♦ Starting investment: 192,000 rubles
♦ Payback period for a cleaning company: 14 months
♦ Project profitability: 25%

For housewives, this is a familiar routine. For a workaholic who spends days in the office - horrible dream. And for cleaning company owners, this is an opportunity to earn money by helping others.

Opening your own enterprise in this direction is not so difficult.

The main thing that is required of you is to create one in order to outline the path for its development and obtain the necessary investments from sponsors.

Why should you open a cleaning company?

Interesting fact:
The most expensive service in the cleaning industry is cleaning after a fire. Imagine how high temperature smoke eats into the walls and even the smallest cracks, which subsequently need to be cleaned with special devices and chemicals, taking into account all the techniques, as well as the knowledge of what and how can be cleaned so as not to spoil and what not to.

For a newbie in business, the idea of ​​opening a cleaning company is an ideal solution. First of all, because it will require a very small (compared to other ideas) amount of investment. You can always expand and develop in the future.

But to get started, all you need is a set of cleaning equipment and the desire. After all, even the entrepreneur himself can perform the functions of a cleaner!

Of course, in the future he will take over the management reins, and will hire other people for this work.

There is no need for an office, because the work takes place on the client’s premises. And you can take orders with just a computer and phone.

There will definitely be clients too.

All more people prefers to shift his worries onto the shoulders of others, although he could cope perfectly well on his own.

But why shouldn’t young and ambitious aspiring entrepreneurs take advantage of this?

Business plan for a cleaning company: planning

Business Plan Summary

The current business plan describes a project to open a cleaning company in Ryazan.
Project manager: Ivanov I.I.

Goals pursued:

  1. Providing the population with high-level cleaning services using special equipment and high-quality chemicals at affordable prices.
  2. Making a profit from a cleaning company.
  3. Organization of a company with a high level of profitability.

Marketing section of a business plan for a cleaning company

Like all other types of services provided to the population, this one suffered a significant decline during the crisis period of 2008-2009.

On this moment The situation has completely stabilized and there is a clear increase in demand for cleaning services.

In such advanced settlements as Moscow or St. Petersburg, the niche is almost completely occupied (excluding highly specialized areas). But in Ryazan there is a place to open a new cleaning company.

Target audience of cleaning companies

If previously the main audience was considered to be people exclusively with a high level of income, now the main contingent is represented in the current business plan by the following categories:

  • level of income – average and above average;
  • men and women – in approximately equal proportions.

This is due to lower prices for cleaning services and an increase in the pace of life in modern cities.

People are increasingly trying to shift routine tasks onto other people's shoulders. However, despite the growth of this indicator among individuals, the main clients of cleaning companies remain commercial organizations.

In this case, the distribution of demand for services according to the business plan looks like this:

  • daily cleaning of premises and territories – 65%;
  • cleaning after special circumstances (fire, installation of equipment, moving) and additional types of services – 20%;
  • garbage removal, snow removal from roofs, washing vertical glass surfaces – 15%.

Advertising campaign

Although the cleaning services market is growing, the number of consumers is not changing significantly. This means that in the current conditions it is necessary to pay attention Special attention carrying out an advertising campaign.

It must be launched before the company opens and be sufficiently financed. When the organization reaches the breakeven level, it will be possible to spend smaller amounts.

Until this moment comes, you can use the following funds listed in the business plan:

  • mailing out lucrative offers to potential clients among commercial organizations;
  • creation and promotion of your own website for a cleaning company;
  • placement of advertisements in periodicals of thematic areas;
  • ordering uniforms for employees with the company name and a memorable logo to increase the level of company recognition.

Competitive advantages

In order for the organization to prosper and firmly occupy its niche in the services market, cleaning company business plan should contain such an item as competitor analytics.

You need to make a selection that will include the names of companies, short description activities. And the most important thing is to determine what ensures their popularity among clients.

Thanks to this analysis, you can create a list of competitive advantages.

The current business plan includes the following items:

  • availability of exclusive services;
  • attractive price-quality ratio;
  • ordering special cleaning products from leading suppliers;
  • modern cleaning equipment;
  • highly qualified employees.

Services for a business plan for a cleaning company

To fully characterize the future enterprise in the business plan, it is necessary to highlight the following question: what services will you provide to the population?

The list of options is extensive and may include the following items:

  • cleaning of residential premises and offices (after repair work, general, daily);
  • care different types floors (parquet, granite, marble);
  • dry cleaning of carpets and upholstery;
  • washing glass and glass surfaces;
  • care and tidying up indoor plants, courtyard lawns, lawns;
  • removing snow from the roof.

The list in this business plan is far from complete and can be supplemented by your exclusive offers.

In addition, as your business develops, you can connect new, related areas.

For example, often cleaning companies also recruit domestic staff.

Cleaning company staff

Guinness Book of Records:
A man named Terry Boroughs entered the record books. He is considered the fastest window cleaner in the world. He managed to clean 3 standard office glasses (meter by meter) in nine and a quarter seconds using a small mop and a couple of liters of water!

Even in large cleaning companies, as a rule, there is a need for only three positions: personnel officer, manager, cleaner.

At first, the owner can take on the responsibility of selecting specialists for the team. But a growing business will require hiring an outside specialist who will devote everything to this process. free time, and will act more professionally.

