Damage is a conscious bioenergetic impact aimed at a person with the purpose of harming him. As soon as the program is launched, the life of its victim begins to collapse right before our eyes. If the process is not stopped, collapse is inevitable. But before starting treatment, it is necessary to make a “diagnosis”: you need to know whether the troubles are really caused by damage, and not by a simple coincidence.

Only by identifying the problem can you completely get rid of it. How can you find out if there is damage to you or someone close to you?

Initial inspection: main signs of damage

Find out about the presence of negative magical influence This is probably only possible with the help of a hereditary sorcerer.

But it is not always possible to make an appointment with him, so you should remember the most common signs of damage. These include:

  1. Sudden deterioration in health (sharp exacerbation of old forgotten ailments or rapid development of fatal dangerous diseases, most often of an oncological nature).
  2. Unreasonable problems in the sexual sphere (unreasonable loss of desire, impotence, frigidity).
  3. Inability to conceive a child, miscarriages, stillborn children.
  4. Financial troubles growing like a snow globe. As a rule, they are accompanied by the loss of a job and the inability to find a new one, litigation, and the need to borrow increasingly large sums without the ability to pay them off.
  5. Sleep disorder (insomnia or nightly nightmares). Basically, victims of damage dream that someone's eyes are looking at them with hostility, causing panic in the sleeping person.
  6. Constant feeling that someone is standing behind you. Gradually this leads to a reluctance to be alone in the room.
  7. Irritability, nervousness, nervous tics. Any sound, bright light or sudden movement can provoke an attack of unmotivated aggression.
  8. Depressive states, feelings of hopelessness and melancholy. A person’s thinking is clouded, it’s as if he is looking at the world through gray glasses, not seeing even a hint of anything good in his life. Often, under the influence of such a mood, the victim attempts to commit suicide, mainly by hanging.
  9. Feeling strange. This means the following - a constant lack of air, sudden attacks of dizziness and nausea, aching chest pain, a strong increase or decrease in body temperature. All this without any objective reasons.
  10. Self-rejection. This symptom occurs regardless of gender, but is more obvious in women. If before the girl loved to sit for hours in front of the mirror, now she avoids it with all her might. Men, on the other hand, can complain about their own failures, talk about their negative character traits, and speak about themselves in very rude terms. But it is necessary to distinguish between personality traits that have been inherent in a person for a long time, and a suddenly changed behavior pattern.
  11. Avoidance of religious symbols and traditional places of worship. The person who has been damaged experiences an insurmountable disgust or fear of crosses, churches, holy water, icons and any religious attributes. The victim of magical influence has a strong desire to remove pectoral cross, laugh loudly during a church service, say something rude to the priest.
  12. The above symptoms should be taken into account if they appear suddenly and have no basis. For example, insomnia can be caused by overwork, and the feeling of someone's invisible presence in the room can simply be an overly impressionable nature.

The main sign of damagenegative events happen suddenly, they pile up like an avalanche. Even if the victim has always been morally strong, and the troubles that have arisen are not so significant, the person is still lost and gives in to them. He cannot find a way out of the simplest situation.

Interesting finds: what things in the house signal damage

Often, magicians use linings to cause damage. Anything can be used, but most often this role is played by:

  • personal belongings of the ritual victim (underwear, watches, wallet, jewelry, comb, etc.);
  • human particles (hair, nails);
  • various cereals;
  • chicken eggs;
  • remains of small animals;
  • ash;
  • needles;
  • threads (mostly thrown into a pocket or purse, sewn into the victim’s clothing, wrapped around buttons).

The lining, as a rule, gets into the house unnoticed. If the ceremony was carried out on personal item, then she was first abducted from the house, and then carefully returned to her place. You need to be careful if, for example, the mirror suddenly disappeared, and then just as suddenly appeared in its usual place. Most likely, a magical ritual was performed on the item and it is better to get rid of it (you can burn it or bury it).

If scattered cereals or ashes were found at the doorstep of the house, then this definitely indicates an attempt to cause damage. It is necessary to conduct a thorough inspection of the home and the things in it: check the pockets, look at the corners of the carpets, feel the pillows, etc. There is a possibility that several types of lining will be found - they all need to be destroyed.

