Dream interpretation is an ancient science, and to this day people look into dream books in search of answers. Often we see symbols, signs, hints in our dreams - things that are definitely worth paying well-deserved, close attention to. One such obvious symbol is the apple. If you saw apples in a dream, what is it for? What to expect, what to hope for, and in general, how to behave?

Apples are the oldest of all existing symbols!

This is not an exaggeration. It is difficult to find in culture and history more ancient symbol than this fruit - after all, it was he who became decisive in biblical history. Forbidden fruit, child of the tree of paradise, symbol eternal life and true pleasures - the apple has been endowed with sacred meaning from time immemorial. The apple tree itself is very ancient, but few people know about it - today the apple tree is too familiar to each of us. But earlier it was considered a sacred, sacred, powerful tree among many peoples, in particular among our ancestors. The apple tree is a symbol of fertility, limitless natural strength, life and longevity. The apple is endowed with many meanings: even a symbol of the Universe. Here is just a partial list of what this fruit means:

  • Force;
  • Fertility;
  • Wisdom;
  • Reward;
  • Life;
  • Longevity;
  • Temptation, temptation;
  • Beauty and youth;
  • Luck;

It is not for nothing that such a huge number of ancient rituals and predictions are associated with the apple tree and apples. Without a doubt, seeing apples in a dream is not just like that. Apple – too voluminous and important sign to come in a dream for no reason. Through such a dream the subconscious, or even surrounding nature wants to point out something, suggest a way out of a situation, warn about the wrong path, or, on the contrary, point out the right action. But the interpretation of such a dream must be careful - after all, apples are different from each other.

Apples in a dream – what to expect?

Dream books can help you decipher the meaning of the dream.

In most cases, apples appear in dreams as a sign of something good - it is rare in any dream book to find information about a bad omen if you dream about this fruit.

Most dream books indicate that eating apples in a dream means good luck, prosperity, and wealth. And it’s not surprising, because in the world of dreams you are absorbing a sacred fruit, and this is a good sign! The apple tree is a symbol of life and fertility, and it is also a feminine tree. It is the female nature that is close to the apple tree, so such a dream is very good for women, girls, and especially for. For a mother, seeing apples in a dream is a guarantee of the child’s health; for a pregnant woman, it is an assurance that the birth will be wonderful and the baby will be healthy and strong. Often pregnant women dream of an apple tree with apples - and this is a very good symbol, clearly a good sign.

For a young person, an apple can mean temptation, seduction, forbidden fruit. Remember Eve - she could not resist the beautiful ripe fruit. If a virgin has such a dream, this is a clear warning from the Higher Powers - and advice to be chaste, careful and not to commit rash, rash acts, and not to rush. So a young lady who saw an apple in a dream should be especially careful.

For young man or for men, an apple also has a positive meaning - it can mean victory, reward, recognition, etc. Such a dream often means the approval of the Universe in all endeavors, this means that you are most likely on the right path, and luck favors you.

Red, green - there is a difference!

Apple color has important in dreams. In general, colors have their own meaning, and symbolism various colors– the science is complex and extensive. So, green has always been the color of goodness, friendship, cordiality, sincerity and honesty. This is a good, positive color. Therefore, we can safely say that if apples in a dream are green, ripe, beautiful - this great sign. Probably, good, warm relationships with loved ones await you, reconciliation is possible, the end of the conflict. You might get an apology or make a new friend. If you recently started communicating with a new person, a green apple tells you that his intentions are pure and you can trust him.

As for the symbolism of the color yellow, everything is more complicated here. Yellow– this is strength, assertiveness, survival, toughness. A man is more likely to dream of a yellow apple and will mean fruitful work, success in business relations, victory.

Red is the color of strength, passion, aggression, energy. If apples are red in a dream, this is a sign of fruitful friendship or cooperation, and perhaps love, passion, or conceiving a child. Often a red apple is a symbol of temptation, sensuality, which will not be in vain. Remember, an apple always means “fruit”, which means a result. Which one - you know better.

An apple from an apple tree...

The apple tree itself is even more powerful symbol than its fruit. Therefore, the dream “apples on a tree” is a particularly important, fateful sign. Dreaming of an apple tree often means the same thing as the apple itself, only multiplied many times. If an apple is a good sign for a mother or a woman in labor, then an apple tree is simply excellent. In addition, an apple tree can mean a family reunion, a meeting with distant relatives.