Rarely any company can manage without a manager. This position is often called an administrator. His responsibilities include monitoring the quality of services, purchasing goods and recording their consumption, coordinating the receipt and fulfillment of orders.

No matter how important the previous two positions may be, the “backbone” of your cleaning company will be the cleaners. Contrary to popular belief, experience and special knowledge are very important for this employee.

You don’t want to pay from your company’s funds for damages for an expensive carpet that was damaged by an employee’s inept cleaning, do you?

But their number is directly related to the load of orders you are planning.

To start, it is enough to hire 3-5 people. Their salaries and positions are indicated in the business plan.

Cleaning company equipment

As with any other project, high-quality professional cleaning equipment is of great importance for a cleaning company.

The standard kit that every cleaner should have includes:

  • floor mop (flat mop);
  • trolley on wheels with container for household chemicals and rags, a trash compartment and a wringer;
  • scraper for removing dried dirt;
  • special napkins;

Among the large equipment that is also worth purchasing for the company:

  • vacuum cleaner;
  • window cleaning tool;

If you plan to rely on cleaning industrial premises, offices, shopping centers, it will be difficult to do without a special scrubber dryer.

Its cost is quite impressive: 100,000-450,000 rubles. However, such equipment can replace several cleaners at once. In addition, the speed and quality of cleaning with its help definitely increases.

Technical specifications should be included in the business plan.

Business plan for a cleaning company: implementation

“It’s difficult to say what is important in life. Life is meaningless in itself. You just need to find something to do to fill this gap between birth and death. What is the meaning of life? Yes, there is none. Having children is a reproductive function; it lies outside of us. What to strive for? Quantitative factors are unlikely to motivate a person. You can't eat two breakfasts. We need to find something to do. You just come up with some kind of game for yourself, and you play it.”
Entrepreneur Sergey Galitsky

Calendar plan for opening a cleaning company

The calendar plan for opening a cleaning company in a business plan is drawn up both for investors and for the business owner himself.

It allows you to track who is responsible for what, whether you are meeting deadlines and provides additional confidence.

The plan is drawn up in the form of a table:

The essence of the stage1 month2 month
Permits and registration
Conclusion of a premises rental agreement
Purchase of equipment and consumables
Hiring staff
Advertising campaign
Start of work of a cleaning company

Calculating the costs of opening a cleaning company

The most important section of any business plan is the calculation of financial indicators.

Based on them, one can judge the feasibility of opening a cleaning company, the payback period, and the required amount of investment.

Data on the money needed to open and maintain a business is best presented in the form of a table. This makes it easier to study and analyze information.

Opening costs

NameCost, rub.)
Purchase of inventory
90 000
Ordering workwear for cleaners (two types of gloves - rubber and fabric, a pair of T-shirts, a branded cap and protective overalls) - one set for each
7 000
Office furniture
35 000
Washing machine
15 000
Office equipment
25 000
Documentation (permits, registration)
20 000

Based on the information in the business plan, it becomes clear that an entrepreneur needs to have at least 192,000 rubles to open a cleaning company.

Financial section of a business plan for a cleaning company

If a group of five people had similar skills, they could cope with Mary Ax (a huge building in London) in three days, whereas usually 200+ trained people would cope in the same time.

Monthly expenses

NameAmount (rub.)
Renting premises20 000
Utility bills, telephone bills1 000
HR specialist salary15 000
Manager's salary15 000
Cleaners' salary (per person)10 000
Improvement of employee qualifications4 000-20 000
Documentation5 000
Consumables: stationery500
Consumables: household chemicals6 000
Advertising2 000

Thus, fixed costs for maintenance and development according to the business plan will amount to at least 78,500 rubles.

P.S. We must not forget about unforeseen expenses. Even if it seems to you that you have thought of everything, include 5% for unplanned expenses in the finished version of your business plan. As practice shows, they happen in any case.

Detailed video about opening a cleaning company from scratch:

calculations, costs, net profit.

Let's take note.

Business plan for a cleaning company: payback

Based on these indicators and the established cost of services, you can calculate the estimated profit for the business plan. If you subtract the amount of monthly expenses from the financial section, you will end up with a net profit.

Download a ready-made business plan for a cleaning company with quality guarantee.
Contents of the business plan:
1. Privacy
2. Summary
3. Project implementation stages
4. Characteristics of the object
5. Marketing plan
6. Technical and economic data of equipment
7. Financial plan
8. Risk assessment
9. Financial and economic justification for investments
10. Conclusions

The payback period of a business depends on this indicator and the amounts invested in opening.

On average, the profitability of such a business is 20-30%.

Although opening a cleaning company will require a small amount of capital, you will have to invest enough effort into each stage of the project. However, nothing comes to us in life by itself. And for the sake of a successful and profitable business it is worth trying.

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New trends come into our lives, and with them new opportunities for starting a business.

Cleaning companies began to appear quite recently, and so far their implementation is not going at a very fast pace, despite a relatively inexpensive start. There is a lack of understanding of the advantages of the services of these companies over regular cleaning, in which office employees take part.

Benefits of starting a cleaning company

In some cases, offices are cleaned centrally by a full-time cleaner, who is armed with a mop and a broom, even an advanced one. But she has to clean so many rooms per day that thoroughness is out of the question.

The result is superficial cleaning, which over time leads to various illnesses among employees. And there is a way out of this situation - the services of a cleaning company.

