Sketch for Medical Worker's Day (Medical Day),which is celebrated annually in Ukraine on the third Sunday in June.

Celebration scenario for Medical Worker's Day.

The concert is a joke.

Presenter: Oh, you, guests - gentlemen!
Have you gathered here?
Happy Doctor's Day to everyone
And glorify your deeds!
Your hospital town -
He is neither low nor high.
Good people live there
And it brings health to everyone.
Chief Doctor Aibolit
He keeps order here.
They work here with their souls -
Anyone in the city knows.
I offer you a riddle:
Who knows about everything in the hospital
And he suffers for everything with his soul?
Strict, handsome, stern, smart.
Did you guess it? Who is he?
Presenter: That's right, this is the chief doctor of the hospital and I am pleased to give him the floor.
(Speech by the head physician)
Presenter: A doctor accompanies a person throughout his life: from the first child’s cry to the last quiet breath. And he will be very lucky whose parents endowed him with enviable health from birth, but this does not always happen. And here you, dear doctors, come to the rescue! I offer to fill your glasses and drink for you! Here’s to your health, luck, success and simple human happiness!
Presenter: So, a person is born, and who meets him on the threshold of the big and difficult life? Yes, our doctors are gynecologists, midwives and maternity ward nurses.
Song for the gynecological department (to the tune of “Our Neighbor”):
Make a woman beautiful
And healthy you should.
Here for this one important goal
Gynecologists are needed!
Help to appear
For kids on White light,
To you from everyone, from everyone for this -
Thanks and hello!
(All songs are performed by pre-prepared participants of the holiday.)
Presenter: The little man is growing up, his mother brings him to an appointment at the children's clinic, where he receives one of the first documents - a medical history, and the local pediatrician and a nurse become one of the family members.
Song for the children's department (to the tune of "Top - Top"):
Stomp-stomp, baby stomps,
You're rushing to the hospital with your mom,
They will get a vaccination and an injection,
So that you can get better.
Top top, don't be afraid of them:
All in white and kindly robes,
There is nothing better and kinder in the world
Children's clinic doctors!

Top-top, top-top, very difficult,
Top-top, top-top, first steps.
Presenter: Along with the acquisition of life experience, a person acquires various diseases. And he goes with them to the beautiful clinic building. Here, at his leisure, he can walk on all floors and in each office they will receive him, listen to him, and give him good advice and a recipe.
Song for the clinic (to the tune of "Aty - Baty, the soldiers were coming"):
If your teeth hurt or your chest feels hot,
Go to the clinic quickly, dear friend!
Here they will greet you with a smile, they will be able to treat you,
And, of course, you can get sick leave!
Here are x-rays and cardiograms.
And mothers bring their children here.
Any doctor here can see you.
And you can get everything tested here!
Presenter: In the same building there is a service, without which not a single medical worker can live, no matter how capable and talented he may be. Can you guess who I'm talking about? Yes, this is your dear accounting department!
Everything is in your hands.
Finance is power!
You are our almighty king and god!
Life without money seems hateful
If the chief accountant didn’t help!
Presenter: We wish hospital accountants to contact doctors as rarely as possible, and medical workers to meet with them as often as possible!
Song for accounting (to the tune of "A Stream Flows"):
The month has flown by, it's time to pay,
After all, we won’t be able to live long without a salary.
Everyone in our accounting department is beautiful.
Let's get the money and we're happy!
We say "thank you" to you,
Thank you for the money.
Such an accountant is simply a treasure!
Everyone is happy to say “thank you”!
Presenter: If a person’s blood pressure has risen, his heart is acting up, his cough does not go away for a long time, he can be firmly confident that he will definitely talk to the staff of the therapeutic department for some time.
Song for the therapeutic department (to the tune of "Little Red Riding Hood's Song"):
If it's long - long - long,
If the cough does not go away,
If it gets hard for you,
Stomp, ride and run,
Perhaps, then of course,
That's probably true, true,
It's possible, it's possible, it's possible
You should go to therapy!
Ahh, you'll get a lot of injections here!
Ahh, there are still a hundred procedures in reserve!
Ah, there are doctors and nurses here,
Ahh, all habits heal,
Ahh, don’t come here to them!
Ahh, don’t come here to them!
Presenter: What if you ate something of poor quality or suddenly

