In our city, half of the high-rise buildings (if not more) are empty. They were not built for the people, they were built by the greedy Building bussiness, cutting down trees, parks, demolishing playgrounds, children's yard sports buildings, and so on. The example I gave was a shopping center next to a temple. Hundreds of people go to the temple, but I have never even seen anyone entering the shopping center. I once came in out of curiosity, and even a bunch of security guards looked at me with interest, since there were no people at all. On huge squares there are mannequins with things at unrealistic prices, such as a T-shirt for 10 thousand, not to mention other things. But no one is indignant that the huge building appears to be there for laundering dirty money. And the temple is nearby for the people. The crowds are coming. The priests take everyone to confession. Nobody forces anyone to pay for anything. Confession and communion are free. For many, priests essentially act as psychologists. People go to them for life advice and pour out all the negativity of their lives on them. And the priests, standing on their feet for hours, receive them and listen to entire lines. They don't charge any money for this. Go and see any psychologist in the world, they will charge you thousands for an hour of conversation. And no one is outraged by this, this is normal. But everyone is watching the priests, they must eat air. Why do you, a non-believer, decide for other people who believe whether they should have churches or not. As for fooling, this is your opinion, people don’t think so if their soul seeks God. For example, you go to cinemas, circuses, theaters, concert halls to listen to pop music, stadiums, and so on. So they are still fooling you there! But it's your choice to be fooled by pop music. Why are they always telling believers that they can’t go to churches? They ask for their souls not from pop music, but from God. And it's their choice.


But in our city, land was allocated free of charge for churches of the Russian Orthodox Church. As much as 200, and now, perhaps more. And this despite the fact that you have to pay for land for schools, kindergartens, stadiums and hospitals. Next to our house, on the site of a park, the Church of the Matrona of Moscow was built. And now on a day off I can’t get enough sleep for a week from the ringing of bells. According to the constitution, the Russian Federation is a secular state and why should I, a non-believer, suffer because the priests entertain their adherents.
And not so long ago it was even stranger. At our state-owned enterprise, employees, both believers and non-believers, were given bonuses, which we had to give, minus income tax, to the needs of the Cathedral of Christ the Savior. But according to the same constitution, the church is separated from the state.
In many ways, the activities of the Russian Orthodox Church are anti-constitutional.
And the “search for God” is taking people away from reality and the opportunity to enslave their consciousness by the authorities and oligarchs. The Church has always served the authorities and helped to pacify people. That is why, when the patience of the people ran out, they brought down their anger first of all on those who lulled them with fairy tales about the Kingdom of Heaven. And the authorities have been fattening and fattening the Earth somehow without really thinking about the consequences.

That several people, including the leader " Christian state"were brought to the police as part of a criminal investigation into the arson of cars parked near the office of Konstantin Dobrynin, Alexei Uchitel's lawyer. The agency's interlocutor clarified that one person was detained in Moscow, and two more in the Lipetsk region.

In addition, Kalinin is being interviewed as part of the case. “His procedural status has not yet been determined,” Interfax’s interlocutor said.

Later, the Russian Ministry of Internal Affairs confirmed to TASS that three people suspected of setting fire to cars were detained near the office of lawyer Dobrynin. Official representative department, Irina Volk, in particular, said that one of the suspects was detained in the capital, and the other two in the Lipetsk region, and that searches were carried out at the place of residence of the detainees. ​

On September 11, lawyer Konstantin Dobrynin reported that unknown persons set fire to cars near the office of the Pen&Paper bar association in Starokonyushenny Lane in Moscow, where he works. At the scene of the arson, notes were found with the inscription: .

“If the FSB requests [the recording of] the interview, they will understand that Meduza lied about everything. I gave an example that under Ivan the Terrible, such people 300 years ago would have had their legs broken and, perhaps, impaled. And they did an interview saying that I would impale him,” Kalinin said.

"Christian State - Holy Rus'"

The organization "Christian State - Holy Rus'" has a website, which is not yet accessible, and YouTube channel, which has about 26 thousand subscribers. The first video was published in August 2012. Among the videos there are many videos with answers to questions, for example, “is it possible for an [Orthodox] woman to wear makeup and use cosmetics” or “is it possible to become possessed through horror films.”

In connection with the activities of the “Christian State,” the media often mention the head of the organization, Alexander Kalinin from Lipetsk, who calls himself “Christian Alexander,” and Miron Kravchenko, who is called either the press secretary or the head of the central department.

