Date of birth: from 23.10 to 22.11

Female zodiac horoscope for Scorpio for 2017

Horoscope 2017 Scorpio, woman

Horoscope 2017 Scorpio woman

Scorpio women will be lucky in almost all areas of life in 2017. The Year of the Rooster will be a time of drastic changes for them. At work you will have the opportunity to show your talents, there will be a new addition to the family, your lover may propose, and in the area of ​​finances there will be enviable stability.


Scorpio women will target career and will succeed in this thanks to their charm, ability to establish useful connections, and get around “sharp corners.” If you want the year to be fruitful, loyalty and patience must be your constant companions.


In 2017, married women will distance themselves somewhat from their loved ones. In their behavior, all family members will feel emotional coldness. It is not right. After all, your spouse, children and parents are sorely lacking in your care. Reconsider your attitude towards them. Otherwise, you will be answered in kind. Don’t take it to the extreme when your relatives simply harbor a grudge, after which it will be extremely problematic to regain harmony in the family.


Many unmarried ladies of this zodiac constellation in 2017 will be upset by the lack of stability in their relationship with their chosen one. They no longer want to waste time on frivolous hobbies and fleeting romances. In this regard, a Scorpio woman can put her boyfriend before a choice. And this is for the better! This way you can find out whether your connection is important to your gentleman, how much he values ​​it, and what he is willing to do in order not to lose you.


Material well-being in 2017 will depend only on you. It is your character that can become a “stumbling block.” Excessive talkativeness and categorical statements on any issue can disappoint management, and as a result, a promising position will go to your competitor. If you are careful and perspicacious, success will not be long in coming.


In the year of the Rooster, many ladies of this sign will be extremely concerned about their appearance. Although no one doubts their attractiveness, they themselves will be dissatisfied with it. In pursuit of “eternal” youth, some women will go to extreme measures - agree to undergo plastic surgery. The stars do not prevent this, but recommend “going under the knife” in winter or early spring. Result surgical intervention will please Scorpios, they will finally get rid of psychological discomfort and find peace of mind.

Zodiac horoscope for women for 2017

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Horoscope for 2017 Scorpio

In the year of the Rooster, many Scorpios expect dramatic changes, as a result of which their lives will be divided into “before” and “after”. The 2017 horoscope for Scorpio says that the turning point in life will be meeting new people who will attract you.

Scorpios will fall under the influence of the “wind of change”; as a result, they will have a desire to leave their colleagues and boring work in the past and start new life, full of new transformations. Scorpios will be ready to follow their beloved person to the ends of the earth, leaving behind family and friends. Perhaps someone will want to change their place of work.

Such drastic changes will seriously affect the worldview of Scorpios. The brave ones will be pleased with the result, but the more timid ones, on the contrary, will be stupefied. What will happen next in life depends entirely on the Scorpios themselves. The horoscope advises taking risks and meeting the unknown and the unknown, discovering a completely different world. Of course, relatives will not like such movements much. But after some time, they will have to accept you as you have become.

Love horoscope for 2017 Scorpio

The coming year will be full of all kinds of pleasant experiences. The Year of the Rooster will bring Scorpios many new and interesting acquaintances and no less romantic dates. Due to the presence of positive energy, people around will be drawn to Scorpios. The horoscope for 2017 for the sign Scorpio says that representatives of this sign will plunge headlong into this bliss and such passion will soon develop into a serious relationship. As soon as Scorpios understand that they have fallen in love, they will immediately begin to fight for the attention of their loved one, because this will turn out to be not an ordinary person, but a strong-willed, extraordinary and grandiose person in all respects.

It is precisely such a person who will be able to attract Scorpio with him. The stars show that things will go well for Scorpios. Lonely Scorpios will finally meet the person they have dreamed of for a very long time. Representatives of this sign, connected by family ties, will have to dissolve their relationship; this is necessary for future happiness. Don’t waste your time on casual romantic relationships, because true love awaits you ahead. Pay attention to the horoscope for 2017 Libra.

Career horoscope for 2017 Scorpio

In the coming year, Scorpios will feel a surge of energy. Judging by the fact that Scorpio already has a huge amount of energy, you can imagine what results they can achieve. Many of them will want to rise to the top of their careers and strengthen their position in the business environment. As they say in such cases - all cards in hand. The horoscope for 2017 for Scorpio advises selecting aspiring, energetic people for your team and enlisting the support of influential people. There are probably such people in your environment, and your positive energy is already beginning to attract them. The horoscope recommends choosing your partners creative people who have the ability to generate great ideas. Combine your efforts and try to use your connections, in which case you are guaranteed success.

