Dream interpretation of peeing

There are things that are not talked about out loud, like urination. Although this is a natural process, for some reason it is considered shameful. When you dream about peeing, it’s not customary to talk about it, but it’s interesting to find out why you dream about peeing. For such cases, dream books have been created; in them you can find all the necessary information.

Dream Interpretations

Urine itself, as a symbol, does not carry anything bad. But sometimes it can warn of impending trouble.

Miller's Dream Book

Miller urinating is a positive sign. What does it mean? this dream book, urinating in a vision - it’s time to cleanse your home of unnecessary things. Writing in a dream means that not only your home, but also your soul requires cleansing.

Only after you are completely freed from unnecessary things, and from unnecessary ones, as a rule, negative thoughts- your life will get better. You will open yourself up to positive change.

If you urinated in a dream

If in a dream you cannot pee at all, then according to Miller’s dream book, you cannot make a single decision on your own. You pay a lot of attention to the opinions of others. When you turn to them for help, you receive a lot of conflicting advice and become even more confused. Abstract yourself, sometimes you should only listen to your heart.

Writing in blood is a disease of a blood relative. Cloudy urine is a serious illness.

Vanga's Dream Book

The seer Vanga compared such a dream with reality. Urine removes harmful substances from the body. Animals mark their territory in this way. In her opinion:

  • urinating on the street - the desire to dominate, hidden inferiority complexes;
  • go for a small ride on a robot - a desire to move up the career ladder;
  • writing on another person is a desire to show him your superiority and humiliate him in reality.

Dream Interpretation of Sigmund Freud

In a dream, urination is accompanied by a feeling of bliss - soon you will get rid of all complexes.

Srannik's Dream Interpretation

Urine symbolizes evil, negative currents, misunderstanding of others, and troubles.


The place where the need is met is very important. For example, urinating on the floor in a dream means financial gain. Urinating in any container means you are in a rather unpleasant situation and are very scared.

When should you expect profit?

There are many places where you can relieve yourself:

  • I dreamed about urinating in the toilet, a dream about a romantic date.
  • Peeing in the toilet means moving up the career ladder.
  • Relieve yourself in the toilet - get rid of accumulated negativity.
  • Wetting yourself in bed means you are tormented by a feeling of guilt.
  • Doing it outside is in your inner world imbalance.
  • Seeing urination in water means the black streak will end soon.
  • If you relieve yourself not in the toilet, but in the wrong place, on the sly, you can commit a bad act that will have irreparable consequences. To pee in the toilet - everything will be fine, especially when it comes to love.
  • When you relieve yourself, you end up not in the toilet, but on the floor - make the wrong decision.


Spilling a huge amount of urine on the floor promises the same amount positive emotions. Urinating on your feet in a dream means an exciting journey.

Walking on little blood - bad sign. If you urinate blood on the floor, this moment you have exhausted your strength. It’s worth taking a break for at least a couple of days.

Seeing urine with blood is always a warning; all your actions have certain consequences.

I dreamed that you were drinking urine - in reality you are not doing necessary things to do. No matter how much effort you spend, there will be no result.

Alien urine

Seeing someone else's urine in a dream leads to problems in life. If it is animal liquid, then you can use two completely different interpretations. Some dream books claim that such visions portend wealth, while others, in turn, insist that a dream leads to illness.

Seeing how a child described you means that in reality you will be shocked by something.


Urine in a dream is quite good sign. If the process did not cause you any inconvenience, you defecated in the toilet, or at least on the floor in the toilet, then everything will be fine. If the interpretation of your dream is not the best, draw conclusions. Dreams are given specifically to equip you.

Why do you dream that you urinate in your sleep? After reading the dream book, we will learn about this.

Seeing urine and urinating in a dream is a sign with a positive connotation. It's good if you did it in the right place. In some cases, this may indicate adverse events in the near future or serious changes in the body. Getting rid of excess liquid in the body speaks of the release of aggressive energy that has accumulated in you. Urinating in a dream can symbolize the beginning of a new period personal growth dreamer You can find out the exact explanation in the dream book, remembering all the details of the vision.