The organization attracted attention in January 2017 when it called for preventing the screening of Alexei Uchitel’s film. "Any banner, poster, flyer with information about the release of the film "Matilda" will be considered as your desire to humiliate the saints Orthodox Church and a provocation to the “Russian Maidan,” the letter said.

Soon Dmitry Peskov called such actions unacceptable. According to him, the organization “Christian State - Holy Rus'” is not registered with the Ministry of Justice. “That is, in essence, we're talking about about,” the presidential press secretary said at the time.

In February 2017, Kravchenko said that the “Christian State” includes about 300 people and there are those who are ready to join, “there are thousands of them.” He noted that the organization is not connected with deputy Poklonskaya: “We are not acting in tandem yet, because everyone must advance on their own front. We indicate the activists’ intentions, it is attacking the prosecutor’s office.”

Natalya Poklonskaya herself criticized the activities of the “Christian State”: “The actions of this organization are aimed at discrediting the Orthodox and the Russian Orthodox Church.”

Konstantin Dobrynin. Kalinin was detained a day earlier, on September 19, along with two of his alleged accomplices. The operation took place simultaneously in Moscow and Lipetsk.

Alexander Kalinin faces up to five years in prison

Source in law enforcement agencies reported that Orthodox radicals are suspected of committing a crime under Part 2 of Article 167 of the Criminal Code of the Russian Federation (“Intentional destruction or damage to property”). The maximum liability under this article is up to five years in prison.

Dobrynin's car was burned more than a week ago

On September 11, Moscow police began an investigation into the circumstances of the arson of two cars in the city center. The burned cars were parked in close proximity to the office of lawyer Konstantin Dobrynin, who represents the interests of director Alexei Uchitel.

Police arriving at the scene found a Honda and Mercedes damaged by fire. According to's source, the burned Mercedes belonged to Konstantin Dobrynin. At the same time, the lawyer himself said that the burnt cars belonged to residents of nearby houses. He spoke about the arson on his Facebook page, attaching to the post photographs of burnt cars, around which leaflets with the phrase “Burn for Matilda” were scattered.

The leader of the KSSR blamed the wave of telephone terrorism on opponents of “Matilda”

September 13 Alexander Kalinin on his social network page "In contact with" posted a post calling the threatening calls, which resulted in the evacuation of schools, shopping centers and other institutions across the country, part of a “pan-Orthodox campaign” against the film “Matilda.”

“In connection with the wide publicity in the press of recent telephone threats, the KSSR considers it its duty to inform the public that on September 10, 2017, information (an anonymous letter) was received in the name of the organization from persons previously unknown to us (an anonymous letter) that these persons would carry out certain “information attacks on cinemas and infrastructure of the Russian Federation" as part of a "pan-Orthodox campaign" against the film "Matilda"," the post says.

The burning of a lawyer's car is not the first act of aggression on the part of king-worshippers

The film "Matilda" tells about the relationship between the future emperor and a ballerina. The film caused discontent among some radical believers who revere the last Russian Tsar as a saint. The deputy has repeatedly spoken out against the screening of the film.

The arson of Konstantin Dobrynin's car is not the only act of aggression in the campaign against Matilda. In particular, on September 4 in Yekaterinburg, a man drove a car into the Cosmos cinema and set it on fire. After his arrest, he expressed dissatisfaction with the intention to show the film “Matilda” there. It became known that earlier he spoke at a rally against the Teacher’s painting, calling it “porn.” However, the Christian State stated that it had nothing to do with this incident.

On August 31, unknown persons pelted the building of the St. Petersburg film studio “Lendok” with Molotov cocktails. The Rock film studio directed by Alexei Uchitel is located in the same building as Lendok.

Natalia Poklonskaya and KSSR went their separate ways

The organization “Christian State - Holy Rus'” announced itself in early 2017, when on behalf of its activists letters began to arrive in cinemas threatening that if the film “Matilda” was shown, “cinemas would start to burn.” However, these messages were later called not threats, but only fears that dissatisfied citizens might take radical measures.

At first, activists of the “Christian State” were counted among the supporters of Natalia Poklonskaya, but in February 2017, the deputy publicly dissociated herself from the organization, Kalinin’s associates in attempts to discredit and asked the Russian Ministry of Internal Affairs to check the KhGSR for extremism. On July 21, it became known that the Moscow prosecutor’s office indicated signs of violation of the law in the actions of opponents of the film “Matilda” from among supporters of the “Christian State.”