Scorpio's excessive energy will not allow him to sit silently when he is insulted; they will zealously defend their reputation and defend their opinions. This turn of events may be a good reason to leave the tutelage of your leadership. After you manage to quit your job, you can open your own business and run it successfully. Initially, you will suffer a little due to the difficult financial situation, since you will have to invest all your funds into the business.

The horoscope predicts that all investments will be fully repaid. True, this will not happen immediately; in the second half of the year, the financial situation will begin to stabilize. Among other things, the stars recommend that Scorpio buy a car, no matter how difficult the financial situation may seem, but it is necessary for business. In the future there will be neither time nor funds for this.

Health horoscope for 2017 Scorpio

From the first days of the coming year, Scorpio needs to take care of his health and strengthen his immunity. All this should be done under the close supervision of a doctor. The horoscope for 2017 for the sign of Scorpio states that if preventive procedures are not carried out on time, then at any moment the body will fail. You should not constantly take antibiotics, as this will lead to serious disturbances in the intestinal microflora, the functioning of which will be greatly impaired.

In addition, there is a high probability of developing colds. This can lead to hospitalization and spending a long time in a hospital bed. To prevent all this, Scorpios must listen to the alarm signals sent to them by the body and seek help from a doctor at the first symptoms. Try to stick the right image life, spend more time outdoors, play sports and watch your diet.

Horoscope for 2017 for Scorpio men

In the coming year, adrenaline in Scorpio's blood will go through the roof. Personal life and hectic business activity will keep Scorpios on their toes throughout the year, giving them the opportunity to subtly feel the rhythm of life. Scorpios will have to set difficult goals for themselves and persistently move towards their implementation. The 2017 horoscope for Scorpio says that the difficulties that arise will only encourage them, forcing their brain to work with even greater effort. This behavior can lead them to a leadership position.

Scorpio leaders will have to occupy higher positions. They will need to manage a large number of employees. Scorpios who lead social activities get the opportunity to better express themselves. The stars will provide men with the opportunity to participate in solving important issues. The success of their activities depends on themselves. The personal life of Scorpio men will be somewhat chaotic. The stars predict for workaholics love affair at work and combine it with personal life and work. Single men will start getting carried away married women. The stars recommend moderating your passionate ardor a little and living a calm life.

Horoscope for 2017 for Scorpio women

Representatives of the fair sex, born under the sign of Scorpio, in the year of the Rooster will also experience success in both their personal lives and in professional field. The 2017 horoscope for the Scorpio sign says that their ability to persuade will contribute to this success. New opportunities will begin to open up for women, and tempting prospects will appear in the professional sphere that no one could even think about. Might be a good fit public figure who deals with other people's problems.

Women will begin to enjoy increased success with men. A huge number of pleasant and memorable romantic moments await them. The stars advise spending less time on business and turning all your attention to your personal life. Don't skimp on yours appearance, you need to monitor your health and if there is such a need, then start sticking to a diet. For those women who met their chosen one, and he managed to propose, it is better to celebrate the wedding after the birthday.

The Fire Rooster has prepared an amazing, eventful season for Scorpio. The 2017 totem did not skimp on new opportunities that will await Scorpios literally at every turn. However, the realization of these chances will depend only on you. It's time to show proper activity and hard work!

Famous Scorpios

  • Katy Perry
  • Pablo Picasso
  • Nikolay Karachentsov
  • Niccolo Paganini
  • Eros Ramazzotti
  • Bill Gates
  • Winona Ryder
  • Peter Jackson
  • Evgeni Plushenko
  • Matthew McConaughey

Forecast for the zodiac sign Scorpio for 2017

Self-sufficient Scorpio must learn to accept help. Do not alienate relatives and colleagues who offer their services - they will be useful to you. In 2017, Scorpio will have to double his vigilance to avoid the intrigues and machinations that they will try to drag you into at the beginning of spring. Representatives of this sign should build any relationships with people on the basis of an intuitive approach - your sixth sense in 2017 will develop to supernatural limits.

The stars advise you to be sensitive to your reputation. In summer, the risk of gossip becomes especially high. Proud Scorpios rarely pay attention to conversations behind their backs. However, this time it is better to take measures to suppress them - unpleasant rumors can harm your career and cause discord in your life. family relationships. In the second half of the year, friends will begin to demand increased attention. Do not ignore their requests - it is likely that their well-being will depend on your help.

