Maslenitsa is traditionally celebrated outdoors. We offer you a scenario for such an event. You don’t have to stage it; playing outdoors will also help you have a fun holiday.

You will need two adults who will be the entertainers. They will attract children and adults to all kinds of competitions and will direct the fun in the right direction. As the holiday progresses, they can improvise, change tasks, and change their own texts. However, the list of entertainment and competitions should be drawn up in advance to avoid annoying pauses and misunderstandings. Further on in the scenario we will call them buffoons. The main thing is to take into account that the event takes place outside, which means that static competitions must be alternated with moving ones so that children and adults do not have time to freeze.



Buffoons. Winter doesn’t want to go away, look how wonderful the frost is! To keep us warm, let's play.

Outdoor games are played.


This game will require the efforts of everyone, adults will happily remember their childhood, and kids will happily play around in the snow. Choose a location for the future labyrinth in advance. Draw the diagram of your chosen snow structure (a square or a circle is the most convenient shape) with two exits on opposite sides. First of all, the internal partitions of the labyrinth are laid out from snow, then the walls are laid out from the center to the edges. Pay attention to the height of the walls, they should not be higher than 1 m (in case someone gets lost, they will be easy to find in the passages of the labyrinth). The width of the passages should be convenient for the advancement of children and adults (80-100 cm). If the labyrinth is being built in a snowy area where there is plenty of snow, you can simply remove the snow with a shovel, laying it on the sides of the passages. Another option: do not build, but trample confusing passages on the site. In order to increase the intrigue, you can divide into teams and place flags inside the maze different colors by the number of players (by team colors). The winner is the team that collects greatest number flags are the fastest.

Santa Claus shooting gallery

What would winter be without a snowball fight? There is no better exciting, warming fun in the fresh frosty air. Set up snowball throwing targets on the playground. The simplest option is wooden shields measuring 1 x 1 m with several circles with a diameter of 30, 60 and 90 cm drawn on them (you can make them in the form of stuffed Maslenitsa or Snowmen, or simply stick images of thick cardboard on the shield or draw on the shields). Shields can be dug into the ground on poles, hung on a wall or on a fence. If it is not possible to make targets, you can simply draw them on a blank wall of a house or a fence. The most accurate one wins.

snow Hill

There is no way to complete Shrovetide week without going downhill. It is quite simple to build it, the main thing is that there is more space. You can build a lower slide for the little ones and a steeper one for adults (the difference between the start and finish levels should be 3-5 m). The main thing is to take into account that the length of the slide is 3-4 times greater than its height. For convenience, the width of the descent platform and the ice path should be at least 1 m; if they will go down the slide on sleds, the width should be at least 1.5 m. Construction of the slide requires preliminary preparation; during the thaw, roll up snow globes with your children in advance and gather them together. The building blocks are ready. Now you need to compact the snow with your feet (you can’t do this without the help of children) or with a shovel. Excess snow needs to be cut off, it will be used for the construction of a barrier fence and stairs. Now you need to fill the slide cold water(so that thawed patches do not appear). If you have time and desire, you can build an “American” snow slide with turns, intermediate ascents and descents, and decorative arches. The rules of the game are simple, the one who drives the furthest wins. You can make the task more difficult. Each person leaving must hold a plastic cup of water in their hands. The winner is the one who slides the farthest without spilling a drop. Instead of a glass of water, you can offer to drive with a book or a snowball on your head. You can throw a snowball at a target while sliding down a hill, shout a tongue twister while going down, or guess a riddle. Fantasy is not limited by anything, the main condition is the safety of children. No sharp, beating, piercing objects.

Butter carousel

This fun came to us from antiquity; it is still a great attraction among children. You need to find a pole; a metal rod 70-80 cm long is driven into its upper end (an ordinary crowbar will do). A wheel is put on the rod, to which long poles are attached (can be screwed with wire or nailed). The sleds are tied to these poles. The sled will have to roll along the path, which must be cleared of snow in advance and filled with water. For such fun, wide sleds or two-by-two sleds are better suited. The snow around the pole should be sprinkled with sand to prevent those who untwist the pole lying on the ground from slipping. Of course, such fun is only possible where there are strong men. This cannot be done without the participation of dads.

