Sergey Lavrov has rich biography, family and children, his photos can be seen everywhere on the Internet. He is a diplomat; he began working at the Foreign Ministry in the 70s. Since the mid-2000s he has been Minister of Foreign Affairs.

Biography and career path of Sergei Lavrov

Sergei Viktorovich was born on March 21, 1950. His hometown is the capital of Russia, Moscow, but there is unproven information that his homeland is the capital of Georgia, Tbilisi.

The father of the future diplomat was an Armenian. His mother is from Noginsk. Sergei took her last name because it seemed more sonorous to him.

Giving an interview about his childhood, Lavrov talked about how he was raised. His parents never used physical force on him; he was raised exclusively through communication, using the carrot and stick method - they could tell him something good, but sometimes the words were like a stick, according to the diplomat.

Sergei studied first in the city of Noginsk, after which he was transferred to study in Moscow at the school where Special attention focused on foreign languages, namely English. He graduated from this school, receiving a silver medal. Lavrov was particularly keen on studying physics.

After which Sergei entered MGIMO, and successfully graduated in the early 70s. last century. Thanks to my studies at the institute international relations He was multilingual, he could speak French, English, and the Signal language of the Sri Lankan ethnic group.

In 1972, the professional career of the young diplomat began. He interned at the Soviet Union embassy in Sri Lanka and had a junior diplomatic position. After which he became the second secretary in the Department world organizations Economics Ministry of Foreign Affairs of the Soviet Union. In the early 80s. Sergei Viktorovich worked in the United States of America as secretary and adviser to the USSR Mission to the United Nations.

In the early 90s. last century this statesman became the first deputy head of the department of economic organizations, became the head of this department. Was a member of the Communist Party.

In the early 90s. Sergei Lavrov became head of the Department of World Organizations in the Ministry, as well as deputy minister in the Russian Foreign Ministry.

The spring of 2004 became significant for him in terms of his career - he became Minister of Foreign Affairs in Russia. Four years later he was reassigned.

It should be noted that the minister has held this post for quite a long time, much longer than his predecessors. In addition to this position, S.V. Lavrov is the head of the Russian Federation Commission for UNESCO, which deals with issues of scientific and cultural development.

Since 2010, he has been a member of the government commission for economic development. However, these positions are not all that this person holds. He is a member of various endowment funds and programs.

Thus, Sergei Lavrov has a long biography, many positions held and a long path to the position he currently holds.


The biography of Sergei Lavrov includes his family and children, photos of which are available on the Internet.

The diplomat got married while studying in his third year at the institute. His wife was Maria Lavrova, who was educated as a philologist. His wife supported him in all his endeavors and accompanied him on his first business trip to Sri Lanka.

As for Sergei Lavrov’s children, he has a daughter, Ekaterina. She was born and spent school years in the United States of America. She entered the university in Columbia, studying political science. Sergei Viktorovich became the first Minister of Foreign Affairs in Russian Federation, whose children are educated in the USA.

In 2008, Ekaterina Lavrova became the wife of a graduate of the University of Cambridge, Alexander Vinokurov. 8 years ago at S.V. Lavrov had a grandson, who was named Leonid. Photos of Sergei Lavrov with his family can be found on the Internet.

There is no information about Sergei Lavrov’s family on the Internet detailed information, however, it is known that his wife accompanies him on all his trips.


Sergei Lavrov’s professional activity begins in the early 70s. last century, namely in the Republic of Sri Lanka for four years. After which he became a secretary in the Ministry of Foreign Affairs of the Soviet Union in the department dealing with economic issues.

In the early 90s. He is the head of the department of the USSR Ministry of Foreign Affairs.

Since January 2010, he has been a member of the Commission for Integration and Economic Development.

However, these positions are not all that are carried out by this figure.

He serves on the editorial board of a magazine about the United States of America and Canada, and is also the head of the Board of Trustees of the institute where he previously studied.

He is also a member of donation funds and programs related to the restoration of monuments and the Russkiy Mir Foundation.

It is impossible not to note the time spent free from work by this figure. Based on media reports, he loves sports rafting on mountain rivers and physical exercise, he can rest and relax at the dacha.

He also likes to watch football matches and is a fan of Spartak. He does not deny himself the pleasure of playing football on his own. He likes interesting dishes, however, despite his passion for delicious food, he monitors his health.

One of his hobbies is playing the guitar, he has good voice and while studying at the institute, he was actively involved in acting and writing poetry.


