The Mexican melodrama about a charming girl raised in a gypsy camp stirred the hearts of many viewers. The men were secretly in love with her, the women, brushing away their tears, secretly envied her beauty and happiness. Their daughters were named after her. The girl's name was Yesenia. The primary meaning of the name Yesenia is alive and healthy.


The origin of the name Yesenia has many faces. Translated from it means beautiful, jasmine flower. Translated from Greek as foreigner, distant. Spain claims the origin of the name because it grows on its territory. beautiful flower with the name Yesenia. According to the interpretation of the Turks, the name came from the name Isania.

What does the name Yesenia mean in Russia? There are claims about the Slavic meaning of the name. According to one version, this is a derivative of the male name Yesenya. Another option is considered to be the origin of the old Russian word even, meaning autumn. Therefore, there is an opinion that this was the name given to girls born in the fall. Although some scientists argue that the name appeared as a result of consonance with the word spring and attribute it to being born in the spring.

In Soviet NEP times, this name was associated with the name of the Russian poet Sergei Yesenin, believing that it owes its meaning to him. However, it reached its peak of popularity in the USSR in 1975 after the release of the Mexican melodrama of the same name.

Character, destiny

Yesenia’s character does not in any way coincide with her euphonious and gentle name. She is purposeful and strong in spirit. Endowed with strong-willed qualities and perseverance. These traits characterized her throughout her life. Her iron character and will do not make her a tough person; she is more demanding of herself than of others.

She is responsive and kind with people. According to numerology, Yesenia is under the influence of the number eight, this determines her fate. The number eight is the bridge between the end and the limitless. This is the definition of her fate, which supports and helps the owner of the name in all her endeavors and affairs. She never stops. Having achieved a goal, the owner of the name sets another goal and systematically moves forward.

The meaning of the name Yesenia for a girl

As a child, Yesenia is a cheerful child. Her strong-willed nature makes her a leader among her peers even in childhood. The girl always strives for the company of children. She is always the first in the company. He is often the inspirer of not only good deeds, but also hooligan acts. The child is obstinate, but she manages to maintain responsibility and composure. She is simply eager to study; her parents will not have to force her to learn her homework. Feedback from teachers about the girl is the most positive.

In adolescence, the full potential of the name is revealed. The girl is growing up very quickly. Being in adolescence She sets such goals for herself and reasons so wisely that she sometimes baffles both teachers and parents. She is not accustomed to the castles in the air that girls her age build at this age. She succeeds everywhere, studies well, makes friends with her peers, visits museums and is engaged in creativity in one of the circles.

Characteristics of the name Yesenia

From an early age, Yesenia understands what heights she can achieve after receiving a prestigious education. Therefore, she makes every effort and means to realize her goal. In this matter, she relies only on herself, not listening to the advice of anyone, not even her father and mother. The owner of the name gets on her feet early, providing for herself financially. Work and career growth come first. In this she fully confirms the meaning of her name.

In any activity, career success awaits her. Yesenia often becomes an excellent leader. Thanks to her creative approach, commitment to goals and natural charm, she quickly moves up the career ladder. He easily finds a common language with the team, does not conflict, but will never stoop to hypocrisy, even in cases of extreme necessity. Yesenia has excellent organizational skills.

She thinks through every step carefully, so when making decisions she practically does not make mistakes. Will be able to accurately determine the capabilities and personal qualities of his subordinates. It will be clear who is on whose side, who can be trusted and who cannot. She is not mistaken when assessing her superiors.

Female name Yesenia and meaning in marriage

The representative of the name is secretive in her feelings and she does not let anyone into her soul. She is even more withdrawn with men. But he communicates with people easily and affably, after contact they remain best experience. She will never show that she doesn’t like a person, the relationship will be like with everyone else. Any name has its own secret, but for Yesenia it is mysterious and inexplicable. She has the ability to find a common language with any person, and she is helped in this by observation and intuition. But with someone she doesn’t like, she will behave extremely politely and will not let anyone near her. In her destiny, the main thing is her career, so she is in no hurry with marriage.

Yesenia will only marry a person whom she truly loves with all her heart. Her feelings should not cause the least bit of doubt in her half. The girl chooses once and for all and never makes a deal with her conscience. However, it is not easy with her. Her independence, autonomy and sense of leadership extend to her family. The chosen one will have to give in. A woman finds happiness in marriage. She is an excellent housewife, a good mother, knows how to cook perfectly, and takes care of herself. She continues to be a good friend; her family does not prevent her from being friends. She has it there full order. She is able to make her chosen one happy.

Name forms

Abbreviated name Yesenia: Senya, Senka, Yesya, Yasya, Asya.

The girl's affectionate diminutive names are: Senechka, Yasenka, Esechka, Asechka.

Declension by case

  • Nominative case Yesenia
  • Genitive case of Yesenia
  • Dative case of Yesenia
  • Accusative case Yesenia
  • Instrumental case Yesenia
  • Prepositional case of Yesenia

Church meaning of the name

IN Orthodox calendar Yesenia's name is not listed.

The secret of the name Yesenia is hidden in its origin. The name has several versions of its origin, which are radically different from each other. The very first one says that this is a form of the male name Yeseniy. The dictionary written by Dahl explains that "esen" means "autumn". Thus, the name Yesenia was originally given to girls who were born in the fall.

The second version is diametrically opposed to the first. According to her, it comes from the female name Vesna, common in the territory of the Slavs. Most likely, girls with this name were often called “Spring”, which by ear roughly coincides with the sound of Yesenia.