You should pay attention to missing photos from albums, no matter how long ago the photos were taken. To inflict damage, an image of a person is almost always required, so those who order rituals often steal photos from the victim’s home.

If there is a suspicion that negative magical actions are being performed against any of the household members, at a minimum you need to sprinkle the room with holy water. It is also recommended to go to church, and, if possible, invite a priest home to bless all living rooms.

Independent rituals to determine damage

Even a vivid manifestation of symptoms of damage against the background of suspicious finds in the house cannot 100% signal that black magical influence was being carried out. To make sure that the threat is real, it is recommended to carry out self-diagnosis: in the worst case, it will not harm, in the best case, it will help to avoid serious dangers.

Several simple ones have survived to this day. ancient rituals, used to detect damage:

On a candle

You will need a wax church candle. You need to hold it in your hands for a few minutes, concentrating on your inner well-being.

As soon as a feeling of complete concentration comes, you need to light a candle and hold it with both hands, constantly looking at the fire. If the flame burns evenly and brightly, then there is no reason to worry. You should be wary when the fire begins to twitch, hiss, or suddenly go out - all this indicates the negativity that the candle has caught.

On a silver chain

It is important that it is personal and worn only by the person conducting the ritual to determine damage. It is also not recommended to use a pectoral cross.

You need to place a lit candle in front of you and take the chain in left hand(for left-handers - to the right). Then, looking at the fire, you need to read any prayer close to your heart. If a person is damaged, the chain will begin to make noticeable oscillatory movements, it may twitch or even fall out of the hand.

For a chicken egg

One of the classic ways to identify negativity. To carry out the ceremony, you will need a fresh chicken egg purchased from grandmothers at the market (from the supermarket will not work). You need to fill a glass with holy water and place it at the head of your bed.

Before going to bed, you should put an egg in there. The next morning you need to check its condition: if the egg has deteriorated, changed color, or began to smell bad, it means there is spoilage. In the case when it remains unchanged, you can relax - there were no negative effects, at least dangerous ones, on the person.

On wax

A very popular method among rural healers and witches. It is necessary to melt the wax over an open fire: to do this, you can simply cut a church candle into several parts and melt them over a lit burner. Next, you will need the help of a third party - this should be a trusted friend or a well-meaning relative.

The assistant should hold a container of hot melted wax over the head of the person who is suspected of damage for several seconds. Then you need to pour the wax into cold water. It will freeze, depicting a certain pattern. The presence or absence of a negative should be judged from the drawing. Curved lines, dents, bulges, bubbles are the main signs of black impact. If the wax has frozen into an even “pancake” or is covered with rounded lines, then you don’t have to worry about damage.

For egg white

The method is similar to the previous one, but instead of wax, an egg broken into water is used. It is important that the white and yolk lie evenly without mixing. It is necessary to hold a container with a broken egg over the head of a potential victim of magical influence. The conclusion about the presence of damage is made after 2-3 minutes. If the protein has curled up, fringes, bubbles, spots and dots of any color appear on it, then this indicates a strong negative.

In the wrong hands, the most reliable ritual may not work or demonstrate inaccurate results. Therefore, even if “everything is clear,” but concerns remain, it is better to turn to a professional magician who will accurately interpret the signs of damage and conduct his own time-tested rituals.

Any negativity caused with malicious intent significantly worsens the quality of life of the ritual victim. In this case, the rule applies more than ever: “Forewarned is forearmed.” It is better to find out about the presence of damage as early as possible, because this significantly increases the chances of a favorable outcome.

Useful articles

The main sign that you have been damaged is a radical change in mood, constant irritability, short temper, aggression towards others. A person can laugh and then cry. Simultaneously with mental disorders, changes occur in the environment. For example, when betrayal, disappointment, quarrels and scandals become constant guests on your life path.

A black cat is considered a symbol of bad luck. However, the owners of such pets are never afraid of the evil eye or damage. Animals masterfully drive away all evil spirits from its owner.

Damage is often accompanied by a sharp deterioration in health. Frequent colds, heart disease, eye disease, dizziness, nausea or a general lethargy can also be signs of bad influence.

