Can I pass the exam at Vyatka State University?

At VyatSU, the exam is not conducted. Registration for the exam is carried out at the place of registration (in the administration of the city (village) or at the school that they graduated from). Applicants from the city of Kirov and the region can also enroll at the Center for Educational Quality Assessment (TSOKO, Kirov, Spasskaya St., 67). Similarly, registration for the USE is carried out for applicants from other regions.

How to enter Vyatka State University without the Unified State Examination?

Applicants who have professional education(initial vocational, secondary vocational or higher), as well as disabled people, foreign citizens and applicants who have passed the GIA not in the form of the Unified State Examination, if less than one year has passed before the completion of the acceptance of documents.

What will be the form of entrance examinations if I want to enroll in paid education?

If you belong to the category of citizens who need to take the Unified State Examination, then even if you enter a paid place, you must take it. By USE results Applicants with a secondary general education (11 grades of school) enter.

If I have the Unified State Exam in social studies, then what are my chances of getting into a state-funded place?

Social studies are required for admission to economic, humanitarian and legal areas. The number of budget places in these areas is significantly lower than in technical and natural sciences, and the number of school graduates who pass social studies reaches 60%. Therefore, in these areas big competition and a high passing score.

At what level is it necessary to pass Mathematics in the form of the Unified State Examination?

For destinations, listed entrance examinations who have mathematics, it must be taken at the profile level (for example, in the direction of "Economics" surrender: mathematics, social science, Russian language). If mathematics in the direction is not required, then it can be passed on basic level(for example, the direction "Jurisprudence" requires entrance tests: Russian language, history, social studies).

What benefits are available and to whom do they apply?

The benefit "admission without entrance examinations" is provided to the winners and prize-winners of the final stage of the All-Russian Olympiad, as well as to the winners and prize-winners of Olympiads for schoolchildren of various levels.
Starting from 2014, the possibility of admission within the quota (at least 10% of the number of budget places in the direction) allocated for the admission of persons with benefits is provided to children with disabilities, disabled people of groups I, II. If the number of applications for these places is greater than the number of places, then a competition is held among these persons and applicants with the highest scores are enrolled.

When will I know whether I am enrolled or not?

Full-time enrollment for state-funded places takes place on August 3 and 8. Enrollment for paid places - August 13. Lists of those enrolled will be posted on the official website of Vyatka State University.

What is the first and second wave of enrollment? If I did not get into the first wave, do I have a chance to enter a state-funded place?

On August 3, the first wave of enrollment for state-funded places will take place general competition. On this day, applicants from the ranked list who provided the original document of education and submitted an application for consent to enrollment will be enrolled, in the amount of 80% of the total number of budget places in the direction of preparation.
The remaining applicants participate in the competition for the remaining vacant budget places in the second wave of enrollment, and are required to submit the original document on education to the selection committee and write a statement of consent to enrollment before August 6.
On August 8, the second wave of enrollment for state-funded places will take place. On this day, the remaining 20% ​​of budget places are filled. Applicants who have submitted the original document of education and submitted a statement of consent to enrollment participate in the competition. Enrollment is made in descending order of the amount of points.

Is hostel provided to out-of-town bachelor and specialist students?

The hostel is provided to non-resident students who entered the budget places of all faculties.
University students have the right to be provided with housing in the manner prescribed by this regulation in the event of:
1) if the student's place of residence is more than 50 km away from Kirov;
2) if the student's place of residence is more than 30 km away from the city of Kirov, provided there is no direct regular communication (without transfers) between the city of Kirov and the settlement.
Nonresident students who entered the places with payment of the cost are provided with a hostel only for the period of study in the first year, subject to availability.

How to get a place in a hostel for bachelors and specialists?

To obtain a place in a dormitory, a student enrolled in the first year, before August 12 of the current year (under tuition contracts on a paid basis - until August 18 of the current year), submits an application to the admission committee of Vyatka State University with a request for a place in the hostel. Applications of students received after August 12 (according to contracts for training on a paid basis - after August 18) are considered in the general manner after September 01.
Students who did not move in for any reason before August 31 submit an application to the dean's office of their faculty with a request for settlement in the general manner.