In addition, it is also consonant with the widespread and famous Ksenia, so their stories of origin are sometimes combined. Translated from ancient Greek, both of them sound like “guest”, “foreigner”. Despite the fact that Yesenia seems to be an absolutely Slavic name, many experts adhere to this version.

Another option is due to the fact that it is very similar to the male name Hassan, which is often found among Arab peoples. Its literal translation into Russian sounds like “beautiful”, “good”.

And finally, the “youngest” history of its origin is associated with Soviet Union years of the New Economic Policy, when the work of Sergei Yesenin was popular. From the last name of the latter, in fact, the name was formed.

Name Astrology

  • Zodiac sign: Gemini, Virgo
  • Patron Planet: Mercury
  • Talisman stone: glass, agate, emerald
  • Color: mixed, variegated colors
  • Plant: celery
  • Animal: lark, monkey
  • Favorable day: Wednesday

Character traits

Yesenia is a very sympathetic woman, she is always happy to come to the rescue and help out a person. She is one of those people you can safely rely on: she will never leave you alone. difficult situation and tries to protect everyone around him. By nature, she is too soft, so she forgives everyone and everything. In this she is sometimes wrong, but in most cases she is lucky in life, and people do not abuse her kindness and condescension.

A representative of the name Yesenia usually grows up to be a believer. She is very kind and sincere, often comes to church, gives alms and shows sincere interest in others. But this girl is not the kind of person who will show off her positive features. A woman does this not for universal recognition, but for her own satisfaction.

Interests and hobbies

Yesenia simply loves animals. Her hobby is taking care of them. She can get herself a dog, a cat, a hamster and fish and give everyone due attention, care for them and love them. The only thing that “stresses” her about caring for her pets is their morning walk, if required. Therefore, when getting a dog, a girl will most likely ask one of her relatives to walk with her in the morning.

Profession and business

Yesenia is a person with a gentle character, but at work she becomes a leader, the team and her superiors love her. She becomes a good organizer, and mental stability and developed willpower help her in this. A woman with this name is very responsible, conscientious, and does her job in the best possible way. Her decisions are always deliberate and never spontaneous.


Yesenia's health is quite good, but she needs close monitoring. Problems with the nervous system may arise in adulthood.

Sex and love

By nature, Yesenia is a very affectionate and gentle person. She needs care and love and seeks it very carefully. The girl knows how to love correctly and knows how to do it well. In sex, he submits to his partner, giving him as much pleasure as possible. She needs a strong and powerful man who can subjugate her to himself. A woman is very turned on by this attitude towards her in sex, but she herself is unlikely to say so.

Family and marriage

Getting married early and without love is an unfeasible thing for Yesenia. Usually a girl receives a decent education, then gets settled in life and only after that looks for a husband. Her husband is happy man, because he gets a very conscientious, responsible and economic wife. In addition to everything, the owner of this name is also an excellent mother who always raises her children with care and love.

Yesenia is a rare but beautiful name. It has a smooth sound and has rich history origins and is gaining popularity again. What are the hidden peculiarities of this beautiful name?

Origin of the name

The origin of the name Yesenia has five versions. According to one of them, Yesenia is a Slavic name, derived from the word “esen” (according to V.I. Dahl’s dictionary, the word “esen” means “autumn”), it was given to girls born in the fall. The second version has the opposite meaning; it says that this name was formed from the Slavic name Vesna. Another option for the origin of the name: it appeared in Russia in honor of the poet Sergei Yesenin.

The name Yesenia has several origins.

There is also an opinion that the name came from Ancient Greece and means “distant stranger.” This name is very similar to the name Ksenia, which also has Greek roots.

Another version of the origin is that the name is derived from the Arabic male name Hassan and translated means “beautiful, good.”

Name forms

Short forms of the name: Yesya, Yesyusha, Enya, Yasya, .

The name Yesenia has many diminutive forms.

The name Yesenia has many diminutive forms: Yasenka, Yasechka, Senya, Senka, Asechka, Yesenyushka, Yesenka.

I know there is a girl somewhere
Her Yesenia! Named from birth.
Spinning in life, this one is like a bee,
Moving further and further from the earth.
She's insanely good, I'll tell you honestly,
And believe me, everyone is going crazy about it.
Look into her eyes and everything will become known,
Blooming in spring, it becomes winter there.

Yuri Zobnev

Related names are considered: Ksenia, Hesenia, Vesna.

There is no ecclesiastical version of the name.

Transliteration of the name: Eseniia.

According to the latest transliteration rules, the name Yesenia is written as Yeseniya

The following patronymics are combined with the name Yesenia: Ivanovna, Robertovna, Vladimirovna, Sergeevna, Aleksandrovna, Andreevna, Arkadyevna, Viktorovna, Dmitrievna.

Table: the name Yesenia in foreign languages

Name day

The name Yesenia is not on the church calendar. Therefore, if you wish, little Yesenia will have to be baptized under a different name. You can choose the name Ksenia, which is consonant with the name, which is patronized by Saint Xenia of St. Petersburg. Then the name day will be celebrated on the sixth of February, twentieth of March, sixth of June, twenty-sixth of August, fifteenth of September or thirty-first of January.

If parents want to baptize little Yesenia, then for this they can choose the consonant name Ksenia

Also, for baptism, you can choose the name of the saint whose memory was revered on the child’s birthday.

The influence of a name on character and destiny

Yesenia is an independent and purposeful person. She has her own opinion on everything, which is very difficult to change. Easily achieves his goals. She is interested in everything new and unknown. Yesenia is able to lead people; her path is always logical and justified. High moral values, honesty and openness characterize Yesenia's personality. Great strength and resilience are hidden in her, although it is difficult to see behind the mask of a sweet and kind girl.

