Back massage with honey is an effective therapeutic procedure used for neuralgia, radiculitis, myositis and other diseases. Thanks to the healing properties of honey, massage has a healing effect on the human spine, joints and muscle tissue. Honey massage also helps relieve stress, fatigue, back pain, and also has a general therapeutic effect.

It is known that honey is one of the most useful products that can be found in the kitchen of almost any housewife. Honey contains various vitamins, minerals and other equally beneficial substances. It has restorative, anti-inflammatory, dietary and antibacterial properties.. During a therapeutic massage, all the active components of the amber substance penetrate deep into the human skin tissue, enriching the cells with useful components. In addition, honey massage helps cleanse the body of harmful toxins.

The main advantages of massage with honey include:

  • relief of a person’s condition during physical fatigue or nervous excitability;
  • strengthening the immune system;
  • improvement of skin condition and complexion;
  • normalization of blood pressure;
  • increased physical and mental activity;
  • elimination of headaches (used in the treatment of bronchitis);
  • positive effects on various human organs, systems or joints;
  • the fact that a back massage with honey copes well with fatigue.

Note! There are several types of massage with honey. This is a rejuvenating, healing and anti-cellulite massage. They all differ in the technique of execution, which, by the way, is quite simple, and the frequency of the procedure.

Massage beds

Indications for use

As noted earlier, honey back massage is prescribed not only for weight loss, but also for the treatment of many pathologies:

The technique of performing honey massage is simple, so anyone can learn it. Even a beginner can cope with this technique, provided that he is taught by an experienced specialist. Massage with honey is used not only for therapeutic, but also for cosmetic purposes., since with regular exposure to honey on the body, the condition of the skin improves. Honey massage is often used to eliminate scars and scars.

Despite the fact that the procedure is very simple, when performing it at home, you must follow several important rules:

On a note! It is strictly forbidden to reuse honey, since instead of having a healing effect, a previously used beekeeping product can harm the body. In its properties, honey resembles a sponge that absorbs all toxic substances from the skin. Therefore, such a product becomes very toxic.

Special mixtures for massage

As noted earlier, different formulations can be used for back massage, which affects the therapeutic effect. Of course, you can use pure honey, but to increase efficiency it is recommended to perform the procedure with special mixtures. Below are the most common recipes for preparing honey mixtures for massage.

Table. Recipes for massage mixtures with honey.

Additional ingredientPreparation

Mix 3 tsp in one container. concentrated lemon juice and 3 tsp. honey If the beekeeping product is hard, it is recommended to melt it in a water bath.

One of the most common massage mixture recipes in cosmetology practice. To prepare, you need to mix 2 tbsp. l. cream and mineral water (any will do). Then add 200 ml of honey to the resulting mass.

A simple, but at the same time very effective composition for massage. Mix 200 ml of honey and 1 liter of milk.

For the next recipe you will need 50 ml of vegetable oil and the same amount of honey. Mix these two ingredients in one bowl and place in a water bath for 3-5 minutes. Alternatively, you can use almond or olive oil.

Another recipe for making a massage mixture with honey. Here, in addition to the honey itself (50 ml), you need to take citrus essential oil (5 drops of oil). In fact, almost any essential oil can be used, from lavender to eucalyptus oil.

Regular massage will improve the condition of the skin and the whole body, but this is provided that the procedure is carried out correctly. Also massage helps activate the fat burning process, relieve tension and eliminate pain.

If you want to know what types of massages there are, and also consider the technique of performing it, how to carry it out and its features, you can read an article about it on our portal.

Execution technique

Before performing a massage, the surface of the back and the entire body must be thoroughly washed. This is a mandatory condition, so before starting the procedure you should take a warm shower using special body cleansers, such as a scrub. To achieve the maximum therapeutic effect, it is recommended to slightly warm up the back muscles by lightly kneading or stroking.

The process of performing a massage with honey is as follows:

Note! Upon completion of the procedure, you need to take a hot bath or shower and cleanse your back of any remaining honey. This can be done with a washcloth (use only a soft product). After bathing, treat your skin with a moisturizing cosmetic and drink a cup of hot tea. It is necessary to allow the body to recover, so after a massage session it is advisable to lie down for 20-30 minutes.