Sergei Viktorovich Lavrov latest news 2018 still holds the post of Minister of Foreign Affairs.

He has many awards for his services:

  • Order distinguished for significant achievements in the conduct of diplomatic activities for a long time, as well as for his great contribution to the development of the country.
  • Award for contribution to the creation of the Unified Energy System.
  • Order of Honor for services to the country and ensuring the interests of one’s country, for the courage that was shown in the performance of one’s duty.
  • Awards for merit in Yakutia, Kaliningrad, Moscow region.
  • Awards received abroad - in Kazakhstan, Belarus, Armenia, Vietnam, Laos, Serbia and Kyrgyzstan.

In addition, Sergei Viktorovich has many awards from the President of Russia, as well as confessional and other awards.

Did you know Sergei's biography?

Lavrov Sergey Viktorovich

Lavrov Sergey Viktorovich- Soviet and Russian diplomat and statesman. Minister of Foreign Affairs of the Russian Federation since March 9, 2004. Permanent member of the Security Council of the Russian Federation. Ambassador Extraordinary and Plenipotentiary. Full holder of the Order of Merit for the Fatherland.


Lavrov (Kalantarov) Sergey Viktorovich, born March 21, 1950, native of Moscow.

According to surveys conducted by VTsIOM, Sergei Lavrov has repeatedly been among the three most effective ministers of the Government of the Russian Federation. After 12 years in office, characterized Lavrov as an “impressive intellectual” who is, on a par with Shoigu, one of the most popular ministers in the country.

Relatives. Wife: Lavrova Maria Aleksandrovna, born on April 4, 1950, philologist by training. For a long time she worked in the library of the Permanent Mission of the Russian Federation to the UN in New York. Currently, she is a pensioner and is engaged in housekeeping.

Daughter: Vinokurova (maiden name Lavrova) Ekaterina Sergeevna, born 04/03/1983, co-director of the Russian branch of the Christie's auction house. Graduated from Columbia University and High school economy in London. She lived outside the Russian Federation for a long time, including when her father was Minister of Foreign Affairs. For this, Lavrov was often criticized.

Hobbies. He writes poetry and loves to sing with the guitar. Wrote the MGIMO anthem. Hobby: rafting. He was one of the organizers and first president of the Russian Rowing Slalom Federation. Sergei Viktorovich loves to play football, his favorite team is Spartak (Moscow).


  • Graduated from Moscow school No. 607 with in-depth study with a silver medal in English.
  • In 1972 he graduated from Moscow state institute international relations (MGIMO) USSR Ministry of Foreign Affairs (eastern branch).

Speaks English, studied Sinhala, Dhivehi and French.

Labor activity

  • From 1972 to 1976 - trainee, attaché of the USSR Embassy in the Republic of Sri Lanka, from 1976 to 1981 he held the positions of third and second secretary of the department of international economic organizations USSR Ministry of Foreign Affairs.
  • From 1981 to 1988 - First Secretary, Advisor, Senior Advisor of the Permanent Mission of the USSR to the UN in New York.
  • From 1988 to 1992 - deputy, first deputy head of the Department of International Economic Organizations, head of the same department of the USSR Ministry of Foreign Affairs. He was a member of the CPSU until 1991.
  • In 1992 he was appointed director of the Department of International Organizations and global problems Russian Foreign Ministry.
  • On April 3, 1992, he was appointed Deputy Minister of Foreign Affairs of Russia. Oversaw the activities of the Department of International Organizations and International economic cooperation Ministry of Foreign Affairs of Russia, Office for Human Rights and International Cultural Cooperation of the Ministry of Foreign Affairs of Russia, Department for CIS States of the Ministry of Foreign Affairs of Russia. He held this post until January 1994.
  • Since March 1993 - Deputy Chairman of the Interdepartmental Commission on the participation of the Russian Federation in international organizations of the UN system.
  • Since November 1993 - co-chairman of the Interdepartmental Commission for Coordinating the Participation of the Russian Federation in Peacekeeping Activities.
  • From 1994 to 2004 - Permanent Representative of the Russian Federation to the United Nations and the UN Security Council.
  • On March 9, 2004, by decree of the President of the Russian Federation, he was appointed to the post of Minister of Foreign Affairs of the Russian Federation.
  • In May 2004, after the President of the Russian Federation, elected for the next term, took office, he was again appointed to this post. Similarly reappointed in May 2008 after President Dmitry Medvedev took office.
  • May 21, 2012 at Once again received the portfolio of minister after President Vladimir Putin took office.
  • Was approved on May 18, 2018 new line-up government of the Russian Federation, in which Lavrov retained his post.

