According to statistics, in Lately dysfunctions and pathologies gastrointestinal tract occupy a leading place among other diseases. Residents of large cities are especially susceptible to them. The reason for this is the wrong lifestyle and constant stress. Therefore, by the age of 30, every fourth person suffers from gastrointestinal diseases.

Characteristics of the digestive system

It's no secret that the digestive tract plays a very important role in the functioning of the body. With its help we get vitamins, microelements, proteins, fats, carbohydrates, fiber and useful acids. Some of them serve as building material for cells and provide us with energy. Other substances contribute to the smooth functioning of organs and systems. Therefore, gastrointestinal diseases can not only disrupt the normal rhythm of a person’s life, affecting his health, but in some cases lead to death.

The gastrointestinal tract consists of the following components: the oral cavity, pharynx, esophagus, stomach and intestines, which includes the thin, thick and straight sections. The main functions of all these organs are: the breakdown of food, the removal of its remains from the body, the production of useful enzymes that promote proper digestion and absorption of necessary substances. Without the normal functioning of the gastrointestinal tract, a person feels discomfort, he feels unwell, which, due to lack of treatment, can become chronic.

Causes of diseases

There are a lot of them and most of them relate to the wrong lifestyle. The main causes of gastrointestinal diseases are as follows:

  1. Unbalanced diet: constant dieting, overeating, unhealthy snacks and chewing on the go, regular visits to establishments selling fast food, lack of healthy fiber, instead, the predominance of animal fats and hard-to-digest carbohydrates in the diet.
  2. Ecology: low quality drinking water, the presence of large amounts of nitrates and pesticides in vegetables, antibiotics and preservatives in meat products.

Acute and chronic gastrointestinal diseases have a number of signs that make it easy to determine whether you have problems with this part of the body. These include the following symptoms:

  • Abdominal pain. With ulcers it is sharp, with frequent localization, in the case of appendicitis and hernia - strong, pulsating, when a person has colic - cramping.
  • Heartburn. Painful sensations are typical for it with an ulcer, intensification - with a hernia.
  • Belching. Sour indicates indigestion, with the smell of rotten eggs - o pathological delay food in the stomach and intestines.

Symptoms also include vomiting and nausea, which are more typical of chronic diseases. For example, for gastritis. If the vomit contains bloody issues and clots, this could be an open ulcer or stomach cancer. If a patient regularly suffers from flatulence, he may be diagnosed with dysbiosis, pancreatic secretory insufficiency, or complete or partial intestinal obstruction.

Other signs

Gastrointestinal diseases also have less pronounced symptoms that indicate damage digestive system: bad breath, a feeling of bitterness, the appearance of a white coating on the tongue, poor appetite (especially an aversion to meat products), constant thirst, increased salivation, a sharp decrease in body weight, the development of anemia, pallor, dizziness, weakness, a feeling of heaviness in the stomach, prolonged bowel dysfunction (constipation or diarrhea), as well as the appearance of bloody discharge in the stool.

These symptoms in themselves are not dangerous, but can disrupt the normal rhythm of life, affect its quality, and also indicate the development of pathology. Therefore, the sooner you see a doctor, the faster and easier the treatment will be, the therapy will work effectively and the result will be complete healing. If the disease is not detected early and not treated, it can cause serious complications or will regularly worsen for the rest of your life.

Major diseases

They are typical for a larger percentage of patients who seek medical help. Firstly, this is gastritis, the development of which is provoked by the bacterium Helicobacter pylori, as well as errors in nutrition, the presence bad habits and constant neuroses. With gastritis, the mucous membrane of the gastric walls suffers, which is why a person feels pain and suffers from indigestion. Secondly, it is a stomach and duodenal ulcer. Among other things, it is characterized by painful sensations, heartburn, and problems with digestion of food. An ulcer is formed when the gastrointestinal tract is damaged and the integrity of the tissue is damaged, and this can lead to life-threatening complications.

The third and most common gastrointestinal disease is colitis. Occurs under the influence of pathogenic bacteria, against the background of infection. It is localized in the intestinal mucosa and is inflammatory in nature. Nonspecific colitis causes ulcerative lesions, which cause peritonitis, intestinal bleeding, malignant tumors and obstruction.

Other diseases

Their list is huge. What gastrointestinal diseases are most common among patients? First of all, it is pancreatitis and dysbacteriosis. The first refers to inflammatory diseases of the pancreas, which is characterized by vomiting, nausea, indigestion and pain. The second is the consequences of changes in the natural state of the intestinal microflora, as a result of which its full functioning is disrupted, problems arise with the digestibility of food and its normal excretion from the body.

The most common diseases of the gastrointestinal tract include the following ailments: cholecystitis - inflammation of the gallbladder, which is accompanied by bitterness in the mouth, nausea, pain, problems with stool and dyspeptic symptoms; cirrhosis of the liver - a deadly disease in which large-scale damage to the cells of the organ occurs. Digestive diseases are also called hemorrhoids and appendicitis.

Clinical picture in children

Unfortunately, recently there has been an increase in cases of digestive pathologies in children. Gastrointestinal diseases in children arise due to several factors: poor environment, heredity and proper nutrition. As for the latter, it manifests itself in the uncontrolled consumption by minors of carbonated drinks, fast food products, and sweets that contain emulsifiers, dyes and preservatives. Doctors say that intestinal diseases in children most often manifest themselves at 5-6 and 9-11 years old. The clinical picture is as follows: the baby has a stomach ache, feels nauseous or vomits, and complains of diarrhea or constipation.

