ex common-law wife footballer Alexander Kerzhakov again got into trouble. The night before, 29-year-old Ekaterina Safronova, whose son the athlete sued, ended up at the police station.

As KP ​​reported in law enforcement agencies, Safronova was detained at house 52 on Optikov Street, in the north of St. Petersburg. It all happened a few seconds after she took a bag of white powder from the hands of a certain man and handed him money.

Safronova was taken to the police department to clarify the circumstances, and the powder was sent for examination. There are no results yet,” explained our interlocutor familiar with the situation.

Katya explained to the police that she bought the powder for her own needs. Probably to make it more fun to meet New Year.

The blond beauty spent last night in police custody, and it’s unlikely she managed to get much sleep.

Only on the morning of December 29, Katya was allowed to return home. There, her nine-month-old daughter Stefania was waiting for her - not alone, of course, but in the arms of a nanny. The girl was born at the end of March.

At the same time, Safronova was released on bail, but, according to KP information, there is still no criminal case.

Does this mean that Katya has been “forgiven”? Not at all. A criminal case for drug trafficking may be opened later. Although, as practice shows, the police do not delay this for long.


In addition to baby Stefania, Ekaterina has two more children - a daughter from hockey player Kirill Safronov and a son from football player Alexander Kerzhakov. Only they don’t live with her.

Both Safronov and Kerzhakov were able to limit Ekaterina’s parental rights through the court. The men's arguments were simple: due to her specific lifestyle, the girl cannot properly take care of the children.

The whole country was discussing the stormy romance between Safronova and Kerzhakov. In 2013, the couple had a son, Igor, but soon after that, Katya and Sasha quarreled. Calling Ekaterina the wife of a football player can only be a stretch - the couple never formalized their relationship.

And already in 2014, Kerzhakov managed to obtain custody of his son through the court. And if Safronov allows Katya to see her daughter, then Kerzhakov seems to have put up a “concrete wall.”


Meanwhile, reports appeared in the press that on January 1, Katya was supposed to take Sonya for the holidays. We contacted Kirill Safronov and asked – what’s next?

Sonya and I and the whole family are leaving for a vacation in France on January 2,” the athlete told KP. “We haven’t talked to Katya for a long time, and she hasn’t contacted me about this story.”

Meanwhile, if during the examination it turns out that the powder has narcotic properties, Safronova’s troubles cannot be avoided. And it's not even a criminal case.

Surely the guardianship authorities will be interested in the young mother. Use drugs while holding infant– agree, this is too much. So it is possible that Katya may be separated from her third child.

Marina Evgenievna, tell us how the parents, Alexander Kerzhakov and Ekaterina Safronova, behaved with their children?

In general, I took care of the children, Igor and Sonya. She took Sonya to kindergarten and picked her up from kindergarten. I was with Igor both night and day. But when Alexander returned home after games, he was always interested in how the children were doing. How Igor develops, how he feels, how he behaves. He even sometimes made comments to me if it seemed to him that I was doing something wrong. In general, he showed real fatherly care.

How did Alexander treat Catherine?

Katya always seemed to be either sick or somehow depressed. Sasha constantly told her to dress warmer. I was afraid that she might get sick. He took care of her because he loved her.

What happened in the house when Kerzhakov left for training camp?

Companies gathered at home. They drank wine, beer, and consumed something. I noticed this because at night I got up to warm up food for one-month-old Igor, because I was taking care of him, not his mother. When Sasha returned, of course, all this stopped, the apartment was cleaned, order was restored. And everything was perfect.

How has their relationship developed recently?

In November, Sasha persuaded Katya to leave for treatment. She did just that. Then she came home a couple of times for a short while and didn’t pay any attention to Igor at all. Sonya was with her father all this time. And before the New Year, Sasha said that they would celebrate New Year and Christmas with the whole family. Then the house was idyllic. Friends came for Christmas. Sasha said that now Katya will be treated at home and take care of the children, and I will just help her. Then he left for work, and everything started again: girlfriends, companies, some friends, wine, fun. Sasha found out about this, and again Katya went for treatment. I didn't see her again.

Have you ever noticed signs of unusual behavior in Catherine?

I noticed her inappropriate behavior, yes. The difference in her behavior when Sasha was at home and when he was not was huge.

How did this manifest itself?