In 2017, Scorpio's reputation may suffer from gossip

The active Rooster will definitely support any of Scorpio’s endeavors. However, do not try, riding the wave of success, to do everything at once - there is a risk of overexerting yourself and giving up half of your tasks in the middle. Determine your priorities and do your best in these areas. Your main strategy should be vigilant control over everything that happens. This way you will notice impending dangers in time and do not miss a good chance.

In mid-2017, the Rooster will discover your creativity. You can become interested in a new hobby or become the most creative employee in the office - it’s up to you where to direct the flow of fresh thoughts. The whirlpool of a stormy life will draw in Scorpios so much that they may forget about vacation. However, you should not deny yourself such pleasure! The stars recommend Scorpios to go to new country or a city you have never been to before. It will be extremely useful for you to receive a portion of fresh impressions.

  • Forecast for men. Scorpio men will have to work hard at the beginning of the year. The Fire Rooster has prepared a bunch of urgent matters for you. However, don’t worry, your colleagues will help you sort out work debris, and your family will help you cope with household chores. The summer months will bring new acquaintances and flirting with representatives of the fair sex into the life of Sagittarius. Single men can safely take advantage of the opportunity presented, but let married men once again don't look around. There is a high risk that your advances will be noticed by your significant other, which will lead to a heated quarrel and even a breakup.
  • Forecast for women. The Rooster favors Scorpio women much more - he will make sure that your long-time dreams and desires come true as if by magic. magic wand. The main thing is not to use other people for your own purposes, since the frank and honest Rooster really does not like hypocrites and deceivers. Be attentive to your significant other - the success of your beloved man in matters of relationships with other people will depend on your advice.

Love horoscope for 2017

The stars recommend that Scorpios keep their eyes open - any careless step can lead to ambiguous consequences. There is a risk of outright provocations from family members - it especially increases in the first half of 2017. The second half, on the contrary, will be characterized by calm. However, you will have to take on the role of leader and distribute responsibilities and assignments among household members.

It's time to remind your family who is boss in the family!

The Fire Rooster will endow Scorpio men with unprecedented authority - any word you say will be received with due attention. In turn, family members will expect praise for their achievements. Do not skimp on kind words and be happy for your loved ones from the bottom of your heart. Astrologers recommend moderating your tendency to criticize the actions of loved ones. If you do not reduce the number of comments, your lover may be seriously offended.

Family Scorpio Women will want to spend more time with their family. You will be able to organize your leisure time in a variety of ways - the Rooster will throw fresh ideas into your head. In summer, remember to take regular walks in nature. Your offspring will enjoy academic success and excellent behavior, so don't forget to praise them. Unmarried ladies will be surrounded by attention from men. In the second half of 2017, there will be an opportunity to meet your soul mate, so take a closer look at your surroundings: one of your longtime fans may well propose marriage to you.

Health horoscope for 2017

A busy and hectic year will cause you to forget about the need to maintain your health. Scorpios will feel that they do not need medications and prevention. From the beginning of the year, try to give up fast food and abuse alcoholic drinks to avoid exacerbation of chronic diseases at the end of autumn.

Give your body a gift - give up fast food

Scorpio men may face metabolic problems - there is a risk of noticeable weight gain. Don’t put off solving this issue for later - immediately sign up for the pool and walk more. Eliminate sweets and flour products from your diet. But during the period of exacerbation of colds, you will be able to avoid the danger of catching a runny nose or bronchitis, and your respiratory system and your lungs will work like a clock.

Scorpio women should distribute their strength evenly - there is a risk of breaking down and falling into a depressive state. If the blues attack you, the stars recommend taking measures to lift your mood - for example, buy a new handbag, go to a restaurant, visit a beauty salon. Avoid elevated physical activity and strength exercises. The best view The sport for you in 2017 will be yoga.

Money horoscope for 2017

Financial income will not bypass you! In the spring, take a close look at your new acquaintances - they may offer you good options for investing money. The Fire Rooster will provoke you to spend, so go shopping only with a list of necessary things and always have a reserve of funds for unexpected expenses. Real estate transactions will be especially successful in 2017. If you were planning to expand your living space or buy a summer house, then start looking at your options.