In turn, Alexander Kalinin said in an interview at the beginning of 2017 that his organization has nothing to do with Poklonskaya and does not share her position. “She handles her prosecutorial line as it should. We have our own movement, she does not understand it, just as her line is not characteristic of us. We don’t support each other, we go on slightly different fronts,” said the head of the KhSSR.

In an interview with the media, Kalinin reported that the “Christian State” was created in 2010 with the aim of consolidating Orthodox brotherhood, mutual support and communication on spiritual issues. The emergence of the organization was allegedly supported by monasteries, temples and churches. “There was no task to fight any “Matildas” or schizophrenics,” noted the leader of the association, “but after the film appeared, we had to join forces in the fight against this evil.”

According to Kalinin, by the beginning of “Matildo wrestling” the organization consisted of “about 350 active people with families,” and by mid-September, “another four thousand people registered on the site.” At the time of preparation of the material, 293 people were registered in the “Christian State - Holy Rus'” group on the VKontakte social network.

On Wednesday morning it became known that the leader of the Christian State – Holy Rus' organization, Alexander Kalinin, and several other people were detained. According to Interfax, they are suspected of involvement in the arson of cars near the office of director Alexei Uchitel's lawyer. According to the agency's source, the arrests took place in Moscow and the Lipetsk region. In total, three people were taken to the police. The agency's interlocutor said that a native of Transnistria, whose name was not named, is suspected of committing the crime.

However, by the evening it became clear that Kalinin was interrogated as a witness; he is not a suspect and is not detained. ​

According to RIA Novosti sources, those detained (or interrogated as witnesses) called a cinema in Vladivostok and reported a bomb allegedly planted there. In addition, during the search, containers with a flammable mixture and leaflets “For Matilda - burn!” were found on the so-called “Orthodox activists.” Earlier it was reported that the same leaflet was found in the possession of the leader of the Christian State – Holy Rus' movement, Alexander Kalinin.

Kalinin, in an interview with Meduza, linked reports of mining of objects throughout Russia with protests against the screening of the film “Matilda”. He talked about a letter from some “guys” who were ready to “show film distributors that there are methods of struggle that are much more effective than arson.” In addition, Kalinin called the arson of cinemas and “deprivation of life for faith” acceptable. The leader of the "Christian State" also suggested breaking director Alexei Uchitel's legs and impaling him.

Leader of the "Christian State" Alexander Kalinin

The first screening of Matilda in Russia took place at the Cheryomushki cinema in Vladivostok on September 11. It was there, according to a RIA Novosti source, that received a call from the detained “Orthodox activists.”

MP Natalia Poklonskaya, which is campaigning against the film “Matilda,” said on Wednesday that Kalinin was detained at her “deputy request” to the Interior Ministry. She told RBC that in this way she is fighting extremism, a manifestation of which she demands that the very picture of the Teacher be recognized.

​Alexey Uchitel's lawyer Konstantin Dobrynin, who contacted the FSB after cars were set on fire near his office, in a conversation with Radio Liberty complained that government bodies have been inactive for so long:

When it caught fire, that’s when they started reacting.

– It’s a shame that it took almost 9 months, although we warned about this back in February. But when it caught fire, that’s when everyone began to react. As for qualifications, we do not know in what criminal case the suspects were detained, but we believe that in the framework of a case that was initiated on the basis of arson and intent to damage property. We believe that the criminal legal qualifications here should be different, because there is a terrorist act, and this is Article 205,” believes lawyer Konstantin Dobrynin.

He hopes that this move will force radicals to think about the consequences of their actions and, perhaps, stop the wave of hysteria and violence associated with the screening of the film "Matilda":

They must see that they are not the ones who define the rules, they are not the ones who dictate to people how to live and what films to watch.

– Extremists, radicals and terrorists must see that it is not they who determine the rules, but the state, they do not dictate to people how to live and what films to watch, what cinemas to go to, but still this is determined by the state and citizens, determines a healthy civil society, – the lawyer believes. “I hope that there will be a very powerful signal, including for film distributors who are justifiably afraid, in particular Mr. Mamut, that the state will not be able to restrain extremists. Now the state has shown that it can control the situation and manage the situation. I hope that in this sense everyone will begin to feel safe. This also applies to citizens, who can also feel safe and understand that they can watch movies without interference. As for the wave in general, I think that a signal was given here to Mrs. Poklonskaya. She needs to stop in her further incorrect legal statements and actions, because enough is enough, this has gone too far, and any careless legal statements can give rise to consequences that are completely unimaginable for everyone, even if you didn’t want it, says lawyer Konstantin Dobrynin.

