Friends! On our festive evening you came to visit us again. We are very happy about this meeting and tried our best!
- Today we have a very busy program. We must have time to congratulate both the boys on Defender of the Fatherland Day and the girls on International Women’s Day. Let's start in order.
- We live in a time of rapid change. Our holidays change with us. Some disappear, others appear, and there are holidays that seem to change into new clothes. One of these holidays is February 23 - Defender of the Fatherland Day.
- The name of the holiday, which we celebrate on February 23, has changed three times, but the essence remains. On this day, we congratulate everyone who served in the army, fought on different fronts, and with them all the boys, young men and men as our potential defenders.
This holiday has gone beyond borders, It is not just a holiday for soldiers, It is not only for people in uniform, Who are in the service of the Motherland. We can rightfully call this holiday a man's holiday. In honor of men today, congratulations will be heard from the bottom of my heart. Happy holiday!
- Dear Guys! The long-awaited holiday has arrived. Today our boys will show how dexterous, strong, polite, smart they are, in general, what real knights they are. So, I consider the knightly tournament dedicated to Defender of the Fatherland Day open! FANFARE.
- Now the boys will be divided into two teams. To do this, you need to draw a ticket with number 1 or 2. (Teams can come up with a name for themselves). The girls will also not be bored at our holiday, so they will also have to split up. Girls should actively help their teams and participate in competitions for fans.
- And now WARM UP.
Question to the first team: Who was called a knight in the past? And what were the knights supposed to be able to do?
(In the Middle Ages, knights were called brave, brave warriors who wore heavy armor: armor, helmets, were armed with a spear and sword. To become a knight, you had to undergo special training. At the age of seven, the boy was sent to study with experienced warriors, who taught them to ride a horse, shoot a bow, throw a spear, and wield a sword. The boy was taught to be polite, to help each other out in trouble, to stand up for the weak and offended, to treat a woman nobly and sublimely).
Question to the second team: What kind of person do we call a knight these days?
(A knight is a person who is ready for heroic deeds and self-sacrifice in the name of another person, polite, able to hold given word capable of standing up for the weak. He is ready to fearlessly rush to the aid of a person in trouble, and will not cower in the face of the onslaught of a bully. Treats elders, women and girls nobly and sublimely).
- Well done, you did the warm-up successfully. From all of the above, we can conclude that a real knight, in order to stand up for the weak, must have the following qualities: be smart, strong, accurate, attentive, polite.
- THE FIRST TASK is for quick wits.
Ancient people took riddles very seriously. As the young man grew up, he was recognized as a mature male warrior only after he had successfully solved several riddles given to him. And in fairy tales, proud queens even married wise poor people who managed to solve them
puzzles. The quiz will not be easy; the boys will be asked to answer “women’s” questions. Girls do not give hints, and boys, if they know the answer, must raise their hand; answers from the spot are not accepted. Whoever answers correctly will receive a token. Your task is to collect as many tokens as possible.
Quiz “Tasty Questions”:
1. Fruits boiled in water. (Compote)
2. Oriental food made from rice and meat. (Pilaf)
3. Big cake. (Cake)
4. Bear's favorite berry (Raspberry)
5. A bakery product that you can steer. (Baranka)
6. Soft-boiled potatoes. (Puree)
7. Paradise fruit. (Apple)
8. A bird caught in soup for its thoughts. (Turkey)
9. The fooled kitchen worker. (Cook)
10. White-sided magpie's signature dish. (Porridge)
11. The food that the cranes fed the fox. (Okroshka)
12. Overseas food from the film “Ivan Vasilyevich changes his profession.” (Eggplant caviar)
13. A dish made from milk and eggs. (Omelette)
14. Bread with different layers on top. (Sandwich)
15. Ukrainians’ favorite vegetable dish. (Borsch)
16. Boiled dough with meat. (Dumplings)
17. The art of cooking. (Cooking)
18. Sauce from vegetable oil, egg yolk and various seasonings. (Mayonnaise)
19. Favorite holiday salad from eggs, sausage and vegetables (Olivier)
20. Meat cooked on fire. (Shashlik)
The winner of the quiz receives the “Best Expert” medal.
- And now it’s a competition in politeness.
In the everyday life of a polite, well-mannered person there are always words that we call “magic”. With the help of such words, you can even return to a sad and offended person good mood. GAME "COMPLIMENT"
The teams stand opposite each other. One by one, you need to compliment the girls in your class. Do not repeat compliments. If a team member thinks for more than 5 seconds, then the team is considered a loser.
- The next test is this: you, dear knights, will have to complete a dexterity task, and also show how well you can act as a team. GAME "SNAKE"
5-6 pins are installed along the line of movement. Team members line up in a column one after another, put their hands on the shoulders of those in front and squat together. Team task
- overcome the distance while avoiding all obstacles and without standing up to your full height.
“Our boys went through many tests: in terms of intelligence, politeness, and dexterity; in order to show themselves in all their glory, every warrior must be able to move beautifully. During military parades, their participants line up in a certain order and march beautifully, amicably, “in step.” We invite our boys to try themselves as a participant in a military parade. TEAM COMPETITION “MILITARY PARADE”.
To the sounds of marching, teams of boys take turns marching one after another several circles around the hall.
- Our boys passed all the tests with dignity. I think they can now be called knights. And now the boys will take an oath. I'll ask all the boys to stand up, put down right hand on the heart and repeat after me the knight’s oath:
“We swear to be knights (repeat) and to achieve knighthood in the struggle. (repeat) Down with both armor and visor! (repeat) We are knights of good (repeat), and this is our glory! (repeat) - This concludes the festive part dedicated to February 23, and the next song is dedicated to the girls. DANCE “The girls are standing”
Today is a holiday, today is a holiday!
Holiday of grandmothers and mothers! This is the best holiday
He comes to us in the spring.

