At first glance, it may seem to many entrepreneurs that starting a business on balloons- this is an unpromising occupation. In fact, the pioneers in this segment, with a skillful approach, managed to earn good money. Entrance to this market is always open. However, the minimum investment and the deceptive simplicity of doing this business can play a bad joke on adventurers. Having invested in such a business, it is easy to simply get ordinary “castles in the air” instead of a balloon business.

A Question of Choice

If you decide to get involved in this area, you must take into account that the competition here is very significant, and in order to attract clients, you need to be able to stand out.

There are several options for how you can make money with balloons. The first is sales. Children always like bright toys, and accordingly, beautiful balls will sell out. However, to begin with, of course, you will have to spend a little money.

Where to begin?

To realize sales, you must first purchase a retail space and draw up a business plan. Balloons can be sold in the pavilion shopping centers, at the market or in some thematic specialty store in the city. It is important that the place is well visited, and even better if a kindergarten or other children's institution (institution) is located nearby.

In general, for your business to take off, you yourself must come to your potential clients, that is, to children. After a place for trading has been chosen, you should purchase helium cylinders, colorful balloons, pumps, etc. Fortunately, it won’t take a lot of money, but the business can still become quite profitable.

Dependence on holidays

Be sure to keep in mind that sales almost always depend on various holidays. Moreover, when preparing for an event, keep in mind the specifics of the upcoming celebration.

For example, on Valentine’s Day it is important to prepare bright red heart-shaped items for sale; on May 1st, multi-colored shaped balls are best suited.

On March 8, as an option, you can accept orders for various gift sets with these bright harbingers of the festive mood.

In addition, for your balloon business to flourish, you need to take care of quality advertising. You can, for example, organize a website for your company or make yourself known through TV and radio.

We make money on decoration

The second good way to earn money is to design various celebrations, corporate events, weddings and anniversaries. Charming garlands, collected from bright or plain balloons, are able to decorate any event and create a welcoming atmosphere. By the way, in last years Such surroundings are considered very fashionable.

Many companies or just individuals are sometimes very willing to use the services of companies that deal with holiday decorations. To do this, you need to have a huge number of balls, since you can never know what compositions will need to be made and in what specific volumes. The raw materials are inexpensive, so there shouldn’t be any big problems.

For weddings they usually order beautiful arches or garlands, for children's parties - various balloon figures or compositional works.

Required Skills

It should be noted that such a business requires certain skills. In particular, you will need knowledge of aerodesign. Helium balloons should acquire harmonious and beautiful shapes that will delight and delight the eye. What can you make from balloons?

Aerodesign experts say that almost anything is easy to replicate. In other words, there is no figure or object that cannot be modeled using balls. Compositions can be created both on a frame basis and without it. Cartoon characters, animals, objects, various characters - all this can really be made from round balloons.

To create such beauty, you need to take special courses where you will learn patterns of balloon figures and master other skills. Try to master aerodesign yourself (with the help of special literature, video lessons, etc.). Once you have learned the necessary skills, add a little creativity and imagination to your creativity, and then crafts can pay good dividends.

Business plan: balloons

At the initial stage, you need to have 2-3 thousand dollars, the main expense item is a car and renting a room. Small amount will be spent on website promotion and advertising campaign. The compressor will cost 200-300 dollars.

A 40-liter helium-filled tank will cost on average just under $200. The price of a quality ball is 15-20 cents. If you are planning to decorate the halls, then it would not be a bad idea to spend money on making a portfolio where your best creations will be presented, which you can show to customers.

In order to organize everything correctly, it is necessary, of course, to competently draw up a business plan. Balloons can have a markup from 100% (usually set for single events) to 200% (for mass celebrations). For decorating halls for corporate parties or weddings, it is realistic to charge the customer 250-300 dollars.

In general, your income will depend on your clients' interest in your services. The better your design skills, the faster the production of beautiful compositions will occur, and accordingly, the higher the profitability of your business. Typically, entrepreneurs who decorate various holidays using balloons achieve profitability of up to 30% or higher.

As an option, you can also master related areas (musical accompaniment, floral decorations, pyrotechnic effects, interior decoration, etc.). Or you can even start designing turnkey holiday events.