A girl named Yesenia sets goals for herself and accomplishes them at any cost.

Yesenia has powerful energy that attracts people and the opposite sex, even if the girl is not endowed with outstanding external characteristics.

Yesenia will always come to the aid of those in need, which is often taken advantage of by those around her. Girls usually believe in God, go to church and live according to God's commandments.

Child years

A girl named Yesenia stands out among her peers. She loves to fantasize and never sits still. She is unlike anyone else and has a warmth that will only increase over the years.

Little Yesenia loves to fantasize and think

The girl is wise beyond her years, which shocks even her parents. Everyone around her is drawn to her, due to which she is able to become a leader and favorite in the class. Everything is fine with her studies, in addition, Yesenia will participate in all school events.

Yesenia, Yesenia, you are an autumn girl,
You look at me like a ray of sunshine.
Yesenia, Yesenia, creation of my love,
My dear, blue-eyed baby.

Chernyakov Vladimir

Little Yesenia cannot stand lies; she has an innate sense of justice. However, she is no stranger to small hooligan antics. She is always categorical, which causes quarrels and conflicts with peers and adults.

A categorical rejection of lies and deceit, a desire for justice at any cost, and frightening categoricalness can sometimes cause teenage Yesenia a lot of trouble, but such is her nature

Career and talents

Yesenia is a true careerist. Since childhood, she understands the value of a good education, adult life always knows his goals and objectives. She is a hardworking and conscientious worker and can become successful in any profession. She occupies the position of manager very early, and her employees value and respect her.

Yesenia is capable of occupying a leadership position at a very young age

Analytical thinking and entrepreneurial spirit allow her to create own business. She inspires trust among business partners, since honesty and fairness will not allow her to play a “dishonest game.” Yesenia’s financial situation is not the least important, and her ability to work and not conflict will allow her to achieve stability.

It might work out from Yesenia good doctor, businessman, teacher, architect, event planner, flight attendant, chef, dancer.

A profession such as an architect would be perfect for a girl named Yesenia

A girl named Yesenia has a penchant for science, art, and maintaining a home; she uses all her talents and constantly improves them.


Yesenia is in good health. The slightest symptoms force her to go to the doctor for advice, which is why she rarely gets seriously ill. Among other things, she leads an active lifestyle: she works out physical culture, dancing. Yesenia is able to maintain a good figure for many years.

Active lifestyle, positive thinking allows Yesenia to maintain youthfulness and an attractive figure for many years

It is worth considering that a girl named Yesenia has a tendency to diabetes mellitus, so you need to control your blood sugar.

Love and marriage

Yesenia is not interested in light, short novels. She strives to find happiness for many years. Men like the girl due to her mystery and kindness. But she will only open up to the one she loves. In relationships, she is affectionate and gentle. She needs a partner who can subjugate her, but the girl must definitely trust the person.

Yesenia, dear, dear.
My heart is beating faster and faster.
Yesenia, when you’re near,
It's like a rainbow is laughing in the sky.


She gets married late because she is very selective. But divorce in Yesenia’s history is a rare case. Usually she lives with her chosen one until her death. The girl’s companion will be very lucky, because she will always be faithful to him, even in her thoughts. But she will demand the same from a man. IN family life will give herself completely, all her love is directed towards her husband. But he will have to come to terms with her independence and desire to build a career.

In the family, Yesenia shows herself most the best side, giving your loved ones all your spiritual strength and warmth

Yesenia chooses a reliable, promising and purposeful person for herself.

Table: compatibility of the name Yesenia with male names

NameCompatibility in loveMarriage CompatibilityNature of the relationship
Sergey90% 60% In the relationship between Yesenia and Sergei, everything is present - from romance to passion. The couple is very harmonious and agrees on many interests. Their passion does not decrease over time, but only increases. They are both leaders, so family life will not be easy for them. If you learn to resolve conflicts, a couple can live a happy life together.
Alexander90% 80% Reciprocity in this couple comes immediately. Alexander is able to protect Yesenia, and she needs this protection. The couple has a great mutual attraction, so the relationship can be very happy.
Eugene100% 100% Yesenia and Evgeniy - perfect couple. They have common interests, both strive to improve their financial situation, and love to develop. They have a lot in common both psychologically and physically. The family of Yesenia and Evgeniy will be happy and successful. Each of the partners will believe that he has found the “one for life.”
Dmitriy80% 70% Both Yesenia and Dmitry are responsible when choosing a partner. They value each other, care and look after each other. Able to cope with problems and work on relationships.
Andrey60% 80% The relationship between Yesenia and Andrey will be happy. They have common values, due to which mutual respect, love and friendship appear in the couple. They easily cope with conflicts, which only strengthen their union.
Alexei70% 100% Yesenia and Alexey will agree on a mutual desire to conduct dialogues with each other. They absolutely don’t care what topic they talk about, the main thing is to do it together.
Egor70% 70% Yesenia and Egor trust each other and this is a very important criterion in a relationship. They do not experience jealousy or suspicion; they simply do not allow themselves to think that one of the partners might cheat on the other. The marriage will be long, filled with tenderness, love and mutual support.
Rinat90% 60% The relationship between Rinat and Yesenia will be long-lasting, but not strong. The girl will be the leader in this couple; she will reproach the man for various little things. If you learn to respect each other, the relationship will be long and pleasant.
Ilya80% 90% This couple has many common interests, but there is no crazy passion here. They see a person for who he really is. But love can still arise, and after marriage, the couple will not face any unpleasant surprises.
Konstantin100% 60% This couple has a very vibrant and passionate relationship. Both are independent and natural leaders. This may not be very good for the marriage, as it may turn into a war for leadership. But, if partners learn to make concessions and value the other’s opinion, then married life will become pleasant and happy.