If you fall ill with some unknown disease, then, of course, you are eagerly awaited in the infectious diseases department.
Song for the infectious diseases department (to the tune of “Tick-tock, walkers”):
Why have you eaten too much again?
Why did you get so sick?
To ease the suffering,
Needs rinsing!
Tick-tock, little steps, the years fly by,
And in terms of infection, everything is fine with you - just great!
Presenter: They end up in this department completely unexpectedly and suddenly. And it is in this department that the sickest patients are the most severe, requiring great care from doctors and nurses. Which department am I talking about? Yes, this is a surgical department.
Song for the surgical department (to the tune of "Call me with you"):
Once again they are bringing us a patient in an ambulance -
Work again!
In the operating room the seconds are running,
Care for everyone!
Can we take trouble away from people again?
Can we save you from death?
Bring happiness to the sick?!
Call me to your place, I will come day and night,
I will always help you, even if you don’t want to.
I will ease your suffering, you will fall asleep and forget everything,
I want to help you, I want to help all people!
Just know it!!!
Presenter: We cannot remain silent and not say warm words of gratitude to our bosses or, as it is now fashionable to say, sponsors!
Song for chefs (to the tune of “Tell me what you need”):
And in our hospital it’s both light and cozy,
But don’t bother us with the repairs!
True, our bosses are golden guys.
And they always give us whatever you want!
I’m walking through the depot, the boss meets me:
"Here you go again, darling!
Make me a list of what I need, what I need,
I still won’t give you what you want!”
Our editors will never offend us either,
He will give you as many consultations as you want!
And he knows and sees all our problems,
But you can’t take money from him!
He says: “I can’t, life has changed dramatically,
I would be glad, but you can’t trample on a bubble!”
You, our dear ruler, help in any way you can,
We are whatever you want, whatever you want!
But we hope that our life will become better.
Yes, for a thousand rubles, not for a penny!
Our good bosses will call and say:
"Come and take whatever you want!"
Presenter: I propose to drink to our friends, to our dear sponsors, because it is very difficult to live without friends!
Presenter: And now I ask everyone to come to the table.
(Feast, games, dancing.)

Medical party

Medical party Doctor Nalivaiko and his assistant (for example, “Paramedic Socialite”) greet guests near a specially prepared table with a mixture (aperitif) poured into beakers. They hang a badge on your chest, give you shoe covers, and gently persuade you to take the “medicine.” When everyone has gathered, the first toasts are made in honor of the health workers and the entertainment begins.

To begin with, you can invite guests to diagnose the lyrical hero of the song. Short fragments of songs are played, and guests try to determine what is really bothering the patient, that is, to make a diagnosis. The one who makes the most correct diagnoses is entitled to some kind of medical prize.

Fragments of songs and diagnoses:

1. “And my heart stopped,

My heart sank” (diagnosis: heart failure).

2. “If you don’t hear me,

This means that winter has come” (diagnosis: otitis media).

3. We walked with you,

I cried, oh, I cried (diagnosis: hysteria).

4. We honestly want to tell you:

We don’t look at girls anymore (diagnosis: impotence).

5. You shouldn’t scold the rain, you shouldn’t scold it

You stand and wait, but you don’t know why (diagnosis: sclerosis).

6. But if there is a pack of cigarettes in your pocket,

This means that everything is not so bad today (diagnosis: nicotine addiction).

7. She even wanted to hang herself

But college, exams, session (diagnosis: suicidal syndrome).

8. I know - if you want, I know for sure - if you want,

I know for sure - you want, you want - but you are silent (diagnosis: muteness).

9. It hurts me, it hurts

This evil pain cannot be relieved (diagnosis: pain shock).

10. And his wound rots,

And it won't get any smaller

And it won’t heal (diagnosis: gangrene).

11. Every step through it hurts,

Every gesture hurts (diagnosis: broken limbs).

Games and competitions

1. Enema. Several participants are called. Each person is given a syringe. The presenter invites the participants to guess what they will have to do now. Then the presenter gives them a tennis ball (instead of balls, you can take very light paper boats) and announces the start of the race. The balls are placed on the same starting line. Participants must move the ball with a stream of air from a syringe. Whose ball gets to the finish line faster wins.

2. Medical gloves, or Strong-willed doctors. Volunteers are given one medical glove. Their job is to inflate the glove until it bursts. It is better to involve men to participate in the competition. Whose glove bursts faster wins.

