It's no secret that the ability to speak beautifully, it is necessary for every person to defend their point of view correctly and logically, and doubly so for those who speak publicly. Ability to persuade people - a gift from nature or an acquired skill and how to achieve success in persuading your interlocutor? This is perhaps one of the most pressing questions today, which sooner or later faces everyone who has entered the information business, who has entered a profession that involves the need to speak in front of an audience. A confident speaking interlocutor always makes you feel comfortable communicating with him; you want to be as open as possible in such a conversation.
Develop skills beautiful speech always necessary. You can do this either independently or by attending trainings and webinars on public speaking.

Today I want to talk about speech technique exercises available to everyone. The most important thing for successfully using them in your practice is desire and regular practical application. The result, believe me, will not keep you waiting.

Exercise 1. Articulation gymnastics.

It would seem that we know this technique from school. But do we use it? Why? Yes, because we find this technique boring and uninteresting. So I suggest doing this set of exercises “jokingly”. Make faces in front of the mirror, make fun of yourself or your loved one during this exercise. And the process won’t seem so boring to you! I will present the simplest complex in this article, I hope that it will be useful to you.

Each exercise must be repeated at least ten times. By the way, this gymnastics promotes relaxation, which is very important before an important public performance: 1. Raise your eyebrows up. 2. Move your eyebrows towards the center. 3.Pull in both cheeks. 4.Puff up your cheeks at the same time, and then one at a time. 5. Press on your cheeks with your tongue. 6.Run your tongue in circles behind closed lips. 7.Click your tongue. 8.Press the upper and lower lips with your tongue in turn. 9.Bite the tip of your tongue. 10.Put your lips into a tube and smile, but without teeth. 11.Pull your lips into a tube and smile broadly. 12.Open your mouth wide and then close it. 13.Open your mouth wide, close it first halfway, and only then completely.

But let me remind you once again that by replacing any exercise with “acting” in front of a mirror, you will give yourself a bunch of emotions and you will do articulatory gymnastics with pleasure.
Exercise 2. Tongue twisters.
Take any a selection of tongue twisters, and start pronouncing them daily, starting at a slow pace and gradually speeding it up, so that you pronounce tongue twisters without “eating” sounds and syllables, gradually the speed of reading them will be fast enough, and the pronunciation will be clear and correct. May this process also bring you pleasure. To do this, you can experiment with a cork from champagne - read tongue twisters with and without a cork clamped in the mouth.
Below is a selection of tongue twisters.

1) The interviewer interviewed the interventionist.

2) Once upon a time there lived three Chinese: Yak, Yak - tsedrak, Yak - tsedrak - tsedrak - tsedroni.
Once upon a time there lived three Chinese women: Tsypa, Tsypa - drypa, Tsypa - drypa ​​- drypa ​​- drypamponi.
They all got married: Yak on Tsypa, Yak - tsedrak on Tsypedrypa,
Yak - tsedrak - tsedrak - tsedroni on Tsypa - dryp - drypamponi.
And they had children: Yak and Tsypa: Shah, Yak - tsedrak with Tsypa - drypa: Shay - sharah, Yak - tsedrak - tsedrak - tsedroni with Tsypa - drypa ​​- drypamponi: Shah - Sharakh - Sharakh - Shironi.

3) Tell us about your purchases! - What kind of purchases?
About shopping, about shopping, about your purchases.

4) The fast talker quickly spoke quickly,
That you can’t quickly pronounce all the tongue twisters,
But, having become nervous, he quickly said,
that all the tongue twisters will be repeated quickly, but not too quickly.
And the tongue twisters jump like crucian carp in a frying pan.

5) Bankers were rebranded, rebranded, rebranded, but not rebranded.

6) In Cannes, lions did not wreath wreaths for the lazy.

7) In Kabardino-Balkaria, valocordin from Bulgaria.

De-ideologized, de-ideologized, and pre-ideologized.

9) Sasha walked along the highway and sucked on a dryer.

10) Sasha walked along the highway, Sasha found a sachet on the highway.

11) The river flows, the stove bakes.

12) Tongs and pliers - these are our things.

13) The pike tries in vain to pinch the bream.

14) The train rushes by grinding: w, h, w, shch, w, h, w, shch.

15) You can’t say all the tongue twisters too quickly, you can’t say too quickly

You can also find various collections of tongue twisters in the VKontakte Group and Odnoklassniki.

Exercise 3. Write a short story about the subject or simply describe the subject.
A very interesting exercise. When I made it for the first time, it didn’t seem very simple to me. Many people can describe a simple object with only two or three words, but it is necessary to stretch the description process for 4-5 minutes, without repeating it. Very interesting exercise-develops imagination and logic and associative thinking. At the same time, you learn to avoid junk words, unwanted repetitions, watch your speech. Convert this exercise into a sort of energizer speech and you will certainly get a boost of energy.
Exercise 4. Reading aloud.
Reading aloud is good to practice on works poetic form. You can use poems from your favorite poets. Try to read the same poem in different ways: with different emotions, for example, or at a different tempo or, emphasizing some part of speech, and you will see how differently the text will play in your performance every time.
Exercise 5. Retelling.
For retelling, it is good to use fables or parables or any genre of prose that you love. Here, practice highlighting keywords. You can write them out from the text, they will serve you wonderfully guideline-cheat sheet when retelling. Take any article from a magazine that you like and retell it, for example, adding a particle to each verb that you pronounce during the retelling process. I think you will definitely smile.

Of course, the exercises I have given in this article are not dogma, and I must tell you that in fact there are many different exercises and techniques. But sometimes lies under your feet, which we don’t notice, but the techniques described in this article are very easy to use and you can do it both at home and at work during your lunch break, for example, or while preparing lunch or while walking with your child on the playground. The main thing so that the process of working on your speech gives you pleasure.