Massage bed

Regardless of the reason why a therapeutic massage with honey was prescribed, the average duration of the procedure should be 15 minutes. To achieve the maximum effect from the massage, it should be performed every other day for 30 days.

Do not be alarmed if bruises or capillary patterns appear on your body after the first sessions. This is a completely normal reaction of the body, as it tries to adapt to new stress. Such side effects usually go away on their own as soon as the condition of the skin returns to normal.

Are there any contraindications?

Despite the large number of beneficial properties of honey, there are several contraindications to honey massage that must be taken into account. First of all, such contraindications include the following pathologies:

  • disorders of the cardiovascular system;
  • renal or liver failure;
  • various stages and forms of tuberculosis;
  • fungal dermatological diseases;
  • development of anemia, leukemia, mastocytosis and other diseases of the hematopoietic system;
  • oncological diseases (in such cases it is strictly not recommended to perform therapeutic massage).

Even in the absence of the above pathologies, there are contraindications to the therapeutic procedure. This is an allergy to bee products, in particular honey. Therefore, if you decide to massage yourself, first you need to determine whether you have an individual intolerance. To do this, you need to apply a small amount of honey to the skin and monitor the body's reaction. If everything is in order, then you can massage using honey.

Many men have abundant hair all over their backs. In such cases, it is advisable to refuse a honey massage, since painful sensations may occur during the procedure, and the massage itself will become more of a torture than a way of relaxation. As an alternative, you can simply shave your back before the massage, but not everyone can make such sacrifices.

Olya Likhacheva

Beauty is like a precious stone: the simpler it is, the more precious it is:)


The problem of cellulite worries many modern women. Cosmetologists successfully combat this disadvantage using various means, but natural honey is considered the most effective. Regular massage with bee product will give the skin elasticity and eliminate cellulite.

Honey against cellulite

Bee product is not a magical substance that gets rid of bad habits. Its excessive consumption leads to the accumulation of fat deposits. However, with moderate internal and local use, honey can cope with many problems. The nicotinic acid contained in its composition removes cholesterol and dilates blood vessels, which makes the product ideal for the skin. In addition, honey contains vitamin B2, which creates collagen, which is the main building material of the skin.

Cosmetologists use the beneficial properties of honey for the skin, because with the help of a beekeeping product, the epidermis is deeply cleansed, lymphatic drainage is improved, and cellulite fats are dissolved. The process of honey massage strengthens women's health, improves metabolic processes in internal organs, so getting rid of extra pounds occurs faster.

Honey anti-cellulite massage

Penetrating deep into the skin, the bee product combines with accumulated toxins and is easily removed along with them through a special massage technique. As a result, turgor increases and subcutaneous fat dissolves. Among other things, a massage with honey for cellulite provokes activation of the production of elastin and collagen, improves lymph flow, and relieves the body of excess fluid. The procedure not only removes the external signs of orange peel, but also gets rid of the cause that caused them - poor circulation in small vessels. A course of honey massage for cellulite is indicated for:

  • subcutaneous fat deposits of 1 and 2 degrees;
  • myositis;
  • osteochondrosis (stage of remission);
  • obesity;
  • neuralgia;
  • diseases of the respiratory system;
  • vegetative-vascular dystonia;
  • mental and physical fatigue;
  • sleep disorders;
  • reduced immunity;
  • sciatica;
  • radiculitis.

Honey massage for belly slimming

You can remove stretch marks after childbirth, make your stomach firm, and help you lose weight on your sides in a short time if you take a course of anti-cellulite massage with honey. Based on reviews from women who have undergone this procedure, it can be argued that using this method it is easy to remove 10 cm from your waist. Such rapid weight loss does not require strict diets or additional physical activity. After a massage course, the skin on the abdomen ceases to be flabby, the signs of orange peel disappear, and stretch marks fade. Abdominal massage with honey for weight loss improves the contours of the entire body.

Honey foot massage

People who lead a sedentary lifestyle often have problems not only with the skin of their legs, but also with varicose veins in the lower extremities. With a lack of physical activity, their blood supply is disrupted, which contributes to the appearance of cellulite and varicose veins. The procedure using honey not only helps to lose weight in the upper areas, but also solves the problem of swelling of the lower extremities. A honey massage for cellulite for the legs has a regenerating and bactericidal effect on the skin, triggers metabolic processes, which helps eliminate orange peel.

