This mushroom prefers coniferous forests, although it can be found anywhere.

What is surprising is the capriciousness and unpredictability of this mushroom. Veselka mushroom never grows where it grew last year.

Mushroom pickers note that usually the veselka is not very large; it rarely grows to the size of a goose egg. At first, the mushroom is very similar to an ordinary puffball, but not as strong, and has a peculiar gelatinous pulp. In its structure, it resembles an overripe plum or a lump of unmelted jelly. Growing to a certain size over a sufficiently long period of time for common mushroom– in about a week, then the mushroom begins to show miracles. A small bud hatches from it, which quickly transforms into a fruit stalk, and this stalk begins to indomitably strive upward, like Living being. The leg with the cap grows out of the egg very quickly, sometimes in 15 minutes. This mushroom is the record holder among mushrooms for the fastest growth. The results are amazing: 5 mm per minute!

This mushroom is also known in Russia, or rather, it was known before, but now it is very difficult to find - the ecology is getting worse. They called it “ordinary merry” or “disgraceful”. At first, the Veselka mushroom looks like an egg (this explains one of its popular names - “witch’s egg”). Then, as it ripens, the shell bursts and the fruiting body of an unusual appearance, resembling the shape of a male reproductive organ. “Witch’s egg” is the initial stage of growth of the common fungus. It was considered the best way to induce a feeling of love - increasing desire and improving potency.

Other names are phallus mushroom, stinking morel and gouty morel. Grows from mid-July to late October. Prefers deciduous or mixed forests with a predominance of oaks, as well as sparse thickets of bushes and dense grass. Grows in parks or gardens under aspen or hazel trees. The fungus is not mycorrhizal, but is found near trees.

Common Veselka ( Phallus impudicus) is a relative. The mushroom is not poisonous and is edible in the egg stage.

The fruiting body of the common mushroom is a vertical, tapering upward hollow stalk up to 20 cm long, 5-7 cm thick. The young mushroom looks very similar to an egg, lying on the ground with its wide part.

Its off-white or yellowish “shell” hides the fruiting body ripening in a jelly-like mass - a porous dark green cap and a lighter stalk. At the appointed hour, the “shell” bursts and breaks into 2-3 blades. Once free, the fruiting body begins to grow almost before our eyes. Rapid growth continues until the mushroom reaches 20 cm in height, its cap reaches 5–6 cm in diameter, and its stem increases to 4 cm.

As you can see in the photo, in a mature common vesel, the cap takes on a bell-shaped shape with a flat top and a hole in the middle, its surface is covered with a thin mucous skin:

The leg is round, hollow. The surface of the leg is white or yellow finely meshed. Top part the legs are supported by a conical or hemispherical or greenish-black color, abundantly covered with thick spore-bearing mucus with unpleasant smell. To the touch, the flesh of the cap is elastic, and the legs are loose. The fruiting body grows from an egg measuring 5x7cm. The lower part of the egg is attached to a white root-like strand of mycelium.

The young Veselka is completely odourless, but as it matures it acquires the unpleasant smell of carrion.

Veselka occurs from July to September.

According to the description, the Veselka mushroom is similar to Ravinel's mutinus (Mutinus ravinelii). The smell of Veselka is much more unpleasant than the smell of Mutinus Ravinel, which smells like carrion.

Somewhere in Western Europe the egg is even considered tasty.

Look at the photo of the Veselka mushroom, the description of which is given above:

Application and healing properties of Veselka vulgare (with video)

In Russia, it is not customary to eat veselka, but in some Western European countries they fry it, collecting only young mushrooms that are in the “egg” stage. Before starting to prepare a particular dish, the mushrooms are peeled and cleared of the jelly-like mass. Veselka has excellent healing properties and has long been used to treat gout and rheumatism. Currently, it is widely used as the main raw material for creating various medicines.

Veselka is also growing in Western Europe, and since interest in medicinal mushrooms is now incredibly high abroad (fungotherapy - the science of medicinal mushrooms - is considered the era of new discoveries), Veselka also found its way onto the laboratory table. And it became a sensation!

In the last century, the use of the Veselka mushroom was practiced only by healers. They treated any stage of cancer, non-healing ulcers, diseases gastrointestinal tract, inflammation of the kidneys and liver, used for joint diseases. At the end of the 9th - beginning of the 20th century, the veselka was sent to England to the doctors of the royal court, where it was used to prepare a gout medicine for royalty. The famous writer Balzac is one of those who checked medicinal properties vulgaris on himself - he cured a stomach ulcer with the tincture of Phallus impudicus, which was prepared for him in St. Petersburg.

In the 20th century, Veselka became a sensation, ending up on the laboratory table of biochemists and ranking on a par with the famous Japanese shiitake mushroom in its healing qualities. It turned out that its ability to secrete volatile antibiotics - dust-like substances (so-called mushroom phytoncides) - is even higher than that of the Japanese medicinal shiitake mushroom. Veselka phytoncides kill herpes, influenza, and hepatitis viruses.

Currently, this is the only mushroom in the world that has shown truly colossal antitumor activity - already on the 10th day, the substances of Veselka stop the growth and reproduction of cancer cells!

It turned out that healing properties Veselka mushrooms are extremely high. Its ability to remove cholesterol and lower blood pressure is 2 times higher than that of shiitake! But that's not all. Veselka mushroom phytoncides also turned out to be more active - they kill herpes, influenza, hepatitis and even AIDS viruses.

