IN Lately V gyms The number of girls is actively growing. They come there not only to get their body in order, but also to correct certain areas. A common problem among women is large calves, which spoil the figure and make it insufficiently feminine. How to remove calves - that’s what is interesting to ladies who have encountered this. You can solve this issue if you understand the reason why the volume of the calf muscles does not suit you.

The calf muscles are the most powerful group of muscles constantly used in our Everyday life. When we simply walk or run, these muscles are responsible for keeping our torso upright and maintaining balance. If your calves are not perfect, you need to do everything to solve this problem. But initially you need to understand what factors led you to wonder how to remove calves on your legs. There may be several reasons for this.

Full calves

Full calves may be due to the following reasons:

  • Heredity. If most of your relatives have voluminous, strong and fleshy calves, then you too may inherit this problem. In this case, it will be especially difficult to fight it. Will be necessary good complex exercises aimed specifically at working out the problem area.
  • Fat deposits. Whether fat accumulates in a certain part of the body is not just a matter of genetics. If the percentage of fat in the body is quite high, it will be deposited everywhere, and calves will be no exception. In addition, there are studies that have proven that certain features of fat distribution also depend on the presence of certain diseases and psychological factors. If the reason is obesity, then in order to decide how to remove fat from the legs, you need to reconsider your lifestyle. First, you will need a good set of exercises for weight loss, aimed at improving blood circulation in the calf area, which in turn helps burn fat. In addition to exercises for the calves, you also need aerobic exercise that burns fat evenly throughout the body, for example, running, jumping. You may also need to adjust your diet - you won't be able to lose weight unless you burn more calories than you consume. Their deficiency is also created due to dietary restrictions.

Full calves can also be a result of persistent swelling or varicose veins. In this case, you should consult a medical specialist.

Pumped calves

Girls who have pumped calves are mostly professional athletes who regularly load their calf muscles, for example, by sprinting or strength training.

In order to cope with how to remove large calves on the legs, they need as much as possible minimize any stress on the calf muscle. It is recommended to replace sprint with cross-country. You should avoid strength exercises with weights that increase muscle volume, and choose those that are aimed at burning fat.

The problem of full calves bothers many, and some girls even think about surgical intervention, which will help make them thinner. But there are less expensive and risky ways to remove calves on your legs quickly. Initially, consider the following recommendations:

  • Try don't walk on your toes– this pumps up the calves. Wearing high heels keeps muscles toned, which promotes their growth, as well as any other activity - dancing, for example, or jumping rope. But here everything is individual - for some, such a load helps to lose weight, for others, on the contrary, it increases the muscles of the legs. Don't panic in advance - just monitor the results using a tape measure.
  • Running is a great tool for reducing leg thickness. However, it all depends on the distances. Those who run marathons tend to have thin legs, but sprinters have powerful thighs and calves because sprinting is equivalent to strength training. To lose weight in your lower legs, run slowly, without accelerating and at long distances.
  • Activities that require the development of speed, strength and power in the legs lead to active muscle growth, so you should avoid them.
  • Also don't get carried away with intense jumping, in particular, in interval training, jumping rope. Walking, swimming, elliptical trainers, and long-distance running will help you lose weight in your lower legs. Walking lengthens the muscles between the ankle and the back of the knee. Avoid machines like steppers as they cause strain. calf muscles.
  • Training with additional weights is aimed at pumping muscles. If you want to keep them in your classes, use lighter weights and increase the number of repetitions. If you want to know how to remove fat from your calves, you need to increase the proportion of cardio in your training program.
  • Pledge of long and slender legsstretching. Stretching, yoga, Pilates are excellent exercises for losing weight and tightening your calves without the risk of pumping them up.
  • Try move your legs as much as possible, even in sitting position. You can simply pull your shin in any direction, swing your foot clockwise and counterclockwise.

If full calves are the result of excess weight throughout the body, in principle, you need to reconsider your diet. There is no separate diet for losing weight in calves; it is best to stick to a universal one proper nutrition. Eat often and in small portions, lean on proteins, plant foods, and complex carbohydrates. It is recommended to give up fatty, sweet, baked goods and other harmful foods. Also limit the amount of salt in your diet, as it promotes fluid retention in the body and leads to swelling of the limbs.

