The ability to quickly type text on a keyboard is a very valuable skill these days; it will come in handy when working with text documents and communicating via the Internet. If your work is directly or indirectly related to typing, then by learning how to type quickly, you will increase your productivity and begin to receive much greater satisfaction from your work. But how to acquire this useful skill? In this article we will look at some rules and tips that will help you increase your typing speed, and subsequently even master the ten-finger touch typing method, and also conduct short review programs and services designed to teach fast typing.

Basic rules for fast printing

In order to quickly type text, you definitely need to remember the location of the keys on the keyboard. To remember the keyboard layout, you can use one simple exercise. Look at the top letter row of the keyboard for ten to twenty seconds and try to remember the order of the keys. Then remove the keyboard and write this sequence on a piece of paper. Next, the exercise should be repeated for the middle and bottom rows. Practice until you learn the location of all the letters on the keyboard.

Also, for fast printing, it is important to properly arrange your workplace. It is best to work at a desk, the monitor should be located slightly below eye level, the elbows of the hands should rest freely on the armrests of the chair. The keyboard should be placed in the middle of the table, opposite the monitor, and so that the center of the keyboard (located in the area of ​​the letters “P” and “P”) is opposite the center of the monitor.

Position of fingers on the keyboard

Most The best way increase your typing speed - master the ten-finger typing method. The first step to this is to be able to position your fingers correctly on the keyboard. So, in the starting position, the index fingers of both hands should lie on the “A” and “O” keys. By the way, almost all keyboards have special protrusions on the above keys so that you can control the correct placement of your fingers without looking at the keyboard. As you can see in the illustration below, each finger is assigned a specific area of ​​the keyboard.

Try to remember which fingers need to press certain keys and make sure to strictly adhere to this order while typing. At first, of course, it will be very difficult, but over time you will see that this typing method is much more efficient and convenient.

Impact technique and typing rhythm

The correct technique for striking the keys with your fingers is that not only your fingers, but also the hand itself should be involved in the striking process. The blow should be light, clear and jerky, the fingers should constantly return to their original position. On the space bar, you need to press with the edge of the thumb of the hand that was not used when you last hit the key.

Also, when typing at speed, it is very important to maintain rhythm - this will help bring your typing skills to the level of automaticity, thanks to which you will be less tired and minimize possible typos. By rhythmicity we mean that the keys should be pressed at regular intervals.

Programs and services for learning fast typing

To speed up the process of learning the ten-finger touch typing method, you can use special programs or online services that help you train your “muscle memory” in a fairly short time for the correct placement of your fingers and remembering the location of the keys on the keyboard. It will be very difficult to immediately type large texts using all ten fingers if you are not used to it, so it is best to start with relatively easy exercises on a keyboard simulator. You can find several such simulators on the Internet, both free and commercial.

  • “SOLO on the keyboard” is one of the most famous simulators for mastering the ten-finger touch typing method. The author of this program is the famous Russian psychologist and journalist Vladimir Shakhidzhanyan. The “SOLO on the keyboard” simulator is a paid program, a demo version of the simulator can be downloaded at
  • Another commercial training program for mastering the high-speed typing method is “VerseQ”, a fairly effective program that is distinguished by a very optimal selection of lesson complexity depending on the student’s success, as well as a nice design. You can download a seven-day trial version of the simulator at
  • Among the free simulators, “Stamina” is considered the best - a program with a neat and user-friendly interface. You can download it from here:
  • If you don't like the interfaces of the above programs, you can try something more “fun”, such as the Rapid Typing simulator. This program is completely free, weighs almost nothing and is extremely easy to use.
  • If we talk about online services for those who learn to type quickly, then first of all it is worth mentioning “Klavogonki” - exciting game, where you can compete with other participants in the speed and quality of printing. You can use this service without registering, but it is much more interesting to register to gain access to additional features: forum, competitions, and so on. This game is located at
  • Well, if you are a serious person and games are not for you, then you can try to practice on the “All Ten” website, which is located at This is a very good simulator, it has a balanced exercise program, statistics, and you can read separately on the website useful tips for beginners to learn the touch typing method.
  • Maintenance of computers in the office includes: a visit by an employee to your office, inspection of equipment, installation of equipment, adjustment of software for equipment, as well as other services.

