Its fruiting body is perennial. Its shape is semicircular or
fan-shaped, but in rare cases it is rosette-shaped. Its length
is 5-8 centimeters, and the width reaches 5 centimeters. This
sessile mushroom, grows sideways to the surface of the tree. Often several
fruiting bodies grow together at the base.

The surface of the mushroom is completely covered with convoluted thin areas
various shades with which bare and fleecy areas alternate.
The edges of the cap of the multi-colored tramethes are lighter than the middle.

Characteristic feature This type of mushroom is multicolored
hats The top may have areas of blue, white,
silver, black, ocher-yellow, brown, brown colors.
The surface of the mushroom is shiny and silky to the touch. The base is most often
tapered, velvety, silky to the touch. The shade of the base is like
usually greenish.

The hymenophore of Trametes versicolor is represented by a tubular type, with
small pores of irregular size and shape. The tubes have narrow edges.
The color of the tubes is slightly yellowish, and mature age becomes
brownish, in rare cases a red tint may be observed.

The pulp is thin, leathery, light. Its color is white or brown, and
when fading it becomes whitish, almost without tint. The smell of the pulp
Trametesa multi-colored is pleasant.

Places where Trametes multicolored grows.

Fruiting of these tinder fungi occurs from mid-June to the end
October. They prefer to settle on old trees, logs, stumps,
mainly on birch and oak trees. In rare cases, trametes are multi-colored
settle in coniferous trees trees.

Variegated tinder fungi are often found, but they grow mainly
in small groups, but they never meet alone. They
common in many forests of the planet. But on the territory of Russia this species
tinder fungi is practically unknown. These mushrooms reproduce quickly, and
often cause the development of heart rot on trees.

Evaluation of the edibility of Trametes versicolor.

Variegated trametes are inedible. They are not used for food.

Medicinal properties of tramethes versicolor.

In Japan medicinal qualities these mushrooms have been known for a long time, but in
In Russia, these mushrooms are used much less frequently. They are used to produce
medicines for the prevention of stomach and liver cancer. The ointment is used for
cancerous ulcers. This ointment is made from badger fat and powder.
dried tinder fungi. Infusions and ointments from multi-colored trametes help
cope with various degrees of oncology.

In Japan, mushroom therapy is prescribed in combination after chemotherapy and
radiation, that is, trametes are recognized as the official medicine of this country.
In Japan, mushroom treatment or fungotherapy is mandatory for
cancer patients.

And in China, variegated polypores are used as a general tonic.
a remedy that helps avoid disruptions in the immune system.
In addition, preparations based on these mushrooms are used to treat
liver diseases, even chronic hepatitis.

From these fruit fungi a special
polysaccharide - coriolane, which has an active effect on
cancer cells and enhances cellular immunity.

In addition, multi-colored trametes help in the treatment of various
infectious diseases. Their fruiting bodies contain
antibacterial substances that destroy bacteria and enhance
action of antibiotics. These mushrooms are successfully used in the treatment
infectious diseases of the intestines, kidneys, liver, bladder, lungs.
They also help with viral diseases, for example, herpes and

Multi-colored trametes are also effective against sugar
diabetes, rheumatism, hypertension. They can reduce pain,
temperature, normalize the amount of cholesterol in the blood. Besides,
variegated polypores treat some autoimmune processes, for example, they
help with dermatomyositis, sclerosis, lupus erythematosus and so on.

Production of preparations based on Trametes multicolored.

These mushrooms are grown on plantations in China. They are specially planted here
hard deciduous wood and keep it in certain climatic conditions
conditions. Variegated polypores are pulled from the collected fruiting bodies
extract. From 10 kilograms of mushrooms, 1 kilogram of extract is obtained.

The extract undergoes special procedures, thanks to which it is easily
is absorbed and turns out to be highly effective. Pharmaceutical
manufacturing production medicines from trametes
multi-colored corresponds to the world pharmaceutical standard. Ready
the extract is sealed to prevent air from entering,
light and moisture.

Related species of Trametes versicolor.

The velvety, shiny, multi-colored fruiting bodies of these mushrooms are very
noticeable, they stand out among other representatives of the genus, therefore
It is difficult to confuse the motley polypore with other polypores.

Trametes coliformis is an inedible relative. Hat
him thin, half-hearted, gray. The top of the cap is covered
hard fluff. Concentric areas are visible on the surface. Pulp
two-layer - the top is fibrous, soft, gray in color, and the bottom is
The part is cork, white.

Stiff-haired trametes live mainly on deciduous trees,
but very rarely settle on needles. They grow on old stumps, dead wood
and dead trunks. In the temperate region of the Northern Hemisphere it is widespread
a common type of mushroom. In mild climates, tramethes are coarse-haired
grow almost throughout the year.

Fluffy Trametes
also inedible. This is an annual mushroom. This mushroom can be recognized by
his fuzzy hat. The fruiting bodies are sessile and furrowed. Their coloring
gray-olive or ash-gray. The pulp is leathery, thin, white

Fluffy trametes grow on stumps and dead wood, mainly choosing
birch trees, and occasionally settle on coniferous trees. These mushrooms can
found on treated wood. Fruiting bodies of trametes fluffy
They are short-lived and are quickly destroyed by forest insects.