Removing calves with exercises

Removing calves on the legs is quite difficult, since fat practically does not accumulate in the lower leg area, and its shape depends on the calf muscle. The fat layer may increase, especially in the cold season, but regular walking allows you to quickly restore your calves to their former slimness. Therefore, the best way to get rid of excess calf volume is to do a lot of long-distance walking. The advantage of walking is that it is suitable for everyone, regardless of fitness level.

How to remove calves from legs in a week is a question that many people ask. Coping with a problem like this short term It’s quite difficult, but don’t rush, because the result is more important. Jumping helps burn fat, but it also strengthens muscles, so you need to know how to properly include it in your program.

To quickly burn fat without pumping up your calves, it is recommended combine in your program three types of loads:

  • multi-repetition strength;
  • cardio;
  • stretching.

Exercises need to be performed for a minute without taking breaks. First, rise on your toes without dumbbells. Then jump from side to side. If breathing becomes difficult, pauses are acceptable. Do side jumps, skater style. They involve jumping from foot to foot, in which you need to tilt your body and move your bent leg back.

Dedicate the fourth minute to the plie position: place your feet wider than your shoulders, squat down and lift your heels off the floor one by one.

Fifth minute – stretching exercises against the wall. Put one leg back, rest your hands on the wall and lean forward, bending your left leg at the knee and touching the floor with your right heel. Spend 30 seconds on each leg.

Sixth last minute dedicated to bending stretching. One leg is placed forward on the heel. You need to lean forward with your body, keeping your back straight and pull your toes towards you.

This simple six-minute program helps in how to remove large calves. There are also a huge number of exercises aimed at burning fat in the lower leg area. You can find a separate article on this topic on the website, where the exercises are illustrated with photographs (link).

How to remove volume with inflated calves?

Legs with developed calf muscles are popularly called bottle legs. Usually girls with this type of figure can boast of round buttocks and strong with toned arms. To improve your physical fitness in this case, it is recommended Dedicate 2-3 times a week to cardio training, and also include in the program stretching.

It has a particularly good effect yoga. One of her most popular poses that provides a great calf stretch is downward-facing dog. You need to get into a plank position on your palms. Then you need to lift your pelvis up and tense your abs, stretch the back of your legs and bend top part backs. Your heels should touch the floor - this is where you will feel the stretch in your calves. Having assumed this position, try to walk forward on straight legs. Do this exercise in three sets of 10-20 times - over time, your stretching will improve significantly, and your calves will become slimmer and more feminine.

Girls for whom the problem is relevant, how remove inflated calves, should work on the opposite principle, that is, not build muscle mass, but. But it is necessary to take into account that the muscles will go away evenly on all legs. If you want to preserve the muscles of your thighs, buttocks, arms and back, load them with strength exercises, but don’t touch your calves at all. Add jogging at a slow pace for 40-60 minutes to your program.

If you want to get rid of calf fat or reduce muscle mass, you'll have to try change body composition. That is, you will need to either “replace” fat with muscle, or burn both one and the other at the same time. Cells do not burn out or grow in a day, so you will have to try and spend a certain amount of time. If your goal is to lose weight, then you need to adjust your diet by creating a calorie deficit and combining the diet with cardio exercise or an active, active lifestyle. Then your calves, like your whole body, will become slim and beautiful and will not spoil your figure.

Large calves - reasons

Why do many women have too large calves? Unfortunately, large calf volume gives a disproportionate appearance not only to the legs, but also to the figure as a whole. And the root of this problem is not always fat. Therefore, in order to eliminate this nuisance forever, you need to identify it main reason.

Large calf volume is often due to:

  • Excess body weight.
  • Uneven distribution of physical activity on the legs.
  • Poor nutrition.
  • Serious diseases (for example, diabetes).

If the cause of large calves is not fat, but swelling, most likely the large volume is associated with blockage of blood vessels in the area due to high levels of bad cholesterol. This problem can only be solved by following a balanced diet or using special therapy prescribed by a doctor (if the swelling is caused by serious health problems). But if leg swelling is caused by heavy physical activity, it can be eliminated with massage.