3. Dentist. Volunteers are being called. The presenter says that now they will implant dental implants. Gives them each a small wooden block, painted pink or red (the color of the gums) and a nail. The task is to drive a nail into a block. The hammer, of course, is not included. Each participant finds his own way or uses available material. Whoever drives the nail in faster is the winner.

4. Competition “Dress the Doctor”. Couples participate. Each person is given a white shirt big size. One of the pair is a doctor, the second is an assistant. The assistant should put the doctor's shirt on backwards and fasten all the buttons on the back as quickly as possible. The pair that completes the task faster than others wins.

5. Pipette. 2-3 people are called. Each person is given a medical pipette and a beaker with an alcoholic drink. The task is to drink the contents of the beaker as quickly as possible. However, you can only drink using a pipette, drawing liquid from a beaker into it and pouring the contents into your mouth. Whoever empties the beaker the fastest gets the winner's prize.

6. Procedural. Couples participate. Each person is given a bandage or a roll toilet paper. One of the pair is a nurse or nurse, the second is a patient suffering from flux. The task is to bandage the patient’s cheek as quickly as possible. You need to bandage until the entire roll of bandage or paper is used.

Scenarios for Nurse's Day

The nurse is the first in everything!

First presenter:

May 12 is traditionally celebrated around the world nurse. It is on this day that those who professionally provide medical care and regardless of weather conditions, time of day and day of the week, these professionals with real genuine sincerity are ready to provide their services to everyone in need.

And only nurses show warm care, compassion and their heartfelt participation in communicating with sick people. So let’s congratulate and glorify all representatives of this important, and most importantly – necessary, profession on this day!

Second presenter:

In the familiar word "nurse"

We are all used to seeing friendship,

In her eyes there is participation, warmth,

Care is what all patients need!

She treats the body like a doctor

And how a sister will heal the soul,

She heals so skillfully

He can see, smell, listen!

First presenter:

Congratulations to the glorious nurses

And we wish them good luck,

And let the fire burn in your eyes,

And let your smile shine more often!

Second presenter:

Today the best, most beautiful, bravest and wisest nurses have gathered here! Now we will find out which team will become the most - the most - the most!

(You should first form teams of nurses - from regional hospitals, ambulances, educational institutions etc.)

First presenter:

So, let's begin. I propose to start introducing the teams with their business card.

Identify yourself

Define who you are

What is your slogan, friends?

And your emblem is a cross?

(In this competition, each team identifies itself, shouts its slogan and, if desired, displays its emblem. Moreover, all components of the “business card” should be aimed at promoting a healthy lifestyle).

Second presenter:

I see that not only professionals in their field, but also talented people have gathered here. Now let’s check how physically prepared you are in case of an emergency call. The “Obstacle Course” competition is announced!

Come on, quickly nurse

Show off your skills

How do you run in the morning?

Do you eat carrots for lunch?

So that we can get to the sick person in time,

We need to do better

You have to put up with a lot

And don't relax!

(As an obstacle course, nurses are asked to walk along a gymnastic bench, climb through a fabric tunnel, and run around pins).

First presenter:

Well, your physical fitness is amazing. Let's check how much you practice in everyday life healthy image life. Each team is invited to prepare a vitamin drink and salad from the vegetables offered.

Get together in a row,

There are products in front of you,

Make them into a salad

Here are your vegetables and fruits!

Prepare a cocktail too

What will strike everyone with vitamin,

You need to eat every day

Carrots, pears, oranges!

(Each team is offered several types of vegetables and fruits. You can offer clean drinking water, yogurt and juice. Nurses are provided with a grater, knife or blender as a tool).

Second presenter:

Well done! I see that each team knows first-hand how to eat properly in order to maintain health and strengthen the immune system. Now let's summarize our event.

The winners are awarded diplomas and valuable prizes, possibly medical themed.

All participants receive certificates and incentive gifts.

Nurse's Day

Celebrations, poems and official congratulations, new Russian grandmothers Matryona and Flower, skits and competitions.

Sing to the tune of the song “Song about a Good Mood”

If you leave the house with a grimace,

A sunny day will be gloomy for you,

The tooth will quickly heal, like a friend,

This is a completely unfamiliar doctor-boy with you.

(humor can be released in front of the “doctor” in a white cap, but in overalls, with an electric drill in his hands and a bucket of “Putty”)

And a smile will shine and touch your eyes,

And the cheerful mood will never leave you!