A hot air balloon business may seem like a tempting idea for a young entrepreneur. Is it profitable to do this, and what reviews do the owners leave? We’ll tell you in this article.

Today, most city or family holidays are accompanied by beautiful jewelry from balloons. Also, these cute products, varied in shape and color, attract children on the street and in the park. And with the right approach, a novice entrepreneur can make money from this.

Business specifics

Before starting to implement this project, you need to evaluate all the pros and cons, whether it is profitable, the level of competition and the features of the decor industry. It is best to combine the sale of balloons with other areas that perfectly complement each other. For example, this business goes well with:

  1. Organization of festive events.
  2. Decorative arts.
  3. Entertainment programs.
  4. Gift business.
  5. Flower direction.
  6. Sales greeting cards etc.

If you add your imagination to this, you can come up with a number of interesting combinations that will not only distinguish your company from competitors, but will also help you get a decent profit.

Balloons in our country, and not only, are in great demand. They are always associated with celebration, fun, good mood, childhood and carelessness. IN Lately It has become fashionable to decorate almost any celebration with special arches, figures and other structures made from such airy and weightless products.

But in order to make money not only from reselling balloons, but also from creating interesting holiday structures, you will need to take special aerodesign courses. And although they are not cheap, thanks to special skills you can occupy a free niche in business and even receive large corporate orders. And with their help, the entrepreneur’s profit increases significantly.

There are many risks when making simple sales on the street:

  • strict dependence on holidays;
  • high competition;
  • low markup on goods;
  • you have to constantly look for good places to sell.

But the benefits with the right approach will be much greater:

  1. To organize a business you do not need large capital investments.
  2. At first, you can even do without an office.
  3. A high markup is set for this product, and when decorating banquets or events, the price can be increased even more, which ensures a quick payback for the project.
  4. Today, a lot of educational materials on aerodesign are available, and with some effort and desire, an entrepreneur will surprise clients with unique designs, which will help win their favor.

Where to start a business? Try to go into retail sales of balloons, take aero design courses and search for clients who want to organize an event (corporate party, holiday, presentation, opening) or decorate a shop window. Over time, you will have a permanent customer base that will gradually expand.

How can you make money?

There are many ways to sell this product:

  • selling balloons individually on the street;
  • decoration of parties, corporate events, birthdays, weddings and other events;
  • decorating stages for performances and city events;
  • window dressing;
  • printing logos of establishments on balloons in honor of the opening or holding of any promotions;
  • making bouquets or toys from balloons to order;
  • complementing gifts with their help.

It is advisable to take photographs after completing each order. Thus, you will prepare your portfolio, with the help of which you can confirm your professional skills, indicate what you can do and interest the client.

Try to expand your product range as much as possible. Today there are various balloons - in the form cartoon characters, in the form of animals that can “walk” behind their owner, filled with helium (rise high), inflated regular air(lie on the floor as decoration) attached to a stick. The more options for such products you can offer to customers, the more profitable the business itself will be.

Experienced entrepreneurs working in this direction recommend initially establishing contacts with the owners of organizations involved in the production of balls. Thus, you can always receive the entire existing range of goods at the lowest prices. But pay attention to the quality of the products. For example, Chinese balloons are characterized by a large number of defects and do not hold gas inside well.

The official side of the issue

Even when carrying out simple retail trade on city streets, you will have to register as individual entrepreneur(IP). Without this, it will be impossible to conduct legal activities, make wholesale purchases, and even more so fulfill corporate orders for aerodesign.

Since the state has increasingly accommodated small businesses in recent years, there are simplified and patent taxation schemes. So, by choosing one of them, you will not have to maintain complex reporting and will only have to pay minimal taxes.

It is also convenient that licenses are not required to conduct such activities. It is enough only to indicate the correct ones when registering OKVED codes:

  1. 78.9 – retail trade of non-food products in specialized outlets.
  2. 9 – sale of products outside established stores, tents, etc. (that is, on the street).
  3. 10 – activities in the field of design, interior decoration.

Even if you don’t have an office, you will need quality certificates from the manufacturer of the goods to confirm, in the event of an inspection, the safety of balloons for children and adults. You must have the same documents with you for the equipment you use. After all, gas cylinders are used for inflation, and they themselves are not always safe for others.

