Life path person is finished. The coffin is buried, the funeral is over. But what happens next to the deceased in the coffin? The question is very exciting, since what is happening underground is inaccessible to people. The answer can be given by one of the branches of medicine - forensic medicine. The changes that will occur with him further can be divided into several stages. Their duration can range from several months to several years.

Officially, it takes 15 years for a body to completely decompose in a coffin. However, re-burial is allowed after approximately 11-13 years after the first. It is believed that during this time both the deceased and his final resting place will completely decompose, and the earth can be reused.

What happens in the coffin after death?

The officially accepted decomposition period for a body is 15 years. Most often, this is enough for the almost complete disappearance of the corpse. Thanatology and forensic medicine deal with post-mortem mechanisms of the body, including partly the study of how a body decomposes in a coffin.

Immediately after death, self-digestion of human internal organs and tissues begins. And with it, after some time, rotting. Before a funeral, processes are slowed down by embalming or refrigerating the body to make the person appear more presentable. But underground there are no longer any restraining factors. And decay destroys the body full swing. As a result, all that remains is bones and chemical compounds: gases, salts and liquids.

In fact, a corpse is a complex ecosystem. It is a habitat and breeding ground for a large number of microorganisms. The system develops and grows as its habitat decomposes. Immunity turns off soon after death - and microbes and microorganisms populate all tissues and organs. They feed on cadaveric fluids and provoke further development of decay. Over time, all tissues completely rot or decay, leaving a bare skeleton. But it too may soon collapse, leaving only individual, especially strong bones.

What happens in the coffin after a year?

After a year has passed after death, the process of decomposition of residual soft tissue sometimes continues. It is often noted when excavating graves that a year after death cadaverous smell is no longer present - the rotting is complete. And the remaining tissues either slowly smolder, releasing mainly nitrogen and carbon dioxide into the atmosphere, or there is simply nothing left to smolder. Because only the skeleton remained.

Skeletonization is the stage of decomposition of the body when only one skeleton remains. What happens to the deceased in the coffin about a year after death. Sometimes some tendons or particularly dense and dry areas of the body may still remain. Next will be the process of mineralization. It can last for a very long time - up to 30 years. Everything remaining from the body of the deceased will have to lose all the “extra” minerals. As a result, what remains of a person is an unfastened pile of bones. The skeleton falls apart because the joint capsules, muscles and tendons that hold the bones together no longer exist. And it can remain in this form for an unlimited amount of time. At the same time, the bones become very fragile.

What happens to the coffin after burial?

Most modern coffins are made from ordinary pine boards. Such material is short-lived in conditions of constant humidity and will last in the ground for a couple of years. After that, he turns into dust and fails. Therefore, when digging up old graves, it’s good to find several rotten boards that were once a coffin. The service life of the final resting place of the deceased can be somewhat extended by varnishing it. Other, harder and more durable types of wood may not rot for a longer period of time. And especially rare, metal coffins are quietly stored in the ground for decades.

As a corpse decomposes, it loses fluid and slowly turns into a collection of substances and minerals. Since a person is 70% water, it needs to go somewhere. She leaves everyone's body possible ways and seeps through the bottom boards into the ground. This obviously does not extend the life of the tree; excess moisture only provokes its rotting.

How does a person decompose in a coffin?

During decomposition, the human body necessarily goes through several stages. They can vary in time depending on the burial environment and the condition of the corpse. The processes that occur with the dead in the coffin ultimately leave the body with a bare skeleton.

Most often, the coffin with the deceased is buried after three days from the day of death. This is due not only to customs, but also to simple biology. If after five to seven days the corpse is not buried, then this will have to be done in a closed coffin. Because by this time autolysis and decay will have developed en masse, and internal organs will slowly begin to collapse. This can lead to putrefactive emphysema throughout the body, leakage of bloody fluid from the mouth and nose. Now the process can be stopped by embalming the body or keeping it in the refrigerator.

What happens to the corpse in the coffin after the funeral is reflected in several various processes. Collectively, they are called decomposition, which, in turn, is divided into several stages. Decomposition begins immediately after death. But it begins to manifest itself only after some time, without limiting factors - within a couple of days.


The very first stage of decomposition, which begins almost immediately after death. Autolysis is also called “self-digestion.” Tissues are digested by decay cell membranes and release of enzymes from cellular structures. The most important of these are cathepsins. This process does not depend on any microorganisms and begins independently. Internal organs, such as the brain and adrenal medulla, spleen, pancreas, are the most susceptible to autolysis, as they contain the most a large number of cathepsin. Somewhat later, all the cells of the body enter into the process. This provokes rigor mortis due to the release of calcium from the intercellular fluid and its combination with troponin. Against this background, actin and myosin combine, which causes muscle contraction. The cycle cannot be completed due to the lack of ATP, so the muscles are fixed and relaxed only after they have begun to decompose.

Autolysis is partly facilitated by various bacteria that spread throughout the body from the intestines, feeding on the fluid flowing from decomposing cells. They literally “spread” throughout the body through the blood vessels. The liver is primarily affected. However, bacteria reach it within the first twenty hours from the moment of death, first promoting autolysis and then rotting.


In parallel with autolysis, a little later than its onset, rotting also develops. The rate of decay depends on several factors:

  • The state of a person during life.
  • Circumstances of his death.
  • Soil humidity and temperature.
  • Density of clothing.