2017 - best time to get an apartment or cottage

The Rooster promises to Scorpio men financial stability and well-being. The main expense item will be the family - they will constantly demand money from you for purchases for the home. At the end of the year, one of your close friends will ask to borrow money. Do not be stingy - this debt will be returned to you in due time. By the end of autumn, safely expect cash receipts - projects you have already forgotten will begin to pay off.

The Rooster asks Scorpio women to be thrifty and economical. Try to avoid unnecessary purchases - it’s better to save money for things you really need. Do not take loans - it will be difficult to pay them back in 2017. A good income is possible from intermediary operations, so if you have long wanted to organize joint purchases on foreign sites, you can safely take on the implementation of this idea.

Career horoscope for 2017

The beginning of 2017 will bring a feeling of uselessness to Scorpios. You will be overwhelmed with uninteresting tasks, the solution of which will not bring any satisfaction. You may feel an irresistible desire to abandon everything and even quit your position. However, if Scorpio pulls himself together and overcomes the period of temporary difficulties, then by the end of spring his mood will change. He will solve any work issues with ease, which will earn him the recognition of his superiors and the respect of his colleagues.

Scorpios will face painstaking and monotonous work

The heavenly bodies recommend that Scorpio men pay attention to establishing business contacts. Even those connections that seem absolutely unpromising to you at the beginning of the year will bring dividends in the form of successful contracts by the end of autumn. Try not to show excessive arrogance towards less successful colleagues - it is quite possible that your fate in the future will depend on the decision of one of these people.

So, let's take a closer look at what will have a greater impact on the representatives of your zodiac sign this year. First of all, it should be noted that in 2017 Venus will be in a fairly powerful aspect relative to your sign, which, by the way, cannot be said about Jupiter. And although in many situations Jupiter is usually perceived as a harbinger of good luck, strong support from Jupiter in 2017 would be frankly unnecessary, precisely because the light has converged like a wedge on Scorpio. Scorpios will probably have to do something throughout 2017, go somewhere, strive for something. And this is only partly good, since Scorpios, although sometimes they are outright workaholics, are still accustomed to interspersing times of frantic activity with times of frank rest, or even better, complete idleness and relaxation, when free hours can be devoted to what you really, really want, and not what is objectively necessary (it’s not just work, it’s training, family, and many other things). In general, 2017 will turn out to be a clearly positive time for representatives of your zodiac sign, which will be literally filled to the brim with significant events, positive and (where would we be without them) conflict situations. And most importantly, Scorpios will always have a chance, and a significant one, not only to emerge victorious from the next battle, but also, once and for all, to outshine all their current opponents.

From the first days of 2017 to the end of August, Scorpios will experience a fairly long time period, which will turn out to be very significant in the sense that the main part of the dynamics that 2017 has prepared for you will occur precisely at this time. It is difficult to say how ready you will be for this, but even in winter you will have to cooperate and take the main blow in the work area. It is likely that some projects will not be as successful as your management thought, but the situation can be corrected in any case. Scorpios must act; now initiative will be your lucky ticket. Don't be afraid to take on yourself more responsibilities, you have been ready for this for a long time, don’t doubt yourself. Actually, there is a possibility that your opinion will not be required here, you will simply be given the appropriate tasks. For senior managers and those who work for themselves (freelancers, for example), it will be a little more difficult in this regard. Simply because you have to choose your own priorities. After all, you see, it’s much easier when someone does it for you. And the responsibility always lies with the one who makes the decisions. On the other hand, if you win, you won’t have to share your well-deserved laurels with anyone. In general, here everyone will have their own problems, which will only please Scorpios, because, firstly, they promise enviable prospects, and secondly, you won’t encounter any special difficulties along the way; in fact, everything will turn out to be many times simpler than it seems at first sight. Although, of course, you shouldn’t relax. At the beginning of 2017, it is vitally important for Scorpios to be in the thick of things all the time, this is the only way you won’t miss the important point, which is bound to lead you to success. Separately, it is worth mentioning that in terms of personal relationships during this period you will have to solve many problems that will fall on you, although not all at once, but at a certain moment it may seem that there will be no end to this flow. Don’t worry, there is a limit to everything, but not your capabilities! Use the entire arsenal of your natural abilities, if necessary, manipulate people, after all, if they give you such an opportunity, then it is necessary. The main thing here is to be a winner, “the main thing is participation” is not a relevant slogan for Scorpios now, in fact, you have always understood this very well. This stage will be especially interesting for family representatives your zodiac sign, they will be able to literally take their relationship to a fundamentally new level.