This is a holiday of obedience, Congratulations and flowers, Diligence, adoration. A holiday of the best words.
Today is the holiday of adult women, But who will object that we will also congratulate our girls today.
You are our faithful girlfriends, And no matter how many years have passed, Your desk neighbor, classmate, will send you greetings on this day.
- THE FIRST TASK for girls will also be about intelligence. But the questions will be “male”, dedicated to technology and tools. This time the boys do not give hints, and the girls, if they know the answer, must raise their hand; answers from the spot are not accepted. Whoever answers correctly will receive a token. Your task is to collect as many tokens as possible.

1.From a long time ago and still hits the head of a nail... (not an ax, but a hammer)
2.To screw in the screw, brother, you take it. (not a hammer, but a screwdriver)
3. I paint a picture with watercolors,
And dad is sawing a tree trunk at the dacha. (not with a drill, but with a saw)
4. The writer writes a book with a pen,
The painter is painting our fence. (not with an ax, but with a brush)
5. We fell in love with air transport:
The birds are the fastest. (not cars, but planes)
6. There is no gray dust in the sea:
They don't create dust. (not cars, but ships)
7. With a sharp nose he cuts the ice in the ocean. (not a plane, but an icebreaker)
8. I’m too lazy to go to my floor,
It will take me there. (not a deer, but an elevator)
9. Harvesting grain from the fields
Five huge ones. (not ships, but combines)

10. Everyone goes to work in the morning
We are transported (not by tractors, but by buses, trolleybuses). The winner receives the medal “Leading Specialist for Men.”

Words are made up of letters. Very often, from the letters that make up one word, many other words can be assembled. GAME “HIDDEN WORDS”. 2 teams of 6 people play.
We bring to your attention the spring word “SNOWDROP”. You must run up one by one, come up with another word from the letters included in the word “SNOWDROP”, write it down legibly and return to your team. The letter E in such tasks can also be used as E. When the music ends, representatives from each team take the resulting words and read them in turn. If the word is spoken by your opponent, then you no longer say it. The team that says the last word wins.
- Woman is a guardian hearth and home, and the most important place in any home is the kitchen. And the more delicious and varied the housewife cooks, the more often family and friends get together. The next competition is called “TASTY ALPHABET”. Letters of the Russian alphabet are prepared on the table for each team. Your task is to run up one by one, choose any letter and write next to it the name of the dish starting with that letter. For example, I chose the letter C and wrote the word SOUP next to it. We do not use letters that are already taken a second time.
- Woman in modern world must be able to do everything. Therefore, in the next competition the girls will have to perform “ men's work" - hammer in nails.
Competition "THE NAIL". Nails according to the number of participants are embedded in a wooden block. The participants in the game run up one at a time and hammer one nail in to the end.
- At any holiday, guests are offered refreshments and, undoubtedly, decoration of any festive table is a cake. Now we invite you all, both girls and boys, to decorate the cake.
You all study in the same class, which means you are classmates. And classmates are not just students who sit in the same room. Classmates are a team. And the most important thing in a team is friendship, mutual understanding, cohesion.
- Now we’ll check how much you have already become friends. This challenge requires 2 teams in pairs. Each couple hugs each other so that the right hand of one and left hand another. And in this position, you need to complete the following task: run up, choose a color, trace the part according to the template, cut it out and paste it, but don’t forget - each of the pair can only use one hand.
- Our holiday has come to an end.
A festive date, the calendar is lit with fire... We cordially congratulate you on February 23,
Happy International Women's Day! We wish good health, success, joy everywhere Personal happiness, of course, friendship, peace on earth!

2. Place of work – MBOU Secondary School No. 5 in Buinsk, Republic of Tatarstan

Progress of the event:

Today is a solemn day

Day of Courage and Beauty

Throughout the whole earth he gives us

Your smiles and flowers

Let boredom and laziness go away

Let every day

Yours will be clear

Be healthy and beautiful

We are happy to congratulate all mothers

And we give this song to you

On a sunny, wonderful holiday

Let the songs sound today

Let all sorrows go away

We've been waiting for you today

Dear fathers, mothers, grandmothers and aunts,- It’s good that at this hour- You are not at work, not at work,- In this room, look at us!- We love you very, very, very much,- Very, endlessly - this is not a secret;- However, to put it briefly:- You were not and are not more beloved!

