An office can be either a work office or a home office - it depends on many factors. Every serious and/or simply busy person, regardless of profession, be it an entrepreneur or a writer, prefers to have a personal account in which he can deal with work issues and other business matters alone with his thoughts.

An office can be both work and home - it depends on many factors

First of all, the office should have a beneficial effect on the psyche and state of mind of its owner. To achieve this, you need to know how to arrange furniture correctly, what accessories you need to use and in what color tones to organize the room. All these questions can be answered by the Chinese philosophy of Feng Shui. By following her rules, you can get the most comfortable and proper home office. But to understand how to equip workplace according to Feng Shui in the office, it is necessary to understand in more detail the concept of what Feng Shui is.

First of all, the office should have a beneficial effect on the psyche and state of mind of its owner

Feng Shui is a Chinese philosophical system of harmonizing objects in environment. This teaching is closely related to the philosophical and religious movement of Taoism, which professes the natural path of moral self-improvement. The term itself translates as “wind and water.” That is, here lies the meaning of something perfect and ideal. The practice of Feng Shui describes architecture and interior design in various metaphorical terms, which usually denote a certain “invisible force” or energy.

Feng Shui is a Chinese philosophical system of harmonizing objects in the environment.

There is a whole dictionary of Feng Shui terminology, here are its basic concepts:

  • Qi is the flow of energy in a room (house, area). Qi energy can be both positive and negative. That is, this is some life force, thanks to which the microclimate in the room is formed. It is believed that Qi energy is born in symbiosis with such units as the universe, earth and man. In accordance with philosophical teachings Feng Shui, Qi energy develops in the wind, but is preserved when colliding with water;
  • Shen-qi (or Shen-qi) is an accumulation of favorable energy or strength. The literal translation means “breath of the contented dragon.” A person who harmonizes a room using the Feng Shui method sets the goal of Shen Qi.

Historically, Feng Shui has been widely used to orient buildings, spaces, grounds, and other spiritually significant structures in a favorable manner.

Historically, Feng Shui has been widely used to orient buildings, spaces, sites and other spiritually significant structures in a favorable manner.

Feng Shui office: table layout and general rules

The practice of Feng Shui is often used for study rooms and offices. This is how you can achieve a comfortable and conducive work environment. To equip a room or office according to Feng Shui, you must adhere to certain rules:

  1. A person who studies or works must be in favorable conditions for this.
  2. The position of the table is critical. It is recommended to place the desktop in the “command position”, that is, in such a way that Entrance door was visible to the person sitting at the table. This will provide a sense of security for the worker: this way he controls who enters and leaves the room. The desktop is the most important attribute on which the further layout of the Feng Shui office depends. Therefore, his position should be as correct and comfortable as possible.

  3. Person's seating position. Here it is necessary to avoid cases where a working person sits with his back to the window. This should not be done, since the window must be in sight.
  4. The desk in the office should be located to the right of the window, however, if there is no window, it is recommended to hang the mirror to the left of the desk. Arrange furniture so that your desk is not between the window and the door. Otherwise, the second or third rule will be broken.
  5. Sitting in front of a window is not recommended: this will lead to loss of concentration.
  6. The chair should be comfortable and have a high back. Above the chair you can hang a picture that symbolizes or illustrates water. This way you will increase the flow of positive energy. It is not recommended to place a table under open beams and protruding air conditioners.

    The chair should be comfortable and have a high back

  7. Feng Shui does not like clutter, so you should get rid of things that clutter your office. Cleanliness and order are the most favorable conditions for brain activity and productivity.
  8. The office should be located in a quiet and remote part of your house or apartment. The fact is that in other rooms there is a completely different Chi energy. The energy force should not be mixed with each other. A work office has one Chi energy, but, say, a bedroom has a completely different one.

    The office should be located in a quiet and remote part of your house or apartment

  9. Should get rid of sharp objects in the form of an elongated sheet, cone and the like, which are directed towards a concentrated person. These can be various figurines, shelves, paintings and other office attributes. In Feng Shui, a sharp object is equated to an arrow with a poisonous tip.
  10. Cactus, succulents and aloe are plants that symbolize good luck and prosperity. Plants that have special tissues for storing water are especially popular in the practice of Feng Shui. They can be placed near a window or computer so that negative energy cannot break into your room.

