Encyclopedic reference: a night club is an entertainment establishment operating at night. Some nightclubs offer their own entertainment programs, others invite famous performers “on tour”. Income for nightclubs is provided mainly by 2 types of activities: the sale of alcohol and the provision of tables during the show program.

If you have decided to connect your entrepreneurial activity with the organization of leisure and are considering options for opening your own nightclub, the advice in this article will be useful. After reading it, you will learn how to calculate whether a nightclub in your region is profitable, how much money (and nerves) it will take to open it, and also learn how to avoid many beginner mistakes.

Step by step to benefit from providing bread and circuses

Step one: choose a room

Before opening your own nightclub, conduct market research to understand what format of the establishment will be most popular.

Having determined the main direction of development, proceed to choosing a location - these two points are closely related. So, if you are planning to open an elite club, you need premises in a prestigious area. If your potential audience belongs to the middle class, a room in a residential area will do. At the same time, remember that the club must be visible and have good transport accessibility. Don't forget that the fashion for clubs is short-lived - after 3-4 years you will have to change either the format or even the location. Therefore, it is not worth investing in the purchase of premises; it is better to rent.

Regardless of the format of the club, the premises must meet certain parameters. The optimal size of an average club is 1000 m², ceiling height is from 4.5 meters. Remember that a club is a place where they not only drink and have small talk, but also dance: lack of good ventilation, stuffiness and cramped conditions are not acceptable.

Step two: arranging the interior space

One of the important components of the club's success is the interior. Many owners of nightclubs spare no expense in arranging the interior space. True, there is also a diametrically opposite approach - some successful nightclubs are located in hangars or abandoned industrial buildings and attract visitors precisely because of their pronounced urban character.

From the point of view of regulatory and inspection authorities, your nightclub must have a fire alarm, a hydrant, and flawlessly operating ventilation and air conditioning systems (almost 40% of the cost of all equipment). Projects for sewerage, water and electricity supply systems must be approved. Experienced club owners note that the most hassle is associated with providing heating for the nightclub (20% of costs) and its connections to external electrical networks (10% of costs).

Once all approvals are completed and permits have been received, you can begin purchasing equipment. Please note that it is advisable to change (or at least modernize) it approximately once a year.

Step three: building a strategy to attract visitors

To “promote” a club, a large-scale marketing campaign is needed, which should begin several months before the opening. During the preparation of an advertising campaign this will allow you to do right choice themes and ideas of the club, determine the target audience.

Moreover, you will have to conduct such market research regularly, since the audience of nightclubs, firstly, is small, and secondly, variable. “To fall out of fashion” means to lose visitors.

Where can I get money?

Opening your own club is not a cheap idea. To get an idea of ​​how much it costs to open a nightclub, consider the costs of renting and equipping the premises, as well as purchasing equipment. Start-up investments are only the first investments in the club business: development requires constant financial investments. Therefore, despite the high profitability of the business, it has a fairly long payback period - up to two years.

Banks do not lend to this type of business, so you will have to make do with personal funds or take out a non-targeted loan.

Underwater rocks

Almost everyone who decides to open a nightclub faces real bureaucratic reefs along the way. Registration of a company and numerous approvals from fire supervision, Rospotrebnadzor, SES and other authorities are only part of the problem. As you remember, one of the main sources of income for a nightclub is the sale of alcoholic beverages and alcoholic cocktails. This activity is licensed, and it takes many entrepreneurs months to obtain a license. There are many cases when the owner of a newly opened club is forced to look for a buyer for his business only because he was unable to obtain the coveted document.

It is also worth remembering the problems that unqualified personnel can cause.

Let's sum it up

Nightclub is one of the most difficult types entrepreneurial activity. In addition to the fact that considerable investment and colossal penetration power are required, you also need to be a true fan of your business.

Currently, nightclubs are very widespread throughout the world, including in Russia. There are hundreds of them in large millionaire cities. Clubs can be built even in small towns. Building your own nightclub is a small business that is actively developing today.

Night clubs are establishments whose main areas are service and recreation. A nightclub is a worthy place to invest money. Such a business has great prospects, despite huge competition. The fact that modern youth loves to visit clubs is also of great importance. Some go there rarely, others go there all the time.