I often dream of apples in the form of a pie, baked or in other dishes. This is an important sign - most likely, the World wants to advise you not to exaggerate your expectations in any matter. Otherwise, you will be disappointed - after all, there will be fruits, but far from what you hope or expect.

If you had to pick apples from a tree in a dream - this is great, feel free to expect a generous reward for your work, new friends or even love, recognition, money. What you truly deserve and sincerely desire will certainly come into your life!

An apple is rarely a bad symbol, but warning dreams do occur. For example, buying apples in a dream means deception or unsuccessful business. Such a dream may speak of your own selfishness, insincerity, and greed. Try to be more honest with people and in business.

It's even worse to steal apples in a dream- this is a clear hint from the Higher Powers that you are missing something important in life, while you believe that you yourself are unworthy of it. If you stole an apple in a dream, you probably don’t like, underestimate yourself in life, and this seriously bothers you.

Seeing rotten apples in a dream, or simply lying on the ground, dirty, ugly, beaten, and so on, is, of course, not a good sign. But he doesn't mean anything terrible. This means that someone close to you is not honest enough with you, or, on the contrary, you do not show honesty to people close to you. Also, rotten, spoiled apples can mean disappointment, the lack of desired fruits from work or creativity - keep this in mind.

Dreams are different

When interpreting any dream, a very important factor should be taken into account. No matter what the dream books say, each dream is individual, unique phenomenon which will never happen again. And every dream has its own energy content, atmosphere, mood. Learn to feel this, because this factor can change the meaning of sleep! For example, you dreamed that you took a rotten apple and threw it out the window. The dream book says that this is bad sign– disappointment, fruitless work, vain efforts and even illness. But in this dream you felt elation, joy, delight, and woke up with a feeling of cleansing! How can there be such a contradiction? In fact, it may be very simple! If this happens, then feel free to interpret the dream differently: you threw the rotten apple, that is, illness, failure and powerlessness, out the window, that is, out of your life! And, of course, we felt a surge of strength and joy. Do it for real!

Having learned to feel the mood of a dream, you will be able to correctly interpret symbols and signs, and use dream books wisely. This also applies to good symbols - after all, it happens that you dream of something harmless, even, according to the dream book, good - and you wake up in fear and tears. How can there be such a negative, obviously bad state from good sign? Of course, it is worth reflecting on the meaning of this dream.

/ Dream interpretation apple

Why do you dream about eating an apple in a dream?

Dreams still remain a mystery to humans. Plunging into the kingdom of Morpheus, we eyes closed we see all kinds of stories, things, different people. And the next morning you often have to look for answers to questions provoked by the dream. So, the question often arises about what apples are for in dreams. Does it predict sweet fruit does it bring trouble or prosperity? Or maybe such a dream prompts us to remember the apple of paradise with which Eve was tempted, and because of this she and Adam were expelled from Paradise? For the answer, let's turn to proven dream interpreters.

Miller's dream book: why dream about apples

Gustav Miller believes that in the vast majority of cases, the fruits of the apple tree dream of good things. It’s especially joyful if you dream of red apples hanging on a tree among green leaves. If the fruits on the apple tree are already ripe, then the time to turn your plans into reality is not far off: you should decide on what you will do in life and boldly move towards your intended goal. Apples lying on the ground indicate that in reality the dreamer is surrounded by people who only pretend to be friends, but in fact are hypocrites, pretenders and flatterers. Regarding what a rotten apple means in a dream, Miller says that it is a symbol of wasted efforts. A dream with slightly spoiled fruit does not promise anything positive either.

Why do you dream about apples according to Vanga?

  • Picking fruits from a tree is a sign of self-knowledge: the dreamer realizes that he needs to comprehend the essence of everything happening on Earth, and will begin to think a lot and talk with people on spiritual topics. However, the mystery of existence will be revealed just a little bit, because everything around was created by God and is not subject to earthly laws.
  • Eating an apple in a dream means gaining wisdom, and this will happen as a result of meeting a person who is older and smarter. He will tell the dreamer everything he knows, but in return he must respond with kindness, otherwise he will face disaster.
  • Seeing a wormy fruit in a dream is a sign of deception. They will try to mislead the sleeper. If you do not plan your actions in advance, failure in some matter is coming.
  • Cutting fruit means retribution for delusion.

