Wedding carried out after marriage at the registry office using a marriage certificate, which will actually be required from you church.
In some churches there is a pre-recorded date and wedding time, it’s easier for young people. To do this, they only need to drive up. You will be married by a priest, who will be the first to perform the ceremony. Bookings are usually made one to two weeks before the event. This time is enough to confess sins, repent, and spiritually cleanse yourself for a new period in your life. Eat churches, where such a record does not exist, and then it depends. You will be married after all the requirements. But here you can choose a priest if there is such a need. For such weddings You should issue a receipt for sacraments on the wedding day.
Wedding ceremony not performed on Tuesday, Thursday and Saturday, on the eve and on the days of great and church holidays, in fasts - Great (seven days before Easter), Petrov (second Monday after Trinity), Assumption (August 14-27), Rozhdestvensky (November 28-January 7), Christmastide (January 7-20), on Cheese week(one week before the start of Lent), Easter week(Bright Week), February 14 (Eve of the Presentation of the Lord), April 6 (Eve of the Annunciation) Holy Mother of God), Eve of the Ascension of the Lord (39-day after Easter), Eve of the Holy Trinity (49-day after Easter), Trinity Day, September 10 and 11 (the eve and day of the Beheading of John the Baptist), September 20 (Nativity Eve of the Blessed Virgin Mary ), September 26 and 27 (the eve and day of the Exaltation of the Holy Cross), October 13 (the eve of the Intercession of the Most Holy Theotokos).
Best day of the week for a wedding It is considered Sunday; on this day there are many people who want to get married. Some churches even practice wedding of several couples at the same time, although this is prohibited. They also get married on Mondays, Wednesdays and Fridays. Passes wedding in the middle of the day, but under no circumstances, not in the evening.
Wedding is a paid action. Each church and temple has its own fee; you must first agree on the price.
There are some wedding restrictions, according to which the priest has the right not to allow you to participate in this ritual. Here are some of them: if one of the young people is not baptized, then he will need to be baptized first; if there is a large age difference or the age is not within the limits established by law; if there is any relationship between the bride and groom (up to the fourth degree of relationship); if the person is mentally or mentally ill; if the person is an atheist, Muslim, pagan or any other non-Christian religion. Also, if a person has been married for more than three times or currently married. And one of the main things is parents' blessings!
If a girl is in this moment pregnant, this will not interfere with the wedding. You can contact the ruling bishop with all questions.
For wedding You will need two icons of the Savior and the Virgin Mary, as well as rings, candles and a long white towel on which the newlyweds will stand.
The bride should be dressed in White dress, even if she is aged. Shoes should be comfortable, without high heels, as you will have to stand for several hours. Jewelry and cosmetics must be absent or in minimum quantity. The bride must have a headdress on her head, this can be either a veil or a scarf.
Newlyweds must wear pectoral crosses . We must also take care of the choice of witnesses. They must be baptized. It is better to choose two men, since you will have to hold crowns over the heads of the bride and groom, and this is not so easy. Before the wedding young people should not eat, drink, or smoke anything and abstain from marital relations- from twelve o'clock at night.
The church does not approve of second marriage, but allows it as a descent into human weaknesses. In this case wedding differs slightly in two prayers of repentance, there are no words about voluntary and unforced marriage, but the betrothal and the laying of crowns remain the same. Only the bishop has the right to dissolve a church marriage. You show him the divorce certificate from the registry office and if there are no canonical obstacles, he removes the blessing and gives permission for a new one church marriage.