Variegated polypore, also known as multi-colored, cloud mushroom or turkey tail, kawaratake, multi-colored tramethes can be found on deciduous trees (on dry birch, apricot, plum) and on rotten stumps. It often grows on firewood that has been stored for the winter. Less common on spruce trunks. Polypores are saprotrophs, decomposing dead remains of wood, they are the orderlies of the garden and forest. But the tinder fungus is capable of killing a living tree, destroying it from the inside. Therefore, they are primarily useful on dry plants.

Polypores are one of the most common mushrooms on the planet. They look like a drop frozen on a tree. There are many species of this mushroom, but they have one thing in common - their habitat. Mushrooms grow on any woody plant. Some species love moisture, while others, on the contrary, love dryness and rottenness.

Recognizing a mushroom is an important task

How to recognize the multi-colored tinder fungus? The mushroom can be identified by large cluster fruiting bodies in the form of small caps, which can be rosette, imbricated, thin, hard. The tinder fungus is divided into several layers different color(hence the name). For example, top part it can be white, gray, velvety, the middle is darker, even black. The edges, on the contrary, are light, wavy or lobe-shaped.

The colors of the multi-colored tinder fungus smoothly flow into each other.

Low tubular layer, 1-3 mm, mostly white, pale brown. The older the mushroom, the darker the tubular layer. Pores are round in shape, yellowish in color, up to 4 per 1 mm. This colorful mushroom has leathery, hard white flesh, odorless and tasteless. This representative does not have a leg; it grows on wood. The bodies are sessile, almost prostrate. In nature they are found in various forms. It only grows for one year. The motley polypore grows most actively in spring and autumn.

Polypore polypore is used in traditional and folk medicine. You can buy it in pharmacies or assemble it yourself. If you have a garden, then try looking for it on the trunks fruit trees. The mushroom can be found in parks. But it’s best to go to the forest for him. Carefully inspect deciduous trees, fallen branches, and stumps.

Polypore polypore multi-colored or variegated in the photo

  • Division: Basidiomycota (Basidiomycetes)
  • Subdivision: Agaricomycotina (Agaricomycetes)
  • Class: Agaricomycetes (Agaricomycetes)
  • Subclass: Incertae sedis (indefinite position)
  • Order: Polyporales
  • Family: Polyporaceae
  • Genus: Trametes (Trametes)
  • View: Trametes versicolor


  • Coriolus variegated;
  • Coriolus multicolor;
  • Multi-colored tinder fungus;
  • Variegated tinder fungus;
  • Turkey tail;
  • Cuckoo tail;
  • Pestelushka;
  • Yoon-ji;
  • Yun-zhi;
  • Kawaratake;
  • Boletus atrofuscus;
  • Cellularia cyathiformis;
  • Polyporus caesioglaucus;
  • Polystictus azureus;
  • Polystictus neaniscus.

Trametes versicolor is a mushroom from the Polyporaceae family.

External description

The widespread mushroom Trametes multicolor belongs to the category of tinder fungi.

The fruiting body of the variegated tramethes is perennial, characterized by a width of 3 to 5 cm and a length of 5 to 8 cm. It has a fan-shaped, semicircular shape, which only occasionally can be rosette-shaped at the end part of the trunk. This type of mushroom is sessile and grows sideways to the wood. Often the fruiting bodies of Trametes versicolor grow together at their bases. The very base of the mushrooms is often narrowed, silky and velvety to the touch, and very thin in structure. Surface fruiting body multi-colored tinder fungus is completely covered with thin winding areas that have different shades. They are replaced by fleecy and bare areas. The color of these areas is variable; it can be gray-yellow, ocher-yellow, bluish-brown, or brownish. The edges of the cap are lighter from the middle. The base of the fruiting body often has a greenish tint. When dried, the flesh of the mushroom becomes almost white, without any shades.

The mushroom cap is characterized by a semicircular shape, with a diameter of no more than 10 cm. The mushroom grows mainly in groups. A characteristic feature of the species is the multi-colored fruiting bodies. In the upper part of the fruiting body of the described species there are multi-colored areas of white, blue, gray, velvety, black, and silver. The surface of the mushroom is often silky to the touch and shiny.

The flesh of the multi-colored tinder fungus is light, thin and leathery. Sometimes it may be white or brownish in color. It smells like a pleasant, spore-like mushroom powder. white, and the hymenophore is tubular type, finely porous, containing pores of irregular, unequal sizes. The color of the hymenophore is light, slightly yellowish; in ripe fruiting bodies it becomes brownish, has narrow edges, and can occasionally turn red.

Season and habitat of the mushroom

Active growth of the motley polypore occurs from the second half of June to the end of October. This type of mushroom prefers to settle on woodpiles, old wood, rotten stumps left over from deciduous trees(oaks, birches). Occasionally, the multi-colored tinder fungus is found on the trunks and remains of coniferous trees. You can see it often, but mainly in small groups. Alone, it doesn’t grow. Reproduction of tramethes multicolored occurs quickly, and often leads to the formation of heart rot on healthy trees.