Veselka treats malignant tumors (any kind), resolves benign ones, lowers blood pressure, treats gastrointestinal ulcers, and heals the kidneys. External vodka tincture Veselka heals trophic ulcers, bedsores, bites, wounds, skin cancer.

The video “Veselka Mushroom” shows how it grows in natural environment a habitat:

The Veselka mushroom has gathered around itself a bunch of legends and controversies. People have long believed that those who eat this mushroom will never get sick. Despite the fact that it is edible, you should not lean on it.

It is in the same demand among traditional healers as the fly agaric. This mushroom is used to treat skin and stomach diseases. There is a rumor among people that this mushroom can cure cancer. So why is there so much talk about him?

The “cunning” mushroom owes its medicinal properties to many unique components:

  • Phytoncides. Extremely active substances that have a tremendous antiviral effect. Their activity has been proven against viruses that cause influenza, colds, etc.
  • Polysaccharide complexes. They give the mushroom the ability to improve its performance immune system humans, by stimulating the production of perforins - special marker proteins, as well as leukocytes.
  • Phytohormones. Veselka contains male hormones of plant origin.
  • A large set of useful substances, which includes minerals and amino acids, they improve the general condition of the body, have a beneficial effect on the skin, rejuvenate the body and help heal wounds and ulcers.
  • Antioxidants. Very important substances that promote withdrawal free radicals and improving the functioning of the body as a whole.

In addition, among the properties of this mushroom is the ability to relieve swelling and prevent allergic reactions. This is due to its antihistamine properties.

Where does it grow? Description and photo

Common Veselka or Phallus impudicus – growing in continental climate stripe mushroom, preferring middle lane, mixed and deciduous forests as their habitat. It can mainly be found under hazel trees. Grows in the Russian Federation, Europe, Siberia, Ukraine, Belarus, Far East. Forms mycorrhiza with oak, beech, and some shrubs. This is a gasteromycete, which has a cap in its structure and belongs to the genus Basidiomycetes and to the order Phallusaceae.

The mushroom has unusual shape, one might even say funny. The fruiting body of the fungus initially has the shape of an egg. Then the peridium (this is what the spherical shell is called) breaks into several parts and the mushroom stalk grows in the gap between them. The stalk of the mushroom grows at a fantastic speed - 5 mm per minute. The total size of an adult mushroom reaches 25-30 cm. After rapid growth, the mushroom develops a cap.

Outwardly, it looks like a raincoat, but to the touch the body of the mushroom is soft and pliable. The color of the cap is dark olive, but many compare it to an overripe plum. On top of the cap is a disk with a hole. Long leg has a white or cream tint. The leg is cylindrical, hollow. The walls of the leg are spongy and fragile.

A mature mushroom has an extremely specific smell, akin to rot or carrion. It is produced by mucus, which is located in the mushroom cap. This makes it attractive to insects that carry spores. The lifespan of the fun is 3 days. This makes it a rare and desirable drug.

You can find the mushroom from May to October. But it is best visible at the end of July. It is at this time that the bodies of the mushrooms “hatch” from the ovoid shell. They grow either singly or in large groups, depending on the conditions.

What does it treat and how to take it?

The list of indications for use is quite impressive. Veselka is recommended for use as part of antitumor therapy for various types of formations. The presence of phytoncides makes it good remedy against a number of viral diseases.

In addition, Veselka treats a huge variety of diseases:

  • Problems with the gastrointestinal tract: ulcers, gastritis, enteritis, colitis and UC.
  • Lung diseases, including tuberculosis and asthma.
  • Metabolic diseases: gout, diabetes.
  • Problems of the musculoskeletal system: arthritis and arthralgia.
  • Diseases of the kidneys and reproductive system: pyelonephritis, male infertility, female inflammatory diseases.
  • CVS pathologies: thrombophlebitis, atherosclerosis, ischemic heart disease and angina pectoris.

In addition, it is used to treat diseases of the blood and lymphatic system. It is used on the skin and mucous membranes for purulent and poorly healing wounds.

Taking the tincture in medicinal purposes carried out according to a special scheme. It is taken before meals. If possible, it is recommended to consume raw honey or eggs along with the infusion.

The rules are as follows:

  • For a week and a half, one teaspoon three times a day;
  • Three days break;
  • Two weeks, one teaspoon three times a day.

After this there is a long two-week break. If necessary, the course is repeated.

Alcohol tincture - how to prepare?

Alcohol tincture - a universal storage method useful properties mushroom. The recipe in question has come to us since ancient times. It will require 270 g of veselka per liter of alcohol. Due to the fact that high-proof alcohol destroys some important components of the mushroom, it is recommended to make the tincture with alcohol diluted to 40 degrees and below. The best option– 35 degrees.

Preparation of tincture:

  • cut the mushroom into several parts;
  • place it in a clean jar;
  • fill with alcohol;
  • Cover very tightly with a lid;
  • leave in a cool, dark place for at least a month and a half.

By the time of use, the tincture should have a pleasant dark brown, cognac color.

There is also a tincture of water that is used in the treatment of high blood pressure. To do this, grind the dry mushroom into powder, pour half a gram of water into a glass of water and let it brew for a day. The tincture is drunk along with the sediment in several doses.