Thus, nightclubs are one of the places where people can forget, get away from the hustle and bustle and relax. The nightclub is suitable for relaxing with friends, celebrating a housewarming, listening to good music. All this makes such establishments very popular. Let's take a closer look at the business plan of a nightclub using the example of a large city. But before that you need to find out what clubs there are.

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Types of nightlife establishments. Required documents

As mentioned above, clubs can be very diverse. The most popular are nightclubs, club-bars, night gaming clubs, clubs for gay people and others. The latter are prohibited in many cities. The most numerous group are ordinary nightclubs. A nightclub business plan includes a whole list of provisions that need to be implemented. It includes choosing the location of the future night establishment, renting premises or building it from scratch, purchasing the necessary equipment, establishing relationships with suppliers of raw materials, choosing the interior of the premises, recruiting staff, establishing a pricing policy: determining the cost of products, entrance to the club, size wages employees, calculating profits and expenses.

So, the first thing to do is decide on a location. Clubs are usually located in busy areas. It is better if it is the city center or the main streets of remote areas. It is important that there are not many competitors nearby, otherwise the business may fail. Many clubs are located in large shopping centers, this is very convenient, since thousands of people pass through there every day. The second step is collecting the necessary documentation. In order for the club to operate, it is necessary to obtain permission from the fire and sanitary and epidemiological services to carry out business activities. In addition, documents on territorial property management are required. If the premises are rented, then permission from the fire department will not be required.

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Registration and sanitary-epidemiological surveillance

In parallel with this, the future businessman must register with the local tax office as an LLC or individual entrepreneur. The last option is the most optimal, as it can save time and money. The list of documents will also be smaller. An important point is that many nightclubs provide hot meals for clients, that is, this establishment can partially be classified as public catering. Due to all this, it is closely monitored by state sanitary and epidemiological surveillance authorities.

It is divided into preventive and current. Preventive measures are carried out at the stage of site acquisition, construction and commissioning of the facility. In this case, an expert opinion is given.

Once the club starts operating, it is given time to establish its business. And after a few years, scheduled inspections begin. They are held once every 3 years. But they can be carried out more often in the form of unscheduled visits, for example, in case of complaints from visitors to the establishment and the like. If violations are detected, a fine is given or the work of the club is temporarily suspended until the identified violations are corrected. All checks are carried out on the basis sanitary rules and building codes, GOSTs and other regulations.

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Purchasing the necessary equipment

For the club to operate successfully, you need to purchase necessary equipment, furniture and other interior items.

The equipment you will need is: equipment for music, lights, bar counters, display cases, cash registers, mirrors, wardrobe equipment, tables, chairs and upholstered furniture for visitors and staff.

In addition, if you plan to organize food at the club, you will need an oven, microwaves, stoves, dishes, refrigeration equipment. All this will cost a lot of money.

The important point is to find a reputable equipment supplier. Musical equipment can be bought at a regular music store, for big city It's not a problem. You shouldn't skimp on this. All equipment must be modern and new so that it lasts for a long time and visitors to the establishment can feel good quality sound. In addition to equipment, you need to stock up on dishes. There should be plenty of it. All utensils must be clean, especially glasses. It is the responsibility of the bartender to keep order on the bar counter.

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Interior of the room. Possible ideas

Very great importance has a room interior. It's not worth saving on it. It is recommended that the room be spacious. You can organize several halls: dance and quiet. In one you can have fun, and in the other you can chat calmly. The floor and walls must be smooth. It is advisable to finish the floor with tiles to make it easier to clean and handle. Tables should be located around the periphery to make it comfortable and possible to observe what is happening on the stage and dance floor. This is very important, since most clubs, in addition to music, also organize entertainment shows. These could be performances. famous singers, dancers.

The hall must be equipped with light, music or laser devices. The wardrobe should be large, and mirrors are a must. It is better to organize sanitary facilities separately for men and women. They must be equipped with modern appliances, air towels, sinks, and urinals. In the kitchen, order and all anti-epidemic requirements when preparing food must also be observed. In order for all the equipment to work, the first thing is to install communications: electricity, hot and cold water supply, heating, ventilation and air conditioning system, sewerage and waste disposal system. In the hot season, it is especially important to equip the club with an air conditioning system so that visitors feel comfortable. Another requirement is fire safety. This question became important after the fire at the Lame Horse club in the city of Perm, when dozens of people died when the canopy above the ceiling suddenly caught fire.