(you can give everyone a toothbrush or a large tube of toothpaste)


You, Flower, what do you think:

Much like sister, do you know?


I'd like to see

What do I need to be able to do?


We announce the First Aid competition

Participating... person. Each of the contestants receives a card with a task (to provide first aid for: a fracture, burn, frostbite, signs of flu, a foreign body in the ear or nose, a wound with bleeding, etc.). Then we need to take everything we need from our medical suitcase (a huge suitcase with various medical supplies), choose a “patient” and provide emergency care.

Flower: (after the competition)

Oh, and there is a lot to know!

It’s time to present the order to them.


They deserved the order honestly,

But, looking into the distance,

So that there is room for growth,

We'll present the medal for now.

(presentation of medals, cardboard ones possible)


Yeah, I'm not much of a nurse, let's go, Matryona.

New Russian grandmothers together:

In your Holy holiday- bow to everyone!

To those who were born to be nurses!

(Matryona and Flower leave)


And we continue to accept congratulations. Meet the workers of maternity hospital No....

(obstetricians come out with “babies” in their arms, singing to the tune of the song “ Parents' house»)

Whoever you are, know that it is still

Be sure that

What will greet you with love and tenderness

Your haven is our maternity home.

Our maternity hospital is the beginning of the beginning,

You are a reliable pier in people's lives.

Our maternity home, even for many years

A good light is burning in your windows!

(they give pacifiers with a hint of a quick meeting)


Dear women! Today you are congratulated not only by your colleagues, but also by grateful patients.

(“patient” in pajamas, wearing a towel turban on his head, holding a heating pad or bedpan, singing to the tune of the song If I were a Sultan)

If I were a sultan, I would drive out all my wives,

I would be surrounded by the beauty of nurses.

You are smart and kind, oh, so good!

They conquered me with the breadth of their soul.

It's not very bad to have three wives.

The patient is better from any side.

I went to the treatment room to see Tanya in the morning,

Then Galina gives me an injection,

Zulfiya, look, he’s carrying a thermometer,

And Irina serves compote at lunch.

It's not bad at all to have three wives,

It’s much better to take it and get sick!

(presents candy or fruit in a bag - “transfer from home”)


And one more congratulations from the massage parlor workers. (singing to the tune of the song “The Last Battle”)

We haven’t had a rest since eight in the morning for so long,

We just didn’t have time to relax with you:

We stood at the table for almost half a day,

But our patient is handsome, healthy and cheerful.

And to you, girls, healthy bodies,

And kindness and prosperity,

Beautiful love, successful deeds,

It's time for us to go, goodbye everyone.

(they are presented with a gift “the best massage product” - a bottle vegetable oil)


And in conclusion, we once again congratulate all nurses on this wonderful holiday.

We wish you health and happiness

And we tell you without embellishment:

We love and respect you all,

You are irreplaceable with us!

Good afternoon, dear servants of the wonderful science of medicine!

We invite you to cheer yourself up and take part in a fun competition for honey. workers. The participants of the first team are representatives of medical professions, the participants of the second team are their potential patients.

Competition task

Patients choose a representative from their team, who must depict the symptoms of the disease with facial expressions and gestures. The medical team assigns a player to guess the name of the medicine for this disease, which will be written on the patient’s card. Or teams work together against each other.

Titles medicines that need to be guessed.

  1. Purgen (laxative) - the patient depicts signs of illness with gestures.
  2. Analgin is a pain reliever.
  3. Diclofenac is a remedy for osteochondrosis.
  4. Naphthyzin - drops for a runny nose.
  5. Quinax - eye drops.
  6. Star balm is a remedy for colds.
  7. Mustard plasters are a remedy for coughs and colds.
  8. Mezim - a digestive improver
  9. Otipax - ear drops for ENT diseases.
  10. Aspirin is an antipyretic for fever.
  11. Arbidol is a remedy against influenza viral infection.
  12. Furacilin - antiseptic for gargling, etc.

To conduct the competition, it is necessary to prepare cards with the names of medicines.

This competition is quite funny. The leader and several couples take part in it. The man speaks into the presenter’s ear what he is going to give to his half. In turn, the lady tells what she will do with the gift, not knowing at all what her man has prepared for her. If the answer is revealed, she is awarded the corresponding prize. Thus, it seems quite funny that a lady is “putting on a pot for work,” or “cooking a book.”