Good evening, ladies, gentlemen!

We are always glad to welcome you!

We're tonight
We won't let you be sad.
And congratulations on the holiday
We want you now.

For girls every year

The holiday is celebrated

For guys it's the other way around

There are no such days.

What are you saying?

You're wrong, my friend.

Defender's Day everyone is together

Celebrating all around.

The holiday is celebrated.

Congratulations to all men

Everyone knows about it

We congratulate the boys

And we wish them health,

To grow big

They were excellent students.

To our pugnacious half

We send our congratulations.

There are reasons for congratulations -

Hurray for the defenders of the country!

Today all mothers and girls know,

That they congratulate dads and boys,

After all, the February holiday is always for men.

There are many reasons for this celebration.

Defenders helmet congratulations,

Let them become our pride.

We wish men strength in everything,

After all, they need to protect their home from all troubles.


To raise brave, reliable fighters,

We set our boys as examples of their fathers.

Of course, we are all crazy about dads,

We want to tell you simple words.

All children:

Dear dads! You are our best...


Which ones? You will hear from your children today.

My dad is handsome

And strong as an elephant.

He is loving, attentive and affectionate.

I look forward to

Dad from work.

Always in my briefcase

He brings something.

My dad is resourceful

Smart and brave.

He can handle even difficult things.

He's also a naughty guy

A mischief maker and a prankster.

With him every day

It turns into a holiday.

My dad is funny

But strict and honest.

And it's fun to play.

And it's boring without dad


Nobody knows how

Laugh so loud.

My dad is a wizard

He's the nicest.

He instantly turns

Whatever you ask.

He can become a clown

Tiger, giraffe.

But best of all

He knows how to be a dad.

I'll hug him

And I’ll whisper quietly: -

My daddy, I love you

I love you so much!

You are the most caring

The most native,

You are kind, you are the best

And you are only mine!

We congratulate all men

Happy Men's Day!

Rich pictures of life!

Roads of happy, difficult, long

We want to wish you all.

Defender of the Fatherland Day also concerns us
After all, how many glorious knights are at the festival now.
All valiant warriors, beautiful and smart
We wish them happiness and health from the bottom of our hearts.

We want to wish you so much
You can't count everything.
The greatest happiness,
What is there in the world?
And may joy never leave you,
And success accompanies all your deeds!

On a wonderful men's holiday,

On the day of strength and glory of the country,

We wish you great happiness,

Health and love!

And we wish you a clear path,

May there always be luck!

Today we congratulate all dads,

After all, the country is proud of you

Well, friends, you are depressed,
Are you tired of our speeches?
Then it's time for us to call it a day.
It's time to have some fun


Everyone loves dad dearly

And without daddy he’s sad,

How girls love daddy

Their ditty says.

1. Better man than dad

You can’t find it in the whole world!

He can hammer nails

And rinse the laundry.

2. I love daddy

Like sweet candy,

I won't replace him with anyone,

Even chocolate.

3. And my dad is just great!

Soon he will buy a Kamaz,

He will give me a ride

Get straight A's in school.

4. If dad is sad,

And I look sad.

Well, what if he smiles?

The heart will beat joyfully.

5. And my dad is smarter than everyone else

And my dad is stronger than everyone,

Knows how much 5+5.

Can lift the barbell.

6. And my dad is the kindest of all

Loves all my friends

He will cook semolina porridge for us,

It won't force you to wash the dishes.

7. Dear daddies,

Our beauties,

We sincerely congratulate you,

We wish you all the best.


To remain like this,

Never changed

So that you all love children

And they were always praised for everything,

We hasten to give you

The most interesting thread

on which here for you

Everyone brought something.

Children give their dads their crafts, fastened with a long thread.


And the boys on THIS day

Congratulations are not at all lazy.

Even though they are not babies,

But such naughty girls

Mischievous tomboys,

As in childhood, their fathers.

They all look like dads

At least they are much younger.

So they will grow up

Standing up to defend the country.

To accumulate strength for them,

We must give gifts.

We give everyone a carrot,

So that you jump deftly,

They ran like bunnies.

Help yourself, boys!

They treat all the boys with carrots cut into pieces .

Here's an orange for you all,

So that one stands for everyone,

Well, all for one,

So as not to be afraid of anyone!

They treat you to an orange.

To be friends with girls,

Protect them and love them,

Eat some marmalade,

Everything will be fine with you.

They treat everyone to marmalade.


Dads all want a son.

Well, what if a daughter is born?

About this incident without beautiful

Girls will tell the story.


Bonjour, madame, bonjour, monsieur.

Glad to see you in all your glory,

And on this bright spring day

To you women, my respects!

My respect, gentlemen, it was not in vain that I called you here.

Today is a holiday of beauty

What kind of women came here?

Our role is to entertain them.