Elena Kleimenova was with you. All the best.

The ability to speak well is not given to everyone. But this is not a problem - you can learn anything if you have the desire.

Oratory skill leads a person to success. You don’t have to be an announcer, toastmaster, tour guide, or professor to use your skills. If an individual is able to clearly express his thoughts, then the people around him form a positive opinion about him. As a rule, such interlocutors do not start arguments; they clearly convey their thoughts to others, convincing them that they are right, thanks to relevant arguments.

How to learn to speak and express your thoughts beautifully and competently: 10 best tips and rules

Correct, clear speech with a change in intonation is a good practice to win over your opponents. If you have such an art, you can not only promote your business well, but also achieve high altitudes in political activity.

It's good when starting from younger age, parents give lessons in speech development, teach their kids to pronounce words correctly by example. If you didn’t have such a chance in childhood, don’t be upset, you can learn public speaking on your own. The main thing is to follow these tips:

  • Read literature, expand your vocabulary. This is where you need to start preparing for public speaking. It wouldn't hurt to learn a dictionary of synonyms. It is not aesthetically pleasing to use the same expressions very often in the text of your speech. It is advisable to replace them with phrases that are similar in meaning.
  • To prepare your speech, try to select examples of lectures that are similar in meaning. Check out TED. Here you can find your favorite speakers. Evaluate their performances, try to notice little things. Analyze your opponents' gestures.
  • Learn to compose texts yourself. Conduct rehearsals in front of the mirror, present these stories. To train your imagination and logic, compose small stories from given words.
  • Record your speech on video or voice recorder. Listen to what you got. Correct errors in diction and pronunciation of words, and shortcomings in the text.
  • Expressiveness and figurative speech are trained when reading poetry. Moreover, it is better to learn such works by heart. This perfectly helps to convey emotions, thoughts in a particular speech, and highlight the main thing.
  • Adjust your speaking rate. The sayings are too quick, not all opponents understand. If you worry, your performance will fail. Also control the timbre of your voice. Trembling and loudly spoken phrases can irritate the listener and not be perceived entirely correctly.
  • Inappropriate facial expressions and too broad gestures are perceived by listeners as at least strange. Therefore, practice in front of the mirror in advance. And in public, control your body movements.
  • The most important priority in this matter is diction. All speech defects can be eliminated with hard work and exercise. Speech therapists can cope with even the most advanced cases.

IMPORTANT: In general, the process of improving one’s professionalism in oratory consists of three main components: clear pronunciation of phrases, increasing your vocabulary, working on speech errors, and correcting them.

How to work on your speech: exercises

It is a pity that sometimes there are cases when an individual has a huge vocabulary and the ability to behave in front of the public, but lacks purity of speech. More precisely, the speaker swallows the letters and does not pronounce them clearly, or worse, pronounces sounds incorrectly, etc. In such cases, he needs to see a speech therapist who will prescribe a series of exercises. And a person, thanks to perseverance, will be able to achieve a good result. After all, no one will listen to a radio station host who cannot pronounce half the letters of the alphabet correctly.

When speaking in public, your breathing should be correct, then there will be no unfinished phrases or prolonged pauses. This greatly distorts the spoken phrases. In other words, to avoid stuttering, breathe in a special way. Use your air sparingly and inhale oxygen on time. For this, training is recommended; you need to learn to breathe using the diaphragm.

  • Useful exerciselearn to speak texts while exhaling. To do this, first break the expressions into small phrases, pronounce them as you exhale. Next, take a short breath and say the next part of the phrase. On the next exhale, speak the entire sentence without breaking it into phrases. Practice breathing calmly without taking sharp breaths. Such training will allow you to balance your breathing and your speech will be smooth.
  • Practice your speech by speaking words at different tempos. Do it quickly, and then slowly, clearly, paying attention to how you speak. A mirror will help you with this.
  • Pronounce tongue twisters, make sure that all sounds are clear and without errors. If you don’t succeed the first time, then try to pronounce them until you succeed.
  • Then focus on different consonant sounds. Pronounce with emphasis first on some consonants, then on others.
  • Learn to speak with nuts in your mouth so that it sounds as if nothing is bothering you. Do this exercise with caution to avoid choking.

After the above exercises, you need to practice correct pronunciation of phrases. It is carried out as follows:

  1. Record your speech on a voice recorder.
  2. Listen to it, critically evaluate the quality.
  3. Let others evaluate your report and point out mistakes.
  4. Without offense, compare all opinions, highlight shortcomings, correct them.

Please note what mistakes occur most often in the pronunciation of phrases:

  1. Incorrect pronunciation: e, i, a, o, i, yu, etc. (vowel unstressed sounds).
  2. Omitting some consonants.
  3. “Eating” vowels.
  4. Incorrect use of consonants (in the wrong order).
  5. Incorrect pronunciation: s, sh, shch, z, zh, c.
  6. Unclear pronunciation of soft consonants.

A speech therapist will immediately point out all the shortcomings in the speaker’s speech. Will tell you how to correct errors. Do not hesitate to contact them if necessary. Sometimes it is impossible to cope with a problem on your own no matter how much you want.

Video: How to speak Russian beautifully?

But if you want, you can learn to speak correctly and beautifully.

Brevity, simplicity, literacy

These are the basics of correct speech and competent speech. People have forgotten how to speak correctly over time for a number of reasons, starting with the widespread decline of culture in the 90s. This needs to be learned again. At least because competent speech not only characterizes a person positively, but also helps in communicating with other people. Imagine: you are talking to a person who abuses vulgar, slang words. Do you want to continue communicating with him? Hardly.