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Recruitment of service personnel

Choosing staff is a responsible step, since the number of clients of the establishment and possible profit depend on the quality of service. The staff must include: waiters, bartenders, security guards, cooks, manager, administrator, technician, cleaner. All employees are required to undergo a preliminary medical examination before entering work. All you need to get a job is to go through an interview with the manager and provide your passport information. People without education can work as waiters and bartenders, but work experience is undoubtedly welcome. People with special culinary education are hired as chefs, that is, a diploma or certificate is needed.

All personnel must have personal medical records. It is advisable that he wear a uniform. This primarily applies to the cooks and waiters of the establishment. This will give the club credibility in the eyes of visitors and future clients. The second point is the organization of the nightclub's operating hours. Usually this is 2-3 days a week, but there are also those that work almost every day. The most optimal operating hours will be from 22:00 to 6:00 am. Around midnight, entertainment shows and performances can be arranged.

Today you won’t surprise anyone with nightclubs, but the demand for such establishments is still quite large. There is still a lot in this market niche free space, which means that by opening such an establishment, you can count on good profits. How to open a nightclub and how much money will be required at the initial stage?

Market research and business features

It is clear that before opening your own business, you should carefully study the market segment in which you plan to work. This also applies to a nightclub, since such a business requires considerable investment, and so that it does not go to waste, you need to comprehensively study the issue and draw up a detailed business plan for the enterprise.

It is worth remembering that for a nightclub, as for another commercial entertainment project, the indicative period is twelve months. It is during this time that the club must almost completely recoup all initial costs and begin to make a real profit. If this does not happen, it is easier to close the establishment than to correct the situation by again investing money in an unprofitable project.

If we conditionally divide all nightclubs according to the area of ​​​​work, it turns out that some of these establishments are “closed” type clubs, entry to which is open only to representatives of certain groups, some belong to gay clubs, where any person can enter, but a special group gathers there audience, and the remaining establishments are designed for representatives of certain youth movements. This division must be taken into account when planning the opening of a club and developing the concept and direction of development.

If you are interested in the question: how to open your own nightclub, where to start and how to properly organize a business, then there are several recommendations from professionals: first you need to decide on several important points:

  • Target audience – the design of the club and the services provided depend on who exactly you plan to work for. Experts are sure that it is impossible to create a club “for everyone” - both the age group and social status. If you are planning to organize a cult club, then it will a priori be intended for a certain circle of people, and if your audience is young people under 25, then be prepared for the fact that in a year about 30% of visitors will be replaced, since a third of older clients will go to other clubs. Some initially plan to open an establishment for “golden” youth, but today pretentious and expensive clubs do not justify themselves, as they require too much investment and do not bring a stable income.
  • Concept - no one is interested in another faceless establishment, so if you want to create a truly viable and interesting project that generates income, you will have to develop a concept and create an establishment for a specific target audience that will be truly interesting to them. The concept can be based on some kind of musical direction that the club will promote, and the design and style can already be created based on the general idea. By the way, the right concept can ensure 80% of the success of an establishment, and the more entertaining it is, the better.
  • A list of services that depends on several points: target audience, concept, age limit of the establishment. But in any case, there must be a bar, a show program and a dance floor. True, this minimum is only suitable for opening an establishment, since in order to remain in demand and interesting to customers, the club must constantly develop and offer visitors new services and entertainment. These could be themed parties, striptease programs, go-go dancers, light or pyrotechnic shows (the choice depends on the technical capabilities of the establishment). You can also invite musical groups and various creative groups that work in a club format to perform. The main thing is not to stand still and choose the most profitable options for possible entertainment.

Place for a club

The choice of premises for the club depends on what format of the establishment you plan to open and what target audience the club will be designed for. But in any case, the premises should be located where it is easy to find, close to a convenient transport interchange, and also have parking and access. It’s great if it’s in the city center, where life is in full swing around the clock, or next to educational institutions for young people, shopping centers, restaurants, since many people, going out to have fun, can visit five or six establishments within a few hours, if, of course, they are located nearby.