This is, or approximately this, and preferably much better, a company representative will have to talk to potential clients when he has to promote its services. And the advantages of creating a cleaning company are obvious:

  1. Inexpensive entry into this business.
  2. An unfilled niche in the market.

You can start in this business with small investment. The main costs will be equipment, and if you take it on credit or lease, or rent it, you can start almost from scratch. As for the unfilled niche, this is most likely due to poor awareness of citizens. There is no awareness among the masses that thorough cleaning professional equipment Ordinary cleaning will not replace it.

How to create a company from scratch, what is needed for this?

To create a cleaning company from scratch, you need to formalize everything permits, purchase or rent the necessary equipment and hire qualified specialists. We need qualified specialists who can perform the task assigned to them.

That is, you are not selling cleaning services, but trying to make your clients healthier. From this perspective, the activities of a cleaning company look different.

Required permits and documents

No special permits are required to open a company. Register as individual entrepreneur or limited liability companies with some bright name and take action.

After registration, you can find a premises, enter into a lease agreement, borrow equipment, and start an advertising campaign.

Equipment, specialists

You should immediately discard ordinary equipment for apartments. It is not intended for commercial cleaning, it works much worse and breaks down quickly.

Moreover, your clients who will be watching the cleaning process will not be happy if they see that the cleaning company is using the same or weaker equipment than what they have at home. And their attitude will be completely different if they see a miracle device in the hands of workers. About others important aspects a business specialist explains in the following video:

The face of a company is not only its employees, but also the equipment they come with. Please take this into account. Therefore, immediately get ready to purchase professional vacuum cleaners and other devices. You will need:

  • a vacuum cleaner that will cost around 35–40 thousand rubles;
  • a machine for washing work clothes and cleaning materials, at the same cost as a vacuum cleaner;
  • a disc-shaped machine used for intensive deep cleaning of carpets; its cost can reach up to 120-150 thousand rubles;
  • a special cart, which has a wringer and a net for containers, where the solution with a garbage bag is placed; its cost is within 10 - 12 thousand rubles;
  • a set for wiping office equipment and washing windows, costing 8–10 thousand rubles;
  • a flat mop instead of a broom and mop, costing 2 thousand rubles.

The presence of such a set of equipment allows for thorough cleaning both in office premises and in apartments of residential buildings and private houses.

But please note that at first, profits should be directed to advertising and the purchase of new, more powerful equipment, the cost of which is several times different from the above. This will not only increase the range of services that the company can provide, but will allow it to noticeably distance itself from its competitors.

When it comes to recruiting specialists, take this very seriously. We need responsible workers who will not be afraid of this work. At the same time, they must be as tactful as possible.

If a woman with the habits of a cleaning lady from the housing office comes into the office and starts ordering everyone around and telling everyone where to go, then this will be her first and last visit to the customer. And with it, the customer says goodbye to the company. Such employees can be recruited through agencies that will bear some financial responsibility for their candidates.

Assessing competition and profitability

How much profit can you expect from the company's activities? To calculate it, you need to start from the prices for the services provided in the cleaning business. Let's look not at the prices in the capital, but at cities like Kazan or Rostov. The cleaning costs there are as follows:

In this case, conditions are set so that the minimum cleaned area is not less than 40–60 square meters. And if the cleaning area exceeds 150 square meters, then transport services are at the expense of the company. Otherwise, the customer will have to pay shipping costs as well.

Specialists and owners of cleaning companies estimate the profitability of this activity very high - from 25 to 40%, if we take certain types of cleaning work.

Possible risks

There are also considerable risks in this type of business. Firstly, company owners are faced with pronounced seasonality in demand for their services. The only way out of this situation is that this type of business was conducted in parallel with another.

Secondly, there is a sharp decrease in demand for cleaning services during crises. When entrepreneurs are under pressure, they begin to save on everything they can. They cut bonuses for their employees, optimize their staff, and switch from expensive services to cheaper ones. And they refuse services such as cleaning the premises altogether, entrusting the process itself to their employees.

Where to start?

After registering an enterprise, purchasing equipment and hiring staff, begin to promote your business and acquire regular customers who would cover the current expenses of the newly formed company. Until you develop yourself, you will have to take on a number of functions.

But definitely you need to hire the cleaners and driver themselves, who will have a car to transport staff to fulfill orders. You will have to pay extra for using the car, but it is much cheaper than buying a company car right away.

You can find regular customers not only in office centers. Create a competent Commercial offer and go to the offices of lawyers, notaries, and dentists. As a rule, they do not have a full-time cleaner, so they will be glad to have the opportunity to use the services of professionals.

Place banners and banners in public areas as much as your budget allows. Take a collection of addresses and telephone numbers of enterprises in your city, select certain categories of potential customers and start calling them. You can send a specially prepared SMS message.

Pay special attention to your promotional materials. Spend money on professionals who will prepare good advertising text for you, make an attractive picture and draw up the right commercial offer according to all the rules of a selling text.

Calculation of approximate costs for starting a business

Registration of an enterprise will cost from 1800 to 5000 rubles. The equipment will cost another 200 thousand rubles, but these costs can be reduced at first if you take out the equipment on credit or lease. There are no special requirements for the premises, since it is not the clients who will come to you, but you who will come to them to determine the amount of work on site. Therefore, renting a room can cost 15–20 thousand rubles. The staff salary for the first time will be:

  • driver – 25 thousand rubles;
  • cleaners - 4 people for 18 thousand rubles.