It begins with the mucous membranes and skin. This process can develop quite early if the soil of the grave is wet, and in the circumstances of death there is blood poisoning. However, it develops more slowly in cold regions or if the corpse contains insufficient moisture. Some strong poisons and thick clothing also help slow it down.

It is noteworthy that many myths about “moaning corpses” are associated specifically with rotting. This is called vocalization. When a corpse decomposes, gas is formed, which primarily occupies the cavities. When the body has not yet rotted, it exits through natural openings. When the gas passes through the vocal cords, which are constrained by stiff muscles, the output is sound. Most often this is a wheezing or something similar to a groan. Rigor rigor most often passes just in time for the funeral, so in rare cases a terrifying sound can be heard from a coffin that has not yet been buried.

What happens to the body in the coffin at this stage begins with the hydrolysis of proteins by proteases of microbes and dead cells of the body. Proteins begin to break down gradually, to polypeptides and below. At the output, free amino acids remain instead. It is as a result of their subsequent transformation that a corpse smell arises. At this stage, the growth of mold on the corpse and the colonization of it by maggots and nematodes can speed up the process. They mechanically destroy tissues, thereby accelerating their decay.

The liver, stomach, intestines and spleen are the most susceptible to decomposition in this way, due to the abundance of enzymes in them. In this regard, very often the peritoneum of the deceased bursts. During decay, corpse gas is released, which fills the natural cavities of a person (swells him from the inside). The flesh is gradually destroyed and exposes the bones, turning into a fetid grayish pulp.

The following external manifestations can be considered clear signs of the onset of rotting:

  • Greening of the corpse (formation of sulfhemoglobin in the ileal region from hydrogen sulfide and hemoglobin).
  • Putrefactive vascular network (blood that does not leave the veins rots, and hemoglobin forms iron sulfide).
  • Cadaveric emphysema (the pressure of the gas produced during putrefaction swells the corpse. It can invert the pregnant uterus).
  • Glowing of a corpse in the dark (production of hydrogen phosphide, occurs in rare cases).


A corpse decomposes most quickly in the first six months after burial. However, instead of rotting, smoldering may begin - in cases where there is not enough moisture and too much oxygen for the former. But sometimes decay can begin even after partial rotting of the corpse.

For it to occur, it is necessary that enough oxygen enters the body and not a lot of moisture enters. With it, the production of corpse gas stops. The release of carbon dioxide begins.

Another way is mummification or saponification

In some cases, rotting and decay do not occur. This may occur due to the processing of the body, its condition, or an environment unfavorable for these processes. What happens to the dead person in the coffin in this case? As a rule, there are two options left: the corpse is either mummified - it dries out so much that it cannot decompose normally, or it is saponified - a fat wax is formed.

Mummification occurs naturally when a corpse is buried in very dry soil. The body is well mummified when there was severe dehydration during life, which was aggravated by cadaveric desiccation after death.

In addition, there is artificial mummification through embalming or other chemical treatment, which can stop decomposition.

Fat wax is the opposite of mummification. It is formed in a very humid environment, when the corpse does not have access to the oxygen necessary for rotting and decay. In this case, the body begins to saponify (otherwise known as anaerobic bacterial hydrolysis). The main component of fat wax is ammonia soap. All subcutaneous fat, muscles, skin, mammary glands and brain are converted into it. Everything else either does not change (bones, nails, hair) or rots.

Incredible facts

Many of our body's functions continue to function for minutes, hours, days, and even weeks after death. It's hard to believe, but incredible things happen to our body.

If you are ready for hard-hitting details, then this information is for you.

1. Nail and hair growth

This is more of a technical feature than an actual feature. The body no longer produces hair or nail tissue, but both continue to grow for several days after death. In fact, the skin loses moisture and pulls back slightly, revealing more hair and making your nails appear longer. Since we measure the length of hair and nails from the point where the hair emerges from the skin, it technically means that they "grow" after death.

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One of the side effects modern technology is the erasure of time between life and death. The brain may shut down completely, but the heart will still beat. If the heart stops for a minute and there is no breathing, then the person dies, and doctors declare the person dead even when the brain is technically still alive for several minutes. During this time, brain cells try to find oxygen and nutrients to maintain life to such an extent that it most often results in irreparable damage even if the heart is made to beat again. These minutes before complete damage can be extended, with the help of certain medications and under the right circumstances, to several days. Ideally, this would give doctors a chance to save you, but this is not guaranteed.

3. Skin cell growth

This is another function of different parts of our body that fades away with at different speeds. While loss of circulation can kill the brain in minutes, other cells don't need a constant supply. Skin cells that live on the outer layer of our body are accustomed to receiving what they can through a process called osmosis, and can live for several days.

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We believe that urination is a voluntary function, although its absence is not a conscious action. In principle, we don’t have to think about this, since a certain part of the brain is responsible for this function. The same area is involved in regulating breathing and heart rate, which explains why people often experience involuntary urination if they get drunk. The fact is that the part of the brain that keeps the urinary sphincter closed is suppressed, and very large amounts of alcohol can turn off the regulation of breathing and heart functions, and therefore alcohol can be really dangerous.

Although rigor mortis causes the muscles to stiffen, this does not happen until several hours after death. Immediately after death, the muscles relax, which causes urination.