Sacrament of wedding

In ancient times, after matchmaking and engagement, the most important step came - weddings. The bride and groom, having received the approval of their parents and announced their intentions to family and friends, now had to receive God's blessing their union.
Before the wedding ceremony the young people had to fast for a certain time (usually seven to ten days), pray, then repent and take communion.
Before deciding to take this important step, young people should realize that from this moment they will begin a completely different life, based on trust, respect, and mutual understanding. All this must be achieved with the help of their mutual love. There should be no lies in this new life. Wedding implies a certain relationship between spouses, where the husband is the head and support of the family, and the wife provides her husband with support, understanding and patience, no matter what happens. Now the married couple must work for the benefit of their tandem and not allow various problems and troubles to destroy their family happiness. Overcoming difficulties together only strengthens the marriage.
According to church laws each spouse has their own place in the family and they both must know and adhere to it. Husband is an organizer family life and the life of both. A wife should become her husband’s most precious treasure; he is obliged to take care of her and the children. The strength of the union and the well-being of the family are now on his shoulders. The spouse should appreciate everything best qualities your wife and be proud of her merits. The wife, in turn, must listen to her husband, respect his opinion and the decisions he makes. A woman should become a model of obedience. Spouses must exist for each other and do everything possible to ensure the joy and happiness that is felt in the process wedding ceremony, accompanied them throughout their lives.
Wedding ceremony has a deep spiritual basis. This is a sacrament when two loving halves unite on earth into a single whole to be together until the end of their days.
Surrounded by icons and thousands of burning candles, one especially feels the close presence of God, his blessing. The very atmosphere prevailing in the church makes one think about eternal values. After wedding ceremony an inevitable transformation of moral and spiritual qualities occurs, the unity of two loving souls is achieved.

Wedding ceremony

Since ancient times in Rus' wedding in church was an integral part of the wedding. IN modern world couples wishing to present their union at God's blessing, is getting smaller and smaller. This largely happens because church marriage lost its legal force. In addition, getting married is a very serious step that entails certain responsibilities on the part of both spouses.
Wedding follows engagement. The young people, holding lighted candles in their hands, follow the priest into the middle of the temple. The priest, as it were, shows them the way and bequeaths them to live according to the Biblical commandments, with God in their hearts and souls, to do only good deeds. At this time, the church choir sings a song in which the marriage blessed by the Lord is glorified.
The young people stand on the towel, spread out in front of the lectern, where the crowns, cross and Gospel lie. The bride and groom again confirm their mutual desire to get married and the absence of similar promises made to anyone else. This recognition is the main condition for the conclusion church marriage. After this, the marriage is considered valid and then its sanctification by Divine Grace begins.
Then the priest again prays for a message to the young children, for a peaceful life, long life and love for each other.
And now comes the culmination of the ritual - the clergyman takes the crown, signs the cross over the groom and gives him to kiss the image of the Lord, which is attached to the upper part of the crown. In the same way, the priest blesses the bride and gives her the image of the Most Holy Theotokos to kiss. This is how it is presented to spouses God's blessing.
After this, the priest continues to read prayers, excerpts from the Gospel and the messages of St. Apostle Paul. They tell us how spouses should treat each other from now on, how to lead their future lives, and also proclaim God’s blessing on the union.
The next step is to offer the cup of fellowship - the cup of red wine. The groom takes three sips first - as the head of the family. The priest then passes the cup to the bride. Afterwards he joins the hands of the young people and covers them with his own - as a sign blessings of marriage.
Then the priest circles the spouses around the lectern three times, which symbolizes the further joint procession of the young people through life. After this, he removes the crowns from the bride and groom and pronounces greetings. Then the priest prays again and at the end of the prayers the young people seal their union with a kiss. In conclusion wedding ceremony the clergyman brings the spouses to the Royal Doors and presents the icons of the Savior and the Most Holy Theotokos.

