Nut– the symbol indicates the difficulty of comprehending the secrets of the surrounding world, the ability to gnaw on complex problems. Get through it, don't despair!

Just as a nut has the potential to grow an entire tree, your life holds many untapped possibilities.

Collecting nuts in autumn is a sign of harvest and abundance.

Orchid- you are loved, desired, admired.

Wasp– you are afraid to hear caustic, stinging judgments or words from others. Don't worry, it's only good in small quantities.

Donkey– you behaved like an ass. Is there an area in your life where you are blunt, aggressive, and emotional towards other people? Listen to their advice and behave with more restraint. It's in your best interests.

Less commonly, a donkey can symbolize patience, suffering and perseverance.

Octopus/Octopus– the octopus has eight tentacles, which indicates an eightfold increase in your strength. This is a powerful symbol of transformation.

Among your friends there are those who behave like octopuses. And their excessive activity hinders your movements and your plans.

Peacock- a sign of pride, vanity and selfishness.

But the peacock is beautiful and makes a lasting impression on others; he is able to demonstrate his beauty from different sides and attract the attention of others for a long time. Perhaps you should also draw attention to yourself in this way.

Palm tree– due to its natural cyclical nature of growing one shoot once a month, it represents time and the cyclical processes of the world around us.

Panda associated with peace. This is a very affectionate and cute animal, but not deprived of natural strength and grace.

Paralysis– you feel completely immobilized in one area of ​​your life.

Nothing paralyzes your will except yourself and your fears. But fear is just our perception of the world around us. Change your perception, take a step, and everything may not be so scary, and the numbness that has bound you will go away.

Spider– the web that a spider weaves is a symbol of the creative forces of the Universe. The web spreads in a spiral from the center and is considered a symbol of the universe.

It can also be a symbol of trap or captivity. You are caught or are about to fall into someone else's web. And someone will start controlling you. Try to assess the situation from other heights and evaluative positions. Not everything is as scary as it might seem at first glance, since any web has weak points.

Web– you yourself are entangled in your own web. It is not easy to get out of there, but if you are given such a sign, you have every opportunity to do so. Give up your illusory attempts to take possession of someone, as this will end in tears, first of all, for you.

Pegasus is a wonderful symbol of freedom and inner magic. This is your soaring power, your finest hour. As a symbol of inspiration, it will carry your ideas on the wings of fate.

Pelican– the pelican symbol reflects mercy, selflessness and the mystery of its behavior. Perhaps there is someone next to you to whom you need to show similar feelings without expecting praise and encouragement, unnoticed.

Penis/Phallus- this is, as a rule, a clear sign of the male principle, strength and potency, especially when he is erect.

A limp penis may suggest a feeling of powerlessness or unfulfilled potential.

Make an effort to restore this function, no matter what it is connected with.

Fracture may mark a sudden and unpleasant change in your life. You may reach a tipping point.

This may be a signal to slow down and be more careful, especially if everything around you is breaking and you are the type of person who breaks things a lot.

You have entered that period of life when faith breaks down and illusions are shattered. Remember: when the illusion collapses, you gain the ability to see the world as it is. And the sooner you lose your illusions, the safer you can feel, since this kind of trauma is most often designed to stop you and your movement along your chosen path. Why? Lose your illusions - and you will be able to understand it.

Quail– a bird called a quail can mean fear or retreat.

What are you afraid of? You must identify the cause of your fear, since it may be an unconscious but true feeling.

Quail eggs are a delicacy. Remember that you are not the only one who may be interested in them. Consider creating a safe environment for your fruit.

Peach- This is a favorable sign of pleasure and enjoyment. Life is beautiful, enjoy it to the fullest.

The peach tree you saw symbolizes immortality, the longevity of man and his deeds.

Rooster– if someone behaves like a rooster, it means he is putting on airs and being cocky. It's time for you to learn humility.

The rooster's crow calls for awakening. Awaken spiritually, awaken to life. Be vigilant, moderately active during this period, defend your interests and life goals.

Liver- this is almost always a sign of suppressed anger, since the liver is considered the seat of anger. Find out the reason for your anger, as the appearance of the sign may emphasize that your emotions are justified.

This may also tell you that it's time to pay attention to the physical condition of your liver and the need to pay attention to your diet.

Bake– an idea or project is brought to completion in your head.

The stove is also a symbol of home and comfort. It's time to pay attention to this aspect of your life, take care of your home and loved ones.

Peony– you need to be sincere, and then you will receive a response. To a greater extent, the sign is addressed to women who hide their true feelings under masks of false images.

Leeches– you feel that something is sucking your strength and vital juices.

But sometimes leeches bring benefits to a person by sucking blood and disease from him. Even if you find a “leech” in your environment, try to turn this harm to your advantage. Find out what exactly you are missing and how vital it is for you.