The All-Russian public Orthodox organization "Christian State - Holy Rus'" is not officially registered. There is no exact information about the date of its origin, composition and structure. However, according to various information in the media, it is clear that it arose long before the conflict around the film "Matilda". The organization existed in the form of a kind of “Christian Brotherhood”. Its leader was Alexander Kalinin, an Orthodox preacher under the pseudonym Christian Alexander.

Kalinin experienced clinical death and made a video about it “Clinical Death”, which brought him popularity. In it, Kalinin claims that at the time of death his soul went to hell, where he experienced all the torments that await unrepentant sinners, and then saw Jesus Christ himself. Subsequently, Kalinin began regularly making videos on religious topics, where he called people to repentance and the need to correct their lives in accordance with the commandments of God.

Subsequently, Kalinin and his admirers met and created a community. According to the leaders of the organization, the KSSR has a very extensive structure and its representatives, supporters and simply sympathetic people are found in almost all regions of Russia. The organization of the KSSR arose after Alexander Kalinin met with Miron Kravchenko- captain of the Cossack army, public figure, in the past an active participant in various initiatives for spiritual and national revival. Together they developed the name and the basis of the ideology, as a result of which the organization began to position itself as a “Spiritual-Political Order”.

Miron Kravchenko is a man of interesting destiny. Officially, his position is “head of the organization for the Central Region, Moscow and the Moscow Region.” Kravchenko came from among Russian nationalists: as the Pskov Province newspaper found out at the beginning of 2017, in the early 2000s he was a member of several Russian right-wing radical movements, including the " Great Russia", organized the right-wing "Russian March" in Murmansk. In 2015, he took part in the creation of the "Anti-Putin Information Front", which aimed to "deliver to the residents of the Russian Federation and peoples affected by the Putin regime, information that will expose the lies of the Kremlin."

The organization held several forums with the participation of Russian political emigrants and activists who fled Crimea and Donbass after the war, as well as a number of street actions in Kyiv and other Ukrainian cities. One of its leaders Sergey Parkhomenko, connects Miron Kravchenko and the “Christian State” with the Russian special services, although he admits that Kravchenko himself was “ideological” - it’s just that these “ideas” changed with kaleidoscopic speed:

Miron Kravchenko was a political emigrant from Russia

– The Anti-Putin Information Front was created in 2015. As a matter of fact, Miron Kravchenko, at that moment a political emigrant from Russia, was also present at its founding conference. The task was to fight Russian propaganda, to come up with some interesting events that would be counter-propaganda. We launched our propaganda against the Russian one, broke stereotypes and broke patterns in those many issues on which Russian propaganda and Russian society’s perception of reality is based.

– How and when did Miron Kravchenko appear on your horizon? You say that he was at the founding conference of the Anti-Putin Information Front, that is, you knew him even before that?

He was completely on our side

– Yes, we met in the fall of 2014. We held a conference on Kuban “Kuban is Ukraine”. We held a conference at the Museum of Ukrainian Propaganda in Troeshchyna, in the Desnyansky district of Kyiv. We had a guest there, Miron, who was invited through friends and who, in principle, supported these ideas in many ways. Then I talked with him for some time and invited him to a conference, which took place in August 2015. He supported Maidan, he supported Ukraine in the war, he was against the annexation of Crimea and the war in Donbass, he dissuaded many of his acquaintances from going to fight in the so-called “DPR” and “LPR,” for which we are grateful to him. He was completely on our side, against this whole Putin system and personally against Putin.

– What exactly were his complaints against Putin and Russian authorities?

- He is a romantic, a revolutionary. He has, let’s say, a different perception of the world. He did not accept the archaic model Russian society, its “non-Sovietness”. He considered the neo-Bolshevik essence of Russian politics and society to be the most vile. That is, it seems to have some national aspects, but everything is based on Soviet myths, on the Soviet historical tradition, on the exploits of the Soviet people. But he did not perceive the Soviet period at all, because he considered himself more of a Christian fundamentalist. I believed, and not without reason, that the Soviet government was atheists; I saw in Putin’s Russia its non-Christian essence, which is hidden behind Orthodoxy, and so on.

