Unfortunately, few people can calmly react when they are shouted at, humiliated, rude, when money is lost or a loved one leaves. All people face problems, and only in rare moments can you feel the joy of your life. But happiness, as they say, lives inside every individual. And not everyone can protect themselves from problems and insure their life like a car. This means that you yourself need to become spiritually happy in order to feel the joy of being.

But how can you feel happiness when you are surrounded by numerous problems? No way. And here you need to be a mentally balanced person in order to calmly relate to any troubles in life and maintain joy within yourself.

How to get peace of mind?

We need to stop playing and pretending

It is difficult for a person to be mentally relaxed and happy only because he himself begins to be insincere, a pretender, a deceiver. Most people even deceive themselves, which becomes clear only when a person realizes that he wanted something completely different, and not what he received. People play certain roles: when you leave the house, each of you is no longer what he is when he is alone with himself. You try to smile when you want to cry, maintain good-natured relationships with colleagues when in fact they annoy you. All these games and pretense simply take away mental strength and throw you out of balance.

You need to do something not because others want it,
but because you yourself wanted it

Mental balance is lost when a person begins to live and act according to the orders of other people. He no longer listens to himself, he listens to what other people tell him. And how can you be calm and balanced in such a situation, if even sometimes you don’t understand why you should do what you don’t want to do? You are used to living in accordance with the desires of the people around you, but you have forgotten about your own. How, then, can you talk about mental balance if you don’t even listen and don’t turn to yourself?

You need to know and love yourself

You need to communicate with yourself in private more often, understand the motives of your desires and actions. Then such knowledge will lead you to self-confidence and stability. And this will not be related to whether you have large sums of money and a luxurious home, but to the fact that you understand yourself. You know what motivates you, what you really want, and you love and accept everything that is connected with you. You don’t judge yourself, don’t criticize, but are calm even about things that previously might have caused hostility. Because it is you as you are, who has his own advantages and disadvantages.

From self-acceptance, mental balance begins to develop. You no longer judge yourself, but simply accept those negative and positive qualities that you have. Every person has his own shortcomings, but you have the right to learn to treat your negative qualities positively.

Every person runs uncontrollably through life: he tries to follow his goals, meet the demands of society, overcome difficulties and obstacles... If he periodically does not stop in this difficult race, very soon he will become exhausted, and then problems will fall on his weakened shoulders with a new burden. Is there really no way out of this vicious circle? Yes, you just need to force yourself to step away and listen to your feelings. This will help you find spiritual harmony and peace, and find true values ​​in life. Take note of the following tips.

Everyone has long known that life for every person plays with the colors with which he paints it. If you constantly focus on difficulties, then oh peace of mind you can forget. Set yourself up to learn that you can learn from any problem.

Don't give in to difficulties. Perceive problems and contradictions as a new impetus for your development, after stepping over which you will find yourself one step higher.

Sometimes it is useful to simply abstract yourself from problems. Live for today and rejoice in the fact that there are so many little delights around: a cup of aromatic coffee in the morning, beautiful sunrises and sunsets, strong hugs from your children and sincere children's laughter... Then you will not need to rack your brains about how to find peace of mind and peace of mind - they will find you themselves.

This advice complements the previous one. Tune in to life in a new way - a winner and successful person. Don't expect criticism and judgmental looks from all sides. Even if they slip through, evaluate them correctly: people often criticize others in order to assert themselves in their own eyes. Get rid of the influence of public opinion, and this inner independence will tell you how to find peace of mind.

Psychologists have proven a direct connection between physical exercise and a person’s psychological state.

You can conduct an experiment: if you feel depressed and anxious, go outside and do a light jog or exercise. You will immediately feel cheerfulness, a surge of strength and see your problems dissolved somewhere outside of consciousness.

Don't forget that you can make your body work for you. Try a smile on yourself more often, and it will become firmly established not only on your face, but also in your thoughts.

Imagine that you have been assigned to play the role of a calm and confident person in the theater, happy with life. “Put on his suit”: poise yourself, raise your head proudly, develop a firm gaze, walk easily and calmly.

Also work on your speech. Very soon the body will adjust to your “wave”, and you won’t have to play.

Laughter helps us get through bad times. This is a real panacea for various kinds of psychological illnesses. Smile constantly and try to look at life situations with humor. Or at least communicate more often with people who take life lightly and can “inspire” peace of mind and harmony in you.