Chairman of the Russian Commission for UNESCO (since April 2004).

Since January 11, 2010 - member of the Government Commission on economic development and integration

Sergey Lavrov has headed the Ministry of Foreign Affairs since 2004. In this position he advocates the revival of Russia's foreign policy independence. Among his merits are a compromise with China on border issues, the settlement of a forty-year conflict with Norway over maritime border between our countries, the Treaty on European Security, the START-3 Treaty with the United States, simplification of the visa regime with United Europe. Under Lavrov, Russia's policy in Asia, in particular in Syria, intensified. The minister has many awards and honorary titles. He is a full holder of the Order of Merit for the Fatherland. IN last years actively promotes Russian business abroad. Sergei Viktorovich is famous for his witty statements. His interlocutors are captivated by his ability to defuse the situation with humor. At the same time, he defends his positions quite harshly.

Childhood and education

Sergei Lavrov was born on March 21, 1950 in Moscow. My father’s name was Viktor Kalantarov, an Armenian by nationality, originally from Tbilisi. Mother - Kaleria Borisovna Lavrova - Russian, originally from Noginsk near Moscow, was an employee of the USSR Ministry of Foreign Trade. The son took his mother's surname. According to my passport I am registered as Russian.

The future politician was raised by his grandparents, since his parents often spent long periods of time on business trips abroad. He studied at school No. 2 named after V. Korolenko in the city of Noginsk, and subsequently transferred to Moscow school No. 607 with in-depth study of the English language, from which he graduated with a silver medal. Lavrov was fond of physics, so he applied not only to the Moscow State Institute of International Relations, but also to MEPhI. At MGIMO, exams began a month earlier, therefore, having successfully passed entrance tests, he became a student in the eastern department of this prestigious university. At the institute, in addition to English and French, he studied the Sinhala language, which influenced his future employment.


Sergey Lavrov’s diplomatic career began in 1972 with an internship at the USSR Embassy in the Republic of Sri Lanka, where he worked as an attaché until 1976. Then he was appointed third and then second secretary of the Department of International Economic Organizations of the USSR Ministry of Foreign Affairs.

From 1981 to 1988, he alternately held the positions of First Secretary, Advisor, and Senior Advisor to the Permanent Mission of the USSR to the UN in New York. From 1988 to 1992 he was deputy, first deputy chief, and head of the Department of International Economic Organizations of the USSR Ministry of Foreign Affairs. In 1992, he was appointed Deputy Minister of Foreign Affairs of Russia. From 1994 to 2004, Sergei Viktorovich was the permanent representative of the Russian Federation to the United Nations and the UN Security Council. There he gained a reputation as a principled and decisive diplomat. During this period, the UN supported record number Russian initiatives.

On March 9, 2004, by Decree of the President of the Russian Federation, Lavrov was appointed to the post of Minister of Foreign Affairs of the Russian Federation. He still heads this department with great success and, according to surveys, is one of the three most effective ministers of the Russian Federation. Along with his duties as Minister of Foreign Affairs of the Russian Federation, Sergei Viktorovich combines work at UNESCO, where he is the Chairman of the Russian Commission, as well as a member of the Government Commission on Economic Development and Integration.


Lavrov got married when he was in his third year at MGIMO. His chosen one was Maria Alexandrovna, a philologist by training. When they met, she was working as a teacher. Since then, the Lavrovs have been together, the wife accompanies her husband on all foreign business trips. Daughter - Ekaterina Sergeevna Vinokurova, was born and raised in New York, graduated from a prestigious school in Manhattan, then Columbia University, where she studied political science. Then she studied for a master's degree in London. Now she is the director of the Russian branch of the Christie’s auction house. Ekaterina's husband is Alexander Vinokurov, a graduate of the Faculty of Economics at Cambridge University. They got married in 2008. Two years later, Ekaterina gave birth to Lavrov’s grandson Leonid, and then a granddaughter. Ekaterina’s husband owns several businesses in the telecommunications, gas, mining, port and pharmaceutical industries. Currently, the daughter’s family lives in Moscow.

Hobbies and interests

Sergey Viktorovich with student years enjoys rafting and is the president of the Russian Rowing Slalom Federation. Every year he finds time for rafting on mountain rivers. He loves to sing with the guitar, writes poetry, and collects political jokes. He's a fan football club“Spartak”, one of the founders of the People's Football League of Russia, designed to unite fans of this sport.