Shoulder– you find yourself in a situation that you cannot cope with alone. Don't refuse help. Shoulder and support will be very helpful. And remember, having accepted the help of another, you should act appropriately towards any person who asks for help from you.

Fetus- this can be a sign of a full reward for your work or a successful harvest. If the fruit appears good to you, your projects will bear fruit. If the fruit is rotten or spoiled, this may indicate inept, improper handling of the products of your labor.

Weather may indicate your emotional state. Stormy weather may indicate a storm in the soul. Rain can symbolize sadness or emotional cleansing. Fog may indicate that you have lost clarity of vision.

But this omen is valid only in the case when you emotionally perceive this or that weather.

Sunflower is a symbol of great joy and fullness of life. He turns his head towards the sun, absorbing its warmth and light. Turn around and face him.

Parrot may symbolize insincerity and meaningless repetition of other people's words. Try to express yourself, even if it doesn't work out very well. It will still be your speech, thoughts and beliefs.

Loss of appetite– a symbol of insufficient self-recognition. Relax, enjoy life. You are as important as you should be. Both you and your attention are important to those around you. You should not run after illusory recognition and ephemeral fame.

Kidneys(anatomical) - can be a symbol of fear, disappointment or criticism. The kidneys are connected to the human emotional world. Pay attention to your emotions. Perhaps some of them are harmful to you.

Kidneys(plants) – a sign of beginning, a symbol of new life. Soon they will bloom and give the world the joy of flowers and fresh natural greenery.

Pond– like any body of water, a pond symbolizes emotions and intuition. A quiet, clean pond speaks of pure emotions, restless water is evidence of anxiety.

But, since the pond is most often man-made, pay attention to what or who gave rise to the emotions being studied.

Bird(see also interpretations dedicated to certain birds) - can symbolize flight to unknown heights, the ability to rise above everyday problems. This may be a symbol of flight into the spiritual realms.

Birds are a symbol of freedom. You can gain freedom, and in the current situation nothing prevents you from doing so.

A singing bird is a harbinger of happiness.

A bird in a cage can symbolize a feeling of loss of freedom.

Bird eggs can symbolize the beginning of a new one that is about to be born. However, bird eggs are vulnerable and should be protected.

Bee symbolizes hard work, productivity and cooperation. But at the same time, she is able to defend her achievements. Perhaps you should be a little more aggressive towards those who want to profit from the fruits of your labor. You should take a closer look at this hardworking insect, which shares all its worries with its fellow hive members.

Cancer– something is eating you up on the emotional plane. Try to express yourself. Express what is hidden in your heart. Be honest with yourself.

If you are faced with some difficult situation, do not move back, but move forward. The only things that hinder you are your emotionality and your equally emotional gaze.

Plant– seeing a flowering or healthy plant speaks of confident and faithful spiritual growth and personal development. If the plant is weak or damaged, there may be reasons that are negatively affecting your spiritual growth.

Vomit- this sign tells you that it’s time to get rid of everything that bothers you. Free yourself from old ideas, concepts and concepts. It's time to. Do it now!

You feel that you need to express what you usually kept hidden and what made you sick. It's time to speak out.

River has a number of deep symbolic meanings. You may hear expressions such as “river of life,” “stream of life,” and “river of time.” This is always a sign of movement and rhythm of change. To move with the flow, you shouldn’t “rush the river.” There is no need to swim against the current. Let the river carry you on its own. Don't fight her.

Rice– in the East, rice is a sign of home happiness, family celebration, joy and wedding. This is a great sign that your projects will bring the expected results.

Rose– pay attention to the color. The rose itself indicates love and attraction, but each color adds its own colors to these feelings. White - love sighs, pink - an oath of love, tea - courtship, bright red - passionate love, admiration for beauty.

Horn is a symbol with two meanings. Although horns and horned animals are usually associated with strength and masculinity, the horn is also used by humans as a container and can therefore also symbolize the feminine nature.

The horn can speak of both a cornucopia and a hunting horn, which is blown, calling for a hunt, a fight.

Horns(branched). Horns can be a symbol of protecting the divine masculine inherent in you, as well as indicating strength, courage and power. You are reminded of the virtues that you have.

Birth/Childbirth- a bright symbol of renewal and rebirth. They can symbolize a new stage in your life, both external and internal. Birth may mark a spiritual awakening or the release of a powerful creative force that has been hidden within you.

The birth of the new is usually associated with the death of the old. These may be old ideas or old stereotypes that limit your horizons. Don't stop on your path, even if it means saying goodbye to a lot.

Birth marks beginnings, but it can also symbolize the vulnerability and defenselessness of what is born. Give this your utmost attention.

Mouth indicates the need to more accurately and clearly express your thoughts and emotions to the people around you.

Hand is an instrument of life, a manifestation of human power and capabilities. Remember that when managing your power and your capabilities, you are responsible not only for yourself, but also for those people in whose destinies you interfere. Be fair.