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    You can increase your keyboard typing speed at home. And for this it is not at all necessary to take any courses or buy training. You just need to have a little free time, patience and, of course, desire. Moreover, the latter is especially important.

    The main advantage of high-speed printing is the saving of effort and time. For those who spend most of their lives in front of a monitor, this skill is invaluable, because many tasks can be completed in a matter of minutes instead of long hours. Once you learn how to quickly type on a keyboard, you will be less tired when typing, while physical and psychological stress will decrease, and quickly completing even complex and voluminous work will bring a sense of moral satisfaction.

    It should be noted that a person with fast typing skills is able to express his thoughts more logically and succinctly. This is explained by the fact that while typing, he does not have to be distracted by searching for the right key. And constantly switching attention from the screen to the keyboard and back does not benefit vision.

    How to learn to type quickly on the keyboard and where to start

    Before moving directly to increasing your typing speed, you need to understand a little theory. That is, remember where and what key is located on the keyboard. And this can be done using pangrams.

    A pangram is a phrase containing all or almost all the letters of the alphabet. Let's give a few examples:

    If you wish, you can find many interesting and not so interesting pangrams on the Internet. So, in order to remember where and what character is located on the keyboard, select any pangram you like and start typing it in a text document. Every now and again. As soon as there are no problems finding letters, we fix the effect and choose another phrase. It is enough to learn to enter two or three pangrams without hesitation and you can forget about searching for letters on the keyboard. By the way, note that after performing this simple exercise, your typing speed has increased slightly. There is progress, but we can’t stop, and therefore we move on to the placement of fingers on the keyboard.

    Note that for comfortable work, one should take into account such a concept as workplace ergonomics. Under these scary words there are banal things hidden: the position of the monitor, posture, viewing angle and other things that everyone should know about.

    Position of fingers on the keyboard

    The placement of your hands and fingers on the keyboard is of great importance when working. This is exactly what lies at the heart of the ten-finger touch typing method, which we will talk about a little later. Let us immediately note that there is no need to reinvent the wheel. First, we strictly follow the recommendations and instructions, and only then we optimize everything “for ourselves.” No other way.

    So let's take a look at the keyboard first. The keys are arranged in six rows: first there are function buttons, then numbers, then letters in three rows, and this list is completed by CTRL, ALT, spacebar and others. We are interested in the last 4 rows for now. the main objective at this stage: assign a certain set of keys to each finger. First you need to place your hands correctly.

    Left hand:

    Right hand:

    Your thumbs should be positioned above the space bar. Now let's move on to practice. And we remember, again, pangrams. But they should now be introduced without changing the position of the hands. Only your fingers should move. Notice that now you are typing not with one or two, but with all your fingers at once. This exercise may take quite a lot of time, effort and patience, but the result is worth all this effort. Once pangrams are mastered, you can move on to intensive training.

    Keyboard trainers

    It should be noted right away that typing text “out of your head” is not the best the best option. Therefore, for practice you need some source. You can use the speech of an announcer from a radio or TV for this, but it is better to use free training programs: Stamina, iQwer and others. The principle of their operation is largely similar, all that remains is to choose the application you like.

    You should devote at least a couple of hours a day to training. More is better. At the same time, you should not forget about the position of your hands on the keyboard. Literally after an hour you can notice that the text began to be typed much faster. The resulting effect can only be consolidated with daily practice.

    Keep the typing rhythm. The keys must be pressed at regular intervals. This approach avoids mistakes, activates muscle memory and helps improve speed.

    Patience and effort are always rewarded. As soon as the keyboard simulators are mastered and your typing speed increases, you can move on to the final stage: learning to type “touch-touch”. It should be noted that already at the previous stage you unwittingly used this method from time to time. All that remains is to develop this initiative.