Sergei Lavrov is a talented politician, diplomat, and for many years the permanent Minister of Foreign Affairs of Russia.


Born 03/21/1950. A native Muscovite. He has Caucasian roots, his father is Armenian, originally from Georgia. My mother worked for Vneshtorg for a long time.

Sergei Viktorovich received an excellent education. He studied well at school, for the successful completion of which he received a silver medal. The mother did everything to ensure that her son studied at a prestigious school. WITH early childhood he showed remarkable academic abilities, especially in studying foreign languages. Excellent studies allowed him to easily pass exams at the prestigious MGIMO to study Oriental Studies.

Carier start

Lavrov took his first position after graduating from MGIMO in early 1972. He went to the island of Sri Lanka and, after completing his internship, was left there to work as an embassy attache Soviet Union. He worked in this capacity for 4 years, and then was again transferred to Moscow.

In Moscow, he began working in the department of international economic organizations. A few years later, Sergei Lavrov moved again, this time to the American continent. He worked for about 10 years in New York, making a successful career at the Permanent Mission of the USSR to the UN. This invaluable experience was very useful to him in his subsequent work.

After another transfer to Moscow, Sergei Lavrov was appointed to work in the Directorate of Economic Organizations of the USSR Ministry of Foreign Affairs, where he successfully worked until 1992.

Big politics

After the collapse of the USSR in 1992, Sergei Lavrov was appointed Deputy Minister of Foreign Affairs of Russia. In this capacity, he oversaw several very important areas, including international economics, the human rights department, as well as the department for the affairs of the newly created CIS union. Lavrov worked in this difficult position for more than two years.

All this time, he maintained constant contacts with the Russian Mission to the UN and in 1994 was officially appointed to the post of Russia's permanent representative to the UN, where he worked for more than 10 years, also working on peacekeeping projects.

Ministerial portfolio

Sergei Lavrov first received the ministerial portfolio from Putin in 2004, when the president was forming his team. The talented politician coped well with the difficult responsibilities assigned to him. And after Putin was re-elected for a new term, the president again returned the ministerial portfolio to Lavrov, which has remained with him unchanged since then until today.

In addition, Sergei Lavrov is actively involved in peacekeeping, educational and foreign economic activities and holds a number of positions in various international organizations. He edits the prestigious international magazine “USA and Canada: Economics, Politics, Culture,” whose activities are aimed at strengthening Russia’s relations with these states.

Sergei Lavrov is also a member of a number of supervisory and trustee boards, including the board of trustees of MGIMO, his alma mater, which gave him a start in big politics. Since 2004, Lavrov has been the permanent Chairman of the Commission for UNESCO. Supervises many charitable programs. He is a member of the Anti-Terrorism Council of Russia.

Personal qualities

Many people are interested in what kind of person the outwardly stern and rather tough Minister of Foreign Affairs of Russia is. Of course, working in such difficult positions could not but leave an imprint on the Minister’s personality.

Strong and principled, he can indeed be quite tough and harsh in situations where it is politically justified. However, as a politician from God, Sergei Lavrov is extremely restrained and correct, which allows him to get out of the most difficult political situations with honor.

All his activities are aimed at the development and prosperity of the Russian state. He does not forget for a second that, first of all, the political and economic interests of Russia and Russians are above all.

However, despite the apparent severity of his disposition, Sergei Lavrov is a positive and sociable person, with a great sense of humor, who is not averse to laughing at a fresh joke, and sometimes even telling a new joke himself.

Like every mortal, Lavrov has his own little weaknesses. One of them was an addiction to cigarettes, which he never managed to get rid of. This habit even almost caused him to be considered a brawler when, after the introduction of a smoking ban in the UN building, Lavrov continued to walk around it with a lit cigarette and an ashtray in his hand, talking about human rights. However, the passions subsided, but the habit, alas, remained.

In the company of family and close friends, Sergei Lavrov often picks up a guitar. In his free moments, he often writes poetry. And he prefers to spend his weekends active. Favorite sports are water sports. He is interested in rafting, and even manages to serve as president of the Russian Rowing Slalom Federation.

After the presidential elections of the Russian Federation in the spring of 2018, where Vladimir Putin won the race for the presidency, the entire government was dismissed.

When the new composition of the Cabinet of Ministers was announced in May, Lavrov was again offered the post of head of the Ministry of Foreign Affairs of the Russian Federation. Lavrov was not against it.