Feng Shui home office

At home, it is not always possible to arrange your office in such a way that you feel comfortable in it. It is sometimes impossible to get in the mood for productive work, especially if the interior and furnishings are irritating. In addition, concentration is often disrupted by relatives, distracting them for various everyday and other reasons. In order to cope with this and start working, incredible self-discipline is required. Unfortunately, not everyone can do this, so the Chinese philosophy of Feng Shui comes to the rescue, thanks to which you can create the most comfortable and harmonious conditions for your work environment.

At home, it is not always possible to arrange your office in such a way as to feel comfortable in it.

The ideal place for quiet and productive work is always in the north, so it is necessary to locate your office there. The northern part has a supply of positive Qi energy, which encourages the development of such qualities as leadership abilities, sense of responsibility and visual memory. Almost any metal decorations (figurines like “Newton’s Cradle” and much more) are suitable for a home office.

On a note! The color scheme of the home office should create an impression of calm and conservatism. Shades of yellow, brown and green are welcome here.

According to the rules of Feng Shui, green color is considered the most favorable, as it symbolizes eternal life and contains a lot of positive energy. You should avoid cool shades. For example, blue and turquoise colors contain the energetic force of Qi, which is opposite to the working atmosphere.

According to the rules of Feng Shui, green is considered the most favorable color, as it symbolizes eternal life and contains a lot of positive energy.

Attracting positive energy into your home office

To decorate a home office in the Feng Shui style, it is customary to use the Bagua technique. Its essence is to ensure that furniture and other objects do not have conflict zones with energy.

To decorate a home office in the Feng Shui style, it is customary to use the Bagua technique

Open drawers and shelves must be glazed so that, firstly, your attention does not wander, and secondly, glass is a very popular material in the practice of Feng Shui, because it collects only positive energy. The light from the desk lamp should be directed diagonally towards the hand with which you are writing - this way you will get rid of excess shadow.

Attention! Always keep order! The most important thing in a work office is the table, so it should not be filled with unnecessary papers and other distracting objects.

Adding your favorite illustrations, photographs and paintings to your home office can enrich and stimulate your overall work ethic.

Adding your favorite illustrations, photographs and paintings to your home office can enrich and stimulate your overall work ethic. Everything basically depends on you: if there are symbolic objects with which you are always lucky or which simply have a beneficial effect on your consciousness, then they can be placed in the office. You can hang various signs and reminders of what you need to do next to your desk. Upholstered furniture in the office is not welcome, with the exception of a leather sofa. By creating a home office according to the canons of Feng Shui, you will always be tuned in and inspired by your own work. Your productivity will increase and your mind will flourish.

Office workspace according to Feng Shui

According to the philosophical instructions of Feng Shui, office furniture should be selected predominantly in brown color, since it can enhance mental activity and also increase concentration when performing important work. The Feng Shui style of the office at work does not accept relaxing furniture. A rocking chair, a soft sofa, furniture with a retractable footrest - these are office items that only distract the employee from serious business. However, leather furniture can stimulate mental activity.

According to the philosophical instructions of Feng Shui, office furniture should be selected predominantly in brown color, since it can enhance mental activity and also increase concentration when performing important work.

The work desk should always be clean and spacious - we have already decided on this, now let’s move on to the windows. It is always customary to use blinds in the office, and this tradition should not be changed. Some people think that the Feng Shui style is characterized by oriental patterned ornaments and exotic symbolism, but this is far from the case. Curtains and various curtains do not fit into the office environment, so blinds and roller shutters are used here. It is allowed and sometimes recommended to place some kind of beautiful plant. Here the choice is not limited to cacti and aloe: you can also use crotons, cyclamens, dracaenas and many other house flowers.

Attention! Remember that when you are at your desk, there should be nothing above you except the ceiling. Overhanging racks and shelves are accumulations of unfavorable energy, which will lead to illness and failure in the future.

Curtains and various curtains do not fit into the office environment, so blinds and roller shutters are used here

Feng Shui paintings in the office

Paintings and illustrations are great way brighten up the aura in the work area. In the corridor that leads to the office, you can hang paintings with a dynamic plot. A sailing ship, a flying plane or a fast-moving motorcycle is exactly what you need. The actions depicted in the picture should be aimed at the entrance, but not the exit. This is done in order to counter negative energy Qi that can mix when a door opens and closes. Such pictures increase brain activity and encourage action.