5. Defecation

We all know that during times of stress, our body gets rid of waste. Some muscles just relax and an awkward situation occurs. But in the event of death, all this is also facilitated by the gas that is released inside the body. This can happen several hours after death. Considering that the fetus in the womb also performs the act of defecation, we can say that this is the first and last thing that we do in our lives.

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When the heart stops pumping blood throughout the body, the blood collects in the lowest place. Sometimes people die standing, sometimes lying face down, and therefore many people understand where blood can collect. Meanwhile, not all muscles in our body relax. Some types of muscle cells are activated by calcium ions. Once activated, cells expend energy by extracting calcium ions. After death, our membranes become more permeable to calcium and the cells do not expend as much energy to push out the ions and the muscles contract. This leads to rigor mortis and even ejaculation.

© ruslangilmanshin

Although the brain may die, other areas of the nervous system may be active. Nurses have more than once noticed the actions of reflexes in which the nerves send a signal spinal cord, and not the head, which led to muscle twitching and spasms after death. There is even evidence of small movements of the chest after death.

9. Vocalization

Essentially, our body is filled with gas and mucus supported by bones. Rotting occurs when bacteria begin to act and the proportion of gases increases. Since most of the bacteria are inside our body, the gas accumulates inside.

Rigor mortis leads to the stiffening of many muscles, including those that work on the vocal cords, and this combination can result in eerie sounds emanating from the dead body. So there is evidence of how people heard the groans and creaks of dead people.

10. Birth of a child

It's a terrible scene to imagine, but there have been times when women died during pregnancy and were not buried, leading to the coining of a term called "posthumous fetal expulsion." Gases accumulating inside the body, combined with softening of the flesh, lead to expulsion of the fetus.

Although such cases are very rare and the subject of much speculation, they have been documented in the period before proper embalming and rapid burial. This all sounds like something out of a horror movie, but these things really do happen, and it makes us Once again be glad that we live in the modern world.

Death is often called eternal sleep, and this is not without reason. The first thought when we see a deceased person is the hope that he is simply fast asleep.

Stages of Dying

In the first hour, before rigor sets in, the person’s muscles are relaxed, the body has not yet cooled down, only breathing and heartbeat are absent.

Then the muscles begin to harden, the fists clench, and it becomes more difficult to straighten the joints, so washing and dressing the deceased person used to be done as quickly as possible. Nowadays, the ambulance and the police are the first to respond to a death call, and only then the body is transported to the morgue. More time passes, the rituals of toileting and getting ready are carried out by morgue workers, who, at your request, can do embalming, styling, manicure and make-up, then the deceased will look “as if alive”.

Four to six hours after death, rigor sets in, and on the second day it begins to resolve, the muscles relax again, and rotting processes begin. The exact time depends on the condition of the deceased, age, circumstances of death, temperature environment. So, at five degrees Celsius, rigor mortis stops; this method of preserving the body is used in a morgue.

After doctors and police confirmed the fact of death and issued the relevant documents, free service transportation sends the deceased to the morgue, where the necessary procedures are carried out to determine the causes of death. After preparing for the funeral, it's time to think about what kind of funeral you will contact.

The general condition of loved ones at the most difficult moment of the funeral depends on how responsibly all the people working with the body of the deceased approach their work. We always lose relatives unexpectedly, but for service workers, death is an ordinary event, and they do not always explain their actions in detail and calmly. The professionalism and restraint, as well as the sincere compassion of the funeral service workers, will help you remain calm and thoughtfully organize a dignified funeral.

How to determine death

The most reliable sign of dying is the appearance of cadaveric spots. Depending on the type of death, they appear either in the first hour or two, or twice as late. The spots reach their maximum brightness after about 12 hours; blood accumulates in the lower part of the body under the influence of gravity. Outwardly, they resemble bruises; they are demarcated by incisions and by the nature of the release of blood clots or plasma.

The color of the spots also varies depending on the cause: in drowned people they are pinkish-red, in those who died from suffocation they are blue-violet, and in those who died from heavy blood loss they are grayish. The severity of the spots determines the approximate time of death, conditions and causes of its occurrence. Together with the autopsy results, they help provide an overall picture of a person's death.

An autopsy is performed in any case to rule out a criminal death disguised as a suicide or accident, or to rule out the possibility of improper treatment. After the studies, the organs are returned to the cavity, sutured, and the body is prepared for burial.

Turning the body into dust

Almost immediately after death, a person’s immune system turns off, and his body becomes defenseless against various microorganisms, and the process of decay begins. The dead organism itself turns on the function of self-destruction, and both of these processes lead to the fact that after a year there is only a skeleton in the coffin. If for some reason the coffin has to be opened, then the cadaveric smell that accompanies decay may no longer exist. Then the tendons disintegrate and mineralize, leaving the person three decades later with a pile of unattached, fragile bones. If a simple pine coffin was used at the funeral, then most likely no traces of it remained. Polished and metal coffins last longer.

This picture of body decomposition was characteristic of most people who died from the beginning of the century until about the 1970s. Exceptions could be, for example, those who died from alcoholic effusions, whose bodies were literally preserved in alcohol, that is, subject to preservation. At present, in a year the body may not decompose, but soft fabrics turn into a gray-white mass, otherwise called corpse wax.