Honey back massage

The effects of beekeeping products on the skin are known. This is one of the best methods for healing the joints of the back and spine. Honey massage of the back of the body helps with lung diseases, copes with pathologies of the musculoskeletal system, and spinal hernia. Anti-cellulite back massage causes lymph and blood to circulate in problem areas with redoubled force, which leads to a rapid reduction of subcutaneous fat. Reflex processes are also launched that affect the proper functioning of internal organs.

Thigh massage with honey

Massaging the skin with honey will also help to break up the fat layer on the thighs in just a few procedures. It does not matter what type the product belongs to - buckwheat, linden or sunflower. A properly performed honey massage for the hips will be effective in any case. The procedure is often accompanied by painful sensations and even peeling of the stratum corneum. After the first session, bruises may appear on the thigh, but this is normal. With each subsequent procedure they will gradually disappear.

Anti-cellulite massage with honey at home

The fight against orange peel does not have to be done in the salon. Natural honey also helps against cellulite at home. If you need to lose weight, you should additionally adhere to proper nutrition and physical activity. You need to massage the body yourself for about 15 minutes. For the best effect, it is advisable to add essential oil (lemon, orange, lavender, eucalyptus, juniper) to honey. Additive ratio: for one teaspoon of bee product – 5 drops of aroma oil.

How to do a honey massage for cellulite

This is a simple but painful procedure. The honey anti-cellulite massage technique is performed first with light patting and stroking with the palms, and then the movements become stronger and sharper. Step-by-step instruction:

  1. Mix the ingredients: add essential oil to the honey. The mass should be warm.
  2. Warm up your body in a sauna, steam bath or bath. Then apply a layer of the prepared mass to the problem area. Wait a few minutes for the honey to act as a nourishing mask.
  3. Move your hands clockwise without lifting them from the skin. Then press your palms firmly onto the desired area and tear off sharply. With this movement, the skin is pulled back.
  4. The final stage will be cleansing the skin. Then you should apply an anti-cellulite or moisturizing cream to the treated area.

How often to do a honey massage for cellulite

Anti-cellulite massage technique requires regular implementation. The best effect is achieved after 10-15 procedures, which are carried out every other day. We must try not to take breaks between sessions for more than 2 days. The visible effect is already noticeable after 5-7 procedures. The maximum result will be visible only two weeks after completion. The honey massage against cellulite should be repeated no earlier than three months after the end of the course. The advantage of this method is that even old skin defects can be corrected.

The effectiveness of honey massage

This procedure allows a woman to remain young and attractive for as long as possible, because the effectiveness of honey massage for cellulite has been proven since ancient times. After the first session, the dead epithelium disappears, giving access to oxygen, promoting cell renewal. The active biological substances contained in honey, penetrating the skin, affect the receptors of nerve endings, triggering a chain of reflex reactions that nourish the internal organs. An important factor for the overall health of the body is the removal of toxins.

Today we will talk about another extraordinary aspect of using honey for our health. This most valuable beekeeping product contains a huge amount of useful vitamins and microelements. Honey is easily absorbed by the body, treats many different diseases, and is used in cooking, folk medicine and home cosmetology.

Healers believe that it gives us the energy of sunlight, because hard-working bees collect healthy honey only on the sunny side of flowers. The sun gives us its energy through honey - there is a piece of natural magic in this, the unity of man with the forces of the universe.

Probably, many of you have heard about honey massage, today we will talk about how to do honey massage at home.

"This is useful!

The technique of performing honey massage has been known for a long time, and came to us from ancient Tibet. Although, such a healing and healing method was used by ancient doctors in Southeast Asia, Ancient Rus' and India. Already in those distant times, wise healers were able to appreciate the unique healing capabilities of honey massage.

In the modern world, one of the types of reflexology is honey massage, which harmoniously combines the healing properties of bee honey and the healing effects of massage.

Honey is able to penetrate deeply into the tissues of the body and absorb accumulated toxins and absorb harmful waste. As a result of this process, we can see that after 20 minutes of massage, transparent natural honey turns into greyish, dirty yellow flakes on the human body. This means that natural cleansing of the skin occurs, which gives an excellent cosmetic and therapeutic effect.