    And the same simulators will help with this. Launch the program and enter text. Each time the number of errors and typos will decrease. And after a while they will disappear altogether.

    So, you have already answered the question “how to learn to type quickly on the keyboard.” And if you showed a little patience and diligence, then you have already mastered the “touch” typing method. Now it's just a matter of practice. But without pangrams and simulators. We do what we usually do, but ten times faster.

    One of the most important tasks of a blogger, webmaster, and even more so a copywriter or rewriter is learn to type quickly on the keyboard. High typing speed can significantly reduce the working day of a person who spends most of his time typing texts. The sooner you learn to quickly type on the keyboard, the sooner you will realize the beauty of touch typing.

    The training, as a rule, does not last long, but in order to complete it you need to fully understand the need for fast typing and naturally “gather all your willpower into a fist”! But, as it turned out, not everyone succeeds in doing this. Therefore, if you are not ready to pull yourself together and spend a week or two on intense exercise, then you are better off not even starting, as you will be wasting your time.

    What can help us in learning

    To begin with, we recommend choosing the most convenient and effective program as an assistant. This could be the popular SOLO program (favorite of office workers), Stamina, TypingDr or VerseQ. Of course, there are other options including online services, however, we have listed the main ones. It is very important not to make a mistake in choosing a program, otherwise your desire to quickly type on the keyboard will fade away sooner than you learn the basics of touch typing letters and numbers. Objectively speaking, each program has its own advantages and disadvantages, so you need to download each of them, install it on your computer and try to work with it. But, as we have already said, not everyone has the patience to go through this path, much less start it all over again 4 times in order to be able to evaluate each of the proposed programs - there certainly isn’t enough strength. Therefore, we decided to do something different and immediately choose the VerseQ product, even if it is somewhat subjective, but most of the people who tried this program liked it and even many of them learned to quickly type on the keyboard, and for free!

    We cannot recommend the famous “Solo”, since, in our personal opinion, it has already outlived its usefulness; today there are much more effective ways learn to type on a computer. The main disadvantage of this program regarding VerseQ, again in our opinion, is that it is mainly aimed at office workers who are literally required to learn the computer keyboard anyway. But for an ordinary user who just wants to quickly communicate on ICQ, Skype or on the VKontakte social network (for example), the program will be absolutely useless! The point is that training should take place in an easy and relaxed manner. It should not last for hours and should not drag on for months, as happens with classes at Solo.

    VerseQ helps you memorize not individual letters on the keyboard, but entire chords (letter combinations), which makes it possible to apply skills immediately after the first lessons. You won't have to go crazy with multiple clicks of the same letters. In addition, the visual design of the program will help create a rather pleasant atmosphere when learning to type letters with all the fingers of both hands.

    Operating principles of the simulator for fast blind typing

    The essence of the VerseQ simulator is quite simple - a line of letters or letter combinations (chords) appears on the screen in front of you, which you need to repeat from the keyboard. By pressing the first letter or key, the program will begin to keep statistics, recording your typing speed, rhythm and the number of mistakes made.

    After typing the entire line, you will be shown statistics (skill, tempo, rhythm and number of errors). Having studied it, you can continue to study further - type the next line. However, it will be different, since it is generated automatically, but takes into account your past mistakes, that is, if you make mistakes in certain letters or combinations, the system will arrange the letter series in such a way that you will learn well and be able to correct your own mistakes. When the shortcomings in your printing are eliminated, the program will continue to complicate the learning levels for you in accordance with linguistic features.

    Now let's move on to direct recommendations for speed typing on the keyboard.

    What to do when you can’t learn to touch type on the keyboard?

    Often, people trying to learn how to quickly type on a keyboard have a problem with the fact that they cannot learn anything from the training: they forget where to put their fingers, which keys are assigned to which finger, they get tired quickly and generally cannot withstand the minimum load from learning . If you have similar symptoms and you think you are relatively healthy person, with a good memory and there are no serious problems in your life stressful situations, then in this case you urgently need to turn your attention to sleep. Since it is he who is responsible for the efficiency of the brain, as well as (no less important) for the functioning of the nervous system.