Every person can learn to speak beautifully. The richness of the language allows us to describe any objects with extreme accuracy. It is not at all necessary that the speech be verbose. After all, too long a narrative, even a beautiful and imaginative one, is very tiring and sometimes annoying. Therefore, you need to remember that one of the main requirements for correct and beautiful speech is brevity. It is necessary to quickly move on to the main essence of the issue, not to delay the introduction, and not to be distracted by unnecessary trifles. Then your story will have the desired effect.

Of course, you need to speak competently. A person who often makes mistakes in accents or uses words incorrectly is absolutely unattractive. For example, all business speech can be crossed out with the word “lay down”, instead of the correct “put down”. In the same way, a boss who incorrectly places accents in the words “document”, “quarter” is unlikely to inspire favor and trust among business partners.

Techniques for correct speech production

For those who want to speak beautifully, various techniques provide every opportunity to develop and improve diction:

  • Correct breathing. By taking a deep breath, you will master breathing support while pronouncing vowels and consonants at a slow pace, pronouncing each syllable and each word. This helps to use all shades of language.
  • Oratory. Smooth speech, correct articulation, and clear sound make the listener listen even more attentively to the narrator. Properly delivered speech includes training using patter, whispering, and artificially fast pronunciation.
  • Brief, precise summary. Practice expressing your thoughts concisely.
  • Logics. When communicating or speaking, you need to follow the logic of the narrative and cause-and-effect relationships. The logic of thinking and storytelling is based on general education and a broad outlook.

Using language training exercises, you will automatically expand your communication, gain confidence in professional field, learn the art of persuasion and easy manipulation of listeners.

Exercises for staging correct and beautiful speech will be useful in staging breathing, voice, controlling resonators, strengthening vocal strength and endurance, enriching intonation, and practicing the correct tempo of diction. How can you learn to speak great? The answer is simple - patiently practice the technique.

Lessons for establishing proper breathing

Phonation breathing is an important factor in correct speaking. The diaphragm is responsible for inhalation - the muscle that separates the thoracic region from the abdominal region and the muscles that control the movement of the ribs during breathing. The most natural position for comfortable breathing is lying on your back with completely relaxed muscles.

Make yourself comfortable by lying on your back. One hand on the stomach, the other on the chest. Try to inhale so that your chest remains motionless and your stomach rises. Exhale slowly and repeat this exercise until abdominal breathing is easy and without strain. This kind of breathing needs to become a habit. Moreover, such an exercise will well invigorate you from sleep.

Of course, to achieve your dream of word beauty, just correct breathing is not all you need. Most often the problem lies in psychological level. This could be a fear of the public, residual memories from visits to a speech therapist in childhood, or simply the inability to interest the interlocutor.

You can easily cope with all this with the help of simple lessons on correct speech:

If you feel unsure of yourself, it is quite difficult to communicate and open up in front of your interlocutor.

You need to take several steps to free yourself from the fear of communicating with people:

  • acknowledge the difficulties and prepare for them long work to get rid of worries;
  • understand the reason (you may even have to resort to a psychologist);
  • survive difficult situation, let go of the past forever and enjoy the present;
  • start communicating - only methodically overcoming your fears will allow you to learn how to communicate with people (you can mentally come up with plans, for example, 10 long conversations and 20 short conversations on public transport or in a queue);
  • if it is difficult to immediately start conversations in a company, you can first communicate by phone (at least there will be no external manifestations);
  • When training goes smoothly, you can take the initiative in meeting the opposite sex.

But there are still people who are naturally modest, and there is no need to suffer because of this. Modesty is not a vice! Work on yourself, on personal development, improve your skills of correct speech when communicating, try to be open and sociable.

Correct speech and competent speech

The art of correct and competent speech is not accessible to everyone, but such speech is necessary for many people, especially for those whose activities involve active communications - negotiations, speaking in front of large audiences, communicating with clients.

Rules of competent speech

A well-delivered speech is beautiful and information-rich, logically structured and expressive. Unfortunately, modern schools spend little time building competent and clear speech, and the result of this is the inability of many people to freely use the richness of their native language.

Pay attention to the stress and gender of some words. Despite the assumption of using “coffee” as a neuter word, educated people are unlikely to evaluate this positively. And if in the word “calls” the stress falls on the first syllable, and in the word “bartender” - on the second, this will reveal you as an illiterate person.

Use colorful metaphors, original comparisons, descriptions, sayings and aphorisms in your speech - all these tools will help make your story lively and beautiful.

How to learn competent speech?

The best way to teach literate speech is classical fiction. Reading allows you to expand your vocabulary, learn how to construct phrases beautifully, and express your thoughts and feelings more easily using words. And, in addition, reading improves and written speech, making it more literate and imaginative.

Having learned new words, try to find out their meaning and introduce them into your active vocabulary. However, avoid saturating your speech with too much difficult words– this will not make you a good conversationalist.

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11 ways to make your speech literate

Beautiful, literate speech is an indicator of education, a guarantee that you will be understood correctly. Therefore, the phrase “who owns the word, owns the world” is still relevant in our time. After all, literacy and figurative speech are characteristic feature world leaders, diplomats and other personalities. Therefore, if you can correctly and clearly convey thoughts and ideas to others, then professional career growth is guaranteed to you.

What is competent speech

Competent, beautiful speech helps us establish full communication with our interlocutor. And incorrect speech delivery with a large number of stylistic errors will negate all efforts, for example, when communicating with a boss or in conflict situation in the family.

In addition, literacy is incompatible with swear words; even a good-looking person uses open swear words in his speech, but he still will not become a cultural intellectual. Therefore, good speech and verbal abuse and swearing are incompatible.

Moreover, literacy is not only the ability to accurately and clearly express thoughts, but also to speak to the point so that everyone can understand everything.

Trying to make your conversation literate, pay attention not only to your vocabulary, but also to culture. To do this, speak taking into account the rules and norms of punctuation, as well as the style of the Russian language.