If a person is open to the world, then it is easier for him to endure his adversities. In communication we find an outlet, pouring out our troubles and freeing our wounded soul.

Another important note: do not make others enemies or your debtors. Forgive them generously and try to give other people more than you demand or expect from them.

You will immediately feel the burden of unresolved conflicts that have been weighing on you all this time go away. This is one of the win-win ways to find peace.

If you look closely, you will see that there are many people around you with even greater difficulties. Support these people, help them instead of suffering from your hard life. It will also fill you with a feeling of ease and self-confidence.

Despite the close connection with the environment, you sometimes need to take a break from it. A great helper for this is meditation.

Everyone has moments in life when they experience emotional discomfort. It depends on external factors, such as the situation in which he finds himself, or the internal state of his soul.

Feeling dissatisfied with his life, a person literally loses peace, cannot concentrate on work and personal relationships, and experiences loss of appetite and sleep.

If you are familiar with this condition, find out its causes and ways to achieve inner harmony with yourself and the world around you.

Causes of loss of inner peace

Each person has his own reason to worry and worry, but it comes down to one of the following:

  • Fears and doubts. They overcome us every day, but not everyone knows how to deal with them effectively. The reason for this is anything: fear of losing loved one, work, property, self-doubt, fear of failure.
  • Guilt. It is imposed by people around you who want to manipulate you, or arises due to self-flagellation.
  • Obligations. If you feel like you can't cope or have taken on an unbearable burden, you will probably lose your peace.
  • Resentment. This destructive feeling leads to depression, obsessive thoughts and loss of mental balance.
  • Anger, anger, hatred and envy. These emotions are so strong that they threaten not only the loss of peace, but also sleep, appetite, and performance. Find out,

All these reasons certainly lead to the fact that a person loses his mental balance and experiences emotional, and often physical, discomfort.

Loss of internal balance, negative attitudes, and destructive thoughts lead to the emergence of real physical illnesses. Such patterns are studied by science, which we have already talked about earlier.

How to find peace of mind

Awareness of the problem is already the first step towards solving it. The following recommendations will help you find inner harmony and peace.

  1. Admit your NOT perfection and the right to make mistakes. Excessive ambition and self-demandingness not only disturb mental balance, but also force a person to be in constant stress. Take mistakes you make as life lessons and an opportunity to gain valuable experience.
  2. Live here and now. This will help get rid of imaginary fears associated with the future. Often a person worries about what might happen and forgets that it may NOT happen. Focus your attention on the present and solve problems as they arise.
  3. Learn to say NO. Stop shifting other people's problems onto yourself, and your life will become much simpler and more harmonious.
  4. Build internal boundaries. The loss of your peace of mind may be associated with worries about another person, or taking on his responsibilities. Don’t let others impose the rules of the game on you, and let’s clearly understand the boundaries of what is permitted in communicating with you.
  5. Don't keep all your experiences to yourself. An excellent psychological technique to get rid of loss of calm is to say out loud what is bothering you. By putting your feelings into words, you will come to the conclusion that things are not as bad as you thought. Don't be alone with your experiences and problems. Share them with a loved one who will understand and help.
  6. Give vent to your emotions regularly. Don't keep everything that has accumulated to yourself. Throw out the negativity and you will feel much better.
  7. Learn to forgive and forget. Sometimes this is not as easy to do as it seems at first glance. If you are unable to cope with the offense on your own, seek help from a psychologist.
  8. Focus on the end result and perceive temporary difficulties as steps towards realizing your goal.

If you are good at self-hypnosis, then practice reading prayers for peace of mind and meditate. But remember that you can find harmony and peace only by eliminating the cause of loss of balance and changing your thinking patterns.

We all have to deal with toxic people at some time or another. It's about about people with manipulative tendencies, making subjective judgments and inconsiderate to the feelings of other people. Communicating with such members of society can be very uncomfortable, especially if you are forced to see each other every day.

But first, let's define who these toxic people are. Here are 9 signs of a toxic person.

1. They talk more than they listen.

Toxic people have narcissistic tendencies and are unable to focus on anything other than themselves. This is contrary to the Buddhist worldview, in which compassion and kindness towards others (and oneself) are of paramount importance.

2. They think they are never wrong.

Everything they say is right, and everything you say is wrong. Toxic people do not want to learn and react very sharply to criticism.

3. Drama follows them everywhere.

They always experience some kind of tragedy. But if you offer advice, they will simply say that it won't work.