Even babies are not protected from illnesses. They often suffer from so-called colic. The reason is artificial feeding. Therefore, doctors never tire of insisting that breast milk- the best food for the youngest children. It not only has a beneficial effect on the stomach, but also helps strengthen the immune system. An organism that receives sufficient amounts natural vitamins, microelements and antibodies from mother's milk, can also provide decent resistance to various bacteria that cause gastrointestinal tract diseases.

Intestinal diseases in children

Acute intestinal diseases of children are classified as a separate group of gastrointestinal diseases. These are salmonellosis and dysentery, which cause intoxication, dehydration and various dyspeptic disorders. Such symptoms are very dangerous and require immediate hospitalization. Interestingly, it is children who most often suffer from intestinal infections. This is due to the fact that in babies the body’s defense mechanisms still work imperfectly. The reasons are also children’s ignorance of sanitary standards and the physiological characteristics of their gastrointestinal tract.

Acute infectious diseases The gastrointestinal tract can provoke delayed physical development, “kill” the immune system and cause a number of other serious complications and irreversible consequences. They are usually accompanied by a complete lack of appetite, fever, pain in the abdomen, diarrhea, nausea and vomiting. The baby complains of weakness and fatigue, he is lethargic and lethargic. Such a child needs medical care: antibacterial therapy is prescribed by a pediatric gastroenterologist.


First you need to contact a specialized doctor - a gastroenterologist. Only after passing necessary tests and conducting examinations, he will make an accurate diagnosis. Treatment of gastrointestinal diseases, its duration and intensity will depend on the specific disease, the form and stage of its development, the degree of neglect, and the general condition of the patient. Drug therapy is usually used, but in some cases surgical intervention is urgently required.

Tactics are selected individually. The following drugs are usually prescribed:

  • Antacids - neutralize gastric juice.
  • Alginates - normalize acidity.
  • Prokinetics - stimulate gastrointestinal motility.
  • Antispasmodics - relieve spasms of smooth muscles.
  • Antibiotics and probiotics.
  • Enterosorbents - against intoxication.
  • Antimicrobial agents.
  • Enzyme digestive preparations, etc.

In combination with drug treatment, drugs are also used traditional medicine: infusions and decoctions of medicinal plants. For example, immortelle, nettle, yarrow, lemon balm. They are very effective, but you can only take them under the supervision of your doctor.

Diet for gastrointestinal diseases

All diseases from this series are so different that specific recommendations can be given only after a detailed study of the diagnosis. The diet is subject to adjustment in each individual case. But there is also General requirements to the patient's diet. Firstly, you need to eat often - 6 times a day. Portions should not be large; it is best if the dish is rare or crushed. This way you won't overload your stomach and intestines. Secondly, the patient needs to drink 2 liters of water per day.

The diet for gastrointestinal diseases must be gentle. Preference should be given to souffles, purees, omelets, low-fat fish and meat broths. Fried, smoked, canned, pickled, salted - are strictly prohibited. You should also give up various sauces, semi-finished products, seasonings and spices. It is also better to exclude vegetables that cause fermentation processes. These are all legumes, corn, peas, cabbage, turnips and radishes. Other vegetables must be thoroughly boiled or stewed. Food should be fresh and easy to digest. The more fiber in the diet and the less refined food, the better the gastrointestinal tract will function.


First of all, it’s still the same balanced and proper nutrition. Prevention of gastrointestinal diseases includes the following measures: compliance with the rules of sanitary food preparation and personal hygiene. This way you will protect yourself and your family from intestinal infections. Eat only healthy products: vegetables, fruits, herbs, low-fat dairy products, fish and meat. Try to ensure that proteins, fats and carbohydrates are in the correct ratio in your daily diet.

Gastrointestinal diseases “love” passive people very much. Therefore, try to move more, play sports, and spend a lot of time outdoors. An excellent option would be swimming, light running, aerobics and even walking. Give up bad habits - they provoke disruptions in the functioning of the intestines and stomach. Try to protect yourself from stress, don’t be too nervous, take natural sedatives: valerian or motherwort. If the first alarming symptoms occur, consult a doctor immediately - this way you will avoid the progression of the disease and prevent it from becoming chronic, and, of course, achieve a complete recovery.


One of the most common symptoms of various stomach and intestinal disorders is flatulence, or in other words, bloating. This is a condition in which a sick person, due to excessive accumulation of gases, feels distension inside himself. As a rule, flatulence is accompanied by pain in the form of contractions, which subside after they subside. The condition is also characterized by a feeling of unprecedented heaviness and often manifests itself along with hiccups and belching.



A very unpleasant phenomenon that is an involuntary release through the throat and mouth of everything that was in the stomach. As a rule, it is accompanied by rapid breathing, sharp abdominal pain, and increased salivation. True, after the release of vomit, the patient feels relief. Vomiting is usually a sign of many diseases and poisonings. It happens that it is not possible to stop it without the intervention of medical workers.

Therefore, it is important to understand that prolonged vomiting is a very serious symptom, so self-medication in this case is strictly prohibited. Especially if what comes out has impurities of mucus, blood or bile.

By the way, vomiting can occur even with strong excitement or a surge of emotions. For many pregnant women in the early stages, this is generally normal.


This irritating symptom appears when the patient experiences an excessive release of gastric juice, that is, increased acidity. Heartburn is a kind of uncomfortable burning sensation in the upper part of the esophagus. Sometimes people suffering from heartburn feel a lump in the throat, which puts a lot of pressure and causes very unpleasant sensations. They especially annoy a patient with gastrointestinal disorders when a person bends down to pick up or do something. In this position of the body it only intensifies and irritates even more.

But keep in mind that something as common as heartburn can cause holes in the stomach, intestines (ulcers) and even cancer of the digestive system.