Table: matches for the name Yesenia

Interpretation of letters in a name

E - the presence of the letter E in the name means the bearer’s need for self-expression and exchange of ideas.

C - characterizes the presence in a person of common sense, the desire to have stability and material well-being. It is very important for the owner of this letter in his name to find his way in life.

N stands for protest. The person is very selective, intelligent, and interested in health.

And - the letter means the presence of spirituality, sensitivity and kindness in a person, although outwardly he may look unapproachable and unemotional, hiding behind a mask of indifference.

I - a person has a sense of self-esteem, he desires respect and love for himself and is able to win them.

According to the interpretation of the letters in the name, Yesenia has a need for self-expression, has common sense, smart, kind and needs love

Characteristics of a name in accordance with the time of year in which a person was born

The time of year in which Yesenia was born leaves an imprint on her character:

  1. Winter. Yesenia, born in winter, will be hot-tempered, impetuous, sensitive, arrogant and selfish. She will always insist on her own, take part in conflicts and get into arguments. But Yesenia will never discuss her personal issues with anyone. Capable of achieving significant success in her chosen profession. She is sincere, fights for justice, and often does charity work.
  2. Spring. Spring Yesenia is a purposeful, self-sufficient and holistic person. She is open and friendly and has many friends. Already in adolescence, he is looking for one and only partner for life. Betrayal is the worst thing that can happen in the life of spring Yesenia. If this happens, she withdraws into herself and remains lonely for the rest of her life. Parents need to teach Yesenia to understand people, as well as instill a sense of independence and self-sufficiency.
  3. Summer. Yesenia, born in the summer, has an airy, sophisticated, dreamy, vulnerable worldview. She always tries to improve the world around her. Surrounds himself with beauty and goodness, engages in creativity at a professional level. Yesenia, who was born in the summer, lives a carefree life, easily moving towards her dream, not paying attention to obstacles.
  4. Autumn. Autumn Yesenia is moral, demanding, principled and punctual. She does not accept excuses, lies and weakness. Having caught a person lying, she will immediately stop having any business with him. She is insanely attached to the past, loves to explore the world and her roots, and compose the “tree of life” of her ancestors.

The time of year in which Yesenia was born affects her character

Table: name horoscope

Zodiac signMottoCharacteristic
AriesI exist!Aries always achieves her goals, she is ambitious and vain, proactive and active. She lacks delicacy, resourcefulness, and patience. Justice in everything is very important to her; she is unable to listen to the opinions of strangers, which provokes quarrels with others. She is simple-minded and spontaneous, as a result of which she is often disappointed in life. She easily copes with “male” professions, likes to do everything herself, and does not ask for help. She is capable of much for the sake of her loved one, but she does not forgive betrayals, she is a terrible owner.
TaurusI can!Yesenia-Taurus is open, sociable, and charming. It contains leadership skills, but it doesn’t matter to her to be the first in everything. She values ​​material stability, but spends money on all sorts of nonsense, loves comfort, but is sometimes sloppy. Yesenia-Taurus has a demanding, stubborn, but flexible and calm character. Does not like new things, lives by established rules. She is reliable and constant. Family is an important part in her existence; she will become a faithful, affectionate and loving wife.
TwinsI do!Yesenia, born under the sign of Gemini, is intellectual and gifted. Loves to learn new things and have fun. At times there are moments of self-doubt. A superficial attitude towards everything has a bad effect on her career. In relationships, she is sincere and needs tenderness and care. Loneliness really scares Yesenia-Gemini, but she does not make a good housewife, she needs to constantly communicate with new people, she does not like to sit at home. If a partner can entertain and provide a fun life, then Yesenia will become for him good friend and support in everything.
CancerI feel it!Yesenia-Cancer is a person with a fine mental organization. Closed character, good insight. There is no place for logic in her life; she has her own laws of life. Attentiveness, diligence, attention to detail, integrity are the traits inherent in Yesenia-Cancer. She needs a strong partner who will raise her self-esteem. The wife will be faithful, caring and calm. Family ranks first on the list of values. A career will work out well only if the girl can overcome her modesty and shyness.
a lionI rule!Yesenia-Leo loves compliments and attention; she is a proud and arrogant woman. She has powerful energy, a temperamental, impetuous, ambitious, but kind and noble character. Due to lack of intuition, he makes many mistakes. Her weak point is self-esteem; flattery and worship will help win her love. Yesenia, born under the sign of Leo, is a generous, wasteful person who loves a luxurious, rich and idle life. She is sincere in absolutely everything, including in relationships. He will never forgive betrayal and will be a leader in family life. If her husband is able to provide her with a decent life, Yesenia-Leo will become a good wife and mother.
VirgoI'm analyzing!Yesenia the Virgo is closed, careful, vulnerable, and often lives in a fictional world. Kindness, modesty and perfectionism characterize her character. She has problems with expression own feelings, she loves clarity and accuracy in everything, she does not perceive supernatural things. He has a clear mind, loves to learn new things and develop. Everything is complicated in love, it’s hard for her to talk about her relationships, however, by getting married, she will make her chosen one a happy person.
ScalesI balance!Due to the lack of responsibility and independence, Yesenia-Libra finds it difficult to reach the top in her career. She has an easy-going, non-conflict character, is smart and friendly. Does not like conflicts, values ​​calm and peace of mind. The most important thing in life is love. It is important for her to know that she is loved and to hear compliments. Jealousy, quarrels and showdowns are not for her.
ScorpionDie but do!Yesenia-Scorpio is vain, arrogant and decisive, she needs love and respect, but she does not show these feelings herself. She doesn’t care much about the opinions of others; she is an honest and decent person. She is able to see through people, it is difficult to deceive her or change her mind. Work is important to her, but it should not be boring and monotonous. In family life, Yesenia-Scorpio becomes a good housewife, faithful wife. But only a confident and balanced person can become her partner.
SagittariusI see!The character of Yesenia-Sagittarius is light and cheerful. She has a good sense of humor, a dreamy and amorous nature. She likes to idealize people, and then becomes disappointed in them, since they do not correspond to her ideas. Yesenia-Sagittarius is generous and open-minded, independent and passionate, but not frivolous. Always defends his interests, plans his life. To be happy in marriage, she needs a husband who will support her in her desires to travel and not infringe on her freedom.
CapricornI use!Yesenia-Capricorn has an analytical mind, intelligence, prudence and pragmatism. She chooses male professions and hobbies, and is friends mainly with men. Stubbornness, ambition, perseverance characterize this woman. She is able to work well in any field of activity and will be respected by her colleagues. Communication with strangers is made difficult by the isolation of Yesenia-Capricorn. She is vulnerable and sensitive, shy and modest. In marriage, she is demanding, does not forgive insults and betrayal. It is difficult to find a life partner for Yesenia-Capricorn, as she tends to build barriers between herself and her partner.
AquariusI hope!Independence, humanity, dreaminess, sensitivity and curiosity are the main traits inherent in Yesenia-Aquarius. She does not tolerate criticism and is an active person. She loves to work, but she is also no stranger to laziness. Her life will never be boring and monotonous. Yesenia-Aquarius loves to learn new things, is interested in mysticism, easily communicates with new people, and has atypical thinking. Yesenia, born under the sign of Aquarius, knows how to be friends and sympathize. It is very difficult for her to choose a partner, as she is quite picky and scrupulous.
FishI'm cleaning!Loves solitude and silence. He prefers comfort and home life to his career. Yesenia, born under the sign of Pisces, finds it very difficult to get along with people; she is suspicious and secretive. He has a delicate and sentimental nature, and is afraid of accidentally offending a person. It is difficult for her to solve her problems on her own, to fight self-doubt. She needs love like she needs air. The center of her universe is the family. She needs constant confirmation that she is loved.