When hiring sellers or assistants to decorate formal halls, you need to check the availability of sanitary records. In the case of a simple sale of goods, it is issued for a consumer services worker. If such an employee will participate in the preparation of children's parties, then an expanded list of examinations will be required. The business owner also needs the same document.

Street trade or office?

Many entrepreneurs who start this type of business from scratch decide that they do not need any premises to conduct business. In fact, in order to organize a profitable project, it is advisable to have an office where you can receive any client. So, your company is more trustworthy.

Premises with an area of ​​about 20-30 sq. m. is usually enough. It is necessary to make simple repairs and install a minimum of furniture and office equipment. If everything inside is designed in accordance with the main direction of the company’s activities, then this will only be a plus.

Retail It's done a little differently. To do this, it is advisable to first decide whether you will make sales on the streets of the city or rent an indoor space for this. So, the first option involves agreement trading place with the city administration.

It is advisable to install the point in an area with high traffic volumes. Potential clients – children with parents different ages. Therefore, the most profitable are considered to be parks, places near child care facilities, nearby entertainment centers, playgrounds, etc.

If we're talking about about a store or a separate “island” in a shopping center, then you need to take into account that balloons are a product that is bought unplanned, on impulse. Therefore, it is unlikely that anyone will specifically enter a commercial building for it. To attract customers, you need to highlight the main object - gift wrapping, flowers, cards, candies, sweets, etc.

Please note that shopping center owners do not always allow the use of gas cylinders inside the building. Therefore, such issues are agreed upon in advance to avoid further problems and fines. An alternative solution may be to sell products that you deliver to the site already in finished product form.

Equipment and materials

Balloons are filled with air or helium. The first option is being used less and less, since they are unable to easily float above the ground, so the second option is more preferable for most cases. To ensure different effects when decorating halls or showcases, you need to have different equipment available:

  • Gas cylinders (separately with helium and air). They are chosen not only for their attractive price, but also for their quality. Remember that the supplier must provide you with copies of documents confirming the safety of the gas used.
  • Adapters, pressure gauges and reducers are attached to the cylinder to ensure ease of use. They can also be used to monitor the honesty of staff.
  • An ordinary hand pump is most often used to inflate twisting balls, that is, those that are twisted into different figures.
  • Electric compressors – help fill with helium a large number of products in a short period. This is especially important when decorating halls or creating large compositions.
  • Ball sealer - needed when selling foil figures. Thus, it is ensured not only required form, but also long-term retention of gas inside.
  • Calibrator – helps to control the amount of air drawn in. This is especially important when creating many elements of the same size.
  • A printing machine is needed only in cases where the provision of appropriate services is expected.

You will also need various consumables, decorative elements, etc. (ribbons, fishing line, tape, frames). When purchasing balloons, try to do so with a reserve and expand the range of products as much as possible in order to be able to satisfy any customer request. Special attention pay attention to product quality.

It is advisable to purchase your own car. It should easily fit a standard-sized gas cylinder or ready-made inflated balloons in the right amount. The advantage is that you can independently make delivery anywhere in the city, and you can also print company advertisements on the body, which will attract more clients.


Is it necessary to hire additional people in such a business? At the initial stage, in order to save money, you can do without employees and do everything yourself. But when expanding the range of services, opening new sales points, decorating the halls and increasing the number of orders, you will have to hire workers.

To carry out retail sales, you can hire students or people without work experience. But if you need help in organizing holidays, then be sure to take care of specialized training for hired employees - send them to aerodesign courses or transfer your own knowledge.

Attracting clients in this business can be quite a difficult task, especially if there is high competition in the city. But with a focused approach, significant success can be achieved. Try the following methods:

  1. Create your own website, where you just need to indicate the address and telephone number of the office, describe the services provided and display as many photographs (portfolio) as possible from finished works.
  2. Spread the word about your agency on in social networks, on forums, special groups.
  3. Print business cards, flyers and other printed products with which you can attract the attention of potential customers.
  4. Cooperate with the city administration and participate in all events - fairs, festivals, concerts, etc.
  5. Make interesting offers to owners of large companies that periodically organize corporate events, presentations, etc.
  6. Place information about your company on various advertising platforms - newspapers, magazines, television, banners, public transport, etc.
  7. Cooperate with agencies for organizing holidays, weddings, celebrations, flower shops.
  8. Periodically arrange free small compositions in registry offices, restaurants, kindergartens, puppet theaters, confectionery shops, etc.
  9. Decorate charity concerts, organize flash mobs.