When starting a company, focus on regular customers to eliminate the seasonality of your activities. Pay attention to individuals who need high-quality cleaning in apartments and houses. After all, their asthma caused by indoor dirt costs them more than regular cleaning.

Opening a cleaning company means cleaning premises; these companies appeared in the country not so long ago and cause skepticism among businessmen and consumers in terms of assessing their prospects.

According to statistics, the cleaning business is a good option for making money if you calculate everything well and start.

How to open a business well

Opening a company is divided into stages:

  • registration with the tax service, pension fund, other funds social insurance, statistical authorities and Rospotrebnadzor;
  • selection of clients (firms, wealthy clients, other customers);
  • development of a list of services;
  • develop a price list;
  • selection of employees;
  • purchase of tools, detergents.

Cleaning narrow concept, reflecting part of the services: cleaning company employees clean carpets, furniture, pillows, wash blankets and that’s not all.

It is advisable to immediately find a regular client, whose payment will be the company’s first constant source of income.

The services should be offered to a business center in need of cleaners. These establishments hire cleaners for a low fee, there are not enough of them there, and the problem is already solved in the usual way with the help of cleaning companies.

Opening a cleaning company in a small town

How to open a cleaning business in small town? Doing business in small town has its own specifics, it has its own advantages and difficulties. Businessmen do not flock to such places because of the small number of clients, their low solvency, because there are serious risks.

It is worth trying to cover several categories of clients with services: both individuals and companies. Entrepreneurs in Lately They pay attention to their image and prefer to entrust cleaning to professionals who work at a high level.

The company's services are used by people who need helpers and do not have time to do the cleaning themselves. These are rental property owners or people who want to help their parents.

IN big city It’s better to occupy a narrow niche. For example, start cleaning up construction waste and restoring floor coverings, getting developers interested. All new buildings, without exception, remain littered, with an abundance of defects that the developer company does not eliminate.

In a small town it is not so difficult to find clients and build a reputation. The specifics of the business force us to serve different categories of clients, but there is a chance to receive a regular income.

We rely on the business plan

A business plan from scratch for a cleaning company is a document that describes the goals of creating the company, calculations, market analysis and other information. If you do it exclusively for yourself, without demonstrating it to outsiders, you should limit yourself to the practical part:

  • who is the participant or participants in the project;
  • plans for organizing the enterprise (who has what responsibilities);
  • market analysis, comparison of competitors, description of their advantages, what to do to become more attractive in comparison with others;
  • circle of potential consumers, price list;
  • financial part – expenses, income, their structure;
  • analysis of risks, ways to reduce or avoid them.

Each of the listed points can be divided into several additional ones or combined. A business plan is a living document; changes and additions need to be made to it regularly. They will help you plan your future development path and take into account past mistakes. This will allow you not to overload your head with additional information. For those who do not know how to open a company from scratch, a business plan will be an excellent auxiliary tool. Drawing up a business plan will be successful if you remember that it is created primarily for your own needs.


How much does it cost to register a cleaning company?

The statement that you can start a business with only a rag and a bucket is not entirely true. This approach forces clients to immediately refuse the company’s services or limit themselves short term cooperation, looking for those who work at a more professional level.

It is better to immediately buy suitable equipment, detergents, and hire specialists. Minimum amount, which directors of successful companies talk about - 300 thousand.

Almost the entire amount will be spent on purchasing equipment and cleaning products. Expenses for salaries and office rent require less money, but they are constant and cannot be delayed.

Payment plans include taxes, payments to mandatory social funds and compulsory health insurance. In the case of an individual entrepreneur, tax payments are minimal, they can even be eliminated if you work alone common system taxation. You are allowed to choose a patent - 4 or 5 thousand, rubles. for 12 months. Insurance premiums are around 30 thousand for 12 months.

Payments are allowed to be made throughout the year, the main thing is that obligations are fulfilled before December 31.

If an individual entrepreneur hires employees, tax and insurance payments are calculated according to a different scheme.

It is advised, in order to avoid conflicts with clients, to insure the liability of employees in case of property damage, theft and other situations when the obligation to compensate for damage arises. Insurance will protect you from unexpected problems and costs, and will make your clients more favorable.

An individual entrepreneur or a company is required to keep records, so it is better to outsource accounting, tax reporting, and legal support to other companies. This approach is more profitable compared to hiring employees; the cost of these services is reduced by 2 times.

What documents are required for a company from scratch?

  • certificate of registration with the Federal Tax Service;
  • notification of registration with the pension fund;
  • charter, if a legal entity is registered;
  • work book for each employee or employment contract, signed with each of them;
  • office lease agreement.

No licenses or permits are currently required to run a cleaning business.

Requirements for personnel and premises

An office is needed for negotiations, communication with employees, storage of tools, chemicals, etc. Having a full-fledged office, albeit a modest one, gives some solidity to the company. At first, a small room will do, but later you will be able to move to another office, where there is enough space for both administrative staff and tools. If there is a lot of equipment, large machines, a separate room is hired, and everything is stored there.