Literacy is compliance with the rules of stress placement, the ability to raise or lower the tone at the right moment, maintain intonation, and the ability to withstand pauses.

Criteria that determine speech literacy

  • relevance;
  • literacy of voiced information;
  • accessibility of expression;
  • use of epithets, metaphors and phraseological units;
  • variety of speech without tautology;
  • aesthetics.

The paucity of vocabulary and illiteracy repels the interlocutor and irritates. Even if you allow yourself to be tongue-tied at home, it is unlikely that you will conduct a business conversation correctly and will be able to express yourself competently when talking with your boss. And over time, when you have children, they will pick up illiterate words from you.

How to improve your speech

During the conversation, maintain a friendly tone and change your intonation depending on the situation. To make your tone and intonation richer, learn to read with expression.

How to develop speech correctly

A crossword puzzle will help you develop your speech. With its help you will remember new words. Play with friends or with your children using a spelling dictionary to guess words. The point of this game is that the presenter reads out the description, and the rest can only guess the word from the description.

Those who require literacy for professional growth will not be able to cope without specialized literature. In this case, use the works of Radislav Gandapas and the manual by I. Golub and D. Rosenthal “Secrets of Stylistics”.

Help from professionals

If you need a teacher, then a highly qualified teacher will provide you competent speech. But where can you find it? Contact your school teacher or a philologist you know, and if the opportunity allows you to take lessons from a teacher specializing in rhetoric, then you should take advantage of it.

Making your speech literate is no more difficult than losing weight, but to achieve this you just need to want it.

Competent speech: how to develop your skills and become a brilliant interlocutor?

Competent speech is the key to success in life. After all, people are judged not only by their clothes, but also by their ability to correctly convey thoughts and write correctly. A person who knows how to express his thoughts simply, concisely and clearly, and construct sentences correctly, is always perceived more positively. Interlocutors, listening to competent speech, automatically assign a completely different, more high level life competence.

Have you ever lost or not gotten a job because large quantity writing mistakes or needing to clearly explain why you are the right person for the job? The development of competent speech is one of the basic tasks of every self-respecting person. Even if you don't speak in public, the ability to speak beautifully and clearly is valued by everyone. So, how to develop competent speech?

Read fiction

Reading high-quality fiction can hardly be called a waste of time. IN modern world We are exposed to a very large flow of information, mainly listening to the news or reading it on the Internet. But the Internet, entertaining reading and business literature cannot replace good books by recognized domestic and foreign authors.

Reading novels helps you intuitively value the right ones, beautiful offers, develops a sense of language. Reading fiction, scientific articles in special publications, a person expands his horizons and vocabulary. If you want to make your speech more lively and imaginative, read poetry. Give yourself rhythm, metaphors and figures of speech that you would like to use.

Use dictionaries

Look for new words. If you hear or read a word whose meaning is unfamiliar to you, feel free to take a dictionary and find out what it means. The origin of words is very interesting science. What if this becomes one of your hobbies?

In addition to the usual dictionary, there are dictionaries of metaphors, foreign words, special terms, even dictionaries dedicated to a particular science. Use them all - and your vocabulary will begin to grow quickly. You can always find the most accurate word and apply it in conversation.

Play educational games

As you know, children acquire almost all their knowledge of language before the age of seven. A child develops competent speech with the help of the people around him. There are also many games and techniques that allow you to develop your imagination, expand your vocabulary and learn to speak beautifully.

If possible, listen to yourself from the outside. Make an audio or video recording of your voice. If you are afraid to speak into a voice recorder or get an inaccurate result, ask someone close to you to record you during a normal conversation.

Evaluate your speech. Competent speech is always free from all unnecessary things. How accurately did you convey your message to others? Was she clear? Could it have been said shorter, clearer, more understandable? Are you pausing in the wrong places? Are you constructing your sentences correctly? Are your thoughts confused, are you jumping from thought to thought, confusing your listeners?

Watch the accents. Incorrect accents (call, jalousie and other tricky words, of which there are many in the Russian language) reveal an illiterate and ill-mannered person. There are two options: do not use these words or open the dictionary, textbooks and remember them firmly.

Edit what you've written

Have you written a letter, a message to a friend, a report to management or an artistic essay? Whatever it is, review the text as carefully as possible and try to give it a critical assessment. This is great speech training. If you practice “cleaning” your writing, you will see results very soon. Besides, colloquial speech will also change significantly!

Once you've written something, try to "switch" to something else (at least go and make yourself a cup of tea), and then return to the text with fresh eyes. Imagine that this is someone else's text. Does it have errors? How accurately is the thought expressed? Is everything clear to you as an outside reader? Is it possible to formulate this idea more clearly and concisely?

Correct speech and competent speech is always bright, expressive and understandable. Get rid of words that don't mean anything semantic load. They often take up a third of the text, which is why your idea definitely loses. If you can use a simpler and shorter word, use it. You can also try reading it out loud (be sure to do this if you are preparing a speech that you will give).

Develop your voice

Not only grammatically and lexically correct speech is important for communication. Proper communication also includes using your voice. If you have applied all the methods outlined above, but at the same time express your thoughts in a monotonous voice, devoid of any intonation, listening to you will be unpleasant and not very interesting.

It's worth developing your voice. Do exercises, listen to speakers and try to repeat after them. Sign up for a public speaking course. Even with little effort, the results will please you, and your interlocutors will stop yawning.


Competent speech is not given at birth. You need to work on this constantly, throughout your life. But even if you devote very little effort and time to developing your speech, reading will become your good habit - more interesting and successful life you are guaranteed.

How to deliver a speech?