With the dawn of the first ten days of September 2017 and until February 15, 2018 (the end of the period patronized by the Rooster), the next stage of the current annual cycle will begin in relation to the Zodiac sign Scorpio. This phase may seem a little more difficult to you, although the intensity and workload of events will drop significantly. Scorpios will have to think more often and delve deeper into the essence of what is happening. The main problems (rather difficult situations) will be related to children (of course, this only applies to those Scorpios who have children). In most cases, Scorpios should not show their offspring how to behave by personal example; the time for this is most likely lost. It is better to show an active life position, but at the same time be flexible in making decisions, especially when it comes to the first love experience of your rapidly maturing child. For single Scorpios, towards the end of autumn, there will be many opportunities to change the current status quo. Don’t be shy, you have something to surprise and amaze, the main thing is to do it more often. At work, everything will get better, level out and move along a uniquely upward vector. But Scorpios are unlikely to be able to rest in the second half of 2017. For one reason or another, surrounding events will continue to drag you into endless worries that require regular and constant attention. You, dear Scorpios, will, of course, rest (possibly), but only when the Year of the Rooster finally goes into sunset. And in 2017, you need to strike while the iron is hot, in every sense. True, there is one small but extremely important point regarding your sign: under no circumstances try to use your new capabilities for purely materialistic interests, at least until the end of the current stage. Of course, there are also some nuances here that will not come as a surprise to you, but this is an individual point that requires separate consideration and the drawing up of a personal horoscope for 2017. The important thing is that 2017 will bring Scorpios a lot of opportunities and prospects, which you will be able to realize very soon. And yet, Scorpios will be completely successful only if they are ready to use their strengths, not only for their own sake.

Be happy in 2017! May 2017, the Year of the Rooster, bring you, dear Scorpios, the success and joy that you truly deserve! If Scorpios are happy and satisfied in 2017, all the people around you will be happy and satisfied!

2017 will be an interesting and full of surprises for each of the representatives of the Scorpio sign. Many amazing adventures, new discoveries and useful revelations await you. Try to devote time to self-development and realization own desires, and don’t wait for everything to happen by itself. Be as active as possible and all your dreams will come true.

As for relationships with the people around you, next year you will have to be friendly and moderately hot-tempered. Of course, this may be difficult for Scorpios, but you should try to fulfill this condition of the stars.

Do not close yourself off from outside help, because it is the strong shoulder of a friend or relative that will help you cope with problems in difficult times. Meanwhile, as he promises horoscope for 2017 for Scorpios, you will be shrouded in a whirlpool of intrigue and gossip, and even if you decide to run away from all these unpleasant manipulations, nothing will work out for you. Astrologers simply recommend trusting strangers less.

In general, it is advisable to completely trust your intuition - it will tell you which people are best to break off communication with.

Beware of gossip about you and your personal life - at first it may seem like a mere trifle, but if it spins into a thick ball, it can cause significant harm to your career or relationship with your family. If Scorpios show all their caution and prudence, then perhaps they will be able to emerge from a delicate situation not only as a winner, but also become morally stronger.

During the period under review, friends will increasingly begin to remind you of themselves. There is no need to deny their requests, because they will really need your help. Such frequent absences from friends can provoke resentment and quarrels on the part of your family, but only the diplomatic skills that Scorpios possess will reduce all grievances to zero, preventing them from causing serious damage to either party.

Any new beginning will be easy for you. This doesn’t mean that you need to grab everything in sight - the logical solution would be to identify the most important activity for yourself and make every effort to achieve success in it. Try to complete every task, so you can move in the right direction, reaping the fruits of your labors in time.

Probably, something will not work out for you and the temptation to give up everything will be too great - do not give in to it, control the situation in order to prevent the impending danger in time. Things that go well will encourage Scorpio and he will change his mind about giving up halfway.

I would like to note that the middle will be the most successful and successful. In Scorpios, only the most active best qualities: creativity, intelligence, efficiency and others. If you have long dreamed of changing your life, then you need to start during this period - do not miss such a great opportunity!

But you don’t need to devote yourself entirely to work - a little rest should fit into your busy schedule. But vacations should also be considered. Stop at some new, previously unexplored place: a seaside resort, a trip to a lake or to the mountains.


The first months of the new Year of the Rooster can be nervous and tense. It is quite possible that work will no longer bring you pleasure, and the things you will be forced to do will discourage you from engaging in professional duties. Don't give in to the blues, overcome boredom and rejection by everyone by known methods, and you won’t notice how all your business will go up, and your least favorite activities will even bring significant profit and respect from your colleagues.