Paintings and illustrations are a great way to brighten up the aura in your workspace.

After passing the energetic and positively charged carpet, you find yourself directly in the office space. The Feng Shui cabinet itself in the office is filled with calm and mesmerizing paintings in a landscape style. Sea motifs, flowering meadows, mysterious mountains and flowing rivers are what help with brainstorming, forcing you to concentrate on priority and important tasks.

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Working from home has many benefits. One of them is the opportunity to work in an environment that brings aesthetic pleasure and puts you in the right mood. In this article, we have collected tips and ideas for you on how to create a room in your apartment that awakens your creativity: about organizing a workspace at home.

1. Creating a background

Neutral wall colors - beige, gray - are best suited for office design. This choice will allow you to complement the interior with bright accessories without overloading the overall composition, because we are talking about a room in which nothing should interfere with your concentration.

2. Inspiration for working from home

Create a large surface on which you can attach motivating, inspiring, or work-related pictures and notes. There are many options for this: magnetic wallpaper; paint that creates the surface of a chalk board; textile wall covering; cork layer on the wall. The materials placed on this surface will serve as “fuel” for your creative thinking.

3. Proper lighting

Lighting can change the atmosphere of any room. Make sure your work area is well lit. Firstly, it is conducive to active work, and secondly, it is better for the eyes. To do this, you can use either a familiar table lamp or stylish LED strips and lamps.

4. Revitalizing the workplace

Art objects (including photographs) will help you create a workspace in which you feel comfortable. By the way, art doesn't have to be expensive. As long as it gives you pleasure and makes you happy, it serves its purpose.

5. Storage space

Choose furniture so that there is room in your office for all things and small things, because chaos can distract from business and interrupt the creative flow of thought. If you live in Ukraine, then you can buy inexpensive furniture in Kyiv at the Expertmebel furniture salon.

6. Workplace personalization

Give your workspace some personality by at least adding your own paperweight, houseplant, or favorite mug to your desk. And photographs of happy moments from your life will always bring a smile.

The desk is often located near the window

Desk located in the corner of the living room

Corner desks create more work space

Chalk and magnetic boards - a practical idea for the office

Diary right on the wall

Decorating a wall with books

Industrial style workplace

Wooden boxes as shelves

LED strips installed under wall cabinets

Muted colors

If you have a home office or need to organize your belongings in a storage unit, this article will help you find useful tips, which will make this job less difficult.

Post sponsor: Search for Bigfoot in China: An amazing story about a large-scale expedition to China

1. Store small items in a spice rack.

Just be sure to wash them thoroughly, or your eraser will forever smell like caraway seeds.

3. Keep papers and pens in a neat organizer made from old frames.

4. Turn the frame into a list of things to do.

5. Make These Colorful Tin Can Organizers

6. Stack them on top of each other to save space.

7. Coat them with chalkboard paint for easy marking.

8. Lucky enough to have an extra Slinky spring? Use it to store writing utensils.

9. Keep your cables organized with this desk-mountable organizer.

It costs only $9.99, and you will no longer have to crawl on the floor in search of a cable.

10. Attach a small hook under the table to keep cords out from under your feet.

11. Label the cords with bread tags. True, to begin with you will need to eat a lot of bread, but we all sacrifice something.

12. Using clips, you can make a large cord holder.

13. Cover the file cabinet with pieces of wallpaper. Fabric or craft paper will also work.

14. Create a shelf with storage space for paper from a magazine rack.

15. Use your morning coffee wrapper to keep your headphones from getting tangled. And your mornings will become kinder.

16. Store papers on the wall using clipboards.

17. Use one for your to-do list. This person obviously has no obligations.

18. Upgrade your chair. Now, if someone wants to steal your chair, you will know about it.

19. Make a compact charging station out of a lotion bottle. No one will know what it was before.

20. Never spill liquid using this drink holder. It attaches to the edge of your desk and prevents the dreaded soy-latte-meets-MacBook-Pro disaster.

21. Cover the inside panels of the shelves with craft paper to add some color.

22. Create your own bookshelf using drawers. You can make it larger or smaller depending on how limited your space is.

23. This beautiful bookshelf is made from Ikea drawers using clips. You can nail or screw it to the wall if you are concerned about its stability.