Fish– in a spiritual sense can symbolize food, renewal and rebirth. Since the fish gives birth to several thousand embryonic eggs at the same time, it indicates fertility.

Since the fish swims in the water element, which symbolizes emotions or consciousness, its image is associated with the ability to use the emotional environment to one's advantage. So you can use your emotions and the emotions of the people around you to achieve your goal.

Garden can be a symbol of beauty and peace, as well as creative activity. Different aspects of your Self can be reflected in different plants and trees.

If the garden is well-kept, then this may be a symbol that your work brings a good harvest.

If the garden is overgrown with weeds, then this means that you must eradicate many things from your life.

In our dreams, a garden always represents paradise, the opportunity to live happily and carefree and enjoy life. And no one limits you in your aspirations, but invites you to set real goals.

Cricket– a chorus of crickets in the morning can symbolize home peace and comfort.

In some cultures, the cricket symbolizes long life and happiness. But a cricket in the house always predicts trouble. So not everything is clear.

Pig(see also Boar)– the sign can serve as a symbol of selfishness and promiscuity.

Seeds– great things begin from small things, if there is suitable soil for its development. This is a wonderful sign for any undertaking: “As you sow, so shall you reap.”

Scorpion The symbol of Scorpio symbolizes the danger that lurks behind the veil of secrecy. If you decide to reveal someone's secrets, do it carefully and carefully.

Sweets- enjoy life. Take care of yourself - don't forget to eat well.

Plum- a symbol of fertility, the life-giving and life-bearing power of Mother Nature. Everything awakens after hibernation, you wake up along with nature.

Elephant- a symbol of strength. It can be either a gentle, loving force or a violent, destructive force. You have enough inner strength to remove all obstacles from your life.

They say that elephants never forget anything. There is something in your life that you should always remember. It is the reminder of this event that is associated with this clue.

When a person is called thick-skinned, they mean that he is difficult to hurt or anger. The thick-skinned elephant reminds you to pay less attention to the little things. Life is too short to waste it over trifles. You may need to become more sensitive to your own feelings and the feelings of those you care about.

Your natural intelligence and accumulated experience are appreciated by those around you.

Death– despite all the gloominess of the sign, it symbolizes the end of a process and the birth of a new one. Be prepared for changes, they will bring newness into your life and open up new perspectives in life.

Fig tree- a religious sign, nevertheless, is closely related to the manifestations of the Laws of Mother Nature. The appearance of such a sign symbolizes the receipt of secret knowledge, perhaps the most important thing in your life.

Snow (see also Water)- a sign of purity and purification. It's time for a fresh start and a new outlook on life. A new world opens up around the corner.

Snow can also symbolize frozen emotions.

Blizzard (see also Water) can symbolize complete confusion of emotions.

Snow can be a sign of deception. Wait for the storm to subside. Then you will be able to reassess the situation and decide what you can do in the current situation.

Snow avalanche (see also Water) can symbolize incredible experiences or frozen emotions that can sweep away everything in its path.

Dog- a symbol of devotion, friendship and protection. It is also a symbol of service and dedication.

Depending on personal perception, a dog can become a symbol of an enemy, a hidden threat. Pay attention to your personal perception of this sign.

Dog - you are being protected - that’s what the dog sign says. But look at your watchman. If he is clean and well-groomed, then you pay tribute to his care and attention. If he is sick or hungry, then your defense suffers, just as this poor animal suffers. Be attentive to yourself, and the reflection will tell you about it.

Owl- this is a very important sign, since the owl is a symbol of transformation. If this sign appears to you, know that a transformation may be awaiting you.

The owl symbolizes both death and rebirth in your life.

The owl is also a symbol of ancient wisdom, born in the inner worlds, since dreams and mystical insights lie in the darkness. The ancient Greek goddess of wisdom, Athena, was usually depicted with an owl on her shoulder, indicating the rightness and wisdom of the goddess. If this sign has appeared to you, it means that you should gain the ability to discern the truth under any circumstances. You will be able to see what will be lost in the dark for others. Your insights will be amazing and the transformation happening around you will be profound.

Juice can be tasty and healthy. You should be saturated with vital juices and increase your physiological potential. Make every effort to restore your physiological and energy balances.

Salt is a powerful symbol of strength and stability. Salt can also be a symbol of wisdom and stability.

Salt has also always been a symbol of cleansing and neutralizing negativity. Salt has remarkable disinfectant properties. This sign may be telling you that you need to clean up something in your life.

Salt - look for wisdom - the “salt” of any process. These are important particles that are hidden behind surface processes.

Pine– an excellent atmosphere purifier. This may indicate that it is time to cleanse your soul and body. It may be worth spending a day in the park to allow your body to draw strength from the natural world around you.

The pine tree is a type of evergreen plant. This reflects unfading life and high vitality, despite adversity and events. Pine is a holiday that is ready to come to you regardless of the time of year.