Bad breath

Every inhabitant of the planet faces this problem. The fact is that bad breath, as a rule, occurs when a person is extremely hungry... we are not talking about non-compliance with hygienic measures now. In another way, this condition is also called halitosis.

The development of this unpleasant symptom is facilitated by various ailments of the gastrointestinal tract. And both in adults and children. Foul-smelling breath usually occurs in patients with gastritis, peptic ulcers, problems with the pancreas, namely in a state of acetone syndrome and other diseases. In general, doctors have calculated that in 50% of cases, bad breath occurs when there are certain disturbances in the gastrointestinal tract.

Salivation disorders

Xerostomia or difficulty salivating, as well as vice versa - an increased secretory reflex - is a mandatory accompaniment of many gastrointestinal disorders. Particularly impaired salivary secretion occurs when a person has gastritis, certain types of cholecystitis and other similar pathologies. Also, increased salivation can occur with ulcers, inflammation of the pancreas, etc.

Such an unpleasant symptom most often manifests itself with accompanying symptoms - heartburn or belching, which only indicates that a person is developing a pathology of the digestive system. Usually, problems with salivation go away on their own, as soon as the patient’s period of exacerbation of the disease begins to subside.

Language changes

This sign of gastrointestinal pathologies is the most common and, as a rule, occurs with gastritis, ulcers and other digestive ailments. It is simply impossible not to notice changes in the oral cavity. Indeed, with such disorders, plaque, hyperemia, swelling, or even peculiar wounds appear on the tongue. The color of this organ also changes - in the presence of diseases of the stomach and intestines, it can acquire a grayish tint or very white with a characteristic yellowness. So, in the presence of an ulcer, the patient’s tongue develops a strong coating and swelling, and with gastritis, this is also accompanied by hypertrophy of the fungiform papillae - small dots on its surface.

It is believed that changes on the lingual surface in the mouth are the earliest symptom that indicates the development of bad gastrointestinal pathologies in the body.


Specific contractions of the diaphragm, characterized by the involuntary expulsion of excess air that entered the stomach along with food or resulting from increased gas formation. Therefore, hiccups are one of the main symptoms of many gastrointestinal disorders, for example, the stomach is full of food or severe intoxication. In any case, if the hiccups are not long-lasting, then apart from unpleasant sensations and annoyance, they will not cause much trouble. But when such a physiological reaction is too long and exhausting, it is better to contact a gastroenterologist and undergo an appropriate examination.

Bitterness in the mouth

One of the unpleasant manifestations of digestive pathologies. Its presence, whether constant or rare, is another reason to seek medical help. After all, a bitter taste in the mouth is associated with disruption of the gallbladder or liver problems. Most often it occurs with cholecystitis and pancreatitis, indicating that bile is released into the stomach. This symptom is also characteristic of peptic ulcer disease.

Itchy skin

Like the above, this phenomenon is also a symptom of disorders in the digestive system. As a rule, skin itching occurs due to pathologies of the kidneys, liver, pancreas, damage by worms or disturbances in the metabolic processes of the body. An itchy lesion can occur in one place or spread to several points.

Therefore, as soon as you notice such a “need” in yourself, you need to be examined in order to identify the disease at the initial stage. Although, if skin itching continues for a long time, this may indicate chronic ailments of the gastrointestinal tract.


It appears when, as a result of the development of gastrointestinal pathologies, the outflow of bile from the biliary tract into the duodenum is disrupted. At the same time, it simply stagnates and bilirubin (bile pigment) enters the blood, coloring it characteristic yellow skin and sclera of the eyes.

A common occurrence in disorders of the human digestive system. Characterized by frequent, mostly watery bowel movements. A patient's diarrhea occurs when food, being poorly digested, moves very quickly through the gastrointestinal tract without having time to be absorbed properly. This condition is usually caused by viruses and bacteria present in inflamed bowel. And a similar manifestation accompanies pancreatitis, intoxication or cholestasis.

By the way, diarrhea is also a symptom of other disorders of the human body, for example, stress, a change in climate or diet, or taking certain medications. In any case, such an important sign cannot be ignored, because it can provoke an even more serious illness.

Rumbling in the stomach

Every person encounters this symptom. We are accustomed to thinking that rumbling indicates that a person is hungry. But sometimes such specific sounds from the abdomen indicate the occurrence of a serious illness.

Usually the cause of annoying rumbling is a disease of the gallbladder (the presence of stones in it), colitis, enteritis, or again pancreatitis.

That is, this phenomenon is a kind of accompaniment of the above-mentioned symptoms of esophageal diseases - flatulence, diarrhea, etc. Depending on which area of ​​the abdomen you feel rumbling sounds, you can pre-diagnose one or another gastrointestinal pathology.


Disorders in the digestive tract can sometimes be accompanied by difficult bowel movements - constipation. You should pay attention to this if you have not had a bowel movement for more than 48 hours. Constipation is also considered to be the discharge of very hard stool, which comes out with very severe and unpleasant pain.

There are many reasons for this state of the body, but the most common of them are stomach or duodenal ulcers, dysbacteriosis, gastrointestinal cancer, or irritable bowel syndrome.

Abdominal pain

In general, with characteristic diseases of the entire digestive system, the very first sign indicating digestive disorders is the so-called epigastric pain. As a rule, they appear with serious disorders and pathologies of the gastrointestinal tract, and with the slightest disorder or poisoning. Abdominal pain can be either cramping or aching in nature.

Their presence can indicate many things: a peptic ulcer, enlargement or damage to the liver, and the fact that the intestines or bile ducts in the patient’s body are too active.