Hurray, long live the king!

Bonjour madame, bonjour monsieur

I was glad to see you in all your glory.

1st student. – Our dear mothers! We declare without embellishment - Honest, sincere and direct We love you very, very much.2nd student. – Our mothers are our joy, There are no words for us that are dearer, So please accept my gratitude You are from loving children.

March 8 is a special day,
Girls' favorite holiday.
He is the most gentle, the kindest.
Well, who can tell him he’s not happy?

Teachers, girlfriends, mothers
We congratulate you together.
Health and joy to all of you
We sincerely wish!

Student 1:Happy spring holiday

In this bright hour,

Dear mothers,


Student 2:Spring is walking through the yards

In the rays of warmth and light.

Today is the holiday of our mothers,

And we are pleased with this.

Student 3:This holiday of obedience,

Congratulations and flowers.

Diligence, adoration,

A holiday of the best words.

Student 4:Drops of sunlight

We are bringing it into the house today,

We give to grandmothers and mothers

In chorus:Happy Women's Day.

Student 5: On a dark night it is light for me,

On a frosty day I feel warm,

If mom is nearby,

He looks with a gentle gaze.

Student 6: The sun is brighter for me - mom!

Student 7: Peace and happiness for me - mom!

Student 8: The noise of the branches, the flowers of the fields - mother!

Student 9:The call of the flying cranes is mother!

Student 10: The spring has clean water - mother!

Teacher:Dear mothers, please accept this speech as a gift from us.

I'm looking at you girls

How beautiful they are, the calls,

Radiant eyes.

Everything in them glows in spring,

Reflecting the skies

This wondrous time

You have a special beauty!

Stay the same

Keeping the light for a long time.

Be happy, loved,

No matter how old you are!

Everyone is in a hurry today

Celebrate the spring holiday!

Just don't forget

Congratulations to the grandmothers!

Very much my grandmother -

I love my mother.

She has a lot of wrinkles

And on the forehead there is a gray strand.

I just want to touch it,

And then kiss.

Mom has a job

Dad has work.

They have Saturday left for me.

And grandma is always at home.

She never scolds me!

He’ll sit you down and feed you: “Don’t rush.

Well, tell me what happened there!”

I speak, but grandma doesn’t interrupt,

He sits grain by grain, sorting through the buckwheat...

We feel good like this, together.

And a house without a grandmother is not a home.

Our grandfather is very businesslike:
He walks around the house, forgetting about peace.
He helps his grandmother all day,
He is not at all lazy to do this.
Then he constantly loses points,
Either he will break something, or he will break something,
Always in a hurry, but tired of work,
He sits down with the newspaper and is already snoring.

Now, if I'm a grandmother,
I swear I'll never forget
What about a granddaughter, or maybe a grandson?
Give every day for lunch:
I'll pour it into my right hand,
I'll pour it into my left hand,
And I’ll just pour it on the dish,
A mountain of colorful candies!
Now, if I'm a grandmother,
I swear I'll never forget
What about a granddaughter, or maybe a grandson?
You shouldn't scold for bad marks.
Just to relieve boredom,
I'll send it to a cheerful friend
And I'll let you watch TV,
I'll let you go for a longer walk.
But grandma obviously forgot
That I loved candy as a child.
And, apparently, only A's
She wore it from school.
And her friend didn’t come to her,
And I didn’t whisper in her ear,
That her friend, grandfather Kolya,
I waited for her at the window.

With grandfather and grandmother, three of us
We live very friendly!
We go for walks together,
Together we go to bed,
We wash the dishes together -
True true! I will not lie!
We don't like to be sad
We can sing and dance -
And they will clap for me,
Well, I’ll spin and stomp!
I try not to be capricious,
I don’t shed tears, but I smile -
After all, we are great friends,
Because we are FAMILY!

Grandmother, beloved, dear,

Sunshine, chamomile, cornflower.

I don’t know what I should wish for you.

On this wonderful day!

I wish you joy and happiness,

Peace and good luck for your lifetime,

So that the heart doesn't break into pieces,

My dear, my dear man!

I'm grandma's ponytail

But here's the problem -

Nobody will tell me:

What does this all mean?

What everyone is talking about

I just don't understand

I'm just picking up grandma

I go everywhere:

I'm going to the kitchen

I'm going into the corridor

And with grandma

I'm going into the yard.

And after her

I'm going to the garden

Where with grandma is ripe

I'll pick the grapes.

The cat has a tail

And the camel has it.

But am I a ponytail?