Many people are interested in what is better: renting premises or buying? In this matter, you need to focus on consumer demand, but practice shows that in about three years both the location of the club and its format will have to be changed. This is the specifics of business and nothing can be done about it, because all clients are attracted by novelty. Based on this, it is clear that purchasing premises is not advisable, but it is better to conclude a lease agreement.

As for the area of ​​the club, it depends on the format of the establishment: a small club is three hundred meters of area, a medium-sized club, as a rule, has an area of ​​​​about 1000 square meters with a ceiling height of 4.5 meters, well, a large establishment with several halls and dance floors can occupy 3000 meters. True, when choosing such a large premises, you risk going broke on rent, so it’s safer to open a medium-sized club. Do you want to reduce the cost of rent? Rent a room in the basement or on the ground floor. But there is one pitfall that cannot be ignored: sanitary standards. If the premises do not comply with them, you will not be able to obtain permission to operate either from the SES or from the State Fire Inspectorate.

Business registration

Have you thought about how to open a nightclub, have you drawn up a business plan, have you found a premises? So it's time to register your business. And here you need to prepare for the fact that you will encounter a large number of bureaucratic obstacles and delays. If you are constructing or reconstructing a building, you will have to order a project and, of course, have it approved by the relevant government agencies, and after completion of the work, according to the law, formalize the commissioning of the facility in an act that will have to be signed by representatives of the municipal administration, and representatives of Gospozhnadzar, SES, Rospotrebnadzor.

As for state registration itself, all establishments that have the word “club” in their name are registered as . And this procedure will require permission from Rospotrebnadzor to locate a club in a specific room or on a specific territory (and if there is no building yet, then a construction project approved by Rospotrebnadzor), as well as all approvals, permits and conclusions mentioned above. These documents will also have to be accompanied by constituent documents, including passports (and their copies) of all founders and the general director.

Alcohol: how to get a license?

Many people are interested in the question: how to open a nightclub with a bar? And it is completely appropriate, since the sale of alcohol in our country is licensed. This means that the club will have to obtain a license to sell alcohol through a bar (alcohol license for retail trade). To do this, you will need to submit a package of documents (it includes all constituent and registration documents, as well as approvals from the SES and Rospotrebnadzor, employee health records, etc.) government agency, issuing such licenses at the location of the establishment. But the problem is that obtaining a license may take a long time (or you may even be refused), and not a single nightclub will be able to operate without selling alcohol.

To simplify the licensing procedure, you can contact specialized legal companies that, for a fee, will arrange all necessary documents and get a license for you.

Repair and equipment

The renovation and decoration of a nightclub should be given maximum attention, since the interior is the face of the club. It should attract visitors, reflect the concept of the establishment, be stylish, comfortable and cozy. And here everything matters: the style of furniture, the design of the dance floor, bar, entrance area, sanitary facilities. So you shouldn’t skimp on renovations, furniture and decoration.

A high-quality ventilation and air conditioning system is of great importance for an entertainment venue where people actively move and drink. It is also worth taking care of it in advance and installing powerful equipment that can provide a constant flow of fresh air and a stable temperature in the room.

The most important issue for a nightclub is sound and lighting equipment. It should only be selected by a professional, based on the technical parameters of the room and equipment. And the larger and more varied the equipment, the better, since with its help it will be possible to create original light installations and sound effects.

In addition, you will need to purchase the necessary equipment for the bar, dishes (and if you also have a cafe or restaurant, then production equipment for the food department - kitchen), a supply of alcoholic beverages, uniforms for service personnel, security systems, CCTV cameras, computer and office equipment for organizing work.


How to open a nightclub from scratch? After developing the concept, choosing the premises and obtaining all approvals, the most serious issue is personnel. The most important people in any nightclub - administrator, art director and promoter. The success of the establishment and attracting new customers depends on them. You will also need DJs, bartenders, waiters, cooks (if there is a cafe or restaurant), service personnel (cleaners, cloakroom attendants, electricians, general workers, janitors, watchmen, security guards), accountants, HR employees, cashiers, storekeepers and a creative department. On average, a nightclub requires 40-50 employees from different directions.