Honey tincture is used to treat serious illnesses. For it you will need a glass of finely chopped Veselka and a glass of honey. The mixture should be infused in the refrigerator so as not to ferment. Stir constantly to avoid crystallization.

The resulting mixture is consumed three pieces per day for a month. After this, you definitely need to take a break.

Application in oncology

Its place of honor among drugs in treatment cancer diseases the fungus veselka took it because of one of its properties - it promotes the production of protein structures - perforins, which activate the response of the immune system, directing leukocytes to pathological cells.

An infusion of fresh mushroom is prepared for internal use. 50 g of fresh veselka should be cut into small slices and mixed with a glass of vodka. The longer the mixture sits, the more nutrients will turn into liquid. It takes two weeks in the refrigerator to get the effect.

Take one teaspoon of tincture once a day for a month. After this, you definitely need to take a break.

For skin cancer, lotions can be used. For lotions you need twice more mushroom for the same volume of vodka. And remember - no compresses, alcohol will burn the skin and can cause very unpleasant consequences.

In some cases, Veselka is combined with shiitake mushroom. And if the upper digestive tract is affected, healers advise keeping a piece of mushroom and tincture in your cheek every day. This way, beneficial substances from the fungus continuously flow to the affected tissue.

Methods of administration for prostate adenoma

In the treatment of prostate disease, Veselka has its trump cards. It has a complex effect on the male reproductive system due to the content of phytosteroids and polysaccharides. The complex influence affects the very essence of the process. In addition to treating prostate adenoma, it increases potency and helps with male infertility.

The following tincture is recommended:

  • Wash 100 g of mushroom thoroughly and cut so that the core is visible;
  • put the mushroom in a jar and fill it with two glasses of vodka and 20 g of Cahors;
  • leave for two weeks in a cool, dark place.

Take the tincture once a day, a teaspoon. Every two weeks there is a break for a couple of days.

You can give enemas with this tincture. A teaspoon is diluted in a quarter glass and injected into the rectum through douching. Under no circumstances should you do this if there is an active inflammatory process in the intestines, there are ulcers, or anal fissures.

How to drink the extract for prevention?

The extract is powder from Veselka. It is used in the treatment of skin diseases such as bedsores or erysipelas.

For preventive purposes, Veselka extract is diluted in water and allowed to brew for a day. During the day you need to drink everything along with the sediment. This will help:

  • avoid the development of cancer;
  • reduce the risk of heart attacks and strokes;
  • avoid developing type 2 diabetes;
  • cleanse the body of bad cholesterol;
  • do not get a cold or flu;
  • overcome loss of strength;
  • increase potency.

Veselka hornbeam extract is well absorbed and has a positive effect on the body. In France, as a preventative measure, the mushroom is used in cooking, preparing casseroles and pastes with it.

Water infusion - what helps?

For some diseases of the stomach and kidneys, taking alcohol-containing compounds is contraindicated. But for those who want to be treated with fun, there is always a way out!

There are two options for preparing alcohol-free folk medicine with Veselka: water and honey infusion. In the first case, pour a glass onto a teaspoon of dried crushed mushroom hot water. Then let it brew for eight hours in a dark place and filter. You need to take the resulting liquid one third of a glass 3 times a day before meals. We advise you to read: Shepherd's purse, medicinal properties

Since there are no contraindications, Veselka can be taken throughout the flu epidemic. Apply lotions to herpes of the lips and nose for its rapid disappearance.

However, men need to be careful when taking veselka. Being a strong aphrodisiac, it can cause the death of hair follicles on the head, resulting in baldness.

Dried mushroom - recipe and instructions

Storing the mushroom dry is the wisest use. Preparing a fresh tincture or consuming dried mushroom is justified, since the shelf life of the alcoholic infusion is 2 years. All the collected mushrooms may deteriorate during this time.

Interesting to know! Veselka in the mushroom egg stage is eaten raw. You can just sprinkle it with salt and it tastes like a cucumber. If you get hungry while searching in the forest, you can rinse the mushroom and eat it.

It is very easy to find in the forest due to its specific smell.

Dried Veselka “egg” can be taken half a day to prevent the following diseases:

  • flu;
  • ARVI;
  • skin manifestations of herpes;
  • high blood pressure.

Dried mushroom in crushed form is infused in alcohol for two weeks. For the treatment and prevention of cancer, 10 g of dry mushroom is used per 200 ml of alcohol. The same tincture with the addition of a decoction is used in the treatment of cervical cancer. To do this, a tampon is soaked 1 to 2 with mushroom and chamomile and the tampon is placed in the vagina every night for a week.

One more in an interesting way The use of the mushroom is to collect its juice and oil. To obtain the first body liquid, the funnels are placed in a jar and, without pouring anything, placed in a dark and cool place.

The juice that mushrooms secrete can be used to treat various skin diseases, wounds, burns and frostbite, as it has an anti-inflammatory effect.

And oil is a jelly-like composition that is located under the skin of the mushroom. It is removed with a teaspoon and stored in the refrigerator. It also has a surface-active effect.

Good afternoon My name is Maria, and I want to tell you about a mushroom with the funny name “veselka”. Other popular names for the mushroom are Veselun, Panna, Veselushka, Veselchak, “witch’s egg.” Few people know about the existence of this mushroom, because finding merry mushrooms in the forest is not so easy, and yet its medicinal properties are widely in demand in folk medicine. So what medicinal properties does the Veselka mushroom have, how to take it correctly and what does this mushroom help with? I will answer all these questions below and tell you everything about the mushroom with the funny name “veselka”.