Back- a sign of retreat, support and avoidance of possible troubles. It can mean "turning your back" on someone. There is a time to advance and a time to retreat. There is no shame in retreating. Objectively assess the situation and think about whether it’s worth leaving your position for a while.

This may be a signal that it is time to pay attention to the physical condition of your own back. The spine is the support of your body.

This sign can also refer to the support system in your life. You cannot cope with the situations that are happening in your life, and you should resort to the support and help of the right people.

Ostrich– there is something in your life that you do not want to look at. You bury your head in the sand so as not to see what is happening around you. But since this is just an illusion of security, it does not save you from a real threat. Stop abstracting yourself from reality, solve problems as they arise.

Sole- the point of your connection with the earth, your support in movement.

You are afraid to take a step forward in your life. Perhaps it's time to get back on your feet. You have every opportunity for this.

The foot can symbolize the direction you have chosen in life. And if the sign has a negative connotation, then the direction is chosen incorrectly.

Tobacco symbolizes communication, collective reflection and reflection on what is happening. Perhaps you have something to talk about and discuss with your loved ones and acquaintances. Together you can do more than alone.

Calf– an image of contentment and a healthy environment. Since the calf is still under the protection of the mother, you are told that you are also under the protection of Mother Nature.

Body(see also the definitions given to the various parts of the body, since each part of the body has special symbolic associations) – the right part of your body can symbolize the masculine, moral, (“right”) part of your Self and your outer qualities (if you are left-handed, then the symbolism changes its sign to the opposite).

The left half of the body symbolizes the feminine, intuitive, part of your Self and your inner essence.

The lower part of your body represents your primal instincts, as well as the lower chakras, groundedness and sexuality.

A naked body can symbolize vulnerability, while a body that is wearing too much clothing usually symbolizes secrecy.

Blackthorn appears where nature is pure and immaculate, where human hands have not yet cleansed the earth. You have a blank sheet of paper in front of you, write everything you need on it.

Tiger is a bright symbol of energy, strength and talent. Such power can be used for both constructive and destructive purposes.

Colon allows us to get rid of toxic products. It's time to realize what is completely useless for you. Free yourself from this now.

It may also mean it's time for you to check the health of your own colon.

You don't absorb food and information efficiently enough. Find out the reasons for this. Most often they consist of an excess of one or the other. Curb your appetite and everything will get much better.

Poplar– you need to be flexible, to focus your behavior not only on the standards of your gender, but also on the habits of the opposite. This behavior will allow you to get closer to people and find a common language and common interests.

Swamp(see also Water, Earth)- This is a swampy lowland overgrown with grass. It forms a transition zone between water and land. If the swamp is rotten, this may be a sign of stagnation of your emotions and your lack of confidence in your own feelings. A healthy swamp provides shelter for many animals and birds and is a necessary part of our world. This image indicates that the physical and emotional aspects of your life are in balance.

You feel like you are being sucked into the swamp of life and are overwhelmed by emotions. Cleanse your body and soul and step back onto solid ground.

peat bog– you feel stuck in a project or situation, as if in a swamp. You should immediately look for support or an assistant, otherwise things could end very badly.

Nausea- you feel sick because of something. It is necessary to calmly reconsider all your life situations and relationships in order to understand what exactly you are not able to digest in your life.

This is also a sign that you should get rid of anything that cannot be useful in the future.

Nausea may also indicate that you need to change your diet. Examine your usual foods, maybe you will discover something that does not agree with your body.

Trauma (see Illness)– nothing happens by chance. Remember and replay the situation when the injury occurred. Note all thoughts. This way you can find out what led up to the accident.

Also pay attention to the damaged part of the body. Each part has its own symbolism.

For example, if your head is injured, then most likely you are being asked to think hard about something. A leg injury limits your movement. Determine the direction and goals in relation to which movement is, at a minimum, undesirable in the near future.

Cane tells you about the need or already about the fact of fertilization with an idea. Then the period of maturation and development will begin, during which you need to pay maximum attention and care to the fetus.

Cane– you need support in life. Accept help wherever it comes from. You shouldn't do anything important alone. But choose your travel companion (see below).

But since a cane is also an accessory, emphasizing the importance and significance of its owner, then perhaps you should pay attention to such a detail.

Toilet- this sign indicates that you should get rid of everything that you do not need in life. Leave it and forget about it.

Fog(see also Water And Air)– a symbol of emotional or intellectual confusion. Either emotions or thoughts get confused and prevent you from understanding the situation.

Fog can also mean that there is an obstacle in your life that you cannot yet see clearly.

Oyster can be a symbol of hidden beauty or beauty that develops gradually, like a pearl growing in an oyster.

A pearl begins to form when a grain of sand enters the oyster shell. This sign can symbolize that even small accidents can be transformed into beautiful things. It takes time and work.

Duck is a sign of a happy and harmonious marriage, less often a partnership.

Ear– you need to listen, turn your ear. Something is happening around you, next to you that you are not able to see, but you are able to hear and understand. Be on your guard.