– You knew at the time of the establishment of your movement that Miron Kravchenko was a member of the Union of Orthodox Banner Bearers, this is an organization of so-called Orthodox activists, a member of the nationalist party “Great Russia”, that he organized the “Russian March” in Arkhangelsk, the so-called “Russian Club” in Ukraine?

- I know. And the Russian emigrant club was an idea that was discussed, among other things, by my other friends. This was necessary to break the pattern in order to understand that Ukraine is not fighting against the Russians, not against the Russian nation, but against Russian imperialism as such. During the war, we were able to understand very quickly that the Russian nationalist is not only imperial. There are Russian nationalists who want to preserve the Russian nation within certain ethnic boundaries, that is, not throughout the entire territory modern Russia, but in the territory of compact residence, where the Russian ethnic group originated, that is, more central regions, the Novgorod region in the north and a little to the south. That is, it was not imperial Russian nationalism. At least, this is how he positioned himself: I am for the Russians, but against the empire, against taking away territory from Ukraine, the Ukrainians are our brothers, and we believe that Putin acted very disgustingly, publicly calling that the Ukrainians are brothers, and he took the territory himself. Who he was was no secret, and it was necessary for the fight, because work also had to be done among Russian nationalists to show that Putin was an enemy for the Russians, as well as for the Ukrainians, and for any nation that suffered from aggressive imperial Russian politics. Any means are good in this war. If you need to work with Russian nationalists, there is nothing wrong with that. Moreover, in many questions we found common points contact, it was a common struggle for Ukrainians, for Russians and for other peoples of Russia to remove this regime. Because he destroys people - he simply blocks some, physically destroys others, throwing them into the meat grinder of the wars in Syria and Ukraine.

– Did Kravchenko tell you how he appeared in Ukraine? You say that he positioned himself as a refugee from Putin's Russia. He gave some details - how he left, was he followed?

Kravchenko was against Putin

“I know he was being followed.” I don’t remember the details, I didn’t go into too much detail. Naturally, he was checked, the special services were informed that he had arrived, was living, and his activities did not pose a threat to Ukraine, but on the contrary, they were more of a threat to Putin’s Russia. Many who participated in the “Russian Marches” were targeted by the special services; some were simply recruited, made agents, sent to fight in Donbass, or imprisoned if they were against Putin. Kravchenko was from the category that is against Putin, and he, not wanting to be a tool in the hands of the special services and not wanting to go to prison, simply left. His position on Maidan, on the war, on the annexation of Crimea was our position, that is, the Ukrainian position, so it was important.

– Did he tell you what documents he lives in Ukraine according to, and did he apply for asylum?

At some point I found out that he took the rails of Orthodox fundamentalism

“He tried to get legalized, but, unfortunately, we have such a system that many emigrants from Russia during the war still do not have refugee status. This is a big problem. And he also didn’t get legalized, he didn’t have a job, so he left for Belarus. For some time he was even in Russia, and then mostly stayed on the territory of Belarus. After his departure from Ukraine, I communicated with him little and to a point. And at some point I found out that he took the rails of Orthodox fundamentalism, which, in fact, was simply a cover for the ideology of the “Russian world”, that only under the Moscow omophorion can all Orthodox be united.

– At the time of his departure from Ukraine, you and other members of the “Front” did not have any ideological disagreements with him?

- We did not have. It is clear that he was religiously biased, but we are a civil organization, we do not have a religious moment, and rightly so, because we had both Muslims and simply people who belong to other religions or were not believers. We simply did not aggravate this issue, we found a compromise.

– What could have happened to Miron, why did he change his position and is now one of the leaders of the “Christian State”, which sends out these letters in Russia?

He was always a believer, but due to radicalism he took the extreme line

– He was always a believer, a Christian, but simply, apparently, due to age and radicalism, he took the extreme line. This is the first. Secondly, maybe he was offended by the Ukrainian authorities because they didn’t help him get legalized or find any work, and they didn’t give him refugee status. And third, he was simply processed ideologically by adherents of the “Russian world”, he was simply zombified. If earlier he said that the main threat is Islamic fundamentalism, in which I agreed with him, but now he says that all this is a Jewish-Masonic conspiracy, that is, these are views that are now unpopular, and it is clear that work has been done with him . It is obvious that the people who worked with him are clearly included in the social circle of the Russian special services, using people like him to realize some of their goals, hiding behind the noble idea of ​​​​protecting Christians, and shaking up the situation, including arranging internal Russian confrontations, against the background whom society rallies very much to come to the next presidential elections. This is all played out by the special services and only benefits them.