Slippery pillar

This is another old buttery pastime that will still be interesting today. A tall pillar is placed, which is doused with cold water so that it freezes. Gifts are hung on a pole, like on a Christmas tree, at different distances from each other. The player's task is to climb onto the slippery pole and get to the gifts. Whoever got what got it got it. The strongest and most persistent wins, the one who gets to the very end and gets the most valuable prize.

Throwing brooms

This is a wonderful outdoor competition, fun and simple: it is a championship in broom throwing over a distance. For such fun you need to take several brooms without a shaft. What is winter without a janitor with a broom clearing the snow? We are holding a competition for the title of Honorary Janitor. The winner is the one who throws the broom the farthest or knocks down the snow figure.

Panicle three

What is Maslenitsa without troika riding? Only in the city now a live horse is a rarity. It’s okay, the horse can be replaced with an ordinary broom. On a flat area, build a chain of snow globes (you can replace them with skittles). The task is to gallop (run) on a broom along the path without knocking down the fences. The one who knocks down the least wins.

Steam room

After fun in the fresh air, it’s good to take a steam bath in the bathhouse. You're not in a hurry to go home yet, but a bathhouse won't hurt. We offer an old Russian pastime - using a dry bath broom to “steam” your opponent. The main task is to hit the broom on the enemy as quickly as possible. Take care of safety; during the fight, the players' faces must be protective masks(for example hockey).

So, the celebration continues. The buffoons appear.


To us, here! Get ready, people!

Something interesting awaits you today!

Games, fun, fun and laughter,

We have enough holiday for everyone.

Let's, children, together, in unison, call for the red spring.

Adults, together with children and Buffoons, call for spring.

Spring, spring is red!

Come, spring, with goodness,

With great joy:

With the warm sun,

A bountiful harvest,

With pouring rain,

With beautiful flowers,

With abundant gifts!

Spring appears with a greeting (the text accompanying its appearance can be anything).

Vesna invites children and adults to guess riddles about Spring, birds and animals.

Children and adults can be divided into teams in advance, or each person can guess in turn.


From the window in the window there is a golden spindle. (Sunbeam)

He came from heaven and went to earth. (Rain)

The red yoke hung across the river. (Rainbow)

Without a tongue, but speaks. Without legs, but running. (Creek)

An old grandfather, he is a hundred years old, paved the bridge. The Red One came and dispersed the entire bridge. (Frost and spring.)

What is not sown will be born in the spring? (Grass)

The whole field was covered in small greenery. (Spring meadow.)

Mother in the spring - in a colored dress, mother in winter - in a white raincoat. (Field)

The brothers began to climb out of the cradle. They fell to the ground and turned green. (Sprouting grain.)

In the summer he walks without a path near the fir trees and oaks, and in the winter he sleeps in a den, hiding his nose from the frost. (Bear)

Note. Don't forget that the celebration is held outside, which means there is a game going on.

Buffoons. Hey, hey, honest people, we strained our brains - now let’s strain our muscles! We propose to organize a sack race.

Both individual players and teams can participate in the competition.

Note: while equipment is being distributed, division into teams, and the rules of the game are being explained, one of the buffoons reads an impromptu barker.


This is fun, this is fun.

This has never happened before.

It's hard to run without legs

The legs are hidden in a bag.

Who will be more dexterous?

Get your reward sooner rather than later.

Spring. Have you warmed up? Let's now take a break and remember songs about winter, spring and, of course, Maslenitsa.

Note: you can play like this: call by line from different songs or according to the principle of the game “Cities”, i.e. the next line must begin with the letter with which the previous line ended.

Buffoons. And now we invite you to try the fun of our ancestors - walking on stilts.

Oh, it's so much fun!

You'll have a good laugh,

Transform into a crane.

I will help you with this!

Note: You can arrange a speed hike on stilts to see who gets to the finish line faster. You can simply invite everyone to try their hand. A competition is being held.

Spring. How do we know that spring has arrived?

Children. The streams are flowing, the sun is warming, the birds are flying.

Spring. That’s right, birds are flying in from the south, the piles of snow are melting. Let's play the "bird game" - "Sparrows and Crows."

Sparrows and crows

Rules of the game: players are divided into two teams - “sparrows” and “ravens”. The presenter says: “Sparrows!”, The members of this team catch “crows”. Suddenly the presenter says “Crows!”, and everything happens the other way around, the “crows” catch the “sparrows”. The game is dynamic, there is no need to drag it out, the main objective- warm up, get a boost of energy.