Ears– try to hear the signs around you. Show a desire to know the truth. Don't be afraid to hear the truth. This knowledge, whatever it may be, will allow you to better understand reality, and therefore gain better control over the present.

Fruit trees(see also Garden) is a wonderful sign that you will reap the fruits of your labors, your fertility in life.

Furuncle– usually ready to break through. And since a boil is not a very pleasant formation, this indicates a quick release from something unpleasant and painful.

Chameleon symbolizes adaptation and flexibility.

It can also be a symbol of eccentricity. The chameleon is changeable and capricious.

The Chameleon also represents those who are never willing to show their true nature. You change like a chameleon depending on the situation you find yourself in, instead of behaving according to your inner truth. Become yourself. This will help you gain confidence in what is happening.

Lameness(see also illness)– you are prevented from moving through life by the restrictions that you have imposed on yourself. Change the situation, feel your strength and effectiveness.

Flowers are usually a wonderful sign of beauty and flourishing. Certain flowers have special meanings. For example, roses can be a symbol of love and romance, daisies can be a symbol of freshness and innocence. Each flower has a meaning that it symbolizes. But there is also your understanding and feeling of what you feel when looking at this or that flower.

Flowers give joy and the feminine beauty of nature to everyone who sees them. But each flower is significant individually.

Red flowers - love fervor. Pale red - willfulness. Bright red – fury, insolence. Dark red – sadness and jealousy.

Blue flowers tenderness. Pale blue hidden tenderness, shyness. Bright blue ardent and obvious tenderness. Dark blue – painful tenderness, longing and memories.

Purple flowers of sorrow. Pale purple

high - quiet grief about the past. Bright purple - inconsolable grief. Dark purple - humility, deep sorrow.

Green flowers are hope. Pale green – nascent hope. Bright green - unshakable hope, trust. Dark green - secret hope, mournful, disappeared.

Yellow flowers are happiness. Pale yellow - fragile joy, quiet happiness, new. Bright yellow – ardent joy, stable happiness. Dark yellow - secret joy; happiness is at stake. Chestnut flowers - mistrust. Pale chestnut - pacified distrust. Bright chestnut - zealous, frantic distrust. Dark chestnut - secret, painful mistrust.

Healer/Healing- you are being healed. Think about the healing energy hidden within you.

Chick– when we call someone a chicken, we mean cowardice, timidity, lack of self-respect. Call on your inner helpers, your inner strengths for help. All this is quite enough to overcome shyness and self-doubt.

“Chickens are counted in the fall”: counting them earlier means drawing premature conclusions. Be careful and set realistic goals.

Tea- a sign of friendship and relaxation. It symbolizes hidden secrets and meditation on questions of eternity.

Turtle– its symbol is colossal vitality and longevity. Despite the leisurely nature of these animals, they are unusually strong and resilient. This is true for you too.

This is a powerful symbol. The ancients believed that the earth stood on elephants, which in turn stood on the shell of a turtle swimming in the ocean. Its power and strength are able to support such a structure, therefore, the one who received such a sign is able to master the task that faces him.

Worm- a symbol of hidden preparatory work, invisible on the surface. This work needs to be done to prepare the ground for your project.

Prunes– you feel exhausted, as if your vitality has left you and all the juice has been drained from you. This is not true, look at this fruit. As soon as it gets into the water, it fully realizes all the nutritional properties inherent in it by nature. So you, having received the necessary emotional support, will be able to realize your potential.

Neck– sticking your neck (head) out means taking a risk. But something stops you. Your fear is justified; it remains to find out its true reasons.

Among your friends there are those about whom you can say that they are sitting on your neck. The time has come to do something about such riders, since you do not have much strength and opportunity to provide such help.

Apple– a symbol of restoration of potential, integrity, health and vitality.

An apple can also mean temptation, as it did to Eve in paradise.

Lamb historically symbolizes purity, innocence and even tenderness. A time to be aggressive and dynamic, and a time to be gentle and humble. It's time to become more modest.

Egg- a very significant sign, symbolizing new life and new potential. If this sign appears to you, then you are on the verge of entering your full potential. This is a time of new beginnings.

Hawk- this sign suggests that you must be swift in achieving your goal.

Lizard indicates the need to pay attention to dreams.

The landings were guarded. Leaves harvested in May-June and unripe fruits (milk maturity), as well as pericarps and ripe ones have long been used as medicinal raw materials in folk medicine. nuts. Ripe kernels walnuts nuts used as a tonic in weakened patients, for the prevention of atherosclerosis, heart disease, gastric and duodenal ulcers...

Marshall in Huntington, West Virginia. This variety nuts contains omega-3 fatty acids, antioxidants, flavonoids and phytosterol - elements that help reduce the possibility of disease, as well as slow down tumor growth. Total 56.7 g. nuts per day is enough to achieve a similar result. In addition, the use walnuts nuts has a positive effect on the cardiovascular system, making arteries more...