When Katya was relaxing with friends, she was cheerful and sociable. When Sasha arrived, she was irritable. She was constantly in bed and did not leave the bedroom. And I believe that it was Katya who initiated the scandals. Sasha wanted a home, a family, so that his wife would be waiting and welcoming him. One day he arrived, and he was met not by Katya, but by her friend. Sasha was outraged by this, and there was discord.

Did Alexander and Catherine often quarrel?

Happened, of course. But I can’t say that they were regular.


The former common-law wife of football player Alexander Kerzhakov again got into trouble. The night before, 29-year-old Ekaterina Safronova, whose son the athlete sued, ended up at the police station.

As law enforcement agencies told KP, Safronova was detained at house 52 on Optikov Street, in the north of St. Petersburg. It all happened a few seconds after she took a bag of white powder from the hands of a certain man and handed him money.

Safronova was taken to the police department to clarify the circumstances, and the powder was sent for examination. There are no results yet,” explained our interlocutor familiar with the situation.

Katya explained to the police that she bought the powder for her own needs. Probably to celebrate the New Year more fun.

The blond beauty spent last night in police custody, and it’s unlikely she managed to get much sleep.

Only on the morning of December 29, Katya was allowed to return home. There, her nine-month-old daughter Stefania was waiting for her - not alone, of course, but in the arms of a nanny. The girl was born at the end of March.

At the same time, Safronova was released on bail, but, according to KP information, there is still no criminal case.

Does this mean that Katya has been “forgiven”? Not at all. A criminal case for drug trafficking may be opened later. Although, as practice shows, the police do not delay this for long.


In addition to baby Stefania, Ekaterina has two more children - a daughter from hockey player Kirill Safronov and a son from football player Alexander Kerzhakov. Only they don’t live with her.

Both Safronov and Kerzhakov were able to limit Ekaterina’s parental rights through the court. The men's arguments were simple: due to her specific lifestyle, the girl cannot properly take care of the children.

The whole country was discussing the stormy romance between Safronova and Kerzhakov. In 2013, the couple had a son, Igor, but soon after that, Katya and Sasha quarreled. Calling Ekaterina the wife of a football player can only be a stretch - the couple never formalized their relationship.

And already in 2014, Kerzhakov managed to obtain custody of his son through the court. And if Safronov allows Katya to see her daughter, then Kerzhakov seems to have put up a “concrete wall.”


Meanwhile, reports appeared in the press that on January 1, Katya was supposed to take Sonya for the holidays. We contacted Kirill Safronov and asked – what’s next?

Sonya and I and the whole family are leaving for a vacation in France on January 2,” the athlete told KP. “We haven’t talked to Katya for a long time, and she hasn’t contacted me about this story.”

Meanwhile, if during the examination it turns out that the powder has narcotic properties, Safronova’s troubles cannot be avoided. And it's not even a criminal case.

Surely the guardianship authorities will be interested in the young mother. Using drugs while holding a baby in your arms - you must agree, this is too much. So it is possible that Katya may be separated from her third child.

"Information Exchange" has a new archive of hacked correspondence. The site itself positions itself as an exchange where the contents of mailboxes are put up for auction. IN different time Well-known domestic politicians and businessmen have become victims of such trading, but quite a lot of time has passed since the last “mail” scandal. The archive published today belongs to a person far from power and government. Owner mailbox is presumably Alexander Kerzhakov, a famous Russian football player and athlete.


The archive includes approximately a thousand letters from 2010 to 2015. The fact that the box really belongs to Kerzhakov becomes clear through a large number of indirect evidence, such as scans of documents, invoices, personal letters and photographs belonging to Alexander. For example, Kerzhakov receives letters from his lawyer ex-wife Maria, from whom he divorced in 2010. Maria left behind a daughter from Alexander, whose maintenance, according to Maria, costs her quite a significant amount.

A few years later, Kerzhakov receives a letter from Maria’s lawyer demanding payment of alimony. For almost three and a half years, the former Zenit football player owed just over six million rubles.

300 million plant

The amount of alimony debt is more than acceptable for Alexander. From the analysis of his letters, one can isolate an interesting episode where Kerzhakov participates in the construction of an oil refinery, investing more than 300 million rubles in the business. Then the partners had disagreements, and Kerzhakov turned to the police with a statement of fraud. A criminal case was opened, in which Kerzhakov had to give an explanation.