Is the hostel provided to non-resident undergraduates?

The hostel is provided to non-resident undergraduate students enrolled in budget places after the settlement of bachelor students and specialists of all courses. The hostel is provided to non-resident undergraduate students enrolled in places with tuition fees after the settlement of bachelor students and specialists of all courses, undergraduates who entered state-funded places.
Mandatory conditions - the student's place of residence must be more than 50 km away from the city of Kirov, no violations of the rules internal regulations and debts for living in a hostel.

How to get a place in a hostel for undergraduates?

To obtain a place in a hostel, a undergraduate student enrolled in the first year, before August 20 of the current year, submits an application to the admission committee of Vyatka State University with a request for a place in the hostel.
Settlement in the hostel of undergraduate students enrolled in the first year of the university is carried out within school year if there are places in the dormitories after the provision of places for bachelor students and specialists.

Orphans and children left without parental care, persons from among orphans and children left without parental care,
- children with disabilities, disabled people of groups I and II, disabled since childhood,
- students exposed to radiation due to a disaster at Chernobyl nuclear power plant and other radiation disasters due to nuclear testing at the Semipalatinsk test site,
- students who are disabled due to a military injury or illness received during the period of passage military service, and combat veterans or eligible for state social assistance, as well as students from among citizens who have completed military service under a contract in the Armed Forces for at least three years Russian Federation, in the internal troops of the Ministry of Internal Affairs of the Russian Federation, in engineering and technical, road construction military units under federal executive bodies and in rescue military units of the federal executive body authorized to solve problems in the field of civil defense, the Foreign Intelligence Service of the Russian Federation, federal security service bodies, state security bodies and the federal body for ensuring mobilization training of bodies state power Russian Federation on military positions to be replaced by soldiers, sailors, sergeants, foremen, and dismissed from military service on the grounds provided for in subparagraphs "b" - "d" of paragraph 1, subparagraph "a" of paragraph 2 and subparagraphs "a" - "c" of paragraph 3 of Article 51 Federal Law of March 28, 1998 N 53-FZ "On military duty and military service".

What documents are required for settling into a hostel?

1. Passport and two copies of the spread of the pages of the passport with a photo and permanent registration.
2. Medical certificate form 086-y and two copies of it;
3. Certificate of fluorography, issued no earlier than a year before the date of conclusion of the contract for the rental of residential premises (if there is no mark in certificate 086-y).
4. For underage students:
- student's birth certificate;
- personal presence of a legal representative (parent, guardian);
- a parent's passport presented in person, or a notarized consent to sign a tenancy agreement in a student dormitory and an application for registration at the place of stay (if it is impossible for a legal representative to be present at check-in);
- a copy of the parent's passport (provided by the parent concluding the contract).
5. Photographs for documents 3x4 in size on matte paper (3 copies).
6. For young men: a military ID or registration certificate; should not be removed from military registration at the place of residence.
7. For foreign citizens: documents specified in paragraphs 1,3,4,5, migration card, visa (for countries with a visa regime), certificates of the absence of HIV, tuberculosis, syphilis, medical insurance.

Until what date can I file a declaration for tax deduction in 2019? This question worries many buyers of apartments. Taxpayers who need to file tax office 3-personal income tax from their profits must do this before April 30 of the year that follows the reporting year.

Citizens who just want to, can submit these documents all year round no restrictions on the statute of limitations of the purchase. But it is best to understand all aspects in more detail.

The following persons are required to file a declaration of their income:

  • government officials;
  • individual entrepreneurs and legal entities;
  • persons who work in the individual segment (tutors, lawyers, persons engaged in advocacy).

As well as persons who received banknotes, for example:

  • from the sale of immovable property owned for more than three (according to the amendments - five) years;
  • from renting out housing;
  • by donation, and not exclusively from family members;
  • from the employer, or rather the accounting department that pays tax from the employee;
  • as a result of winning a lottery game or receiving an expensive gift;
  • when inheriting works of intangible property.