4. They build all relationships for show.

All of them love affairs are ostentatious in nature, since they do everything only so that other people can see it. They don't know how to simply enjoy relationships.

5. Them personal experience- this is the standard with which they compare everything.

They evaluate all things based on their personal life experience. For example, if they hate yoga, then it is 100% a waste of time and there is no point in arguing with them.

6. They often lie.

To some extent, they benefit from their lies, so they lie without a twinge of conscience.

7. They lack tact when communicating with other people.

One of the signs poisonous people are a lack of empathy and a feeling of superiority over others. They are proud of their honesty, so they never bother choosing words when they want to achieve something from others.

8. They try to control other people.

They want you to act in a certain way for their benefit.

9. They love to talk about others.

They love to mock others behind their backs in order to increase their own self-esteem.

“The deeper your awareness of the present moment, the calmer you will be towards manifestations of hostility. And the more you think about it, the more deeply you will understand how much this person must suffer inside to behave this way. This knowledge will allow you to treat these people with the necessary degree of empathy and compassion, which will enable you to remain as calm as possible when communicating with them.

After all, with enough compassion and insight, you can easily put out the fire of hostility... When people see that they are being treated well despite hostility, they themselves will change their behavior in better side. By helping them get rid of the poison that sits inside them, you are thereby helping yourself, since in the end you will see another person who is disposed towards you in a positive way.”

Publisher: Knarik Petrosyan- February 18, 2019

Entrepreneur and marketer Dan Waldschmidt shares provocative and sometimes sobering ideas on how to improve your business on his blog. Here are 26 more such ideas. (In the original, the tips are selected according to the letters of the English alphabet.)

Achieve more. Get things done. Stop starting - start finishing.

Believe in more. Remember that you have the strength to conquer the world.

Communicate more. Stop thinking that everyone already understands you. Share with people what motivates you.

Admire more. Bring the world a sense of wonder and excitement. Be unexpected.

Impact more. Help others recognize the changes they want to make.

Give more. Live for the love of others. Give to others as much as you would like to receive.

Help more. Lend a helping hand even when you need both hands to do your own thing.

More innovation. Be a creator, a puppeteer and an artist. Design something beautiful.

Unite more. Help people, ideas and opportunities find each other. Connect them.

Get on your knees. Humility will take you further than arrogance and the tendency to blame others.

Learn more. Never be satisfied with what you (think) you know. Open your mind.

Achieve more in more. Take the resources you have and tailor them to your needs.

Cherish and grow. Attract good people in a great relationship. Let people be your priority.

Be a pioneer. Leave your mark. Take risks and move into the unknown.

Make more boundaries. Learn to say “NO” to good opportunities that don’t offer you great prospects.

Repair more. Fix all the “people problems” in your life. Fix your financial problems and sort out your health.

Specialize more. Do one thing well - instead of doing a dozen things poorly.

Experiment more. Press all the buttons. Turn all the handles. Formulate your own conclusions.

Discover more. Stop paying attention to superficial problems - look into the soul.

Win more. Stop losing. Start doing things that bring quick wins.

Analyze more. Be honest about your intentions and motives.

Shout more. Speak out loud and loud about what matters most to you.

Turn around more. See what everyone else thinks is necessary for you and do the opposite.

Publisher: Knarik Petrosyan- February 18, 2019

When we feel unhappy, there is no need to despair. We need to gradually change our thinking and behavior so that these changes bring us closer to happiness.

At such moments, moving forward, continuing your path in life becomes difficult if there is no serious motive to do so. But such a motive is not difficult to find, it is you yourself.

When we don't care about our own satisfaction emotional needs When it seems to us that nothing depends on us, the world seems to turn upside down.

You can try to cheer yourself up, you can tell yourself “time heals everything, the dark streak will pass...”, but this doesn’t really help. We need to “take fate into our own hands.”

Yes, there are times when nothing makes us happy. But you can’t let bad moments turn into a bad life...

We'll explain how to do this.

Strategies for situations when nothing makes you happy

If nothing makes us happy, if we feel that for three months we will have to live in a terrible mood, with insomnia, with apathy, with loss of interest in everything, we should consult a doctor.

It is quite possible that we have depression, and we need to consult with a specialist who will make a diagnosis and tell us how to deal with the disease.

The diagnosis of depression may not be confirmed. In any case, the strategies we will discuss will be useful.