No other cosmetic product provides such a deep cleansing effect.

As a result of this procedure, skin elasticity improves, subcutaneous fat capsules are reduced or completely dissolved.

The benefits of massage!

The biologically active substances of honey penetrate deep into the skin, resulting in increased regeneration of organ tissue. This happens because all human organs are directly connected to the skin; when we influence the muscles and skin by massaging them with honey, this has a positive effect on the functioning of the entire body.

  • Honey massage helps well with nervous excitability, fatigue, it significantly improves and activates the physical and mental resources of our body;
  • Normalizes high blood pressure and strengthens the cardiovascular system;
  • Honey massage will help strengthen weakened immunity and increase the body's defenses against various viruses and infections;
  • The health benefits of honey massage are enormous; this procedure treats: headaches, frequent colds, bronchitis, arthrosis, radiculitis, osteochondrosis and many different diseases;
  • Honey massage can restore and normalize the functioning of all joints. With a long course of massage, osteochondrosis, which was caused by trophic disorders in the spine, is cured;
  • Honey massage has earned good reviews from those who use it for cosmetic purposes. As a result of this procedure, the skin becomes softer, younger, firmer and smoother. Stretch marks, orange peel and excess fat deposits disappear;
  • Skin blood circulation improves, metabolic processes accelerate, and lymphatic drainage is ensured - removing excess fluid from blood vessels and lymph flows. Thus, the skin and the entire body are cleansed of toxins;


During the first sessions of honey massage, discomfort and pain may be felt. These unpleasant feelings appear only at the beginning of the wellness course; over time, your skin gets used to honey procedures and the body tolerates them well.

  • Since honey is an allergen for some people, before you massage with it, make sure that you are not allergic to honey;
  • Massage with honey should not be given to people suffering from hypertension, as these procedures can cause an increase in blood pressure;
  • In case of exacerbation of chronic diseases and elevated body temperature, massage should not be done;
  • Honey massage should not be done during pregnancy, menstruation, or while slightly or heavily intoxicated;
  • Massage is contraindicated for people with poor blood clotting, varicose veins, thrombosis, skin diseases (dermatitis, psoriasis, fungus);
  • The procedures are contraindicated for cancer, cardiovascular diseases, and severe mental disorders.

How to do honey massage at home

Doing this procedure is quite easy and simple, however, to do a honey massage at home, you will need to know a few simple, and at the same time, very important rules:

  1. Honey must be of good quality, which means without various impurities and additives, completely natural. Its variety can be any. For the massage procedure, it is better to take liquid honey. If you have it candied, then melt it in a water bath, but make sure that the heating temperature does not exceed 40°C.
  2. You can add your favorite essential oils to honey at the rate of 5 drops of high-quality essential oil per teaspoon of honey. It is advisable to take the following oils: tangerine, orange, lemon, lavender, juniper, grapefruit.
  3. Honey should not be applied to the skin under the arms and under the knees, on the neck, chest and groin area.
  4. Spent honey cannot be used for massage again, under any circumstances, as it absorbs harmful substances from the skin and is very toxic!

The technique is simple and includes several steps that you need to remember well before you start doing the massage.

Stage one

The skin and body must be perfectly clean. Before the honey massage procedure, be sure to take a warm, pleasant shower and cleanse your skin with a gentle body scrub. The body and muscles need to be slightly warmed up using the usual light massage techniques - stroking and kneading.

Stage two

Let's start with honey massage

  1. Let's take a little natural honey in our hands and apply it to the surface of the body, while lightly starting to rub the honey with light massage movements.
  2. Very soon you will see that the honey has begun to thicken and be absorbed; when this happens, press your palms firmly with the entire surface onto the area where you are doing the massage, as if gluing them, then quickly pull them away or remove them. Gradually increase the force of palm pressure and tempo.
  3. However, it should be noted that all movements during the procedure should be smooth, the massage should bring pleasant sensations and a feeling of comfort. Hands can be pulled separately or together.
  4. We continue to massage the skin, as if driving honey into it. You will soon see whitish flakes appear on your skin, and in some cases a grayish paste - this is a sign that the honey is drawing out toxins from your body. Harmful substances thus come out of the skin - they will no longer spoil your health.
  5. We clean our hands with warm water and continue the massage until we have collected all the honey with our palms.