How to determine damage or evil eye

There are several ways to establish the presence of the evil eye or damage. You can often hear advice - run a piece of gold jewelry across your cheek and if there is a black stripe, you can be sure that you are damaged. Darkening of the skin may indicate some diseases, but not. You shouldn't trust this method too much.

You can put the evil eye on a person without malicious intent, so never allow yourself or your child to be praised. In such moments, say to yourself: “take for yourself what you want for me.”

Another popular method is to spoil or cast the evil eye using a raw egg. This option is the most effective. I often spoil a person with the help of these products. Hold it a raw egg in your palms, run it over your face and body, and then smash it. If the mixture has spoiled, then damage or the evil eye is on you. A similar method can be used to determine a bad influence on another person. Only the procedure must be carried out while he is sleeping.

Pin and church candles against damage and the evil eye

You can determine damage or the evil eye using a regular pin. Pin it to the inside of your clothes and wear it for a few days. If rust appears on the iron, then someone really wishes you harm.

Be sure to look around your apartment and try to remember everyone who was in it. Lately. The fact is that the most common methods of causing damage is tossing certain objects. You should be seriously concerned about old things, soil, salt, dry grass or strange objects that resemble garbage. If such traces are found, you must get rid of them immediately.

Buy some candles from the church. Light them, placing them in different corners of the apartment. Light one candle and go around all the rooms with it. At the same time, you can read the “Our Father” prayer. Watch the flame. If it smokes, is alarmed, or constantly goes out, then there was an ill-wisher in your house. Pay attention to areas of “special danger”. It is likely that the thrown objects are located there.

It is believed that St. John's wort is a real protector against the evil eye or damage. It is recommended to drink decoctions both as a preventive measure and for obvious symptoms of bad influence.


Most people, when suspicions or damage arise, immediately rush to fortune-tellers, clairvoyants or magicians. This should only be done as a last resort. Go to church, repent of your sins, wish happiness to your friends and even ill-wishers. Light up your apartment and buy a cross. Such methods will be more effective than the chance of getting an appointment with a charlatan.


There are two main ways that will allow you to reveal the name of your ill-wisher. The first option is to seek help from a professional psychic or magician. He will answer you whether damage has been caused to you and who sent it to you. However, if this magician turns out to be a charlatan, you will only be wasting your time and money.

There is another way to find out who caused the damage. You can independently, and at the same time, completely reveal the name of your enemy. There are many effective magical rituals for this. By using them, you will receive all the information you need. Such rituals can differ significantly from each other, but they all have one goal, namely, the revelation of the secret. This is the simplest magic that is accessible even to a beginner. The main thing is faith in your strength and the intention to get results.

First, it’s worth finding out whether damage has been caused. The easiest way to do this is with a pin. You will need to place a pin on the back of the garment. It should be invisible to others and located as close to your heart as possible. The head of the pin should be directed perpendicular to the surface of the earth.

When you start pinning this item to your clothes, say a spell, for example: “Lord, save me on the road, from evil people and bad thoughts." Then say “Amen” three times. This should be done before leaving the house. When you return, look at the pin. If you find that you have lost it, it is likely that you have been damaged.

You can also detect spoilage using a chicken egg. To do this in the evening, before going to bed, take a glass jar, pour water into it and add 1 egg. Do this very carefully so that the yolk does not spill. Hold the jar above your head, close to the back of your head, then near your forehead, chest, groin area and feet. The jar should be held at each of these areas of the body for five minutes. Then close the lid and place it next to your head overnight. If you have been damaged, by morning the egg will darken and the water will become cloudy.

You can also find out who caused the damage. This can be done using wax. It is important to remember that during such a magical operation it is necessary to use only natural materials. So, take a bowl of clean (non-chlorinated) water. You will also need wax. It cannot be replaced with paraffin.

Melt the wax in a water bath, then pour it into a cup of water, saying the following: “I pour out the wax, I pour out the enemy.” If you see images of a flower or the moon, it means that the damage was caused by a woman. If you see images of a raven, a bear, a wolf, a square or a rhombus, this means that the damage was caused by a man. In addition, upon careful examination, you can see the image of the person who sent negativity to you.