Itching of the anus

But if you feel pain in the abdomen, and at the same time you are bothered by itching near the anus, look for the cause in the intestines. The most likely cause is diseases of the rectum and anus itself. If your anus itself and the area around it are constantly irritated, then these may well be warts or condylomas, which are affected during bowel movements feces and they start to itch. The most common cause of this depressing phenomenon is, of course, worms.

Pathological impurities in feces

But the appearance of this symptom already indicates more serious ailments. In modern medicine, these include pieces of undigested food, mucus, blood, and pus. The last two “contents” in the stool of a sick person indicate a violation of the integrity of the mucous membrane of the esophagus. Also, blood and pus may be present in the stool when a person has dysentery, has an ulcer, hemorrhoids, or a fissure in the rectum.

This is a fairly serious symptom that requires immediate medical attention.

Tenesmus or false urges

This is also a characteristic sign of gastrointestinal dysfunction. It occurs as a result of disturbances in muscle contractions and contributes to the formation of the urge to defecate. As a rule, apart from pain, they do not bring anything good to the patient and are accompanied by a complete absence of feces.


A common and characteristic phenomenon for every person. This is a kind of release of excess gases from the stomach through the mouth when it is full of food. It is accompanied by a characteristic unpleasant sound, which indicates not only the patient’s bad manners, but also the presence of gastrointestinal diseases.

Although it is also present in pathologies of the cardiovascular, liver and gall bladder.


This is also an important symptom of digestive pathologies. It causes difficulty swallowing. The causes may be various lesions of the esophagus: foreign bodies, cicatricial narrowings or tumors. But the most common cause of this phenomenon is gastroesophageal reflux disease, which also requires medical intervention.

The modern lifestyle with its constant rush, snacking on the go and an abundance of unhealthy food is often one of the main causes of our diseases. According to statistics from the Ministry of Health, about 50-60% of the adult population suffers from diseases of the digestive system 1 .

Symptoms of gastrointestinal (GIT) disorders are familiar to many: heaviness after eating, abdominal discomfort, diarrhea, nausea and problems with stool.

Gastrointestinal diseases can lead to extremely unpleasant consequences, such as general dehydration of the body, affecting brain function, intoxication of the whole body, or malignant neoplasms digestive system. And, of course, any chronic disease without proper treatment threatens with diseases of other organs, because human body- a complex natural system in which all elements are interconnected.

Causes of diseases of the gastrointestinal tract

The causes of gastrointestinal diseases are varied. All diseases of the digestive system can be divided into two groups: infectious and non-infectious. The following causes of infectious diseases of the gastrointestinal tract are possible:

Unlike infectious diseases of the gastrointestinal tract, which, as a rule, begin acutely and have pronounced symptoms, the non-infectious group is characterized by smoothed symptoms (with the exception of acute surgical pathology).

Diseases can be chronic, occurring with exacerbations and remissions. The development of non-infectious gastrointestinal diseases can lead to: 2

  • improper diet;
  • a sedentary lifestyle, which disrupts the physiological peristalsis of the small and large intestines;
  • diseases of the endocrine system;
  • adverse effects of external environmental and industrial living conditions;
  • chronic stressful situations and depression, which sharply reduce the level protective properties body;
  • genetic predisposition and congenital abnormalities of the gastrointestinal tract.

Symptoms of diseases of the gastrointestinal tract

Signs of gastrointestinal diseases depend on the type of disease and the cause of its occurrence. One of the main symptoms that most clearly signals the presence of gastrointestinal diseases is pain. The location of the pain may indicate the following problems: 3

  • heaviness after eating or abdominal discomfort may be associated with a lack of digestive enzymes in the intestines;
  • pain in the upper third of the abdomen can be associated with inflammation of the walls of the stomach, intestines and lower esophagus or appear with ulcerative lesions of the stomach and duodenum. Additional symptoms of these diseases are nausea and vomiting;
  • pain in the right hypochondrium often signals inflammation of the gallbladder - cholecystitis;
  • pain in the left hypochondrium may be a sign of gastritis and other inflammatory diseases of the gastrointestinal tract. If the pain is severe and girdling in nature, then during the examination the doctor pays special attention to the condition of the pancreas;
  • pain in the lower abdomen can be a sign of appendicitis and intestinal infections.

Most gastrointestinal diseases are not limited to abdominal pain. A person may also be bothered by:

  • . In chronic form, it may indicate hepatitis, cholecystitis, and colitis;
  • Constipation. Gastroenterologists call constipation bowel movements less than 3 times a week. This symptom often accompanies dysbiosis, irritable bowel syndrome;
  • Flatulence. Excessive accumulation of gases in the intestines and stomach can be associated with colitis, pancreatitis and dysbiosis;
  • Nausea and vomiting;
  • Frequent attacks of heartburn, which are caused by gastroesophageal reflux or gastritis with high acidity.

Diagnosis of gastrointestinal diseases

Accurate diagnosis is the basis of the future effective treatment gastrointestinal diseases. Without knowing the exact cause of unpleasant symptoms, it is impossible to choose the right treatment program. Timely diagnosis can prevent the development serious illnesses and complications.