Scientists associate cases of such mummification with achievements modern science, or rather, with an abundance of chemical compounds artificially added to food. Various components that extend the shelf life of products continue to act as preservatives even after consumption.

Modern man, who eats foods stuffed with preservatives, can unwittingly preserve his own body after death. It no longer turns into humus after 13-15 years, after which it can be re-buried. Some of the bacteria involved in the decomposition process are no longer present in the soil due to contamination. Other microorganisms will not experience their former appetite from bodies pumped up with stabilizers and antioxidants. If bodies have truly lost the ability to self-disintegrate, due to the shortage of places in cemeteries, the spread of cremation is called salvation.

Modern lifestyle, abundance in the diet kept fresh for a long time products (primarily carbonated drinks, sweets and fast food) leaves an imprint

After the onset of biological death, a number of cadaveric changes immediately appear. The rate of occurrence and development, their severity depends on the weight and sex of the corpse, the cause and rate of death, the environmental conditions in which the corpse was located, etc. Some of them appear during the first day and are called early, others develop over a long period of time , are called late ones (Table 6).

Table 6

Cadaveric changes

Character Time of appearance Complete changes development of the corpse after death



Drying Cadaveric spots

Hands and face 1-2 hours Torso 2-4 hours 2-6 hours Hypostasis 2-3 hours Stasis 12-24 hours

Different time frames Imbibition - more than 24 hours

Rigor mortis Autolysis

Start 1-3 hours 2-6 hours

By the end of the day. Resolution 3-6 days Various terms


a) Destructive: Rotting b) Preservative: 1. Mummification 2. Fat wax (saponification) 3. Peat tanning

End of the first day

First month

2-3 weeks or more not established

A month or more

3 or more months

6 or more months

Early cadaveric changes include cooling of the body, partial drying of the corpse, cadaveric spots, rigor mortis and autolysis;

to the later ones - rotting, mummification, fat wax and peat tanning.

Early cadaveric changes make it possible to confidently decide about the fact of death; they are used to establish the duration of death, the position of the corpse and its movement, and sometimes they guide the expert in establishing the cause of death.

What causes the cooling of a corpse and what forensic significance does this cadaveric change have?

After death, due to termination metabolic processes, the body, according to physical laws, gives off heat until its temperature is equal to the ambient temperature. Cooling begins from exposed parts of the body. The rate of temperature drop is influenced by temperature, humidity, air movement, as well as internal factors: fatness, individual characteristics, cause of death, presence and nature of clothing, etc.

Normal body temperature is considered to be 36.6-36.8°C, from which it is calculated. If it is known that the temperature of a sick person increases before death, an adjustment is made, as for other conditions. Body temperature should be measured (after establishing the ambient temperature) in the rectum, since here it is compared with the environment later than in armpit. It is even better in this regard to measure the temperature in the liver using needle sensors. IN Lately
Instruments have been proposed that record air and body temperature, record and calculate the time elapsed after death.

The temperature of the corpse temporarily increases in case of death from tetanus, sepsis, or cooling slows down in case of sunstroke or carbon monoxide poisoning. When the air temperature is high, body temperature may also increase. This happens, for example, in Turkmenistan in summer time, which was the basis for local forensic doctors to prepare methodological recommendations for these conditions.

Where does desiccation appear on the corpse, what forensic significance does it have?

Partial drying occurs in the first minutes after death and depends on the evaporation of tissue moisture. It appears faster in places that are moisturized during life. These are the white membranes and corneas of the eyes, which is noticeable by clouding, loss of shine and the appearance of horizontal or triangular (with open eyes) spots at the corners of the eyes. These grayish-yellow spots appear after 2-3 hours and are called Larche spots. Drying is noticeable on the edges of the lips, in those places where the epidermis is thin: on the scrotum, as well as on the mucous membrane of the female genital organs and the head of the male penis. Post-mortem damage is exposed to drying out, forming parchment stains. Because of their dense yellowish-brown crust, they resemble abrasions.

Dried areas of skin on the scrotum, genitals, parchment spots in places of compression on the chest during indirect cardiac massage or accidental beats, during manipulations with a corpse can be mistaken for intravital injuries and lead to incorrect conclusions. To determine the origin of the stain, it is moistened with water, and a wet cloth, preferably soaked in an vinegar-alcohol solution, is applied to the surface. The parchment stain will completely disappear in 2-3 hours, but the abrasion will remain. To resolve the issue, you can also make an incision at the border of the spot with unchanged skin. The identification of the same color of the underlying tissues indicates a spot of cadaveric desiccation, because with intravital damage the underlying tissues will be dark red in color.

It is not possible to determine the age of death by desiccation.

What is rigor mortis and what forensic significance does it have?

Rigor mortis is a post-mortem tightening of muscles that usually appears after 2-3 hours. Immediately after death, muscle relaxation occurs, which leads to sagging of the jaw, limbs, mobility in the joints, and the muscles become soft to the touch. But after some time, starting with the chewing muscles, neck, then the torso, upper and lower extremities, rigor develops, which ends after 18-20 hours. Over time, the intensity of the development of rigor mortis increases, reaching a maximum at the end of the day.

The timing and degree of development of rigor mortis depends on many factors. This is the degree of muscle development: in emaciated people, with acute anemia, in decrepit old people, rigor is weakly expressed, and in newborns it is absent.