A company that claims to be reputable provides employees with visits to store work clothes, rest and take breaks. If a company only demands from staff and does not take care of them, the company will face a shortage of personnel. Treating employees attentively will attract potential employees if they are needed, and provide them with an incentive to work harder and hold on to their jobs.

How to open a cleaning company from scratch

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The cleaning business attracts entrepreneurs with its simplicity, growing demand for the services of this business, prospects and high profitability. A company can be successfully organized both in a metropolis and a small town. If you don’t know where to start opening a cleaning company from scratch, a business plan is the first step in planning the strategy of a future enterprise.


Business Description

Cleaning business belongs to the service sector, and the provision of services is one of the most profitable types of commerce in the whole world. The success of entrepreneurial activity largely depends on demand, and in this area of ​​​​activity there is no need to worry about its absence. The business idea itself is transparent and understandable even for dummies. Organizing a cleaning company does not require a large amount of investment and time.

Commercial activities providing cleaning services are highly competitive in big cities. However, this niche is practically free in small towns and cities. To properly organize a cleaning company from scratch, a business plan should be written simply and clearly. A sample of a good business plan with detailed calculations can be found for free on the Internet.


The entire range of cleaning services can be divided into two groups:

  • services provided to legal entities;
  • services provided to individuals.

Searching for clients in the first category is more preferable, since here you can immediately conclude a contract for a large amount of work. But we should not write off the work of providing services to individuals. It should also be noted that in the first case you will be required to invest more funds than in the second. Working in the B2B sector involves purchasing large quantity equipment, acquisition of specialized and professional equipment.

All cleaning services can be divided into areas:

  1. General cleaning is usually done once. Most often it is ordered in apartments after renovation, industrial facilities, offices, warehouses, etc.
  2. Regular cleaning of private and commercial properties.
  3. Specialized services. These include: window washing, carpet dry cleaning, etc.

It is recommended for a budding entrepreneur to start his cleaning business by choosing one line of activity. An option is possible when a company opens to work with a specific client. The client will be one large company with a large volume of work. As a result, the cleaning company will gain invaluable work experience, and less money will be required to organize the company. After the company gets on its feet, it can be developed and expanded the range of services provided.

The range of services should be determined taking into account potential demand. To do this, you need to identify and study your target audience in advance.

Standard services:

  • wet cleaning;
  • spring-cleaning;
  • cleaning upholstered furniture;
  • textile cleaning;
  • window cleaning;
  • cleaning after renovation;
  • cleaning of entrances;
  • washing of facades;
  • cleaning areas near houses and premises.

Cleaning the premises after renovation Wet cleaning of the apartment Cleaning the entrance

Additional services:

  • waste disposal;
  • cleaning windows of apartments and offices at height;
  • cleaning dishes and interior items;
  • disinfection of premises;
  • getting rid of mold;
  • washing clothes and other textiles;
  • ventilation cleaning;
  • washing the kitchen stove and other household appliances.

Window cleaning at height Disinfection of the premises Ventilation cleaning


IN developed countries The global cleaning industry is a structure with billions of dollars in turnover and is represented by hundreds of thousands of companies. Cleaning business is a new and promising direction commercial activities For Russian entrepreneurs, just 20 years ago in the Russian Federation no one knew about such companies. At the moment, the market for cleaning services remains a vacant niche. Even in large cities, where there are a fairly large number of cleaning companies, they do not satisfy the demand one hundred percent.

Important points of work

It is important to understand that the strategy for its development depends on the conditions in which the company is expected to operate. Cleaning as a business has its pitfalls, which the owner of the company should be aware of. In order to succeed in the cleaning business, an entrepreneur will need to not only perform responsibly daily work, but also to win the respect of your clients. This is achieved through high level professionalism of workers, friendly service, flexible prices, etc.

In a highly competitive environment

Today greatest number representatives of the cleaning industry are located in large cities with a population of more than one million people. This is explained by the fact that many potential consumers are concentrated here. The highest density of cleaning firms is observed in the capital of Russia and St. Petersburg. At the same time, the “cleanliness” market in these cities does not fully satisfy demand.

It is especially difficult for a young cleaning company to survive in a competitive market. This is due to the fact that it will be more difficult for an entrepreneur to find clients. In such a market, as a rule, there are already well-known and proven positive side companies. With a high degree of probability, we can assume that large clients will decide to use their services. In a situation of high competition, it is important to immediately receive a good order or competently organize an advertising campaign.

In a small town

In small towns there is minimal competition, but you will have to fight for survival. It is important that you carefully study the market and decide on your target audience. If you have found clients, then you can open a company without hesitation.

Potential customers can be shopping centers, offices, enterprises, apartment buildings etc. In order to attract them you will need advertising, a loyal pricing policy and good feedback about you from your first clients. Future clients should find out what services your company will provide. Advertising in print publications, on local television and on the Internet is suitable for this.

Franchise work

A cleaning company franchise will help you organize your business correctly from the very beginning. The franchisor will provide you with all the necessary information to create successful business. From the first days of the company's work, you will receive applications from clients. The big name and reputation of the franchisor, as well as well-placed marketing, will help with this.

Take a look at the following franchise offers:

  • "The Chistov Brothers";
  • City Shine;
  • "Expert Cleaning";
  • "Empire of Services";
  • "Clean house";
  • "Mr. Glitter";
  • Cleaning alliance;
  • Primex.