One of essential elements when assessing a person is the voice. Most often, if we are pleased with the way a person speaks, then we will like to communicate with him, and we will listen to him with pleasure. Therefore, a well-delivered speech and, moreover, a beautiful one is the key to success in any communication - be it personal or business. And often it even attracts attention and presents a person in an advantageous light compared to those who do not know how to structure their speech correctly. But how to deliver the speech? Almost anyone can cope with this task - you just need to do certain exercises, which we will tell you about now.

How to deliver the correct speech

The main rule here is regular reading. If your speech is really bad, then you need to read aloud for at least a minute a day. This simple exercise will help you cope with such unnecessary traits as embarrassment and self-doubt, and you will also acquire the necessary skills. By reading aloud, you will undoubtedly teach yourself to speak out loud, but with the difference that it will be beautiful literary speech, not simple spoken language. Of course, for reading aloud it is best to select classical literature, which is rich in expressive means language. Children are usually the most fastidious listeners, so if you have them in your home, that's just great. If children listen to you attentively, then you essentially have nothing to worry about, although this does not mean that you no longer need to improve your correct speech skills. This needs to be done constantly. Well, and, of course, read more and regularly so that the skill of correct pronunciation is not lost. And now about another good way to deliver a competent speech.

Choosing a sample

Choose a person whose voice and character of speech you like. It is best to choose from television or radio presenters, since these people are specially trained in correct speech. Having chosen, begin to imitate him (or her). To do this, record the voice of the presenter and your voice and compare the result. Special attention you need to pay attention to the pronunciation of consonants, because speech looks “clumsy” precisely because of their incorrect pronunciation. Most often, there is a kind of “porridge” in the mouth, which is why a person begins to mumble and speak almost inarticulately. It is by comparing the pronunciation of consonant sounds that you will see the shortcomings that need to be corrected in order to achieve success.

How to deliver a speech correctly - tongue twisters

Tongue twisters are very helpful, they need to be spoken as quickly and clearly as possible. Choose the tongue twister that contains the most difficult sounds to pronounce. For example, the production of such sounds as “b”, “p”, “g” and “k” is facilitated by the tongue twister: “The bull is blunt-lipped, the bull is blunt-lipped, the bull had a dull lip,” for whistling and hissing “s” and “sh” “The no less famous tongue twister “Sasha walked along the highway and sucked on a dryer” would be suitable, and so on. Of course, you need to start with simple tongue twisters (like the above), and then gradually move on to more complex ones. By the way, for greater effect, you can pronounce tongue twisters and/or read with your mouth full. Nuts are well suited for this purpose, but it is best to stuff your mouth with shelled hazelnuts, or if they are not shelled, then at least wash them before class. Well and a few more useful recommendations. When speaking, there is no need to clench your teeth, since this position of the teeth does not allow you to pronounce words clearly, and this can lead to misunderstanding on the part of others. And finally, try to communicate regularly and regularly increase your vocabulary (especially through reading). Very often, people cannot find the right words, replacing them with various not very articulate sounds like “mmm”, “uh”, “ummm”, etc. It doesn’t sound or look very attractive from the outside, believe me, and at times it’s downright funny.

1. READ as much literature as possible. It's best if it's classical literature, or popular science, and not modern novels, detective stories, etc. I think you will enjoy the process yourself. If you just can’t force yourself, then you should remember that the opinions of those people who do not speak competently are not taken seriously, and many people are annoyed by this kind of illiteracy. If you want to be a good conversationalist, then you should work on yourself.

3. EXPAND YOUR VOCABULARY. When you hear or read a new word, try to figure out its origin and meaning. You should not overuse foreign fashionable words, as this is not acceptable for literate speech.

4. GET RID OF EXTRA WORDS, as they also clog up your vocabulary. For example, you should not say “the month of July”, since it is already clear that July is a month, and not a year, hour or anything else.

5. AVOID TAFTOLOGY. Don't say "ask a question." In order to get rid of this habit, start monitoring the speech of the people around you.

7. DO NOT USE WORDS YOU DO NOT KNOW THE MEANING OF. Otherwise, you can simply put yourself in a very awkward position, meaning one thing, but they will understand you differently.

Well, as they say, success to you in your endeavors! I hope our tips will help you!

First of all, in order to deliver your speech correctly, you need to train your breathing. To do this you need to do special breathing exercises. It is also very important to achieve the correct pronunciation of the vowel and consonant letters separately.

Geniuses are not born, they are made. This is how you need to constantly and tirelessly develop your speech. Try to communicate more with others, focusing your attention on diction, intonation, trying to avoid words that are difficult to pronounce, replacing them with simpler ones.

It is also very important not to worry when communicating, but to be calm and confident, otherwise your thoughts will get confused and some words will not be spoken.

In addition, you will have to communicate with different interlocutors in different ways; some like beautiful and abstruse words, while others just irritate them.

How to develop clear speech: basic techniques and exercises

Many consider competent speech to be a talent that is given to a select few and is necessary only in some areas of activity. In fact, everyone should think about how to develop speech. After all, good diction makes you listen to to the talking person and trust his opinion more. In addition, such a skill often contributes to career growth, especially if to perform job responsibilities you need to communicate with people often.

Basic techniques and exercises for speech development

Below we present the most effective exercises to improve diction. Clear speech and a well-trained voice are the result of long and hard work on oneself. Therefore, it is necessary to perform these exercises regularly, and not occasionally, because this is the only way you will make progress in the development of your speech.

Warm-up for the articulatory apparatus

Before performing any exercises aimed at developing diction, short warm-ups will help you to prepare yourself for clarity of pronunciation. One of her options is to firmly clench a pencil with your teeth and say a phrase approximately a word long. Then take out the pencil and say the same phrase again. In order not to think about choosing a text every time, you can use any poem when performing this exercise.