Helpful advice

Do not forget that you need to know your enemy by sight not in order to take revenge on him, but in order to protect yourself and your loved ones from this person.

The concept of corruption has been known in Rus' for hundreds of years. An experienced sorcerer or witch can cause damage, and the negative impact can be directed at the most different sides human life. The presence of a negative influence can be judged by the presence of very specific signs.

You will need

  • - Help from an experienced magician;
  • - Salt;
  • - Cast-iron pan.


Evaluate all aspects of your life or the life of the person who was allegedly damaged. It's about health family relationships, success in business, etc. If everything was in order, but at some point one of the areas of life suddenly began to collapse catastrophically, we can assume the presence of damage.

Remember that the main sign of damage is the sudden, in a matter of days or weeks, appearance and increase in negative events. Troubles grow like a snowball. Any other negative events that have clearly visible preconditions should not be considered as damage.

If your health has suddenly deteriorated, also evaluate the reasons for this. Perhaps an unhealthy lifestyle, unhealthy diet, accidental hypothermia, etc. are to blame. It is important to note that in case of damage, doctors often cannot establish the correct diagnosis - the person feels sudden loss energy, general malaise. Against this background, pre-existing chronic diseases may worsen.

Think about whether any strange events have happened to you recently. For example, the doorbell rang, you opened it, but there was no one there; or you noticed on the landing, under the rug in front of the door, a needle, a pin, sand, grains of wheat. Needles can be stuck into door jambs, hidden under wallpaper, etc. Maybe you found a large bill on the street, Golden ring or some other valuable thing, where did all your troubles begin? Any such event may be a sign that you have been damaged.

Has your marriage suddenly begun to crack at the seams, threatening to collapse, although there are no obvious reasons for breaking off the relationship? This may also be a result of damage. The same applies to work - if suddenly a series of troubles begins, you are haunted by failures and losses, you should think about the possibility of damage. Currently, damage to business failures is one of the most popular witchcraft services.

In this article, I am a magician Sergei Artgrom, I will tell you how to recognize the evil eye yourself at home, I will give signs available ways checks for negativity not associated with complex rituals. When the need arises to check the evil eye on yourself, you can do it at home. There is no particular difficulty here, and special skills not required. With magical damage on a person it is somewhat more complicated, since the effect is much more serious than the evil eye. At home, find out if there is damage, you can use runic layouts or layouts on Tarot cards. This effective ways checking for the presence of negativity in the biofield, but they require knowledge and skills.

Find out on your own whether there is damage - how difficult is it and what do you need to know?

You can determine damage to a person yourself using runes, for example, there is good deal to identify magical negativity Runic wax. It shows any type of presence of magical negativity on a person, and, in addition, makes it clear where it came from, who initiated it and what, which witchcraft will affect in a negative way. However, if you don’t know the runes, you will hardly be able to read and understand their message.

Tarot cards are very informative and will help you find out for yourself whether there is damage to you. Especially dark decks if we're talking about about the negative. Some magicians believe that the rune system is complex and uninformative, while others think the messages of the runes are simple and understandable. Diagnosing the cards of the Tarot deck also has many of its own peculiarities. Simply put, the magician works with what is closest to his spirit. If you have mastered any prediction system, you will be able to find out about the state of your own biofield, as well as determine damage to a person at home. Otherwise, you need the help of a specialist runologist or tarot reader.

As for how to independently recognize the evil eye at home, everything is simple, and now I, the magician Sergei Artgrom, will tell you about it.

Find out for yourself whether there is an evil eye - several options for home diagnostics

Firstly, I, the magician Sergei Artgrom, will say with complete certainty that a sensitive person, an intuitive person who lives by sensations and trusts his body, will certainly feel the evil eye, for the evil eye is nothing more than a charge negative energy, which will certainly affect a person, and will act in a negative way.

  • sudden weakness in the limbs,
  • dizziness,
  • darkening in the eyes,
  • feeling of weightlessness,
  • nausea

These are signs of an energy strike. If you are an insightful person, you will not miss this moment, these body signals.