Diet for slender legs and calves

White bread, cakes, chocolate, ice cream and coffee with cream can ruin your slim figure. And this is just a small list of foods that can quickly form fat in your body. If you don’t know how to lose weight in your calves, start with proper nutrition. It is because of unhealthy eating habits that many girls develop problem areas: double chin, large hands, big belly, curvy hips, full legs and calves.

Following a healthy diet will eliminate the problem of excess weight forever.

Unfortunately, fat tends to be deposited in any area of ​​your body. And it is impossible to predict in which part of your figure it will be located after eating dessert at night. To prevent this, you need to eliminate all types of harmful products and drinks:

  • Alcohol.
  • Instant coffee with milk powder.
  • Pasteurized juices.
  • Refined sugar.
  • Jams and jams.
  • Baking.
  • Candies.
  • Sausages.
  • Smoked meats.
  • Canned food.
  • Dairy desserts (glazed cheese curds, yoghurts, curd mass).
  • Sauces (especially mayonnaise and ketchup).

Why are most of the products we buy in the store considered harmful? If you carefully study their composition on the packaging, it often contains food additives such as emulsifiers, preservatives, flavors, dyes and flavor enhancers. All these components do not contain any health benefits. On the contrary, such food often increases appetite and is high in calories, which subsequently leads to excess body weight.

Less dangerous, but also undesirable foods on your table are:

If you cannot completely avoid the listed products, you need to limit them as much as possible in your diet.

What should be the proper diet to reduce the size of your calves?

To reduce your calves, eat more foods high in potassium!

If you want to lose fat in your calves, consume foods that contain potassium. This element is excellent at absorbing sodium, which is often what causes the volume of your calves to grow. Consuming potassium not only eliminates fat, but also relieves swelling in the legs due to excess sodium in the body.

The daily sodium intake limit for an adult is no more than 8-10 grams. People who exceed this limit and consume about 12 grams of sodium per day often experience severe swelling in the legs and calf area.

What foods contain a lot of potassium and will help you lose weight in your calves?

A healthy diet depends on three important criteria:

  1. Amount and time of meals.
  2. The right combination of products.
  3. Drinking regime.

Every day you should have three main meals and a couple of snacks. You need to do or eat breakfast, lunch and dinner at the same time. It’s good to start breakfast with carbohydrate foods, lunch with protein, and dinner with fiber. You need to drink 1.5-2 liters of purified water per day. Drinking regime will eliminate dehydration of the body.

Sports will help remove large calves

How to lose weight in your knees and calves through sports? The best solution is cardio training. The main goal of such exercises is to burn fat in problem areas and achieve a “clean” muscle mass. However, cardio alone will not be enough to reduce the size of your calves. The training must be supplemented with strength and flexibility exercises.

Exercise plan:

Also, people who have had a heart attack or stroke should not do cardio training.

A slim figure is the dream object of most girls. Nature gave someone perfect proportions, and for some - the need to work hard to achieve them. One of the most common problems is calves on the legs. Is it possible to reduce them and how to do this is a question that many want an answer to.

The calf muscles help a person move. Walking, running and jumping are the main activities where they are involved.

They can increase excessively in size for the following reasons:

Both predisposition and excess weight require a special approach to reduce the volume of calves in girls. To solve this problem, there are special techniques that will help get your legs in order.

Methods for reducing pumped calves

If a girl is involved in sports that require great strength in the calves, then over time these muscles acquire an impressive volume. If the problem of large calves bothers a person more than athletic achievements, then the very first recommendation is to stop this type of training.

In this case, the calves themselves become smaller over time. However, this result will not always be sufficient. In this case, physical activity will come to the rescue again. Only this time the training method will be different.

Here are its main features:

  1. Working with light weights. No record approaches to take maximum weight. The weight should be such that a person can do at least 20 repetitions with it. At first, you can work with your own body weight, without additional weights.
  2. Lots of repetitions. Exact quantity No. You need to load the muscle until you feel a strong burning sensation. Typically, this effect is achieved with 25–40 repetitions.
  3. Avoiding explosive loads. To reduce the volume of the calf muscles, the loads should be low-intensity but long-lasting. The main task is to tire the muscle with light, but monotonous and long work.