The presented franchises pay for themselves in about one year. The size of the required investments is from 300 thousand to 1.5 million rubles. To minimize business risk, businessmen are recommended to open a franchise business, since the business has high profitability.

You can get acquainted with the “Clean House” franchise from the presentation. Filmed by the channel: Clean House Cleaning franchise.

Description and analysis of the sales market

It is advisable to find your first clients at the business planning stage. The reputation you earn will determine how your business will develop tomorrow. At the first stage of the company’s functioning, you work for your image, and then the image works for you. Thanks to positive reviews of your work, you will easily find new clients.

Potential clients can be found in different ways:

  • through friends;
  • make phone calls to various organizations and offer them your services;
  • send commercial offers.

Ideally, you should find repeat customers rather than one-time customers. Since instability in income generation may lead to you not being able to cover your current expenses.

Your client base may include:

  • private apartments, cottages, houses;
  • entrances apartment buildings and surrounding area;
  • company offices;
  • parking;
  • shopping and entertainment centers;
  • warehouses;
  • public catering places;
  • professional kitchens;
  • industrial premises;
  • territory of industrial production;
  • various premises after renovation or construction.

The target audience

The main consumers of cleaning company services are legal entities. The management of modern enterprises and various organizations understands that ensuring the cleanliness of the premises must be ensured by professionals. And these professionals today are cleaning companies. A competent manager, having analyzed the situation, comes to the conclusion that it is more profitable to outsource cleaning of premises.

Benefits from outsourcing:

  • savings on wages, purchase of equipment, inventory, etc.;
  • high quality cleaning;
  • efficiency in cleaning;
  • use of modern equipment;
  • Ideally cleaned premises have a positive impact on the image of the customer’s company.

Along with legal entities, the company’s services can also be aimed at individuals. It should be noted that such clients are more difficult to find. Since not every person is ready to let an unfamiliar worker into their home to clean. If you manage to find such clients, then they are mainly people with high incomes.

In addition to them, we can highlight:

  • single men;
  • old people;
  • busy people;
  • people with disabilities etc.

Competitive advantages

If you decide to open a company in a large city where competition is quite strong, then you should carefully study the local market. You must clearly understand who you are competing with. To do this, it is important to know what exactly your competitors are doing, their strengths and weaknesses. Based on the data obtained, you should correctly formulate a company development strategy, determine the range of services, pricing policy, advertising campaign, etc. The volume of your future orders will depend on how carefully you think through your business strategy.

What you need to know about competitors:

  • range of services;
  • price level;
  • target clients;
  • customer reviews;
  • image;
  • experience;
  • quality of services.

The high level of competition obliges you to provide only high-quality services. Because only in this case will you be able to attract new customers and retain old ones.

To increase competitiveness, you need to focus on factors such as:

  • use modern high-tech equipment and inventory;
  • qualified, cultured and honest workers;
  • environmental friendliness of the products used;
  • wide range of services provided;
  • Availability unique service, which your competitors do not yet have.

Operating in a competitive market will not allow you to relax even for a minute. You need to keep control of everything that happens in the market and closely monitor the needs of customers, trying to satisfy them as much as possible.

Advertising campaign

An ideal advertising campaign should be organized in such a way that as a result, as many long-term contracts as possible are concluded with clients. To do this, it is not enough to offer your services over the phone or e-mail. You need to organize a set of accessible activities to win customers.

To promote a cleaning company you need to:

  1. Actively use available advertising tools: create a corporate website; distribute booklets and leaflets; publish advertisements in local media.
  2. Self-critically analyze your activities and add new areas of work.
  3. Meet the requirements of key clients.
  4. You need to be open to communication.
  5. Conduct free consultations.
  6. Sew a uniform for workers and place a company logo on it.
  7. Improve staff qualifications, conduct trainings, briefings, etc.
  8. Special treatment for regular customers. For example, congratulations on the holidays.
  9. Develop a loyalty program.

A modern cleaning company simply must have its own corporate website. It should show Full description services provided, contact information, loyalty program, described strengths companies. The function of online ordering services through the website can distinguish you favorably from your competitors.

What do you need to open?

To open your own cleaning company, you need to take into account many nuances. By strictly following the instructions and rules, organizing a business is not difficult. An entrepreneur should start by preparing a package of documents and registering a company.


Your primary task is to determine the organizational and legal form for the business. Traditionally, the choice is between an LLC and an individual entrepreneur. If you plan to organize large-scale activities and work with large clients (organizations, enterprises, shopping malls, etc.), then it is better to immediately register an LLC. This organizational form also provides for the possibility of using a simplified taxation system.

If you plan to work primarily with individuals and do a small amount of work, then an individual entrepreneur organization is suitable for you. In this case, choose UTII as the form of taxation.

OKVED codes that are suitable for the business being described:

  • 74.70.1 – “Cleaning of residential and industrial premises, equipment”;
  • 74.70.2 – “Cleaning of vehicles”;
  • 74.70.3 – “Performance of activities for disinfestation, disinfection and deratization work”;
  • 90.00.3 – “Cleaning the territory and performing similar activities.”

At the next stage you need to register with the funds (pension, health insurance, social insurance, accidents), tax office etc. You will be required to thoroughly study GOST R 51870 2002, it talks about the provision of household cleaning services for structures and buildings.

