Surely every person learning English has heard this advice: The best way mastering a language means communicating with its native speakers. What to do if you don’t know English people and a trip to America is not in your immediate plans? Thanks to the Internet, you can immerse yourself in an English-speaking environment without leaving home. Language exchange sites can help you with this.

These sites for communicating with native speakers are designed so that native speakers different languages could help each other in their study. As a rule, to get started you need to register and describe yourself and your interests a little in your profile. Then you can find English-speaking users interested in learning Russian and write messages to them inviting them to meet and chat in real time.

Learning English has never been so interesting! Subscribe to the EnglishDom Youtube channel and improve your English level.

A community of enthusiasts: teachers, students and simply English lovers

This community consists of enthusiasts: teachers, students and simply lovers of English as a native or foreign language. You can communicate with other users who will check the exercises you have completed and explain all the intricacies of using various constructions. You can also record an audio file so that a native English speaker can comment on your pronunciation and advise you on how to improve it. Active users of the site receive points and medals for completing tasks, which is an additional motivation for those who like to compete.

A site for personal communication between people from all over the world

This site connects people from all over the world, providing them with the opportunity to communicate personally, participate in group discussions and use various multimedia materials. In addition, users can upload their own materials to the site and give access to them.

3. Voice chat is the main tool for developing speaking skills

Like many similar sites, here you need to register and, using the search, choose a partner to communicate in Skype or Windows Messenger. But there is one more unusual advantage. Thanks to this resource, you will have the opportunity not only to chat with other users, but also to learn about native speakers who live in your city and are ready to communicate “face to face”. Having met online, you can meet in public place and continue mutual learning.

Practicing speaking with native speakers will certainly benefit any English learner. If you have already reached the Pre-intermediate level, you should definitely give it a try. You will not only improve your listening and speaking skills, but also gain confidence in your abilities, and at the same time make new friends.

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Big and Friendly family EnglishDom

Where can you learn to communicate, and what is it like? English speaking practice? The process of developing speaking should not be like memorizing any rules, words without using them in speech, writing out endless phrases and constructions that will remain in the ill-fated notebook. You will not learn to express your thoughts in the language you are learning until you begin to formulate sentences on your own. Let it be something simple at first, no big deal. Everyone goes through this, the main thing is not to give up working on your English.

Where does English speaking practice begin?

Let's look at what can be done to English speaking practice.

1. Get rid of the idea that knowing the words is enough to master English. We also need to tie them together. First, learn three simple tenses: present, past and future. This will help you figure out the word order and begin to put familiar phrases into practice.

2. Train yourself not just to listen to English songs or watch videos, but to compose orally brief retelling of this material. This way you will gradually get rid of the fear of speaking.

3. Come up with your own own examples for every new word you come across. Imagine situations in which one or another phrase can be used. Otherwise, all information will simply remain in passive stock.

4. Find someone who is willing to talk to you in English. Live communication is the most important thing, because speaking English is speaking + listening, and not just a monologue.

Conversation English lessons for beginners exist!

It is a mistake to think that you can sign up for conversational English lessons for beginners only after memorizing all tenses and constructions. You can start speaking from the very first lesson. Of course, these won't be super-complicated sentences. But they will. Even the very first topic with which the study of any foreign language always begins (the verb “to be”) already allows you to talk about your profession, location, origin, age and mood. And this is already a lot. And even if you have never learned English, well-known international words that have long “settled” in our native Russian will come to the rescue. We simply don’t notice how many phrases of foreign origin we use every day. Just remember these: l leader, office, manager, traffic, printer, check…. All that remains is to arm yourself with enthusiasm, organize your training correctly and study regularly.

“English speaking lessons” at school Fluent English

If after reading the article you come to the conclusion that you need qualified help in learning English, we can offer a course via Skype " English speaking lessons" At our school, speaking English begins with a trial lesson. You can sign up for it by sending a request on Skype fluentenglish24

Let's start with a banal and fairly well-known format - conversation clubs, and then move on to more original options.

Since more and more more people understand the need for practice or simply want to meet like-minded people, or native speakers (native speakers), quite a lot of language exchange clubs, communication and practice clubs have appeared. Surely there are similar ones in your city; we will look at just a few examples of such clubs in Moscow.


Inexpensive or even free.
You can meet native speakers, play games, and have a good time.


To feel comfortable, you need to speak the language at least at level A2.
If the level is lower, it is better to visit a club where there is a presenter or teacher, but such meetings are usually paid.

The Hard Rock Cafe hosts Language Exchange Meetings every weekend. The meetings are attended by native speakers, or rather, of different languages. You can follow announcements of events in these groups on social networks: VK group - on Facebook

There is also a more “organized” format of meetings, for example, as in this club:
They even prepare some supporting materials for you so that you can learn new vocabulary in advance and communicate more effectively during the meeting. These meetings are already paid, 500 rubles. per lesson.

Nowadays the anti-cafe format is also gaining popularity. And they very often host language master classes, lectures and, of course, communication clubs. For example, meetings are regularly held in Tsiferblat English And German conversation clubs.

Of course, there are such clubs for other languages: for practice Spanish
here, in addition to communication, there is also a decent cultural program. For example, joint excursions along the metro, a cinema club, trips and travel along Jacob's trail in Spain, a culinary club.
There are two speaking clubs (divided by language proficiency level). Prices range from 500-800 rubles, there is a subscription.

For those who are determined - Couchsurfing


If you're lucky, you'll talk enough and part as friends.


There are no guarantees that the guest will not be away for the whole day to perform a cultural program)

The bravest and most determined can receive foreign guests at home; to do this, you need to register on the website

This method works not only for Moscow, but also for other cities (at least large and tourist ones).