Watching athletes, you can notice interesting fact. Those whose task is to quickly do a record amount of work have a large volume of muscles. An example is sprinters. They are big and powerful.

The second example is marathon runners. They are thin and slender. Their task is to produce low-intensity but continuous work. To reduce the volume of pumped calves, you need to make them hardy “marathon runners”.

Losing weight in calves if you are overweight

How to reduce calves on your legs - this issue is extremely important for girls. If their excessive volume is caused by excess weight, then this issue can be solved by losing weight. It is impossible to get rid of calf fat locally. You'll have to lose weight completely.

It is important to limit your daily caloric intake.

How many calories to consume is an individual question, but there are approximate values:

You need to choose a value based on the closest desired weight. If a girl weighing 75 kg wants to lose weight to 60 kg, then caloric intake should be reduced gradually. First, up to 2100 kcal per day, after reaching 70 kg - up to 1950 kcal per day, and so on.

To lose weight, simply monitor the number of calories you consume. But in order for the body to become slim and elastic, it is necessary to monitor the quality of food consumed. Eat less fast food and more green vegetables. Avoid overeating at night and reduce your intake of sweets.

To ensure that your legs not only get smaller, but become slender and seductive, you should add exercises to train them.

Stretching exercises to reduce calves

Stretching your calves after a workout helps the body rid this muscle group of lactic acid faster and also prevents spasms and cramps.

Useful techniques stretches that will allow you to effectively recover and reduce the size of the calf muscles:


Calf bends stretch the legs and waist, strengthening the body and toning these muscle groups.

How to properly perform shin bends:

Lift to the leg

The complex is similar to the previous one, but is performed while sitting.

Calf raise

Fitness trainers know how to reduce calves on the legs for girls. They recommend including mandatory calf raises in your training regimen. If you follow the correct technique, the exercise is considered the best technique for reducing the size of your calves.

Correct practice technique:

When the exercise becomes simple, you need to start doing it for your legs one by one.


Lunges are an excellent exercise for comprehensively strengthening the leg muscles. It is useful not only for calves, but also for thighs and buttocks.

  1. Stand upright, feet at a distance of 20–30 cm. Hands are lowered down parallel to the body.
  2. Take a medium-length step forward. You can stretch your arms forward for balance. The front leg bends at an angle of 90°. The thigh should be parallel to the training surface. The back leg bends at a right angle, the knee almost touches the ground.
  3. Stay in the pose for 1 second. Get into the starting position, leaning on your back leg.
  4. Repeat for the other limb. Total repetitions - 10 r. for each leg.

Raising the knees to the sternum

The complex promotes the development of the muscles of the thighs and lower legs.

It needs to be done as follows:

  1. Lie down on the floor. Legs lie together, toes extended.
  2. Bend your leg at the knee, pull it towards your sternum, trying to place your knee on your stomach as much as possible. Socks are still pulled up. Hold for 1-2 seconds.
  3. Without lifting your knee, try to straighten your leg. Now you need to pull your socks out reverse side. Fix at the top point for 1 second.

Leg abduction

The lesson is aimed at tightening the buttocks, stretching the back of the thigh and lower leg.

To reduce the calves on the legs using the “leg abduction” exercise for girls, it is recommended to attach an expander
  1. Stand upright. You can hold on to something for stability.
  2. Smoothly, without bending, move your legs back alternately. The body leans forward at this time.
  3. Lock your leg in highest point for 1–3 sec. Slowly lower it to the starting position.
  4. Do at least 10 repetitions on each side.

Complex at home

How to reduce calves on your legs - this is not an easy question for girls at home. But the task is doable. The set of measures will consist of stretching and exercises that do not require sports equipment.

With stretching, everything is clear - what and how to pull was discussed above. All that remains is to list the exercises that you can do at home.

Rope exercises

The most accessible type of exercise. In isolation, it includes the calves in the work, effectively loading them.

For jumping to be effective, you need to follow the technique of performing the exercise:

  • The jump should be low. Literally 2–3 cm to jump over the rope.
  • You need to rotate the rope with your hands. The forearms and shoulders are completely excluded from this process.
  • Your back should be straight and your legs slightly bent.
  • Jumps are performed exclusively on the toes in order to emphasize the load on the calves and eliminate the impact on the spine.

