How to consecrate an apartment yourself? Of course, this issue becomes relevant after moving from one place of residence to another and in the case when a family has purchased housing in a new building. For what reasons does the above need arise? There are a lot of them: for example, the previous owners of the living space were quarrelsome people and constantly quarreled; it is possible that they had a lot of sinful vices. That is why, after moving to the purchased apartment, the new owners may experience a deterioration in their health, a loss of strength, or a depressive state. What could this mean? Only that the apartment is charged with negative energy due to regular scandals, abuse, swearing, and assault that previously took place here. What to do in this case? There is only one thing left: with the help of holy prayer, cleanse the room of “filth.” However, this ritual must be performed by a priest, but there are times when it is not possible to invite a representative of the church to perform the ritual. Then you should be dedicated yourself. But how can you consecrate an apartment yourself when you have no experience of conducting such rituals? Let's consider this issue in more detail.

Sanctification - what is it?

For those who do not know how to consecrate an apartment on their own, it will be useful to learn about what this church ritual is.

From point of view Orthodox religion Through sanctification, God's grace descends upon man. Church rituals help to increase the significance of the moral principles of human existence.

In other words, it is assumed that after completing the ritual, moving into new mansions, their owners will begin a righteous life, in accordance with Christian commandments.

Is it necessary to perform a ritual at all?

Before learning how to consecrate an apartment on your own, everyone should understand for themselves that the procedure of performing the ritual will not get rid of family and everyday troubles: it is aimed at ensuring that a person does not make sinful mistakes. To be with God or to live according to one’s own wishes - everyone decides for himself. If a family adheres to Christian principles of existence, then its internal and external structure should prove this, therefore, the ritual of consecration should not be ignored.

What is needed to perform the ritual

You cannot perform a ritual in an uncleaned home, especially when repairs have not been completed. At home, set aside a special place to lay out items for consecration: holy water and a container for it, a lamp with vegetable oil(oil), icon, Bible (prayer book), candles.

Naturally, make sure in advance that the above church attributes are available.

Method No. 1

So, many are interested in the question of how to consecrate an apartment yourself with candles?

This ritual is recommended to be performed next Thursday. Buy several candles in advance from the church shop: 3 for the icon of St. Nicholas the Wonderworker and 2-3 candles for the house. When placing candles in front of the image, you need to cross yourself and say a prayer: “Wonderworker Nicholas, bless me to cleanse the apartment and drive out demonic power from it. Let it be so. Amen".

Upon returning home, you need to light one candle and take it to right hand and walk with her through all the corners of the rooms, saying the following words: “I’m cleaning the corner, I’m cleaning the floor, I’m cleaning the ceiling and walls. I drive away demons, I drive away envy. I burn a candle to illness, illness and misfortune. Amen". At the same time, do not forget to apply sign of the cross on the corners and walls of the room.

Perform the ritual for three Thursdays in a row, with the obligatory trip to church, to obtain the blessing of St. Nicholas the Wonderworker to perform the ritual yourself.

After a month, you will be able to feel how comfortable you feel in your new apartment.

Method No. 2

Don’t know how to bless your apartment with a candle yourself? Some recommend doing the following: you need to take a candle in your right hand and go to the right doorframe of the entrance to the room - this place will be the starting point. Then you should light a candle, clench your free hand into a fist and, saying prayers out loud from memory, move along the walls of the room. In the corners you need to stop and make the sign of the cross with a burning candle, clearing the corner of negative energy. It is very important to follow the signs that the candle gives you. If it begins to burn intensely with a crash, then this is the place that first of all needs to be cleansed: read the entire set of prayers known to you until the flame calms down. At the end of the “sacred rite,” you should again approach the starting point and leave the candle there to burn out. As soon as it has smoldered, you need to say: “My place must be clean, not smelly, and not leave the enemies.

I illuminate it with a candle, empower it and keep it that way. Amen!". Only after this can the ritual be considered completed. Now you know how to consecrate an apartment yourself with a candle. However, there are other ways to perform the above ritual.