Famous personalities bearing the name Yesenia

The name Yesenia is borne by a famous singer who performs songs in the chanson style.

Singer Yesenia is popular among fans of chanson music

Athletes also have this name: Yesenia Volzhakina, an athlete from Latvia, and Yesenia Butorina, a young Russian gymnast.

The main character in the film was a girl raised in a gypsy camp and named Yesenia.

A girl named Yesenia will be fragile, tender, beautiful and energetic. However, she is capable of showing both persistence and obstinacy.

Yesenia: all about a beautiful female name.

The meaning of the name is as important as the genetics that parents instill in a person. The name influences all areas of a person’s life, guides and opens up special opportunities for a person. Of course, in order to use this type of energy, you need to know what name means what. This is useful both for future parents and for the bearer of the name. This article is devoted to the meaning of the beautiful name Yesenia.

At just the sound of this name, a vision appears before your eyes. beautiful image green foliage of birch trees, a delightful rapidly flowing stream and a charming feminine figure. And not in vain, because the origin of the name is Slavic, Yesenia arose among the Russian steppes, mountains, winds and today, just as many years ago, future parents often choose such a name for their daughter.

What does the name Yesenia mean according to the church calendar?

Our country is Orthodox, and a natural question arises - what does the name Yesenia mean according to the church calendar? Here you may be disappointed - the name is not Orthodox and is not included in Christmastide. But this is not important, since there is a belief that only those people who have two names live a bladeless life - for God, given at baptism, and for life, which they will call him in life.

For baptism, it is best to choose a name according to Christmastide according to the month and day of birth. This name should be known exclusively to a narrow circle of people: the birthday boy himself, parents and godparents.

What does the name Yesenia mean?

As already mentioned, the name Yesenia is not in the Christmastide, therefore Ksenia and Yesenia are considered the patrons of the name. Also, the second patron is the saint in whose honor the child was named at Baptism.

Patron saint named Yesenia

The secret of the name Yesenia

The girls, who were called beautiful Yesenia, become gentle, feminine in nature. Their sensuality and sensitivity were repeatedly sung in ballads and novels. Legends are made about their unique energy. The name inherently conveys complaisance, femininity, a desire to understand the world and an easy approach to life.

What nationality is the name Yesenia?

In the 70s, the romantic film Yesenia, named after main character. A luxurious girl who grew up in a gypsy family. The audience loved the film so much that rare name Yesenia “grew” to the actress, but the people made the mistaken decision that the origin of the name was Gypsy. This people has many beautiful names, but Yesenia is not one of them.

The name is originally Slavic and appeared in the vastness of multifaceted Russia. The name also has a masculine form - Yeseniy.

Name Yesenia: origin and meaning, popularity

The meaning of the name is highly controversial. V. Dahl interpreted the name as “autumn-autumn” and believed that the name is excellent for those born in golden autumn. But other learned philologists argue that, on the contrary, the name is associated with spring.

The name was highly popular among the Slavs in the 18th and 19th centuries, and then briefly fell into oblivion. But after the release of the film of the same name, girls with that name began to be registered again. And again it was forgotten until recently.

Popularity of the name Yesenia by year

Today, many young parents choose a rare, and at the same time euphonious name for their daughter, so that it is combined with the surname and patronymic. The name Yesenia perfectly meets these characteristics.