Alternating calf raises

Spread your feet one and a half shoulder widths apart, turn your toes out and squat slightly. The pose is similar to that of sumo wrestlers before a fight. Your back must be kept straight.

Without changing your position, you need to alternately rise on your toes, first with one leg, then with the other. This exercise statically loads the hips and trains the calf muscles.


Pistol squats are a powerful tool for comprehensive leg training.


  1. Stand up straight, feet together. Hold onto any support with your hand.
  2. Squat on one leg, extending the other leg forward. The free leg does not touch the ground.
  3. At the bottom point, keep the heel of the supporting leg on the ground.

The exercise is repeated 3–5 times with alternating legs. Gradually you need to increase the number of repetitions to 10.

Workout in the gym

Working out at home is good, but working out at the gym is more effective. This happens because the fitness club has the opportunity to use additional equipment and weights. They increase the effectiveness of your workout, allowing you to achieve faster results. desired result. Here are examples of exercises that work.

Leg press

Exercise in a special simulator.

Unlike the usual pressing technique on this apparatus, to reduce the calf muscles it is necessary to use the following technique:

  • Place the legs at the bottom of the platform. Your heels should be in the air.
  • The legs are slightly bent and do not change their position. All work is done exclusively with socks.
  • No additional weight is installed on the platform. She squeezes up only with her toes. The speed of execution is high, the amplitude is small. The number of repetitions is until there is a strong burning sensation. At least 20–30.

Calf raises with dumbbells

The exercise is similar to the previously discussed calf raise. For best performance, you need to hold a dumbbell in each hand. The weight is individual, but such that you can perform 15–20 repetitions. The technique is a smooth lowering and a quick rise.

Exercises for losing weight over pumped calves

In addition to the methods discussed, it will be effective to add cardio exercise. This will help to comprehensively influence the lower leg muscles and systematically reduce their volume.

High-intensity cardio should be avoided - no running with weights or jumping with additional weight. It is also necessary to control your diet so that excess calories do not go into unnecessary building material.


One of the best ways reduce calves. Slow running over long distances is most effective. It is best to run in the fresh air - oxygen saturation of the blood contributes to better results.

To reduce the size of your calves, you should not run sprints - with such a load they can only grow.

Elliptical trainer

Sometimes there is no physical opportunity to run. If you have flat feet, running is contraindicated, and often there is simply no suitable landscape around. In this case, an elliptical trainer will help.

The principle of working with it is the same as when running - minimum intensity and maximum duration.


Swimming does not specifically target the calves. Its benefit is the overall strengthening of body muscles and improved blood flow. This improves metabolism and stimulates fat burning.

Swimming alone will not help reduce the size of your calves. But it can increase the effect of other exercises.

Exercise bike

An effective remedy only when working at low intensity.
No interval programs, just monotonous pedaling with a low level of difficulty. To achieve the effect, you need to exercise for at least 40–60 minutes in a row.

For girls who want to learn how to reduce calves on their legs, the following advice from professionals will be useful: follow a diet, stretch your muscles after each workout, exercise regularly and don’t skip workouts. Subject to these conditions, any result is achievable. The main thing is discipline and perseverance.

Article format: Mila Friedan

Video on how to reduce the volume of calves on your legs

Exercises that will help reduce the size of your calves:

It often happens that a woman loses weight, but some problem areas do not go away with excess fat. This is especially noticeable in the calves. Cope with problem area the totality will help proper nutrition, sports and special means.

Effective sports

Having a slim figure and massive calves, dieting will not help. Skinny girls getting rid of harmful foods won’t help (although, of course, it won’t hurt, because healthy image promotes life effective sports activities).

To prevent sagging skin and stretch marks from appearing on your legs, in addition to nutrition, you should exercise at least 3 times a week, drink a lot of water and perform certain procedures.