In addition, if your inner voice tells you that you have been jinxed, then it is so, and you need to at least try independently determine the evil eye. There are such rituals in witchcraft. They are quite simple, applicable at home, and do not require special skills or serious knowledge. By using these methods of diagnosing yourself at home, you will be able to identify negativity, and even with some skill, understand what nature and intensity this negativity is.

I, the magician Sergei Artgrom, suggest trying to identify the evil eye at home using:

  1. wax candle
  2. matches
  3. fresh chicken egg

Diagnostics using magical methods allows a person to find out whether he or she has the evil eye, and also to independently check the damage at home. Light witchcraft rituals are used even by practicing magicians.

How to determine damage and the evil eye at home using a candle

Diagnostics can be carried out on any day, regardless of lunar phases. This way you can diagnose a magical negative in yourself, or you can independently determine the negative in a person, for example, a family member. I, the magician Sergei Artgrom, will remind you, interesting fact, for thought. The one who diagnoses another person, no matter what subject - to identify damage, determine defenses, etc., must himself be clean. In other words, the diagnostician should not have any induced negativity that obscures the truth.

If a person who identifies magical negativity in another person himself walks under the damage done to him, then the answers will most likely be received incorrectly. Therefore, before diagnosing other people, you should check the damage on yourself; You can do this yourself by using a witchcraft ritual with a candle, or using a chicken egg diagnostic method.

Diagnosing the evil eye on yourself using a candle is not very convenient, although if you try, you can do it and get objective answers. But, you can always choose witchcraft rituals to independently determine the presence of damage that are convenient for you. So, how does one identify negativity in the biofield using a candle made of natural wax? I, the magician Sergei Artgrom, have said more than once that it is natural wax that is important, and not paraffin, colored or perfumed.

  • Place the person you will be diagnosing for traces of damage and the evil eye on a chair facing east. The patient's hands rest loosely on his knees, palms open.
  • Stand behind him, holding a burning candle in your hand. Read the “Our Father” prayer if you and your patient are baptized Christians, live in accordance with the institutions of the church and are under the protection of the church egregor. In this case, Christian Forces are called upon. If you are not related to the Christian egregor, then it is clear that, wanting to independently check whether there is damage to a person, you call on your assistants.
  • Walk around the person three times clockwise. Hold the candle at a distance of 10 -15 cm from the person’s body, and move it in spiral movements from the top of the head to the knees and back. If the candle flame is calm, does not change its color, if the candle does not crack, does not spark, does not turn black or cry, then the biofield is clear.

ATTENTION IMPORTANT: I, the magician Sergei Artgrom, recommend everyone to wear a proven Talisman to attract the energy of money and luck. This powerful Amulet attracts good luck and wealth. MONEY AMULET is made strictly individually, under the name specific person and his date of birth. The main thing is to immediately set it up correctly in accordance with the instructions sent, it is equally suitable for people of any religion

The evil eye can be either a random influence of an envious person with strong energy, or a directed influence, but not fully realized by the person himself. An ill-wisher, a friend, a girlfriend, a relative, i.e. can cast the evil eye. any person who does not love you either loves you excessively or is intensely jealous of you. Not every person is so courageous and honest with himself as to admit that he is an envious person, because this is unsightly. Therefore, people (who mostly have a good opinion of themselves) deny envy. If a person is jealous, he sometimes hides it so carefully from himself that he is not aware of the fact that he is capable of putting the evil eye on someone. Although, there are obvious envious people and quarrelsome people, and there are many of them.

And finally, I, the magician Sergei Artgrom, will remind you that you can jinx yourself, thereby ruining your affairs. In real magic there are rituals that allow you to protect yourself from the self-evil eye. Let's return to the candle with which we try Find out for yourself if there is an evil eye. Energy damage localized behind the back of the head and in the upper part of the human body - neck, shoulders. The area affected by the evil eye is usually small. The candle will let you know if there is energy damage in the biofield. However, the candle will not behave as violently as in the case of the presence of magical damage in the human aura.