Stage three

When we have finished doing the massage, we get up and quickly take a shower, cleanse the skin of waste and toxic honey with a soft washcloth.

After a shower, apply a light moisturizer to the skin and drink hot tea with honey. Be sure to rest for about an hour.

How long does it take to do a honey massage?

A massage course with honey - fifteen procedures, fifteen minutes each session. Honey massage should be done every other day.

Any massage has a beneficial effect on the skin, increasing its elasticity, relaxing muscles, and eliminating tone. Exposure to the body with honey allows you to eliminate congestion, eliminate cellulite and help get rid of excess volume.

Massage with honey - benefits

Massage with honey at home helps to cope with cosmetic defects in an affordable way. If the procedure is carried out correctly, it provides the following beneficial properties:

  • calms the body and nervous system;
  • The influence of a massage therapist on the body allows you to normalize blood pressure;
  • allows you to cure inflammation of the respiratory tract, colds;
  • increases the tone of internal organs;
  • improves blood circulation in the affected area;
  • honey collects toxins and impurities on the surface of the skin;
  • substances help strengthen blood vessels.

The substance penetrates the skin easily, almost completely releasing beneficial components.

How to massage with honey? Rules for massage

Effects on muscles, like any other therapeutic effect, require the right approach. To perform a relaxing massage, several important conditions must be met: choose the right material, prepare, and effectively influence the tissue.

Honey selection

The choice of composition depends on the goals of the procedure. Buckwheat and linden honey are most often used in cosmetology at home. If it is needed for the treatment of respiratory diseases, then any will do.

Procedures with beneficial beekeeping products are carried out using a liquid substance, but it must be of a viscous consistency (otherwise it will drain and will not have time to be absorbed into the skin). If it has already been candied naturally, then you need to heat it in a water bath. This allows you to give the desired consistency and preserve beneficial properties.

Preparing for a massage

To make a massage with honey for weight loss more effective, you need to properly prepare for it. To do this, the skin is steamed, for which hygiene procedures for the whole body are used, you should take a shower or bath. The benefits of honey are very noticeable if you visit the steam room before it. You can hold your face over a decoction of medicinal herbs at a comfortable temperature. Under the influence of high temperature, excess liquid with toxins comes out and the pores open. The effectiveness of therapy increases, the procedure time is reduced.

Use of additives

To ensure a more stable result, it is recommended to use honey with the addition of essential oils. The specific type depends on the goals of the procedure. A back massage with honey can be performed with the addition of mint, orange, lavender, and juniper oil. A massage with honey for cellulite will be more effective with the essential components of geranium, grapefruit, and lemon.

Methodology of massage

The list of points on how to properly do anti-cellulite massage with honey consists of the following sequence of actions:

  1. After checking that the consistency of honey matches the required consistency, the mass is applied to the desired area of ​​the body.
  2. The specialist makes movements along the massaged surface, moving from one zone to another.
  3. Massage movements can be performed with the palm, fingers or edge of the hand.

The technique of honey massage at home requires skill and achieving the correct movements. This takes time, because a specialist undergoes several months of training, honing his skills, and an ordinary person starts from scratch. You can watch videos on how to massage with honey. The advantage of this video is that you can clearly see exactly how to perform massage movements.

Proper massage

The correct impact during massage ensures the effect of the procedure. The movements are performed quickly, the massage therapist performs only one type of movement. The palm should stick tightly to the skin for a few seconds with intense movements, then lag behind. The massage movement can be in the form of a wave, when the base of the hand and then the fingertips are removed from the surface of the dermis. After a few minutes of such movement, the mass thickens, becomes cloudy, and performing massage movements becomes difficult and more painful. It is necessary to work sequentially on all areas of the massaged area.

The basic rules for applying honey say that to increase blood circulation, it is necessary that movements cause discomfort. But if the pain is excessive, then it is necessary to reduce the force of impact.