The more you use your imagination, the more interesting the project will be and the more chances you have to make money. When your first clients appear, you can count on the most common type of advertising in our country – “word of mouth”. Having told his friends about the good service and interesting approach, a satisfied client will bring a few more and return on occasion.

Financial aspects

A business plan is drawn up depending on the focus of the activity. So, for the retail sale of balloons in places large cluster people will need one amount, but to create an office and decorate holidays you will have to spend more significantly. And if the first option involves only minimal costs for the purchase of goods and a hand pump, then the second method of earning money needs to be described in more detail.

In addition, you will have to pay monthly for utilities, rent of premises, Internet, telephone communications and staff work. The exact amounts will depend on the number of employees, volume of work, orders and prices in your region.

Income level is also difficult to predict, because it is influenced by many factors. For example, for one order to decorate a hall for an event, you can charge 20 thousand rubles. Then, if you have at least 15 clients per month, you can count on a profit of 300,000.

Even with monthly operating expenses, we can talk about high profitability. The investment will pay off within six months. True, it is not always possible to achieve such good performance from the first days of work. Therefore, it is better to set more realistic goals and prepare for the fact that you will be able to achieve net profit only in a year.

Video: balloon business.

As experience shows, you can make money on absolutely anything. The main thing is to choose a suitable niche for yourself and take it seriously. Even if we are talking about selling balloons. It is very important to take into account all the main nuances and avoid common mistakes at the opening stage. In this article we will talk about where to start a hot air balloon business, share the secrets of how to promote it and make a good profit.


When talking about the business of selling balloons, most often it also includes aero design. This means that you not only sell inflatable products, but also design premises for corporate, family holidays And other celebrations. If you decide to engage in aerodesign professionally, you will need to complete special courses. We invite you to familiarize yourself with the most common areas that you can choose for business:

  • decoration for weddings, birthdays and other holidays;
  • decorating with balloons for the opening of a store, cafe, etc.;
  • design of premises for presentations, corporate events, etc.;
  • selling balloons on the street or in a store (the most common option is opening a flower shop or gifts, where they also sell regular balloons and helium ones).

You can choose all directions at the same time, choose one of the options, or come up with something exclusive. In any case, in the CIS countries they love holidays very much and celebrate them on a grand scale. This is why the balloon business is profitable and promising if done correctly. Please note that any activity must be legally formalized. Register your business as an individual entrepreneur or LLC with the tax authorities.


Where to start an “air” business? Oddly enough, we propose to invest the bulk of the funds in advertising. You don’t have to rent a room or open a store, but making a beautiful and clear website on the Internet is a necessary condition. It is advisable to hire a specialist who can create a bright template and will promote your project. Of course, the price will be more expensive, but the result is worth it. Believe me, in the era of technology, half the success depends on this, so this point must be fulfilled 100%.

Of course, in addition to creating a website, to develop your business you must systematically advertise in newspapers, magazines, local television and on the Internet. It is also necessary to print business cards and leaflets that can be distributed on the streets and dropped into mailboxes. In addition, you can try to directly contact companies in your city with a proposal for cooperation. If you don't have it yet good reviews, offer very favorable conditions. Don’t forget about word of mouth - be sure to tell all your friends, relatives and acquaintances about your idea. In general, you need to do everything so that as many people as possible learn about your balloon business.

How much profit can balloons bring as a business? This is a very promising branch of entrepreneurship in the field of decoration and organization of holidays. The number of balloon fans is constantly growing. We tell you what recommendations will help you create a successful company and become a sought-after aerodesigner.

Fashion for decorating with helium balloons

Rarely is a holiday nowadays complete without balloons: they decorate children's and adult birthdays, anniversaries, weddings, graduations, and corporate events. Compositions and funny figures made from balloons are often used in children's photo shoots. Active advertising of balloons on the Internet has done its job: their popularity is growing at a frantic pace and promises entrepreneurs high profits.

On the other side competition in this area is also very high. As a new business owner, it can be difficult to get the attention of clients. In order not to get lost among similar companies, you need to immediately find competitive advantages and act in accordance with a competent marketing strategy.