24. Pegboards save a lot of space. Keep important reminders and photos you like at eye level.

25. Attach baskets to pegboard to store papers. They are easy to move.

Many entrepreneurs, and not only others, prefer to do part of their work at home. This is much more economical than renting office space, and you don’t need to waste time on the road and worry about standing in traffic jams. When working at home, it is advisable to have a separate room in which no one can interfere with your business. A home office is a special room that is an integral part of the house, cottage, mansion or apartment of a self-respecting, respectable and successful person - be it a politician, writer, architect or businessman. The main purpose of a home office is to work in a cozy home environment.

To prevent extraneous sounds from disturbing you during work, it is not recommended to place the office next to the living room or children's room. In order not to get tired quickly, the office should create a comfortable state. The workplace should be located so that the person working in it does not have his back to the window or doors. And most importantly, the office should have good combined lighting.

You can equip an office in a heated room, using a separate room or attic, having previously made repairs there. But if you big house or an apartment, and there is an opportunity to equip a large office, then it should be equipped in the best possible way.

Home office design

When choosing an interior design for a home office, first of all, you should take into account the level of income of the owner, his wishes and tastes. Also determine the orientation and functional features of this room. The interior should create a creative working mood for the owner and put him in a businesslike mood.

Also, the office environment should be filled with homeliness and comfort, excite good mood and give pleasure. In general, its design, office equipment, furniture, etc. are selected taking into account the taste of the future owner and depending on the style of the chosen design.

The office can be decorated in a classic style with wood trim with columns and detailing.

If the owner of the office is a creative worker, then it is best to choose a postmodernist direction - these are broken lines, unusual color schemes and an abundance of various small details. For admirers of minimalism, grace is suitable: no unnecessary details or decorations, everything is practical and simple.

The selection of materials for finishing the cabinet depends on the chosen design style. But it is advisable to take into account the design of the house itself. Wallpaper can be chosen in any color you like, but it will look best with a light pink or gold tint. Strongly not recommended bright colors. They, being potential irritants, will constantly distract from work.

The floor in the office is usually chosen to be similar to the rest of the house. You can make it from another material, but it depends on the taste of the owner. Of course, it is impossible to imagine an office without elements of wooden finishing. Inserts made of wood will give the office sophistication, comfort and a businesslike manner.

In a room decorated with wood, a person can concentrate better and feels more protected. It is better to finish the ceiling from materials used throughout the house.

Office furniture

The furniture in the home office probably plays main role. It should be strong and solid, creating the image of an unusual office, namely your home office.

The usual standard set of any office consists of a table, a work chair, a sofa and a bookcase. If space allows, you can additionally install a couple of armchairs and a small one, behind which you can talk with friends.

The center of the office is the desk, which is given Special attention, especially its length and width. The classic workplace with drawers and pencil cases is already a relic of the past.

Active modern activities require completely different desktop designs. This is the ability to adjust it in height, as well as retractable side systems that allow you to quickly increase its area and the presence of additional modules necessary for installing a work computer.

The table must also have the functionality necessary for work. If, for example, you have to do drawing work, then the tabletop should be large and have a slight slope. Also on the table or in it there should be small compartments for storing writing instruments and various other small items.

An important element of the home office is a comfortable chair, which is the key to good health and the fruitful work of an office worker. It is advisable to choose a multifunctional chair that can be quickly transformed into individual characteristics any figure.

To store documents, books, various reference books and folders, there should be a library cabinet installed along the wall, which can be open, or with glass doors in a decorated wooden frame. If documents are stored in folders, then the bookcase can be replaced with shelving.


The lighting of the office should be overhead and diffused. And a workstation with a computer must have a source separate light. A table lamp can perfectly fulfill this role.

It must be placed so that there are no shadows on the monitor and table, and the lamp should not dazzle the eyes. A lamp located behind your back will create glare on the screen, which will interfere with your work. Sometimes, even if you follow all the lighting rules, you still feel a little discomfort while working. This is quite possible due to the various figurines, decorative souvenirs and other unnecessary things with shiny surfaces on the table.

With proper lighting, work in the office should be pleasant and efficient. A home office is a solution that will satisfy your ambitions and ensure productive work in comfortable conditions.