Of course, there is no absolute guarantee that a sociable person will come to visit you, but often the host and guest manage to chat a lot and people part as friends - which means it will be possible to continue communicating online).

For the spontaneous - Spontaneous meetings in tourist places


Free, spontaneous, and at the same time finally see your city =)


There is no guarantee that the tourist you need will be in the right place at the right time.

Go to Red Square and help tourists find their way, why not? Nowadays, most people travel without a guide and will be happy to chat with locals and learn something about the city. In Moscow, you can safely go to Red Square. It is worth considering that not all tourists are equally ready to communicate. It is usually easiest to establish contact with Latin-speaking guests - Italians, Spaniards, Portuguese.

If you doubt that you are ready to communicate or are shy, start small. Try to come to a meeting with a teacher or say at least a couple of phrases to a random tourist, just be sure to try. Take a friend with you if it’s difficult to decide to go to a meeting alone.

If, due to reasons or a very low level of language proficiency, it is still difficult for you to go to such a meeting, try to start communicating online. We will tell you how and where to find a pen pal in the following articles.

Perhaps, learning English has never been as simple and interesting as it is today, when you can choose the format of classes to your liking and practice whenever it is convenient.

If you choose 1-2 resources from this list and devote about an hour to them every day, the result will not be long in coming.

Translators and dictionaries

  • Multitran is a very simple and convenient dictionary in which you can find the meaning of almost any word. If you come across a difficult phrase, the local translation community will suggest its translation.
  • Lingvo is a dictionary with more than 10 million examples of words. There are also site experts here who can help with translation.
  • Merriam-webster is an online dictionary with many helpful sections, such as Word of the Day, quizzes, and games.

Online Learning Resources

  • EnglishDom - here you can learn a language via Skype or join a conversation club and communicate with people from different countries while practicing English at the same time.
  • LinguaLeo - this resource will analyze your level of preparation and create an individual training plan so that you complete it in a fun way. There is a useful extension that allows you to quickly translate English words from other sites.
  • Busuu - here you can do exercises that will be tested by real native speakers. The site also provides the opportunity to obtain an official certificate.
  • DuoLingo is a completely free platform, the creators of which will not allow you to abandon your studies. The system includes motivating elements such as time counters and burning lives.

Online libraries

For those who want to appreciate English humor in the original, these sites will be a real treasure. Reading works of various genres online and listening to audiobooks - great way remember new idioms.

Mobile applications

  • EasyTen is an application with which you will receive a portion of 10 new words every day.

With the following apps, you can practice your English whenever you want, such as on your way to work or before bed. A interesting tasks will help you remember the material without problems.

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Processing . . .

Slowly is a unique service for finding pen pals. The authors of the application deliberately abandoned instant messages in order to bring back the romance of communication through letters. You find someone with similar interests, write him a message in a few paragraphs, attach a stamp and send it. Delivery time depends on how far the recipient is from you - it can be a couple of hours or a day. You can also send photographs, but their number is limited, and the delivery speed also depends on the distance.

Social network for communication with foreigners and daily lessons on different topics. To become a member of the community, you need to transfer $5 monthly to the project account. But there is also a seven-day free subscription for beginners. The site has chat rooms, forums and blogs for communication in the chosen language.

Convenient service and application for training foreign language. To use it, you only need a device with a camera and the Internet. Here you can find both professional teachers and native speakers offering informal tutoring. Each user can be both a student and a teacher. More than 10 thousand tutors are available, and tuition is paid by the hour.

A resource for finding friends, pen pals, and even travel companions for traveling around the world. You can select interlocutors in specific countries, communicate on forums, chat or via private messages. The site is free and has tens of thousands of registered users from all over the world.

On this site you can find a partner for face-to-face or remote communication through personal messages or chats. When searching, you should indicate the language you want to learn and the one you will teach your interlocutor, as well as what applications you would like to use.

More than 100 thousand people from 56 countries use Easy Language Exchange to find interlocutors who speak different languages. You can communicate with the community in a public forum or only with selected people via private messages. In addition, this resource contains many self-paced courses.

7. Speaky

Speaky is free social network, consisting of only two elements: a list of profiles and a chat window. When filling out your profile, you choose which languages ​​you know and which ones you would like to learn, and the service itself selects the best candidates. You can communicate with both native speakers and those who are just learning it.

A site for finding conversation partners from the American Dickinson College. The Mixxer is aimed primarily at communicating via Skype, but also allows you to simply chat. A useful bonus is free audio lessons on learning different languages ​​from consulates and leading universities.

9. Language Share

A simple and convenient service for finding interlocutors. Profiles are filtered by native and target languages, gender and age. You can send messages to people you like: the service sends notifications by email. If you wish, you have the right to look for a partner only in a certain country.

10. Tongue Out

An ambitious project, reminiscent of Facebook in the late 2000s in design and structure. There are not only profiles, but also forums, groups, collections of photos and videos. You can add users as friends, participate in discussions and write messages, including through the application.

11. Tandem

Stylish mobile service for finding native speakers. Finding someone to talk to here is as easy as shelling pears: Tandem is used by millions of people. You can even enlist the help of professional teachers and sign up for a private lesson. Training takes place both through chat and through audio and video calls.

12. HelloTalk

HelloTalk is a multifunctional application for learning languages ​​and communicating with native speakers. In chat you can exchange not only text messages, but also audio recordings, photographs and videos. There is also the opportunity to visually correct the interlocutor’s mistakes in correspondence.

13. HiNative

HiNative is a question and answer platform. You ask native speakers questions about their language, and they answer. You can also ask for feedback on your pronunciation and sentence structure. Owners of free accounts can listen to and see answers only to their own questions, and those who purchased the premium version can also see answers to questions from other users.