Wedding traditions

There are many different traditions and rituals. All of them are done to strengthen new family And happy life young.
The most spiritual and pure among all wedding ceremonies is undoubtedly wedding. It is performed before the face of the Lord in the name of blessing the new union. Surrounded by their closest relatives and friends, the young people commit the most important action in your life.
In the solemn atmosphere of the temple, it is impossible not to be imbued with the grandeur and spirituality of what is happening. Many burning candles, an altar, and gold icons give rise to incredible awe and reverence in the soul before the action taking place. This environment helps young people take a different look at their union. This view is more serious, it requires the deepest awareness of all your feelings and responsibilities in marriage. The young people declare their relationship in front of the Lord and ask for his blessing. The husband now takes on the responsibilities of a protector and leader, and the wife takes on the responsibilities of a housewife and mother of children.
Church marriage consists of a church where young people promise each other before God to go through life hand in hand and do everything possible for the prosperity of their family. the main objective both husband and wife - to take care of the welfare and strength of their union and the continuation of the family. The spouses promise each other to be together on earth and remain inseparable in eternity. The husband should now be proud and admire the virtues of his wife, and the wife should listen to and respect her husband. The basis of their marriage is love, which helps the young to cope with all the difficulties and problems that they encounter.
Nowadays, all the promises made by young people in the church come down to two main ones - to be faithful and inseparable. Both events - betrayal and divorce - are great sins.
Wedding- a rather long ritual. It takes place within a few hours. The ceremony begins with betrothal, during which young people exchange rings. The priest is a “conductor” between the spouses and the Lord, he declares the will of God and blesses the couple. The priest reads prayers for the salvation of the bride and groom, and then asks God himself to bless their union. At the very beginning of the ceremony, the priest hands the newlyweds two candles, which must burn throughout the ceremony.
At all times wedding made a lot of sense to people. It was considered official marriage. But these days, the ceremony has no legal force and only those couples who have previously registered at the Registry Office can get married. Today, few young people get married immediately after the wedding.
Most people prefer to first test their marriage for several years or not get married at all.
At the wedding banquet, the main traditions are also preserved: the first toast is raised to the bride, the bride and groom eat one piece wedding cake for two (from one plate), the traditional wedding dance - the waltz - is also required. Moreover, the newlyweds start dancing first, and then they are joined by the father of the groom paired with the mother of the bride and the father of the bride with the mother of the groom. The third dance is the bride dancing with her father, and the groom dancing with the bride's mother (mother-in-law). And only after this dance all the guests begin to dance. And then the wedding celebration follows the “well-worn track” - songs, competitions, games, funny toasts.

There are also many signs associated with a wedding. Here are some of them:

There is a ritual worth doing before the wedding. In the morning on the wedding day, you need to put a lock under the threshold, as soon as the newlyweds cross the threshold, close the lock with a key, throw away the key, and save the lock for a happy life together!
If before the wedding The young people swear allegiance to each other over the well, then their love will be eternal and “bottomless.”
Good omen when the bride for the wedding travels and returns home using different routes, it is better to think them through in advance.
Under no circumstances should the crown be held over the heads of the newlyweds due to its weight - this is considered almost an invalid marriage, a bad sign. Therefore, it must be fully clothed on the head.
In the process of getting married When they put on their crowns, young people can repeat to themselves the words “...but my illnesses do not make us crowned,” this is the only way to get rid of illnesses and not take them with them into a new bright life.
If during the wedding the newlyweds’ candles burn evenly and smoothly, then they will lead to a measured and happy life, but if they crackle, then they will have to live restlessly.
If one of the young people’s candle burns out faster and longer, then he will not have to live so long.
Wedding candles must be saved and kept at home for the rest of your life. There is a belief that they help with difficult birth!
The towel they stood on young people at a wedding, you should not give it to anyone and keep it at home for the rest of your life. This towel (also called a towel) is a symbol of a long life road for two loving hearts. By the way, who will be the first to step on wedding towel, he will rule the family.
During the wedding young people should not look into each other's eyes, they will not get along together, leading to adultery.
At the end of the wedding, as a sign of gratitude for the sacrament performed, the newlyweds should thank the church with freshly baked bread, wrapped in a linen towel.
After the wedding Before the festive table, the newlyweds are met by their parents, who present them with a pie and throw hops at their feet. The bride and groom must eat the cake in half. Pie (bread, loaf) is a symbol of love and harmony in the family, and hops are for a fun life.
When young people sit down festive table, then they must intertwine their legs under it so that even a cat cannot run between them. This way, young people will not have quarrels and scandals.

In principle, there are general rules and regulations for those days when you cannot get married. Here they are:

- the ceremony cannot be performed on Tuesdays, Thursdays and Saturdays throughout the year;
- weddings are not held during the Great, Petrov, Assumption, and Nativity fasts;
- on the eve of the twelve, temple and great holidays;
- in continuation of Christmastide, from January 7 to January 20;
- during Cheese Week (Maslenitsa);
- during Easter (Bright) week;
- on the days (and on the eve) of the Beheading of John the Baptist, and the Exaltation of the Cross of the Lord.

The rector of the Church of the Martyr Lucia of Syracuse in Blagoveshchensk answers the most frequently asked questions about the meaning and significance of a wedding Priest Svyatoslav Shevchenko.

- Father, why is it absolutely necessary for marriage to have a wedding - a church blessing? What is the essence of a wedding?