Method No. 3

A huge number of people are interested in the question of how to sanctify an apartment themselves with holy water?

This ritual should be performed on Sunday. At the same time, do not forget to clean all the rooms on Saturday so that there is no dirt. Stock up on holy water in advance. On the day of the sacred ceremony, pour it into a bowl, dip three fingers (thumb, index and middle) in the “healing composition”, having previously folded them into a pinch. Then start spraying the room with them, starting from the red corner with the images, moving clockwise. At the same time, say the following prayer out loud: “In the name of the Father and the Son and the Holy Spirit, by sprinkling the sacred water, let every evil demonic action be turned to flight.” Amen!".

Of course, before performing the consecration ritual, it is advisable to receive a blessing from your spiritual mentor.

What to do after the ceremony

Naturally, every believer must live according to the “laws of God” and after the consecration of a house or apartment, within its walls one cannot swear, quarrel, raise one’s voice at family members and commit other sinful acts. This is the meaning of the ritual. Please note that the ritual cannot be performed again, with some exceptions. Remember also that the ritual of illumination must be performed in humility and peace.

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Bless the apartment: 7 possible reasons why you can’t do this. Here’s how! I didn’t even know about some of the reasons for refusal! The first option, in my opinion, is even a little strange and probably controversial! I would never have thought of such a thing!

The consecration of a home is a special ritual with which you can change your life for the better and protect yourself from negativity. However, there are reasons why this should not be done. We often hear that a house not consecrated by the priest is the dwelling of the devil, but is this true? After all, there are reasons why, due to circumstances, this ritual cannot be performed. Opinions on this matter are divided.

However, all clergy are unanimous in the opinion that where there is no proper faith, neither consecration, nor icons, nor church candles. Therefore, before you decide to consecrate your home, discuss your decision with your household and be sure to take into account their opinion on this matter.

7 reasons why you should not bless your home

The first reason is a dog in the house.

Many priests consider the room in which a dog lives to be unclean and refuse to consecrate the house. This is due to the belief that a dog upsets the balance of energy and desecrates shrines and icons located in the house.

Many believe that it is useless to consecrate such premises, because the dog will not go anywhere, and with its presence it nullifies all the efforts made.

The second reason is things with heavy energy.

Any object carries information. It accumulates over the years and can be both positive and negative. But there are some things that cannot be thrown away - it could be some kind of memorable item that is dear to a person.

It is unlikely that he will want to part with him, and most often he will simply give up on all persuasion. Sanctification is getting rid of negative information and, as it were, rewriting all energy.

But if you have very old things, then it is almost impossible to delete information from them. That is why a house should not be consecrated as long as such things are in it.

The third reason is unbaptized household members.

A house consecrated by a priest will not bring you closer to religion and will not give you any protection if you do not believe in what is happening. Moreover, if there is a person in the house who is not a supporter of Orthodoxy.

In such cases, the consecration ritual should not be carried out out of respect for the Orthodox religion and its canons.

The fourth reason is the disagreement of one of the household members.

The consecration of the premises is a purely voluntary thing and is carried out only with the voluntary consent of all residents of the house. If someone refuses such a ritual, citing various reasons, it is worth delaying consecration. After all, disbelief and rejection of this action will not bring either happiness or comfort to the rest of the family members.

Reason five - there is a dead person in the house.

It is believed that the consecration ceremony cannot be performed if a person has died in the house and forty days have not passed since his death. The ritual should be performed only after the soul has gone to Heaven and there appears before the Supreme Court.

The sixth reason is the presence in the house of representatives of another religion or another cult.

If in the house, in addition to Orthodox Christians, there live people who worship other Gods, then the ritual is definitely not worth carrying out.

Conflict of religions can become a stumbling block and provoke discord in the family. Therefore, you should discuss in advance with your household the benefits of the consecration ceremony.

Reason seven - people practicing magic.

If there are those in your house who use non-Christian rituals, and also predict the future, tell fortunes on cards and try in every possible way to change their destiny, then sanctification is unlikely to lead to happiness.