Buffoons. But there is such a bird, Boris Zakhoder also wrote about it, maybe someone will remember? (If the children remember this poem, they recite it; if not, the Buffoons prompt.)

How beautiful the peacock is, he has one vice,

All peacock beauty begins with the tail.

Attention, attention, we are offering the Peacock Tail competition.

Peacock tail

A rope is attached to the participant’s waist (you can attach a broom), one end of which hangs down to the floor. A snake is built on the ground from skittles or plastic bottles. The task is to pass between without knocking over a single object with your tail. The one who gets to the finish line first and fastest wins.

Buffoons. Fun for adults, but for kids? Come on, little ones, come over, do you want to take part? Game for the little ones “Snowdrops”.


Prepare paper flowers in advance; you can use small plastic multi-colored bottles instead of flowers.

Flowers cut out of paper are scattered on a snowy clearing; these are the first spring flowers - snowdrops. The one who collects the most snowdrops wins.

Spring. And now dads and moms are invited, let's have a tug of war. This ancient Maslenitsa fun.

Note: organize several tournaments. Only mothers perform first, fathers second, and then you can arrange a competition for family teams.

Buffoons. This has never happened before! Broom competition. Birch or Christmas tree? Are these fairy tales or true stories? Witches kicking up dust?

Broom racing

A long strip is drawn on the snow - a track, along it a snake is placed plastic bottles, participants (you can seat a whole family) sit astride long brooms and run to the finish line.

Note: if it is difficult to find brooms, replace them with brooms or shovels for clearing snow.

Spring. What would a farewell to winter be without riding in troikas with bells? I invite all dads who want to turn into horses. Note: dads are harnessed to a sled; to make it more believable, bells are put on their necks; kids in the sleds must help dads by pretending to neigh. Those who reach the finish line first win.

Spring. Well done, horses! Let's now relax and remember fairy tales and films about winter, spring and Maslenitsa.

The main thing is to depict the title and content without words, only with gestures. The winner will be the one who portrays it best. We will choose it all together. And the second winner will be the one who guesses the most.

Note: Before the screening, anyone must quietly tell Vesna what film or fairy tale he wished for.

Buffoons. The Japanese have sumo, and we have our own fun. We invite you to participate in the ancient Russian entertainment “Cockerels”.


A flat area is selected on which to draw a circle. The game participants are divided into pairs according to age and weight category. The first pair enters the circle, jumping on one leg and holding the other with their hand, the players must push the opponent out of the circle. Attention! They push not with their hands, but only with their shoulders. The one pushed out of the circle is eliminated from the game. The circle includes next pair players, then the winners compete with each other. The last winner wins.

Buffoons. And now we invite the little people to the tree of sweets and to the ribbon carousel.

Sweet tree

This is a children's version of traditional butterfly fun, but instead of a tall, smooth pole, the sweets are hung on tree branches. The kids' task is to jump up and get the gift. The test can be complicated, for example, by offering to bite off a bagel or gingerbread while jumping with your teeth.

Ribbon carousel

This fun is also reminiscent of old Russian fun for adults. A long stick or pole is stuck into the snow. Bright ribbons are tied to the pole in such a way that they easily slide and rotate on the stick, but do not go down to the ground. Each child chooses their own ribbon and runs after each other in a circle.

Note: There should be an adult next to the carousel to prevent children from getting dizzy.

Spring. Well, dear guests, did you play and have fun? Isn't it time for us to try some pancakes and find out which housewife did the best job?

Note: Agree in advance with friends and guests so that each family submits pancakes for tasting. Prepare signs with the housewives' names. Before the tasting, the names of the hostesses must be hidden. Each person who tastes the pancakes is given one forfeit, with which he can vote only once for the pancakes he likes. Near each dish with pancakes you need to place a bowl or box where the forfeits will be placed. At the very end of the tasting, the number of forfeits is counted, and the hostess who receives the most forfeits wins.

What is Maslenitsa without a hot, blazing samovar? Sbiten, a traditional Russian drink, will come in very handy in the fresh air. It's very easy to prepare. Mint and St. John's wort (any fragrant herb will do) are brewed with spices (cinnamon, cloves), and honey is added. The drink is consumed only hot.