– A wedding is a sacrament of connection, merging, merging two souls into one at the sacred level. This is obedience to God and the literal fulfillment of one of His first commandments, which was spoken in Paradise. The Sacrament of Wedding is an invocation of God's blessing on a family, an invitation to Him to be part of this family, or rather, for the family to become a part of the Lord. It is not for nothing that the family in this regard is called a small church, where the head of the family is like a priest, symbolizing Christ, and the wife is like the Church, betrothed to the Savior. And in this small church there is also its own mystical life, its own worship - in the form of sacrifice of spouses, the birth and upbringing of children, spiritual ascent to Heaven. There is nothing like this in other forms of creating a family. Therefore, for believers, wedding is an important step.

– If there is no desire and intention to live a church life, in Christ, to regularly attend services and so on, but inside there is an understanding that you need to get married, what should you do?

– Well, where do you need to start your path to God? For some, it may begin with the sacrament of Marriage. Personally, I have personally felt the power of the sacrament in my family. My wife and I signed first. And there was a feeling that nothing special happened. It was as if we had concluded some kind of property transaction at the registry office. It’s as if they signed an agreement that they don’t mind living together. Something empty and colorless. But when we were married by our confessor in one small rural church, and our family and close friends prayed around us, we were somehow mystically reborn. They began to feel a spiritual connection on a non-verbal level, it was not there - and suddenly it appeared. It is noteworthy that our friend recorded the sacrament on a video camera. When we looked through these frames, we saw that at some point we suddenly became very similar to each other. We saw what we had not noticed before, what was hidden from our eyes. Therefore, I am simply sure that the Wedding gave a powerful impetus to our further churching.

– How to explain to the bride or groom why they are getting married?

– If a man loves his wife very much and considers himself a Christian, then he must trust the Church. Wedding is the peak that a family can reach. This is the highest new level the existence of spouses in the system of Celestial coordinates. Moreover, from my life experience I was convinced that God helps solve seemingly insoluble problems, conflicts, troubles. Christ carries the wedding in his arms (not without our desire and effort, of course). The main thing is to let Him into your family. After all, during family troubles, we call on various advisers (friends, girlfriends, colleagues, psychologists) as arbitrators. And in the sacrament it is proposed to do this good helper The Heavenly King himself. This is precisely the essence of a wedding. Who would refuse such an honor?

– Getting married is a serious step, for life. Maybe you should first register your marriage at the registry office and live together, and then get married, just to be sure?

– Here it would be appropriate to recall a tradition that, unfortunately, has become a thing of the past: the tradition of performing the Rite of Betrothal a certain time before the sacrament of the Wedding. Today the priest does this in the church at the same time - he engaged and immediately married. This was justified in Soviet era, when every performance of worship and sacrament was dangerous. Nowadays, nothing prevents us from getting engaged to spouses registered in the registry office, for example, six months, a year before the wedding. Thus, the newlyweds would pass probation before the celebration of the Sacrament, checking their relationship for seriousness, because today, unfortunately, we have to face such a phenomenon when once-married spouses besiege local diocesan administrations with an urgent request to “debunk” them. But they do not realize that the Sacraments do not have retroactive force - one cannot be baptized, unconfessed, take communion, or be debunked. And if there were no serious reasons, then both spouses will answer before God for the fact that they failed to save the family, which they promised to Him. And between the engagement and the wedding there will be a period to think hard and make a final decision.

What goals does your couple pursue? Answer this question sincerely: are you doing this because of fashion or at the behest of your heart? After all, by performing the sacrament of wedding with pure thoughts, you protect your family from evil tongues and envious eyes, from unexpected troubles and empty quarrels.

The portal brings to your attention general rules weddings in Orthodox Church, as well as interesting superstitions and signs. Take into account every little detail at such a crucial moment!

Wedding in Orthodoxy: a little history

As we managed to find out, the wedding ceremony in the Orthodox Church was carried out in Rus'. And if now the church seals spiritual marriage only with officially registered couples, then previously it was the other way around: unmarried newlyweds were not recognized as family. The ancestors believed that only before God can one become spouses.

Unfortunately, it is not possible to track changes in the Orthodox Church regarding the sacrament of weddings. However, historians were able to highlight two main moments of the ceremony: the laying of marriage crowns on the heads of the spouses and the use of marriage veils in the territory Byzantine Empire. The crown and veil are a symbol of holy faith in the Almighty.