Similar types and differences from them

The multi-colored, shiny and velvety surface of the fruiting body distinguishes the variegated tinder fungus from all other types of mushrooms. It is almost impossible to confuse this species with any other, because its bright color gives it away.

Other information about the mushroom

Trametes versicolor is a mushroom that is widespread in many forests on the planet. The mottled appearance of the fruiting body is very similar to a turkey or peacock tail. A large number of The shades of the surface make the variegated tinder fungus a recognizable and clearly distinguishable mushroom. Despite such a striking appearance, this type of tramethes is practically unknown in Russia. Only in some areas of the country is little mention of the fact that this mushroom has healing properties. It can be used to make a medicine to prevent liver and stomach cancer, effective treatment ascites (dropsy) by boiling polypore polypore in a water bath. For cancerous ulcers, an ointment made from badger fat and powder from dried Trametes mushroom helps well.

In Japan, the medicinal qualities of the multi-colored tinder fungus are well known. Infusions and ointments based on this mushroom are used to treat various degrees of oncology. It is interesting that mushroom therapy in this country is prescribed comprehensively in medical institutions, before radiation and after chemotherapy. Actually, the use of fungotherapy in Japan is considered a mandatory procedure for all cancer patients.

In China, variegated tramethes is considered an excellent general strengthening remedy for preventing failures in the immune system. Also, preparations based on this mushroom are considered an excellent remedy for the treatment of liver diseases, including chronic hepatitis.

A special polysaccharide called Coriolane was isolated from the fruiting bodies of Trametes versicolor. It is he who actively affects tumor (cancerous) cells and helps increase cellular immunity.

Trametes versicolor is a tinder fungus that has a unique structure of the fruiting body (resembles a strongly unfolded fan). It grows in fairly large groups. Instances in groups are arranged in the form of rosettes. These representatives of the tinder family, related to inedible species, have a solid set useful properties: antibacterial, antiviral.

The surface of the tramethes fruiting body is quite delicate, characterized by many convolutions having different color shades - from yellowish to dirty brown. Typically the edges are slightly lighter than central part hats. The color of the base of the fruiting body is dark olive, the pulp has a pleasant aroma.

Distribution of the species

Most often, the tinder fungus is found in forest areas and is distributed throughout the world. However, it is practically unknown in the Russian Federation. The optimal place for growth is already decaying wood, stumps, fallen trees, and occasionally settles on coniferous trees. It mainly grows in small colonies; single-growing specimens of the species are extremely rare.

Procurement of raw materials

Trametes is an inedible type of mushroom; most often it is collected for subsequent harvesting for medicinal purposes. Peak fruiting and harvesting period is from August to September inclusive.

Collecting trametes involves cutting off young specimens and their subsequent cleaning. After this, a special heat treatment is performed - the mushrooms are dried, and the temperature in the oven should be no more and no less than the specified values ​​(range from 50 to 60 degrees). Thoroughly dried raw materials are usually crushed to obtain a powdery mass, which is poured into a sealed container (container or package) and sterilized.

Trametes in folk medicine

This type of mushroom is widely known in Asian countries and has long been used as remedy in Chinese traditional medicine. This is due to the content of many useful components in the mushroom pulp: bioactive polysaccharides, peptides, glycoproteins, triterpenes, saturated fatty acids, amino acids, vitamins and microelements.

The raw materials obtained from this mushroom are mainly used for the treatment of oncological diseases (malignant neoplasms). Directly for treatment, a decoction is prepared from ready-made raw materials.

Also, in Asian countries, Trametes is often used to treat quite large number infectious diseases and illnesses internal organs. For these purposes, special mushroom infusions are prepared.

In Japan, Trametes is used to treat diabetes mellitus, hypertension, rheumatism and thrombosis. A medicinal ointment is usually prepared from the mushroom.

Application in traditional medicine

Although in our country this type of mushroom, Trametes versicolor, is not used in official medicine, nevertheless, many scientists confirm its positive medicinal properties.

In Japan and China, raw materials from this type of mushroom are used as one of the components of complex treatment of cancer. This is explained by the fact that the use of Trametes as a medicine helps make atypical cells more sensitive to the effects of chemotherapy and radiation therapy. Also, medicines based on this type of mushroom help in suppressing inflammatory processes that accompany some ailments.

Contraindications and what to consider

Since this type of mushroom is practically not used as a medicine in the CIS, and has not undergone relevant clinical studies, it is not advisable to talk about any side effects from its use or contraindications.

However, raw materials obtained from the fruiting bodies of Trametes should not be used for treatment in children, as well as women during pregnancy and lactation.

Any use of this drug must be agreed with the attending physician. Do not forget that any medicine can bring both benefit and harm to the body.

  1. Trametes is also known under such names as misty mushroom, vungji, kawaratake.
  2. In Asian countries, trametes is still used to this day to treat inflammatory processes in the respiratory system.
  3. The fog mushroom is considered the most valuable in Japan; profits from sales of finished raw materials reach several million dollars annually.

Video: Trametes versicolor