All priests are against such activities due to the fact that only God wants to lead us to the dear life, and life is given in order to live it righteously, without using tricks and rituals.



Epiphany is one of the most important and revered Christian holidays. This holiday has amazing healing powers. Epiphany water.

When to collect water on Epiphany?

When people take Epiphany water, for some reason they begin to be deeply mistaken about this question: is water the most healing on January 18 or 19? The main thing is to understand for yourself that the water is sanctified equally on these two days. In most temples therefore blessed water bottled for several more days in a row.
But most clergy report that it does not matter which day or time you take holy water. If you were unable to do this during the holidays, visiting the temple later, you can always get some holy water for yourself.

Epiphany water. How to use

This water is drunk not to quench thirst, but to gain strengthening of faith, healing of soul and body.
Good power is Epiphany water: its properties are truly healing, it is mainly used to restore mental and physical strength.

You need to drink water on an empty stomach in the morning, and a small cup in the evening before going to bed. After acceptance, it is necessary to read a prayer with a request to heal ailments and guide you on the right path.

But the holy fathers of sick people blessed Epiphany water to drink one tablespoon every hour. It turns out that even a few drops of water taken during illness could change the course of the disease.
Venerable Seraphim Vyritsky argued that consecrated oil and water help better than all medicines. He advised sprinkling food with it.

People are always wondering: what is the use of Epiphany water, how to use it? It can strengthen the immune system, and a person will be resistant to infections and catch colds less often.
You need to wash your face with it. Ambrose of Optina sent a bottle of blessed water to a terminally ill man, and, to the amazement of the doctors, the incurable disease subsided.

The bottle should not be stored in the refrigerator or near food. Keep it separate and be sure to label it so that none of your loved ones confuse it with ordinary water.

How to bless an apartment with Epiphany water

On the great feast of Epiphany, according to tradition, Epiphany water is collected, and with the prayer “In the name of the Father and the Son and the Holy Spirit,” the walls of the home, various objects and even animals are blessed. This will bring peace to your home and peace to your soul.

To do this, buy a special sprinkler (broom) at the store or use an ordinary twig from a tree or bush, and everything is sprinkled with blessed water. And a special troparion is also pronounced.

How to properly store Epiphany water

First of all, we must always remember that even Epiphany water, in all its physical parameters, still remains water. But according to the metaphysical, after the baptismal rite it acquires the divine power of sanctification.
However, to preserve this water for a long time, some care will also be required.
In order to have enough water for the whole year, you shouldn’t strain yourself and carry it in whole buckets. In fact, just a small amount is enough to last until the next Epiphany.
After all, this water has one special property: diluted with ordinary water, it sanctifies it all.

A case was recorded when one old woman kept holy water since 1947 and was fit for use because it had not spoiled at all, since it was guarded with reverence and great love. But the painful state of a person’s soul can also affect water. The water does not stand well where people quarrel and utter curse words, where there is fornication and adultery. Through water, God can show all this disgusting desolation in the house. Now the answer to the question why Epiphany water does not spoil is quite clear. But some careless owners had spoiled water stored in containers on which the original labels from alcoholic or carbonated drinks remained. Even if the water has spoiled, this is not a reason to throw it out; you can no longer drink it, but you can sprinkle it. But the priests still recommend not to be lazy, go to church and get another consecrated water.

Under no circumstances should water be mixed with sewage. Pour only into a place where neither people nor animals walk.

The Orthodox Church calls sanctification the rituals by which religion divinely enters a person’s life. The main task of such rituals is the condescension of God's grace on the fate of those who became participants. When a Christian seeks to consecrate a home, this indicates that the person is ready to trust in the Almighty and believe in providence that occurs according to Heavenly will.

Preparing for the ceremony

At the basis of every church prayer is the desire to spiritualize the activity of a particular person. The Christian asks God to direct things in the right direction, benefiting not only the individual, but also those around him. Orthodox believers, through the rite of consecration, receive a divine blessing that helps create a world filled with love around them.

The ritual of consecrating a home protects against dark energy

Consecration is the ritual through which the Church enters the personal or church life of a Christian. The ritual brings protection from dark energy, instilling in the hearts of people a feeling of closeness to the Lord.