High temperatures and dry air accelerate the development of rigor mortis. At low temperatures, rigor mortis develops more slowly in water. Rapid rigor is promoted by well-developed muscles, electric shock, poisoning with certain poisons, tetanus, epilepsy, large exercise stress before death, which lead to intravital convulsions.

The technique for studying rigor mortis involves feeling the muscles to determine the degree of density, as well as flexing or straightening the limbs at the joints. When describing rigor, the degree of its development should be noted: weak, moderate, strong. By the end of the second day and later, in a warm room, rigor mortis resolves, and at low temperatures, rigor mortis can persist for 6-7 days. Muscle relaxation occurs in the same order - from top to bottom and is associated with the development of autolysis and putrefactive processes. Rigor mortis is an unconditional sign of death; it allows us to judge the time of death and, to some extent, helps in resolving the issue of its cause. Rigor mortis records the post-mortem position of the deceased at the time of rigor rigor in this area and can be used to establish a possible change in position or any manipulation of the corpse. After artificial resolution of rigor mortis for 8-10 hours, it is restored again. In more late dates this doesn't happen. This may be when removing his clothes or changing his position, or due to the deliberate insertion of a weapon in his hand for the purpose of simulating suicide.

Why do cadaveric spots form, what determine their characteristics and rate of development?

Cadaveric spots are formed due to the fact that after the cessation of blood circulation due to cardiac arrest and a drop in blood pressure, blood flows due to gravity to the underlying sections. It is visible under the skin in the form of purple spots of varying degrees of severity. Sometimes various parts of clothing (collar, buttons) prevent the formation of cadaveric stains, leading to imprints of the corresponding shape. There are three stages of development of cadaveric spots:

1. Cadaveric influx (hypostasis), when blood descends in the vessels and changes color in the lower parts of the corpse. On average, this manifests itself after 2-4 hours. When pressed with a finger or a dynamometer, the blood is squeezed out of the vessels, this leads to the disappearance of the color, the color of which is quickly restored. If the position of the corpse is changed at this time, the cadaveric spots will move to a new underlying surface of the body. This is observed until 8-12 hours, when the development of the 1st stage of the cadaveric spot ends.

2. Corpse stasis (diffusion) is characterized by thickening and disintegration of blood, difficulty in its movement and the development of intense coloring. When pressed with a finger, the stain turns pale and slowly after a few minutes restores (after the pressure is removed) its original color. This stage lasts up to 20-24 hours. If at this time the corpse is turned over to the opposite surface, the cadaveric spots will move, but very slowly and only partially.

3. Corpse imbibition (imbibition) occurs within 20-24 hours. Due to blood hemolysis, i.e. the breakdown of its formed elements, the release of hemoglobin and plasma, the walls of blood vessels and the skin are saturated with blood. Therefore, when you press a finger on a cadaveric spot, its color does not change, and when the corpse is moved, it remains in the same place.

Simultaneously with the development of cadaveric spots, blood accumulates in the lower parts of the internal organs. For example, in the muscles of the occipital region, as a result of a leak, hemolyzed blood soaked the muscles and their color became dark red. This was mistaken by the doctor for injury caused by a blunt object from a blow or fall, which could lead to an investigative error. However, the gradual movement of blood and the absence of hemorrhage during microscopic examination of the muscles made it possible to correctly determine this cadaveric change.

The rate of appearance, degree of development, and intensity of cadaveric spots depend on a number of external and internal factors. High ambient temperatures accelerate the formation and development of cadaveric spots. Then they appear after 1.5-2 hours, and after 10 hours the stage of imbibition begins. With heavy blood loss, cadaveric spots may be completely absent or weakly expressed in color intensity, and in such cases they appear only in patches. With a quick death, the blood in the corpse is liquid, remains in the vessels and quickly forms abundant cadaveric spots. During a long agonal period, the blood coagulates, forming yellow and red clots and, due to the limited nature of its liquid part, the cadaveric spots are poorly expressed.

What is the forensic significance of cadaveric spots?

First of all, they reliably testify to the fact of death. Their study makes it possible to establish the duration of its onset, which will be noted below.

By the localization of cadaveric spots, one can judge the position of the corpse during the period of their formation, the change in the position of the body and the discrepancy with the circumstances of the incident. For example, cadaveric spots in the lower parts of the arms (on the hands) and legs (in the area of ​​​​the feet and ankle joints) indicate that the corpse was hanging during the period of formation of the spots. If, due to the circumstances of the case, the corpse was removed from the loop before the arrival of the investigator and forensic expert and examination of the corpse, and cadaveric spots were found on the back surface of the corpse lying on the bed, it should be concluded that the corpse was removed from the loop before the formation of cadaveric marks. spots and laid on his back. Or it was in the first 8-12 hours after death, during the period of hypostasis, when the cadaveric spots completely move to a new location.

The color of cadaveric spots depends on changes in blood hemoglobin and changes when it transitions to other states. For example, in case of carbon monoxide poisoning, when it combines with hemoglobin in the blood and forms carboxyhemoglobin, the blood and cadaveric spots turn bright red. In case of poisoning with cyanide compounds, cadaveric stains, like blood, acquire a cherry tint. The unusual color of cadaveric spots allows us to suspect the action of some poisons or dying conditions in order to plan further research.