In 2017, you need to try not to lose those business connections that you have accumulated for so long throughout your career. Do not forget that those contacts that are on this moment seem insignificant to you, may bring some pleasant surprises in the future. Special attention Scorpios should focus on relationships with colleagues. Even those people who are not pleasant to you should be part of your circle of good friends.

If there is a conflict brewing in the workplace, beware of taking part in it. Stay on the sidelines so as not to inadvertently end up being “extreme”. This wise position has never harmed anyone, and it will not harm Scorpios either. Already the second half of 2017 promises to be more pleasant and successful in professional and career terms. You will probably get a promotion at work or a small monetary reward for all your efforts.

As for relationships with colleagues, they will begin to show more attention to you, as well as give interesting and good advice. In general, the psychological climate of relationships between Scorpios and colleagues can be described as moderate and favorable - the stargazers did not notice any quarrels or conflicts on the horizon. This means that you will be able to fully devote yourself to the productive performance of your work responsibilities.

Your bosses will never cease to be amazed at your ability to work, which means that you will have the opportunity to turn to them for additional funding for your project or increase wages. Any initiative that comes from Scorpios will be perceived positively - perfect time to implement long-planned changes at work.

With sufficient confidence and perseverance, Scorpios will be able to achieve unrealistic heights professionally by mid-2017. Even those situations that begin to seem hopeless will not frighten Scorpio representatives; on the contrary, they will encourage them to take immediate action.

Do not miss such a favorable combination of circumstances that the year of the Fire Rooster will give you. Show all your colleagues and boss that you are capable of great things. Thanks to your talents, you may receive a long-awaited promotion at work and make your colleagues respect you even more. If you are planning some new business, then try to postpone it to the end of 2017, because during this period the unlimited possibilities of your intellect and hard work will open up to you.

Those Scorpios who work with papers will feel a huge surge of energy and any assigned task will be solved overnight. Use this chance to deal with the accumulated legal and bureaucratic matters that have been waiting for you for a long time.


People born under the sign of Scorpio will be able to reap maximum benefits for their wallets through new acquaintances in 2017. Try not to lose sight of these people, so as not to say goodbye to profits and a stable financial position in the future. Probably, Scorpios will have not only income, but also expenses - very soon you will have to spend a large amount, so the stars recommend saving up funds in advance for such unexpected expenses.

Your property will also require some expenses (they may be necessary) - renovations or buying new furniture will entail some reduction in your budget, but you must understand that every penny is invested for the benefit of the family. In 2017, Scorpios may want to purchase new apartment or home. Most likely, your friends will also need financial support - be ready to come to the rescue at any time.

Friends can ask you for a loan at any time, and you should not refuse them, because the money will soon return to you, and relationships with the people whom you came to the rescue in difficult times will only strengthen.

Scorpio love horoscope for 2017

Family life For representatives of the zodiac sign Scorpio, 2017 promises to be unpredictable and interesting. Many surprises and memorable moments await you. There is a possibility that household members will start to bring you into conflict or, on the contrary, show unlimited love for your person. You will be able to regulate all family relationships closer to autumn, as soon as you determine the responsibilities of each family member. Judging by everyone, the role of commander in chief will go to you.

This is certainly not an easy task, but your household will listen to your opinion, so you can easily cope with such an important task. Try not to be overly demanding of your loved ones; at every opportunity, praise them for small achievements, because your approval and support means a lot to them. Even if there is a completely objective reason for criticism, miss it.

This year it is advisable to spend as much time as possible with your family. Have family dinners, go to the cinema or a show together. Scorpios with children should try not to lose sight of their children, although their academic performance will be much better than last year.

Remember, new acquaintances await you, which can develop into something more, so don’t let the one person fate send you pass you by.


If in 2017 Scorpios stop monitoring their health, then it is likely that dangerous diseases. Review your diet and eliminate everything from it harmful products and alcohol. This is the only way to protect yourself from exacerbation of chronic diseases and frequent visits to doctors.

You may experience violations from metabolic processes. Try to take walks in clean air or visit the pool. Some Scorpios may succumb to the autumn blues and become depressed. The best way out of this situation is meeting with friends, traveling to warm countries, a pleasant evening with your loved one.

Try to receive only positive emotions this year, and this will help you drive away depressive thoughts.

Video horoscope