Fun mushrooms: where they grow, what they look like

Where do common veselka mushrooms grow? To find a mushroom, you will have to work hard and go into a forest with fertile and loose soil. Externally, the Veselka resembles a small chicken egg - hence the popular name of the mushroom - “witch’s egg”.

These mushrooms do not grow to large sizes, and they are also often confused with ordinary puffballs. But Veselka has characteristic feature: after about a week of the appearance of the fungus from the ground, a small bud appears on the body of the mushroom, which further develops into a fruit stalk. This leg rapidly increases in size and can grow up to 25 centimeters in length. And it is precisely the leg that is the most valuable part of the merry fellow mushroom.

About the unique composition of fun and beneficial properties

The unique medicinal properties of the Veselka mushroom are largely explained by its composition. The mushroom is rich in polysaccharides, which are useful in treatment malignant tumors. Polysaccharides stimulate the body's production of perforin, a substance that can kill cells affected by metastases.

Merry also contains phytoncides and phytosteroids that are useful for men, as they improve the functioning of the male genital system. Phytoncides help destroy a variety of viruses, and therefore the use of Veselka in the fight against various infectious diseases is especially justified.

The medicinal uses of Veselka mushroom are very different:

  • The healing properties of the veselka promote the resorption of tumor formations
  • The mushroom will help cleanse the body of excess bad cholesterol
  • Helps lower blood pressure
  • Remedies from Veselka can be an excellent prevention of atherosclerosis, impotence, infertility
  • Let's use the Veselka mushroom to treat ulcerative manifestations in the gastrointestinal tract
  • Decoctions of Veselushka are widely used in folk medicine to combat infectious diseases.
  • Veselun is considered the best remedy for eliminating inflammatory processes in various organs of the body
  • Various skin injuries are treated with Veselushka products - from ulcers to insect bites.
  • The mushroom is used in the treatment of joint pathologies

Also, the fungus mushroom is used by herbalists as a powerful aphrodisiac. But it should be remembered that the Veselka mushroom has not only medicinal properties, but also contraindications. I’ll tell you in detail for those who shouldn’t take the remedies from Veselushka.

Contraindications to medicines from fun

Products from the Vesel mushroom have a minimum of contraindications: they should not be taken by women during pregnancy and lactation, or by people with individual intolerance to substances contained in Vesel mushroom. Veselka-based drugs are not given to children. The methods of using Veselka are quite different: you can prepare decoctions and tinctures, the recipes of which are best found not on the Internet, but in specialized literature.

I will make one more important note: Veselka contains powerful active substances, and therefore, before starting therapy with any Veselka-based remedy, it is advisable to obtain detailed medical advice. Knowing what the Veselka mushroom treats, what medicinal properties it has and contraindications, you can use the remedy traditional medicine as competently and productively as possible.

The Veselka vulgaris mushroom in its mature state is very similar in appearance to an erect penis, which reflects its Latin name. It is also distinguished by very fast growth. After it emerges from the ground, it looks like an egg, after which it matures for about 7 days, and then literally in a quarter of an hour it takes on a very specific appearance.


It does not appear immediately, but as the fungus grows. Color – from dark green to dark brown. It has a bell shape. In the middle of it, during the ripening process, a depression is formed. It is covered with thick mucus (the popular name for this substance is “earth oil”).


It also does not appear immediately, but after about a week. It hatches from the original “egg”. The leg is cylindrical, empty inside, having sponge-like walls. It can reach 15 cm in length.


Absent. Fungal spores float in the mucus covering the fruiting body. The smell that a mature mushroom gives off (the smell of decomposition) attracts insects, which carry its spores.


In its unripe form, the Veselka mushroom has the consistency of jelly. After the stem and cap erupt, it becomes hollow inside with spongy walls. The young mushroom (in the ovoid stage) smells like radish; after the remaining elements have erupted, it begins to emit a rotting smell.

Spore powder

It has a pale yellow color. Veselka spores are round and very small.


The mushroom grows everywhere in soils where there is a lot of humus. Distributed throughout Russia and Europe. Veselka prefers deciduous forests with good soil moisture.

It grows from May to October.

Similar species

Veselka also has less common analogues:

  • Veselka reddish

It differs, in accordance with the name, by the red color of the stem and, sometimes, the cap.

Different from ordinary purple and a thicker leg.
It grows only in Europe and the adjacent part of Russia.

  • Veselka net-bearing

It does not grow in Russia, only in Asian countries with warm climates.
It features a large and extensive mesh.
It is sometimes found as introduced fungi in the Far East and southern Siberia.

1- Veselka reddish 2- Veselka Adrian 3- Veselka net-bearing

  • Veselka cartilaginous

It has a porous cap structure and a greenish tint. Grows in the south of Russia.

  • Veselka ordinary dressed in toga

Unlike its counterpart, it has a “mesh” that comes from under the cap and sometimes reaches the ground.
It plays the role of an additional “landing platform” for insects that carry spores.
The species is rare and is listed in the Russian Red Book.

1- Veselka is cartilaginous. 2- Veselka ordinary dressed in a toga

1- Mutinus Ravenelle 2- Mutinus canine

Veselka mushroom of all types is not poisonous. Moreover, it is believed that it can even be eaten raw.