The tradition of holding wedding candles appeared only in the 10th-11th centuries. During the same period, the ceremony began with the words “Christ is crowning,” but already in the 13th century a new tradition appeared to include the words “The servant of God is crowning” in the ritual.

Wedding rules

Not only the newlyweds, but also the guests must follow the rules established by the church. If you doubt their knowledge in this matter, show concern and provide the necessary information to your loved ones.

In most churches the sacrament lasts about an hour. And, as a rule, the newlyweds and guests are forced to stand throughout the entire ceremony. Think about your loved ones and tell them not only how to behave in church, but also think about how to entertain the guests who will be waiting for you outside the church walls.

What is needed for a wedding in a church: a complete list

To carry out the ritual, a number of things are necessary, without which the sacrament simply will not take place.

So, what do you need to get married in a church:

You can buy the necessary components separately or purchase a ready-made sacrament kit at the church store. Everything listed above is needed for a church wedding, even if you have been married for a long time.

All about wedding in signs

There is persistent debate about how much it is worth listening to signs concerning the church. Some insist that the church and superstitions categorically cannot intersect, others are confident that such signs did not appear out of nowhere. Which side will you take?!

Good signs associated with a wedding:

Superstitions that should alert you:

  1. Meeting the funeral procession;
  2. The strong crackling of wedding candles is a sign of a restless married life;
  3. If a crown falls from the head of one of the newlyweds, it means that he will soon become a widower.

After a wedding in a church, all the paraphernalia (candles, towels, handkerchiefs, etc.) must be preserved; it is important that it is kept in the spouses’ home and hidden from prying eyes. Otherwise, next time you can visit the church for the purpose of

Wedding in the Orthodox Church is one of the seven main sacraments, and believers try to observe the rules for it as carefully as possible. Wedding, along with baptism, confirmation, repentance, communion, priesthood and consecration of oil, constitute the center of spiritual life and embody the fullness of a person’s entry into church life. You will read everything that the bride and groom need to know before such an important step as a wedding in our detailed article. It will also be of interest to those who have already performed the sacrament, but want to learn more about it.

The meaning of a wedding in the Orthodox Church

According to the Christian worldview, two people are united in a union sanctified by God and become one flesh. That is why divorces, which are so common today in Christian circles, are considered an unnatural phenomenon, as if a mother decided not to live with the child she gave birth to. Sometimes such a rupture is associated with amputation of a limb or organ - a painful process that makes a person disabled.

The Lord created Adam and Eve and blessed them to multiply and fruit the earth. Adam immediately recognized the spiritual and physical relationship with his wife: the first thing he did when he saw Eve was call her his flesh and blood, because he fell in love with her:

“And the man said, Behold, this is bone of my bones, and flesh of my flesh; she will be called woman, for she was taken from [her] husband” (Gen. 2:23).

Therefore, before taking this step, people must realize the seriousness that they promise to God by this act.

Young love, as well as long-awaited love, is characterized by haste and seeing one’s partner in “rosy” colors. The virtues that every person has - since everyone is created in the image of God and has inherited perfect traits from Him - loving person perceives exaggeratedly and it seems to him that the object of love is perfect. At the same time, his shortcomings - which everyone also has, since we were all subjected to original sin and its consequences in the form of illness, death and passions - seem to be smoothed out and do not lend themselves to rational analysis.

Therefore, in a church where young people have come to talk with the priest about the upcoming event, you can encounter an unexpected reaction from the church minister. So, if the priest observes the charter of the holy fathers and honors traditions, then he will advise lovers to wait at least a year before the wedding, during which time they can get to know the person better in different circumstances and experience their feelings in practice.

At the same time, this year is not blessed to live intimate life. In the case when the newlyweds came after an established relationship and confronted the priest with a fait accompli, he explained to them that early sexual intimacy before legal marriage leads to unfavorable consequences for future relationships and their strength.

After an explanatory conversation, if the young people have realized their guilt, the priest invites them to fast for three days, then confess their sins and receive communion. On the eve of the wedding, the newlyweds must take communion in order to feel this day as the most important in life - the day when two destinies become one destiny, two souls become one soul and two bodies become one body.

How to prepare for a wedding?