Tell me people?
-I know one grandmother, The one who, while walking in the morning, “Senkyu, please, how do you do!” Repeats on the go.Maybe grandma is a tourist? But why then alone? Maybe it's English And is she visiting Moscow? Or maybe this lady Directly from Los Angeles?No and no - you guessed wrong! This lady is Baba Valya! And she lives wa-o-o-he there, Walks in the park in the morning, He goes shopping with a bag, Washing, cooking and baking, Well, for those who are sad, He will find a good word.But why did she then insists English words: “Senkyu”, “ha udu yu do” and “please”, And also “goodbye” and “miss”?Just she's a grandmother, And all the granddaughters - not just one! – Lesya, Innochka and Olya - They study at an English school. Grandma is with them Repeats all lessons Arithmetic and Russian And he studies English.Very little remains She needs a few minutes to rest, Rarely watches TV - The series will wait!Doesn't waste time - She needs know English, After all, it will be necessary very soon And study French.Yes, it's not easy being a grandma Educated children But, of course, more interesting And much more fun!

Teacher. – Yes, it’s not easy being a grandmother and mother.

Leading. – And now our boys will perform the “Candy” skit.

1st boy. - I carried a bag of sweets to school,

And then my neighbor comes towards me!

2nd boy. - ABOUT! Hello! What are you talking about?

1st boy. - A bag of sweets!

2nd boy. - How about some sweets?

1st boy. - So sweets.

2nd boy. - And the compote?

1st boy. - There is no compote.

2nd boy. - There is no compote, and there is no need...

Are they made of chocolate?

1st boy. - Yes, they are made of chocolate.

2nd boy. - Okay, I'm very glad

I love chocolate.

Give me some candy!

1st boy. - For candy.

2nd boy. - And this one, and that one, and this one...

Beauty! Delicious!

And this one, and that one...

No more?

1st boy. - No more…

2nd boy. - Well hello.

1st boy. - Well hello.

2nd boy. - Well hello! How come no more?

1st boy. - Well, hello, hello,

Really, no!

So, girls, sorry...

No candy for you, don't wait.

Today all the sweets are for the ladies,

To our dear kind mothers.

Student 17.We wish our mothers
Never be discouraged
Be more and more beautiful every year
And scold us less.

Student 18.We wish you, dear ones,
Always be healthy!
May you live for a long, long time,
Never grew old!

Student 19.May adversity and sorrow
They'll pass you by
So that every day of the week
It was like a day off for you!

Student 20.We want it for no reason
Everyone gave you flowers,
Make men smile
Everything from your beauty!

Student 21.Let the sun shine for you,
Lilacs bloom only for you
And long may it last
The best Mom's day!

Our holiday is already over,
What else can we say?
Let me say goodbye -
I wish you all good health

Be cheerful and healthy.Give good light to everyone!Come visit againAnd live to be a hundred years old!

What else can I tell you?

Although no, no, wait -

All that remains is to wish:

Have a joyful and tender spring!

Happy days and pink dreams.

May March give you

Will give if it's snowy,

More feminine beauty!

Let the children not offend you,

Let the husbands from work meet you!

Health is nearby

And longevity awaits you!

Guys, come to your mothers,

Give them your gifts.

A scenario for a united holiday of congratulations to men and women for a small, fairly close-knit team.

Number of participants: 20 - 40 people

Duration: 4 - 5 hours

Scenario March 8 and February 23. Opening speech

Festive address from the presenter or director:“February 23! We celebrate this holiday not only as the day of the military, called upon to protect our Fatherland, but it just so happened among the people that on the eve Women's Day We congratulate all men! It doesn't matter whether they served in the army or not.

This holiday truly developed traditionally and, moreover, it was cherished by the female half of our country. Our girls, women so desire and hope to elevate men, to raise them to the highest pedestal, they want to feel the support, strength, courage and protection that they give, as well as respect and, of course, love!

Therefore, this holiday can be compared to the “white dance”, when ladies congratulate gentlemen. What to do, strength feminine nature lies not only in its weakness, but also in its stable consistency: “If I invented you, become what I want!” And indeed, a woman with all her heart, with every fiber of her soul, tries to lead a man through life along the path and to the store that she needs...

Happy holiday, dear men!

After this, the floor is given to the men. It is advisable that their congratulations not be too drawn out and formal. It’s best if you can answer with humor, for which you can give the floor to the most resourceful representative of the team. It is very desirable if in his congratulations he can say something about each girl in the team, give her a compliment and say a few special words.

Competitions for the united holiday "February 23 and March 8"

Before the start of the competition, you can announce that as a result one of the teams will receive the “Palm of Championship” and for the whole year it will determine who is in charge. Who will have the right to solve the world's problems and read the newspaper after work.

Competition "SPEECH SPEED"

Team representatives are called for the competition. They are asked to say as many words as possible in 30 seconds.

The team whose representative says the most words receives a bonus point.

For the competition, it is necessary to appoint several controllers who count the spoken words.

Competition "THROW RANGE"

One representative is called from each team. Their task is to throw as far as possible playing card. You can allow participants multiple attempts. In order not to confuse the thrown cards, you can invite one of the participants to throw red suits, and the other to throw black ones.

The team whose representative throws the card further (with several attempts, the best throw is counted) receives a bonus point.

Competition "BANK ACCOUNT"

Team representatives are called for the competition. It can be 1 person, but the competition will be more fun if there are 2-3 of them. Before each group of participants We put a glass jar with banknotes of different denominations. The participants' task is to calculate how much is in the bank without removing the banknote.