Dream Interpretation of Nostradamus: a dream about apples

The astrologer interprets such dreams positively. So, if you dreamed of a large ripe apple, then in the near future the dreamer will make a big discovery and many people will respect him. Eating an apple in a dream means meeting a woman who will be very pretty and will play a significant role in the life of the sleeper. On a global scale, such a dream could mean that soon a woman will become president of one of the countries in the world, and she will be able to make this country the most powerful on the planet. When you dream of a lot of apples, this is a sign that the dreamer in reality will discover previously unknown fruits, which will be similar in shape to apples. Thanks to the discovery of these fruits, people will gain health and eternal youth.

Dreaming apples according to Freud's dream book

Uncle Freud characterizes all dreams from the perspective of sex. So an apple eaten in a dream, in his opinion, personifies the desire to make relationships with a certain person closer. But such a desire is in vain, since the object of desire is homosexual. If you dream of wormy fruits, then the sleeper suspects the other half of treason. There is no need to torture yourself: according to old Freud, there is no threat to breaking up the relationship, and even if the partner looks to the left, he will soon lose interest in this, since he will understand that a calm situation is more important for him family life with a reliable and trusted person than random contacts.

Dream about apples as interpreted by Hasse

  • Picking fruits from a tree is a sign of joy.
  • Eating apples means worries about love, but they will be pleasant.
  • Eating sour fruits means melancholy and insincerity in one of your friends.
  • Receiving apples as a gift is a happy event.
  • Seeing fruits hanging on an apple tree means making friends.
  • Cutting fruit means separation.
  • Drink Apple juice- to illness.

You might find it interesting.

Eating apples in a dream is often associated with family characteristics and friendly relations the dreamer, as well as with his physical and emotional thirst to experience life and absorb as many impressions as possible. Such a dream can mean both pleasant events in life and a family hearth, as well as reckless actions that can ruin a person’s reputation.

Interpretation according to different dream books

    Miller's Dream Book

    Eating an apple in a dream means that the dreamer cannot achieve what he wants, receive his forbidden fruit, which is why he is very worried and can make a lot of mistakes. Picking an apple from a tree and starting to eat means that a person is dissatisfied with the result obtained or the work done.

    Eating a rotten apple portends a series of troubles and adversities, obstacles on the way to the desired goal.

    Vanga's Dream Book

    Eating an apple in a dream indicates the acquisition of wisdom, useful life experience, as well as acquaintance with interesting, unusual smart person, which will have beneficial influence on the dreamer.

    Eating half an apple means that the dreamer will soon have to pay for his own delusions.

    Dream Interpretation of Nostradamus

    I dreamed of apples lying on the ground - this portends a quarrel with a friend, an everyday quarrel. Going through yellow apples means that in reality the dreamer will feel the charm of mutual love.

Dream interpretation apples

An apple fell on Newton's head - and humanity received an indisputable law of physics. The Greek apple of discord led to a long war - and humanity received a lot of brilliant literary works and sculptures. Finally, the apple became the reason for the expulsion of the first people from paradise. What else can this fruit lead to if it is in the right place at the right time?

It is quite difficult to understand why apples are dreamed of. On the one hand, it is a positive symbol. Talking about good health, well-being, vital energy. On the other hand, it is deception, obstacles, betrayal.

Apple is one of the most popular fruits. It appears in many myths, and among some nationalities it even has sacred meaning. And only a proven dream book can offer a detailed interpretation of such dreams in which you saw apples.

If you dreamed about apples

Detailed interpretation of fruit dreams

To obtain exact interpretation dreams, if you dreamed of apples, you need to pay attention to the following details:

  • Where I had to see the fruit: on a tree, on the ground, in a basket, on a plate;
  • The freshness of the product and the degree of ripeness also matter;
  • Eat fruit and feel its taste;
  • Prepare different dishes from the fruits.

Having analyzed all these points, almost any online dream book will give a detailed interpretation of what apples mean in dreams. It is only important not to miss a single important detail.

Interpretation of ripe and green fruits

Seeing unripe fruits in a dream means that not all the details of the future enterprise have been thought out. To avoid disappointment, you need to carefully check everything again. There is no need to rush to conclusions, there is still plenty of time, although it seems that the opposite is true.

One large ripe apple, which was handed to you in a dream, means a marriage proposal for a woman. For a man, the interpretation of such dreams is slightly different - the dream means a good relationship with colleagues.