Search for premises

At the stage of establishing a company, you can save on rent and organize an office at home. Necessary equipment and inventory will be stored in a storage room or garage. But this is only temporary; ideally, the company needs a separate premises. It should be divided into an office and a warehouse.


There are no strict requirements for the premises, since clients will rarely visit the office. Mostly, the company’s specialists will travel to the customer’s site for cleaning.

The premises are required to:

  • low cost;
  • availability of communications: heating, water, electricity, sewerage;
  • security, etc.

Purchase of equipment and inventory

The quality of services provided and their range depend on the company’s equipment. This is the main cost item for starting a business. The purchase of equipment must be approached individually, since its selection depends on the specifics and scale of the company’s activities.

Universal set necessary equipment, equipment and household chemicals (in rubles):

  • professional vacuum cleaner: 35,000;
  • floor washing machine: 150,000;
  • machines for cleaning carpets, furniture, floor coverings, etc.: 100,000;
  • window cleaning equipment: 50,000;
  • professional washing machine: 50,000;
  • car: 400,000;
  • set of brushes, rags, napkins, etc.: 30,000;
  • hair dryer: 25,000;
  • special form: 30,000;
  • household chemicals and detergents: 50,000;
  • computer, printer, office furniture: 100,000;
  • other equipment, inventory and household chemicals: 30,000.

Carpet and floor cleaning machine Professional vacuum cleaner Window cleaning equipment

Having made the calculations, for an average cleaning company it is necessary to purchase equipment, inventory and detergents in the amount of 1,050,000 rubles. You can save on buying a car and hire a driver with personal transport. The quality of purchased household chemicals must be first-class. Highly specialized additional equipment may also be required. The size of its customer base directly depends on how rich the company’s arsenal is with various equipment.


You will need to assemble several groups of workers who specialize in performing a specific set of operations. To clean offices, entrances, kitchens and other premises, it is better to form a team of three to four women aged 20-40 years. And take a man as a foreman. He will be able to manage the cleaning process, solve organizational issues and help lift or bring heavy objects.

The head of the company can be the entrepreneur himself or a hired specialist. The sales manager will take orders from clients. One driver for the minibus is also required. Accounting is best outsourced.

During the recruitment process, you will most likely encounter the problem of employee turnover. This is largely explained by the fact that the work of a cleaner is not presentable, and young women will try to find the best place work. It is very important that workers do not steal from customers. You should pay special attention to their criminal record, level of education, appearance etc.

Step-by-step instruction

Summarizing the above, let's look at the sequence of your actions step by step:

  1. Search for clients.
  2. Studying competitors.
  3. Defining the business concept.
  4. Form ready business-plan with calculations.
  5. Company registration.
  6. Advertising campaign.
  7. Personnel selection.
  8. Selection of premises.
  9. Purchase of equipment and inventory.
  10. Opening a company and starting work.

Financial plan

To calculate a financial plan, you need to determine a general list of costs for organizing a business. And how much money is needed to start a business.

The amount of initial investment in a business consists of (in rubles):

  • company registration: 30,000;
  • purchase of equipment, inventory, household chemicals: 1,050,000;
  • marketing expenses: 50,000;
  • rent: 40,000;
  • other costs: 30,000.

As a result, it turns out that organizing a business will require 1,200,000 rubles.

Regular expenses

Current costs (rubles/month):

  • premises rental: 20,000;
  • wages of main workers with accruals (per five people): 130,000;
  • salary of administrative staff with accruals (per two people): 70,000;
  • purchase of household chemicals and detergents: 10,000;
  • marketing costs: 20,000;
  • utility costs: 10,000;
  • other costs: 20,000.

As a result, it turns out that regular expenses amount to 280,000 rubles per month.

Opening dates

The work schedule is individual in each specific case. It should be compiled very carefully, without missing a single important moment. On average, from the moment of developing a business plan to the start of the company’s work, two to three months pass.

Risks and payback

Main business risks:

  • lack of regular customers;
  • strong competitors;
  • seasonal nature of ordering a number of services;
  • staff turnover;
  • low level of education and training of workers;
  • the risk that workers will steal from the company's customers.

To prevent the listed risks from turning into disadvantages, a competent manager is needed. A business can be made profitable, since its payback directly depends on the workload of existing capacities and the number of regular customers. The average payback period for a cleaning company is 8-12 months.

  • Step-by-step plan for opening a cleaning company
  • Which OKVED code to indicate when registering an activity?
  • What documents are needed to start a business?
  • Do I need a business permit?
  • Technology for opening a cleaning company
        • Similar business ideas:

Business plan for opening a cleaning company in a city with a population of 1,200,000 people.

Prospects for the cleaning market

Cleaning is one of the most promising areas of business in Russia. Thus, in developed countries of Europe and the USA, almost 80% of commercial real estate is serviced by cleaning companies. Whereas in Russia, only 20% of commercial real estate use the services of “professional cleaners”. As you understand, the market has room to grow. Its volume, meanwhile, is $250 million and continues to grow. By organizing a cleaning business in a large city, you can count on a fairly quick return on investment.

How much money do you need to start a business?