Sometimes cadaveric spots resemble bruises, especially those that occur shortly before death. In such cases there should be no diagnostic error, because bruise - intravital injury from a blunt object. To resolve the issue, it should be taken into account that cadaveric spots are formed only in the underlying sections; they are usually diffuse. On the incision, protruding blood is easily removed, the color of the tissue is not changed. Bruising is often accompanied by rawness and swelling, has clear boundaries and is located anywhere. On the cut, the tissue is dark red in color, and blood clots are found. If in doubt, skin should be taken for histological examination.

Thus, cadaveric spots have great forensic medical significance: they are a reliable sign of death, can indicate the position of the corpse during the period of formation of the spots and a possible change in the position of the body, allow one to judge how long ago the death occurred, the conditions under which the corpse was located, the rate of death, and indicate the possibility of poisoning .

What is autolysis and how is it expressed on a corpse?

Autolysis (cadaveric self-digestion), an early cadaveric change that occurs some time after death, because some tissues are affected by enzymes that continue to be formed after death. This leads to flabbiness of organs, loss of their characteristic structure, smoothing of the mucous membrane and their disintegration. Such organs become dull and become saturated with blood plasma. Autolysis is better expressed in the stomach. The significance of autolysis is that post-mortem changes to which it leads resemble painful intravital processes, which, if not known, can cause diagnostic errors.

Under what conditions does decay of a corpse develop and what significance does this have for forensic medical examination?

Rotting leads to the decomposition of proteins and other tissues, which occurs under the influence of various microbes that rapidly multiply in the body after the death of a person, when protective barriers cease to function. Rotting begins in the large intestine, where there are especially many microbes; the putrefactive process develops faster when present in the body. infectious disease. The rate of decay is promoted heat, especially +20 - +40°С. It stops at temperatures of 0°C and below, as well as above +55°C. Therefore, in warm time years or in a warm room, corpses rot faster and can be stored for a long time in cold weather and especially in the refrigerator.

The first signs of rotting appear in the appearance of an unpleasant “putrid” odor caused by the formation of putrefactive gases:

hydrogen sulfide, methane, ammonia and others. They permeate all soft tissues, smoothing out wrinkles and swelling the face, turning out the lips and pushing the tongue out of the mouth. All this changes the appearance of a person beyond recognition even for people close to him, because all corpses take on the same appearance, which greatly complicates identification. A putrefactive venous network forms on the body, this is the translucency of tree-like branched blood vessels, putrefactive blisters, and skin tears. The skin of the corpse turns a dirty green color.

The internal organs also disintegrate: the brain acquires a mushy mass of a greenish color. Later, other organs, such as the spleen, liver, kidneys, and heart, also rot. The uterus, blood vessels, and cartilage remain unchanged longer. Gradually, the melting and destruction of the tissue occurs, the color of the hair changes, and skeletonization of the corpse occurs. Bones can be preserved for centuries. Sharp putrefactive changes and even skeletonization should not prevent the appointment of a forensic medical examination.

It is impossible to accurately determine the timing of decay, much less the duration of death, since many factors influence the rate of decomposition of a corpse. First of all, this is the optimal temperature for microflora from +25°C to +45°C with moderate humidity. At temperatures up to +10° and after +55°C, rotting slows down, as well as in cold rooms or cold rooms. Decay slows down somewhat in case of heavy blood loss, poisoning with cyanide compounds, sublimate, and after the use of antibiotics shortly before death. Emaciated corpses decompose more slowly than well-fed ones.

What late preservative changes in the corpse are known and under what conditions do they occur?

In cases where the air is dry and there is good ventilation, corpses quickly lose moisture and dry out, which is called natural preservation of the corpse or mummification. This may occur when the corpse is on open area, when buried in sandy, well-ventilated soil. The corpse loses up to 9/10 of its original mass, decreases by
volume, the skin becomes dense, acquires a brownish-brown color, internal organs decrease in volume and become dry. Such preservation of the corpse preserves damage: strangulation groove, signs of disease, gunshot wounds, blunt or blunt injuries. sharp objects, but their features are masked and changed. To a certain extent, it is possible to restore damage in an acetic-alcohol solution with the addition of hydrogen peroxide. It is important that the general appearance of a person, his gender, height (albeit somewhat reduced), and individual anatomical features are preserved. You can determine the group, gender specificity. All this makes it possible to identify a person in cases of identification, although these possibilities should not be overestimated.

Complete mummification of an adult is achieved in 6-12 months, a child, especially a newborn, within a month or two.

In other conditions, when a corpse falls into water or is buried in clayey, moist soil, in the absence of air, rotting stops and the corpse turns into fat wax. The tissue of a human corpse, which has turned into fat wax, thickens, loses its structure, acquires a cheesy appearance, a grayish-yellow color, with the smell of rancid cheese. Initially, this happens in places where there is the most fat: subcutaneous fat, cheeks, buttocks, and mammary glands. Like mummification, it can involve part of the body or the entire corpse. The transformation of an adult corpse into adipose wax requires 10-12 months, a newborn corpse - 2-4 weeks. Fat wax is similar in meaning to mummification. It is noted that chemical examination can reveal poisons, even alcohol, in its tissues.

Among other types of natural preservation of corpses, peat tanning should be noted, which

happens when it gets into peat bogs. The humic acids contained in them seem to tan the skin, it thickens and becomes dark brown. The bones become soft and can be cut with a knife.