Be aware of your rhythm: everything happens slower now

We feel bad, we cannot and should not hide it. Why smile and pretend that everything is fine when we are sad and feeling apathetic?

Don't try to fake feelings you don't feel.

  • You have the right to be sad and sad. Negative emotions also bring certain benefits; they show us that “something in our life needs to be changed.”

Recognize that your mind and body now operate more slowly. They seem to tell us that there is no need to rush, but that we need to delve deeper into our thoughts in order to understand what is happening and find a way out of the current situation.

Focus not on how you feel, but on what needs to be done.

In this state, you often feel angry, sad, you want to sleep, and then talk to someone.

You need to focus your attention not on what you feel, but on what needs to be done.

  • I need to look good.
  • I need to be alone.
  • I need new dreams.
  • We need to start all over again.
  • You need to stop being sad.
  • I want to be needed by people.
  • I want me to have high self-esteem.

Do something every day to make you feel better.

You cannot improve your condition instantly. You need to work on this constantly, gradually changing your thinking and behavior.

These small daily actions improve our emotional condition, and we gradually begin to feel better.

To be happy, you need to be able to give up some things and even people. This is not always easy to do and requires some courage.

  • We must learn to listen to our needs, to our conscience. Then we will be able to understand that certain things contradict our essence, they do not allow us to be happy.
  • Refusing also means completing certain stages, life “cycles.” It is important to be able to identify what no longer brings us anything good, does not enrich us, what makes us feel bad.
  • It is often no one's fault that we are unhappy. Or rather, our fears and self-doubt are to blame, which close the door to happiness for us.

Learn to identify these internal “pests” and get rid of them. There shouldn't be any effort involved.

Publisher: Knarik Petrosyan- February 18, 2019


Some people think you are dominant. Some people just think you're rude. But none of them are right. These words don't really reflect your personality.

Strong people don't need to win, they just don't want to let other people get in their way. Of course, some people may be afraid of you. But that's only because they don't understand how you can be so comfortable with yourself that you don't need anyone else.

Here are eight signs that you have a strong personality that might intimidate some people.

1. You don't like excuses.

Strong personalities do not tolerate excuses. When you are a strong personality, you don't want to listen to people who are bored about everything. You're better off focusing on what you can do and how you can overcome obstacles to do more.

2. You care about what you put into your life.

How strong man, you do not rely on other people, you clearly understand “who” you are, “why you are needed” or “what you can do.” You recognize that some people need to do the same in order to feel better.

3. You hate talking about nothing.

Useless conversation is terrible. If you are a strong person, you have a lot of ideas. You don't want to waste your time gossiping about people when you could be changing the world.

4. You cannot tolerate insensitivity, idiocy, or ignorance.

Strong personalities are the result of being caring and informed. There is a huge difference between them and dominants.

Because you've spent time and effort using your brain, you hate it when people make snap judgments about things they know nothing about. This is probably yours best quality, but not because you can use your knowledge to influence people. This is because you can use it to encourage people to actually think about what they are saying before they do it.

5. You know how to listen

Strong personalities know how to listen. You'd think people would appreciate it. But in reality, being heard and encouraged is a fear for people who are not used to it.

6. You don't need attention

Strong personalities don't need attention. Most people you meet think you excel at charisma, but that's not true. The amount of communication you have is off the charts, not because you want it, but because people need people like you.

7. You are fearless

Okay, that's not true. There are probably a couple of things that you are afraid of. But the difference between you and other people is that you don't let that fear dictate how you live your life.

8. You strive for growth and development.

Insecurity is an opportunity for you to do better. You know you're not perfect, but if you try to learn and grow, despite the risk of looking stupid.

Publisher: Knarik Petrosyan- February 18, 2019


I recently received three emails with the same note: “I’m ready to start all over again.” This synchronicity caught my attention and made me think. All three people described in detail situations from their lives, and all three simultaneously asked the same question:

“I don’t know what to do, where to go, I only know that I want to be successful... But what should I do?”

Obviously, it is not so easy to find an answer to such a radical and open-ended question. But I'll try to do it - for all of us. I offer you 5 principles and strategies that I live by myself. These are 5 ways to change your life at any age.

1. Focus less on the future and more on today.

I agree, it’s absolutely normal to plan for your future. But - not to the detriment of today. The truth is that no matter how smart you are, and no matter how hard you try, you will never be able to accurately simulate your Tomorrow. Even people who always have a carefully thought-out plan (for example, all the steps to become a doctor, run a business, etc.) actually cannot predict what awaits them along the way. It would be naive to hope that everything will turn out exactly as you planned.