The idea of ​​arranging a separate room for work was invented by the ancient Greeks. At first it was just a small corner of the room where there was a desk and a stool. And only when the first universities appeared in Europe did classrooms become widely used.


Now an office is already a necessity. Almost every second person wants to work at home, in a calm, comfortable environment. Therefore, when designing a home office, you need to take into account all the little things: from furniture to the color of book spines on the shelves. It must be multifunctional so that you can work efficiently and also relax in comfort.

The office can be arranged as in a private house, where there is a large room of 12-10 square meters. m, and in a small apartment, where even a room of 8 meters is already a luxury. Many people are surprised that even a mini-office can be equipped in such a way that it will be convenient not only to work, but also to engage in creativity. But experienced designers can do this too.

Having at least a small office allows you to have privacy even if you live with your family. If desired, you can make the walls soundproof and put locks on the doors.

In any office, the most important thing is that you feel comfortable in it. After all, this is the place where you draw creative inspiration. You need to think through all the details of the interior, dividing it into several functional zones. Even a small balcony, equipped as a study, can become a secluded place.

Types and purposes

When planning your office, you need to think everything through carefully. After all, both your mood and the success of your work depend on it. However, it is worth considering who will own it: a man or a woman.

Men's office

Already standing on the threshold of the office, you can determine who is the boss in it. In a home office for men, dark, cool tones predominate: black, gray, green. They prefer to decorate it in a classic style. Furniture upholstery should be combined with wallpaper and the design of the floor and ceiling. There should not be all kinds of decorative trinkets in the men's office, because the stronger sex is completely indifferent to them. Only everything you need is installed there: a computer, work notes, books and the necessary equipment.

Women's office

Modern women have equal rights with men. Therefore, a woman’s office is the same norm as a man’s office. However, he is the complete opposite. Light, light colors, curtains with frills, various accessories, and many colors predominate here. Women are very scrupulous in choosing interior design. If they work as a teacher or translator, then in the office you can see shelves with books for study in English, as well as a lot of fiction.

Current finishing methods

The modern design of a study office differs in many ways from the old one. Designers can choose finishes to match the decor. Photo wallpapers are often used in office design, and they continue to be popular. This solution is best suited for different styles.

Most The best way floor finishing is carpet, which has soundproofing properties. You can also install wooden tiles or parquet. To create coziness - a beautiful carpet. There are several options for decorating rooms.


This type of finishing requires a lot of money and effort, but it is worth it. A wooden ceiling will fit perfectly into the interior of a home office. However, it will also be expensive. Here you will need expensive breeds wood, the installation of which can only be carried out by experienced craftsmen. For harmony in the interior, the walls and floor must be combined with the ceiling. The tree is too dark color scheme, so the interior can be diluted with wallpaper in pastel colors.


Unlike the classic modern interior will not require a lot of money if you use suspended ceilings and inexpensive parquet. The ceilings have different colors and textures. They are very popular now. Despite the abundance of different proposals, it is worth choosing matte surfaces for your office.

Ideal lighting

Lighting, both natural and artificial, plays a big role in shaping the decor of a home office. The windows should be large and bright so that the light evenly illuminates the entire room during the day. But not less important It also has artificial lighting. First of all, it must correspond to the size of the room, which means it should evenly illuminate all areas.

A great addition would be spotlights that will not only visually enlarge the room, but also visually raise the ceilings. They can be combined with chandeliers different forms and sizes. Don’t forget about sconces and floor lamps, which can be used in the evenings for both reading and work.

Choosing functional furniture

Furniture is the main element in the design of a work space. When placing it, you must take into account the design of your home office. You should not clutter the room with a large number of cabinets and shelves, so as not to distract from work.

It is important to know by what principles a room can be divided into zones. Knowing a few simple rules, you can do a lot: separate a work area, a relaxation area, and also an area for the library. Each of them must be furnished with suitable furniture. The most common shades today are coffee, sand and ivory.

The central object in the workroom is the table. It should be strong enough and roomy. On its surface, as a rule, only what is needed directly during the work process is located. If the office will be used for working at a computer, then a small table is sufficient. And if this is a room for creativity, you should choose furniture with a wide tabletop, on which you can place baskets, scrapbooking kits, and other necessary things.