Diagnosis of gastrointestinal diseases may include:

  • General examination by a doctor. Feeling, listening internal organs, visual assessment the condition of the skin and mucous membranes will allow the doctor to obtain basic information about the condition of the organs, their size and location;
  • Laboratory analysis of blood, urine and feces;
  • To determine the level of activity of the pancreas (which is responsible for the production of digestive enzymes), an elastase-1 test is performed;
  • Gastroscopy and colonoscopy. Visual inspection of the inner wall of the esophagus, stomach and intestines allows you to carefully examine the condition of the gastrointestinal mucosa;
  • Ultrasound examination (ultrasound) is one of the most common methods of diagnosing diseases, during which a specialist examines the structure of the gastrointestinal tract on a monitor screen in real time;
  • Radiography. Using a special contrast agent, the doctor can identify on an x-ray image any changes or disturbances in the structure of the stomach and intestines;
  • Computed tomography and magnetic resonance imaging are layer-by-layer scanning that forms a 3D image of the organ being examined. This is very effective tool diagnostics, but sometimes general tests and examination are enough to establish a diagnosis;
  • Biopsy. Histological analysis small area pathological tissue is carried out when there is a suspicion of a malignant neoplasm.

Treatment of diseases of the gastrointestinal tract

The treatment tactics for gastrointestinal diseases are determined individually and depend on the general condition of the person, the nature of the disease and the stage of development. Most often, diseases of the gastrointestinal tract are treated conservatively, that is, without surgical intervention.

An important element in the treatment of gastrointestinal diseases is diet. If there are disturbances in the functioning of the digestive system, it is very important to adhere to the principles of a healthy lifestyle (HLS).

Meals should be small, up to 5-6 times a day with short breaks. It is necessary to completely avoid fast food restaurants, fatty, fried and spicy foods, carbonated drinks - in short, everything that can irritate the mucous membranes of the digestive organs. Food should be as gentle as possible. The basis of the diet for gastrointestinal diseases should be the following dishes:

  • porridge with water;
  • soups with low-fat fish and meat broths;
  • omelettes;
  • dairy products;
  • lean meat, steamed, boiled or baked.

You should minimize foods that contain coarse fiber and cause excessive gas formation: legumes, cabbage, radishes, corn. Canned food, sauces, spices and seasonings are also excluded.

Prevention of gastrointestinal diseases

Preventing the development of gastrointestinal diseases is not so difficult. It is enough to adhere to simple principles of a healthy lifestyle. Here are a few rules to follow in the prevention of gastrointestinal diseases:

  • take care of the right and balanced diet;
  • prefer fresh vegetables and fruits to canned food, fast food and high-calorie foods;
  • stop smoking and drinking strong alcohol;
  • exercise regularly and maintain an active lifestyle;
  • undergo periodic preventive examinations;
  • If you notice the first symptoms of digestive system disorders, consult a doctor immediately.

The drug Creon® for diseases of the gastrointestinal tract

Some gastrointestinal lesions are accompanied by indigestion and enzyme deficiency, which leads to unpleasant symptoms - discomfort, heaviness in the abdomen, heaviness in the abdomen, flatulence, diarrhea. For diseases of the gastrointestinal tract, the drug restores the deficiency of pancreatic enzymes. The active substance of the drug is natural pancreatin, contained in a variety of mini-microspheres, which are placed in a gelatin capsule. The capsule quickly dissolves in the stomach, and minimicrospheres are mixed with food, facilitating the digestion process and promoting absorption nutrients 4 .

Small size particles help the drug process a larger amount of food eaten, unlike, for example, tablet products. In addition, it has been scientifically proven that particle size determines the effectiveness of the enzyme preparation. In accordance with modern world and Russian scientific works, the particle size of the drug should not exceed 2 mm 3.5.

Tablet preparations are a whole form; they cannot be divided, as this may break the protective shell, and the active substance will simply die in the stomach.

Creon ® is suitable not only for the treatment of diagnosed diseases. Creon ® 10000 is also indicated for use in case of errors in diet, when eating fatty foods, if symptoms such as heaviness after eating, abdominal discomfort, bloating or gurgling occur 4 . As a rule, 1 capsule per dose is enough to relieve symptoms. It is important to note that the body does not stop digesting food itself 6, since Creon ® only complements the body’s own work. In this regard, the drug can be used whenever symptoms appear. Moreover, the instructions for medical use also note that it is important to take the drug during each meal or immediately after 4 meals. This is explained solely by physiology: the body produces enzymes every time you eat.

You can find out more about the drug

1. Federal State Budgetary Institution “Central Research Institute of Organization and Informatization of Health Care” of the Russian Ministry of Health. Morbidity rate in the adult population of Russia in 2015. Statistical materials. Moscow, 2016.

2. Maev I.V., Kucheryavyi Yu.A. Diseases of the pancreas: a practical guide. – M.: GEOTAR – Media, 2009. – 736.

3. Ivashkin V.T., Maev I.V., Okhlobystin A.V. et al. Recommendations of the Russian Gastroenterological Association for the diagnosis and treatment of EPI. REGGK, 2018; 28(2): 72-100.

4. Instructions for medical use of the drug Creon ® 10000, enteric capsules, dated 05/11/2018.

5. Lohr Johannes-Matthias, et. al. Properties of different pancreatin preparations used in pancreatic exocrine insufficiency. Eur J Gastroenterol Hepatol.2009;21(9):1024-31.

6. Diseases of the pancreas in children. / edited by Belmer S.V., Razumovsky A.Yu., Khavkin A.I., Kornienko E.A., Privorotsky V.F. M.: ID “MEDPRACTIKA-M”, 2019, 528c ISBN 978-5-98803-408-7

Due to stress, many people may experience functional disorders associated with the gastrointestinal tract. They can be treated quickly and without much difficulty, but ignoring them can lead to serious consequences. Next, let's talk about symptoms, causes and methods of treatment.

Functions of the gastrointestinal tract

Before considering the most popular functional disorders of the gastrointestinal tract in children and adults, it is necessary to understand what options this body system performs.

Most often, pathologies are associated with digestive problems. Most of them are not characterized by any organic changes such as infections, tumors, and so on. To understand the causes of disorders, you should know all the options of the gastrointestinal tract. Let's look at them.