Life rarely goes according to plan. For every person who set a goal for himself and walked towards it unhindered until he achieved it, there are hundreds of those who started strong and confident, but never reached the finish line. And if this happened to you, it's okay. Unforeseen circumstances and new opportunities may appear in front of you like mushrooms after rain.

Perhaps in order to correct your perspective, strengthen your determination, and perhaps to help you understand that you are going the wrong way and should turn around. It is possible that the place you find yourself in tomorrow does not even exist today. For example, just 10 years ago it was impossible to imagine that you could make a career at Google, Facebook or Twitter.

So, if you can't plan for your future, what should you do? Focus less on the future. Focus on what you can do today, no matter what Tomorrow brings.

Read. Write. Learn new things and practice them. Test your new skills and ideas. Create something new. Work on your relationships. All this will help you when you encounter unforeseen circumstances in the future.

One of the best ways to start implementing all this, I think, is to do or create something even very small in your own free time. Most people spend their free time on things that are completely useless for their lives - watching TV, playing video games, social media And so on. One year of such pastime - and you will have absolutely no ideas or desires left.

But if you draw every day, or learn graphic design, or write a blog, or open and run your own YouTube channel, or write a business project, or spend more time with people with relevant skills... in a year you will be able to create something or do. In addition, you will gain tremendous life experience, because you will be able to proudly say: “I created this and that that many people cannot do.”

It should be noted that this is possible not only for young, easy-going people, but also for each of us - regardless of age. It’s very simple: every day take at least a small step in the right direction, day after day, and so on for the rest of your life.

2. Focus on the journey itself, not the achievements.

We gain the most valuable experience in life not in achieving something, but in searching for ways and solutions. The most important thing is your journey to the endless horizon, when goals move with you, and you are calm and confident.

Why do we have to constantly move forward, move from one point to another? To understand the difference, to realize how the previous one differed from the next one, to see what is between the two points of your path. In the process, a lot of wonderful things will happen to you: you will meet your love, you will become stronger, you will gain invaluable experience. It is impossible to achieve all this without moving forward, without your journey through life.

In other words, the right journey is our destination.

3. Do difficult things.

If you want to stop growing and stop, make up an excuse for yourself. Lots of excuses. And, conversely, if you want to get out of this “trap,” do things that literally push you out of your comfort zone. Do something you've never done before.

There is no reasonable justification for not doing this. Not a single one - to repeat the same mistakes with enviable persistence. Life is too short. You must finally throw off your shackles and feel free.

One of the most important skills you can acquire in life is to learn to be comfortable outside of your comfort zone from time to time. Because truly worthwhile and magnificent things come into our lives only this way - hard, painfully, with effort.

Acquiring each new skill is not easy. Building a business is hard. Writing books is difficult. Getting married is also not easy. And raise children too. And keep up the good physical fitness. Everything is not easy and requires our efforts and efforts.

If you don't learn to do difficult things, you won't do or achieve anything.

How to achieve all this? Purposefully do things that are difficult for you every day. Start with the smallest things and gradually increase the complexity of the tasks. Start with 10 minutes if you find it very difficult at first.

Practice every day for a month until you reach a slightly more difficult level. Try, for example, meditating or practicing writing every evening for at least 10 minutes - for starters. When you feel that the level of discomfort has decreased, you can increase the time of exercise.

4. Make peace with uncertainty.

Developing the skill of “implementing difficult things” is directly related to the feeling of uncertainty. For example, if you decide to start your own business, which is commendable and wonderful. But if you are afraid of uncertainty, you may miss a lot.

You cannot know for sure how things will go, and in order to quickly respond to all challenges, you need to use new opportunities: come up with new projects, make new acquaintances. All this, of course, only adds uncertainty.

But if you accept uncertainty, you will open up a sea of ​​new possibilities. Of course, no one promises that it will be easy...

Sometimes you won't even fully understand which direction you're going. Each step will be difficult and will seem impossible. But you must remember that as long as you follow your intuition and take at least a small step towards your goal every day, your internal GPS will lead you to your destination.

You will realize that you good man and you do everything right. That you are in the right place at the right time. Trust your instincts (intuition). Relax. You know what you're doing. Living is learning along the way.