Spring. Isn't it time, dear guests, to say goodbye to Winter, to Maslenitsa? Let the fierce cold give way to the warm sun, let the ant grass turn green in the fields instead of snow. Let drops ring and streams gurgle instead of the howl of a blizzard. Buffoons. It's time for us to say goodbye to winter; we'll warm ourselves from the fire. This is what our ancestors did when they lit fires.

Burning of Maslenitsa

Firewood for the fire must be prepared in advance; the fire must be high so that the Maslenitsa effigy burns in it. Children can help collect wood for the fire, but only under adult supervision. You need to remember the safety of the kids, explain in advance the rules of behavior around the fire and be near them. Children and adults join hands and dance around the fire with the words: “Go away, Winter! Goodbye, Maslenitsa! Hello Spring! Burn, burn clearly so that it doesn’t go out! Goodbye, Maslenitsa! And come again next year!”

Buffoons. Everyone has been familiar with the fairy tale “The Snow Maiden” since childhood, written by A. N. Ostrovsky. The Berendey forest inhabitants said goodbye to Maslenitsa with the words with which we would like to end our holiday:

Farewell, honest Maslena!

If you're alive, I'll see you.

Wait at least a year

Yes, to know, to know that Maslena will come again.

For the bravest and most desperate, offer the last Maslenitsa fun- jumping over a fire. This can be done after the fire becomes lower. A tiny fire can be made for the little ones, but you need to jump over the fire with them, holding their hand.

Maslenitsa is a bright Slavic holiday that people love to celebrate cheerfully delicious pancakes. A celebration is not complete without dancing, competitions and games. Entertainment On this day it is very rich, so people celebrate Maslenitsa on a grand scale. A broom is an important attribute in all competitions and games; almost every new competition is accompanied by it. Below are the most exciting and fun games and competitions that will add a little excitement and intrigue to the festivities.

Competition "Good Hostess"
Several girls are selected for this competition. The task is very simple: they must peel one potato, sew on one button and dress the doll. However, they are given only two minutes to complete all these tasks. Exactly for this short term, the girls must do everything quickly. The winner will be the one who can fulfill all three points or much more than her rivals.
Competition "Oh, damn it"
This competition is directly related to Maslenitsa, because it is necessary to use words such as:
Several children take part. They need to compose a short poem in rhyme, where they must use all these five words. If a child has difficulties, parents or friends can help him. However, the winner of the competition will be the one whose poem turns out to be the most beautiful and comprehensible. It is imperative to take into account how much adults and friends helped and whether they helped at all.

Competition "Mother-in-law's pancakes"
A very exciting competition in which adults and children can take part at the same time. Several players are selected. Plates with the same number of pancakes are placed in front of them. In just one minute you need to eat as much of this delicacy as possible. The winner will be the one who has not a single pancake left on his plate or much less than his opponents.

Competition "Swing"
The "Swing" competition is a very fun game, and it is better for boys to compete in it. Several participants are selected for the game. For their quantity, it is necessary to prepare baskets and tennis balls in equal quantities in advance. The basket is tied in the form of a swing. Music starts playing and the boys try to hit a difficult “nest” one tennis ball at a time; one hit is equal to one point. The winner will be the one who manages to score the most points.

Competition "Sack Run"
Many people's favorite game of sacks will be very useful at a fun holiday. All participants are divided into two teams, each of which chooses a song. At the start, the first participant in the bag begins to jump to a certain mark, and return back in the same way. The game continues to be played by the second, then the third, fourth and other team members. During the game you need to sing the selected song loudly. The team that completes the task faster and performs the song much better will take a well-deserved prize.

Game "With chairs"
This game is well known to many. Several chairs are used for the game, and there is one less player. The music turns on, and everyone begins to run around the chairs in unison, and as soon as it stops, the players must take their places on these chairs. Anyone who has no room left to sit is eliminated from the game along with one chair. And this continues until the very end, until the winner is determined. This is very funny and fun for children, and on Maslenitsa it will be much more exciting.
Adults will also really enjoy this game with chairs. The essence of the competition does not change, but men must immediately sit on the chairs. Women, of whom there is one more, run together while the music is playing, and as soon as it stops, they sit on the lap of a loved one or friend. The culmination of the game is the most exciting, when there is only one chair left with a man, around whom two women are running. At this intriguing moment, it is worth looking into the eyes of this happy man, who will be in great anticipation. The winner will be the couple in which the woman turned out to be more agile than all her rivals.