Recruitment – important point, since entertainment establishments often go bankrupt due to the lack of professionalism of workers. Therefore, you need to approach the selection of personnel very carefully and give preference to people with work experience and a positive attitude towards life.

As for creative workers, they need to be selected according to the concept of the club. You can have your own creative team - dancers, vocalists and musicians, or you can invite such groups from outside and work with them under a contract, and only have DJs on staff.


For any entertainment establishment that sells alcoholic beverages, safety is a pressing issue. It is necessary to hire security guards who will ensure order in the hall, allow visitors to enter at the entrance, control the situation as a whole, prevent quarrels and fights, and also see out aggressive clients. To do this, you can create your own security service or enter into an agreement with a specialized company to provide security officers during the opening hours of the establishment.

Don’t forget also about drug dealers, for whom nightclubs are a Klondike. This means that you need to constantly ensure that such people do not enter the establishment, and check all premises for possible drug trafficking. Therefore, in addition to security guards, you will also need video surveillance cameras, which will need to be installed in all premises, high-quality communications equipment and a room equipped with monitors (connected to cameras), where visitors and staff will be constantly monitored.

Another problem is weapons. How to protect visitors and club employees from the possibility of visitors carrying cold or firearms? By installing metal detectors! Of course, all these security measures will require significant costs, but they are necessary.

How to open a nightclub in a small town

If you want to open a nightclub in a small town, you should think very carefully whether you are prepared for the fact that you will have a very limited client flow (due to the small number of residents belonging to the target audience). Besides the fact that big profits are not expected, you will have to constantly come up with something to stir up interest in the establishment and not lose potential customers. If such prospects do not frighten you, then even at the stage of developing a business plan, you need to think through not only the night entertainment part of the business, but also Additional services, which will also generate income. This could be a billiard room with several tables, a sports bar, a banquet hall for weddings, corporate events, anniversaries, family holidays, graduation parties, children's Cafe And so on. This way you get a multidisciplinary entertainment business, which is very good for a small town, since different areas of activity will keep the establishment afloat during periods of falling demand for certain types of services, and this is inevitable in a small town.


No entertainment establishment can operate without good advertising, so you will need to take care of a serious advertising campaign. And here all means are good: the media, the Internet, posters, announcements, flyers for the opening. It’s also not worth saving on advertising, since attendance and interest in the establishment depend on how actively the club is promoted.

Initial Investment

Promoted nightclubs really bring huge income to their owners. And this is what pushes many people to the idea of ​​opening their own club. But at the initial stage, sky-high profits are a myth. To get a popular club with good attendance and reputation, you will first have to invest a significant amount in it. So, how much does it cost to open a nightclub? The question is ambiguous, since it all depends on what kind of establishment you want to open, where and for whom. Therefore, here we can only talk about minimum amount investments that will be required from the owner to launch the project.

According to experts, the average figure is 7,000,000 rubles, but there is no upper threshold.

Having decided to join the entertainment industry and create your own nightclub, you need to remember that this is a rather risky business and half of such establishments have been operating for no more than a year. The investment required to start is considerable, the profitability of the business is average, and full payback is possible in about a year and a half, but this is subject to the success of the project. In addition, banks are reluctant to lend to clients who want to open a nightclub. This means that you will have to take out a consumer loan or look for reliable and solvent partners who are ready not only to provide start-up capital, but also to invest in the development of the club.

Own night club proper organization can bring very impressive profits. True, opening it requires a lot of money, time and effort. We will consider further how to competently approach the organization of such a business.

Stages of opening a nightclub

If you want to open your own nightclub, then you will have to do a lot of work, each stage of which is fundamentally important.

Concept development for the club

Before opening, it is necessary to clearly decide who the club will be aimed at. To do this, you need to decide on the following parameters:

  • Age of the audience;
  • Music style;
  • Social status visitors;
  • Material security.

The most profitable clubs are aimed at young people aged 18-25, students with low incomes.

Search for premises

The choice of building plays an important role for further progress. First of all, you should pay attention to the location. It is desirable that it be located on a street with busy traffic and high passenger flow. It's good if there is a transport interchange nearby. As practice has shown, the clubs located not far from universities have the greatest attendance.