Using hair ties, you can hold a “Harem” competition. In it, the main roles belong to men. Each of the men receives rubber bands of a certain color (one gets red, the other gets green, and so on). In a few minutes, each participant must “ring” as many women as possible. A ring - an elastic band is put on the ladies' wrist. Then the number of rubber bands is counted and the most agile participant is determined.


Before starting the game, tell the participants that men, like birds, are most attractive precisely in mating season. Let each of the participants choose a partner for the game and make him the most ruffled one. To do this, give the ladies multi-colored hair bands. The participants’ task is to make a greatest number Khokholkov. The partner of the most ruffled one is awarded a prize.


Place a bottle on the table with a deck of cards on top. The task of the participants is to take turns blowing cards off the deck. Whoever blows away the remaining deck (the last cards) loses and is eliminated. The game is played until one winner is determined.


Guests should split into pairs. In each of the couples there is a woman and a man. Clothes pins are attached to the back of the partner's clothing. The partner’s task is to use his teeth and blindfolded to move the clothespins from the back of the clothes to the clothes on the partner’s chest. The pair that completes the task first wins.


For this game you need an empty matchbox, which is placed on the nose of the participant in the game. The box needs to be put on as tightly as possible. The participant must use facial expressions to remove the box from his nose.

Train - an outdoor game

Number of players: any
Extras: paper, pen, bag
They write pieces of paper with the names of body parts and fold them so that they cannot be read and put them in some kind of bag.
Then the first two people each take a piece of paper. And they press together with those parts of the body that are indicated on the papers. Then the second person pulls out a second piece of paper, where it is written which place the third person should touch. Next, the third one pulls out his piece of paper (or rather, two, but one at a time).

What are we celebrating? Any holiday related to medicine. And there are quite a few such holidays. For example, Medical Worker's Day (Medical Day) , which is celebrated annually in Russia and Ukraine on the third Sunday in June. Or World Health Day , celebrated annually on April 7th. True, on Health Day you can organize a sports or environmental party, but this holiday is worth celebrating only once medical party , because our health depends not only on ourselves, but also on healthcare workers.

But that's not all the holidays. Let's look at the holiday calendar and find in it World Anesthesiologist Day (October 16), International Red Cross and Red Crescent Day (May 8), International Doctors Day (first Monday in October).

Medical party By the way, you can also arrange it in honor of the birthday of a friend or relative who works in the medical field. And even if the rest are not doctors, at the party they will be able to try on a white coat and hang a medical one around their neck stethoscope, pick up a tonometer and feel like you’re in the same harness as the hero of the occasion.

You can also take this theme for an ordinary themed party - show off and remember your childhood and games of hospital.

How we celebrate

Party theme: medical. We choose a concept and name: “Party in White Coats”, “Intern-Party”, “Aibolit-Party”, “Party “Clinical Case””, “Ward Number Six”, etc.

Entourage. You shouldn’t try to recreate the atmosphere of a hospital or ward - after all, white sheets and empty walls are not conducive to fun and good mood. Let it be an ordinary or elegant setting, into which you can add a little “medical” decor. For example, hang posters on the walls with instructions on first aid and with slogans: “Wash your hands before eating,” “The doctor is a friend of the people,” “There are healers out: they don’t heal, they just rob and maim!” and so on. In general, everything that can be found on the topic.

You can also make “medical” garlands by hanging various medical devices on a thread: for example, tint water with gouache different color, fill it disposable syringes without needles and hang them. You will get a multi-colored garland. Stretch a rope and hang x-rays (fake ones, of course) on it using clothespins. Make a huge fake thermometer. Prepare cool medical masks for your guests. Be creative, but let the atmosphere be festive, not hospital!

Dress code. Options are possible here: you can have a party in white coats - everyone comes in white, or you can wear doctor's caps with stethoscopes around your neck. Or invite guests to choose who they will be: nurses, doctors or patients. Patients may come in a straitjacket, with their head bandaged, with a cast on their leg, etc. The female nurses, of course, are in white stockings and short white dresses.

You can prepare badges in advance with funny inscriptions. For example, the host of the party could be “Doctor Nalivaiko.” The girl in charge of the table is called a “Culinary Nurse.” More inscriptions for badges: “Doctor DownHouse”, “Nurse-proletarian”, “Nurse’s name is Tamarka”, “Hysterical nurse”, “Doctor Gennady Urinovich Malakhov”, “Doctor half-literologist”, etc. Hand out badges to party participants at the entrance - make sure they match the inscriptions.