The mushroom can be eaten at the “egg” stage and during the period when the mushroom has just “hatched”. When it is sufficiently ripe, the mushroom begins to emit an unpleasant odor, and therefore becomes classified as conditionally edible.

Overripe veselka is considered inedible, as it can cause digestive disorders when eaten.

Veselka eggs

This mushroom is used mainly not for gastronomic purposes, but for medicinal purposes. Although there is evidence that in France, Veselka “eggs” are eaten raw, like radishes. Tinctures of this mushroom have been used since the Middle Ages for abdominal pain, impotence and tumor diseases.

Currently, Veselka has gained popularity in the treatment of the following ailments:

  • Oncology
  • Benign neoplasms
  • Female and male sexual disorders
  • Cardiovascular system disorders
  • Diseases of the joints and skin

As can be seen from the list above, Veselka vulgaris is considered a medicine for almost all occasions. The most commonly used are alcohol tinctures from this mushroom. It is rarely eaten because of its strong odor.

Due to its unusual appearance, this mushroom is surrounded by a lot of legends and beliefs:

  • In the Middle Ages, it was believed that when a man saw a fun, he should immediately eat it, otherwise he would suffer from impotence;
  • Veselka is credited with antitumor properties due to the special substances it contains,
    destroying the walls of cancer cells;
  • The mushroom was (and is still considered) a powerful aphrodisiac;
  • This mushroom, when applied externally, is believed to help heal wounds;
  • Veselka grows so quickly that its growth rate surpasses even bamboo shoots.

The mushroom Veselka vulgaris, unpresentable in appearance and taste, has many uses and is quite highly valued. Finding him is considered a great success.

When collecting, it is important to act as carefully as possible, since the mycelium of the fungus is very fragile and practically cannot be restored.

A young Veselka mushroom is used as a medicine. Eggs, juice and jelly of the mushroom have been used for medicinal purposes.

Veselka is credited with truly unprecedented healing effects! Effects similar to the medicinal properties of Japanese tree mushroom shiitake, has an effect on the body and our Veselka - mushroom , therefore it is considered effective against herpes viruses, influenza, hepatitis, oncology and even AIDS.

What else does Veselka treat? It has long been used to eliminate high blood pressure, migraines, gout, treated joints. An infusion of Veselka was used externally for burns, trophic ulcers, bedsores, fistulas and animal bites. It is no coincidence that the fungus looks like a male sexual organ: according to the stories of village old-timers, male inferiority was eliminated with the help of the mushroom. Studies have confirmed that the mushroom contains phytosteroids, properties similar in their effects on the body to androgens (male sex hormones).

Indications for use are also:

  • asthma;
  • tuberculosis;
  • thrombophlebitis;
  • kidney diseases;
  • gastritis and stomach ulcers.

Veselka mushroom for oncology: a miracle remedy

Fungotherapy is a field of alternative medicine that specializes in the treatment of mushrooms. Japanese scientists have found that some mushrooms (especially shiitake) contain polysaccharides that stimulate the production of perforin (a special protein) in the human body. Perforin is part of a group of leukocytes - natural killers that penetrate the cytoplasm of cancer cells and destroy them. A high dose of polysaccharides is also found in mushroom fungus . It is recommended to use special mushroom mixtures, such as Veselka, Reishi and Shiitake. The earlier the disease is diagnosed, the higher the chance of getting rid of it using natural remedies. Fungotherapy can also be used in conjunction with chemotherapy or radiation. In addition to its destructive effect on cancer cells, fungotherapy helps reduce pain and strengthening the immune system , which is very important in the fight against oncology .

In addition to studying the anti-cancer effect, research is being conducted on the ability of veselka phytoncides to destroy HIV. In addition to destroying virus cells, Veselka also helps maintain the immune system. As you know, with HIV, even a common cold is dangerous. As a result of the use of fungotherapy, the virus is suppressed and the risk of developing AIDS is reduced.

Unlike chemotherapy, fungotherapy not only prevents toxins from accumulating in the body, but also removes them.

Veselka mushroom also cures

Diseases associated with metabolic disorders

Of course, the treatment of oncological diseases with Veselka is a great benefit for sick people and the main merit of the Veselka mushroom. Veselka thanks to her chemical composition regulates metabolism. In particular, this mushroom treats thyroid disease , both with decreased and increased function, resolves nodes on the thyroid gland, eliminates disturbances in the endocrine system. When mentioning the treatment of thyroid diseases with Veselka, I often remember one case. One woman took a tincture of Veselka to treat her mother, who had, as people say, a goiter. Her mother had already been switched to hormones and was mostly in bed. After using one liter jar After taking the Veselka mushroom tincture, she felt much better, so much so that she even went to the dacha to work, and after taking the second liter jar, the doctors did not find a goiter when examining her. Of course, not everyone will be so lucky right away, but a fact is a fact. Veselka also resolves various growths, compactions, edema, papillomas, polyps , removes excess (harmful) from the body cholesterol, due to which it reduces arterial pressure . Speaking about the treatment of diseases associated with metabolic disorders with Veselka, one cannot fail to mention the treatment diabetes. Here the fun also has its regulating effect. In particular, she treats how type 1 and type 2 diabetes . In all these cases, you can use Veselka tincture, taking it for 3-4 months with short breaks after each month of use, as in the treatment of cancer. It is possible and even necessary to supplement this treatment with an appropriate diet and the intake of medicinal herbs indicated in the treatment of this disease. For example, when treating thyroid diseases, it is good to drink preparations from white cinquefoil, and when treating diabetes, preparations from Jerusalem artichoke (earthen pear).