Compositions and funny figures made from balloons are often used in children's photo shoots.

What do aero design studios do?

The hot air balloon business is a fairly young area for Russia, so not everyone fully understands what exactly aerodesign studios do. Their work mainly includes:

  1. Preparation of compositions from air and helium balloons in accordance with the wishes of retail customers (for holidays, anniversaries, celebrations, photo shoots), in some cases - their delivery to clients.
  2. Decoration of premises for weddings and celebrations with compositions, arches, balloon figures.
  3. Retail sale of balloons (inflated and uninflated) - in your own studio or through retail outlets.
  4. Printing on balloons (texts and images according to customer wishes).

Is it worth opening a business in the field of aerodesign?

Before deciding to open your own business, you need to understand its prospects and risks, as well as assess the situation in a particular city and the competitive environment. What are the pros and cons of a helium balloon decoration business?

Benefits of Entrepreneurship in Aerodesign

  1. To open your own business, you need a very small initial capital, about 20-30 thousand rubles (see the corresponding section for a detailed list of expenses). This business option is suitable for people who want to open their own business, but do not have the finances to do so. Trading balloons and aero design services will help a person understand whether he can engage in entrepreneurship.
  2. Trade markups on balloons usually exceed 200%, and within the composition - up to 500%. Buying a balloon wholesale for 4 rubles and inflating it with helium for an average of 1.5 rubles, the company sells it for 30-60 rubles. Such studios are very profitable. They have every chance to recoup the initial investment in full within 1 month.
  3. This is a business in the field of celebration and positive emotions, where the entrepreneur will communicate a lot every day, give people joy, and create beauty. Aero designers sell experiences. Conflicts and stress in this area are extremely rare.
  4. The demand for the services of aero designers is constantly increasing not only in large but also in small cities.
  5. There are no guarantees for balloons; in fact, they “live” for several hours (although helium balloons can retain their shape for several months).

The balloon business is a fairly young direction for Russia.

Disadvantages and main risks of working with balloons

  1. High competition. It is difficult for a novice entrepreneur to attract the attention of potential buyers and ensure a sufficient flow of clients for profitability.
  2. Drawing up aerodesign figures and compositions needs to be learned; this requires taste, a sense of color and a number of specific skills.
  3. To make high profits, you will have to actively advertise your services, promote on social networks and fight for customers.
  4. Balloon trade - seasonal business. Demand for such services during the holidays ( New Year, February 14, Defender of the Fatherland Day and March 8, September 1) increases very much, but the rest of the time remains quite low. Balloons also sell well in the summer - the season of weddings and graduations. But spring and autumn are almost a “deaf” season for aero designers, when they actually exist only through retail orders.

Business plan for an aerodesign studio

Where to start preparing to open your own business? First of all, a new entrepreneur needs to draw up a business plan., in which to plan expenses and income, marketing strategy and others important aspects business.

  1. The purpose of creating the company is “work in the field of holidays”, “opening a business with minimal investment for subsequent expansion”, “creative self-realization of an aero designer”, “quick profit generation due to a very high trade margin”.
  2. A list of expenses for starting a business, as well as the total amount of investments.
  3. The amount that an entrepreneur has at the time of opening a business (is it possible to do without loans or credits).
  4. Payback prospects are minimal and maximum terms return of investment (usually from 1 to months).
  5. Competitive environment - how many aerodesign studios are already working in a given city, how successful they are (at least from the outside), is there a chance to compete with them and what will be required for this.
  6. The main sales channels are private buyers, holiday studios.
  7. Marketing strategy - who the target audience is, through what advertising and social networks the company will be promoted.