  • Motor. It allows you to chew, swallow, move food around the body and remove undigested residues. This function is carried out by muscles.
  • Suction. It ensures the absorption of all nutrients into the blood and lymph through special tract walls.
  • Excretory. Thanks to this function, various substances of metabolic products are removed into the gastrointestinal tract. It could be ammonia, salts, and so on. Over time, they are completely eliminated from the body.
  • Sectoral. This function allows the production of gastric juice, saliva, bile and so on.

Each section of the gastrointestinal tract has its own special purpose. When functional early age and in adults, then all options are confused. As a result, a person develops unpleasant symptoms. During the examination, the specialist does not find any pathological disorders or changes in the organs. It is in this case that we are talking about functional problems.

General symptoms

To prevent a person from having such problems, he should adhere to all preventive recommendations. Functional gastrointestinal disorders in children, the clinical manifestations of which will be discussed below, and in adults have common indicators. Let's describe them.

The most common symptoms are pain in the intestines, stomach and some other organs. Heartburn may often occur. It becomes an indicator of changes in the level of acidity in the stomach.

Another symptom is chest pain. However, she talks not only about problems with the gastrointestinal tract, but also the heart. Belching, bloating, nausea, and a lump in the throat are common symptoms. But they can also indicate other pathologies, as they are popular manifestations.

Causes of disorders in the gastrointestinal tract

For various reasons, functional disorders of the gastrointestinal tract may appear. ICD-10 code: K00 to K93. These classes combine all problems associated with the digestive tract.

It should be noted that modern methods diagnostics made it possible to reveal the following fact: problems with the motor activity of the gastrointestinal tract do not in any way affect the functions of the system itself. In the 80s of the last century, a theory appeared that the state of the tract is influenced by a psychogenic factor. However, the majority of patients in whom a similar pathology was identified did not experience any mental problems. That is why in modern times one of the main reasons is considered to be a violation of the perception of a certain type of sent impulses. A person can recognize them as pain. Any disease of the nervous system can cause such a reaction. Functional gastrointestinal disorders can occur due to bad habits, stress, medications, and so on.

Most popular problems

A common problem is heartburn. If we talk about more severe symptoms, laryngitis, pharyngitis, bronchitis, pneumonia with cases of relapse, and so on may occur. This problem manifests itself in the fact that stomach contents are thrown into the esophagus.

A common functional disorder of the gastrointestinal tract (MBK-10 code: K30) is dyspepsia. It is characterized by pain in the epigastric region, as well as other unpleasant sensations. Most often, this disease occurs due to problems with motor function that appear in the upper parts of the tract.

Another popular syndrome is caused by flatulence, rumbling, diarrhea and constipation. Such symptoms are formed due to problems with nervous system and hormones.

Reflux disease

This disease can appear due to a hernia, increased blood pressure, consumption of large amounts of fatty foods, or decreased tone of the esophagus. The problem manifests itself as heartburn, belching, and pain. There may also be pressure that occurs after eating. This is why it is important not to drink alcohol, juices or sparkling water.

In advanced cases, the patient experiences dysphagia, chest pressure, vomiting and salivary discharge. Pain can radiate to the arm, neck, back, and so on.

The most popular problem is the manifestation of reflux without the formation of esophagitis. For diagnosis, tools such as a general urine test, a test for certain bacteria, an ultrasound of the abdominal cavity, and others can be used. To exclude serious pathologies You should also visit a cardiologist, pulmonologist, ENT specialist and surgeon.

Treatment of the problem is based on symptoms. Nitrates, theophylline, calcium, and beta blockers may be prescribed. If the patient has a disordered diet, then you should start following a diet. You need to eat vegetables, eggs, fruits, especially those containing vitamin A. Drinks and foods that have an absorbent effect should be excluded. You need to eat six times a day in small portions. After a meal, you should rest, do not engage in physical exercise and do not bend your torso.

Functional dyspepsia

A functional disorder of the gastrointestinal tract such as dyspepsia should be separately considered. Let us describe the possible manifestations of the disease.

In the presence of a dyskinetic form of the problem, a person experiences a feeling of early satiety, gastrointestinal fullness, and bloating. Sometimes nausea may occur. With a nonspecific form of the disease, a wide variety of symptoms can occur (not a consistent sentence). Most likely, they will all be quite common as manifestations of other pathologies. Treatment depends on the individual patient's complaints.

During diagnosis, special measures are taken that make it possible to distinguish functional dyspepsia from biological one. Stool and blood samples are taken and the body is checked for infections. You should also send your stool for examination to check if there is lymph in it.

If there is a need for drug treatment, the patient is prescribed special therapy for two months. The most commonly prescribed antibiotics are adsorbent, antisecretory and prokinetic drugs. It should be noted that there are no general treatment tactics. It completely depends on the symptoms that need to be relieved and the causes.

General treatments

In order to cure functional disorders of the gastrointestinal tract, it is necessary to conduct a thorough diagnosis and exclude any organic changes. The complexity of therapy lies in the fact that all such problems can have a large number of causes and different symptoms.

The doctor gives the following recommendations: give up bad habits, stop taking medications that can affect the gastrointestinal tract, start following a diet. If the patient has problems with a psychological state (depression or hypochondria), then the specialist has the right to prescribe anxiolytics and other drugs of this group.

Stomach disorders

Stomach problems are also included in the list of functional gastrointestinal disorders. (ICD-10: K31). They include a huge number of pathologies that affect functions such as motor and secretory functions. However, no major changes are recorded. Symptoms of dyspepsia may appear, as well as pain. In order to make a diagnosis, various measures are prescribed, for example, probing, ultrasound or x-rays. Treatment is only medicinal. Diet and giving up bad habits play a big role.