Damage is strong impact, accompanied by certain actions of the sorcerer and words of the Force. Real damage causes significant damage to the biofield. Therefore the candle you use to check damage at home, will react violently with the flame color changing to red or purple, with soot, sparks and crackling sounds, unpleasant smell. Sometimes the candle melts with strong drips and cries. The more negative the person being tested is, the more energetic the candle will react.

How to independently identify the evil eye using matches

This is old folk recipe determining the presence of the evil eye and magical damage on a person. Home diagnostics using matches requires clarification, especially if you suspect a negative effect on yourself that is much stronger than the banal evil eye, and you want to independently determine the presence of damage.
To perform the ritual you will need:

  1. glass container with cold water
  2. Matchbox

Take an odd number of matches, no less than 3. Hold them in your hands for a while, having a clear intention, and thinking about the need to determine damage and the evil eye at home. Having charged them with our energy, we light these matches one by one and throw them into the water. Then look at the result.

  • If all the matches float on the surface of the water without intersecting, then you are fine. There is no evil eye or magical damage.
  • If the matches are tilted down or floating on top of each other, this can be interpreted as the presence of an evil eye.
  • If at least one match has dropped and is in layers of water, there is a possibility that there is damage.

Self-diagnosis at home using matches is one of the simplest. And, of course, the answers received require clarification. For greater confidence, I, the magician Sergei Artgrom, recommend identifying damage yourself in different ways.

How to check spoilage yourself - diagnosing egg spoilage

For a long time village healers they checked whether a person was cursed using a fresh chicken egg. The egg has a sensitive biofield. When it comes into contact with someone else's energy, the biological field of the egg reacts to the negative, which leads

  1. fresh chicken egg
  2. clear glass container with cold water

The egg must be from domestic chicken, fresh. Hold the egg in your palms, then begin to gently roll it over the patient’s body from head to feet. Then break the egg into the water without damaging the yolk. And look.

  • If the yolk is torn, or looks like it is scalded, this can be interpreted as the presence of gaps in the biofield. There is a possibility that there was a magical attack on you, someone did some damage.
  • If there are serious effects caused by witchcraft, the protein in the water will be cloudy, white threads, protein cobwebs, and dark inclusions will be visible.
  • If there are air bubbles in the egg structure, we can talk about significant damage to the biofield. Rolling out an egg is also good because with this ritual you can independently find out whether there is a curse.

The second method of diagnosing negativity is similar to what I, the magician Sergei Artgrom, just described, but it is even simpler. First, hold the container of water above your head. The water will take information from his aura. Then break the egg into water and see what the result is. What you see should be interpreted as in the previous method.

And the third way is how independently identify negativity in a person or on yourself, the simplest. Place a glass container of water at the head of the bed overnight, breaking a chicken egg into it. In the morning you can check the state of the biofield by appearance eggs.

How to check yourself for the presence of the evil eye

There are many in various ways, allowing you to check a person for the presence of induced negative energy. The first thing you need to pay attention to when you suspect an evil eye is the physical and spiritual state of a person. Even in the initial stages negative energy quite actively influences its victim, which manifests itself as constant fatigue, depression, loss of strength or exacerbation of old diseases.

In this article:

The evil eye is a directed blow of negative energy to a person’s biofield, which is formed due to negative thoughts, emotions and feelings. This form of negative magical program is dangerous precisely because it does not require special harmful rituals to appear; it is formed regardless of a person’s desires and any of us can become its target.

Every person during his life repeatedly becomes not only a victim, but also a source of negativity. That’s why today many people are interested in the question of how to check themselves and their loved ones for the evil eye.

Unintentional Negative Program

The negative energy that forms around a person due to negative thoughts and feelings can cause harm not only to any person around him, but also to himself. In magic there is even a term “self-eye”. The existence of the possibility of unknowingly inducing a negative magical program on oneself makes the evil eye an even more dangerous and unpleasant phenomenon.

Evil eye on yourself

Most often, the evil eye on oneself arises due to lack of self-confidence, due to a pessimistic view of things, for example, a person constantly repeats that he is unlucky in life, and that nothing will ever be good for him, nor in work or in personal life.

By thinking about this constantly, we not only form around ourselves significant amount negative energy, but also reduce the strength of the natural protective field.