"Why is it good to be a woman"

Scenario March 8 and February 23 and reasoning "Why it's good to be a man"

After these games and competitions, you can congratulate everyone, give gifts and arrange dancing.

Room decoration on holiday

In addition to general decoration with flowers and balloons(it is better to order this from a specialized company), men and women prepare posters, “wall newspapers” with jokes and congratulations. You can use cool photos of your colleagues in them. At the same time, girls decorate one wall of the hall with their creativity, and men decorate the other. The design of the room for the event can be approached jointly - girls and men.

Posters for girls congratulations to men on February 23

Humorous poster idea:

What would happen if men actually became more important than women?

Posters for men congratulations to girls on March 8

Greeting poster idea for men.

About women's orders

The success of any corporate or friendly party depends 80 percent on its musical design, so first of all, when organizing a holiday, you need to take care of high-quality dance music and entertainment program. Lately are gaining particular popularity dance competitions and entertainment, and at corporate parties it is worth arranging a couple of such games for the heroes of the occasion.

We offer new original dance competitions for corporate events and that will fit perfectly into entertainment program holiday.

Dance competition on March 8 “Sunny round dance”

The ladies each come out with their gentleman, stand facing each other (boy - girl), form a circle and begin a “sunny” round dance. The presenter explains the rules of the game: “Everyone moves to the music, and let everyone’s hands be on the part of your neighbors’ body that is sung about in each of the songs. For example, if the song is about hands, then your left hand is on the hand of the neighbor on the left, and your right hand is on the hand of the neighbor on the right. At the same time, the round dance moves and dances. If the song is about ears, then, accordingly, we take on the ears of our closest neighbors, etc. Let's start!”

(Cuts from the songs Hands Up “Well, where are your hands, well, where are your hands”, Korolev “I’ll bite you in the ear”, Glyukoza “Walk Russia and cry Europe, and I have the most ...”, Disco Accident “Legs-Legs” .)


Dance competition for February 23 “Dance with shoulder straps”

“Dance with shoulder straps” can emphasize the theme of the holiday (as in the February 23 scenario “One Day in the Army”), and at the same time add variety to the dance block. The lure for this competition could be a promise to increase military rank or assign it to someone who did not serve. Each couple is given “epaulets” that need to be secured to the partner’s shoulders in any way: using elements of your clothing or parts of the body, you can do anything except hold them with your hands.

As a musical accompaniment, it is best to take a medley of several energetic dances. The couple's task is to dance artistically and not drop their shoulder straps. Now about the shoulder straps: they can be fabric or cardboard with painted or sewn stars, five times larger than real ones, so that they hang (fabric) or puff up (cardboard) on the shoulders of the dancers.

Those who drop their shoulder straps are eliminated from the competition, receiving a consolation prize and applause. Couples who hold their shoulder straps throughout the marathon receive new “titles” or comic medals.

Game moment for March 8 “Oriental love”

During the dance break, you can arrange a small prank for the men. Give the ladies monists and persuade them to dance a little, invite their partners to join them for a fiery dance, then take off the monists, put them on the men and go into the hall to admire their dance. The presenter explains that you cannot refuse, because you have to pay for your own frivolity, and why not give such a gift to women for the holiday (for several minutes the men dance to the warm support of the audience and fiery oriental music).

Dance entertainment “Round Dance of Greetings”

Previously, the presenter says that each country and each people has its own traditions and rituals of greetings and tells which ones (description below). Then he suggests trying to demonstrate them to each other, and suddenly they like it, and it will become a traditional corporate greeting.

The guests form two circles: the inner one (the guests move, dancing, clockwise) and the outer one (counterclockwise). When the music stops, the host names the country (prompts movements), and everyone standing opposite each other shares the appropriate greetings. The entertainment will especially benefit from choosing different national melodies.

Country and movements:

  • France - hugging
  • China - prayer movement of hands in front of the chest
  • Norway – strong handshakes
  • Chukotka - rubbing noses
  • Samoa - intense sniffing
  • Russia - kiss three times
  • Japan - low bows
  • New Guinea - playful eyebrow movements
  • Africa - patting his hands on his thighs and joyful grimaces on his face.

(Name of venue) - turn your back to each other and shake hands between your legs.

Dance battle for February 23

The dance battle is held in the form of a dance defile. First, the melody for the Squadron of Fortune is turned on (the first excerpt from the folder Squadron of Fortune plays), the guys, dancing, walk towards the second team, approach, turn around beautifully and, also dancing, go to their place. Then the first excerpt from the folder “Love Squad” is turned on and the members of this team perform their “defile” to their music. Then, in turn, the second, third, etc. are turned on. excerpts. And at the end there is a dance of friendship to common music.

Competition "Universal Dancer"

A well-known trick with chairs: when there are one fewer chairs than players, you can beat them by putting on a little show, Seven participants ( better than men) receive a scarf. The conditions of the competition are not only to have time to take a chair, but also to beat the scarf in a dance - for each melody in a different way: the presenter, in his own words, seems to suggest. At the end, you can establish a prize not only for the remaining player, but also an audience award for who danced the most artistically.