Vitamin F (PUFA). In the plant world, the leader in the content of this vitamin is oil. nut walnut it contains 92% of this vitamin. Part walnut nut contains more than 80 elements that a person needs every day, including polyunsaturated fatty acids - vitamin F..., especially consumed with raisins and figs, and is very useful for older people. In the kernels walnuts nuts a lot of magnesium, which has a vasodilator and diuretic effect, as well as a lot of potassium, which can remove sodium...

He says: “We found out that walnuts nuts superior in all respects to peanuts, almonds, pistachios and other varieties of edible nuts. Twice - in terms of antioxidant content, in particular. Unfortunately people underestimate walnuts nuts, which simply must become integral... 2 types. Dr. Vinson continues: “Another benefit walnuts nuts- the fact that people eat them raw, and other types nuts must be subjected to heat treatment. At high roasting temperatures, the quality...

The priests will become smarter... Thank God, now everyone can eat nuts which ones he wants and how many he wants. For example, walnuts. If you think that walnuts nuts originally from Greece, then you are mistaken. This is the same as considering Bonaparte the author of the Napoleon cake. Motherland walnuts nuts- Asia Minor. However, they grow well in Ukraine, the Caucasus, and Central...

Researchers studied a group of 22 healthy adults with high cholesterol levels. They discovered that walnuts nuts and nut butters included in the diet helped reduce blood pressure, both at rest and... The results showed that blood pressure was significantly reduced during diets containing walnuts nuts and butter walnuts nuts. Nuts- a rich source of fiber, antioxidants, and unsaturated fatty acids, especially alpha-linolenic...

Affects pathogenic bacteria. Why is the kernel useful? walnut nut? First of all, it contains a significant amount of fat, proteins, carbohydrates, and vitamins. By nutritional value nut not inferior to meat, fish, bread, potatoes and liters... the decoction is used as an adjuvant, since it promotes better absorption of glucose. Fresh crushed leaves walnut nut applied to wounds or ulcers for rapid healing. Oil tincture (50-80 grams of fresh chopped...

The magical properties of nuts are given by the power of Mother Nature, they radiate all the blessings of the Earth. We use nuts in witchcraft for many reasons, but mainly to add powers to our everyday magic. The magic of nuts is alive, accessible and easy to use.

Nut magic is an ancient tradition that probably dates back to ancient Egypt, Greece or India. The magical properties of nuts were used for everything that the Earth is connected with. For example:

  • Healing,
  • Conception,
  • Increased strength and capabilities
  • Money and Prosperity
  • Luck
  • Spells for career and work,
  • Love Spells
  • Protection

Just like herbs, each nut has its own magical properties. The magical properties of the nuts can be used to add extra power to any spell. In addition, the magic of nuts will have some desired result, regardless of the personal strength of the caster, due to the fact that herbs, nuts, trees and all plants give up their magical energy stored in them to any of your rites and spells. Nut magic is a universal form of witchcraft and is very popular among traditional and modern forms of magic.

The magical properties of nuts are almonds.

This is a nut that corresponds to the Power of Fire and Spring. It is believed that keeping almonds in your pocket will help bring good luck to your side. Almonds open up the endless possibilities of Spring and therefore help us find what we are looking for. It is believed that keeping almonds in your pocket will help you find lost objects or animals.

The magical properties of nuts are chestnuts.

Chestnuts are believed to enhance fertility and success. They are carried by women who want to conceive a child. Moreover, they are useful for anyone who wants to succeed in their business. Chestnuts are believed to bring money and prosperity to those who carry them. Try this, put a small chestnut in your pocket or bag and carry it with you.

The magical properties of nuts are hazelnuts.

This tree was considered a living source of wisdom and its nuts were a powerful tool for creativity and inspiration. Hazelnut trees were believed to grow near sacred and magical places. Brides were often given these nuts for good luck and fertility. Moreover, by carrying hazelnuts with you, you can attract spiritual teachers. Remember that hazel branches are used to create magic wands!

Oak and acorns.

The Druids and Greeks considered the Oak to be the king of all plants. The word "Druid" itself means "Oak" in Greek. Oak symbolizes Divine Power. The royal origin of this tree makes it extremely valuable in Druidic ceremonies and rituals. The Druids used the word "Duir" to describe the oak tree. It is very interesting to note that Duir also means Gate. The acorn is a symbol of dominance, will and male strength.

Carrying an acorn with you is believed to protect you from any harm - including lightning (it is believed to be the sacred Tree of Zeus, the King of the Gods, whose weapon is lightning).

Additionally, placing acorns on your window during the full moon is believed to attract the powers of the elves and bring money and prosperity to your hearth.

The magical properties of nuts are peanuts.

Peanut is a plant associated with Jupiter and means only one thing - opportunity and prosperity. Peanuts are used as a powerful amulet to attract wealth.