– Do you think the special services processed him while he was in Ukraine or even before his arrival in Ukraine?

Its processing began in 2015

– No, processing began when he left in 2015, it began actively. I am sure that he is simply being used, his ideological idealism. I know what his views were when he was here, he had his clear positions, but he was not processed as he is now. I didn’t know that he was a member of more radical Christian organizations, but it scared me when he started asking: “Find out what nationality the president of Ukraine is. And find out what nationality is so-and-so?” I say: “Everyone knows what nationality is. Why did you say this now? You didn’t know about this a year or two ago, when we started talking?” This suggests that the person clearly had something hammered into his head, and he concentrated all his attention on those issues that he had not focused on before. This means that someone specially and systematically brought him to this moment. And only professional people, some units of the Russian FSB, for example, can fail. Most likely, this is the case. There are people in the intelligence services who do psychological treatment, and I think he came under their influence.

– Did he go to church often?

Myron was used very skillfully

“I didn’t follow this, but he was a believer. It was clear that he had such a vision of the situation. But I did not follow his religious life. Due to many circumstances, Russian emigrants who supported Ukraine initially are having a hard time in Ukraine. And we do not have the opportunity or financial resource to systematically complete all the tasks that require information war. As a result, some people become offended and, at best, turn from allies into neutrals, and in the worst case, they go over to the side of the enemy. If a person has an unstable psyche or does not have a very clear position, he can always fall under the influence of the first. “I think that Miron was used very skillfully and pushed in a certain direction,” believes Sergei Parkhomenko.

Head of the information and analytical center "Sova" Alexander Verkhovsky suggests that behind the creation of a “Christian state” may be senior officials Russian Orthodox Church:

I don't think this group of comrades organized everything

“I’m not even sure that this is an organization in the full sense of the word,” the expert believes. – I think that this is just a certain group of people who, among other things, speak publicly on this topic. Because their leader somehow spoke very evasively on this topic - which he understands, but he himself did not seem to organize them. I think this will gradually become clear. Judging by the fact that everyone there is no longer young guys, they all have some kind of background in this area. One of them was in RONS, this is the Russian National Union, Miron Kravchenko, someone connected with an Orthodox activist Ivan Otrakovsky, who at one time promised us that there would be Orthodox squads patrolling here, which we never saw. In principle, I don’t think that this group of comrades organized all this. I think they are simply successful as speakers who are at least partly involved in material violent actions, but the violent actions themselves can be taken by people who are not at all associated with them. This movement against “Matilda” is clearly much wider than this group, and the radicalization of this movement is clearly occurring with some kind of connivance from the church authorities, let’s say. It’s difficult to say for sure who personally is behind this, but it’s simply impossible to do without it, believes Alexander Verkhovsky.

Statements by the leader of the “Christian State” Kalinin that there are branches in all Russian regions seem to the expert to be a clear exaggeration. He is also skeptical about suggestions that the “Christian State” is a project of the FSB:

– Of course, everything can happen with us, but I very much doubt it. I just don’t understand why the FSB needs this. This is definitely some kind of church creation, and if some security officials have anything to do with this, then still not at the level of entire departments, but in some more personal capacity. It’s just that this movement is essentially just a very radical form in the implementation of ideological policies that have been carried out from above for the last few years. Of course, the "Christian State" goes far ahead of state policy, but there will always be people who will go far ahead. Maybe there are some people from the FSB among them, but it’s hard for me to imagine this. Goal setting is unclear. I have no doubt that Poklonskaya is not the only one who holds such radical views, but for an entire department to embark on such a radical path... I doubt that this is so, says Verkhovsky.

The leader of the organization "Christian State - Holy Rus'" Alexander Kalinin said that "telephone mining" of schools, shopping centers and other objects, which swept across the country and caused the evacuation of tens of thousands of people, is a “public campaign” against the film “Matilda”. Life tells who the leaders of the “Christian State” were before and how they are connected with Ukraine and the nationalists.

Recently, an organization still unknown to anyone - and it is unknown whether it is an organization at all, or just an online community, because no shares have been listed since its creation since 2010 - in last days appeared on everyone's front pages Russian newspapers as a Russian analogue of ISIS* (which, by the way, is directly hinted at by the name). Information about the number of its members is contradictory, and there is almost no information about its leaders. Nevertheless, a certain picture can be created based on existing information.