Game "Geese and Geese"
Antique fun game, in which at least 5 people take part. Everyone stands in a circle facing the center and holds hands. The leader walks behind them and alternately touches the back of each participant with his hand. He says “goose” to some and “goose” to others. If the first word is spoken to the player, this means that he stands still and does not move. However, if the latter, then this means that he must run around all the players and take his previous place. The essence of the game is that the leader also runs in a circle, and if he runs faster than the second participant, then he passes on his title to him. Now he becomes the leader. Thus the game continues.

Broom Throwing Game
A very funny game for adults and children. Several people take part. The objective of the game is to throw a broom at a distance. The participant who throws the attribute the farthest will be the winner of the broom throwing game.

Game "Stream"
The game “Stream” was the traditional and most beloved game of our great-grandfathers and great-grandmothers. Many people know the meaning of this competition. Girls and boys, young boys and girls take part in the game. Players stand in two rows and join hands high above their heads. This creates a living corridor. One participant who did not get a pair passes under clasped hands and chooses a pair for himself. Usually it is someone who cares and is very likable. After this, the new couple gets up last, and the one who was taken away is the first. Therefore, the whole game continues on the same principle. It will be very fun and exciting if there are many participants in the game, and the living corridor is long.

Game "Surprise"
Another fun game called "Surprise". It’s a pleasure to take part in it, because there will be just a lot of positivity. Its very name speaks of something unexpected, but pleasant. The game requires one small box and as many participants as possible. Everyone stands or sits in a circle and picks up this box. The music turns on, and the attribute begins to be quickly transferred to each other. Whoever the music stops on takes off something and puts it in this box. This continues throughout the rest of the game. When all the participants are practically naked, the rules of the game change a little. Again, the box is passed along to the music, and whoever the music stops on takes something from the attribute without looking. The thing that came into his hands, he must put on himself. It will be nice game for a friendly company that can greatly amuse everyone.

Game "Sun"
One of interesting games Maslenitsa for children younger age The game "Sunshine" is considered. Participants are divided into two teams and stand in a row. For the competition you will need two A3 sheets on which a circle will be drawn. You will also need several markers for each team. At the start, each participant from two teams quickly runs up to a sheet of paper and completes drawing one ray. The second, third and all other participants do the same. The winner will be the team in which all participants manage to complete one ray. This kind of game instills a competitive spirit in even the youngest players, which creates great intrigue and excitement in them.

Game "Running on the Broom"
This game requires pins, which should be carefully placed in one row. Each participant must sit on a broom and run a snake around the pins as quickly as possible. The winner will be the one who copes the fastest and knocks down the least number of obstacles.

Game "Potato Pot"
All participants are again divided into two teams and each is given a spoon. Empty bowls are placed in front of the team, and not far from them is a cast iron pot with potatoes. At the start, each participant with a spoon must quickly pick up potatoes and put them in a bowl. The winner will be the team that transfers the most potatoes into its bowl.

Game "Snow Fortress"
It often happens that a lot of snow falls on Maslenitsa. You should take advantage of such a miracle and compete, especially if the snow is sticky. Two teams are assembled, each with one adult captain. A little time is given to build a snow fortress and charges. Then the real attack between the rivals begins. The game is accompanied by great intrigue and excitement. The winner will be the team that destroys the enemy's fortress faster.

Happy holiday: Maslenitsa

During Maslenitsa week, I really want to have games and entertainment with the children to expand their understanding of the traditions of the Russian people. Children love to play through play activity They learn the rules, develop speech, and, most importantly, communicate with their peers and negotiate. I think this material will be useful to other educators this week.



Card index of games and fun for Maslenitsa week

The main spring holiday in Russia, Maslenitsa, “closes” winter rituals and festivities. In 2018, Maslenitsa will last from February 12 to 18.

The traditions of celebrating Maslenitsa have come to us from ancient times. And even at a time when many peoples and Religious holidays were forgotten, people happily gathered for the solemn “Farewell to the Russian Winter” and indulged in Maslenitsa pleasures, games and amusements.


Hello my dears!

Hello, my beautiful ones!

I'm Maslenitsa!

I came to your holiday.

I see how you were waiting for me

I know you missed the warmth.

Well, let's have fun

Sing songs, play, frolic!