Viral and infectious diseases

The fungus mushroom successfully treats viral and infectious diseases, in particular flu, hepatitis, herpes (including herpes zoster), even with such a disease as AIDS, she provides help. Official medicine claims that such a disease as cytomegaly, caused by cytomegalovirus, is practically not treated, and only symptomatic treatment is possible, i.e. bringing down the temperature, lubricating rashes, hormonal regulation of body functions, etc. The disease is quite common and very insidious. A description of it would take more than one page. This is practically a slow death of the body from diseases of many of its systems. However, people, as they say, do not sleep. And there were reports on the Internet that cytomegalovirus can be treated with Veselka. One day, a woman whose daughter at a very young age (about 25 years old) suffered from cytomegaly and was in a very depressed state because of her illness. She refused (for fear that she might have sick children and that she herself might eventually become a burden to the family) to marry her beloved guy. At present, the treatment is still ongoing, but after taking 3 liters of tincture, the girl began to feel much better, the symptoms of the disease gradually disappeared or greatly decreased, and vigor, confidence, and cheerfulness appeared. This once again confirms the presence of substances in veselka that kill various viruses and infections. Veselka is natural antibiotic , improves immunity well and stimulates the immune system, heals smallpox, chickenpox, respiratory and bacterial infections. In all these cases, use a tincture of the Veselka mushroom three times a day, from one dessert spoon to a tablespoon, depending on the complexity of the disease. In addition, for smallpox, chickenpox and other skin infectious diseases, you can make lotions (not compresses) from the tincture 2-3 times a day until complete recovery. It would be even better to rub oil (subcutaneous layer) or fermented Veselka juice into the skin.

Diseases of the cardiovascular system

The Veselka mushroom turns out to be very useful in the treatment of diseases of the cardiovascular system. Firstly, it removes excess cholesterol, thereby cleansing the vessels and getting rid of atherosclerosis, hypertension . To do this, it is enough to take one teaspoon of tincture twice a day 20-30 minutes before meals. You can, if desired, replace the tincture with other veselka preparations. Veselka helps well with thrombophlebitis, varicose veins . To do this, in addition to using the veselka internally, apply lotions to problem areas or 2-3 times a day with light movements, without pressing on large vessels, massage these areas until dry with tincture, jelly or juice from the veselka. Do not apply warm compresses.

Veselka strengthens the entire cardiovascular system, helps with vegetative-vascular dystonia, leukemia , increases blood levels lymphocyte level and improves the blood formula. If it is necessary to cleanse and improve the composition of the blood, it is better to supplement the veselka with herbal decoctions (for example, lungwort).

Digestive system diseases

Both ancient and modern medicine They believed and still believe that many diseases come to us through the stomach, that is, through improper nutrition, and accordingly they should be treated through it. They say that humanity digs its own grave with a spoon and fork. And here, preparations from the fungus fungus have a wide field of activity. It helps with a wide variety of diseases of the gastrointestinal tract. The famous French writer Honore de Balzac cured stomach ulcer precisely with the tincture of Veselka prepared for him in Russia. Veselka perfectly treats inflammation of the stomach, liver, stomach and intestinal ulcers, abdominal pain, dysbacteriosis, diseases of the liver, pancreas and bile ducts. For all these diseases, as well as for cirrhosis of the liver, intestinal polyps, indigestion, cancer of the stomach and rectum Veselka tincture or other preparations are used internally. As already indicated in oncology, one tablespoon of Veselka should be used for treatment three times a day for at least three months. For other diseases, a single dose can be reduced to a dessert spoon, and the duration of treatment depends on the severity of the disease and the success of treatment. Along with Veselka at stomach cancer It is recommended to use chaga infusion or its pharmaceutical drug befungin. In addition to taking veselka for diseases such as intestinal polyps, hemorrhoids, anal fissures, dysbacteriosis and rectal oncology you need to use Veselka suppositories, which are inserted into the rectum every night at night. You can make candles from powder dried mushrooms using beeswax and vegetable oil. There are other options for candles using medical emulsifiers (lanolin, cocoa butter, etc.). Candles should be stored in the refrigerator or other cool place until use.

Diseases of the musculoskeletal system

If a person walks on his own and can take care of himself, then although he may be sick, he feels like an independent person. And when trouble happens to your joints, as they say, neither sit nor stand. The fungus mushroom also provides invaluable help in these cases due to its anti-inflammatory, restorative and other properties. In these cases, in addition to taking one dessert spoon of tincture 3 times a day, both simple and concentrated tincture, juice, and ointments are used for external treatment. Concentrated tincture of Veselka is used to treat arthritis, arthrosis, gout, osteochondrosis, coxarthrosis, and other joint diseases. To do this, raw Veselka eggs, cut into small pieces, should be placed in a half-liter jar without compaction and filled to the top with weak (30-35 degrees) vodka, or better yet, moonshine of the same strength. Leave for 3 weeks and lubricate the sore areas at night, wrapping them warmly with a scarf, wool or other cloth. They say that such compresses can completely cure joints. Ointments are also very convenient to use in the treatment of joint diseases. The ointment should be rubbed in with light circular movements so that the ointment is absorbed as much as possible. There was such a case. In the summer of 2014, one patient suffered from knee ligament ruptures after surgery successfully replaced expensive imported medications (injections) with smeared jelly from fresh Veselka mushroom. There was more sense and the result was obvious.