As for the leader of the organization, Alexander Kalinin, just a couple of years ago he did not at all wear a thick beard, so successful for journalists, making him look like Abu Bakr al-Baghdadi, preferring a symbolic beard and a rather fashionable clothes. And in 2012, the man who is now represented as the leader of Orthodox fundamentalists, did not wear a beard at all and had just, after clinical death, “discovered Jesus Christ”(the wording is quite in the Protestant spirit).

Whether the leader of the “Christian State” is related to the Russian Orthodox Church (ROC) can be judged by his joint photographs two years ago with the famous preacher of non-canonical Christianity and critic of the Moscow Patriarchate, Archpriest Joachim Lapkin from Altai Territory, who introduces himself as a cleric of the Russian Orthodox Church Outside of Russia (ROCOR), which has been repeatedly denied by the latter’s hierarchy.

The leader of the organization lives (according to his accounts on social networks and interviews) in the Lipetsk region, although in the photo he posted of “our temple” there is a car with the number 36 of the region (Voronezh region). Judging by the raised hand in the photo, one can assume that he has nationalist views/background, but this is too vague.

Of much greater interest - due to the presence of a well-documented political background - is the personality of Miron Kravchenko, who appears in recent statements of the “Christian State” both as its press secretary and as “the head of the organization for the Central region, Moscow and the Moscow region.”

According to information on the ArtPolitInfo website dated January 19, 2015, the current speaker of Christian fundamentalists began his career working with Penthouse, Male View and Bear magazines. However, already in 2004 he found himself in the ranks of Orthodox banner bearers.

For the first time in the media, a person with such an atypical name and surname for Russian nationalists was mentioned back in 2006, when on April 30 - May 1, nationalists attacked several nightclubs in Moscow, in which events of sexual minorities were announced. Few people remember these events now, however, the conflict was very large-scale - the number of participants on the part of the nationalists in each case was at least fifty strong young guys. At the Three Monkeys club, which they blocked on the night of May 1-2, 2006, it came to a mass brawl with the arriving riot police, and the Tematic club, where a similar event was planned, burned down - according to one version, as a result of deliberate arson.

Kommersant quoted on May 2, 2006, a statement by the head of the propaganda department of the Russian National Union (RONS, this organization called for attacks on gay clubs and led them on the spot) Miron Kravchenko about the goals of these actions: “We need to stop promoting this unnatural way of life. They (gays. - Note Life) must think about their behavior. We are Russian people, Orthodox, Christians!”

It is worth clarifying that at that time RONS was the leading organization for working with far-right youth in the capital, having acted as a co-organizer in 2005 of the popular football fans concerts "SKAzhi Oi!", and in the spring of 2006 - the instigator of large public actions of ultras and skinheads against Hare Krishnas, gays (including the dispersal of the gay pride parade on Tverskaya Street on May 27) and supporters of the legalization of marijuana. Since 2005 in Petushinsky district Vladimir region for the capital's far-right youth were held summer camps RONS, where, under the leadership of the leader of the Spas group and the future “Cherkizovsky terrorist” Nikola Korolev, young men and women studied knife fighting, throwing grenades and handling a Kalashnikov assault rifle.

The ideology of RONS by that time was expressed in a combination of radical Russian ethnic nationalism with real ultra-conservative religiosity, which was sharply opposed to the Russian Orthodox Church.

After on August 21, 2006, Korolev, together with his comrades (who also significantly distanced themselves from the Russian Orthodox Church and therefore became Old Believers) detonated a homemade bomb at the Cherkizovsky market, the Spas participants were quickly arrested, RONS, which appeared in connection with them, was subjected to pressure from the security forces and lost its position among the far right.

You can learn about Kravchenko’s further biography from the certificate attached to the mentioned publication on the ArtPolitInfo website: “In 2007<…>transferred to the Central Cossack Army (Central Cossack Army. - Note Life) MO (Sergiev Posad stanitsa Cossack society). He has the rank of esaul and was awarded insignia, including the medal of Archangel Michael “For bravery” and the award cross “For services to the Cossacks, IV century.” From 2007 to 2012, on the basis of the Cossacks, he was involved in organizing and conducting children’s and youth, Orthodox, military-patriotic camps, on the basis of which the creation of the “Cadet Cossack Corps in the name of Tsarevich Dmitry and Alexy” began (subsequently closed by the Russian authorities as potentially extremist community). Subsequently, he edited and laid out the military newspaper of the Sergiev Posad military village Cossack society."