Explanation by psychologist A. Meneghetti

Urinating in a dream can mean the dreamer's resentment, detachment from violent eroticism.

Gypsy dream book

  • Urinating on a stranger promises a quarrel with him.
  • Being splashed with urine portends healing for a sick person, and illness for a normal person.

Explanation of Prince Zhou Gong

For a man to do this on his own feet promises well-being in all matters.

Psychotherapeutic dream book

This means a desire to mark territory. The dreamer's anxious state encourages him to do this more often. Therefore, children with the appearance of a younger brother or sister are even likely to exhibit enuresis, in order to attract more lost attention from the mother.

Dream Book of the Wanderer (T. Smirnova)

  • Urine is a sign of loss of contact with other people and the dreamer has an evil streak. This may portend unpleasant events.
  • Urinating in a dream means liberation from bad thoughts and anger. Perhaps this cleansing foreshadows the dreamer's transition to more high level spiritual and material well-being. There are great opportunities ahead.

Dream book of psychologist G. Miller

  • A dream with such a plot is a sign with a positive connotation.
  • It's time to get rid of everything unnecessary in the house. The soul also requires cleansing.
  • Even if you wanted to, you couldn’t do this in a dream - in reality you cannot make a single serious decision on your own. You need to stop listening to outside advice and trust your intuition more.
  • Urination was with blood - to the illness of a relative, cloudy urine - to a serious illness of the dreamer.

Vanga's opinion

  • If the dreamer relieves himself in public, this is a sign of getting rid of his complexes and rising in front of the people around him.
  • Doing this at work is a desire to rise through the ranks.
  • Urinating on another person is a desire to show him your exclusivity and insult him in reality.

The view of psychologist S. Freud

During this, you felt a sense of pleasure - in the near future you will be free from all doubts and suspiciousness when communicating with other people.

Interpretation of the sorceress Medea

Urinating in a dream means the fulfillment of small desires and getting rid of minor troubles.

Dream Interpretation of Dmitry and Nadezhda Zima

  • Wetting yourself in a dream means you won’t be able to solve the existing problem right away. You need to take a short break and prepare well for this.
  • Seeing other people pee is a sign of obstacles on the way to your plans. The people you count on will let you down.

Dream Interpretation from A to Z

  • Urinating in order to collect urine for analysis promises a slight deterioration in health. Recovery will be quick.
  • For a woman to see a man busy with this matter is a harbinger of a quarrel with her husband.
  • To urinate yourself is a sign of gossip and envy. Be careful with your girlfriends.
  • Smelling urine in a dream means meeting vile people. You can expect serious trouble from them.
  • You were holding a baby in your arms and he wet you - an accident with your friend will shock you.

General dream book

A dream with such a scenario predicts trouble.

Chinese dream book

  • While urinating, getting your clothes wet promises wealth.
  • Urinary incontinence in a dream means losses and loss of wealth.

Where you did it matters

  • Urinating on the floor means financial stability.
  • Relieving yourself in some container means you are scared in reality of some unpleasant situation.
  • Doing this in the toilet means a romantic evening with a beautiful lady.
  • Peeing on the street speaks of mental discord.
  • Urination occurred in water - to the beginning of a successful life stage.
  • Urinating in the wrong place and stealthily foreshadows a bad deed, which will have dire consequences.
  • Peeing in the toilet means moving up the career ladder. At the same time, they did not hit it, and everything ended up on the floor - to making a false decision.

Urination was accompanied by pain

  • This may foreshadow new position At work.
  • This dream scenario promises obstacles on the way to the goal, the absence of like-minded people.
  • This may be a warning about a disease of the body's genitourinary system. An urgent consultation with a urologist is necessary.

Urinating in front of other people

  • Doing this in the workplace symbolizes the desire to get the highest position, Better conditions labor.
  • It was at home - speaks of the dreamer’s intention to use someone else’s property. This could actually lead to serious problems and failures.

What does it mean to wet yourself in a dream?

  • TO strong desire do it immediately in reality.
  • With neurotic incontinence, a dream with a similar plot can be repeated often.
  • Peeing in bed in a dream is a sign of worries and feelings of guilt. IN real life the dreamer needs to understand his internal problems.
  • This may indicate a tired body that needs rest. You simply need a vacation.