    Therefore, if you want to get a quick effect from exercise, then first of all you must enter a normal daily routine, namely, sleep as much time as your body requires. It is best to go to bed between 21:00 and 23:00, since after this time biological rhythms enter into completely different phrases, and a person’s temperature drops by an average of 0.6 degrees, which is what the body needs for the deep sleep phase. If you miss this moment - going to bed later, you thereby do not have time to enter this phase, which provides the brain with nervous system better quality rest, which means your sleep will last longer and you will get worse sleep.

    And if you think this is a joke, you are deeply mistaken! This tip can greatly not only help you learn to type on the keyboard faster, but also achieve success in other matters.

    So, you yourself have already realized that there are no difficulties as such on the way to learning how to type quickly and blindly on the keyboard. It is enough to launch the virtual simulator several times a day and type according to the rules all those letters that the program shows us. But we would like to add that in addition to this, you will also need to remember to practice, because it is not enough just to type those letter combinations that the program offers, we also need to print entire sentences - with punctuation marks, in capital letters, paragraphs, etc. We, of course, could advise you to simply reprint any article from a newspaper into a Word document, but we will not do this, since we ourselves know that this is as boring as practicing day after day on any virtual simulator for fingers Instead, we recommend that you do something different: start communicating intensively on your favorite forums, ICQ, Skype, in social networks etc. In other words, combine business with pleasure. After all, communication, as a rule, consists of short messages that need to be written at an active pace. In this way, you will quickly develop the habit of writing faster, and, of course, correctly, otherwise you will not be understood.

    At first, this practice will seem a little difficult to you, because writing quickly and according to the rules is difficult, but in the future you will be very grateful for this practice. We do not recommend practicing on documents or abstracts, where speed, absence of errors and time are really important.

    Another way to practice is to participate in various services like Here you can organize virtual, group competitions in the form of speed typing letters using the blind method. However, instead of the character, a racing car appears, which moves at the same speed with which you can type. That is, on the one hand, it is a game, and on the other, it is quite effective. online simulator, which helps you learn to type letters very quickly.

    If you cannot get rid of the habit of looking at the keyboard, then take opaque tape and cover all the keys on your keyboard; this situation will simply force you to remember all the rules and tips that you received from this article and on the virtual simulator.

    So, after you learn how to quickly type on the keyboard, your work (if it is related to texts) will significantly move up, because now you will be able to perform much larger volumes of typing texts, and therefore get much more money for them. more money! By the way, I advise freelancers and webmasters to read our articles about “How to learn how to rewrite” and “for SDL”.

    Now I would like to ask a question to blog readers: Can you type touch-type and quickly? If “Yes”, how did you learn this? Please share your “recipes” and tricks.

    Upgrading my typing skills took six months. But the game was worth the candle.

    In the USA, 95% of PC users use touch typing. In the post-Soviet space - only 5%. The prevalence of computers is comparable in both cases, but in the first case, the 10-finger touch typing course is included in school curriculum, in the second - no. And it's strange.

    IN modern world The ability to type text quickly and without errors is akin to the ability to count and write. After all, the computer has already become an integral part of the life of almost every person for five to ten years. Yes, it is quite possible to type with two fingers, and if you do this often, the speed will be impressive. But the efficiency of the set is lower in any case.

    At a minimum, you get more physically tired, because you have to constantly look from the keyboard to the screen. Even with the so-called “semi-visual” typing method, which I developed over years of practice typing with two to four fingers.

    Below I will tell you about my experience in mastering 10-finger touch typing and the problems that arose in the process. After all, relearning is always more difficult than starting from scratch. But the final result was worth overcoming all the difficulties.

    I hope my example will encourage you, dear readers, to improve your typing skills. Believe me, investing time and effort now will give a tangible advantage in the future and increase labor efficiency in many areas of human activity.

    Why break something that works well?