Exercises aimed at improving their mobility and accuracy will also help you begin to speak better and strengthen the muscles of the organs involved in the speech process. After all, these are the characteristics that are required for the development of diction and high-quality pronunciation of sounds.

As you know, the most mobile organ of articulation is the tongue. Therefore, most of gymnastics is connected with it. There are many exercises, the regular implementation of which will eliminate the need to think about the question of how to develop speech. For example, you can stick out your tongue and try to reach it first to the chin, and then to the nose. Or, as if using a brush, use smooth movements to draw lines from the teeth to the larynx.

Pronouncing phrases with artificially complicated articulation

Tongue twisters for developing diction are considered a classic training option. With their help, you can practice clearly pronouncing different consonants in a calm environment. To achieve excellent results, it is enough to devote at least 5-10 minutes to exercise every day. However, to develop good diction there is one thing important rule: Each phrase must be pronounced at a slow, medium and very fast pace.

You can start training with the most simple sentences which teach you to clearly pronounce one or two sounds. For example, these could be:

  • All beavers are kind to their beavers.
  • Skinny, weak Koschey is dragging a box of vegetables.
  • Klim pounded one damn thing with a wedge.
  • The thunderstorm is threatening, the thunderstorm is threatening.
  • A harrow was used to harrow an unharrowed field.
  • Mow, mow, while there is dew, away with the dew - and we are home.
  • There is grass in the yard, there is firewood on the grass; Don't cut wood on the grass in your yard.
  • Whether the fox sat near the village, or at the edge of the forest.
  • The census rewrote the census results three times.

There are also more complex phrases that help you understand how to learn to speak words clearly and quickly, in which the pronunciation of two or more sounds in difficult combinations is practiced:

  • The talker said to the talkers: “I said, don’t tell the talker that the talker has started talking,” the talker has a talker. The talker began to speak, and the talker’s throat began to talk slightly, and then the talker said finally: “Stop talking, talker talker.”
  • The commander spoke about the colonel and about the colonel, about the lieutenant colonel and about the lieutenant colonel, about the lieutenant and about the lieutenant, about the second lieutenant and about the second lieutenant, about the ensign and about the ensign, about the ensign, but was silent about the ensign.
  • There is firewood in the yard, firewood behind the yard, firewood under the yard, firewood above the yard, firewood along the yard, firewood across the width of the yard, the yard cannot accommodate firewood! We'll probably move the wood from your yard back to the wood yard.
  • The cap is not sewn in the Kolpakov style, the bell is not poured in the Kolokolov style, the cap needs to be re-packed, re-capped, re-forged, re-capped.
  • The snake was bitten by the snake. I can't get along with the snake. From horror it has become narrower - the snake will eat it for dinner and say: “Start over.”

Pronouncing tongue twisters

There are also special tongue twisters for developing diction and eliminating problems with the pronunciation of certain sounds. Good way figure out what exactly needs to be corrected - listen to your own speech from the outside. Once the problems have been identified, you can begin to work on developing your diction.

First you need to learn how to pronounce an isolated sound correctly. Then it is necessary to achieve differentiation in speech of similar sounds, for example, “s” and “sh” or “r” and “l”. Pronouncing special phrases can be a significant help in correcting your speech, for example:

  • Lara played the lyre.
  • Forty mice walked and found forty pennies, and two poorer mice found two pennies each.
  • The Ligurian traffic controller was regulating in Liguria.
  • A Cossack with a saber galloped towards Sashka to play checkers.
  • Sasha walked along the highway and sucked on a dryer. Beavers wander into the cheese forests. Beavers are brave, but they are kind to beavers.
  • The bull is blunt-lipped, the bull is blunt-lipped, the bull has a white lip and is blunt.
  • There was a white-winged ram, which killed all the rams.
  • I was at Frol’s, I lied to Frol about Lavra, I’ll go to Lavra, I lie to Lavra about Frol.

You should move on to working on the next sound only after you have achieved the correct pronunciation of the first sound.

Reading aloud

In addition to speaking tongue twisters, it is also useful to read aloud to develop diction. Recording your voice on a voice recorder can be a good incentive. Few people, having heard their speech, would not want to improve it. By reading passages from books and making audio recordings, you can practice your pronunciation until it becomes almost perfect.

How to learn to speak so that it is really pleasant and interesting to listen to you? When reading aloud, avoid monotony and change your intonation. In addition, it is worth changing the volume and speed of reading, learning to highlight the most important moments with pauses. important points. But at the same time, control your speech so that such pauses are appropriate and not too long.

Also, do not lose sight of the fact that a calm and confident voice is best perceived by others. Whether he will be like this largely depends on the mood and internal state of a person, his ability to control emotions. However, by developing diction, you can learn to speak calmly and convincingly. For example, why not imagine yourself as a politician and talk about the state of the economy in the country while sitting in front of a mirror?

Vocabulary expansion

Another important aspect that needs to be taken into account is the need for constant intellectual development and replenishment of vocabulary. Fine developed person in any situation he can carry on a conversation and find the right words. To become just like this, you should read more, solve crossword puzzles more often and attend various self-development trainings.

If you devote even a few minutes every day to working on improving your diction, within a few months you will begin to speak well, and your voice itself will be transformed beyond recognition. Moreover, all the efforts made will undoubtedly be rewarded over time.

Diaphragm training

In the question of how to deliver a speech, it is very important aspect is the ability to control breathing. Without it, the text may be interrupted by pauses and breaths in places where this violates its meaning or worsens its emotionality. As a result, speech will become abrupt, and the meaning of what is said is perceived worse.