Treatment of stomach problems

Therapy depends entirely on the cause of the functional disorder of the gastrointestinal tract and, separately, the stomach itself. Clinical features are also taken into account. You definitely need to change your diet. Food should be taken four times a day. One of them must be accompanied by the consumption of a hot liquid meal. You need to avoid those foods that can irritate the mucous membrane. We are talking about pickled, fatty, spicy dishes. Most often, when such problems are identified in a patient, they are quickly resolved in whole or in part by adjusting the diet and diet. Often in such situations there is not even a need for drug treatment.

If a patient has neurovegetative functional disorders of the gastrointestinal tract and stomach, they can be eliminated by taking anticholinergic drugs with a sedative effect. Tranquilizers and herbal remedies also help well. In the most severe cases antidepressants are prescribed.

If it is necessary to relieve the pain effect and restore motor function, then you should take antispasmodics.


In the presence of functional disorders of the gastrointestinal tract (ICD code is written above in the article), as a rule, the prognosis is favorable. The main thing is to make a diagnosis in time and begin treatment. It's important to work on your nutrition. You should get rid of stress and also get more rest. If the problem occurs in adolescence, then it will most likely go away on its own within two to three years. This is due to the fact that due to hormonal changes, the neurovegetative system begins to work poorly.

If treatment is not started in time and the problem gets worse, more serious consequences may occur. Provocateurs include poor diet and stress.


As is clear from the information presented above, in order to avoid such problems, you should healthy image life, give up unhealthy diet and avoid stressful situations. Sometimes functional disorders can appear in adolescents due to changes in hormonal levels in the body.

The phrase gastrointestinal tract disorder refers to a variety of diseases, both directly affecting and related to the disruption of other body systems. Such diseases are among the most common today. In general, all of them can be divided into three large groups: functional, organic disorders and psychosomatic disorders. Let's take a closer look at each of the groups.

As the name speaks for itself, with this type of disorder the functioning of the gastrointestinal tract is disrupted. Moreover, this violation is not accompanied by any organic changes in the structure of the organs themselves. So, what functions may be impaired?

Each of these functions or several at once can be disrupted due to various reasons, which leads to gastrointestinal disorder. The failure of organs affects a person’s sensations, which makes it possible to identify certain symptoms.

Symptoms of functional disorders:

  1. Pain, discomfort, pressure, heaviness in the abdomen. Most often indicates or intestines.
  2. Chest pain (can sometimes indicate heart disease).
  3. and/or belching (may indicate problems with the duodenum or stomach).
  4. Intestinal dysfunction (colic, bloating, diarrhea or constipation, gas).
  5. Nausea and vomiting.
  6. Decrease or complete absence appetite.
  7. Difficulty swallowing food, which may be accompanied by pain (signals inflammation in the oral cavity or cancerous formations).

As you can see, the symptoms are very common and can indicate many different diseases.

Reasons for violations

The causes of functional disorders can be very diverse, ranging from adverse effects external environment to other diseases in the body that provoke complications in the gastrointestinal tract. The most common of them:

  1. Hereditary predisposition.
  2. Diseases of internal organs located near the digestive tract.
  3. Lack of eating routine and/or unbalanced diet.
  4. Polluted ecology.
  5. Great physical activity.
  6. Bad habits (smoking, drinking alcohol).
  7. Bacterial infections.

Most often, the reasons lie in poor nutrition. Often, eating dry, fatty, spicy and fried foods requires the release of more secretion than is normally necessary. Over time, the glands “get tired” and can no longer secrete required quantity juices for processing less heavy food. This condition leads to irritation of the mucous membrane, gastritis can occur, and so on. In other cases, the motor function of organs is disrupted, the passage of food through the gastrointestinal tract is slowed down or accelerated, which causes discomfort and pain in the patient.


Helps bring the doctor closer to making an accurate diagnosis precise definition localization of discomfort in the abdomen. Conventionally, the entire abdomen can be divided into 9 sections, which is illustrated in the picture below. At first glance, this seems very difficult, but let's figure it out. The division begins by drawing two horizontal lines that connect the upper ends of the thighs and the lower ends of the costal arches. Thus, the abdomen can be divided into three levels, from upper to lower: epigastrium, mesogastrium and hypogastrium. Further, each of these levels lasts for another 3 parts, which are distinguished by drawing two vertical lines that are drawn along the rectus abdominis muscles. Also, to limit the diagram, a solid line is drawn from above along the costal arches. The dotted line in the picture indicates the dome of the diaphragm.

Why is it necessary to divide the body into sections? The fact is that in each of these sections certain organs are located and, by defining the sections, we significantly narrow the spectrum possible diseases. For example, in area No. 7 the appendix is ​​most often located, and in areas 6 and 4 the kidneys are located.

These methods are used only for primary diagnosis. Ultrasound, stool, blood and urine tests are used for confirmation.

The most common diseases

Of course, in this article we will not cover the entire variety of functional disorders of the gastrointestinal tract, and therefore we will briefly consider the most common:

  1. Gastritis (violation of stomach acidity).
  2. (inflammation of the pancreas).
  3. Irritable bowel syndrome.
  4. Chronic bronchitis, pharyngitis and laryngitis (refers to gastrointestinal disorders when caused by the entry of stomach contents into the bronchial tree.
  5. Non-ulcer dyspepsia syndrome.


Basically, the standard therapy regimen includes methods of traditional and traditional medicine, as well as diet. All patients are advised to give up bad habits (alcohol, smoking) during treatment, and to carefully follow the treatment.