In addition, citizens who pay tax dividends can file a declaration to receive income tax previously taken from them at a rate of 13 percent. It is about them that will be discussed in the continuation of the article.

tax deductions

To begin with, we will provide a definition of the concept of “tax deductions”. So, according to legislative norms, the personal income tax base can be considered a tax deduction, which can be reduced or returned.

That is, if desired, already paid personal income tax in connection with the use of the deduction can be returned. The most popular deductions are considered, as well as, so we will focus on them.

property deductions

The deduction of the property order can be obtained when:

  1. Acquisition of housing construction, that is, real estate.
  2. Purchase of land for the construction of a residential building or a country house.
  3. Construction of an apartment or its repair.
  4. Carrying out communications in a private city or Vacation home and payment of funds to workers conducting construction operations.

You also need to consider that a citizen must fit the following parameters:

  1. He must be a tax resident of the Russian Federation. That is, to live permanently in the possessions of our vast Motherland. Under permanent residence, the presence of a citizen in the country for more than six months is accepted. At the same time, not only a person with the status of a citizen, but also a person who has a residence permit in Russia can be a resident.
  2. The applicant for the deduction must pay income tax on his profits. It does not matter whether a citizen is officially employed or not (when a person is officially employed, personal income tax is paid automatically). He can pay personal income tax, for example, from renting an apartment.
  3. A citizen was not supposed to buy property from a close relative according to the legislative order.
  4. The banknotes indicated in the declaration must be taken from the funds from which personal income tax was paid. For example, when acquiring housing, a family could use mother capital. According to the law, income penalties are not withheld from mother capital. This means that it cannot be included in the deduction, and the fact of using the mother's capital must be indicated in the declaration.
  5. The property must be purchased at your own expense (not necessarily in full). Mortgages do not fall under this parameter, since in fact the money now belongs not to the bank, but to the resident.
  6. Housing should not be purchased using government assistance programs and family subsidies.

By law, the state cannot reimburse more than 260,000 Russian banknotes when buying a home. If the property was taken with a mortgage, then you can also return the amount of income tax paid, so you can get another 390 thousand rubles from the interest on the mortgage loan. In general, a refund can be made for 650,000 banknotes.

And that's a plus, here's why:

  • An applicant for a tax deduction may not have enough funds for a full one-time refund. After all, you can return only the personal income tax that has already been paid in favor of the state. And also it is worth considering the prescription of tax payment - personal income tax is returned only for three recent years before submitting the paper part.

Social deductions

The most common deduction of a social type is education. Moreover, you can receive compensation both for your own education and for the education of the child, provided that he is under 24 years old and he studied full-time (daytime) form.

In addition, you can get a deduction for treatment. If the drug is prescribed by a doctor's prescription, then 13% can also be returned for it. Important point! The drug must be included in, from which income tax can be returned according to the laws of the state. Be sure to pay attention to this, because some cheaper analogues of drugs may not yet have time to be included in such a list.

Especially often they take a deduction for treatment in dentistry. Because private clinics treat and serve patients fairly quickly. But there is a time limit - the deduction must be taken within three years, otherwise the statute of limitations will expire.

And yet, if your children attend any clubs or if you study at a driving school, then you can also return income tax on the amount of payment.

You can learn more about the date by which to file a tax deduction return in 2019 from this report:

How to get a refund?

We have already figured out that the question of when to file documents for a tax deduction can be answered in different ways. And all because the statute of limitations for receiving a deduction when buying an apartment is not set. Now let's figure out how to get a personal income tax refund.

To receive a deduction, you must submit all the necessary documents for this to the tax office. You can do this in the following ways:

  1. Through the Internet resource of the State Services. This method is the most popular. You can apply without leaving your home. In addition, through it you can submit not only tax documents. All you need is the papers themselves and a scanner that can digitize them.
  2. Through a personal account on the website of the Federal Tax Service. This method is positive in that you can track at what stage of the desk review your documents are. But this method also has disadvantages - you still have to visit the tax office to register.
  3. Personally give to the local department of the tax service all the completed documentation.
  4. Documents can be sent via Russian Post or courier service.