Therefore, one of the first exercises to develop diction should be training to develop proper breathing:

  • Place your feet shoulder-width apart, straighten your spine, place one hand on your chest and the other on your stomach. Inhaling through your nose, push your stomach forward. Then calmly exhale air through a small hole in your lips, returning your chest and stomach to their original position.
  • To start speaking better over time, you can make the exercise more difficult. To do this, try to maintain proper breathing and at the same time walk, run in place, imitate chopping wood or sweeping the floor.
  • You can improve the development of diction with the help of the following exercise. To begin, inhale calmly, and as you exhale, hold out any vowel for as long as possible. When you can hold a vowel for more than 25 seconds, try changing the tone of your voice.

Main causes of speech problems

It is impossible to achieve positive results in the development of diction if you do not understand the causes of speech disorders. Only rarely are they associated with health problems and develop, for example, due to an abnormal jaw structure or a short frenulum of the tongue.

For many people, speech problems are caused by incorrect pronunciation of whistling and hissing sounds, as well as the absence of the “L” or “R” sounds, or a violation of their pronunciation. A weakened articulatory apparatus may also be the cause.

Even if a person can speak well, pronouncing all sounds correctly, in particularly significant situations his speech may become slurred and unclear. After all, when pronouncing words, the articulatory apparatus needs to very quickly switch from one movement to another. This can only be achieved through active and intensive work of the muscles that need to be trained, for example, by regularly pronouncing tongue twisters for diction.

However main reason slurred, quiet speech is a person's shyness and lack of confidence own strength. In such a situation, the development of diction is a secondary problem. First of all, you need to work on your own character and fight complexes.

I am well aware of problems with diction. I think many people have encountered this. Unfortunately, this is not corrected at school. But it doesn’t matter, you can do it yourself.

How nice it is to listen to a person whose speech is competent and interesting at the same time. Unfortunately, there are very few such people. Most often, the vast majority are tongue-tied, cannot construct both grammatically and stylistically, and use a poor vocabulary. And if such people also have to speak in front of the public, then the latter is worthy of regret.

Components of beautiful speech

Speech technique is a combination of several components, knowing which you can gradually learn. It includes several factors. And the main one among them is diction. Speech technique would be impossible without clear pronunciation of sounds - vowels and especially consonants. It seems that speaking clearly and clearly is easy. In reality, things are exactly the opposite, and learning diction can take a lot of time.

In addition, it is very important to be able to speak convincingly and emotionally. This is how you can control and influence your audience. Expressive, lively speech can captivate people so much that they agree with all the arguments of the speaker, without wanting to.

And one more thing. It's important to know what to say. Speech technique hides many nuances that simply need to be taken into account and kept in mind constantly.

Maybe see a speech therapist?

It may very well be that you will have to remember such a specialist, despite the fact that you have already passed the age when he is so necessary. Some people have a real mess in their mouth, and some sounds are pronounced completely wrong.

Sometimes just understanding what you are doing wrong is enough to start speaking correctly. But it often happens that it is very difficult to correct the situation, so you shouldn’t even start. History knows many examples of famous speakers who had unproduced sounds, but this did not stop them from winning over the audience.

Are we going to Russian language class?

And one more nuance. Almost each of us speaks very quickly, “eating” many words and endings. In everyday life this is normal, because dialogue reigns here - if you didn’t hear, you can ask again. Although, of course, you need to strive to be clean and beautiful. Well, even more so on the podium! After all, here one side is already listening, and sometimes it’s very difficult to guess what the speaker wanted to say. What are we really seeing?

Correct breathing

Breathing tends to cause a lot of confusion among people. We all breathe and cannot exist without it. What's so complicated about this? However, there are difficulties, and considerable ones. The speaker is like a singer or a musician who plays a wind instrument, who simply needs the correct breathing. It is this that will help maintain the clarity of the narrative, the correct intonation, and will not allow the voice to break in the wrong place.

There are several, namely: thoracic, in which the shoulders rise upward, abdominal and diaphragmatic. As a rule, women breathe from the chest, unlike men. Perhaps this is why there are fewer good speakers among the fair half of humanity. After all, this art requires diaphragmatic breathing, that is, one in which the diaphragm works.

To set it up, you need to perform simple exercises, but it is important to do it regularly. After a short period of constant and persistent training, which in its load is no different from physical exercise, you will notice that you will breathe completely differently.

How to train breathing?

Correct speech technique includes daily exercises to develop and optimize the respiratory system. We always speak while exhaling, and it is especially important that it be long, but not lead us to exhaustion. Unlike exhalation, inhalation should be vigorous and short. Otherwise there would be long, awkward pauses between words. Although in themselves they are also simply necessary for beautiful speech, nevertheless, these intervals should not be prolonged. That is why it is necessary to perform exercises for long inhalations, and you need to ensure that the air fills the diaphragm area, and then slowly, in portions, is consumed. At the same time, there is no need to bring yourself to a state where a person has already used up all the air, but continues to speak. It doesn't look very nice. It’s better to stop and “take your breath” again.

Diction also requires training

At the same time as performing breathing exercises, do not forget about diction. She should devote a small amount of time, 10-15 minutes daily. Very soon you will notice how your speech will become clear and well understood by others. There are many different diction exercises. But first you need to soberly evaluate your speech. To do this, it will be enough to simply record your voice on a voice recorder, and then listen to the recording very carefully. It would be a good idea to ask someone else to evaluate your diction; perhaps strangers will notice something that escapes your attention and hearing.

So, pay attention to the following points:

  • Consonant sounds. What are they: correct or not, do we swallow them?
  • What soft consonants sound like.
  • How do you pronounce consonants at the junction of two words.
  • How to pronounce unstressed vowels.
  • How do consonants sound in different parts of a word?

Typically, you will notice some general trend or error. Perhaps others will hear something else while listening to the recording. All this is a frontier for the upcoming work on voice and speech in general.

Concept of articulation

In general, we can say that diction and articulation are one and the same thing. There are articulatory muscles that are involved in the process of sound formation, and they need to be trained. These muscles form the correct sounds, which is why it is important that they are strong and strong.