First you need to choose the day and place for the wedding and notify the priest in advance. It must be remembered that not every day of the year the Orthodox Church is allowed to perform this sacrament.

The sacrament of weddings is not performed on Tuesdays and Thursdays, since these days precede fasting, which believers observe on Wednesday and Friday. Also, the sacrament is not performed on Saturday, since Sunday (and the church day begins at 20:00 the day before) is Little Easter, a sanctified day.

It is also forbidden to get married on designated dates. Ecumenical councils posts – these are 4 posts a year with a total duration of 5-6 months with different frequencies.

As a rule, the Orthodox Church of Russia has established a centuries-old tradition of getting married on Red Hill - this is the name of the holiday on the first Sunday after Easter. This day is called Antipascha in the church calendar and marks the beginning of the period of nationwide wedding festivities, which occurred en masse in Rus' at all times.

The sacrament is also not performed on the eve of single fast days– for example, September 11 on the feast of the Beheading of John the Baptist; V special days joy and celebration after Lent and Advent - on Christmastide and Bright Week; before and during the Feast of the Exaltation of the Holy Cross.

After choosing the day, it is necessary to begin preparation, which, first of all, does not include the external preparation of individual items, inviting guests and the plan of events for the celebration - but the internal state of the newlyweds, which consists of preparing for the sacrament of Confession and. Both sacraments necessarily precede such important event. After all, the Lord calls the Kingdom of Heaven a wedding feast, and Communion at such a feast on the wedding day is a communion of God’s love and strengthening for the entire future journey together in life.

The priest sets the time for the wedding immediately after the liturgy, which is held every morning. Ideally, if the newlyweds manage to defend the liturgy and receive communion at it immediately on the eve of the celebration. After all, it is much more important to spend your energy on contributing to the sacrament than to save it for evening festivities (which it is advisable to avoid and leave guests as early as possible for privacy).

What do you need for a wedding in a church?

The rules for preparing for a wedding in the Orthodox Church lie mainly in internal awareness and responsibility for this step. In the understanding that there is no turning back and all difficulties of character, adjustments, disagreements cannot now be a reason for dissolving the union that God has sanctified.

This is a serious step, but many today take it frivolously, without calculating the strength and strength of their feelings. Unfortunately, such people do not understand that after the breakup of a married union, it will be more difficult to make the next family harmonious and they should take care of what they have.

And secondly, it is necessary to prepare an outfit, documents, items for the sacrament and other things needed on this day.

What is needed for a wedding in the Orthodox Church, list:

  1. Marriage registration certificate. According to the rules established by the Holy Synod, marriages that are not registered with the registry office cannot be married. Such conditions are dictated primarily by the seriousness of the newlyweds’ intentions, because after the revolution and collapse Russian Empire The church has lost the power to influence the rights and obligations of the parties; the function of regulating legal relations is now performed by the registry office.
  2. Icons of the Savior and the Mother of God. What icons are needed for a wedding? Any images and settings will do, but the main thing is that you can pick them up without any problems. This pious tradition used to mean the blessing of parents for marriage and was passed on by inheritance - on the bride’s side an icon of the Most Holy Theotokos, and on the groom’s side an icon of the Savior. The blessing of parents had sacred value and was sacredly observed.
  3. Gold wedding rings. Previously, a woman's wedding ring was silver, recalling that in a Christian family a woman is a helper to her husband and is submissive loving husband. My husband had Golden ring, which corresponded to the symbolism of the royal metal - like Christ, the husband is obliged to love his wife, who symbolizes the Church. It is the husband who will be responsible for his family before God at the Judgment.
  4. Wedding candles. They can be purchased on site at the temple. They are a symbol of the grace of the Holy Spirit, who is invisibly present and sanctifies.
  5. White board. It can be like a regular store-bought towel white, and hand-embroidered fabric by the bride (which was often practiced in the past). Can also be purchased locally at the Temple. It is laid on the floor and raised up at a certain point in the process of the sacrament. The plat symbolizes the purity of thoughts and aspirations of those getting married.
  6. Some churches have a fixed donation amount for the sacrament. The cost must be paid before the sacrament so as not to forget about it after. If there is no fixed fee, then you can leave a voluntary donation after the wedding. It should be remembered that the state does not provide church workers with salaries and their living depends on our donations.
  7. Worthy appearance those getting married. The girl (woman) must have a headdress (scarf or a fuller veil for a wedding), covered shoulders, the outfit must be modest, covering the knees and not have a deep neckline. A man must wear trousers. Shorts, breeches and other shortened options that expose legs are not allowed for men in the temple. It is better to choose light, pastel colors for the bride's dress. Traditionally, a pure, chaste girl emphasizes her innocence with an absolutely white dress and fresh flowers in her hands. It is better to choose comfortable shoes for the bride, with flat soles, so that you can perform the service without any problems.