Also, the office cannot do without cabinets in which books, boxes with things for creativity and various equipment are stored. They can be either open or closed. It all depends on the style in which the room is decorated.

If there is a lot of space in the room, you can also select a seating area. There is a corner for a comfortable chair or sofa. For a classic style, a luxurious sofa with curved legs and soft upholstery is suitable. But in a modern office you can get by with a stylish leather sofa.

The remaining pieces of furniture are chosen at the discretion of the office owner. It all depends on how the room is used. But this necessary minimum is enough to feel comfortable in your workspace.

Ideas for projects

Working from home provides many benefits to a person. Therefore, a study in an apartment or private house gives you the opportunity to do your business in a calm environment.

In the apartment

In small apartments it is difficult to arrange a study. Most often it is placed on the balcony. After all, this is not only a beautifully lit, but also an isolated place where no one can interfere with your work. Here you can place a small table, a chair or a small wicker chair, and attach shelves for the necessary books or documents.

If you have managed to allocate a separate room in the apartment, you need to carefully consider the design of your office. Most often it is divided into two zones: work and rest. They can be separated by partitions or cabinets, as well as by contrasting floor and ceiling finishes. For example, you can make a parquet floor in the work area, and lay a soft carpet in the recreation area.

The main thing is not to overdo it with furniture, not to turn the office into a furniture warehouse. A small sofa or soft corner will be enough. You can put a fireplace or an aquarium with fish for relaxation and distraction from everyday activities. In the work area you can put wooden shelving and place a computer.

In a private house

The optimal place for arranging a study in a private home is the attic. It is located away from other rooms. It is very quiet here, no disturbing sounds are heard from the lower floors, which allows you to work in a calm environment, without being distracted by anything.

However, when decorating a room under a roof, you will need a lot of imagination to play with the non-standard shape of the room. Modern designers are developing many beautiful interior options for the attic. For example, a small office.

The window sill can be converted into a work desk. You will always have excellent lighting, and this stylistic decision will save space. Here you can put a small cabinet for books and documents, as well as a transforming sofa. You can place shelves or wall cabinets on the inclined surface of the wall.

If the attic ceiling is supported by a column, this is also not a problem. She can be beaten. The column will divide the room into two zones: work and rest. The relaxation area will have a sofa with beautiful pillows, and the work area will have a telescope, which will make you feel like you are in an observatory.

For design in the attic, loft style design is suitable. In this case, you won't need a lot of money. You can preserve both the original masonry and wooden beams, adding only some decorative elements.

Combined options

If the apartment or a private house are small, it is almost impossible to allocate a separate room for an office. In such cases, it is installed in any corner of the room. Like any other activity, office design begins with layout. There are many combined options. A work office can be organized in the living room, in the bedroom, and even in the kitchen.

With bedroom

The most common option is to set up a workplace in the bedroom, which is not difficult. In this case, it is better to place the table near the window or make it instead of a window sill. This will allow you to work in natural light. Place a corner cabinet or shelves in the corner where you can store everything you need.

The recreation area can be separated by a screen or partition, as well as using sliding doors. A wardrobe with a folding bed is perfect.

From the living room

Making a study in the living room is a great idea. This will not only allow you to do your own thing, but also relax with your family in the same room. Such an office can easily be placed in a hall with a staircase decorated with forging or carvings on wooden railings.

For such a living room, multifunctional furniture is selected: transformable sofas or soft corners. The table can be placed in the middle of the room or by the window. In this version, a secretary would look great, the lid of which can serve as a tabletop. When guests arrive, you can hide your workplace.

With kitchen

The kitchen is always associated with cooking and eating. But modern women, who work a lot with computers, also use it as an office. After all, it is very convenient.

In small kitchens, you can use a bar counter to place your laptop. In larger rooms, make wall cabinets or racks, where everything can be hidden after finishing work. You can decorate your workplace using different kitchen utensils: mugs - for storing pens, painted plates - for various small items.

With a library

Almost every reader dreams of an office-library, because electronic books will not replace paper ones. How many cabinets there will be in the library depends on the number of books. Such a room in modern world- This is not only a storage for books, but also a place that can be used usefully.

To turn it into a work office, just place a massive wooden table and a comfortable chair among the shelves. You can work safely in this area. In such a room, the work area should not even be separated using partitions. After all, a space filled with books will only inspire you.