Interpretation from other sources

  1. Urinating on the floor portends good mood. Doing this on your own feet means an interesting trip.
  2. Drinking urine after urinating means in reality you are busy with unpromising things. All your efforts will be in vain.
  3. Urinating in a diaper in a dream symbolizes that the dreamer has a faithful patron.
  4. Doing this during intimacy means searching for new sensations.
  5. Going into the toilet with the goal of peeing and seeing several people there who are already doing it is a sign of a showdown.
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Writing in a dream is interpreted by most dream books as an unfavorable sign, warning the sleeping person about danger and various diseases. To correctly understand why you dreamed about it, you should carefully analyze the plot and remember the details: the environment, the color of urine, emotional coloring and other details of the dream. Urinating in public promises public shame and trouble with household members.

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    Peeing in a dream: interpretation of urination

    Why do you dream of writing (urinating) in a dream:

    • Dream book Meneghetti. Peeing in a potty means feeling guilty for a dishonest act or ashamed of your shortcomings. Sitting on the toilet for a long time means a sharp deterioration in your health. Urinating in public means finding yourself in an awkward situation and embarrassing yourself in front of all your loved ones.
    • Gypsy interpreter. If you dreamed that the dreamer peed in his bed, it means a serious and long-term illness. Seeing urine with blood is a sign of a serious illness that will have irreversible consequences. A large amount of urine means causeless aggression and impulsive actions, for which you will have to pay later.
    • Freud's predictor. To experience relief after going to the toilet is to free yourself from your own complexes and other people’s prejudices. Peeing on the street and being afraid that someone will see the dreamer in this position is an internal anxiety and emotional stress of the sleeping person.
    • Interpreter of Vanga. Urinating on the ground on the street means the dreamer has an inferiority complex. Writing at work is a passionate desire career growth, but remain in the same place for many years. To describe another person is to humiliate your loved ones. Feeling unbearable pain when urinating means a hidden illness or exacerbation of chronic diseases.
    • Dream book of Smirnov. Peeing on the floor means financial losses. Wetting in bed is a sign of poor health for a sleeping person. Peeing on the potty means the dreamer is suffering from remorse. Urinating in water - the unfavorable period will soon end and a happy time will come. To relieve yourself in front of strangers in the wrong place is to commit a serious crime or commit a mortal sin on your soul. Peeing in the toilet but seeing a puddle on the floor means the dreamer will make the wrong decision or act dishonestly towards people from his close circle.
    • Eastern dream book. Seeing someone relieve themselves means following their lead own desires and disregard public opinion. If a person dreams that he is urinating in the toilet, the dreamer thus gets rid of accumulated negative energy.
    • Muslim interpreter. A large amount of light-colored urine means well-being. Dark with blood - to inevitable illnesses or imminent death.
    • Modern predictor. Peeing on a potty - fate has prepared difficult trials and many obstacles on the way to your intended goals. Peeing on the ground means unforeseen circumstances that will disrupt the usual routine of a sleeping person. Painful urination is a problem in all areas of life. Feeling relief after urinating in the toilet means getting rid of the burden of previous problems and worries.

Taking a urine test in a dream foreshadows a slight illness that will go away on its own.

To be treated in a dream using the method of urine therapy with one’s own urine portends good health and longevity.

Seeing a man urinating in a dream means a quarrel with your husband.

To urinate yourself means that envious people and gossipers will throw mud at you.

To experience distress in a dream because your over-aged child is urinating on himself in a dream means that in reality you will receive a reprimand from your superiors and public reprimand.

If in a dream the baby you are holding suddenly splashes you with its urine, you will experience a strong shock about the tragic incident with your friends.

Smelling urine in a dream means that you will find yourself in a society of people for whom meanness is the norm of behavior.

Interpretation of dreams from the Dream Interpretation alphabetically

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Dream Interpretation - Urinating

Urinating somewhere secretly in a dream means that in life you will do a bad thing and do not want anyone to know about it. After such a dream, you should be careful not to do anything stupid that will complicate your relationships with loved ones and work colleagues.