After the church lost its legitimate civil power to regulate legal issues, the presence of witnesses is not mandatory and is rather of the nature of a pious tradition. The witnesses were guarantors of the spouses and knew them well. They invited witnesses who were wise in experience and had their own families, difficult situations could give good advice.

What wedding rules in the Orthodox Church do you need to know?

The priest chosen by the newlyweds to conduct their sacrament will clearly explain how to prepare for a wedding in the Orthodox Church. But the general rules remain the same.

A marriage registered by the registry office is a graceless, but not lawless cohabitation. This form is respected by the church and is permitted in cases where a church marriage cannot be performed. But it cannot be accomplished in several cases:

  • When civil marriage was registered more than three times - according to church canons you cannot marry more than three times;
  • when one or both spouses do not belong to the Orthodox Church, are not baptized, or are not brought in voluntarily;
  • when there was no actual dissolution of the marriage with the previous spouse: for civil registration, a divorce certificate is required, for church registration - the blessing of the bishop for entering into a new marriage;
  • when the bride and groom are related by blood or spirituality - including if they are godparents of the same person;
  • The rules for the age of those getting married in the Orthodox Church are limited to the upper threshold of 60 years for a woman and 70 for a man, the lower threshold: 16 years for a girl and 18 for a guy.

When preparing for the wedding, everything should be discussed controversial issues in matters of worldview, so that the sacrament is performed with a pure heart.

How long does a wedding take in a church? 40-60 minutes.

What to do with wedding candles and other attributes after the wedding?

From such family heirlooms you can arrange a small collection. For this purpose, a separate box is created, where attributes are placed after weddings, baptisms and other memorable family events. The box can be shown to children, illuminating for them the details of a significant day, refreshing your own memory and plunging into memories in happy events. You can also place various souvenirs brought from the pilgrimage there.

Wedding candles can be lit during prayer to ask God for something important for the family, for special gratitude to Him, or at other times.

All of these things are reminders of important milestones in the family's development and are part of the emotional life of family members. However, in themselves they do not carry sacred value. If for some reason the relics are no longer needed, they can be eliminated in a special way. Since the items took part in the holy rite, it is better to burn them - yourself or hand them over to the church with a request to dispose of them blessed candles and objects participating in the sacrament.

Seeing the symbols of the wedding in front of them, spouses can, through memories, find ways of mutual understanding, when difficult moments arise, through tangible evidence of their union, which they entered into before God, the spouses remember the importance of the family hearth and draw new strength to go through life together hand in hand. hand.

The rules of weddings in the Orthodox Church consist, first of all, of a moral basis, which consists of purity of intentions, the absence of selfish and dishonest goals and a firm determination to unite with a loved one. The purpose of such a union is to receive from the Lord the gift of like-mindedness for Christian life and raising children. You can learn more about weddings from the book.

IN modern times An increasing number of couples are limited to getting married only in the registry office, bypassing the church. Some do not recognize this ritual, others refuse it for religious reasons, while others simply do not understand why they need to get married. If you belong to the third type of future newlyweds, then you will be interested in our article.

Less than a century ago, church marriage and state marriage were inseparable. Couples underwent a wedding ceremony, after which they were officially considered husband and wife. In modern America, this practice still exists: by submitting an application to a certain authority (in some states this is a court), you receive in return a referral for the ceremony. The referral may be addressed to the municipality or to the church. Thus, Americans can automatically become spouses after getting married.

In Ukraine, the procedure is more complicated: you cannot get married if you are not registered with the registry office. When can you get married - immediately after registration. At the church, you must first present a government-issued marriage certificate. But we’ll talk about the specifics of the event later.