1. Round dance "Sun"

You need to stand in a circle and hold hands, the leader in the center depicts the sun. Children lead a round dance and sing:

Shine, sun, brighter -

Summer will be hotter

And winter is warmer (the circle is shrinking,

And spring is nicer (the circle is expanding)

Then the presenter suddenly shouts “I’m burning!”

This is a signal for children to run away different sides, and the leader catches them.

Both girls and boys

We call you to the rope.

Ten on the left, ten on the right,

Only the muscles are cracking.

2. Game of tug of war (team winter - team spring)

3. “Throwing a bag at a target,” or “Hit a snowball at a target.”

4. Riddles

Lying, lying,

Yes, he ran into the river (snow)

Lukerya scattered

Silver feathers

Spun it, swept it away,

The street became white (blizzard) and many others...

5. The “snake” walks in front of the players saying:

I'm a snake, snake, snake

I crawl, crawl, crawl.

Suitable for one of the players:

– Do you want to be my tail?

- Want!

- stand behind me!

The two of them go:

I'm a snake, snake, snake

I crawl, crawl, crawl.

Approach another player:

– Do you want to be my tail?

- Want!


The player must crawl between the legs of the “snake” and become its “tail”. And so on until everyone has gathered.

6. Ribbon carousel. (to music)

7. Game "Stream"

8. Game "Winders".

A prize is tied exactly in the middle of a long stretched ribbon. The ends of the tape are held by two participants. They must wind up the ribbon as quickly as possible. The one who gets to it first will receive the prize.


Progress of the game. In the center of the circle is the “sun” (a cap with the image of the sun is placed on the child’s head). The children say in chorus:

Burn, sun, brighter -

It will be hotter in summer

And the winter is warmer

And spring is nicer.

Children dance in a circle. On the 3rd line they come closer to the “sun”, narrowing the circle, bow, on the 4th line they move away, expanding the circle. To the word “I’m burning!” - the “sun” is catching up with the children.

10. Give a handkerchief of sympathy

A goal with an inclined crossbar is installed on the site, on which colored handkerchiefs are suspended on thin threads at different heights. Competitors need to run up, jump and tear off one of the handkerchiefs, and then call the girl’s name and give her the one that was torn off.

11. "Cockerels". A circle is drawn on the site. Two players stand in a circle. Each player stands on one leg, bends the other at the knee, and supports it by the heel with one hand. The players' task is to push the opponent out of the circle without using their hands and standing on one leg. (They push each other with their shoulders).

12. “We bake pancakes”

In the child’s hands is a children’s frying pan with pancakes on it,

(pancakes can be cut out of thin foam rubber, run to the table. Place the pancake on a dish, each participant has their own, return. Pass the frying pan to the next team member, whose team will “bake” more pancakes.

13. Game "Pancakes"

(All participants stand in a circle facing the center. The leader gives a command, the participants carry it out:

1. “Damn lumpy” - everyone jumps.

2. “Pancake with butter” - everyone squats.

3. “Pancake with meat” - everyone stands up, hands on their belts.

4. “Pancake with sour cream,” the boys shout.

5. “Pancake with condensed milk” - the girls shout)

14. Game "Frying Pans"(after the music ends, quickly take the hoop)

15. "Russian broom".

Comic championship in throwing a broom at a distance. It is more convenient to take a broom without a shaft.

16. " Who is faster on a broom?

There are pins lined up on the court. You need to run like a snake on a broomstick and not knock over the pins. The one who knocks them down the least wins.

17. "Male-maimed." The players choose the driver. Each player picks up a small stick (20-30 cm long). Everyone says the following words: Malechena - kalechina, How many hours are left until evening, until winter? After the words “Before winter?” Place the stick on the palm or any finger of the hand. As soon as the sticks are placed, the leader counts: “One, two, three, ... ten.” The one who holds the item longer wins. The leader can give different tasks: the players, holding a stick, must walk, squat, turn right, left, around themselves.

18. “Give me a handkerchief of sympathy.” A goal with an inclined crossbar is installed on the site, on which colored handkerchiefs are suspended on thin threads at different heights. Competitors need to run up, jump and tear off one of the handkerchiefs, and then call the girl’s name and give her the one that was torn off.

19. Outdoor game “Jump over the fire”

Children take turns jumping over the “bonfire”(can be made from paper), trying not to touch the “tongues of flame.”