Make sure that there are as few competitors nearby as possible. Ideally, there should be no entertainment venues near you at all.

There should be a parking space near the building and convenient access to it.

The room should not be located in a residential building, as loud music, fun companies will disturb neighbors' sleep, which will lead to a number of problems. It is best to occupy the first or ground floor shopping center or even find a fairly large one or two-story building.

The club area should be from 300 to 500 sq. m., have high ceilings– from 3 meters. These requirements are related to the fact that the club must have enough space to accommodate utility rooms, a stage, a dance floor, a recreation area, a bar, and a toilet. It is advisable to allocate 200-250 sq. m. for the dance floor. The higher the ceilings, the easier it is to install the necessary lighting equipment.

The premises can be purchased, rented or built from scratch. It all depends on the amount you are willing to invest in starting the project.

Required documents

To open a club, the following documents are required:

  • Certificate of registration of an individual entrepreneur or LLC (see also);
  • A project for the refurbishment, redevelopment or construction of premises, agreed upon with Rospotrebnazor and Gospozharnadzor.
  • Permission from Rospotrenadzor;
  • Permission from the Sanitary and Epidemiological Station;
  • Permission from the State Fire Supervision Authority;
  • Garbage removal agreement;
  • License to sell alcohol;
  • Music license;
  • Medical records for employees;
  • Certificates for food products;
  • Employment contracts with employees.

An experienced lawyer will help you with the paperwork.


Special attention must be given to personnel selection. To fully operate the club you will need:

  • An accountant or financier with experience. His main task is to draw up an estimate of expenses and income, to control everything financial questions. By the way, you can entrust him with drawing up a business plan or draw it up with him.
  • A competent lawyer to whom you can entrust the preparation of all the necessary papers, the settlement of legal issues with various authorities - Rospotrebnadzor, fire inspectorate, sanitary and epidemiological station, police.
  • Lighting technician for setting up and subsequently servicing lighting devices, conducting doomsday events.
  • Sound technician for setting up sound and equipment.
  • Chef and several cooks to work in the kitchen. It is advisable if there are 2 shifts of cooks of 2-3 people, depending on the attendance of the establishment.
  • Dishwasher.
  • Two bartenders for shift work.
  • Two shifts of waiters, 2-4 people each.
  • Creative director. It’s good if he can simultaneously perform the duties of a presenter, organize and conduct various events.
  • Club manager or director.
  • Administrator for working with personnel.
  • DJ.
  • Security of 6-10 people. It is advisable to enter into an agreement with a security company that has excellent recommendations.
  • Cleaning woman.
  • Wardrobe attendant.

It is advisable to conduct personnel selection yourself. It is important that potential employees have work experience and good recommendations.

After purchasing or renting a premises, it is necessary to make at least minor cosmetic repairs. It is not necessary to spend a lot of money on it, because visitors will only evening time, and in the twilight no one will pay attention to the quality of the wallpaper or paint on the walls.

It is better to spend the money you have on high-quality lighting, preferably neon, installation of air conditioners around the entire perimeter, and speakers. The premises for visitors should be divided into several zones:

  • Stage on which DJs and dancers perform;
  • Dance floor;
  • Relaxation area;
  • Bar counter;
  • Toilet – female and male.

Make sure there are no clocks in the hall. But on the contrary, there should be a lot of mirrors. Mirrored ceilings and walls and columns look good. Make sure that mirrors are located in places where they will be difficult to break.

Windows are one of the unnecessary attributes of the club. They can be hidden with special screens or the same mirrors, or covered up altogether.

The recreation area should have both regular tables and chairs and soft sofas for more picky clients.


What equipment is worth purchasing? To operate a nightclub you need:

  • Equipment for bar and kitchen: refrigerators and coffee makers, juicers, freezers, etc.
  • Lighting equipment: lamps and spotlights, mirror balls.
  • Audio equipment: speakers, remotes, controllers, microphones, amplifiers, etc.
  • Security equipment: video cameras and metal detectors, walkie-talkies for security guards.

Security requirements

Much attention should be paid to safety. First of all, of course, the fire department. To do this, it is necessary to install fire alarms along the entire perimeter and special systems for extinguishing fire.