This ritual is usually carried out after moving to a new home or when renovations have been completed. You are allowed to do the ritual yourself, but for the first time it is better to entrust it to the holy father. The tradition of consecration has existed since ancient times, when Christianity was just beginning to spread throughout the world. Followers of Jesus knew that holy water was an attribute that could protect the home and personal space from the interference of unclean matters.

Fathers are endowed with special rights that allow them to perform consecration. A layman just needs to go to the nearest church and discuss with the holy fathers the time of the ceremony.

Before inviting a clergyman to your home, you must do the following:

  • The home should be in perfect order.
  • You need to throw away unnecessary and useless things that take up space in the house.
  • The apartment must have an iconostasis, as well as a lamp or several candles.
  • The Holy Father, who has come to perform the ritual, needs to make room for his church attributes.
  • The consecration ritual takes approximately one hour, and the priest’s movements can be observed from the side. The most important thing is not to distract him from work.

Rite of Consecration

Without divine blessing and the help of the Creator, nothing truly valuable and truthful will happen in a person’s life. The Russian Orthodox Church consecrates homes in the same way as it does in churches.


If it is not possible to invite the holy father, the ritual can be performed in person. But before this, it is necessary to visit the temple and receive a blessing, without which the ritual will not be valid. To carry it out you will need icons, church candles and a prayer book with the most important texts. Holy literature is purchased only in churches; it is not available in other places.

To carry out the consecration ceremony you will need icons, church candles and a prayer book.

Before, during and after the ritual, a Christian must adhere to the following rules:

  1. When reading a prayer, you should mentally turn to the Almighty, the Mother of God, Christ, Guardian Angels or other saints. Thoughts about empty and meaningless things can harm the ritual. You should concentrate your consciousness on God and clearly pronounce every word of prayer, seeing the true meaning in these actions.
  2. The lifestyle of a believer should approach the spiritual. Should be suspended negative energy from yourself and your own environment, the manifestation of bad emotions attracts troubles of varying degrees into the house. Visiting church is a necessary condition for a Christian seeking to get rid of the invasion of passions.
  3. A person must show sincere faith in the Lord and forget about selfishness. He needs to learn to give love to everyone, even the enemy, and be able to rejoice in the achievements of others. A person needs to observe the sacred commandments and distance himself from evil thoughts.

Compliance with these rules allows you to carry out the ritual at the level of a clergyman. The process of consecration itself contains some features.

  • The bowl of holy water brought from the church is in the left hand, while the Christian sprinkles drops on the walls of the house with his right hand.
  • It is customary to start the ritual from the corner located on the eastern side, the movement occurs clockwise.
  • The most famous “Our Father” is suitable as the main prayer. In addition, the ritual can be supplemented with others: “May God rise again” and Psalm 90.
  • Consecration is permitted on any day except Friday.
Important! The church calls apartments in which they engaged in debauchery, drunkenness, swearing and fighting, unclean. It is precisely such dwellings that should be consecrated first, because such houses are shrouded in negative energy and are the repository of dirty demons. People in such conditions experience constant troubles, face big problems, and there is no peace in their souls.

The meaning of the rite of consecration

This ritual is a complete protection against disasters provoked by lust and unbelief. The consecration of a house blesses the people living in it for righteous deeds, and also protects them from the attacks of all evil. The ritual encourages people not to separate themselves from the Heavenly Father and to direct their lives in the direction of justice and the law of God.

Life and well-being largely depend on surrounding nature and spiritual environment. The indicator of people's religiosity influences the state and behavior of people. The moral order deteriorates as a result of the fact that a person loses faith in the Lord and moves away from Him, changing eternal life to the fleeting pleasures of the flesh.

After the first people disobeyed, illness, suffering and death entered the originally pure world. The rituals of consecration are caused by the need of nature itself and the need of humanity. The Church lends a helping hand in the matter of spiritual healing and cleansing from filth and corrupting sins.