Veselka treats colds very well, in particular rhinitis, cough, flu, sore throat, bronchitis. A cough, even the most persistent one, goes away in no later than 3-5 days. At the first signs of a cold, sore throat, runny nose, flu, you should gargle with diluted warm water Veselka, drink 1 tablespoon of Veselka tincture and lie down in a warm bed. In the future, drink 1 tablespoon of tincture 3 times a day 20-30 minutes before meals. You can eat one Veselka egg as a salad. During influenza epidemics, it is recommended for prevention to drink tincture of the Veselka mushroom, a teaspoon three times a day or (for those at work, study, service) 2 times a day, 1 dessert spoon. Many people, when they drink Veselka tincture for prevention, do not get sick with the flu or acute respiratory infections.

Diseases of the genitourinary system

Thanks to its rich chemical composition, Veselka treats many diseases of the genitourinary system, in particular inflammation of the kidneys and bladder , resolves various cystic formations in the kidneys and bladder polyps . Veselka also heals hidden sexually transmitted infections both in men and women.

And I would also like to say, perhaps not about the most important property of this mushroom, but also a very important one. Since ancient times, Veselka has enjoyed well-deserved fame as an aphrodisiac, that is, as a means increases sexual potency both men and women. Moreover, in this role, it acts on a person not like a scourge, but smoothly, softly but powerfully and confidently. Many men who bought Veselka tincture from me for the treatment of more dangerous diseases (oncology, diabetes) subsequently admitted to me with surprise that, without expecting it, they discovered the powerful effect of Veselka as an aphrodisiac.

Sexual and venereal diseases

As already indicated, Veselka is a good aphrodisiac for both men and women. It strengthens reproductive system body, so it is used for treatment of impotence in men and frigidity in women. This property has been used since ancient times in Slavic countries, Germany and some other countries. It also treats sexual disorders and infertility in both men and women, eliminates hidden sexually transmitted infections .

Almost half of men after reaching 50 years of age are already familiar with various manifestations of acute or chronic prostatitis. If left untreated, an adenoma or, worse, prostate cancer develops. If to enhance the sexual function of the body it may be enough to take one dessert spoon three times a day, then to treat other sexual diseases it is necessary to increase the single dose to a tablespoon for each dose. When treating prostate diseases, in addition to taking Veselka orally, one must make microenemas from a diluted tincture of the mushroom (2-3 tablespoons per 100 ml of boiled and cooled water or a decoction of the herb yarutka) or suppositories from Veselka.

Skin diseases

Veselka mushroom is used for many skin diseases of various etiologies. If in diseases such as skin tumors, melanoma it is better to use a concentrated tincture of Veselka eggs (100 g of Veselka per 200 ml of vodka), supplementing it with external use of the same tincture or other preparations (ointments, jelly, juice), then for other skin diseases you can use the same concentration of tincture from already hatched (mature) veselka mushrooms or from a mixture of mature mushrooms and eggs. It is easier to find hatched mushrooms in the forest by their strong specific smell and you can see them from afar. Veselka is used for allergic rashes and itching of the skin, external wounds and ulcers, warts, fungal infections (dermatomycosis, candidiasis), erysipelas of the skin, trophic ulcers, fistulas, paniricium, frostbite, burns, insect bites, dog bites, bedsores and others skin diseases . In addition to its inflammatory and wound-healing properties, the fungus mushroom also acts as a good pain reliever. In particular, for wounds and ulcers, you can make lotions from tincture, juice, and lubricate sore spots with mushroom ointment.

When treating fungal skin diseases, you can make lotions from Veselka tincture twice a day, you can also additionally lubricate it with juice and ointment, but it is best to lubricate problem areas of the skin (palms, soles of feet, nails) with fresh Veselka jelly. And so on until the symptoms of the disease completely disappear. This usually takes 7-10 days.

Women's diseases

Many women's diseases can also be treated with veselka preparations. In particular, Veselka is used in the treatment of female bacteriosis, hidden sexually transmitted infections, inflammation of the appendages, for the resorption of cysts, for fibroids, fibroids, cervical erosion. In these cases, in addition to taking Veselka tincture orally, one dessert spoon 3 times a day, 20-30 minutes before meals, you can, subject to hygiene rules, use Veselka douches. To do this, experts recommend diluting the tincture of Veselka with half warm chamomile infusion. For mastopathy, the tincture of the Veselka mushroom is half diluted with water, clay is added, a cake is made and applied to the chest overnight.

At ovarian cancer, the dose of mushroom tincture should be increased to 1 tablespoon three times a day 20-30 minutes before meals. During the course of treatment, you must drink at least 3 liters of tincture, as described in the section on the treatment of tumor diseases. Of course, you don’t have to limit yourself to taking one tincture of Veselka, but use others in parallel and alternately medicinal products, diet, etc.

In addition to the above, it should be said that Veselka increases milk supply in nursing mothers and helps with sexual coldness in women. But fungotherapists and other specialists say that veselka is contraindicated for women during pregnancy. This is due to the fact that the likelihood of miscarriage increases.