Progress of the event

Doctor Nalivaiko and his assistant (for example, “Nurse Socialite”) greet guests near a specially prepared table with a mixture (aperitif) poured into beakers. They hang a badge on your chest, give you shoe covers, and gently persuade you to take the “medicine.” When everyone has gathered, the first toasts are made in honor of the health workers and the entertainment begins.

To begin with, you can invite guests to diagnose the lyrical hero of the song. Short fragments of songs are played, and guests try to determine what is really bothering the patient, that is, to make a diagnosis. The one who makes the most correct diagnoses is entitled to some kind of medical prize.

Fragments of songs and diagnoses:

1. “And my heart stopped,

My heart sank” (diagnosis: heart failure).

2. “If you don’t hear me,

This means that winter has come” (diagnosis: otitis media).

3. We walked with you,

I cried, oh, I cried (diagnosis: hysteria).

4. We honestly want to tell you:

We don’t look at girls anymore (diagnosis: impotence).

5. You shouldn’t scold the rain, you shouldn’t scold it

You stand and wait, but you don’t know why (diagnosis: sclerosis).

6. But if there is a pack of cigarettes in your pocket,

This means that everything is not so bad today (diagnosis: nicotine addiction).

7. She even wanted to hang herself

But college, exams, session (diagnosis: suicidal syndrome).

8. I know - if you want, I know for sure - if you want,

I know for sure - you want, you want - but you are silent (diagnosis: muteness).

9. It hurts me, it hurts

This evil pain cannot be relieved (diagnosis: pain shock).

10. And his wound rots,

And it won't get any smaller

And it won’t heal (diagnosis: gangrene).

11. Every step through it hurts,

Every gesture hurts (diagnosis: broken limbs).

Games and competitions

1. Enema. Several participants are called. Each person is given a syringe. The presenter invites the participants to guess what they will have to do now. Then the presenter gives them a tennis ball (instead of balls, you can take very light paper boats) and announces the start of the race. The balls are placed on the same starting line. Participants must move the ball with a stream of air from a syringe. Whose ball gets to the finish line faster wins.

2. Medical gloves, or Strong-willed doctors. Volunteers are given one medical glove. Their job is to inflate the glove until it bursts. It is better to involve men to participate in the competition. Whose glove bursts faster wins.

3. Dentist. Volunteers are being called. The presenter says that now they will implant dental implants. Gives them each a small wooden block, painted pink or red (the color of the gums) and a nail. The task is to drive a nail into a block. The hammer, of course, is not included. Each participant finds his own way or uses available material. Whoever drives the nail in faster is the winner.

4. Competition “Dress the Doctor”. Couples participate. Each person is given a large white shirt. One of the pair is a doctor, the second is an assistant. The assistant should put the doctor's shirt on backwards and fasten all the buttons on the back as quickly as possible. The pair that completes the task faster than others wins.

5. Pipette. 2-3 people are called. Each person is given a medical pipette and a beaker with an alcoholic drink. The task is to drink the contents of the beaker as quickly as possible. However, you can only drink using a pipette, drawing liquid from a beaker into it and pouring the contents into your mouth. Whoever empties the beaker the fastest gets the winner's prize.

6. Procedural. Couples participate. Each person is given a bandage or a roll of toilet paper. One of the pair is a nurse or nurse, the second is a patient suffering from flux. The task is to bandage the patient’s cheek as quickly as possible. You need to bandage until the entire roll of bandage or paper is used.

What we serve:

Various dishes with medical names. For example, vegetable salad « Vitaminosis", meat " Protein sufficiency", Seafood Cocktail " Biologically active additive », chocolate dessert « Tranquilizer" and so on. It is better not to give the dishes themselves a “medical appearance”, as this can cause a persistent lack of appetite in some participants. For the same reason, it is better to use… dishes, rather than medical supplies, as utensils.

Have fun medical party!

Have you decided to show all your talents and arrange an unforgettable evening for yourself and your friends? Then a medical themed party is what you need! This evening you can play your own clinic or take scenes from popular medical series such as “The Interns,” “House M.D.,” and “Scrubs.” If you are using existing plots, it is better to initially define roles for everyone. This way, your friends will have the opportunity to prepare not only with costumes, but also to create a certain image and there will be no confusion with the characters.