Not all sports are effective. Some, on the contrary, negatively affect calves and contribute to their enlargement. Let's look at the most useful ones from the point of view of losing weight on calves:

  • Yoga. This is a completely painless sport, physical activity can be selected depending on age, build and lifestyle, and the effectiveness will always be at its best. Yoga has been proven to burn excess fat and improve metabolism. At the same time, an experienced instructor can select special exercises specifically for losing weight in a certain part of the body. Thanks to yoga, women gain a slim figure and flexibility. To be more effective, you also need to eat right. The instructor can tell you what to eat before training.
  • Pilates. The new direction includes elements of acrobatics, stretching, and yoga. Although Pilates is similar to yoga, it is less static. This sport is not only intended for gaining slim figure, but also for elaboration internal organs. Pilates also helps to reduce calves as a result of stretching. Pilates is not suitable for lovers of active sports, since the main emphasis here is on breathing, smooth and slow movements.
  • Stretching helps muscles become more elastic. It is reminiscent of the exercises of gymnasts and ballerinas, who, as you know, always have very beautiful and thin calves. At the same time, unlike ballet, stretching is suitable for women, regardless of age and size.

  • Swimming helps you quickly and pleasantly get rid of extra pounds, and with them large calves. The main thing is don't make money new problem– broad shoulders, which are a feature of all swimmers. Pay attention to water aerobics, which allows you to effectively lose weight and tone your body.
  • Step aerobics. Having bought or built a special platform and weights from available materials, you can practice this sport at home while watching TV. The main thing is to choose the right shoes and watch the video to understand how to perform the exercises correctly. Of course, ideally you should first go to classes with a trainer.

Take different classes and then you will find something that you really enjoy.

How to remove calves on legs at home

It happens that the situation does not allow you to exercise in the gym or on the street. Designed for such cases special exercises that you can do at home without any special devices. However, there are several rules here:

  • Before starting classes, you should undergo a medical examination to understand which exercises you can do and which you should avoid. Sometimes it may turn out that a person, in principle, cannot lose weight or play sports.

  • Do not start doing exercises without first warming up your muscles. Bend forward and back, stretch your legs, Special attention Focus on your feet and knees, since most calf exercises target these areas.
  • Technique. It is very important to learn correct technique implementation, because otherwise the exercises, at best, may simply not work, and at worst, harm your health.
  • Make it a rule to exercise in good form even at home. Be sure to wear sneakers for better cushioning.

  • Do not exercise more than 4 times a week, be sure to rest the next day after training to restore muscles.
  • Write down all the exercises in a notebook, measure your parameters and enter them there. This simple method of monitoring will help you find out about the progress or regression of your activities.

How to remove calves on legs in a week

For effective weight loss calf exercises should be performed:

  • Accept "volleyball player" pose. Squat down and place your hands above your knees. Jump on your toes without leaving the ground.
  • Squat on one leg.
  • Jump on a skipping rope at least 10 minutes a day.
  • The most important thing after all the exercises is do some stretching, since otherwise they may act in the opposite direction. Bend over, trying to reach the ground, keeping your legs straight. Place your feet as wide as possible and bend over, trying to reach your heels, in different directions.

It is also necessary to follow a diet: eat right, creating calorie deficit(eat less than you use). At the same time, give up unhealthy foods: fatty, starchy, sweet, spicy. Such food will slow down weight loss, and spicy and salty foods will also deposit salt, which can cause swelling.

Use special products: scrubs, massage oils. They will prevent your skin from sagging and will help your calves look more toned.

Thanks to this simple method, you will lose weight in your calves, keep your skin smooth and beautiful.

Too voluminous calves disappoint many girls - this includes an inharmonious silhouette of the legs, difficulties in buying boots, and uncertainty in choosing the length of a skirt. A thin ankle is unattractive, but muscular or swollen, thick legs make their owners feel complex about their appearance and dream of how to shrink their calves faster.

Find out the nature of the problem

Women's figures differ from each other, but their shortcomings and problems can be reduced to several types. This will help you correctly determine how to reduce your calves.

Excessively voluminous calves can be due to:

  1. congenital body constitution - hypersthenic structure (predominance of muscle mass, stocky figure, wide bones);
  2. fat deposits on the legs, and losing weight in the hips and waist can emphasize it;
  3. swelling of the extremities with varicose veins - with loose tissue, pale skin, protruding veins, painful sensations and burning;
  4. pumped muscles - with a relatively thin ankle and medium-sized knee joint(occurs in ballerinas, athletes, with excessive passion for fitness, running).