And we were expecting Maslenitsa,

We met our dear guest,

The mountain was covered with pancakes,

Oil was poured on top.

The mountain is steep like pancakes,

The mountain is as clear as butter,

And they pour snow on the hill,

And our mothers are calling us home.

It's not good for us to go home,

We decided to ride down the mountain.

Oh you, Maslenitsa-crooked neck,

Give us a good ride.

Maslenitsa games for children: 15 fun Maslenitsa games for children. Make the holiday memorable, create a festive mood for yourself and your children!

Maslenitsa games for children

Game 1. Frying pan.

Draw a circle on the floor (ground, snow). This is a frying pan. All players (both adults and children) join hands

and jump on one leg, trying to push each other into a circle. Whoever got into the circle was “sintered” in a frying pan. The players' task is not to get into it.

Game 2. Buffoons.

Put the buffoon's cap on the child(ren). You can sew bells onto a regular bright hat. Ask the buffoons to show how bears walk, how geese walk, how cockerels jump, how goats butt, how the sun rolls across the sky, and so on. At the end of the game, after completing the task, the buffoons dance to cheerful music along with everyone else.

Game 3. Hats.

Game for boys. Two people are playing. They put hats on their heads. The hat should fit loosely on your head. The goal is to make your opponent's hat fall off his head without dropping your own.

Game 4. Seller of happiness.

Dress up as a seller of happiness. You can pick up a toy bird or monkey or a music box (imitating the performers at the fair). Put notes in the box - “buyers” will pull them out. Shout out like at a fair: “Happiness is for sale! Happiness is for sale! When the child acting as the buyer pulls out the note, read it out. For example: “Your happiness is on Kudykina Mountain”, “You will find a treasure and buy two candies”, “Your happiness is in your house”, etc.

Game 5. Pots.

A “potty” is squatting in front. Behind him is the “salesman”. He offers his goods and shouts: “Who wants the pots? Who wants the pots? The buyer (one player - an adult) looks at the pots, conducts a dialogue - asks questions: “Is the pot good?” He chooses the pot he likes and bargains on the price (you can sell the pot for 10 claps, 5 jumps, etc.). If the price is not satisfactory, then the buyer goes on to choose a pot. If the price suits you, then the buyer and seller shake hands and immediately run in a circle in the direction in which they were facing. Whoever runs first to his place is the owner of the pot. If you are late, you become a buyer. So the game continues. Then the sellers and pots switch roles.

Game 6. Carousel.

Take a long stick (you can take a gymnastics stick or a bar from a hardware store). Tie multi-colored satin ribbons of the same length to its end. Call children and adults: “Who wants to run on our carousel with ribbons?” Everyone takes one end of the ribbon, pulls it and the carousel spins. You can speak words in rhythm with movements:

"Barely - barely - barely - barely
The carousel started spinning.
And then, then, then
Everybody run, run, run!
(speed up the pace)
Let's run, let's run,
Let's run, let's run!
After these words, you can change the direction of movement.
Hush, hush, don't rush,
Carousel os-ta-no-vi-te.
One-two, one-two (pause)
So the game is over."

Game 7. At Malanya's

A game for all ages. The driver stands in the center. Everyone sings a song:

"At Malanya's, at the old lady's
Lived in a small hut
Seven daughters, seven sons,
All without eyebrows (cover eyebrows with palms).

With such ears, with such noses,
With such a mustache, with such a head,
With such a beard...
We didn’t eat anything, we sat all day,
They looked at her (him)
They did it like this... (the presenter makes the movement, and everyone repeats it)"

Whoever repeated the movement best becomes Malanya in the next game.

Game 8. Dudar.

One dudar is selected. Before the game, determine the place where you will need to run away from the dudar.

All players join hands, walk in a circle and speak rhythmically or sing:

“Dudar, dudar dudarishche, old, old, old man.
It's under the deck. Its under raw. It's rotten.
Dudar, dudar, what hurts?”

Dudar answers by naming one part of the body. For example: “My elbow hurts.” This means that each player needs to grab the elbow of his right neighbor. The result will be a vicious circle.

“Dudar, dudar, what hurts?” Dudar answers: “The knee hurts” (or names another part of the body). The players take hold of each other's knees and, without letting go of their hands (holding them on the knees of their neighbors), walk in a circle and continue singing.