Of course, you can notify your friends about the upcoming party by phone or by sending messages to in social networks. But in our time, it will be much more original if you use the old fashioned method and make invitations on paper, which you then hand over personally to the addressee or send by classic mail. Naturally, no one suggests that you write an invitation on a card with flowers, which can be bought at any florist or newsstand. Using a computer and several free programs you can make such a postcard yourself without much effort and expense. It may depict sexy nurse or fairy tale character Dr. Aibolit. Can you do it at all? hospital ward collage, which contains all your friends. In general, there is a lot of room for your imagination.

If your abilities are limited to searching for articles on the Internet, then invitations can be made in the style of primitivism, that is, cut out photographs and various pictures from magazines or newspapers and, armed with glue, glue them onto a sheet of paper, which can then simply be reproduced using a photocopier.

You can also make medical-themed party invitations in the form of a recipe in which the patient is advised to rest in your apartment, or in the form directions indicating to have a blast.

How to decorate a room

To hold a medical party you need the appropriate setting. But you don’t need to use bandages as garlands or write “I’ll take your temperature for free” on the window in greenery. You can imitate a hospital ward, remove excess furniture and put beds instead of chairs. But, if you do not live in a dormitory, then you are unlikely to have such an opportunity. Therefore, just make it sterile, like in a hospital room, cover the bed with a white sheet, put flowerpots and carpets away. Can be used as decorations IVs, enemas, various pears, stethoscope. You can put it on the nightstand a pack of kefir and put fruit in a net.

What to cook for a party

You can cook anything for your guests, but you don’t need to make oatmeal with kefir for your guests. Not only the treats you prepare require special presentation, but also alcoholic drinks. You need to drink alcohol the way they do it medical workers. That is, you can pour it into test tubes or special cups for testing.

Meat baked in the oven, or pizza and chips are also suitable for treats. But once you start being original, you don’t need to stop. You can order sushi for the whole company, but use chopsticks instead of regular chopsticks. medical tweezers, or you can use a scalpel instead of a table knife to cut meat. Of course, you can do without special decoration of dishes and be content only with the tips listed above. But original dishes will decorate your party and delight all guests. Can be made from lettuce ambulance, where chicken eggs will act as wheels, and a red cross will be laid out with pomegranate seeds or crab sticks. The syringes filled with various sauces that stick out from the chicken loin will look original.


Given the specifics of the event, all guests must arrive in costume. Naturally, the first thing that comes to mind is the sexy nurse outfit. But, you must admit, what kind of party would it be if there were only nurses at it? Therefore, already in the invitations to the party, you can offer each guest the image in which he should attend the evening. It could be patient, doctor, nurse, orderly.

WITH nurse or doctor costume Shops for adults can help, with the rest of the costumes you need to tinker with yourself. In order to portray a nurse, you can buy a special suit and cap at a clothing store. Give free rein to your imagination and ingenuity by easily creating an image of a patient. Guys can come even in the most ordinary tracksuit or pajamas, making a bandage on any part of the body. To complete the look, girls can simply take beautiful robe and high-heeled shoes, because it is so important for girls to be on top in any situation.


Even alcohol at a party will not give as much fun and joy as you can get from interesting competitions. Once you have decided to carry out themed party in a medical style, then competitions should be appropriate. What kind of fun to arrange is decided not only by you, but also by the capabilities of the room where you are holding the party. Below are some competitions that are sure to please your guests.

"First aid"

For this competition you need to choose two or three pairs. Ask men to indicate any part of the body and only after that give bandages to the girls. Then, on command, the girl is given bandage on that part of the body, which was previously indicated by a guy from her team. Whoever managed it first won.

In the same way, you can play mummy or invite everyone to make the same bandage.


Everyone remembers their favorite childhood game - forfeits. The same game can be turned into therapeutic competition.

For example, everyone throws their forfeits into their hats. The presenter touches the forfeit with a question to everyone present: “What is this forfeit doing?” The rest come up with fun tasks (for example, offer neighbors first aid or measure pressure), and the one whose forfeit comes out of the hat completes the task.


Everyone present takes part in this game at once. To do this, everyone needs to sit in a circle, take a small piece of paper on which to write any diagnosis. This piece of paper is then glued to the forehead of the person sitting to your right. Thus, each participant in the circle has specific diagnosis which he must guess with the help of leading questions. The rest of the participants should answer only yes or no (For example, you received a diagnosis of diarrhea. You ask the other participants: “Is it connected with the head?” They answer: “No.” Your next question could be: “Is it connected with the stomach?” They They answer: “Yes.” And so on).