It is extremely important to perform such rituals at this time because the devil dominates the air that permeates space. Apartments are filled with negative information from television, radio and the press. Devilry attracts lost souls, promising pleasure, but deceives and gives only disappointment. Through subtle worlds Countless legions of demons penetrate into homes, bringing aggression, malice, revenge and other passions.

Important! The Church grants true believers grace that delivers them from the destructive activities of unclean energy.

It is necessary to understand that the divine energy coming from icons, holy water, relics and other church attributes bestows power only on those who truly deserve it through a righteous life. Otherwise, no rituals will help, they do not act as talismans and are useless for the wicked and bigoted.

Sanctification does not work if the apartment is dominated by empty and idle thoughts about the pleasures of the flesh. A depraved and blasphemous person personally renounces God and His help, remaining in the grip of false prejudices and great troubles.

Video about prayers for the consecration of an apartment

Preparing for the consecration of the house

First of all, of course, it is necessary to invite a priest in advance to perform the ceremony, agree on the time for its performance, so that it is convenient for all its participants. The approximate duration of the consecration ceremony is half an hour. As a rule, to order a consecration ceremony, you need to come to the temple for personal meeting with the priest. If the clergyman is in this moment If you are not in the temple, you can ask for help from the temple employees who work behind the candle box, or from the temple elder. You can find out how a priest serves and when he can be found in a church using the schedule of services, which is available in every church and usually hangs at the entrance. Through the temple employees you can find out the priest’s phone number or leave your contacts for communication. Any Sacrament or ritual is performed by the Church free of charge, as the Lord Jesus Christ commanded His disciples give for nothing what they themselves received freely (see Matt. 10:8), that is, the power, the grace of God. However, at the same time, the Lord allowed His disciples to eat from the house of their host:

Stay in that house, eat and drink what they have, for the worker is worthy of reward for his labors (Luke 10:7). In this regard, our attitude towards paying a priest for performing this or that ritual is formed. On the one hand, a person is not forced to pay for performing this or that action. After all, as Archbishop Averky (Taushev) explains: “By commanding us to eat what is offered, the Lord prescribes to the disciples the undemanding and undemanding behavior that befits them...”. This means that the clergyman himself cannot set the amount of payment for his work. However, on the other hand, keeping in mind that that the priest eats from his labors, that is, receives a living from his service to people, it is advisable, of course, to pay for the priest to perform the rite of consecration of the home. At the same time, it is worth understanding that there is nothing contrary to the teachings of Christ and His Church, and this in no way affects the grace that the Lord sends to the house through the prayers of the priest. If a person who wants to consecrate his house is embarrassed to ask the priest himself about the possible payment, then this question can also be clarified with the employees working behind the candle box, since they know approximately how much people give for performing this or that requirement. You can also donate as much as a person can afford.

Before the actual consecration ceremony, it is necessary to put the apartment (or house) in proper condition, clean it, and also prepare everything that the priest will need. All premises should be checked for the presence of any pagan symbols - amulets, talismans, images - under no circumstances should they be in a Christian’s home, since all these are signs of worship of the enemy of the Lord God - the devil. Even under the most harmless guise (for example, with the wording “for beauty”) there should not be any pagan symbols in the house. At the same time, to perform the ritual, it is necessary to prepare the following items: holy water (for sprinkling the room), an aspirant, candles, oil (blessed oil), special stickers with the image of Golgotha ​​(the mountain on which the Lord Jesus Christ was crucified) and the cross, which the clergyman During the ritual, it will be pasted on the walls of the home, in accordance with the cardinal directions - on the eastern, western, northern and southern walls. It is also necessary to prepare a small table (can be a coffee table), cover it with a clean tablecloth or oilcloth. On this table the priest will place all the items he needs for the ceremony.

It is advisable that on the day of the consecration of the home, all family members who live in it are present at this action. It is necessary to prepare all your relatives for the ceremony, tell them about the meaning of this action, about its importance. It is also desirable that everyone who will be present at the ceremony, upon arriving at the clergyman’s house, take his blessing and, in general, take everything as seriously and consciously as possible.

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