To strengthen them, you can and should do special exercises, which includes a set of exercises for the tongue, jaws, lips and even cheeks.

You can simply make faces, and then lightly massage your cheeks and lips. In addition, there are a lot of exercises for children with speech therapy problems. The most common of them are the “needle”, when you need to make the tongue sharp and stretch as high as possible in the nose, and the “shovel”, when the tongue is as relaxed as possible.

Search for a teacher

If you are very concerned about speaking technique, courses are the best thing you need. You can spend a long time learning to speak beautifully and correctly at home and not notice gross mistakes that nullify all your efforts. An experienced teacher and mentor will correct you in time and will not allow the mistake to take hold. The teacher’s speech technique will serve as a standard and guiding star, which will not let you go astray. It is the specialist who will tell you when you are quite ready to speak in front of people, and will stop you if it is too early and you still need to practice.

What and how to say?

So, even if you have been practicing diction and positioning the breathing apparatus for a long time, but you don’t know what to say, then it’s too early for you to speak. It is necessary that beautiful turns and phrases ripen in your head in time, the right words are remembered in time, and speech flows like a stream. For this purpose, you simply need to read a lot and reflect on different topics. You need to try to find synonyms for many words and expand your vocabulary.

It is also very important to monitor the pace of speech. Many people chatter without noticing it. This makes it very difficult to fully perceive speech. We need to watch the pace at which we speak, it is not that difficult. At first you will have to pay attention to this, and then it will become a habit.


Gestures are our second language. We simply need it, but there are rules here too. There shouldn't be too many gestures. Sweeping movements are also very distracting. That's why you need to learn to control your body. There is a whole science that studies facial expressions and gestures. Even a superficial acquaintance with her will bring great benefit, because you will learn to read body language at least a little. Every gesture should be thought through. First, study and objectively analyze the movements that you often use, and then make adjustments.

It is advisable to think through all gestures in advance, rehearse in front of a mirror, and demonstrate to your best friends.

If you tell everyone: “I want to speak beautifully... Speech techniques are so complicated!”, then you are unlikely to achieve anything. Beautiful and correct we're talking about hand in hand with faith in your strength and success. All of them are necessary for almost each of us, because success and self-confidence are one of the main components of the modern world.

Practice - and you will undoubtedly succeed!

Valued in any society. It is easier for a person who knows how to correctly and competently compose a dialogue to find a job, get promoted up the career ladder, and make new acquaintances. People around him listen to him more often; his monologue never seems inappropriate or stupid.

But the paradox is that in order for others to perceive you as an intelligent and educated person, it is enough to expand your vocabulary by only about fifty words. It is enough to use some for communication in order to appear in the eyes of others as an extraordinary, creative person.

The art of competent communication

Master it vocabulary It won't be difficult if you want. Much more important will be a confident voice, clear diction and the appropriateness of using certain words. Surely you have encountered a situation in life when a person, conducting a dialogue, tries with all his might to use abstruse words to communicate, sometimes using them completely out of place and in the wrong inflection. Such attempts look ridiculous and funny. To prevent this from happening to you, armed with a vocabulary for all occasions, do not be lazy to find out exact value words, their synonyms and antonyms, declension, gender and stress. This is the only way you will be able to use them correctly and competently in conversation.

Getting rid of banality

The first thing you should do is try to minimize the use of hackneyed expressions and words that you use in your everyday life. For example, a banal set of words like “good”, “beautiful”, “smart”, etc. can be replaced with less hackneyed, alternative options, because each of them can be accessed using explanatory dictionary choose at least a dozen synonyms.

For example, the word “beautiful”, depending on the situation, can be replaced with “bright”, “elegant”, “luxurious”, “incomparable”, “magnificent”, “delightful”. “Useful” in everyday conversation can easily be used as “beneficial”, “fruitful”, “expedient”, “practical”, “necessary”. Even to a simple word"smart" has many synonyms. You should remember and appeal to them as necessary. Here are some of them: “witty”, “resourceful”, “smart”, “good”, “wise”, “smart”.

It also doesn’t hurt to learn a few that will help you produce the desired effect on others:

Idiosyncrasy - intolerance.

Transcendental - abstract, mental, theoretical.

Esoterics is a mystical teaching.

A truism is a well-known fact, statement or opinion.

Euphemism is the replacement of harsh, rude words and expressions with more acceptable and soft ones.

Sophistry is the ability to argue sharply, to skillfully juggle words.

Eclecticism is a combination of different types of theories, views or things.

Homogeneous - homogeneous.

Invective - swearing, obscene language.

Decadence is decline.

Hyperbole is an exaggeration.

Frustration is disappointment.

Discourse - conversation, conversation.

At first, when using smart words to communicate, you may experience some awkwardness in the conversation; your language will seem to get tangled and stumble over “new expressions.” It's not scary, it's new conversational form, like a new pair of shoes, should be broken in. After a while, you will, without thinking, choose better synonyms and expressions to express your opinion.

Speech-clogging expressions

The most difficult part of this process may be learning to notice them in your own speech. If you cannot notice them on your own, you may need the help of loved ones with whom you often communicate, or a voice recorder. At the next stage, you should learn to either skip them or replace them with smart words for communication; to consolidate the result, you also need to periodically listen to your own monologue recorded on a voice recorder. In the process of mastering the organization and production of your own speech, try to speak thoughtfully, logically constructing each phrase; this is the only way, after some time, you will be able to master the art of competently conducting a dialogue.

By learning to clearly structure sentences, using smart words to communicate, and getting rid of expressions that clog your speech, you will be able to make an excellent impression, because the more competently a person speaks, the more intelligent and successful he seems to his interlocutors.