To make the task more difficult, you can set a time limit.


For this competition you will need small balls and five syringes. The balls should be inflated and placed on the wall using tape, and fill syringes with water. A little trick and your medical dartz ready.

Prizes for competitions

Competitions involve prizes. Each winner must receive their winnings. Of course you can take it as a gift iodine, cough tablets or a pack of cotton wool, but it will be much nicer to receive pack ascorbic acid or hematogen slab, which will bring not only gastronomic pleasure, but also remind you of childhood.

In addition to competitions, you need to come up with other entertainment. You can come up with a funny scene and act it out with your friends, or you can draw a poster of the human body and make guests with eyes closed attach various organs to it.

And most importantly, don’t forget to take a camera to capture everything as a memory. Years from now, you will continue to get together and look at the photos and reminisce. fun days spent with friends.

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In contact with

We make a diagnosis.

I read short fragments of songs, I need to determine what is bothering the patient, that is, make a diagnosis.

1. “And my heart stopped,
My heart sank” (diagnosis: heart failure).

2. “If you don’t hear me,
This means that winter has come” (diagnosis: otitis media).

3. We walked with you,
I cried, oh, I cried (diagnosis: hysteria).

4. We honestly want to tell you:
We don’t look at girls anymore (diagnosis: impotence).

5. You shouldn’t scold the rain, you shouldn’t scold it
You stand and wait, but you don’t know why (diagnosis: sclerosis).

6. But if there is a pack of cigarettes in your pocket,
This means that everything is not so bad today (diagnosis: nicotine addiction).

7. She even wanted to hang herself
But college, exams, session (diagnosis: suicidal syndrome).

8. I know - if you want, I know for sure - if you want,
I know for sure - you want, you want - but you are silent (diagnosis: muteness).

9. It hurts me, it hurts
This evil pain cannot be relieved (diagnosis: pain shock).

10. And his wound rots,
And it won't get any smaller
And it won’t heal (diagnosis: gangrene).

11. Every step through it hurts,
Every gesture hurts (diagnosis: broken limbs).

12. Judge people, judge God, How I loved
I walked barefoot in the cold to see my sweetheart (acute respiratory infection)

13. I got drunk and drunk,
I won't make it home (alcoholism)

14. Black eyes, passionate eyes, burning and beautiful eyes!
How I love you! How afraid I am of you!
You know, I saw you at an unkind hour! (Hypnosis session.)

15. I am not an angel, I am not a demon, I am a tired wanderer.
I'm back, I'm resurrected
And he knocked on your house. (Clinical death.)

16. Never said
But there is no more patience. (Muteness.)

17. Night! Expectations are cold.
Pain! It's like I'm split.
I can not see anything,
I hate myself. (Night blindness.)

18. And the dawn is already becoming more noticeable,
So, please, be kind... (Hangover syndrome.)

19. Why are thoughts so confused?
Why does the light dim so often? (Fainting.)

20. I rush into the night to catch up with you,
But I understand that I am standing and cannot run. (Paralysis.)

21. Unfortunately, I, but fortunately, am not alone
I fell into your insidious addiction. (Addiction.)

22. The snowstorm covered the road,
The sled trail disappeared...
Your hands are getting cold, your feet are getting cold,
And he’s still not there (frostbite)

23. This girl is nothing.
And this one is empty.
And this one, I note,
The belly sulks from the tea. (Binge eating.)

24. Oh, and I myself have become somewhat unstable these days,
I won’t make it home from a friendly drinking party. (Alcohol intoxication.)

25. And I recognize my dear one by his gait. (Flat feet.)

26. I tried to get away from love,
I took a sharp razor and edited myself. (Suicidal syndrome.)

27. There is no logic in your thoughts,
How can I find the truth in them? (Schizophrenia.)

28. Why are you, dear, looking askance,
Bowing your head low? (Osteochondrosis.)

29. They picked a sweet berry together,
Bitter berry - I'm alone (poisoning)

30. Far, far, far
My only true friend.
It's not easy, it's not easy, it's not easy
Without reliable, trusted hands (massage therapist).

31. Hot sun, hot sand,
Hot lips - a sip of water. (sunstroke)

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