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What is the significance of a wedding? What does it mean to be a married couple? And why are religious people so eager to marry before God? The Church claims that a wedding is the sanctification of Christian marriage. It is believed that after the ritual, the spouses will be united not just by love, but by the Holy Spirit himself. The meaning of the wedding is that no one else can separate the souls of lovers - even after death they will remain together.

Preparing for a wedding is much more complex than simply submitting an application to the registry office. After you choose a suitable church, ask the priest for help - he will tell you what is necessary for the ritual and schedule it for the desired date. Next, we will talk about the main stages of preparation for the wedding and the rules that future spouses should take into account.

Choosing the right day

Choosing a wedding day should not only be based on the time of year. Best to open church calendar and see what days this or that fast falls on. Getting married during these periods is strictly prohibited. In addition, you cannot enter into a church marriage on major holidays - Christmas, Easter, etc.


According to church canons, before the wedding the couple is obliged to confess. For many people, this process is confusing, awkward, and even scary. In fact, there is nothing wrong with it. You don’t even have to speak out loud, as happens in foreign films, because you are confessing to God.

In the Orthodox Church, confession occurs as follows: the priest stands in front of the lectern and reads a prayer. Afterwards he invites those present to confess. At this time, each parishioner can mentally ask the Lord for forgiveness for their sins. The purpose of this ritual is repentance. Upon completion, the priest will read another prayer, you will put your lips to the cross - and the confession is over.

Wedding attributes

For religious rite You will need to buy some things in advance. What do you need for a wedding? In addition to wedding rings, these are: paired icons for the wedding (the Savior and the Mother of God), candles, a bottle of Cahors wine and a wedding towel. In most cases, you can purchase icons and candles directly in the temple. If he takes care of your holiday, he will take care of everything himself.


Before entering into a church marriage, you must fast for at least 3 days. This means giving up animal foods and various entertainment.


The choice of witnesses for a wedding should also be approached with all responsibility. They must belong to the same religion, be baptized and wear crosses as confirmation. It is believed that the witnesses should not be a couple, since after the ceremony they will become spiritual brother and sister. In relation to the newlyweds, they can be blood relatives; there are no prohibitions on this matter. The roles of witnesses at a wedding are compared to godparents- only they are responsible for the well-being of the new family.

It is believed that from the moment the bride and groom cross the threshold of the temple, they appear before God himself. From this moment on, they must be silent and listen to everything said by the priest. In their hands they hold icons (the groom - the Savior, the bride - Mother of God). The bride must wear a veil. Witnesses hold crowns over the heads of those getting married. Warn them in advance so that the crown does not touch the head.

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The ceremony is divided into two parts: betrothal and wedding itself.

Betrothal begins with prayer. The priest blesses the groom three times, and then the bride. In response, the young spouses must cross themselves. Afterwards they are given lighted candles as a symbol of their love.

After reading all the prayers, the priest takes the rings and hands them to the bride and groom. Unlike the ceremony at the registry office, where the newlyweds exchange rings, in the church the priest first helps them put them on. Afterwards, the newlyweds must exchange them as a sign that they are ready to sacrifice themselves for the sake of their husband/wife.

In some variations, the priest does not put on the rings, but carries them out on a tray and offers to exchange rings three times - the bride and groom move the rings three times on the tray, and then put them on each other. In religion, wedding rings are not just jewelry. This is a symbol of eternal family unity.

Next is the wedding. The priest takes the groom’s crown, marks him with it three times, and then lets him kiss the icon of the Savior. Afterwards, the same ritual is performed with the bride - she is allowed to kiss the icon of the Mother of God. At the end, crowns are placed on the heads of the spouses. Now they are husband and wife before God.

In general, the entire ceremony can last from 40 minutes to an hour.

Who can't get married?

There are certain conditions for a wedding. If you fall into one of the following categories of people, the church will refuse to perform the ritual for you:

  • those who have not registered their marriage in the registry office
  • unbaptized or bride and groom belonging to different religions
  • getting married for the 4th time
  • guilty of breaking up someone else's marriage
  • to those who were not given their blessing by their parents

In addition, there is an age limit for the ceremony. The lower threshold is adulthood, i.e. the minimum age at which you will be registered in the registry office. There is also a maximum limit. For women it is 60 years, and for men a little more - 70.

Finally, I would like to remind you that it is never too late to get married. Even people who have been married for many years often come to the desire to become families before God. Perhaps our article helped you realize this need.