Don't forget: life is a pretty risky business. Every decision you make, every initiative, every step is a risk. Even in the morning, when you get out of bed, you are already taking quite a bit of risk. In truth, life is about being aware of this risk and accepting it, and never fooling yourself. The choice is small: either do not get out of bed, consoling yourself with illusory safety, or take risks and live.

If you simply ignore your feelings and allow uncertainty to defeat you, this is bad. After all, you will never know anything for sure. And this uncertainty is even worse than finding confirmation of your worst guesses. After all, if you are wrong, you can always correct everything and continue the path forward, without looking back and without fear of what awaits us ahead.

Afterword: When you learn to accept discomfort and uncertainty, you will be able to handle absolutely anything. You will be able to do what you were afraid to even think about yesterday. For example, travel the world and blog about it, write a book, start your own business, move to another city, learn to play some musical instrument, change your profession, sail to the island of your dreams with your family and much, much more. You don't have to wait years to do this. You can do this now, but with one condition - you will have to accept discomfort and uncertainty. Well, remember: better late than never.

5. Work on your relationships with other people.

There are people whom you consider good, and there are those whom you absolutely dislike. There are fake and hypocritical ones, and there are real and sincere friends. There are people who hurt you to the core, and there are people who will help heal these wounds. It's up to you to decide who you spend your time with.

True friends are always honest, they will always come to your aid - exactly at the moment when you need it most. Maintain relationships with people who support you and keep their word.

In truth, if you waste your time on bad and unnecessary relationships (personal or professional), and vice versa, you will devote little time to strengthening good relations, you will fall into the trap of fleeting romances and superficial friendships. Understanding this will still overtake you one day, so carefully analyze your relationship.

How to build healthy, lasting personal and professional relationships? How to find friends with whom you will grow and become better? How to meet the right people?

Have a conversation! Talk to a lot of people every day, even if it's uncomfortable for you. Bosses. Colleagues. Subordinates. Professors. Workers. Mentors. Neighbours. Friends. Friends of friends. Everything! This is how a “network” of your people is built.

I had three jobs after graduating from college (then I started my own business), but I was only interviewed by my first employer. The other two offered me a job without wasting time on conversation. At the same time, they were guided only by the recommendations of the previous employer. And this is normal practice: ask those you trust about a person.

If you start building a “network” of your people today, it will work for you for many years to come. You will meet familiar acquaintances, new colleagues former colleagues etc. This is like a snowball effect and should continue throughout your life.

Again, don't think that this only applies to young people who easily make new acquaintances. This can be done easily at any age. There would only be a desire.

The main thing is to be sincere and honest in any relationship. When someone gives you the opportunity to work for them, their greatest fear is that you will not live up to their expectations. Therefore, people who are always honest and care about their reputation have better chances in life. Try to always be open and sincere in your relationships with everyone. If mistakes are pointed out to you, have the courage to admit them and work on them. Try to look beyond your personal or professional relationships when evaluating people—whether they're your boss or your subordinate.

If you adhere to these principles, you will easily gain a good reputation and build healthy and strong relationships with other people. And this is The best way get Good work, investing in your business or making a good friend.


If you adhere to the principles described in this article, your life will change dramatically. You will be able to do and achieve much more than other people. There is no need to even compare here. You will have a lot of new opportunities: build a career, create something incredible with someone, come up with a business idea, acquire skills for your further growth, etc.

Of course, you don't have to do all this and choose the most easy way in life. Thus, we continue to move along the usual circle of old problems and despair.

Or you can start making changes already from today, and make sure that the world around you is also changing.

Probably, every person always wants to be calm and balanced, and experience only pleasant worries, but not everyone succeeds.
Honestly, only a few people know how to feel this way, while the rest live as if “on a swing”: at first they are happy, and then they get upset and worry - unfortunately, people experience the second state much more often.

What is mental balance, and how can you learn to be in it all the time if you can’t achieve it?

What does it mean to have peace of mind?
Many people think that peace of mind is a utopia. Is it normal when a person does not experience negative emotions, does not worry or worry about anything? This probably only happens in a fairy tale, where everyone lives happily ever after. In fact, people have forgotten that a state of mental balance, harmony and happiness is completely normal, and life is beautiful in different manifestations, and not only when everything turns out “our way.”