The second point is safety. The club must employ qualified employees security agency. There must be one or two security guards at the entrance to the club, whose task is to check visitors to see if they have brought prohibited goods or weapons with them.

A few more people need to be placed in the hall. It would be good if the club installed a patrol call system.

Remember that your clients may go outside briefly to get some fresh air or smoke. Think about how you will celebrate them - with special bracelets made of paper, plastic or tattoos.


Another point that is definitely worth paying attention to is the menu. The kitchen and bar are the main source of income.

What should be in a bar? At a minimum, the most popular varieties of wines and champagne, vodka, cognac, liqueurs and other alcoholic and low-alcohol drinks, ingredients for cocktails. Please note that you must have at least one signature cocktail. Don't forget about juices, carbonated and still bottled water, popular drinks such as Coca-Cola, Pepsi.

The second thing that should be there is snacks. First of all, cuts of various types of sausages, cheese, and fruit slices. You can also include light salads and snacks on the menu.

Please note that the markup on food in a bar can reach 300% of the purchase price.

Show program

Your clients will quickly get bored with monotony, so it is important to think through the show program at least a few months in advance.

What can you offer your visitors?

You can also distinguish the so-called “women’s” and “men’s” days, when admission for representatives of one or another gender is free. If possible, invite famous DJs and performers of your chosen genre of music to the club.


Before the opening of the club, as well as before each theme evening, it is advisable to advertise the event. You can do this using:

  • Posters;
  • Billboards;
  • Order advertising on local radio;
  • Use social media;
  • Distribute flyers for free entry or discount to the bar.

Be sure to think over a table booking system and offer discounts when booking a table a few days before the event.

Open air club

During the warm season, you can open an open-air nightclub. This idea is suitable for resort towns, where there is a large influx of people in the summer. It is advisable to open a club not far from the beach.

This can be either a site near which there is a utility room for cooks and equipment, or a separate building without a roof. In the second case, old, destroyed houses are ideal. By leaving only the outer walls, you can design a unique interior.

When opening, you should take into account that this is a seasonal source of income and try to invest a minimum of money in the project.

Expenses and income

We present to your attention a sample business plan. The figures are very approximate, since the cost of the premises depends not only on its size, but also on the region and location. The same applies to the cost of equipment, food, and wages.

Expenses (in rubles):

  • Purchase of premises – 2-3 million;
  • Repair – 1.5 million;
  • Registration – 500 thousand;
  • Purchase of equipment for the hall – 500 thousand;
  • Purchase of kitchen equipment – ​​300 thousand;
  • Equipment with security systems – 1 million;
  • Furniture – 500 thousand;
  • Advertising – 300 thousand;
  • Purchase of goods – 500 thousand;
  • Payment to staff – 500 thousand per month;
  • Utility bills – 40 thousand per month;
  • draw up a club work schedule;
  • calculate the average number of visitors;
  • average cost one check (including entry fee).

For example, take the following numbers:

  • Your club is open 5 days a week;
  • The average number of visitors is 250 people per evening;
  • The average check amount is 500 rubles.

It turns out that working about 20 days a month, the club will generate an income of 2.5 million rubles in one month.

Business profitability

As already noted, this business requires a lot of financial costs. On average, to open a club you will need about 10-15 million rubles. It all depends on real estate prices, the scale of subsequent repairs, the cost of equipment and the average salary in your region.

Where can one find such an amount? There are two options - take a loan from a bank or find investors. In both the first and second cases, you need to draw up a rough business plan. In it you should describe the approximate costs of opening a club and income.

On average, costs are recouped in 12-20 months, and the profitability of this business ranges from 20 to 50%.

Please note that if after a year your costs have not paid off or have paid off by less than 75%, then you should think about closing the club. As practice shows, in this situation the business will no longer generate the required income.

How to manage a nightclub? (video)

Art directors of popular nightclubs will tell you about the features of the club business. You will learn first-hand what attracts visitors and what they are willing to pay for.

The club business is one of the most profitable. The profitability of the establishment can reach 50%. True, in order to get such a return, you need to invest a lot of money in opening and promoting the project, choose the right location and personnel, and most importantly, constantly work on entertainment program establishments.