Ultimately, the amount of negativity will exceed a certain limit, the biofield will not withstand it and all the accumulated negative energy will settle on the person. This situation can be called self-evil eye.

The evil eye on oneself is a very unpleasant phenomenon, but it is quite easy to prevent its occurrence. It is enough to think in a positive direction, believe in yourself and your strengths. With the right direction of thoughts, you can independently create a positive energy program around yourself that will strengthen your biofield and strengthen your defense against any negativity.

Evil eye on your loved ones

Word and thoughts are material

Negative energy that forms around a person can harm not only himself, but also all his loved ones. As an example, we can consider such a common situation when a mother scolds her daughter, says that the young girl has a terrible character, that because of him she will never succeed in life, that she will never find a husband, etc. Each word carries a charge of energy, and therefore the girl can really have many problems in the future, in particular, in her personal life. We must remember that any of our words and even thoughts can influence the world around us and, of course, our loved ones, and therefore we need to wish only the best for our relatives, and never try to scare them with troubles in the future.

How to check if there is an evil eye

There are many different ways to test a person for the presence of induced negative energy. The first thing you need to pay attention to when you suspect an evil eye is the physical and spiritual state of a person. Even in the initial stages, negative energy quite actively influences its victim, which manifests itself as constant fatigue, depression, loss of strength or exacerbation of old diseases. If one or more signs are present, it is imperative to carry out one of the available diagnostic procedures.

Checking for the evil eye using an egg and a glass of water

This is one of the most common and reliable methods for diagnosing the presence of negative energy. Take a regular glass glass and fill it with cold water from the tap. After this, you need to break a fresh chicken egg into a glass (the egg must have a living embryo, so you should use products from the village).

It is very important not to damage the yolk, since it is on the basis of its condition that we will draw a conclusion about the presence of negative energy.

Now sit on a chair and place a glass of water on your head, you can hold it with the fingers of one hand. You need to stay in this position for 2 to 5 minutes. After the specified time has passed, remove the glass from your head, place it on the table and carefully examine its contents; any presence of a negative magical program will be visible immediately.

If the egg in the water has not changed and looks completely normal, we can say with confidence that there is no negative impact on you, and the cause of illness or failure must be looked for somewhere else. If thin white threads rise from the protein to the surface, similar to the tentacles of a jellyfish, then this indicates the presence of a negative magical effect. With a more careful examination of the state of the white and yolk, a more accurate conclusion about the superimposed negative can be made.

Thin white threads emanating from the protein indicate the presence of a weak negative effect, it could be the evil eye or weak damage caused by a beginner in magic. You can easily and quite successfully fight such negativity on your own using any available means, from daily reading of prayers to the use of the simplest amulets and amulets.

After spending this method several times you will be able to confidently diagnose the negative

If there are black dots and/or bubbles on the white threads, and the yolk looks like boiled, then you are dealing with a fairly powerful negative. This could be a strong or inveterate evil eye, or damage caused by a person who understands magic. In any case, you need to start fighting such negativity as soon as possible, and you should use it as much as possible. effective means, or seek help from a professional.

In any case, if the state of the egg in the glass indicates the presence of negative energy, the entire contents of the glass must be poured into the toilet and the words read:

The next day, try to buy 8 fresh eggs, they will be needed for the cleansing rituals. Every evening you will have to refill the glass with water and break one egg into it. After this, the vessel should be placed at the head of the bed in which you will sleep. In the morning, check the condition of the egg in the glass; every day the negative energy should weaken and this will be reflected in the condition of the egg. After checking, pour the contents of the glass into the toilet and say

“Let it return to the one from whom it came. Amen".

How to check if you have the evil eye using coals

To check for the presence of the evil eye, fill a cup or glass with water and throw three coals into it. If the coals lie on the surface of the liquid, this indicates that there is no negative effect. If 2 or 3 coals sink to the bottom, it means that the evil eye really exists and you need to fight it as soon as possible.

Use charcoal

The water used for diagnostics can also be used to remove negative effects. To do this, the coals are removed, and any known magic spell for cleansing or some prayer, for example, “Our Father.” After this, you need to drink a few sips of already charged water, and sprinkle the rest on your face and body.