Veselka is useful to use periodically for the prevention of various diseases, in particular for the prevention of various tumors, cardiovascular diseases, strengthening various body systems, increasing immunity, improving general well-being. After all, everyone knows that a disease is easier to prevent than to cure.

Many may say that I have somewhat exaggerated the capabilities and healing properties of veselka, that it is like another panacea for all diseases. No it's not like that. The fungus mushroom, for example, is not used for the treatment of childhood, nervous diseases, for the treatment of many other body systems, and even in the treatment of the body systems listed above, it is not used for all, but only for the diseases I mentioned and for a number of diseases where its benefit is not yet identified, not studied, or simply there are no publications about it and few people know about it. After all human body This is a holistic, interconnected system and by helping one organ, we help the body as a whole. Therefore, the above-mentioned properties of Veselka are quite enough to give it a worthy place in the arsenal of both folk and official medicine.

Relatively contraindications , then the Veselka has practically none. It is compatible with other drugs. And yet, it is not recommended for use by children under 12 years of age and pregnant women (orally), as well as persons with an atrophied pancreas. Children sometimes do not digest mushrooms well, and in women Veselka can act as an abortifacient. Side effects Veselka rarely has them. Sometimes, at the beginning of use, it can act as a mild sleeping pill, a mild laxative, or vice versa as a fixative. There may also be painful sensations associated with the therapeutic effect of fungal preparations. There is no need to be afraid of this, just reduce the dose of the medicine for the duration of these symptoms. Soon these unpleasant symptoms will disappear.

Diseases for which the Veselka mushroom helps

1) Respiratory diseases and colds

  • Asthma;
  • Throat cancer;
  • Lungs' cancer;
  • Pulmonary tuberculosis;
  • Flu;
  • Thyroid diseases.

2) Diseases of the circulatory system

  • Pituitary adenoma;
  • Atherosclerosis;
  • Phlebeurysm
  • Vegetative-vascular dystonia;
  • Diseases of the cardiovascular system;
  • Strengthens the cardiovascular system;
  • Hypertension;
  • Leukemia;
  • Increases the level of lymphocytes;
  • Thrombophlebitis;
  • Cholesterol.

3) Diseases of the digestive system

  • Stomach ache
  • Internal ulcers;
  • Intestinal ulcer;
  • Stomach ulcer;
  • Gastritis;
  • Haemorrhoids;
  • Hepatitis;
  • Dysbacteriosis;
  • Liver inflammation
  • Inflammation of the gastrointestinal tract
  • Colitis
  • Intestinal polyps;
  • Oncological diseases of the rectum;
  • Gastric cancer with metastases to the liver;
  • Anal fissures;
  • Diseases of the biliary tract;
  • Liver diseases
  • Diseases of the gastrointestinal tract
  • Cirrhosis of the liver.

4) Diseases of the genitourinary system

  • Kidney inflammation
  • Inflammation of the cardiovascular system;
  • Cystic formations;
  • Kidney diseases;
  • Hidden sexually transmitted infections;
  • Prostatitis;
  • Kidney diseases
  • Diseases of the genitourinary system.

5) Musculoskeletal system

  • Arthritis;
  • Arthrosis;
  • Joint pain;
  • Joint inflammation (arthritis)
  • Joint diseases;
  • Osteochondrosis;
  • Gout.

6) Skin diseases

  • Allergic rashes;
  • Warts;
  • External ulcers;
  • Skin fungus;
  • Fungal infections;
  • Dermatitis;
  • Dermatomycoses;
  • External ulcers
  • External wounds;
  • Candidiasis;
  • Melanoma;
  • Non-healing wounds;
  • Burns;
  • Skin tumors;
  • Bedsores;
  • Skin cancer;
  • Wounds;
  • Erysipelas of the skin;
  • Fistulas;
  • Trophic ulcers
  • Psoriasis;
  • Bites.

7) Metabolic diseases

  • Nodes;
  • Hyperthyroidism;
  • Diabetes mellitus type 1 and 2;
  • Inflammatory diseases;
  • Edema;
  • Growths;
  • Papilloma;
  • Polyps;
  • Increased/decreased thyroid function;
  • Other thyroid diseases;
  • Endocrine system disorders;
  • Cholesterol.

8) Oncological diseases

  • Benign neoplasms
  • Benign tumors;
  • Malignant neoplasms;
  • Malignant tumors;
  • Metastases;
  • All types of cancer;
  • Sarcoma;
  • Fibroadenoma.

9) Toxic, viral and infectious diseases

  • Bacterial infections;
  • Smallpox;
  • Chickenpox;
  • Hepatitis;
  • Herpes;
  • Herpes zoster
  • Fungal infections;
  • Flu;
  • Hidden sexually transmitted infections;
  • Respiratory infections;
  • Cytomegalovirus;
  • Acts as an anti-inflammatory agent;
  • Stimulates the immune system.

10) Women's diseases

  • Female bacterial infections;
  • Increases the amount of milk in women;
  • Cyst;
  • Myoma;
  • Fibroids;
  • Endometriosis.

11) Sexual and venereal diseases

  • Adenoma;
  • Infertility;
  • Strengthens the reproductive system;
  • Impotence;
  • Hidden sexually transmitted infections;
  • Prostatitis;
  • AIDS;
  • Sexual impotence;
  • Sexual weakness;
  • Sexual disorders;
  • Acts as an aphrodisiac.

12) Others

  • Increases immunity;
  • Improves overall well-being.