1.We are in the East. Hurry up and tie it
There is a scarf on your hips and you dance in circles.
(Scarf on hips).

2. In Russia they loved double-row accordions:
A scarf on your shoulders is your go to quadrille.
(Scarf on shoulders).

3. And in India it will hide the rays from the sun -
Throw on a sari and dance more merrily.
(Scarf on head).

4. To avoid ill health,
We need to dance the lady!
(Scarf in hand).

5. Legs really started dancing
Rock and roll is for you!
(Hold the scarf as you wish....)

6. So that love makes us dizzy -
It's time for us all to dance the Gypsy dance! (gypsy girl)

Dance competition for the corporate event “Exile from Paradise”

For this fun, props are prepared in advance - fig leaves made of cardboard (approximately A4 size), and it is good for a cheerful and relaxed company. Pairs are called for the game according to the number of prepared sets of leaves, each is given 4 pieces.

The premise is this: participants are invited to imagine themselves in the role of Adam and Eve - there is no need to undress, just use your imagination. The task of each couple is not to be “expelled from paradise”; for this, during the dance process they must avoid temptation for as long as possible and try not to drop their “fig leaves”, which cover all male and female “intimate” places. To do this, they press closer to each other, heal the leaves in the appropriate places: three for the lady and one for the gentleman, and dance to the music cheerfully, but carefully.

The couple who holds the prop the longest is awarded hearts with the names of Adam and Eve. And you are also given the right to do whatever you want, have fun and feel like you’re in heaven all evening.

Game on the dance floor “Magic cocktail”

This game can be played during pair dance, it can be done with the condition that the delayed couple is eliminated, or it can be done simply for the entertainment of the guests. When the presenter says the word “cognac”, the men take the ladies in their arms, after the word “vodka” the men kiss the ladies, after the word “wine” the ladies hug the gentlemen.

Early in the morning, early in the morning,

I'm going out for a drink.


I can’t decide yet.

Lemon goes with COGNAC...

Or a bottle of VODKA?

And candy goes with the WINE...

Still, there is no better VODKA!

There is a question in my head:

“Maybe someone brought VODKA?”

Tolyan had cognac,

He couldn't finish his drink.


It's ten degrees.


But WINE is also okay!

If I were d'Artagnan,

I would drink COGNAC by the glass.

If I were Don Juan,

I would drink WINE by the glass,

But in truth,

I'd rather drink VODKA!

(Evstigneeva M.V.)

Dance surprise for February 23 “Incendiary fashion show”

The ladies form a “lambada train” and, accompanied by a fiery melody, go out to the center of the hall, standing sideways to the men. The presenter explains that now, for the sake of the heroes of the occasion, a festive fashion show will be held, which for the ladies means: hands on the “fillet” and move to the music, dancing beautifully. If they hear the command “Oops” from the leader, then forward, if “Oops”, then they turn back. If “Ah” they dance facing the men, if “opa” they turn their backs to them, demonstrating their dignity. So the presenter constantly changes teams.

It will be fun if the ladies dance not so much beautifully as with the mood.

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More scenarios:

  • New Year at the Dream Factory - New Year's...


Please, dear guests! Please!

Have fun and joy!

We’ve been waiting for you for a long time, we won’t start the holiday without you.

We have invited you to a festival of games and fun for every taste!

People are gathering!

The holiday begins!

The beautiful maidens have gathered today

Yes, good fellows silushkoy

Let's measure our minds

Show off your prowess!

Leading. Hello, dear guys, dear guests, today we have gathered with you to congratulate you on the holiday that has already passed and has not yet come.

Why is this holiday celebrated on this day?

It was on this day in 1918 that the Red Army won its first victory over German troops near Narva and Pskov and stopped their advance on Petrograd.

By celebrating this holiday and being proud of it, we express our respect to the heroes of the country, the defenders of our homeland at all times.

Student 1

The winds blow in February, the chimneys howl loudly,
Light drifting snow rushes along the ground like a snake.
Rising, flights of planes rush into the distance.
This February celebrates the army's birth.

We gathered together today,
To celebrate the holiday of men.
Brave, smart, courageous and kind -
This is how you should be
Show everyone your knowledge,
Strength, agility, skill in fighting.
You dare, our men,
And be confident in yourself.

Student 1

We warmly congratulate you,

Happy Army and Navy Day,

Let there be joy in

What he remembers; someone honors and loves you.

Student 2

And let a smile flash.

And let spring sing in your soul,

Today is your holiday, boys!

Student 3

In all centuries, Russian men,

We won wars with our heroism,

Everyone - officers, grooms, pages,

They gave their lives for the honor of Russia.

Student 4

And the Russian spirit in you has not weakened,

We see in you heroes of the past, glorious,

You will accomplish many necessary things

For lovely women and for the whole country.