End of the massage session

At the end of the honey massage, the mass becomes so thick that it is difficult to remove it with a napkin. Therefore, it is recommended to take a shower to do this and pat your skin dry. To protect the sensitive surface, it is recommended to apply a cream with natural ingredients. Due to fluid loss, a person should drink 1-2 glasses of clean drinking water.

Duration and frequency of procedures

In massage rooms, a facial massage with honey lasts 15-20 minutes, a back procedure lasts about 30, and the whole body may take 1-2 hours. The duration of the procedure is determined by the sensations that a person experiences and the area of ​​the zone.

Since the effect on the skin is quite painful, procedures every day will be too traumatic. Therefore, for cosmetic purposes, the effect is carried out every other day. To achieve the effect, at least 10 sessions with a specialist are required.

Honey back massage for the treatment of bronchitis, pneumonia, cough relief due to ARVI
can be carried out until coughing appears, when alternating procedures every other day, the course takes longer than the treatment of the disease.

General massage with honey to remove belly fat. Abdominal massage with honey

Abdominal massage for weight loss allows you to remove fat deposits. The method will be effective if you combine sessions with diet and exercise. The skin in this area is especially sensitive, so preliminary preparation is required. You can stretch the folds for a few minutes using your hands without honey and warm up the surface.

A more effective measure will be if the massage on the stomach is carried out with honey and additives of your choice. For the first few minutes, it is recommended to use only the pads of your fingers, and then move on to working with your entire palm. The zone is treated in a circle and zigzag.

Massage for cellulite with honey, anti-cellulite massage with honey at home

The remedy for cellulite at home is used not only on the buttocks and thighs; the problem area is also the abdomen. Manifestations of circulatory disorders are the appearance of an “orange peel”, which is noticeable visually or when the skin gathers into a fold.

Not only the beekeeping product itself helps against cellulite, but also a mixture with salt in equal proportions or adding 1 part of ground coffee. They act as a scrub, remove the rough surface layer of the skin, and improve blood circulation in the affected area. Of the natural oils, the most effective are lemon (5 drops), lavender or eucalyptus (2 drops each).

One zone is treated for 5 minutes, the technique of working on the surface does not differ from the classical method. In order for the results to become noticeable, at least 15 procedures are required.

Facial massage with honey

Facial massage with honey is carried out to ensure the following effects:

  • eliminate age-related skin changes;
  • tighten the surface;
  • provide food;
  • cope with wrinkles;
  • carry out peeling;
  • improve the condition of the skin;
  • cleanse of keratinized epithelium.

The effect is noticeable after the first use. To carry out a proper massage, honey is applied to the skin, kept on the skin for several minutes, and then in problem areas they begin to touch the skin with the pads of the index, ring and middle fingers.

Back treatment: back massage with honey

The properties of honey are used not only for massage against cellulite, but also for diseases that are difficult to treat with conservative therapy. In the treatment of neuralgic disorders, when a nerve is pinched, a beekeeping product can be used. Exposure to the skin with honey at home should be carried out after consulting a doctor, since the procedure has a number of contraindications.

Children's medical massage

If a child has frequent colds, then a baby massage with honey may be a medical prescription for a child over 2 years old. It is carried out provided that there is no allergy to bee products.
According to the massage therapist, a children's session lasts 10-15 minutes, the area of ​​influence is the chest or back. Honey is applied to the skin, after which the specialist begins to gently pat its surface, almost until completely absorbed. For treatment to be effective, up to 20 procedures are required, they must be carried out 2-3 times a week.

Massage with honey for osteochondrosis

The most common diagnosis that requires help in the form of honey massage is osteochondrosis. It can be performed on any part of the spine (neck, lower back, thoracic region). Before applying the mixtures for use, the surface of the skin must be kneaded and rubbed. The first session, due to the painfulness of the disease, lasts 5-7 minutes, the next – 15. After the procedure, the patient takes a shower, then goes to bed, a warm blanket covers the massaged area.

Massage with honey for cough

The procedure is carried out as in the treatment of children. A healing mass is applied to the chest or back, the effect does not differ from the usual method. 1 session takes 10-15 minutes of patting, or until discomfort appears. This drainage massage helps improve mucus discharge, strengthen the immune system, and speed up recovery.