According to business plan calculations, opening a cleaning company will require an investment of about 1.3 million rubles. Initial costs include:

  • Purchase of equipment - 486,000 rubles, including:
  • Industrial vacuum cleaner - RUB 15,000.
  • Extractor carpet washing machine - RUB 47,000.
  • Scrubber dryer - RUB 150,000.
  • Steam generator - 144,000 rub.
  • Sweeping machine - RUB 35,000.
  • Dryer - 45,000 rub.
  • Cleaning equipment (mops, flounders, buckets, scoops, etc.) - RUB 15,000.
  • Inventory for glass - 20,000 rubles.
  • Chemicals - 15,000 rubles.
  • Office furnishings (tables, chairs, minor repairs) - RUB 150,000.
  • Purchase of a van type vehicle, b. u. - 400,000 rub.
  • Advertising budget - 50,000 rubles.
  • Reserve fund - 200,000 rubles.
  • Business registration and other expenses - RUB 50,000.

Total - 1,336,000 rubles.

Description of products and services offered

Our company plans to provide a whole range of services for initial, daily and spring cleaning. Initial cleaning after construction of renovations includes: cleaning inside buildings and structures, removing dust from floors, ceilings, baseboards, walls, washing windows and plumbing fixtures, cleaning radiators. Daily cleaning involves wiping dust, cleaning mirrors, cleaning door blocks and stairwells, taking out garbage, cleaning floors, etc. The company will also provide services for cleaning the surrounding area and cleaning the outside of buildings: washing windows, roofs, facades, removing efflorescence from bricks, cleaning aluminum frames, etc. The preliminary price list for the company’s services will look like this:

  • Initial cleaning (after renovation or construction) - 50 rubles/sq.m. m.
  • Daily comprehensive cleaning - 5 rubles. per day per sq. m.
  • General cleaning of an office or retail space - 40 rubles/sq.m. m.
  • Flooring care - 40 rubles/sq.m. m.
  • Washing plastic window- 300 rub./unit.
  • Washing chandeliers and lamps - 100 rub./piece.

According to the business plan, in the first months the volume of daily comprehensive cleaning will be 2000 square meters. m. Such an area can be provided by 2 - 3 large clients (for example, a shopping center or an enterprise). Also, some work can be obtained from private homeowners (mansions, country cottages). We can also rely on income from initial cleaning after renovation or construction and cleaning the outside of buildings. The planned volume of work is about 2500 sq. m. per month. Thus, the potential monthly revenue will be:

  • Daily cleaning - RUB 300,000.
  • Initial cleaning - RUB 125,000.
  • Washing windows and facades, cleaning the outside of buildings and cleaning the surrounding area - RUB 50,000.

Total - 475,000 rubles.

Download a business plan for a cleaning company

Which room to choose for an office

To accommodate the company's office (as well as all equipment), it is planned to rent a room of 50 square meters. m., located on the ground floor of an apartment building. High traffic and the first line of houses are not of great importance, the main thing is the big savings on rent. Monthly rental payments will be 25,000 rubles. (500 rubles per sq. m.).

Particular attention will be paid to the purchase of professional cleaning equipment. To clean both small and large objects we will need: vacuum cleaners for dry and wet cleaning, a carpet washer, a carpet dryer, a floor polisher, a sweeper, a steam generator, a scrubber dryer, a foam generator, glass equipment, dispensers and materials, as well as chemicals. As for the manufacturer, preference will be given to equipment from Cleanfix. The total cost of purchasing equipment will be 486,000 rubles.

You will also need to purchase a spacious van-type vehicle to transport equipment to the client’s premises. This could be a Gazelle car in used. u. option. It is planned to spend about 400,000 rubles for these purposes. To ensure the normal functioning of the company, it will be necessary to create a staff of responsible employees. These will include: an administrator (reception and control of orders), a driver, equipment operators (3 people) and a manager. Accountant services will be outsourced. The wage fund will be 120,000 rubles. per month.

Which tax system to choose for a cleaning company

It is planned to register a limited liability company as an organizational and legal form. Taxation system - simplified tax system, 15% of the organization's profit.

Marketing and promotion of services

It is very important in the first months after opening to carry out competent advertising company. Moreover, even before purchasing equipment and other major investments, you will need to find preliminary customers. Otherwise, the purchased equipment may be idle, and the company will incur losses (especially if the funds are borrowed). Therefore, in order to prepare a client base at the initial stage it is planned:

  • Conduct a tour and preliminary conversation regarding cooperation with large companies and shopping centers cities.
  • Distribute leaflets in the private sector, in areas of elite houses and cottages.
  • Place advertisements on the Internet, create a business card website and launch contextual advertising.
  • Install several bright advertising banners (on special billboards) in places with high vehicle traffic.

Financial plan for a cleaning company

The final stage of business planning is the calculation of the main indicators of economic efficiency of a cleaning company. Fixed monthly expenses:

  • Office rent - 25,000 rub.
  • Salary - 120,000 rubles.
  • Contributions to extra-budgetary funds - 36,000 rubles.
  • fuels and lubricants, Consumables- 20,000 rub.
  • Depreciation of equipment - 10,000 rubles.
  • Advertising - 30,000 rub.
  • Other expenses (utilities, telephone, internet, security) - RUB 20,000.

Total - 261,000 rubles.

How much can you earn from this business?

The company's monthly net profit will be 181,900 rubles. Business profitability is 69%. With such indicators, taking into account the period for promoting the company, the return on the initial investment will occur in 11 - 12 months.

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