modules, you need to find out what RAM is installed in your computer, select the appropriate one and purchase it.

Table of contents:

How to choose replacement RAM

Choosing RAM to install in your computer is quite simple. There are two possible cases:

Most often, users add RAM to a computer, and they need to determine what memory is currently installed.

How to find out what RAM is installed in your computer

There are dozens of ways to determine the basic parameters of RAM installed in a computer. We will not consider all of them, and we will present below the most convenient and simple options for the average user.

Video instruction

Visual inspection

The easiest way to find out the basic parameters of the RAM installed in your computer is to inspect the already installed RAM module. To do this, you must first turn off the power to the computer, then remove the cover and pull out the bar (to remove it, you will need to loosen the clamps on both sides). There should be a sticker on it with key information about the RAM.

Advantages of a visual inspection:

  • No need to turn on your computer or download third-party applications;
  • In addition to the basic parameters of RAM, you can find out its exact model.

Disadvantages of visual inspection:

  • If the sticker from the RAM has been torn off, the information cannot be found out;
  • Some modern RAM modules do not have stickers with information attached to them due to the presence of a cooling radiator on them;
  • This method is not suitable for laptops, since removing the cover from them is a very labor-intensive procedure.

Using BIOS

Through the BIOS or UEFI environment, you can determine the basic parameters of the RAM installed in the computer. To do this, before starting the download operating system, that is, immediately after turning on the computer, press Del to go to the BIOS settings. Next you will have to act depending on the BIOS or UEFI version:

Advantages of determining RAM parameters using BIOS:

  • You can obtain data even if Windows is not installed on the computer or does not load;
  • If you need to check several RAM modules in a row to see if they are detected by the system, this method the fastest.

Disadvantages of obtaining information about RAM using BIOS:

  • Since there are many BIOS versions, and most often they are not localized, it can be difficult to find information about RAM among the mass of parameters;
  • The old BIOS does not always display all the necessary information, and often only the amount of RAM is visible.

Windows tools

operating room Windows system has built-in utilities that allow you to find out minimal information about RAM - its used volume. That is, it will not be possible to determine the memory type and frequency using operating system utilities.

There is another important limitation. Windows will only show the amount of memory used, not the total amount installed. This aspect should be taken into account if the computer is running 32-bit Windows, which does not support more than 3 GB of RAM. That is, if the computer has more RAM installed, it will not be displayed in diagnostic utilities, and the “extra” memory will not be used during operation.

There are several ways to find out the amount of RAM using Windows. The easiest way to do this is as follows:

Third party applications

A lot of diagnostic applications have been released for Windows, each of which can be used to solve specific problems. Most of them provide the ability to find out information about RAM. Below are examples of such programs that can be downloaded for free from developer sites to determine information about RAM.


Information about RAM in CPU-Z application distributed across several tabs:


Another convenient application for viewing information about components installed on your computer is AIDA64. To find out information about RAM through the program, you need to select SPD in the “Motherboard” tab. The application determines all the main RAM parameters.

  1. Open the context menu of the “My Computer” shortcut (right-click on it once). Next, select "Properties".

As a result, a window will appear indicating the size of available RAM, the type of operating system (for example, 32-bit), etc.

  1. An alternative method is to go through Start.

Start – Run.

In the window that appears, manually enter msinfo32 and press Enter.

  1. Another method that is based on a combination of function keys.
  • Press “Win ​​+ R” and enter dxdiag in the window that opens.
  • A new window will appear. Pay attention to the “Memory” line. The physical amount of computer memory will be indicated there.
  • All methods describe the free number of Gigabits on your PC.

But how you can find out exactly the RAM of your laptop or computer and analyze its additional characteristics, read below.

I want to immediately warn you that you cannot do this without using third-party applications and utilities. One such program is Speccy. It allows you to access all the characteristics of the modules and boards that are currently connected to your PC.

The utility is free and readily available for downloading from the Internet.

After downloading the program, proceed with installation. The utility is installed using standard methods, without any particular difficulties.

To check what RAM is installed on your PC, do the following:

  1. Launch the program.
  2. Open the "RAM" section.

And then just read the information that interests you. Everything is described there in an accessible and understandable way. There are characteristics about DDR type, number of channels, volume and frequency. You can also see what percentage of RAM is being used at a given minute and many other useful characteristics. Based on these characteristics, you will be able to decide whether you should or not.

But here is the most direct way to find out the RAM of your computer. If you understand all the system hardware, then:

  • turn off the power to the system unit;
  • remove the cover;
  • take out the memory modules and read the characteristics you are interested in directly on them.

However, this method is only for experienced craftsmen, and not for beginners.

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That's all for me! Now you know for sure how to find out your computer's RAM. Please write your wishes and comments under the article. I also advise you to subscribe to new blog articles and receive something new directly to your email. I wish all my readers great health and peace!

With UV. Evgeny Kryzhanovsky