Yesenia - decoding of the name from Greek

The delightful, tender name could not remain in one territory and gained some popularity all over the world. For example, from Greek it is translated as “stranger” and “distant” (not surprising, since Slavic women really came from far away), and also thanks to the beauty of the representatives, the name acquired “jasmine flower” and “clear sky”.

Name Yesenia in English, Latin, different languages

We are not sitting still today. In addition to traveling, we also go to live, study and work in different countries. It is not surprising that the question arises - what does a name sound like in a particular language?

  • In English - Yesenia
  • In Latin - Autumni
  • In French - Yesenia
  • In German - Yesenia
  • In Chinese - 葉塞尼亞

How is the name Yesenia written in the passport?

According to the latest international transliteration of names in passports, which is prescribed in the standards of the International Civil Aviation Organization (ICAO) (document No. 9303) dated 06/05/2017, the name Yesenia in the international passport should be written as ESENIIA.

Yesenia: what is an abbreviated short name, diminutive?

When choosing a rare name, the most common objection is what will we affectionately call the child? How can I shorten my name? Yesenia has many forms of endearment and such a list would be the envy of many owners of common names.

  • Yasenka
  • Yasechka
  • Senka
  • Senechka
  • Asya (the famous poetic Turgenev Asechka)
  • Asechka
  • Yesenyushka
  • Yesyusha
  • Yesenka

Please note that the shortened name can be completely modified, but remains just as gentle and melodious.

Yesenia: the meaning of the name character and fate

Depending on the season in which Yesenia was born, the characteristics of the name vary. We provide a description of all seasons:

  • Winter. Girls born in the winter months are usually hot-tempered, impulsive, emotional, self-confident and selfish. Winter Yesenia will always defend her point of view and will be a frequent guest at debates, and she herself will love to raise disputes and debates. At the same time, Yesenia is always ready to discuss external issues that do not concern her personal space. Develops well in professional field. At the same time, winter Yesenia has a huge heart, her sincerity, love for truth and justice creates a special opinion of those around her as a kind and fair person. Because of such contradictions, many will disagree with her, but at the same time respect her point of view. Also often Yesenia, born in winter, become philanthropists;
  • Spring. Girls born in spring grow up to be purposeful, independent and holistic people. Openness and friendliness from an early age helps to surround yourself with a large number of friends and girlfriends. In adolescence, she realizes that she does not need empty fun and is looking for a single companion for life. It is not surprising that the biggest blow in life that Yesenia can experience is betrayal loved one. And often she never recovers from it, remaining lonely. For Yesenia’s parents, it is important from a very early age to convey to their daughter that she is independent and, regardless of people’s sympathies, can be happy, as well as how to understand people correctly;
  • Summer. Yesenias born in the summer are airy, sophisticated, fragile, and also dreamy and vulnerable. Yesenia has spent her entire life striving to improve the world around her. Throughout their lives, they surround themselves with beautiful and kind people, choose a creative profession, and love collecting and beautiful things. Summer Yesenia is a bright, carefree life, and not of a “puffing butterfly,” but of a wise woman who knows how to get around sharp corners, get up after falling and move forward, towards a dream;
  • Autumn. But autumn Yesenias are distinguished by high morality, exactingness, adherence to principles and punctuality. She has not tolerated excuses, lies, or weakness since childhood. In addition, the gentle name and visual airiness have a core, thanks to which Yesenia always remains unshakable. The slightest evidence of lying and that’s it - you will never again find yourself in this person’s circle of trust. Also, autumn Yesenias are insanely attached to the past, knowledge of themselves and the world around them. They often create a heraldic tree of their ancestors and remember their roots.

The name Yesenia, despite the fact that it is Slavic, gets along well with patronymics of other nationalities. Notice how laconic and beautiful it sounds that Yesenia Ivanovna, that Yesenia Adolfovna, that Yesenia Robertovna. But still, you shouldn’t forget about your last name. In any case, if you are choosing a name for your future daughter, be sure to “match” the name to the surname and patronymic.

What middle name suits a girl’s name Yesenia: compatibility with male names

When is Yesenia’s name day, Angel’s Day, according to the Orthodox calendar?

The name Yesenia is not included in the Orthodox calendar, so it is recommended to celebrate the name day of the name given at baptism.

Congratulations on Angel Yesenia Day: short in verse and prose

Yesenia is a wonderful name, worn by a girl as delightful as spring rain, gentle as morning dew, and refined as a Russian birch tree. So we wish you to remain as beautiful, kind and gentle for many years to come!

Also, at baptism, Yesenias are often given the name Ksenia, which is why the congratulations are in her honor.

Happy Angel Day Ksenia
Beautiful little girl!
Congratulations darling
Let your dreams come true
Let the gardens bloom in your soul,
May love come to you
Happiness, joy will bring.
Let your beloved girlfriends
They will be happy for you.
Let your ears hear
Secrets of the happiness of life!

Video: Song with the name Yesenia

Video: Yesenia's song

Tattoo with the name Yesenia

Tattoo with the name Yesenia

Jewelry workshops offer construction kits, thanks to which you can create a unique gold pendant with the name Yesenia and more. Below we provide a photo of such a layout.

Pendant with the name Yesenia made of gold: photo

Name Yesenia: intuition, intelligence, morality

Since childhood, Yesenias have been curious, observant and have an analytical mind. Thanks to this, they have widely developed intuition and the ability to realize their plans.

Name Yesenia: hobbies, activities, business

By nature, Yesenia is creative and airy on the one hand and purposeful and pedantic on the other. They are good at building a career and business; on the other hand, they do not fully concentrate on this and actively build their personal lives. But Yesenia, disillusioned with family happiness, would seem to have to completely go into business or career, but no. In this case, she chooses charity and patronage.