    I started studying blind typing at the end of January and finished in October. Was the game worth the trouble? Definitely yes. The reasons were described above - this is the opportunity to double the typing speed (for me personally), and more comfortable work in any conditions, and the absence of binding to Russian symbols on the keyboard.

    It seemed to me that I had long ago reached the level of a “keyboard ninja” and there was nowhere to develop further, and there was no need to. The problem is that when there is nothing to compare with, it is difficult to understand the full benefits of new initiative. Therefore, I ask you to take my word for it. Typing became... how to put it more accurately... more fun - that's the right word.

    What tools to use? Any - I described the most popular ones. If you want to try learning touch typing on an automatic machine without much effort, try KeyKey. If you don’t want to spend extra money, VSE10 and “Klavogonki” will help. We decided to approach the issue thoroughly - “SOLO on the keyboard” is an excellent option, albeit the most expensive.

    There is only one piece of advice - exercise daily. It’s better to spend 15, 30–60 minutes every day than to try to study touch typing in bursts of three to five hours once a week or two. Also, if typing speed is not critical, try it out from the first lessons. Everyday life typing with ten fingers. The learning process will go faster.

    The computer has long been an integral part of human life. Many people spend a significant part of their time at the laptop keyboard. But the popular question of how to type correctly on a computer will remain relevant long time. There is no need to explain why this is required. After all, the skills of correct and fast typing will save a lot of time and feel more confident in front of the monitor screen.

    In order to master fast typing, it is not necessary for any person to be able to do it. You just need to apply a little perseverance and patience. There is no specific time frame for studying; some will be able to type correctly and quickly in two weeks, while for others even a month will not be enough.

    There are two main methods of how to type correctly on the keyboard: “blind” ten-finger and visual.

    The first is that the user uses all fingers of both hands to type text and does not look at the keys. The second is when a person looks at the keys and uses one or two fingers of both hands (usually the middle and index fingers) to type.

    The peeping method of typing, when the keys are rarely looked at for self-control, is also widespread. This method combines the first two methods.

    How to type on a computer correctly: the ten-finger blind method

    This printing method got its name because everyone works. Each one is assigned certain keys and limited space. Such rules make it possible to apply even pressure and make the work easier. For example, the main key “A” is defined for the left index finger, and the “P” button is also pressed with it. The method is called blind because they do not look at the keys while working.

    This writing method allows you to automate actions. In typed material, each letter in the mind of the writer is inextricably associated with a specific finger movement. Movements are remembered and become accurate and confident only when they are repeated many times. Only when the work of the fingers is brought to complete automatism (consciousness ceases to control the movements of the hands) can we consider that the method has been studied.

    How to type correctly on the keyboard: basic typing rules

    In order for the work to go smoothly, the following points must be followed. Pressing and pushing should be light and jerky without the slightest pressure, otherwise it will be difficult to achieve fluency. If you hit the buttons hard while holding them down, joint pain may occur.

    All keys must be pressed evenly and with the same force, regardless of where they are located. Rhythm must be maintained. When pressing the keys, do not allow your fingers to bend.

    When learning to type, the main stages are distinguished:

    Correct finger placement. The index fingers should be on the keyboard notches of the “A” and “O” buttons, the rest should be located in order on the remaining three keys of the middle line. Then mechanical skills are formed. This is done using programs - simulators and real practical work. Further, typing skills and speed are improved by performing tasks from a sheet, from dictation, in several languages.

    Since you need to learn to type on the keyboard correctly for more than one hour, in order not to overwork, you need to maintain the correct posture. You should sit on a chair freely, without straining, without leaning on the back, without slouching. The legs should stand exactly next to each other, they should not be stretched or bent. The body should be at a distance of 15 cm from the table. The height of the chair should be selected so that there is an angle slightly less than a right angle between the shoulder and forearm. The shoulders should be relaxed, the elbows should lightly touch the body. The text you type should be well lit and on the left.

    Thus, by following all the rules, the question of how to type correctly on the keyboard will remain a thing of the past. You can also purchase specialized training courses for training that will help you quickly and correctly master this simple science.