These are those whose ataman Pavel Turukhin publicly called himself a “Russian Orthodox fascist”, on whose uniforms adorned eagles holding swastika-shaped “Kolovrat” (suspiciously similar to those on the Wehrmacht uniforms), and in the published newspaper “Bulletin of the Soldiers of Christ” it was called to hang “Soviet bastard accompanied by the singing of Horst Wessel."

Further from the same Artpolitinfo certificate about Kravchenko: “In 2011–12, he was involved in organizing the Russian movement in the North, in Murmansk, on the basis of the local cell of the Great Russia party he created. Together with the organizations PNDO and New Force, he took active participation in the first “Russian March” in the region.

As for the unregistered “Great Russia” party of Andrei Savelyev, during its creation a significant part of the activists of Alexander Shtilmark’s “Black Hundred” joined it and, in general, this party demonstrated an orientation towards religiosity, choosing the labarum of Constantine the Great as its symbol. At the same time, even representatives of the nationalists subjected the “Great Russians” to a public boycott for the black uniform chosen by the party, which was suspiciously similar to the SS uniform.

As for the branch of the unregistered New Force party of Valery Solovy, this more interesting topics, that, firstly, a number of its prominent activists - such as the artist Anatoly Pashinin and the head of the Belgorod branch Roman Strigunkov - joined Bandera’s supporters during the Maidan. Secondly, because in 2012, the leadership of the Murmansk organizing committee of the New Force included Alexander Valov (well known as an ardent neo-Nazi and participant in street violence), who in September 2014 also emigrated to Ukraine and joined the ranks of the Azov regiment there.

It is in this context that Miron Kravchenko reappears in the public sphere.

Press conference "Lessons and results of the Kyiv Maidan a year later. The possibility of implementing a revolutionary scenario and civil war in Russia" will be held on January 30, at 15:00 (local time) in Kyiv, at the Rus Hotel<…>The event is being held by Russian nationalists, both in exile and those who came from Russia, as reported on January 22, 2015 on the ArtPolitInfo website. - Russian nationalists will speak at the press conference: Roman Strigunkov - an active participant in the Kyiv Maidan; Miron Kravchenko - publicist, coordinator of the discussion platform "Russian Club in Ukraine"; and Yuri Gorsky - Chief Editor"Artpolitinfo".<…>From the Ukrainian side, the following are expected at the event: Dmitro Korchinsky, activists of the Azov battalion and the Right Sector* and other iconic figures of the ATO.

Apparently, around this time, photographs of Kravchenko that appeared on the Internet the other day were taken (still with thick hair and thick beard) next to the Right Sector flag and representatives of the Russian-speaking Ukrainian Nationalists (RUN) organization, the peak of whose activity occurred in 2014 - early 2015.

July 31, 2015 in the press center of the Ukrainian information service(Kyiv) there was a presentation of the Anti-Putin Information Front of Peoples, which was attended mainly by representatives of Caucasian national organizations, “Intermanland separatists”... and this “Russian nationalist”.

I suggest not using the term “Russian”, the phrase “Russian troops”, etc. After all, Putin only wants the occupation forces in Ukraine to be associated with the Russians (Russians). The use of this term plays into Kremlin propaganda: the President of the Russian Federation will play his favorite card - the card of “Russophobia in Ukraine”, which will further turn the Russian population against the Ukrainians, and therefore will allow the Russian troops in the Donbass to be replenished with yet another cannon fodder, - said at this event the already grown Cossack forelock Kravchenko, presented as the head of the Russian Emigrant Club.

That’s it, and just yesterday I created a party called “Great Russia”...

However, after some time, Kravchenko again found himself in Russia and revived his cooperation (at least at the information level) with Igor Artemov.

In conclusion, we can add a few words about the real influence of the organization, which journalists savor every day. According to its representatives (in general, only two are known - Kravchenko and Kalinin - which is somehow hard to believe for a structure branched across regions), thousands of people are members of it, but the videos on the organization’s channel hardly collect a couple of thousand views, and the page Kalinin on the social network VKontakte, even after the hype, has just over five thousand subscribers. The organization, which supposedly exists since 2010, has not held a single public action, has not reported on participation in any prayer standing or procession(which, to put it mildly, is not typical in this environment). On the other hand, she is ready to take responsibility even for the recent “mining” of shopping centers in Moscow by telephone terrorists.

* Organizations are prohibited in Russia Supreme Court RF.