Made many work trips around the world. Skillfully fends off all accusations from the international community towards the Russian Federation regarding such issues as the poisoning of the Skripal family, military conflicts in Syria, in eastern Ukraine, etc.

He made a number of loud statements regarding Russia's exit from the European Union.

From 2004 to this day, Lavrov has been doing an excellent job with his professional duties, so he is once again reassigned to his position.

Wife and daughter of Sergei Lavrov

There is practically nothing to tell about the politician’s personal life. Having married early, in his 3rd year at MGIMO, to Maria Alexandrova, he showed himself to be a monogamous man and a person for whom the value of traditional family relations unshakable.

In the photo - Sergei Lavrov with his wife

His wife accompanied Lavrov everywhere, as befits a faithful loving wife. Their only daughter, Catherine, was born in New York. There she received a prestigious education at Columbia University, then received a master's degree in London. Currently, Sergei Lavrov’s daughter lives with her family in Moscow, she is married and has a son, Leonid.

In the photo - Sergei Lavrov with his daughter

Sergei Viktorovich Lavrov has been the Minister of Foreign Affairs of the Russian Federation since 2004.

Lavrov graduated with a silver medal from Moscow school No. 607 with in-depth study of the English language. Then he entered the Moscow State Institute of International Relations of the USSR Ministry of Foreign Affairs, where he studied at the eastern department. Friends called him the life of the party. Every summer he went to student construction teams (Khakassia, Tuva, Far East, Yakutia). He wrote poetry and sang with a guitar. At MGIMO he became famous as the author of the institute's anthem:

“Studying is such a passion, and drinking is so intense,
Don't give up and go stubbornly towards your goal.
Hot hearts are scattered around the world,
Reliable both in business and in fun..."

Immediately after graduating from the institute in 1972, Sergei Viktorovich began diplomatic activity at the USSR Embassy in Sri Lanka: first as an intern, and then as an embassy attaché. In 1976, after four years work in Sri Lanka, Lavrov returned to Moscow. From 1976 to 1981 he worked in the Directorate of International Organizations of the USSR Ministry of Foreign Affairs as an attaché, third, and second secretary.

In 1981, he was sent to the Permanent Mission of the USSR to the UN in New York to serve as First Secretary, and then as Advisor and Senior Advisor.

From 1988 to 1990 he worked as deputy and then first deputy head of the Department of International Economic Relations of the Russian Ministry of Foreign Affairs.

In 1990-1992 - Director of the Department of International Organizations and Global Problems of the Russian Ministry of Foreign Affairs. In April 1992, Lavrov became Deputy Minister of Foreign Affairs of the Russian Federation. In 1994 he was appointed permanent representative of the Russian Federation to the UN and representative of the Russian Federation in the UN Security Council.

On March 9, 2004, by decree of President Vladimir Putin, he was appointed to the post of Minister of Foreign Affairs of the Russian Federation in the government of Mikhail Fradkov. In this post, he replaced Igor Ivanov, who held the ministerial chair for 6 years.

Sergey Lavrov has the rank of Ambassador Extraordinary and Plenipotentiary of the Russian Federation.

In May 2006, Lavrov joined the federal operational headquarters of the National Anti-Terrorism Committee of Russia and became chairman of the Committee of Ministers of the Council of Europe for six months.

Lavrov is married and has a daughter, Ekaterina, a graduate of Columbia University in New York.

The Minister speaks English, French and Sinhala (one of the languages ​​of Sri Lanka).

Heavy smoker. Actively opposed the smoking ban in the UN building introduced general secretary Kofi Annan. He demonstratively walked around the UN building with a portable ashtray and a cigarette.

He collects jokes, which he himself knows in abundance.

He enjoys rafting and is the president of the Russian Rowing Slalom Federation. They say that it was Lavrov who in 1985 became one of the founders of expeditions along Siberian rivers, which are now periodically organized by MGIMO graduates.

I went on hikes, in particular, with Yuri Kobaladze, also a MGIMO graduate (now managing director for corporate relations at X5 Retail Group (Pyaterochka and Perekrestok chains). Kobaladze spoke about Lavrov: “Imagine the situation: it’s night, you’re standing in taiga, it’s raining on you, you don’t know where to go, and you have only one match left, and then a man, who, as it turns out later, has a broken toe, takes this match and uses it to light a fire, saving us all." (Profile, June 28, 2004).