Walnuts have been used in magic for thousands of years. Walnuts are also called JUGLANS (Jupiter nuts). Try this for money and prosperity: Always keep a bowl of walnuts on your desk. Walnuts radiate the power of Jupiter throughout the home, bringing new opportunities, fertility and wealth.

The magical properties of nuts are coconut.

Coconut is used for protection. Coconut can help remove negative energies and attract positive vibrations with its sweet aroma. It can make you feel light and full of happiness.
How to use:

  • — Lubricate candles with coconut oil for additional protection during rituals.
  • — Clean the floors in your home and business premises with a coconut-scented product. Pay special attention to floors, windows and entrance doors.
  • — Take a bath with coconut-scented bubble bath, concentrating on your desires.
  • — Light coconut-scented incense sticks to cleanse the room.

The magical properties of nuts are pecans.

In magic, nuts of all types correspond to prosperity and fertility.
In particular, pecans represent wealth, generosity and inheritance. It is believed that pecans can attract friends and lovers to those who cook or carry them.
To bring money to your door, grow a pecan tree in your yard.
Serve pecan desserts when your family and friends are together so that they will always be generous and hospitable to you.
Add pecans to a sweet jar to attract a rich lover.
Crushed pecan shells scattered at your door will send you into rags and riches.
Keep a bowl of whole pecans on your altar as an offering to the spirits of prosperity to ask them to bless your home or business.
Pecans are also an excellent offering for most ancestors or departed spirits in rituals for money.
A cake baked with pecans for a wedding or engagement will ensure that the couple will always have money.

Knowledge, science.
In medieval symbolism, the nut represents Jesus Christ; nut peel - crucifix; a shell of leaves - a body that, with proper nutrition, can withstand any test. The nut is the container of three virtues and three gifts of the Lord: oil, light and vital energy. At the core of the nut there is a divine essence that is available to everyone who wants to comprehend it.
In China, the nut (hu-tao) is a symbol of flirting.
Hazelnut signifies the fruit of science, and the Druids used the hazelnut in their spells; Greek tradition attributed prophetic properties to the walnut tree.
A nut seen in a dream can mean a difficult problem to solve. But more often it is an image of a female genital organ.

Walnut. Shares with all types of nuts a symbol of hidden wisdom, as well as fertility and longevity. Walnuts were served at weddings in Ancient Greece and Rome as a symbol of these qualities. He represents strength in adversity, but at the same time, selfishness, since nothing grows under him. Caryatids are nymphs of nuts.

The shade from the walnut tree is heavy and harmful to both people and plants, says Pliny’s Natural History (23-79). The nut itself, in many fairy tales and legends a vessel with mysterious benefits, plays a significant role in symbolism, since its precious content is enclosed in a hard shell.
In the Jewish commentary on the +Bible (Midrash (???)a-(???)a"elam) the Holy Scripture is compared to a nut. The shell corresponds to the historical facts mentioned in it, which contain symbols and secrets.
In St. Augustine (354-430) the nut represents three essences, namely: the skin-like flesh of the larva, the “bones” of the shell and the core of the soul. The mask is also the flesh of Christ with the bitterness of suffering, the shell is the wood of the cross, the kernel is the sweet core of divine revelation, which nourishes and also gives light with its oil.
The popular expression “hard nut” means a problem difficult to solve, and “empty nut” means a worthless person.
Symbolism in the spirit of hidden sexual meaning (hiddenness, fertility) is evident from the custom of giving nuts for a wedding and from the custom of throwing nuts (today often rice grains) at the newlyweds, mentioned by Sextus Pompey (???)estus (2nd century).
In France, it is believed that a year with a good harvest of nuts portends great luck for children; obviously, the psychological symbolic interpretation is similar. “A dream about nuts may refer to a difficult problem with a very valuable kernel. But more often this fruit, comparable to crude drawings on the walls, is an image of the female genital organ” (Eppley).
A symbol of fertility, water, supernatural powers of divination and wisdom.
In Northern Europe and the Celtic world, the walnut rod was a tool of wizards and fairies, fortune tellers and gold hunters.
According to ancient tradition, it was the rod of Hermes, the messenger of the gods.
The source of its mystical symbolism can be sought both in its deep roots (mystical powers of the underworld) and in its fruits (secret wisdom).
Besides its use in witchcraft, the nut was a powerful symbol of fertility and rain; it was believed to bring good luck to lovers and, according to Scandinavian folklore, a cow driven with a walnut rod would produce abundant milk yield.

Nut. 1. The fruit of some plants, which is an edible kernel in a strong shell or shell. Roasted nuts. Crack nuts. Nibble nuts. | in meaning collected Almond. Nutmeg. // Nuts are scarce this year. V. Chivilikhin, A Month in Kedrograd. || Bot. Indehiscent, with a hard, woody pericarp, a single-seeded fruit of some plants (for example: oak, chestnut, etc.).
2. only units. h. Tree of the nut family. || Beautiful hardwood from this tree used for carpentry. Maria examined the large old-fashioned sideboard, the polished walnut double bed. V. Popov, Steel and slag.