List of expenses: what is needed for a hot air balloon business

One of the advantages of the helium balloon business is the relatively small initial capital. The minimum list of costs includes:

  1. Purchasing “raw materials” - balloons are inexpensive, especially if you buy them in bulk. It is quite convenient to order whole batches via the Internet - even a large number of balls will weigh little, which means delivery will be inexpensive. To start work, you need to purchase as many batches as possible in order to immediately offer customers a variety of shades, compositions and shapes.
    • Many stores offer various bonuses to wholesale customers, including free shipping. On average, one regular ball costs 2-4 rubles. More advanced products (foil, numbers, cartoon characters, multi-colored, very large, “confetti”) are more expensive - from 15 to 200 rubles. The amount of costs in this area depends solely on the wishes of the entrepreneur, but on average it is 10-20 thousand rubles.
  2. Helium cylinders. The most common volume - 40 liters - costs about 1,200 rubles. It is enough for about 500-800 balls.
  3. Hand pump (about 200 rubles), scissors, as well as related materials (threads, tapes, glue).
  4. Renting premises. It is not a mandatory expense item - at first you can conduct business via the Internet. However, most entrepreneurs come to the conclusion that their own premises are necessary, as they allow them to sell balloons at retail, communicate with clients personally and conveniently store goods.
  5. Automobile. An important component of the aerodesign process will be the delivery of compositions to clients and the design of premises. It is more convenient to do this in your own car.
  6. Photography services and portfolio creation. High-quality photographs will attract the attention of potential customers, show them the level of professionalism and variety of assortment. The price for these services is negotiable. As a rule, the average amount required is within 5 thousand rubles.

Thus, all expenses can be divided into 2 areas: materials for work (balloons, helium, pump) and optional, but significantly simplifying the process resources (own premises and car). You can open a balloon business for only 20-30 thousand rubles, and as your income grows, you can gradually increase your investment.

Why are customers willing to pay dearly for helium balloons?

The most significant advantage of the balloon business is the combination small investment with the ability to recoup them very quickly. Aerodesign compositions and figures cost from 500 to 3000 thousand rubles, with a cost of 300-1000 rubles.

Why are buyers willing to pay such a high trade markup? There are several reasons. Firstly, buying balloons is most often associated with festive events, when people are in high spirits and are ready to spend a lot of money.

When decoration with helium balloons is an integral part of decorating the interior for a celebration, its high price is completely lost against the background of other expenses.

Secondly, beautiful compositions look expensive and convince customers that they are worth their price. That's why it's like that it is important to learn aerodesign, track fashion trends and constantly improve. The skills of a specialist should allow him to compose compositions and figures that are beyond the power of an ordinary person.

The most significant advantage of a hot air balloon business is the combination of small investments with the ability to pay them back very quickly.

Where to learn aerodesign: paid and free options

Nowadays, it is not difficult to find many lessons on the Internet, the authors of which tell you how to make shapes from balls, how to correctly combine colors and shapes. Watch them regularly and find something useful for your own business.

If funds allow, you can take a paid training course online (about 3-4 thousand rubles). Knowledge about aerodesign will be more complete. In addition, teachers of such courses can answer individual questions students, give them personal recommendations and tell them about professional nuances.

Also It’s worth subscribing to the accounts of Russian and foreign aerodesign studios. This way you will be aware of fashion trends, know what your “competitors” are doing, and get ideas and inspiration for your own work.

Marketing strategy: how to sell a lot of balloons

High-quality advertising of helium balloons will attract the attention of potential buyers and recoup the initial costs within a month of work. The most promising focus at present will be on online advertising.

  1. Contextual advertising in the browser and targeting in social networks. Both options reach the target audience almost 100%, since the display of ads is based either on the history of queries in the search engine or on the personal data of users. Setting up these types of advertising requires a number of skills, so hiring a specialist would be a wise decision.
  2. Outdoor advertising - rental of banners, billboards, stands, light boxes. It attracts a lot of attention, but is quite expensive, at least 5 thousand rubles per month.
  3. Own pages on social networks. In fact, a free type of advertising that helps you constantly be in the field of view of potential customers. You need to be careful when filling out your accounts: post only high-quality photos, write funny and positive texts, post daily.


A balloon business does not require significant investments (you can start with 20 thousand rubles) and at the same time pays off in a couple of months of active work. There are quite a lot of competitors in this area. To lead the market, a novice entrepreneur immediately needs to find unique advantages, monitor fashion trends and improve.

Summer is in full swing. It's a great time to try this bright, easy and very beautiful business. True, behind the apparent simplicity there are still a sufficient number of pitfalls. This is why most entrepreneurs, when starting their balloon business, are quickly blown away. The reason is that they did not take this area seriously, believing that everything was too simple.

So what are the features of the business?