As a result, in case of violations or complete absence emotional health physical health is seriously affected: not only nervous disorders– are developing serious illnesses. If you lose your peace of mind for a long time, you can “earn” peptic ulcers, skin problems, heart and vascular diseases, and even oncology.
In order to learn to live without negative emotions, you need to understand and be aware of your goals and desires, without replacing them with anyone’s opinions and judgments. People who know how to do this live in harmony with both their mind and soul: their thoughts do not diverge from their words, and their words do not diverge from their actions. Such people also understand those around them and know how to correctly perceive any situation, so they are usually respected by everyone - both at work and at home.
How to find and restore peace of mind
So is it possible to learn this? You can learn anything if you have the desire, but many people, complaining about fate and circumstances, actually do not want to change anything in life: having become accustomed to negativity, they find it the only entertainment and way to communicate - it is no secret that it is negative news that is discussed in many groups with great fervor. If you really want to find peace of mind and perceive the world With joy and inspiration, try to consider and use the methods described below.
- Stop reacting to situations in the “usual” way, and start asking yourself: how am I creating this situation? That’s right: we create any situations that “develop” in our lives ourselves, and then we cannot understand what is happening - we need to learn to see the cause-and-effect relationship. Most often, our thoughts work for the negative course of events - after all, the worst expectations are more common than the expectation of something good and positive.
- Look for opportunities in any trouble, and try to react “inappropriately.” For example, if your boss “got off” on you, don’t be upset, but be happy - at least smile and thank him (you can mentally, for starters) for reflecting your internal problems like a mirror.
- By the way, gratitude is the best way to protect yourself from negativity and restore peace of mind. Develop a good habit of thanking the Universe (God, Life) every evening for the good things that happened to you during the day. If it seems to you that nothing good happened, remember the simple values ​​that you have - love, family, parents, children, friendship: do not forget that not every person has all this.
- Constantly remind yourself that you are not in past or future problems, but in the present - “here and now.” Every person at any given time has what it takes to be free and happy, and this state continues as long as we do not allow past hurts or worst expectations to take over our consciousness. Look for the good in every moment of the present - and the future will be even better.
- You shouldn’t be offended at all - it’s harmful and dangerous: many practicing psychologists note that patients who carry grievances for a long time develop the most serious illnesses. Including oncological ones. It is clear that there is no question of mental balance here.
- Sincere laughter helps to forgive grievances: if you can’t find something funny in the current situation, amuse yourself. You can watch a funny movie or a funny concert, turn on funny music, dance or chat with friends. Of course, you shouldn’t discuss your grievances with them: it’s better to look at yourself from the outside and laugh at your problems together.
- If you feel that you cannot cope with “dirty” thoughts, learn to replace them: use short positive affirmations, meditation or small prayers– for example, try replacing negative thought wishing well to the whole world. This method is very important: after all, at one moment in time we can only hold one thought in our heads, and we ourselves choose “what thoughts to think.”
- Learn to monitor your state - be aware of what is happening to you “here and now”, and soberly assess your emotions: if you are angry or offended, try to stop interacting with others at least for a short time.
- Try to help other people as soon as possible - it brings joy and peace. Only help those who really need it, and not those who want to make you a “hanger” for their problems and grievances.
- An excellent way to help restore peace of mind is to regularly physical exercise. fitness and walking: the brain is saturated with oxygen, and the level of “joy hormones” increases. If something is depressing you, you are anxious and worried, go to a fitness club or gym; if this is not possible, just run or walk in the park or at the stadium - wherever you can. Peace of mind is hardly possible without physical health, and a person who does not know how to achieve balance will not be able to become completely healthy - he will always have disorders and diseases.
“Cheerful” posture is the path to mental balance
Psychologists note that people who take care of their posture are much less susceptible to stress and anxiety. There is nothing complicated here: try hunching over, lowering your shoulders, head, and breathing heavily - in just a few minutes life will seem difficult to you, and those around you will begin to irritate you. And, on the contrary, if you straighten your back, raise your head, smile and breathe evenly and calmly, your mood will immediately improve - you can check it. Therefore, when you work while sitting, do not hunch or “slouch” in your chair, keep your elbows on the table and place your feet next to each other - the habit of crossing your legs does not contribute to balance. If you are standing or walking, distribute your body weight evenly on both legs, and do not slouch - keep your back straight. Try to consciously maintain your posture for a few days, and you will notice that bad thoughts It’s become smaller, but I want to smile more often.
All these methods are very simple, but they only work when we apply them, and not just know about them and continue to think about how we can achieve peace of mind and change our lives for the better.