Ground (or Chinese) nut is the same as peanut.
Will get into trouble (or will, will get, etc.) - about the punishment awaiting someone.
To cut (or finish) someone like a nut is to strongly scold, criticize, gain the upper hand over someone in a dispute.

Dictionary of the Russian language in 4 volumes. T. 2. - 1999.

Nut- a symbol of life and fertility, traditionally associated with love, marriage and childbirth. In the symbolic “language” of trees and shrubs, nut means justice. In ancient Rome, nuts were given to newlyweds on their wedding day to encourage a fruitful marriage. The ethnographer Baring-Gould in his “Book of Folklore” said that in France in the 19th century. the newlyweds were showered with nuts as they stood before the altar. In Devonshire, a bride leaving a church was greeted by an old woman with a bag of hazelnuts. In many English counties, already in our time, a bountiful harvest of nuts is perceived as a prediction of a large number of newborns.
In Germany, the expression “go to hell” was once associated with love affairs. Perhaps the roots of this lie in medieval legends about the devil collecting nuts in a special black bag, so collecting nuts on Sunday was considered a violation of Christian norms. In some regions, Halloween is called "Nut Cracking Night" because nuts were often used in witchcraft and fortune telling. The girl, to make sure of her lover’s fidelity, placed two nuts with names on the grate next to the fireplace. If they burned together, everything was in order, but if they scattered to the sides or did not burn, this indicated the young man’s infidelity. The most magical nut was considered to be one with two kernels in one shell. Having found one, they made a wish, ate one grain, and threw the second over their left shoulder. Sharing a double nut with a person was considered a sure way to achieve his love or friendship.

Sources: Howle K. Encyclopedia will accept superstitions. M., 1998; Sheinina E. Ya. Encyclopedia of symbols. M., 2001.

What do we know about trees - signs of the Druid horoscope? Nut

The energetic and efficient Nut takes on the “reins of power” of the Druid horoscope during the periods from April 21 to April 30 and from October 24 to November 2.
The characters of those born under this sign combine contradictory traits. External calm, supported by material evidence of wealth, is combined with a hidden desire for risk and excitement. Stylishness, subtle and refined manners, hospitality and politeness coexist peacefully with timidity, whims and selfishness.
In life, Orek calculates the consequences of his actions several steps ahead. But, nevertheless, it is difficult for others to understand his motives; to the uninitiated, his actions seem impulsive and unreasonable.
The fruits of the walnut tree are well known. Despite the name and general belief, they are not real nuts, unlike hazel fruits. What we are accustomed to thinking of as a nut is actually the seed of a walnut fruit, like a plum or cherry.
Walnut or Voloshsky walnut is a genus of trees in the nut family, uniting more than two dozen species of fairly large plants with a dense rounded crown - up to 30 meters high and a trunk diameter of up to one and a half meters.
Legend claims that Caria, the daughter of the Laconian king Dion, was turned into a tree, and the fruits were the girls who danced in circles in honor of Artemis under the shade of the tree.
Botanists believe that the areas of natural distribution of the walnut are Central Asia, Iran, Afghanistan, the Himalayas and Tibet. The current vast forests of trees in Transcaucasia are most likely overgrown cultural plantings.
In Rus', the tree appeared together with Greek priests - preachers of Christianity in the Slavic lands. Hence the Russian name - walnut, or Voloshsky nut. At that time, representatives of the Roman peoples, and possibly foreigners in general, were called Volokhi.
But despite the fact that monasteries were “nurseries” of overseas vegetation, the attitude of the clergy towards the tree was ambiguous. Due to the fact that no other plants grew under the walnut, there was an opinion that some evil spirits settled on it. In fact, the reason for the “alienation” is a special substance “juglone”, produced by walnut leaves and suppressing vegetation.
For centuries, people have used all parts of the wonderful tree. On this occasion I.V. Michurin called the walnut a plant tree. Wood produces beautiful, high-quality and prestigious furniture. Leaves are a source of various beneficial substances. Fruits are a food product and a medicinal product.
Trees over 10 years old bear fruit; the most abundant harvests come from thirty-year-old trees. The walnut kernel contains fats, proteins, carbohydrates and vitamins. In terms of nutritional value, they are not inferior to meat, fish, or milk. It is recommended to eat nuts during heavy physical activity and for sick and weakened people.
Hypertension, intestinal disorders, increased acidity of gastric juice, tuberculosis and tonsillitis - this is not a complete list of diseases that walnut fruits can help cope with. Their unripe kernels contain 40-50 times more vitamin C than lemons or oranges. There is more than one article in the “School of Life” about the beneficial properties of delicious fruits, so I will not repeat myself.
The active and sociable Jasmine is in a hurry to replace Nut in the Druid horoscope.