Filling out the declaration

Now the 3-personal income tax declaration is much easier to fill out than before, because there is a special computer program, which is called the “Declaration”.

It has several important steps:

  1. Setting definitions. You must enter the tax office number.
  2. Information about the applicant. Here you should enter all the necessary personal information.
  3. Income received on the territory of the Russian Federation.
  4. deductions. Next, you need to fill out, based on what you want to do and why you fill out these documents.
  5. If you had to pay tax, then the procedure has already been completed, if you should have received a deduction, then you need to fill out one more tab.

On the eve of entering Russian higher educational institutions, many future students are interested in the question - until what date to apply to the university.

There is a clear schedule for the deadlines for submitting documents to universities, prescribed in the rules for admission, developed by the Ministry of Education and Science of the Russian Federation.

Deadlines for submitting documents for budget places under the bachelor's and specialist's programs

The main part of applicants choosing bachelor's or specialist's programs will be able to start their admission from June 20. High school graduates will receive certificates of secondary education only on June 24–25, so in reality, on June 20, few people will bring documents to the university admissions office. The main stream of graduates will go to apply only after High school prom, i.e. after June 25-26.

For applicants entering only on a general basis (according to the passing scores of the Unified State Examination, without entrance specialized exams of the university), deadline submission of documents 26 July.

Applicants to faculties where additional creative tests are provided, for example, “journalism”, “ acting skills”,“ art history ”, design ”, etc., the deadlines for submitting documents are shortened from June 20 on July 7. Creative tests in all universities are held at the same time - approximately from 11 on 26 July. Find out the exact information on the website of a particular university. It happens that creative tests in two selected universities fell on the same day. Do not be afraid, there are reserve days for this.

Some Russian universities (for example, Moscow State University and MGIMO) conduct their own specialized exams. This year, the list of educational institutions that practice additional tests may expand.

When you submit documents, you should not immediately bring the original documents to the selection committee. At this stage, there is no need for them, and they will not affect the enrollment results in any way. Original documents will be needed after you are on the enrollment lists.

Terms of enrollment: until what date to submit documents to the university

The rules for admission to universities provide for two waves of admission to the bachelor's and specialist's programs.

  • First wave of enrollment provides for 80% of the filling of budget places. In order to get into it, documents and a statement of consent to enrollment must be brought before August 1. The order for the enrollment of the first wave, as a rule, is already formed August 3rd and is freely available.
  • Second wave enrollment fills the remaining 20% ​​of budget places. Consent to enrollment and documents must be taken to the selection committee before August 6. Enrollment order appears 8 August.

Deadlines for submitting documents to the magistracy (budget places)

Master's degree is the next stage of higher education. After bachelor's degree, the student has the right to apply for a budget place in the university. The end of the specialist's program, unfortunately, does not provide for such an opportunity.

It is better to clarify the deadlines for submission at the selected university, since each educational institution has its own, but in any case, it will be necessary to submit documents no later than August 10.

Admission to the magistracy is always on a competitive basis. Entrance tests for each university are individual, so check the information on the websites educational institution. Universities are required to provide all information for applicants to the magistracy before June 1st.

Approximately at August 20th there will be enrollment orders. It should be noted that there are very few state-funded places in the master's program. And if you fail to get into the list of lucky ones on the budget, then you will have the opportunity to enter on a contract basis (for paid education). Bachelors who received Russian diplomas of higher education, can try to enter the master's program of foreign universities.

Step one - prepare a list of documents

List of documents, which will be needed to enroll in a small university. The first thing the admissions officer will require is your passport, instead of which you can provide copies certified by a notary public or, if the original is available, certify with a commission employee. You will definitely need education document(school certificate and USE certificate). The next document will be
university admission application, and also you will be asked to do 4 photos, size 3 by 4 centimeters(for registration of a record book and a student card). Photos we recommend to sign with reverse side pencil to avoid loss and confusion.