Name Yesenia: health and psyche

Thanks to her activity and determination in life, Yesenia most often chooses proper nutrition and sports lifestyle. This helps not only to monitor your figure, but also to maintain good condition health until old age.

Name Yesenia: sexuality, marriage

Yesenia gets married once and for all, even if this is not her first marriage. Absurd? Some! Since Yesenia treats choosing a spouse as choosing a part of herself. Once and for all, in sorrow and joy, in happiness and difficulties. If family life subsequently does not go well, Yesenia will not ruin the marriage with divorce, but will build relationships indefinitely. But not in case of treason and betrayal. Here Yesenia is categorical, there is no need to expect forgiveness.

Another feature of Yesenia is that when choosing a husband, she is guided by the character, reliability, prospects and attitude of a potential partner towards herself and the world around her. Passion? No, Yesenia does not have it in choosing a life partner. It would seem that Yesenia has a cold calculation in choosing her husband. Maybe so, but as practice shows, in most cases these marriages are happy and long-lasting.

Yesenia is mysterious and cold, alluring and repulsive by nature. Such an entity attracts many fans, but their presence or absence does not bother Yesenia. Sometimes it just pleases vanity. But temperament, passion, a sincere flow of feelings can only be awakened in her by a loving man and only when her brain decides that this is an ideal partner for life.

What zodiac sign does the name Yesenia go to?

The energy of the name is most optimally revealed in girls born under the zodiac signs of Gemini and Virgo. But the name also gets along well with other signs. Negative indicators There is no sign, so Yesenia can be called all year round.

It is customary for Yesenias to give agates and emeralds.

For Yesenia, emerald is a door that opens the secret, the unknown, helping to analyze and, with the help of intuition, look into the future. Also emerald drives away bad dreams, prevents depression, resolving difficulties on entry level, banishes insomnia. It also drives out evil spirits and prevents the evil eye and bad slander.

Important: Emerald is a stone of amazing purity and radiance. He does not allow lies and insincerity. Therefore, if Yesenia is betrayed by the donor, most often the stone cracks, signaling Yesenia about the betrayal. And here loving heart, giving an emerald will help Yesenia become lucky and happy.

Agate for Yesenia will bring longevity, prosperity and long health. It will also protect you from adversity, lead you away from disasters, and help you achieve victory in sports and love. Agate also relieves insomnia, nightmares, and adds courage when public speaking, helps to achieve heights in material terms, gives special charm and nobility to the body and mind.

Talisman stone for the name Yesenia

But it is important to remember that the agate must be washed together with the owner in order to rid the stone of the heavy energy from which it protects Yesenia.

The plant for the name Yesenia is celery. Yesenia should be surrounded by both living and added to food. Thanks to celery, Yesenia has the opportunity to avoid many obstacles and problems. Give a happy long life.

Flower, plant, tree-talisman for the name Yesenia

The talisman flower bears the same name - Yesenia. Small, snow-white and so vulnerable, they fully reflect the essence of the bearers of this name.

The totem animal of the name Yesenia is a smart, cunning and interesting monkey. This animal has a special energy, and after Yesenia’s contact with the monkeys, she becomes inspired. It is not necessary to have pet, but it is recommended to contact these animals in difficult moments of life.

Totem animal named Yesenia

Totem bird named Yesenia

But the bird is the well-known lark. In France, the lark is a symbol of good omen, news, and change. If a lark descends on Yesenia’s shoulder or hand in life, this is a special sign, a sign of a great change and an unforgettable height that Yesenia can achieve if she dares to take a step.

Totem bird named Yesenia

Numerology of the name Yesenia

Body number - 7

The number of the hidden spirit is 9

Soul number - 7

According to numerology, owners of the name Yesenia are gifted with an analytical mind, good intuition and the ability to process a huge amount of information, thanks to which they can predict the future. In the Middle Ages, such a gift was called prophetic, and Christianity fought against it, calling it witchcraft. But it was actually a good mindset.

Yesenia is good in philosophy, art, religion. Their ability to persuade and justify their thoughts and desires provide great opportunities. But there are also disadvantages. Money matters are not easy for Yesenia, so she can run a business successfully, but only with a good financial director.

Yesenia's color

The real aristocratic names belong to Yesenia: rich red and dark as night black.

Yesenia's colors

Elements and planets named after Yesenia

The patrons of Yesenia are the planets Mercury and Saturn. They have no less, if not more, influence on women with this name. But Yesenia’s element is Air.

Metal totem of Yesenia

Yesenia simply must have a talisman made of iron. It can be a body decoration, a keychain, a figurine, etc. He will give Yesenia courage, fortitude and the desire to win.

Auspicious day for Yesenia

According to the location of the zodiac signs and numerology, Tuesday is a favorable day.

Pseudonym for the name Yesenia

When choosing a pseudonym, you need to know not only the person’s name, but also his hobbies, age, interests and direction. We present just a few options for a general direction:

  • Jammie
  • Manson
  • Jamison
  • Winckler

Famous people, celebrities named Yesenia

The name Yesenia is borne by many famous and talented people, such as:

  • Yesenia Volzhankina - Latvian all-around champion, a promising athlete;
  • Yesenia Butorina is a charming gymnast who shows great promise despite young age(Birth 2003);
  • Singer Yesenia;
  • Yesenia Shlyapnikova is a young but active athlete. Her achievements are stunning.

Video: The meaning of the name Yesenia

Many believe that the rare name Yesenia is associated with the heroine of an old Mexican film. This is not entirely true, since its meaning allows for the most different interpretations. The gentle and melodic sound of this name determines the extraordinary character traits of its bearer.