The game can go on for a long time, naming different parts of the body: the ear hurts, the heel hurts, the back hurts, the shoulder hurts, the cheek hurts). But in the end the dudar says: “Nothing hurts! I’m catching you!” and catches up with the players. Players must have time to escape from the dudar to the designated place. Those who didn’t have time become dudars. A very fun game that creates a festive mood. Try it - you will like it!

Game 9. Gingerbread board.

All players sit next to each other on a bench or on chairs placed in a row. This will be a “gingerbread board”. There should be enough space around the bench or chairs (so that you can run around them). The driver walks along the “gingerbread board”, all players say or sing:

Gingerbread board, from a whole stump,
From the whole stump, throw the guy off.

In response to the words “Drop the guy,” the driver quickly slaps his hand on the knee of one of the players. The player must quickly run around the “gingerbread board” and sit down in his place. At this time, the presenter runs around the “gingerbread board” in a different direction. If the driver managed to take the player’s place, then the player who was slapped on the knee will now drive. If not, then the same driver will drive again.

Game 10. Lady.

A presenter (adult) is selected. You can play with children 5-6 years old and older. Young children can also participate, but they will have to help answer the questions (answer with them).

The presenter says:

“The lady came to you, naked, and brought a broom.
She told me not to laugh or smile,
Don't say "yes" or "no"
Don't call it black and white.
Will you go to the ball?

You cannot say “yes” or “no” in response to any questions from the presenter. For example, you can answer like this: “I changed my mind” (but you cannot answer “no”). This game teaches children to control their behavior and their speech. If the player makes a mistake, he gives the forfeit to the presenter and completes a funny task.

Game 11. Bubble (knead the dough).

The game is suitable for the youngest children.

We hold hands and say together three times: “Knead, knead the dough.” To these words, we slowly and rhythmically approach each other (so that the circle formed by our hands becomes very small).

Then we begin to “inflate” the bubble, that is, expand our circle, saying:

"Blow up, bubble,
Blow up, big one,
Stay like this
Don't burst!
Bang! It burst!” (let go of our hands and squat, exhaling for a long time): shhhhh.

Game 12. Like in our house.

A game for the little ones.

We hold hands, walk and speak rhythmically:

“Like in our house
The stove is burned out,
Baked pancakes,
The loaf is cooked.
Sooooo skinny! (converge in a narrow circle)
So small! (we squat down)
So wide-eyed! (make a wide circle without letting go of your hands)
So tall! (raise our arms high, stand on tiptoes).”

Game 13. On a horse.

A game for the little ones.

Usually on Maslenitsa we rode horses. And we'll go for a ride too. Let’s put the child on our lap and “go.”

"Over the bumps, over the bumps,
Through small bushes,
On a young horse
Uphill - wow, wow, wow (raise and lower your knees).
And from the slide - buuuuuh! "(We stretch our legs forward and roll the child down them like down a slide).

All kids like the game.

Game 14. Horseback riding.

With older children, you can play horseback riding in a different way.

Take a beautiful braid or ribbon and tie bells on it. You will get a team. The child gets into the “harness”, the rest of the participants take the ends of the braid or ribbon with their hands and say:

“Knock-knock, tra-ta-ta, Open the gates!
Open the gates! We're leaving the yard! But!"

At this word, the horse begins to move, ringing its bells until it is told “whoa.”

Game 15. Broom.

Everyone sits on chairs. One driver is selected.

Each player is assigned his own word. The driver can call it or the players can assign a word to each other. For example, the first player – the word “broom”, the second – the word “shoe”, the third – the word “button”, the fourth – “bucket”.

The driver approaches the player and begins to ask questions. You need to answer them very quickly and using “your” word. You can't laugh or even smile (this is the hardest thing in the game).

For example. The driver approaches the first player and says:

“Whoever makes a mistake will get caught! Whoever laughs will have a bad time!”

After this he asks:

- Who are you?
- Broom.
- What did you eat today?
- A broom.
- What do you have? (points to knee)
- Broom.
_ And what's that? (points to two legs).
- Brooms.

And so on until the driver runs out of questions and moves on to the next player.

If the player answering the questions makes a mistake or cannot stand it and laughs, then he pays a forfeit. Forfeits are awarded after the game. This game is not just fun, but also very useful for children's speech development.

Happy Maslenitsa! Let Maslenitsa games with children will bring laughter and joy to your family!

Tales of Maslenitsa you will find

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