    Does not require large financial investments

    Offers popular services

    Will provide you with regular customers

    It will only bring pleasure and give positive emotions

The aerodesign market is quite in demand, here are just a few areas:




    "Corporate Events"

    Window decoration

    Store openings

    Street trading balls

And the abundance of holidays, as well as the inherent scope of Russian people to celebrate them, inspire very promising hopes.

The most important thing is to find a client

The hardest part of this business is finding a client. The more efficiently you serve your customer, the higher the likelihood that he will become a regular customer. In fact, the balloon market is already strictly divided between the main players. And it won’t be easy to find a strong niche here. You will have to come up with something original to interest the client. And of course, do not forget about the quality of work. If you make such orders carelessly, then very soon you will find yourself overboard.

First of all, you need your own website. Beautiful, bright, interesting with a mandatory section of demonstration works. You can order a website from any company specializing in these services. But it’s still better to give preference to serious companies that offer comprehensive activities for creating + promoting a website. Without the latter, no one will find your Internet pages!

In second place is advertising on your own car. You will travel around the orders in a minibus or pickup truck (to fit a gas cylinder). So after you acquire such a vehicle, do not spare money on good and bright advertising on its body.

And of course, advertise in local newspapers, magazines, holiday portals on the Internet, throw leaflets at mailboxes, hand out business cards... Than more people finds out about you, the faster you will get promoted.

What do they order?

Of course, the hottest time is summer, wedding season. Decoration of cafes and restaurants, open areas and much more. A large aerodesign company serves 8-10 weddings over the weekend! And this is a fairly serious number.

As for the decoration, the most commonly ordered items are arches, garlands, huge surprise balloons, hearts, and helium balloons.

Aerodesign is also popular among companies that hold corporate events. Here, as a rule, you will need to make garlands in the form of a company logo made from balloons of a certain color range and shapes.

And of course, children's parties. Fairy-tale heroes, cartoons, garlands.

IN winter time the peak season is mid-February. Get ready to deliver endless heart balloons to lovely ladies.

Aerodesign is...

Many people think that there is nothing complicated in the balloon business. Inflate the balloon, tie a string and you're done! But that's not true!

In fact, there is a huge variety of weaving, design, knitting, and decor technologies. It is very important to combine colors correctly and be able to make an object out of many balls.

Technically, you can master the creation of figures from balls very quickly, but it is also important to have a flight of imagination, to be creative personality. And of course you will need skills such as logic, composure, and patience. It is necessary not only to create a structure from balls, but also to securely attach it so that it holds well for a long time.

We buy everything you need

The advantage of a balloon business is the small initial capital. But you still have to spend money. And if you want to not only complete a couple of orders a month, but also become known as a serious aero designer, be prepared to purchase the following materials and equipment:

    Air balloons. Balloons should be of different diameters and colors. Be prepared for any client's whims. Buy only high-quality and durable balls. American manufacturers are considered the best, although the high price of such products turns off many. Therefore, balls from European and domestic manufacturers are more often used.

    Compressor and two-way pump for pumping balls. If you choose an expensive compressor model, then you can connect gas cylinders to such equipment. This will speed up the pumping process many times over.

    Helium cylinders. This is a gas, thanks to which the balls do not fall to the ground, but fly up.

    Special Hi-float glue, which must be used to process the balls so that they do not “fall”.

The initial purchase will average 60-70,000 rubles.

But this is an approximate figure, because you can choose how many balls to buy at once and how seriously you decide to take up aero design.

Do you need an office?

At first, you may not need office space. All you need is a portfolio folder, Cell phones and your energy, because you will have to travel around the city and meet with clients.

Later you can rent a small room. 20 is enough square meters, where you will invite customers to conclude an agreement.

But it’s much better to find a spacious room with a showroom and warehouse.

The most interesting thing is that we count the profit.

The profitability of a balloon business depends on the advertising campaign, holidays, time of year and prices for services. The profitability level here averages about 30%; during holiday periods this figure exceeds 100%.

For decorating one room, such companies charge from 5 to 20 thousand rubles. Of course, the more orders, the more income.

With an active advertising campaign and your professional skills as an aerodesigner, you will very quickly recoup the initial investment and be able to find your niche in this bright and interesting business, which brings only positive emotions to both the customer and the performer.

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