Corpses are well preserved at low temperatures, for example, in glaciers, in water with a high salt content, in oil and other liquids.

What besides rotting can destroy a corpse?

The corpse is subject to destruction not only by the putrefactive process, but also by some animals, birds, and insects. This can be observed when the corpse is in an open area or indoors. Significant destruction caused by flies and their larvae, which multiply at lightning speed. Within 15-24 hours, eggs are laid in all natural openings, which soon turn into larvae, and after a few days into pupae, then flies emerge from them. If the corpse is accessible to insects, the process of its destruction is divided into 4 periods, which makes it possible to determine the duration of death. The corpse is destroyed by ants, cockroaches, mites, and carrion beetles; they cause damage that disfigures the face of the corpse.

Damage is caused by rodents and predators, leaving wounds with scalloped edges from teeth. Parts of the corpse can be carried away by animals. Birds (crows, vultures) cause damage similar to puncture wounds. It is very important to correctly assess the damage and establish its post-mortem nature.

Many people prefer not to think about what happens to the body in the coffin. It so happens that in our community the topic of death is taboo; they prefer not to raise it, and if life circumstances force it, then talk about it as little as possible and in the most polite terms possible. It is completely unethical to directly state, for example, about rotting, although due to the education received, the majority of our fellow citizens are well aware that these are the processes that occur with a body placed in the ground. However, the coffin may simply contain ashes remaining after cremation. In such a situation, organic processes will be somewhat different and will not proceed in the same way as during the burial of ordinary remains. On the other hand, usually the ashes of a cremated person are preserved in completely different ways.

What awaits us?

Opinions regarding what happens to the body in the coffin vary greatly - much depends on which religious branch a particular person belongs to. Many, for example, believe in resurrection, so they are convinced that nothing bad happens to bodies - they are waiting in the wings. Others believe that an apocalyptic situation may occur, when the dead will rise from their graves and unleash their wrath on the living. For such a faith, the idea of ​​complete decomposition of the body is also poorly suited - after all, someone (something) needs to get up.

Religions, philosophical movements, rituals and traditions have long tried to give people an idea of ​​what happens after death - and all this for the simple reason that such a transition frightens most people. It is because of this that the topic of death is so carefully avoided in society, and certainly not talked about about how the human body decomposes. This is considered categorically unethical, ill-mannered, and even very ugly behavior if someone has died close person. The idea of ​​decomposing the remains of someone we loved so much is not just upsetting, it is insulting.

And do not accept, and do not forget

Despite such great difficulties traditionally associated with the perception of the moment of death, a person still cannot abandon the reasoning and reflections associated with the transition from life to non-existence. Of course, Epicurus expressed himself very wisely on this matter in his time, answering that there is no death while he is alive, and when it comes he will no longer be there, which means there is nothing to fear. At the same time, this idea is not very compatible with beliefs in the transmigration of souls, the afterlife and other forms of the future existence of the human essence, therefore not everyone is ready to accept Epicurean statements, and the fate of the coffin in the ground sincerely worries many, many. Surprisingly, many are afraid to admit their interest, considering it shameful.

How it all begins

As soon as life ceases, irreversible organic reactions begin in the body. The first among them, as doctors say, is autolysis, in other words, the independent digestion of one’s own cells. Doctors have more than once studied what happens to the human body after death, and therefore have discovered that negative processes are primarily caused by a lack of oxygen. Once death occurs, the blood is no longer supplied with this essential component, resulting in severe damage to living cells.

Chemical reactions occurring in the human body become sources of toxic compounds. During life, internal organs effectively remove such organic matter, producing high-quality cleaning. When considering what happens to the human body after death, it is necessary to remember: there is no longer blood flow or organ activity, thanks to which toxic components could be removed from living cells, so instead of disposal, accumulation occurs. The brain and liver are the first to suffer from such negative processes. This is due to the high water content in the structures of the main organ of the nervous system, and the liver is rich in active enzymes.

It won't go unnoticed

If changes in the structure of the brain and liver occur inside the body and remain invisible to an external observer, then the next step, if it was not decided to cremate the person in a timely manner, can be observed with your own eyes - the skin changes. The shade becomes pale, it is usually described as “dead”, it will be so characteristic in such a situation.

The process is explained quite simply. As the internal systems are destroyed, the vessels also lose their functionality. In such a situation, the blood gradually flows down in the direction of the person’s location relative to the surface of the earth, which is due to the influence of gravity. By the way, it’s no secret to anyone what happens to the body in the coffin, which is why in popular culture the living dead are usually portrayed as pale as this. These include vampires and zombies in films, books and games. Living in dark corners, fearing the light, the “dead” are ready to pounce on the living, whose blood is still warm and full. However, in films, the heroes of the “otherworld” are usually uniformly light, but in reality, the body on the back side acquires a dark tint, since blood accumulates here.

No heat

Perhaps this element of the processes that occur with the human body in the coffin is also very well presented in popular culture: The deceased person becomes cold. This is due to the impossibility of functioning of internal systems and organs. Under the influence of stagnant processes and the absence of energy generation reactions, the temperature decreases. The process is not instantaneous, but inevitable. Cells do not receive the necessary nutrition, including energy, which is why the threads of protein compounds become static. This leads to hardening of the muscle tissue, it becomes rigid. Joints change in a similar way. In medicine, this stage is called rigor mortis.