If you intend to stay at the hostel during your studies, you will be asked vaccination certificate and medical examination results. If you are applying for benefits from the state, then be sure to prepare benefit certificates.

Step two - we give documents to the university

In order for you to be accurately enrolled in a particular university, you must provide original document of education, other universities can provide scans and copies of documents. If you do not have the opportunity to personally come to the selection committee, then you can send documents by mail(to another city) or provide electronic(if the university allows).

In 2016, applicants can submit documents:

Immediately to 5 universities maximum;
- a maximum of 3 specialties in one university (in total, one applicant can enter 15 specialties at the same time).

Forms of education and the basis (contractual or budgetary) the applicant can choose at his discretion within the framework of the procedures established by the university.

Acceptance of documents to universities starts no later than June 20, 2016, but may end at different times:

For applicants to specialties for which an additional test is creative competition - 5'th of July;

For applicants to specialties that require additional tests in the form of specialized exams or exams conducted by the university - July 10;

For applicants whose enrollment result is only USE scores - July 25th.

Step three - enrollment results

Until July 27, educational institutions undertake to publish lists of applicants' names with exam results.
If you are in a good position and understand that you are passing by points, then feel free to bring the original documents to the university for the chosen specialty. remember, that August 1 - deadline for submitting originals for the first stream. If by the end of this day the originals are not provided by you, you will automatically be considered to have refused enrollment.

The Ministry of Education and Science in 2018 will continue to test new rules regarding the timing of enrollment in universities. The order of the Ministry of Education and Science No. 1147 was adopted back in 2016, on October 14. According to the text of the order, since 2017, new procedures for the admission of future bachelors, specialists and masters have been established. The order gives clear instructions to universities to post information on the timing of enrollment no later than October 1 of the new academic year. In particular, the information should reflect the deadlines for correspondence students. In addition to these innovations, the ministry introduced such concepts as "consent to enrollment", but first things first.

Stages of admission to universities in 2018. Timing

In accordance with the new rules, the deadlines for enrollment in 2018 and beyond will look like this:

By 06/01/2018, universities and institutions of secondary specialized education must announce on their websites or specially designated places in institutions:

The number of budget and paid places in 2018,
- total number places for targeted reception,
- the number of places or benefits for the winners of the Olympiads and All-Russian championships,
- all information about hostels, including prices for accommodation and number of places,
- the full schedule of entrance examinations for applicants (dates and venues are indicated).

- June 20- the beginning of the acceptance of documents for admission,
- July 7– the last day of acceptance of documents from persons entering according to the results of additional entrance examinations,
- July 10– the last day of acceptance of documents from persons entering the results of entrance examinations conducted by the university independently,
- 26 July– the last day for receiving documents from persons entering only according to the results of the exam

University enrollment results in 2018

- July 27- the last day for the educational institution to publish the lists of applicants.

- July 28 - 29- priority enrollment of applicants entering the university out of competition on the basis and on target areas(20% of the number of places in the university),

- July 29- the last day of the publication of the competitive lists of applicants for 80% of budget places remaining after 20% of priority enrollment applicants.

What is "Consent to enrollment" in the new procedure for admission to universities?

The most important change in the procedure for enrolling in universities since 2017 can be called the introduction of a new document called "Consent for Enrollment". It is submitted by the applicant to the admission committee of the educational institution no later than 2 days before the release of the order of the university for enrollment with the obligatory indication of only one specialty. At the same time, the applicant, as it was before, can apply for admission to 5 universities at once (no more) and indicate a maximum of 3 specialties in his application, it is important not to miss the deadlines - no later than 2 days before the release of the enrollment order. Consent to enrollment is necessary for enrollment in any specialty, any educational program, it contains data regarding admission and admission. Those applicants who submit documents within the target set quota must submit their consent to enrollment immediately with the application for admission and the original document on education.

Terms and procedure for enrolling in a master's program from 2018

For admission to the magistracy, the start date for accepting documents and the completion of entrance examinations are determined in accordance with the above rules, while universities complete accepting documents no earlier than August 10.