We associate this holiday with the arrival of spring, we accept it as a tribute of respect and admiration for a woman’s mother. The strong half of humanity bows to women on this day. All smiles and flowers belong to women, grandmothers, and girls on this day.

Student 1

Day of joy and beauty.

All over the earth he gives to women

Your smiles and flowers.

Student 2

Happy spring holiday!

With the first flowers in this bright hour!

Congratulations to mothers, grandmothers and girls!

We wish everyone happiness, joy, good luck!

Leading We continue our holiday. Today we have a holiday - a competition in which 3 brave, courageous knights are participating. This…. and 3 sweet, charming girls. This... Let's greet them with friendly applause, because today they will have a difficult fight for the right to wear honorary title“Defender of the Fatherland”, and someone can become Miss Charm.

So here we go. And the first competition is “Business Card”.

1. “Business card” (participants take turns introducing themselves)

Well, here we are. Now you and I know our participants better.

And we continue to compete. And now let’s check how accurate our knights are. And the competition is called "Dead Eye"

2. "Dead Eye"

Our knights were a little tired, it was the turn of the fair sex. They have a difficult job ahead of them. First, I will ask one question to our future soldiers.

Our soldier, he eats a lot

Salutes dinner.

So-okay, so-and-so difficult

Well, are you hungry?

But our girls will now show how deftly they can grate carrots.

3. “Grate carrots”

The girls did a great job and will be wonderful housewives.

Now we’ll see how our soldiers can eat the encryption hidden in a lemon without the enemy noticing. Everyone must eat a slice without wincing, all without salt or sugar, so that the enemy does not notice that you have eaten the code.

4. “Eat the encryption”

Well, now we’ve had a little refreshment, it’s time to show off our dexterity. In the next competition you will need helpers, whom you can choose from fans. (boys choose helpers)

Blindfolded, the boys must walk through a minefield (obstacles in the form of some objects placed on the floor. An assistant helps the participant through, directing his movements with words).

5. “Minefield”

Well done, and now it’s the turn of the charming princesses. In the kitchen, sometimes skill is also needed. Now we will check if you have it. Choose three assistants who will help you participate in the relay.

6. “Relay Race” (Carry peas in a spoon without dropping them)


What kind of scream? What's that noise?
Well, everyone came to their senses.
The air is bursting -
He invites everyone to the tournament.

Who sits with their nose in the air?
Let's ask him a question.
This won't answer
The great Archimedes himself.

7. “YES or NO” - for boys

I ask each question in turn, you answer “yes” or “no”,


1. Is a trench a dug hole? (Yes)

2. Is a compass a device for measuring time? (No)

3. Is a gymnast a shirt for gymnastics? (No)

4. Can tanks swim? (Yes)

6. Does the star have five rays? (Yes)

7. Does a soldier serve for 10 months? (No)

8. Do live grenades grow on trees? (No)

9. Are two boots a pair? (Yes)

10. Is a tank smaller than a gun? (No)

11. Is the parachute made of paper? (No)

12. Is an anchor an extra weight that is always thrown away? (No)

13. Are binoculars an object that helps you see the enemy? (Yes)

14. Is a sailor the same as a sailor? (Yes)

15. Is the lieutenant senior in rank to the general? (No)

16. “Katyusha” is Katya’s girl’s personal car? (No)

17. Do the sailors have airplanes on their shoulder straps? (No)

18. Does the compass show the direction? (Yes)

19. Is the magazine a place for cartridges? (Yes)

20. Is a cook a cook on a ship? (Yes)

21. Are there three letters “a” in the word “barracks”? (Yes)

Our beautiful halves will also show their intelligence.

8. “YES or NO” - for girls

When answering my questions, you are forbidden to say “Yes” and “No, and you cannot name the color.

1. Are potatoes a vegetable?

2. What is the sky like in winter?

3. Is the water wet?

4. Do adults like to play?

5. Are you a boy?

6. What kind of apples do you like?

7. Are your clothes transparent?

8. Is the snow black?

9. What kind of grass is there in summer?

10. Do crocodiles fly?

11. What kind of refrigerator?

12. What are my eyes like?

13. Do fish live on land?

14. Is this desk made of wood?

15. Do you like to sleep?

16. Are you sitting at a desk with a girl?

17. Do snakes crawl?

18. Do you consider yourself a beautiful girl?

19. You consider yourself a smart girl

20. Do you help your mother with the housework?

21. What kind of hat does your mother wear?

Well, the questions turned out to be not so simple for our beauties, but they still managed to do it. Well done.

And now it’s time to sum up the results of our competition.

The results have been summed up, and I once again congratulate you all on the holiday

And I wish with all my heart

On this spring day

Only great joy,

Good luck and luck


Rus' is famous for delicious tea

We invite everyone to tea

We have a noble treat:

Honey gingerbread, sweets,

Candy cockerels,

Printed gingerbread cookies,

So elegant

We greet you with bread and salt

We bring the samovar to the table

We invite you all to visit!