Peeing in front of your eyes large quantity people are a bad dream. He points out to you that you should not neglect the conventions accepted in society, otherwise it will turn away from you. Perhaps after such a dream you will have to change your place of residence or work. Sometimes such a dream predicts that you may become an exile and seek happiness on a foreign side.

Urinating on someone in a dream is a sign of a quarrel with that person. After such a dream you should avoid conflict situations. See interpretation: latrine.

Interpretation of dreams from

The rich Russian language often surprises with its originality. This is especially true for words that are spelled the same but have completely different meanings.

For example, the word “write”. But regardless of which syllable the stress falls on, the interpretation of such a dream will help you find out the dream book. Writing in a dream - what does it mean?

I dream that you are writing

If in a dream you saw yourself writing, this means that you are not very comfortable in your soul. You put your real experiences on paper because you cannot really tell anyone about them.

But this is only a general explanation for such night dreams. A specific interpretation can only be obtained when you remember what you wrote and what the situation was in the dream.

1. Letter in an envelope...

Writing a letter means in vain to condemn the person who is the addressee in the dream.

Perhaps you heard gossip about him, and your attitude towards this person changed dramatically. The Dream Interpretation recommends not making hasty conclusions, but calmly understanding the current situation.

  • Starting a letter and not finishing it means you need to concentrate.
  • Writing on colored paper means finding out stunning news.
  • A short letter - you are too harsh with your loved ones.
  • Long letter - you need to speak out.
  • Write to yourself - you lack determination.

The need to make a responsible decision is what you dream about writing a letter, and then tearing it up and throwing it on the floor. The dream book advises not to hesitate, gather your thoughts and begin to act. When you get rid of the problem that oppresses you, your life will change for the better.

2. Composing

Writing an essay in a notebook means trying to realize your plans and dreams.

If the essay was completed in a dream, then success awaits you in life. But starting and abandoning your creation means stopping halfway to the goal.

  • Writing an essay at school means talking with old friends.
  • Doing this at home alone means you can achieve what you want.
  • An essay on a boring topic is a waste of effort.

If you write an essay for an exam, then an important interview or a responsible task awaits you. The result of your work depends on what you had to write on in your dream.

If you created in a notebook, then you will be appreciated for your prudence and consistency of thoughts. And writing on white paper means trying, but getting a low grade.

Dreaming that you are urinating

Now let’s look at the question of why you dream about writing, that is, urinating. Often such dreams come to those who want to get rid of stress and worries. Other nuances of interpretation can be found out if you remember the details of your dream.

1. Where did you urinate?

Urinating in the toilet means that you care about your comfort, but at the moment you have no opportunity to improve it. The dream book recommends not to rush things and gradually arrange your life. Try to distract yourself from your obsessive thoughts and do other things.

  • Peeing on the floor in the toilet is a rash decision.
  • Urinating on the street means public speaking.
  • Wetting in bed means experiencing sexual hunger.

If in a dream you urinated at your workplace, then you need to think about rest. IN Lately work takes away from you not only physical, but also moral strength.

Take a vacation, even just a few days, and do what you love. And urinating on the floor at work means an irresponsible approach to the performance of one’s official duties.

2. Blood in urine

Why do you dream of writing in blood? Urinating blood is a clear sign that you are worried about your health or the condition of your loved ones.

If there is a reason for this, take immediate action. Otherwise, take care of prevention - you need to start taking vitamins, also do not overuse bad habits, eat right, etc.

  • A dream where you had to pee on the floor means illness.
  • Wetting the bed means problems in your intimate life.
  • Seeing blood in the toilet is a sign of troubles in everyday life.

If in a dream you wrote in blood public place, then expect the condemnation of others. Do not immediately perceive these comments as an insult. Reconsider your actions, perhaps you really are doing the wrong thing. And if you wet yourself on the floor in front of everyone, then intrigues are being built against you.

To begin to correctly interpret your dreams, you need to take into account every little detail. Therefore, before you begin to explain the dream, remember it in detail. Author: Vera Drobnaya