Subsequently, the defense of Ekaterina Safronova, Kerzhakov’s former common-law wife, will state that Kerzhakov is persecuting her precisely because she “knows too much” about the disappearance of 300 million.

Wife and drugs

The correspondence contains letters that concern Safronova personally. Kerzhakov met Ekaterina in 2010, but they never got married. Despite this, in 2013 they had a son, but then the relationship deteriorated and Kerzhakov subsequently sued the child in his favor.

The trial was preceded by a fairly active information campaign to denigrate Catherine. In a letter dated August 12, 2014, Kerzhakov’s press secretary Elena Bolotova sends him for approval the text of an article stating that his ex-common-law wife actively used cocaine. The time in the letter is 23:36.

Kerzhakov’s side actively attracted the media to create the image of a drug addict around Ekaterina Safronova. The following letter shows the participation of the “Man and Law” program, which released the corresponding story.

Materials were also published in print media. On January 23, Bolotova sends Kerzhakov a preprint of the issue of the same “KP” with a devastating article. It is noteworthy that the newspaper itself was published only the next week, on January 28.

As a result, the court awarded the child in favor of Alexander, deeming Catherine insufficiently suitable for the role of mother.

Ukrainian escort

There are a large number of letters in the mail related to ordering “escort” services. Basically, this is done by girls from Ukraine, finalists of various beauty contests and employees of modeling agencies.

The rhetoric of Kerzhakov’s communication with the “mother” of these girls is quite clear and, perhaps, does not require decoding.

However, even without the help of agencies, the worthy father Kerzhakov has enough female attention. Some girls are not shy about sending rather candid pictures to the football player’s email.

Departure for the States

Finally, despite all the declared patriotism and even participation in election campaign Poltavchenko as a confidant, Kerzhakov, before moving from Zenit to Swiss Zurich, was actively looking for employment options overseas (we were talking about American and Canadian MLS clubs), as well as in Qatar and the UAE.

Thus, Alexander Kerzhakov became another victim of email hacking. Previously, it was mainly officials, politicians and businessmen who were subjected to such attacks, but if you are just kicking a ball around the field, this does not mean that no one is interested in you.

All documents and screenshots of letters were obtained on the basis of materials published in the public domain by the Information Exchange.

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September 5, 2014, 11:40

Just three weeks ago, Ekaterina SAFRONOVA hoped that the phone would ring and she would hear the voice of Zenit star and Russian national team player Alexander KERZHAKOV, her father. one and a half year old son Igor. But instead of the desired words of forgiveness, the football player’s lawyers filed a lawsuit demanding “to limit the mother’s rights to the child, since she is dependent on psychotropic drugs” (details). Katya decided to openly talk about life with Kerzhakov.

Yes, I signed documents - agreement that the child will live with his father,” admitted Ekaterina Safronova. - My former lawyer, who, as I now understand, is on friendly terms with Kerzhakov, deceived: “Now you better agree for your son to live with his dad. You’re not in the best situation - you were in two psychiatric clinics, no place to live, zero income.” Could I have thought that in just a couple of months my loved one would file a lawsuit to limit my maternal rights?! And in six months, if I don’t “correct”, I may be deprived of my child.

I wanted a son

I sincerely loved Sasha. Probably what happened is retribution for my sin. When we met, I was married to hockey player Kirill Safronov. We raised our daughter Sonya. But Kirill signed an agreement with a club from Nizhnekamsk, and I remained in St. Petersburg: business and a children's clinic did not allow me to move. During this period, Kerzhakov appeared. I needed support, male attention... Kirill called every day, and I felt uncomfortable. She confessed honestly and filed for divorce. We stayed in good relations. I didn’t file for alimony and didn’t sue for real estate. Kerzhakov, for his part, assured: “I’m a man, I’ll do everything.”
While Katya plunged headlong into the surging feelings, Kerzhakov was divorcing his wife Maria, with whom they had a common daughter, Dasha.
- They signed an agreement with Masha, according to which she receives 300 thousand rubles a month, 150 of which she puts into the child’s account. In front of me, Kerzhakov said that he wanted to plant drugs in Masha’s car in order to deprive her of her child. I should have thought about it even then. Later I found out that Maria began to demand from Kerzhakov more money. Having experienced for myself what kind of person he is, I understand why Masha did not apply for the required alimony. At the same time, Alexander insisted that I sell my clothing store in St. Petersburg and invest money in the construction of his house near St. Petersburg.
After two years of marriage, we decided to have a child. Having learned that I was expecting a son, Sasha personally supervised the pregnancy process. He even spent the night with me for a couple of days in the clinic where I gave birth. He was also present during a caesarean section.