There are many ripe ones in the basket - it’s time to harvest. Soon the dreamer will receive profit from many businesses that have already for a long time considered "dead".
Green (immature) means vain hopes. If they are mature, but green in color, such a dream means the state of the relationship today. This could be friendship, family comfort, pleasant conversations with colleagues and good performance time outside of work duties.

Rotten or wormy means problems in relationships. As a rule, these are infidelity, betrayal, cheating at work and a damaged reputation.
Such a dream means that it is likely that you will be suspected of adultery, even if there was no reason for this, says Miller’s online dream book.

Various dream books about apples

Eating an apple means dating

Since the symbol is completely ambiguous, almost every online dream book has its own peculiarities in the interpretation of dreams in which these sweet fruits appear.
It is important not only to read the basic interpretation of the dream, but also to think about your own emotional perception. Only then will it be possible to say with confidence whether seeing apples in a dream means positive or negative changes in life.

Vanga's Dream Book

This one is wide famous dream book, created thanks to the interpretation of a Bulgarian soothsayer, analyzes dreams about such fruits as extremely favorable.

  • Seeing fruits on a tree among the foliage - your consciousness strives to understand the secret of the universe, but the dreamer’s personality is not yet ready for this.
  • Gnawing it in a dream - for a woman such a dream promises a fateful meeting. For a man - getting acquainted with wise man. He will be able to give the dreamer an understanding of the essence of many incidents. It is important to value these relationships.
  • Buying is a favorable sign; it promises health and comfort in the home.
  • Wormy means deception.
  • Lying on the ground under a tree - good luck in a new business. If they are rotten, there is nothing to start, all efforts will be in vain.
  • Cut into pieces - to a break in relations.

Miller's Dream Book

Red apples in the foliage - to success

Miller's dream book, which has gained popularity, the relevance and reliability of which has already been tested by more than one generation, explains why apples are dreamed of like this:

  • Seeing red ripe fruits among green foliage is a sign of good luck in all endeavors.
  • Picking up on the ground means frustration.
  • Wormy - to the betrayal of loved ones.
  • Buy - promotion.
  • If you fail to reach the fruit at the top of the tree, your efforts to promote the project will be in vain.

Ancient Slavic Veles' dream book

During the time of the ancient Slavs, according to the remaining literary and oral memoirs of which Veles’s dream book was compiled, these sweet fruits were considered a symbol of the knowledge of good and evil, as well as strength and good health.

  • Beautiful ripe fruits on a tree mean a promotion.
  • To see things collected in a basket - such a dream means financial well-being and family comfort. For young people - marriage.
  • Buying a big red apple means a bride from afar.
  • Seeing red ones under a tree is a profit. If they are rotten - losses.
  • The worm inside is treason.

Dream Interpretation of Sigmund Freud

Apples on the tree

The German psychotherapist, who created a dream book based on aggressive and sexual archetypes, considers the apple a symbol female breast. Ripe fruits in general are a sexual pleasure.

  • Ripe on the tree - a desire for intimacy with an attractive partner who has long reciprocated flirting.
  • Not being able to get it means the desired intimacy is impossible due to the partner’s homosexuality.
  • Wormy - suspicion of infidelity.

Taste the apple

Tasting the fruit is also very important aspect fruit dreams. Feeling that the fruit is sweet in a dream means enjoying today and the relationships that are in this moment last.

If the fruit is red, then you can have no doubt about your partner and marry him.

When it turned out to be sour, and after the first bite, the dreamer put it down and didn’t want to eat anymore - the freshness of the new acquaintance would soon fade away. Further communication will be impossible; over time, all ties with this person will be severed.

A juicy, pleasant-tasting fruit means success with the opposite sex. Here it is important to stop in time so as not to miss your destiny, which is already on the way and is ready to create a strong family union with the dreamer.

Apple dishes

When you dream Apple pie, such a dream means receiving a gift. It will turn out to be a huge surprise, because it will come from a person who has only recently met the dreamer.

Making jam from them means life will soon present you with a sweet gift. It is quite possible that the interpretation may suggest an imminent honeymoon.

Baked apples - dream of unexpected joy, good news.

Soaked - symbolize the need to take care of your health. Feeling like a “squeezed lemon” is not normal. If your environment exhausts you too much, then you need to think about changing it.

Dried - health problems and delays in all matters.