Where did it come from and what does it mean?

Experts have not yet come to a consensus on what the unusual name Yesenia means, and its origin also remains unclear. The heroine of the film of the same name, which was successfully shown on the screens of our country back in 1975, would be called Hesenia in Spain. This name has Jewish roots, and its translation means “she who sees.” However, there is an opinion that the word Yesenia has a Slavic basis. This consonance is reflected in the surname of Sergei Yesenin and can mean “clear”, “spring” or “esen” (autumn). Moreover, they claim that in Russia such a female name was given in honor of a famous poet.
There are versions about its origin from the Greek Xenia (foreigner), the Turkic Isan (healthy), and the Arabic Hassan (good). Thus, the origin and meaning of this name are not definitively determined. Since it is not very common, there are few celebrities among its bearers. First of all, we can name two athletes - track and field athlete Yesenia Vologzhanina (Latvia) and rhythmic gymnast Yesenia Butorina (Russia).

Name options

In Russian there is one full form- Yesenia and several short, diminutive and affectionate ones: Asya, Yasya, Yesya, Yesi, Enya, Senia, Senya, Senechka, Yesenya, Yesenka. This name is also known abroad. Its most common variant is Yesenia (Yesenya), there are forms Yasenia, Yezenia, Yessenia, Jessenia (correctly pronounced as Hesenya), etc. When our citizens issue a foreign passport, the designation of this name looks like ESENIIA.

When to celebrate name day?

According to the traditions of Orthodoxy, Yesenia is not included in the church calendar. Most often, the baby is named Eugenia at baptism. You can choose another patron saint for the girl, for example, according to the day on which she was born. If you want to baptize your baby with the most consonant name, then it is recommended to choose the beautiful and rare Yesiya. A student of the hieromartyr Bishop Pankratius lived at the end of the 1st - beginning of the 2nd centuries. and was burned by the pagans for her faith. Her memorial day is July 20.

Childhood and youth

It is believed that Yesenia inherits her appearance from her mother and is very close to her throughout her life. The main quality of her character is early years- this is friendliness. Cheerfulness and sociability allow her to feel great in kindergarten, and at school. And even such a feature of a child as an irrepressible imagination allows her to quickly find a common language with her peers.

But Yesenia’s main feature is her rejection of deception and a heightened sense of justice, because of which she can intervene in any situation without fear of trouble.

All these qualities allow the girl to lead among her peers. She studies well and attends willingly extracurricular activities, various sections. Yesya is active, loves outdoor games, goes in for sports and dancing, and can achieve great success in these areas. Thanks to such hobbies, girls named Yesenia good health, besides, they know how to keep an eye on him. She will not miss the first symptoms of illness and will immediately seek help, and as she grows older she will prefer healthy eating and an active lifestyle. True, with excessive stress, neuroses may appear already in adolescence.

Personality Features

Yesenia's characteristics and her relationships with others practically do not change as she grows up. She harmoniously combines goodwill and an innate sense of justice with determination and the ability to achieve her goal and at the same time looks very feminine. In most cases, her fate is happy. From her youth, a woman with this name can judge practically everything sensibly and knows how to clearly define her goals and ways to achieve them. However, behind the external well-being lies the secret of her soul. It lies in the fact that Yesenia has too soft a character and often judges people better than they deserve. Therefore, her desire to come to the aid of those who consider themselves offended can be used for selfish purposes. But even having revealed the bitter truth, the bearer of such a name is inclined to forgive those who tried to manipulate her, however, they should no longer count on her help.

To complete the description of the character of the woman whose name is Yesenia, it should be noted that she is often a sincere believer. Visiting the temple, helping those in need - all this comes from the needs of her soul and is never advertised. Bearers of this name are often inclined to delve into their own mistakes and criticize themselves unnecessarily, which is carefully hidden from others. In attempts to achieve perfection, for example, in work, Yesenia can put her own hobbies, including love ones, in the background, and identify herself in the eyes of others as a rather mercantile person. IN general view The main traits of her character are distributed as follows:

Personal and family life

Yesenia takes relationships with men very seriously. She does not need fleeting romances without obligations, she will not jump recklessly into a love whirlpool and can spend a lot of time choosing a serious and reliable partner. The girl will look for in him the kindness and affection inherent in her, and only then will she be able to fully reveal her feelings. Yesenia subconsciously strives for submission, but only to that person in whom she has complete trust.

Such searches can take a lot of time, so early marriages are uncharacteristic for women with this name. The only exception may be an unfavorable situation in parental home and the desire to get rid of it. Often Yesenia is ready to devote herself entirely to her family, for this she can sacrifice work and does not even allow the thought of adultery. She gives all her energy to her husband and children, but, despite the trusting relationship, she shows her inherent tendency to lead. At the same time, a woman can eventually return to her career aspirations. If the husband can come to terms with this, their marriage will be long and happy. To a large extent it depends on what his name is. Name compatibility can be indicated using the table below.

Profession, career, work

Most often, Yesenia makes her professional choice back in school years. She loves animals, is interested in needlework and design, and with all the gentleness of her character, she proves herself to be an excellent organizer. In addition, the girl understands the need for a good education. Therefore, when choosing any direction of activity, she approaches it very thoughtfully and tries to prepare for the start of her career as best as possible.

Among the professions in which Yesenia can express herself primarily are: physician, teacher, lawyer, journalist, psychologist, architect, art critic. Thanks to their innate organizational skills and communication skills, girls with this name make good managers and businesswomen. In addition, they often become professional athletes or dancers.