Alexander KERZHAKOV planned a wedding with Ekaterina SAFRONOVA a year ago...

We had a wedding date set on December 7, 2013, but it didn’t take place. That's when this story started with the Voronezh co-owner construction business- Mikhail Surin, to whom Sasha approached with a proposal: to lend 330 million rubles for the construction of an oil refinery. I didn’t immediately understand that Kerzhakov wanted to hide the money from Masha so that in the event of a divorce she wouldn’t get it. He told me: “We need someone to check the information about the plant.” I had a friend - Alexander Savchenko. His St. Petersburg LLC Profit provides business support services. Savchenko introduced himself to me as an FSB employee. When my lawyer Evgenia Semchukova made a request, we learned that Savchenko was prosecuted for kidnapping. But he gained my trust so much that I agreed to make him his son’s godfather. However, after a couple of months, Savchenko insisted to Kerzhakov that I was an experienced drug addict. Then the scammer began to claim that I was playing on Surin’s side. Savchenko more than once suggested that I give false testimony: supposedly I was in the bank and saw that Surin was communicating with the bank manager Vladimir Bagaev, who “fraudulently” helped transfer money from Kerzhakov’s account.

We made a vegetable

After the birth of his son, Sasha changed. I was forbidden to communicate with my friends or invite guests. All text messages were checked. He became aggressive, repeating: “You destroyed everything! Drug addict, creature! She put her son’s life in danger.” Kerzhakov did everything Savchenko said.
Six months after giving birth, he suggested that I go to the hospital to get treatment for my asthma. But a couple of days later I ended up in the mental health department. I was prescribed strong drugs. The diagnosis read: “Physical attraction to psychotropic substances.” They made me into a vegetable. You cannot escape from the establishment. When Sasha periodically visited the hospital, the doctors talked to him separately. I found myself a weak-willed slave in someone else's game. Kerzhakov answered all questions: “When the doctors deem it necessary, you will go home. If you run away, you won’t see your son.”
Two months later my grandmother took me. Granny, a doctor, asked the doctor a simple question: “On what basis are you holding a person?” Arriving at the St. Petersburg mansion in which Sasha invested 60 million rubles, I discovered a barrier through which security did not let me in.

Donated my hair

When I realized what a threat Savchenko and Kerzhakov posed, I tried to hide. I rented a hotel room. Kerzhakov found me. He began to press: “Let’s stay in another hospital for two months. There are psychologists there, no drugs. After the course of treatment you will find yourself at home.” I hoped that things could change. I'll prove to Sasha that I'm not a drug addict. She even submitted her hair for analysis, and when no drugs were found there, Savchenko lied: “She dyed her hair.”
All this time we continued to sleep together rented apartment. Sasha, of course, changed: after sex he got up and left. No words of love. The psychologist assigned by Savchenko constantly called Kerzhakov: “Sasha, you have to leave, have you left her?”
After two months of treatment, my things ended up in a rented apartment. I asked: “What’s going on, Sasha?” He explained: “You should learn to live in society.” During all this time, Kerzhakov only took me to my son twice for two hours. I understood: I needed to pick up Igor and run wherever I could. A month later, Kerzhakov said: “You must leave your rented apartment!”
Left on the street, I turned to Kirill Safronov for help.
Sasha blocked my bank cards. Today I live off my first husband, because I couldn’t get a job in St. Petersburg. Employers, as soon as they realized that I was Kerzhakov’s roommate, turned away. Sasha still hasn’t given me my things: all the jewelry he gave me is still in the apartment. ex-husband. I came to Kerzhakov with a large “dowry” and left with nothing. I immediately remembered the words he said: “If a woman is with me, I’ll give her everything, if not, I’ll leave her in her underpants!” And so it happened.
Kerzhakov does not answer the phone and does not allow me to see my son. I wrote to the guardianship authorities, where the answer came: “Kerzhakov does not interfere with communication between mother and son.” Igorek is getting used to me - I didn’t even see his first steps, didn’t hear the word “mother”. They threaten me, I have to hide: no one knows where I live.