To regain confidence in your attractiveness, choose one of the options that most accurately describes your data. This will point you in the right direction and help you figure out how to make your calves smaller, at least visually.

How to save a pumped-up shin

A similar problem occurs in women whose body responds too actively to physical activity, building up excess muscle mass.

This happens over long periods of time physical activity and the abundant presence in the diet of proteins necessary for building muscles that continue to develop rapidly. How to stop the unwanted process and make your legs more feminine?

The first thing to do is to review your diet for proteins and temporarily reduce the amount meat dishes, milk, cottage cheese, cheese and legumes. This will force the body to some extent “calm down” the excessive growth of muscle fibers.

The next important step is to reduce the stress on your calf muscles. For those who work out in the gym, it will not be difficult to choose exercises that train the body bypassing the lower leg muscles.

For those who cannot do without straining their calves, you need to try not to put strain on them in everyday life: stop riding a bike, use elevators, and replace hiking with another type of recreation.

How to reduce fat shin

Sometimes, having lost weight at the waist and having difficulty removing fat from the hips, women notice that their legs are not going to give up so easily. Indeed, if adipose tissue has somehow accumulated in large quantities below the knee, then getting rid of it becomes difficult, but by no means impossible.

Almost the same actions as for losing weight in the waist and hips will help you:

  1. continue a low-fat, low-carbohydrate diet;
  2. “break” fat deposits with a massage using a rough applicator (wooden or plastic massager with “fingers”);
  3. Perform daily exercises that improve blood circulation in the subcutaneous layer - with long repetitions, as well as stretching;
  4. use wraps with cling film, the warming effect of which will help transform adipose tissue and remove toxins from the problem area.

Exercises for losing weight of the lower leg

Single leg calf raise. Bend the other leg and hold it, hooking your foot slightly lower standing leg. Do 2x12 reps on each leg.

“Swallow” with dumbbells. Starting position - standing, arms hanging freely along the body, a dumbbell weighing 3-4 kg in each hand. Transfer your body weight to your left leg, take your right leg back and lift it, while leaning your body forward. Hands with dumbbells serve as a counterweight, which must be held not by the lower back, but by tension in the muscles of the left leg. Do 3x8 reps on each leg.

Stretching against the wall. Stand facing the wall, stepping back 50 cm from it. Take a step with your right foot, placing your foot against the wall, without lifting your left heel from the floor. Do not bend your lower back, left knee, or hip joint; do not bend your leg muscles. Do a stretch on your right leg. Perform 3x1 min.

Ask a specialist for help

A voluminous “swollen” shin and ankle causes a lot of trouble: the boot tops are difficult to fasten, the legs “hum” from tight tights in the evening, the contours of the ankle become blurred and disappear into the swelling of the ankle bone.

Overweight women are sometimes helped by thin ankles, which can be safely shown from under a skirt or put on flirty shoes, but swollen legs, on the contrary, can visually make the figure obese and add several extra years to their owner.

The reason for this condition of the legs is, of course, varicose veins. Reduce the load on your legs, give up stimulating massage, hot baths, smoking, and alcohol. Use medicinal ointments based on horse chestnut extract. Make sure your shoes are comfortable and your bag is light.

But the most important thing in the fight against such a problem is to consult a doctor who will conduct a competent examination of the vessels of the legs and prescribe the necessary treatment. An examination of internal organs, in particular the kidneys, may be required.

Varicose veins are not a terrible disease at all, and qualified health care will definitely improve the condition of your feet and restore their attractive appearance.

If you are unhappy with the structure of your legs

How to correct the figure given by nature, the shape of the legs, inherited and, perhaps, a family “trait” on the maternal side? Wide, fleshy calves are not uncommon among women different professions and inclinations, but none of them wants to look like a hardy peasant woman with a working figure.

Then all sorts of corrective means are used that can completely transform the silhouette and divert attention to more spectacular parts of the body.

For example, in 10–12 months of training in the gym, you can very noticeably change small body proportions (the ratio of muscle volumes and large joints, for example, shins, knees and hips).

An experienced trainer will help you develop certain muscles of the legs, back, chest, and the awkwardness of the wide shin will disappear without a trace. This requires good nutrition, determination and endurance.

Amazing results can be achieved by choosing clothes, playing with styles, lengths and colors.