Honey massage - contraindications

  • allergy to honey or other bee products;
  • bronchial asthma;
  • elevated temperature;
  • phlebeurysm;
  • diseases of the cardiovascular system;
  • malignant tumors;
  • diabetes;
  • fungal or pustular skin lesions;
  • psoriasis;
  • arterial hypertension.

Contraindications and indications for prescribing honey massage are determined by the doctor, taking into account the need for this method and the patient’s condition. If you need to remove belly fat, cope with cellulite or age-related skin changes, then an effective way to do this is to use honey.

Massage is rightfully considered one of the simplest, most accessible and effective ways to improve well-being and provide health of the whole body.

And if you connect effectiveness of massage and the unique healing abilities of honey, the benefits from such a procedure will be simply colossal.

After 5-10 sessions, the rejuvenating, toning and healing effect of the procedure will exceed all expectations.

Honey is rightfully considered absolutely a unique product. In its biochemical composition, honey is very close to human blood plasma, and the enzymes secreted by bees ensure the possibility of complete absorption of the product by the human body.

Rich in vitamins makes honey an ideal food product and opens up wide possibilities for its external use. The antibacterial properties of honey have been known for centuries: for the speedy healing of wounds, this bee product was recommended to be taken orally and also applied to damaged areas of the skin.

In addition to a noticeable wound-healing effect, honey has pronounced general strengthening properties: For whatever reasons, health deterioration occurs, eating bee products helps strengthen a weakened body.

For external use honey has pronounced sorbent properties, effectively helping to get rid of toxins contained in the subcutaneous tissue, as well as excess interstitial fluid. This not only allows you to remove toxic substances from the body, but also provides a pronounced anti-aging and anti-cellulite effect.

When conducting a course of sessions Honey massage strengthens the immune system, improves the functioning of the cardiovascular system, gastrointestinal tract, heals cracks in the intestines, normalizes blood pressure, and alleviates the condition of patients with musculoskeletal problems.

Honey massage sessions help normalize metabolism, get rid of osteochondrosis and joint problems, and also significantly improve the condition of the skin.

Under influence honey film Pores are cleansed and blood supply to the skin is activated. Thanks to this, any creams and masks applied to the skin after a massage easily penetrate the upper layer of the epidermis.

Indications and contraindications

Today I received a honey massage wide popularity as one of the most effective procedures in anti-cellulite programs, as well as an important component of mature skin care.

Applying honey to the skin allows you to get a pronounced rejuvenating effect, as well as speed up the resorption of scars and scars.

Honey massage is used for medical purposes for complex treatment:

  • diseases of internal organs;
  • diseases of the respiratory system;
  • nervous disorders, physical and emotional exhaustion;
  • arthritis, arthrosis, osteochondrosis and spinal diseases.

Almost always, honey massage gives a noticeable improvement in well-being after just a few procedures. However, it is important to remember that in case of oncology, severe hypertension and problems with blood vessels, tuberculosis, any skin lesions and disorders of the kidneys and liver, any massage is prohibited in principle.

You should not lie down on the massage table during acute viral infections which are accompanied by an increase in temperature.

Attention! Individual contraindications to honey massage may include an allergy to honey, as well as the presence of densely growing hair in the massage area.

Honey for massage: how to choose the right product?

You can expect a positive effect only if it is applied to the skin natural fresh honey(preferably linden or floral). We are definitely not talking about jarred honey from supermarkets.

Perfect option— if beekeeping products are purchased directly from apiary owners.

Acceptable use partially candied honey: before starting the massage, you can melt it in a water bath to a liquid consistency. But at the same time, the honey itself should not be heated to a temperature of more than 40 degrees.

What can be added to honey to enhance the healing effect?


Honey massage was one of the mandatory health procedures for family members ancient Chinese emperors. You can still use the old recipe today.

In addition to honey, the massage mixture also included other beekeeping products (propolis and wax). More often to improve the effect From massage, cosmetologists recommend additionally enriching honey with essential oils.

To enhance anti-cellulite effects It is recommended to use essential oils (hereinafter referred to as EOs) of any citrus fruit; lavender, geranium, juniper and mint oils will provide a pronounced calming effect. The use of eucalyptus EO will help with the healing of scars on the skin.