In most cases, treatment is limited to taking medications (anti-inflammatory drugs, drugs to restore intestinal microflora, drugs that normalize stomach acidity. In extreme cases or in advanced stages, surgical intervention may be required.

Organic disorders

Or, in medical terms, organic dyspepsia is a pathology associated with changes in the structure of organs (for example, stomach ulcers, hepatitis). Organic disorders are not as common as functional ones, but they are much more serious for the body and more difficult to treat.

Causes and symptoms

For organic disorders, the causes are exactly the same as for functional ones, but most often they are based on various bacteria and infections. Therefore, the clinical picture may be supplemented by fever, fever, and in rare cases, cough and runny nose.

If you find yourself with the above symptoms, consult a doctor immediately. Delaying treatment can lead to worsening of the condition and complications.


In most cases, organic dyspepsia is determined by: gastritis, peptic ulcers (stomach or duodenum), as well as various infectious intestinal diseases: entercolitis, colitis, enteritis, appendicitis.


Organic dyspepsia is diagnosed in the same way as functional dyspepsia. However, the therapy will be different. In this case, more intensive and prolonged treatment is required. Patients are necessarily prescribed antibiotics (often even two at once), as well as drugs that support the microflora in the intestines. For severe pain, antispasmodics and painkillers are used.

Important! These drugs are prescribed only after an accurate diagnosis! You should not take painkillers for abdominal pain without consulting a doctor; they can hide the symptoms of serious diseases.

If an infection has been diagnosed, which is accompanied by a high temperature, then antipyretics are prescribed.

In case of a severe course of the disease, the patient must remain in bed, overload himself physically, and temporarily give up work and study.

You need to drink plenty of fluids and watch your diet.

It is best to go on a diet: eat only boiled, non-spicy and low-fat foods.

Under no circumstances should you eat hot or cold food, everything should be room temperature. You should eat small portions several times a day.

If you like tea, it is better to replace it with herbal infusions.

If serious complications develop, surgery may be required.

Psychosomatic disorders

In most cases, they mean the same diseases of the gastrointestinal tract, but caused by a person’s mental state. The theory of this effect was developed by Hans Selye, who studied wounded soldiers and conducted experiments with rats. In the course of his research, he discovered that the level of stress and the duration of its impact on the body significantly affect life expectancy and health.

Today, such dependence is not a secret for doctors, and especially gastroenterologists, because nervous tension most often affects the gastrointestinal tract.

Causes of the disease

As mentioned above, the main reason is nervous tension and stress. However, how do they affect digestion? The fact is that man is a biological being, in whom many natural instincts are embedded. When any changes occur in life that entail strong feelings, the body can behave in two ways:

  1. Prepare to “defend”, that is, fight.
  2. “Run away”, that is, hide from problems.

The first strategy requires activation of all body systems and obtaining additional energy. To obtain it, it is necessary to speed up the process of digesting food, by releasing more secretion and increasing organ motility. In the second case, the entire body, on the contrary, is inhibited, all processes slow down, accordingly, less secretion is released, motor skills slow down.

Both situations negatively affect the condition of the organs: in the first case, they are depleted, and in the second, they release an insufficient amount of resources for digesting food and the body does not receive enough nutrients.

What diseases cause psychosomatic disorders

Most often, doctors diagnose the following diseases:

  • irritable bowel syndrome;
  • gastritis;
  • ulcer;
  • inflammation of the duodenum;
  • disruption of the biliary tract, and so on.


Typical manifestations of diseases of the gastrointestinal tract are complemented by insomnia, loss of appetite, “emptiness” in the head, chaotic thoughts, difficulty concentrating and other signs of high nervous tension. If the impact stressful situation If it is long lasting, then other symptoms begin to appear:

  • sweating of the extremities and armpits;
  • “numbness” of fingers and toes;
  • headaches and heart pain;
  • weakness and fatigue.

Often the patient himself may not notice that he is in a state of stress.

Treatment methods

In this case, an integrated approach is required: drug treatment and psychotherapy. As additional remedies, you can use traditional therapy methods, namely herbal decoctions that have a calming and relaxing effect. Which medications will be prescribed depends on the disease. These can be drugs that reduce or increase the acidity of the stomach, medications that “envelop” the mucous membrane, antispasmodics, analgesics, and in some cases even antibiotics. To restore the body's resources, immunostimulants and vitamins are used.

Psychotherapy is necessary to normalize the patient’s condition and psychological relaxation. The main goal is to relieve stress, to “turn off” this mode in the psyche in order to restore normal functioning of the organs. For this purpose, regular consultations, auto-training, and various exercises can be used. Depending on the complexity of the situation, therapy is supplemented with sedatives of varying strengths.

In some cases, medicinal stress relief can be replaced folk remedies. A decoction based on valerian, mint, lemon balm, and motherwort is perfect. Brewing them is very simple - pour a tablespoon of dry raw material into 200 ml of boiling water. It is best to drink decoctions at night, before bed.

As you can see, there are a lot of disorders of the gastrointestinal tract, and in some cases the same diseases can be provoked by various factors, and therefore require differentiated methods of therapy. Do not under any circumstances attempt to diagnose yourself or your loved ones. The information in this article is for informational purposes only.

If you have discovered certain symptoms in yourself and were able to diagnose the disease, do not prescribe medications yourself! You may not take into account side effects or contraindications, thereby harming yourself. Treatment should only be prescribed by a doctor!

Anton palaznikov

Gastroenterologist, therapist

Work experience more than 7 years.

Professional skills: diagnosis and treatment of diseases of the gastrointestinal tract and biliary system.