If the cremation of a person was not organized in a timely manner, the processes can be noticed first of all by the face. The first changes are reflected in the eyelids of the deceased and in the condition of the jaws. The next step is the muscle tissue of the neck. Gradually, this process covers the entire body.

A holy place is never empty

When considering what happens to the body of the deceased in the coffin, it is necessary to understand that the person himself as such is no longer here. This is just a set of organic tissues that is completely subject to the laws of our world, namely: living organisms can use everything that is on the planet to ensure that they can live longer. This also applies to the bodies of deceased people.

While a person is alive, the internal organs produce various components that do not allow microbes and viruses to multiply inside. After death, this protective system loses its functionality, so a new ecological system soon develops - it is due to it that the body rots. Many bacteria whose growth is activated are also present in a living organism, but their colonies are strictly controlled by immune cells, but after death microscopic life begins to experience real freedom. In fact, the body is still alive, but has no consciousness. This is one of the most characteristic features organic life on our planet, where absolutely empty space cannot remain if it is at least to some extent suitable for habitation. The human body is organic matter rich in nutritional components, so this is definitely a “holy place”, even if the fellow tribesmen of the deceased are offended by such behavior of microscopic organisms as disrespect for the memory of the deceased.

Molecular death

For your own sake mental health you should not open the coffin standing in the crypt: you can thereby give yourself the opportunity to contemplate one of the most unaesthetic, unpleasant (and, by the way, dangerous to the health of living things) stage of decomposition - molecular death. By the way, as studies have shown, in the majority of living people the picture of post-mortem decomposition causes disgust, and the absence of such a reaction in modern medicine is considered as a pathological response to an external factor. This is due to the body’s protective reactions: it has been known since ancient times that decomposed bodies are dangerous, can become a source of infection, and provoke epidemics of terrible diseases. At a subconscious level, humanity as a species has developed a defense against such a threat in the form of aversion to the process of decomposition.

However, even if we ignore attempts to survive as a species and just look at what happens to the body in the coffin, we still have to admit that the picture is rather unaesthetic. Previously soft tissues eventually turn into a mixture of gases, liquids and salt deposits. The process is largely due to the activity of microscopic life forms.

Step by step

If you look at the body in the coffin a year later, you will see some remains of soft tissue, still decomposing under the influence of microflora, but the process of decay itself is completed by this time. But if you have to get acquainted with the corpse earlier, the picture will frankly not be pleasant. First, the pressure of gaseous masses increases in the body, which leads to the formation of blisters on the skin - the air tries to escape into the free external space. Under the influence of such processes and decomposition itself, the flaps of integument are gradually separated from the body, and the results of the processes leave what was previously a living organism. There are known cases when high blood pressure led to a small explosion inside the body of the deceased person. In such a situation, the abdominal area is the first to suffer.

Return to roots

At first, all these processes occur very intensively and actively, but over time, the volumes of organic matter available for processing decrease significantly, which leads to a slowdown in chemical reactions. The remains return to where we came from - to nature. The liquid gradually penetrates the soil, the bacteria find new carriers - insects. Criminologists use the term “island” in their work practice. It is they who describe the area where the human body was buried - gradually there are practically no traces left of it, only the soil seems to have been improved with rich organic fertilizer. According to her analysis chemical composition it is possible to determine what exactly was here before.

Not everything goes according to plan

There are situations when processes do not proceed at all as described above. Preservation possible. Many believe that this is more characteristic of recent decades, the development of industry, the saturation of fabrics human body chemical components - however, this opinion is disputed by no fewer people than there are who agree with it. There are several known ways to preserve the body of a deceased person:

  • mummification;
  • fat wax;
  • peat tanning;
  • freezing.

How and why?

The specific process is determined by the conditions. There are known traditions in some areas when people, even during their lifetime, took measures to preserve their bodies. For example, this is exactly the practice that the Sokushinbutsu monks engaged in: first they adhered to a strict diet, and then immured themselves high in the mountains. However, now this practice is recognized as harsh and is officially prohibited. It’s curious: despite numerous difficulties, only very few of these fanatics achieved real success. religious direction. For the majority, despite everything Taken measures(eating roots, refusing liquids), natural laws turned out to be stronger, so after death I observe quite ordinary organic decomposition in accordance with the laws of our world.

The name of the last Japanese monk to successfully follow this idea is Tetsuryukai. Interestingly, he became the “Buddha in the flesh” after the introduction of the imperial ban on such a sophisticated form of suicide, but loyal followers were able to present the matter in such a way that no one had broken the laws. To this day, the mummy of this monk can be seen in one of the Japanese temples in Nangaku.

What happens to a body in a coffin in a regular cemetery?

When a person is buried, according to our traditions, the body in the coffin goes to the cemetery. In contrast to sophisticated methods of preserving organic tissues, here everything happens exactly the opposite: what was once a person is at the mercy of numerous small organisms living in the thickness of the earth. Mechanical influence, in other words, tissue absorption, is the responsibility of mold fungi, nematodes, and maggots, which happily feed on the “treat.”

The laws of this world

Decomposition occurs most quickly under conditions elevated temperature, in water the process takes a little longer, and is slowest underground. A special Kasper rule was developed regarding the relationship between periods: a week in the open air corresponds to two weeks of decomposition in water and two months in the thickness of the earth.