At 2 tbsp. l. liquid honey can add one of the following songs:

  • 1 drop each of geranium and juniper essential oils and 2 drops of orange, lemon or grapefruit essential oil;
  • 2 drops each of eucalyptus, lavender and orange essential oils;
  • 1 drop each of juniper, orange, lemon and lavender oils;
  • 3 drops each of orange and lemon EO;
  • 2 drops each of mint, lavender and lemon esters.

Maximum flow massage mixture – 5 tbsp. l. for a massage of one area.

Basic rules for honey massage

The best place There will be a warm but not hot room for the procedure. A full honey massage after a bath or sauna, or immediately after taking a shower, cannot be done. The skin must be clean and dry for the procedure.

What should you do before applying honey?

The first stage of the procedure will be a light warming massage, including kneading and stroking the entire body. Not recommended use oil mixtures when performing a warming massage, as this will worsen the possibility of honey penetrating the skin.

An alternative Manual massage can be achieved using any simulators that enhance blood circulation. It usually takes up to 10 minutes to warm up the body. Next, a thin layer of honey is applied to the massage therapist’s palms and the surface of the patient’s skin in the massage area, and the massage begins.

First, honey is rubbed into the skin circular massage movements. This effect is possible before the honey begins to solidify.

After the honey mass is partially absorbed and thickens, the massage technique changes: the massage therapist works using the method stick-unstick hands, changing the intensity of your movements.

The palms can be pulled back sharply or more gently; if necessary, individual areas of the body are worked not with the entire palm, but with its edge, fingers, and fingertips. The next stage is alternating adhesion one palm and both palms at the same time.

There can be many possible techniques; it is important to choose them based on the characteristics of a particular patient and his pain threshold. As a rule, it takes about a quarter of an hour to work on one zone. If the patient experiences severe discomfort, the procedure may complete earlier.

Attention! Honey massage is not performed in the groin areas, on the inner thighs and shoulders.

Shower after massage

Most often, by the end of the procedure, the honey separated from the patient’s body acquires a grayish tint. This indicates that during the massage the body was excreted through the skin. toxins removed. Of course, you should never rub them back into the skin: these substances are toxic to the body.

Simple drying with a towel doesn't allow completely remove any remaining massage mass. The honey particles remaining on the skin should be thoroughly washed off under a warm shower, and the procedure should be completed by rubbing a special massage cream into clean skin. This can be an anti-cellulite product (if we are talking about the area of ​​the hips, abdomen and buttocks), or a high-quality nourishing cream based on bee products.

Do I need to drink after the procedure?

The first thing to do after the procedure is completely completed is to drink at least 1 glass warm boiled water, and later treat yourself to a couple of cups of high-quality green tea.

One of the properties of honey is the ability to bind liquid and accelerate its removal from the body. Accordingly, if there is no excess fluid in the body, then after the honey massage additional hydration will be necessary.

In addition, massage procedures accelerate metabolic processes in the body, and a sufficient amount of fluid intake will strengthen cleansing effect of the session.

Duration of massage and number of sessions

Honey massage can include both complex impact for the entire body, as well as for the treatment of individual problem areas (anti-cellulite procedures usually involve treatment of the buttocks, thighs, and abdomen). The latter option is less preferable - activation of blood circulation in a separate area of ​​the body will cause a slowdown in blood flow in other parts of the body.

As a result– after a course of such sessions, metabolic disorders, problems with internal organs, etc. are possible. A complex honey massage of the whole body also provides an anti-cellulite effect, but at the same time has a beneficial effect on the body.

One complex massage session lasts from 1 to 2 hours. It is optimal if the procedures are performed every other day, and the entire course consists of 9-17 massages. If desired, massage treatments can alternate with wraps of problem areas.

After a couple of months, you can take a second course, or attend honey massage sessions for preventive purposes. 3-4 times a month.

The combination of the amazing properties of honey and the unique capabilities of massage allows you to work wonders. Huge benefit The whole body benefits from such procedures: the functioning of internal organs is improved, swelling and pronounced cellulite are reduced, the condition of the skin improves and the functioning of the nervous system returns to normal. After each session, there is a feeling of lightness, flight and a great desire to simply enjoy life.

How to get rid of cellulite in the shortest possible time at home, watch the video: