To always be in the know and predict situations, use the recommendations of the women's horoscope for September.

Despite the fact that the first month of autumn is ahead, life will be full of surprises and pleasant encounters. There is no need to tune in to rainy weather and a dull mood. Remember that everything is in your hands. And to stock up on vitamins and boost your immunity, add medicinal herbs to your tea, which will fill you with strength and positivity.


This month will provide an excellent opportunity to express yourself in new field activities. Remember what job you dreamed of and start moving towards your dream. The beginning of autumn is the most suitable period for this, and luck will accompany you at every step. The main thing is not to give up when difficulties arise, and then by the end of the month you will be able to enjoy your first successes.


September will develop in you all the necessary qualities that have been lacking for so long. If you are used to resolving all issues personally, try delegating some of your responsibilities to your trusted person. Yes, it will be very difficult to do at first, but you will be surprised how much time you can free up for more important things.


At the beginning of autumn, you don’t need to strain yourself or make extra efforts in simple matters. You have already laid all the necessary foundations in previous months. Now all you have to do is relax and take advantage of every opportunity given to you. However, don’t miss the moment when the right situation appears on the horizon. Now your main task is to enjoy life and accept the gifts of fate.


September has prepared a special gift for you, namely, making your desires come true. And they will really come true if you make even the slightest effort for this. Don't be afraid to take the first step towards your goal and you will see how necessary people and opportunities themselves will begin to come into your life. And to conquer your fear, use a proven folk technique.

a lion

Love affairs can turn your head so much that you risk completely forgetting about other matters and responsibilities. Be vigilant and remember the rule of the golden mean. Although, if you prefer to do housework and receive money from a man, then there is nothing wrong with that. You can allow yourself to be weak for a little while.


This month is worth thinking about what you really want from life. Perhaps you have long dreamed of leaving your boring job and opening your own business. Then you should remember about your hobby, which is perfect as a job and will bring not only pleasure, but also decent income.


Remember when you last time relaxed and had a good time with friends. If you can’t remember what month it was, immediately drop everything and go on vacation. You won’t earn all the money, but you can get a nervous breakdown and depression in no time. Learn to relax and start your day with a simple audio meditation, which perfectly relieves stress and puts you in a great mood.


September is the best month for family relationships. Try to spend more time with your loved ones and loved ones. This way you will be filled with energy and inspired for new achievements. Remember that the support of your family is a powerful impetus to achieve your goals, so use this opportunity to your fullest.


At the beginning of autumn, you need to clearly express your desires and goals. If you cannot correctly explain to your work colleagues what exactly you expect from them, or if you do not voice to your significant other what you like in your relationship, then you risk never getting it. To expect the desired results from others, determine for yourself what exactly you want.


In September, stars recommend properly separating your personal life and career. If you are in the habit of complaining to your work colleagues about your significant other, then this information can ultimately be used against you. To succeed in business and move up the career ladder, act confident and don't talk about your difficulties at home.


The time has come for you to have romantic relationships and love experiences. Don't reject these feelings, even if they are unrequited. Such emotions will help you in personal development, and will also push you to make a decision that you have been thinking about for a long time. Immerse yourself in your feelings and take from life everything that it offers you.


Astrologers remind that love triangles and simple flirting at work will not lead to anything good. There is no need to mix personal and professional relationships: this way you will not achieve either a promotion or an increase in salary. Show yourself as a business-like and responsible person, confidently pursuing your goals. And dedicate everything you have to romance free time.

At the beginning of autumn, many will finally be able to decide on their goals and priorities, and will also lay the foundation for future victories. To always stay in shape and attract admiring glances, use meditation to open the heart chakra, which will awaken even more femininity and sensuality in you. Women's horoscope wishes you good mood, new victories, and don't forget to press the buttons and

The horoscope for September 2016 advises all signs to throw themselves into work. After the summer, a lot of things have accumulated that cannot be put off. Show your ability to enjoy a promotion in the future.


September 2016, according to the horoscope, is preparing tests for Aries, after which unattainable peaks will be conquered.

Work area

At the beginning of September, you will have the opportunity to prove yourself and show your management skills. Under the influence of the Black Moon you may become indecisive, however, try to fight with yourself.

In the middle of the month, give up grandiose plans. You need to embody them only after September 23, then Jupiter and the Sun will support you.


Free Aries will experience a far-fetched feeling of falling in love. Attention will fall on close representatives of the opposite sex: neighbors, doctors, colleagues... Be careful, because vulgar behavior can ruin relationships.

Aries who already have a partner need to be attentive to the moods of their other half. On September 16, avoid quarrels and misunderstandings.

In general, the month is favorable for sports.


The horoscope for Taurus in September 2016 will help answer questions that have been troubling representatives of the sign for a long time.

Work area

The first week of September at work will be full of tasks and matters that will require quick solutions. Don't complain to others, because your capabilities are wider than you think. You can cope with all problems by taking your will into your fist.

At the end of September, the Sun and Jupiter will bring small profits. Don't spend the money right away, but save it until October.


Love horoscope for Taurus in September 2016 advises not to waste time on people whose existence is indifferent to you. Regular dates will not be able to develop into a serious relationship, so think about whether you are spending your time correctly.

In September 2016, married Taurus should make decisions about everyday life only together with their spouse. Find a compromise even in those things where you are sure that the truth is on your side.

In general, the first half of the month will bring good luck in all matters, but the second part of September will be hectic.


The month will be rich in new acquaintances. Don't be closed and maintain new contacts.

Work area

In the first week of September, conflicts with colleagues are possible at work. Take a closer look at those who don't like you and invite them for a cup of coffee.

The horoscope for Taurus in September 2016 predicts an improvement in the second half of the month financial situation. To do this you need to show yourself the best side and manifest Creative skills, which management will appreciate.


The love horoscope advises Taurus in September 2016 to be more restrained. If life seems boring to you, then you don’t need to cling to your partner and provoke him into a quarrel. Reconciliation may not occur as a result of this.

Free Geminis will bask in the rays of popularity among their new social circle. It’s worth taking a closer look at your new charismatic acquaintances. Among them there is a chance to meet your soulmate.

The first half of the month will be filled with problems that will take time to resolve. After September 17, go shopping.


In September 2016, the horoscope for Cancer brings great news. Representatives of the sign will finally stop living in the past and will enjoy life.

Work area

At the beginning of the month, Cancers, who still could not find their field of activity, will decide what they want to do. It is better to transfer to a new job after September 12.

The second half of the month is ideal for business trips and participation in conferences.


The love horoscope advises Cancers who are in a long-term relationship to cast aside doubts and move in with their loved one. Thoughts about expanding the family also do not leave Cancers.

After September 23, Cancers will experience different moods. Cancers will be popular among members of the opposite sex, regardless of whether they have a significant other.

Read also:

The month is favorable for relaxation and meeting with old friends.

a lion

The horoscope for September 2016 states that Leos will be in the right place at the right time all month. But at the same time, even avid homebodies need to leave the house.

Work area

At work, Leos will have good mood the whole month and all the work started will end in success.

After September 13, Leos who are looking for a job can safely go for interviews even with large companies. At presentations and conferences, everyone will be amazed by your abilities.

At the end of the month at work, there is a high probability of receiving a bonus or promotion.


The love horoscope for September 2016 predicts many dates and new acquaintances for Leos. You will get pleasure from meetings, but it is unlikely to end in a serious relationship.

For married or busy Leos, the horoscope advises them to spend more time with their partner in order to find out his hidden desires and dreams. Take advantage of this opportunity to make your partner's dream come true.

In September, Leos will think about marriage. If your partner is not ready yet, do not insist and wait for time.

The month is favorable for large purchases (car, apartment). The end of the month is especially favorable for transactions.


Work area

In September, Virgos will show themselves as true workaholics. Colleagues and bosses will admire you, and some will even begin to envy you. Don't lose your working spirit and career growth will come very soon.

In the middle of the month, do not be afraid to express your opinion on the project if it differs from the majority opinion. Your intuition will not let you down and your boss will listen to you.


For free Virgos, the love horoscope for September 2016 recommends drawing up a wish map and entering ideas about an ideal man into the love sector. The planets will hear you and soon fate will present you with a gift in the form of a soul mate.


The horoscope for September 2016 advises Libra to visit exhibitions, theaters and concerts more often. These kinds of events will inspire you to creative achievements.

Work area

Be creative at work, even if your work is in finance or law. A non-standard approach to business will make your superiors pay attention to you and appreciate your efforts.

From September 13 to 19, do not communicate with colleagues closer than your boundaries allow business relations. There is a great risk of spilling the beans on an idea that will be stolen by a dishonest colleague.

The end of the month is the best time to launch new projects.


The love horoscope for September 2016 advises Libra to take a step towards reconciliation with their soul mate. Start a heart-to-heart conversation that you've been putting off for a long time.

In the middle of the month, your loved one will fulfill your dream, which will greatly surprise you. This is not necessarily a material manifestation: repairs or travel will also be a pleasant gift.

The month is favorable for achieving your goals. Don’t be afraid and make every effort, because the result will appear quickly.


The horoscope for September 2016 advises Scorpios not to limit themselves. Allow yourself to realize creative impulse and the result will surprise you and those around you!

Work area

Scorpio's dream this fall - good earnings. Sit down and analyze your abilities and talents with which you can make good money. Consult with your loved ones and find out if there are vacancies in their field.

In the second half of the month, fate will bring Scorpios together with an influential person. Use connections to advance your career. Remember, whoever owns the information owns the world.


The first half of August will be calm. The love horoscope for September 2016 for Scorpios advises keeping emotions under control.

Allergy is a pathological overreaction of the body to foreign substances. Is there a human allergy?

An allergy to a person is a rejection of another person as a person or their effect on you. Manifestations of allergies to the human immune system can be expressed by pain in the eyes, swelling, runny nose, hives, sneezing and coughing.

Allergies to a person are often caused by the inability to breathe the same air. It seems that this person is secreting a substance that is not compatible with your Ego. It happens that your neighbor can become the most powerful allergen, provided that he begins to mind his own business, and therefore causes irritation in the lining of the nose and leads to sneezing.

Human allergies, once considered outlandish, are now becoming more popular and aggressive. You can develop an allergy to a person, including your neighbor, right from school, as well as at retirement age. The disease affects residents of highly civilized, economically developed countries.

An allergy to another person is retribution for our selfishness. The growth of selfishness includes a mechanism for the development of allergic reactions to one's neighbor, and this disease is incurable. The crowds are sneezing...

Allergy to humans - causes

Why does this disease occur? The answer is genetics. There is a predisposition to allergies to people. A child is 100% likely to sneeze on others if his parents did the same. Allergies are often caused by decreased immunity. But it happens that a person does not perceive another and believes that his illnesses are caused by this person.

Causes of psychological allergies:

A person nearby has a different mentality and temperament; is the opposite of your character, and the human body tends to deny someone who is very different from it;

Similarity with a person in shortcomings leads to a strong release of hormones that cause allergic reactions;

The specific smell of a person to which there is an acute reaction.

Medical theory of human allergies

An allergy to people is an autoimmune disease, expressed in an allergy to saliva, epithelium (skin), human hair, accompanied by itchy skin, a rash on the head and face. Symptoms gradually increase, leading the patient to severe exacerbation (scratching). Antiallergic drugs are ineffective for this disease.

Psychological theory of the development of human allergies

There is a connection between hatred and the development of egoism, and there is no person free from these qualities. Nowadays, all structures are susceptible to such allergies. human society: children sneeze at parents, students at teachers, young people at old people, old people at youth, leaders at people.

Human allergies were not so obvious 100 years ago. This is all due to pollution of the human environment. Every year the ego of people grows at an accelerated pace, while saturating society with its poison and creating an increasingly dirty living environment with the new generation. Inhaling air from particles of people's egos, and if interests do not coincide, you will have an allergic reaction. If interests coincide, then the air will seem pleasant and clean. It follows that the cause of sneezing is a mismatch of interests and their acute opposition. People become more aggressive, not wanting to adapt to the habits and personalities of others, and allergic manifestations intensify: cough, runny nose, itchy skin. The development of selfishness has led to terrible consequences, and the world is striving to destroy humanity with its own hands. Allergies equate to hatred. People's selfishness prevents the emergence of love, as the only cure for human allergies.

Allergy in the sense of philosophy is a kind of selfishness, as well as cynicism, expressed in inflated demands on others. You make yourself an indulgence: “I am good, normal, and let the other person change.” And if you look at the opponent’s position, then the point of view is definitely the same. And where is the truth?

Human allergies - treatment

There are no specific tests to diagnose and treat allergies in humans. You can, of course, conduct skin tests and donate blood for IgE and, after the examination, do ASIT (allergen-specific immunotherapy), which is carried out with precisely those allergens that caused the maximum reaction. This is the only treatment method that significantly reduces the disease and prevents the development of new allergic reactions. Examination and treatment are strictly prescribed by an allergist.

For treatment to be successful, it is necessary to remove the allergen from contact. Coexistence and tolerance of the allergen is not acceptable. And in order to be more tolerant of a person who is an allergen, you need to understand him and stop being prejudiced. The disease is often caused by decreased immunity. But it happens that a person does not perceive another and believes that his illnesses are caused by this person. Allergists consider the disease to be an exception to the rule, so it is necessary to seek help from a psychologist, since the reasons are not related to physiology, but lie in psychological characteristics the identity of the sick person.

Preventing human allergies

Remember that an allergic reaction to a person is a rare phenomenon and is caused in most cases by psychological characteristics.

Can a person be allergic? Maybe! Since an allergy is a negative reaction of the body to an irritant, a person is no exception in this regard. An allergy to another person is a rejection of another person as a person. This type of allergy can express the following immune symptoms:

cough; itching; sneezing; rash; rhinitis; tears; swelling.

Human allergies are often caused by eye pain, swelling, runny nose, hives, sneezing and coughing.

An allergic reaction to people is a kind of inability to be close and breathe the same air to two people. There is a feeling that a person is releasing an irritating component to which the opponent’s ego is allergic. Symptoms of a disease that has the root of the problem in the mental state are manifested by sneezing when an “allergen” is nearby. Nowadays, human allergies are no longer something supernatural; on the contrary, they are increasingly being diagnosed and are rapidly progressing. An allergic reaction to an adult can develop at absolutely any age; you can be diagnosed at school, or even in old age. And it doesn’t matter whether it’s a stranger or a close relative. The disease today affects people living in civilized, highly developed countries.

Causes of allergic reactions to people

Why does the disease develop? The main reason is hidden in genetics. Scientists agree that there is a predisposition to such an unusual type of allergic reaction. The baby will definitely sneeze on a loved one if his parents or one of his other relatives had allergy symptoms. An allergic reaction develops due to a malfunction in the human immune system. But in some cases, allergy symptoms have psychological causes. Sometimes a person considers another person to be the source of all his problems, and therefore his illness develops.

The causes of the disease are as follows:

A discrepancy in mentality and temperament, a complete opposite in character, as a result of which the human body reacts negatively to the opponent. Allergies also appear due to similarities with another person, which causes a hormonal explosion and a negative reaction. The smell emanating from another person, which is an irritant and causes allergies.

Some theories of development: medical, psychological

A negative reaction of the body to a person is an autoimmune disease that can be expressed allergic reaction on saliva, epithelium, hair. This type of allergy is accompanied by symptoms such as skin rashes and a constant desire to scratch. The symptoms are increasing all the time, and antiallergic medications have absolutely no effect. Scientists associate allergies to people with hatred and selfishness of an individual.

Nowadays, an allergic reaction to people can occur among any social structure.

Today, children sneeze at their mothers and fathers, students at their teachers, the young at the elderly, the old at the young, government officials at the people of the people. Just not so long ago we had never heard of this type of allergy, but today it is not considered something surprising. The main reason that this is happening and spreading so actively is the “dirty” human environment. Selfishness among people is constantly growing, and from year to year the threat increases significantly. Ego provokes hatred and destruction among all social classes.

An increasingly “dirty” living environment is being created for the new generation. By “breathing in” the negativity and negative emotions of strangers, people can earn a negative reaction. A person becomes aggressive, not wanting to put up with what is familiar to another, thereby increasing the symptoms of the disease, developing cough, sneeze, runny nose and rashes on the skin. The rapid development of the Ego leads to the complete collapse of humanity and the world. You could even say that an allergic reaction is like hatred. A person’s selfishness does not allow the development of such bright feelings as love, kindness, harmony. But an allergy to people can be cured precisely with the help of kindness and love, emanating from within a person and spreading not selectively, but to everything around.

From a philosophical point of view, an allergic reaction is a kind of symbiosis of selfishness and cynicism, which are expressed in too high demands on people. And on the contrary, the allergic person himself considers himself better than others, makes concessions to himself, talking about why on earth he, and not his opponent, should change. And the opponent also considers himself right - the truth cannot be found.

How to cure human allergies

There are no special tests to identify this type of allergy. The only method is to undergo skin tests in a laboratory. Such tests will allow you to isolate an irritating substance that negatively affects the body, causing extremely unpleasant symptoms. After testing, it is recommended to undergo allergen-specific immunotherapy in order to identify the irritant as accurately as possible. This method will reduce relapses of the disease and discomfort. It is strictly forbidden to self-medicate; you must visit an allergist and sometimes a psychologist so that they can correct effective treatment allergies to humans. In order for therapy to have the most positive effect, it is necessary to completely eliminate contact with a person to whom the body reacts negatively.

It is strictly forbidden to coexist and tolerate the irritant. However, you still need to work on yourself - try to understand the allergen, listen to it, become more tolerant of it. The disease sometimes develops due to decreased immunity, but people mistakenly believe that the cause of the symptoms was another person.

Allergists consider this type of allergy to be an exception and most often give the patient a referral to visit a psychologist’s office, since the main reason lies in the patient’s head and is not physical. For preventive purposes, people with such unusual allergies are advised to stay away from the allergenic person. Contact with such people should be completely avoided. You need to rest more, walk in the fresh air, go on picnics and in gardens. You need to understand that an allergic reaction to people is usually due to psychological reasons.

How to distinguish an allergic runny nose from a cold

It would seem, what’s special if a person has a runny nose? Indeed, a runny nose does not pose any danger if it lasts no more than a week and the snot is clear. However, if the disease drags on and there is no improvement, many people ask themselves the question - is it allergic in nature? This is especially true for children, since their immune system is not fully formed and parents cannot be sure whether the baby is allergic to something.

It is very easy to confuse an allergic runny nose with a cold. Many symptoms of ARVI can also occur with allergies - sneezing, coughing, watery eyes. What to do in such a situation? How to distinguish one from the other? After all, if the runny nose is of an allergic nature, the principles of treatment change radically.

What is the difference between a cold and an allergic runny nose?

Everyone knows how it develops viral disease, but not everyone is familiar with an allergic reaction. If you have a runny nose, pay attention to the accompanying symptoms.

  1. Origin. Often a person knows the cause of a viral infection. That is, a runny nose is probably a cold if it appears after hypothermia or after contact with a sick person. Allergic rhinitis most often appears suddenly and develops quickly.
  2. Pathogen. If you have an allergic runny nose, you can try to track the allergen to which your body reacts. Analyze when a runny nose becomes active. If mucus production increases indoors, pay attention to dust or possible allergens in the home. Sometimes a runny nose occurs on animal fur, after inhaling pollen from certain plants. If your runny nose only becomes active at night, you may have a reaction to the pillow filling.

These are detailed symptoms that can be used to distinguish a cold from an allergic one. However, sometimes the allergic nature of rhinitis often turns into bacterial, and vice versa. That is why an allergist is the best person to help you cope with this task. He will ask you in detail about your lifestyle, the presence of pets in the house, and also about allergies in relatives. Patients are often prescribed allergy tests, which can detect not only the fact of an allergy, but also help identify the allergen.

How to treat colds and allergic rhinitis

It is not difficult to treat a cold, the main thing is not to start the process. You need to drink plenty of fluids - not a mug of raspberry tea, but 2-3 liters of warm liquid. This will allow you to flush the virus out of your body as quickly as possible. In addition, you need to take antiviral drugs and increase immune activity. Humidify the air in the room, ventilate the room so that the nasal mucosa does not dry out. Inhalation, nasal rinsing, and warming are very effective in treating colds. You can put garlic, onion, aloe and black radish juice into your nose. If your nose is stuffy, use vasoconstrictors, but remember, they cannot be used for more than five days - they are addictive. A few days of such treatment - and the patient will certainly improve.

Dealing with allergic rhinitis is more difficult. Especially if it is not possible to identify the allergen. You need to pay utmost attention to bedding and textiles in the house - curtains, sofa upholstery, bedspreads, carpets. If possible, you should discard them, and those that remain should be vacuumed as often as possible. Wet cleaning should be done daily. Allergies can also be to certain foods, animal dander, medications, or pollen. The main treatment for allergic rhinitis is identifying the allergen and possibly preventing exposure to it.

For those with allergies, you can install fine filters in your home, stop smoking, and more carefully monitor hygiene in your home. To relieve the symptoms of allergic rhinitis, you should always have antihistamines with you.

If a person suffers from allergies, he can usually distinguish an allergic runny nose from a cold, and is well oriented by his feelings. But parents of small children have a hard time - they are still searching for the correct diagnosis. However experienced doctor will help distinguish one from the other and prescribe adequate treatment.

Well, stop sneezing! How to make life easier with seasonal allergies?

There is still snow in some places, and my nose is stuffy and my eyes are running. Can spring allergies start ahead of schedule?

Answered by Professor Mikhail Kostinov, head of the laboratory of vaccine prevention and immunotherapy of allergic diseases, Research Institute of Vaccines and Serums named after. Mechnikov:

Allergy season has begun. The first allergenic plants (hazel) bloomed in the forests. And patients with rhinitis and lacrimation began to turn to doctors.

Allergy or ARVI?

Lydia Yudina, AiF: Mikhail Petrovich, how do you know if you have a cold or an allergy?

Many people walk around with a “cold” all spring and even end up in the hospital with suspected pneumonia. Unfortunately, not all doctors know the characteristic sign of allergies - swelling of the nasopharynx (occurs due to irritation caused by pollen).

- At what age does allergies most often begin?

Allergies can occur at any age - even in retirement. But most often it occurs in children under one year of age (6-7 months). The “peak” occurs at 2.5-5 years. A harbinger of an allergy is often an inflammatory skin lesion (atopic dermatitis), which shows the body's high allergic readiness. Later, dermatitis, as a rule, disappears, and respiratory allergies take its place. In a favorable situation (and with proper treatment), the allergy goes away with age (or does not proceed so violently), in an unfavorable situation, hay fever is replaced by bronchial asthma.

- What types of allergies are considered the most severe?

There is no such thing as a mild allergy. But the hardest and mass appearance- hay fever (pollen allergy). Firstly, it is impossible to exclude contact with the allergen (exacerbations are caused by tiny particles of pollen, invisible to the eye). Secondly, at the beginning of spring, many people also suffer from colds, and the combination of a cold and allergies is a hellish mixture that is as difficult for patients to tolerate as heart disease.

Treat or endure?

- Allergy treatment is lengthy, expensive and not always effective. Isn't it easier to endure it?

Not every allergy can be tolerated. Her manifestations ( headache, incessant coughing, sneezing, rhinitis) unsettle the patient for a long time. Allergy season is starting for some patients in early spring and ends late autumn(after leaf fall). And if the allergy, in addition to hay fever, manifests itself as urticaria or bronchial asthma, treatment cannot be avoided.

In addition, hay fever is one of the few types of allergies that can be cured. Specific immunotherapy (treatment with small doses of allergens), often called an allergy shot, can permanently save a person from suffering. The low prevalence of allergies in rural regions is explained precisely by the fact that children there are exposed to allergens from the first days of life.

Will there ever be a cure for allergies?

Allergy is not a disease, but a form of existence of an organism that reacts in an unusual way to ordinary things. Therefore for many people the only way defeating allergies means mastering the technique of living safely with your illness.

Causes of frequent sneezing in children and adults

It is generally accepted that frequent sneezing and runny nose are caused by a cold infection. But this is not always the case. Therefore, without understanding the reasons, a person may proceed to the wrong treatment. And this, in turn, will not give any result at best. Let's look at the factors that cause this symptom.

The main reasons for frequent sneezing

Frequent sneezing causes:

  • artificial irritation caused by chemical or mechanical intervention;
  • viral or cold infection;
  • allergic reaction of the body (animal fur, plant pollen, tobacco smoke, perfumes, etc.);
  • temperature difference (a person goes from a warm room to a cold one).

It often happens that sneezing and runny nose are not caused by any complications. It is enough to change the environment or get rid of the irritant. If symptoms occur long time then treatment and a visit to the doctor cannot be postponed. For people who experience back pain, sneezing may cause some discomfort. Sometimes the manifestation becomes too painful, and patients try to “mute” this urge.

Perhaps a cold?

Sneezing and runny nose can be symptoms of a cold. Sneezing during a cold is the body's reaction to irritation of the upper mucous membrane of the nose. Colds affect the upper respiratory tract and are accompanied by:

  • cough;
  • elevated temperature;
  • state of lethargy;
  • sore throat.

A cold appears due to hypothermia or contact with a sick person. In this case, you need to take antipyretic and anti-inflammatory drugs, and maintain bed rest.

Important! Sneezing and runny nose without fever are not always harmless. If they are seasonal, such as in spring or summer when plants bloom, then it is an allergic reaction.

How to correctly interpret the symptoms?

How can you understand that the patient has an allergy and not a common ARVI? With a common cold there should be a fever. With allergies, paroxysmal sneezing occurs (20-30 times per minute). With a common cold, sneezing may occur, but not as often. Sneezing with allergies is accompanied by a runny nose. But the runny nose is not ordinary, it is watery. When you have a cold, the nasal discharge has a thick consistency and a greenish tint, while when you have an allergy, the nasal discharge is watery and clear in color. Accordingly, with an allergy, the following occurs:

  • itching of eyes and skin;
  • redness;
  • swelling;
  • sneezing and runny nose.

Therefore, allergies can be distinguished from colds with the naked eye.

The question arises: how to stop sneezing?

Important! First of all, you need to understand that sneezing is an absolutely normal protective reaction of the body to remove foreign particles from the respiratory tract.

Even “advanced” allergies can be cured at home. Just remember to drink once a day.

Under no circumstances should you sneeze into yourself, because when you sneeze, all harmful microorganisms leave the body. When you sneeze into yourself, they are retained, which can lead to inflammatory processes in the nasopharynx.

If sneezing is caused by colds, then it is better to rinse the nasal cavity with saline solution. In this way, you will not only get rid of mucus, but you will also be able to protect yourself from more serious consequences. After rinsing, you will ease nasal breathing and get rid of dry nose. To prepare saline solution you need to take a glass of boiled water, add a teaspoon of salt and a couple of drops of iodine. For instillation, you can use vasoconstrictors and drugs with antiviral effects.

For allergies, you can use antihistamines and nasal sprays with hormones. Allergy sufferers can undergo specific immunotherapy. It consists of injecting the patient with an increasing dose of the allergen to which he is hypersensitive. This treatment reduces sensitivity to this allergen. If possible, contact with the allergen should be avoided.

In children, sneezing occurs mainly for the same reasons as in adults. Parents should pay attention to the symptoms that children exhibit. The result of an allergic disease in children can be bronchial asthma. If several times during feeding the child greedily grabs and then spits out the pacifier, and sniffles between feedings, these are signs that the child has developed allergic rhinitis. The child's consumption of an allergen (protein cow's milk) causes swelling of the mucous membrane, which blocks the nasal passages. In a situation where a child pets a cat or helps with cleaning, he begins to have bouts of runny nose and sneezing. IN warm time year, the child “gets a cold” (pollen allergy). These are signs that your child is suffering from allergic rhinitis.

Allergic rhinitis as a common cause of frequent sneezing

Allergic rhinitis is an acute allergic disease of the nasal mucosa and paranasal sinuses caused by exposure to allergens. In very young children and infants, the disease can even lead to hospitalization.

Allergic rhinitis can either get worse or subside. In children, it is accompanied by profuse nasal discharge, which cannot be stopped even by instillation. All this is intensified by itching, swelling, redness of the eyes, and sneezing.

Allergic rhinitis with scratching and paroxysmal sneezing is called a “funny disease.” However, the consequences can be very serious. Difficulty breathing leads to the child not getting enough sleep, and the perception of information and attention deteriorate. Confirmation that a child is exhibiting allergy symptoms is attempts to treat a cold with home methods (honey, mustard plasters, rubbing), which lead to an even greater deterioration of the condition.

Morning sneezing - what is the reason?

If your baby has been constantly sneezing in the morning for three weeks or more, the temperature is normal. How to fight? If there is constant sneezing, only in the morning and is absent during the day, then the problem is either in the child or the place where he sleeps. As soon as the child's position or the place where the child sleeps changes, the sneezing disappears. This suggests that the child has a fairly common disease, posterior rhinitis, that is, inflammation of the posterior parts of the nose. In this situation it is allergic because the virus cannot be present in the body for three weeks. With this sore, mucus is produced in the back wall of the nose, which flows down the wall of the pharynx. During sleep, mucus accumulates in the oropharynx and the child experiences sneezing. But sometimes the cause of mucus formation is the place where the child sleeps. It is necessary to analyze what factor appeared in the family when the child began to sneeze. If someone had snot or ARVI, then everything is clear. A new crib or toy, or a flowering plant may appear in the bedroom. This could be the powder that was used to wash the child's bedding or clothes. Maybe you got a pet. Summarizing everything, you need to protect the child from possible allergens and humidify the air in the room. The most important thing is to invite a doctor to listen to the child’s lungs.

What's the benefit?

While sneezing is a symptom of various diseases, it can be beneficial. Providing a preventive effect, ridding the body of pathogenic bacteria and foreign particles. Especially in children, sometimes it is necessary to evoke this urge, because they simply cannot blow their nose. There are many ways to induce sneezing. They can simply be from mechanical stress:

  • cotton swab;
  • feather;
  • massaging your forehead above your nose.

Herbal sneeze stimulants have not only a preventive effect. They produce an anti-inflammatory effect.

Frequent sneezing can be a symptom of allergies and the common cold. In most cases, this symptom is easily eliminated by correcting everyday life and does not require contacting a specialist, but there are also cases in which allergic rhinitis and frequent sneezing are a symptom of complications of serious pathologies.

Symptoms and treatment of sneezing due to allergies

A runny nose and sneezing due to allergies are some of the most characteristic symptoms, along with itching, watery and red eyes, as well as skin reactions. If such signs appear in the warm season, they are most likely caused by seasonal allergies. Year-round allergies with periods of exacerbation or a sudden acute attack can be caused by various foods (rarely), animal dander, mold, dust, pollen indoor plants, metals and various chemical compounds in cleaning products and perfumes, as well as additional provoking factors such as smoke, strong odors, temperature changes.

Predisposition to allergic rhinitis is sometimes inherited.

The mechanism of sneezing due to allergies is due to a hypersensitive reaction of the immune system when the body is repeatedly exposed to allergens.

Moreover, the first symptoms of rhinitis occur mainly within a few seconds or minutes (immediate type reaction) after contact with the irritant.

For the same symptoms that occur with colds or infectious diseases, allergic rhinitis and sneezing are distinguished by the absence of fever.

An ENT doctor, an allergist and an immunologist will help you make an accurate diagnosis and prescribe the optimal comprehensive treatment.


Sneezing, runny nose, red eyes due to allergies can be caused by the following allergens:


Symptoms of sneezing and rhinitis of an allergic nature:

  • paroxysmal sneezing;
  • rhinorrhea;
  • if the allergy is accompanied by a secondary infection, clear nasal discharge takes on a purulent tint;
  • itching in the nose, in the palate, irritation in the nasopharynx;
  • inflammation in the nose, red wings of the nose from constant rubbing;
  • swelling of the nose, face;
  • red, watery eyes (allergic conjunctivitis);
  • Nasal congestion may bother you at night, but difficulty breathing is not very typical for allergic rhinitis with sneezing and usually appears during exacerbations and complications;
  • sometimes dark circles under the eyes, loss of sense of taste.

Sneezing and runny nose of an allergic nature, as a rule, make themselves felt already in childhood. Sometimes such symptoms appear for the first time during pregnancy, so if a pregnant woman goes to the doctor with the complaint: “I’m sneezing and snot is flowing,” then an allergy in this case is quite likely.

If the listed signs do not interfere with a person’s normal life, it is considered that he has a mild form of allergy; if the symptoms are more pronounced and interfere with sleep at night and work during the day, then the patient is considered to be in the middle stage.

A severe degree is characterized by severe nasal congestion, difficulty breathing, nasal discharge becomes viscous, polyps appear in the nose, and itching disappears.


Treatment of runny nose and sneezing due to allergies is based on excluding any contact with allergens and taking antihistamines, glucocorticoids, as well as auxiliary drugs (for example, vasoconstrictors, anti-inflammatory, decongestants), homeopathic remedies (Rinital, Rinosennay).

In addition to drug therapy, various physiotherapeutic procedures are prescribed.

Effective and absolutely harmless even for children and pregnant women, rinsing the nasal passages with salted water. Steam inhalations with saline solution are also effective.

Taking vitamins to support your immune system won't hurt either.

During the period of remission, allergen-specific therapy is indicated to help reduce sensitivity to specific irritants.

To strengthen the body, an allergy sufferer needs to gradually harden and do breathing exercises.

Antihistamines are available in pharmacies without a prescription in the form of tablets, nasal drops, sprays and ointments. But not all of them are safe for health (especially for 1st and 2nd generation drugs, which can affect the functioning of the central nervous system and heart), so prescribe Diphenhydramine, Claritin, Diazolin, Zodak, or “Suprastin” cannot be taken on its own.

Almost not side effects drugs of the 3rd and 4th generation, but they are quite expensive. The list of the best antihistamines includes the following drugs: Zyrtec, Erius, Cetrin, Telfast, Levocetirizine, Desloratadine, Cetirizine, Ebastine, Fexofenadine, Xyzal.

Dosages vary depending on age, but you usually need to take the medicine once a day. The course of treatment is at least 2 weeks.

Among nasal sprays for mild allergies and for prevention, sodium cromoglycate derivatives are effective: Cromohexal, Cromosol. But these drugs do not act immediately, but at least 5 days after the start of use. The course of treatment for a runny nose ranges from 2 months to year-round use for chronic allergies.

For moderate and severe allergies, the doctor may prescribe nasal drops and sprays with corticosteroids: Aldecin, Nasonex, Nazarel, Benorin, Nasobek and others. Restrictions on the use of hormonal drugs are the child's age of the allergy sufferer and gestation. The dosage and duration of taking such medications should be determined individually by a doctor.

If you have allergies, you should not overuse vasoconstrictor drops like Naphthyzin or Vibrocil, and they are generally contraindicated for women during pregnancy.

September 2016 will be under the influence of Mercury retrograde in the zodiac sign Virgo. The efforts made this month will bear the ripe fruits of vigorous activity. During this period, unprecedented intellectual abilities will be revealed, drawing energy from bottomless sources of inspiration. A logical and mathematical mindset will allow you to fully form and correctly formulate brilliant ideas and non-standard ideas. Perseverance, determination, responsibility and common sense will play a major role in realizing your intentions. It is people with such qualities who will achieve the greatest results in their professional activity. Bureaucratic work will be adequately appreciated by senior management due to exceptional vigilance and accuracy in the preparation of documentation. Consciousness will require another recharge, and as a result useful information It is advisable to use specialized educational literature and the latest information tools.

The first ten days of September will be quite bright and rich in new interesting events, since Venus will pass through the zodiac constellation Libra. These days, tender and reverent feelings in personal relationships intensify, profitable business contacts are established, the need for new impressions increases, the desire to shine in in public places, show yourself and look at others. An irresistible attraction to beauty awakens: music, theatrical performances, all kinds of exhibitions, in connection with this, taste becomes refined and a desire for changes in appearance and transformation appears. A successfully concluded deal will bring the greatest benefit during this period, since the partnership is concluded on an intuitive level. This is true for both business and personal life. Both men and women will need increased attention to themselves, and therefore casual relationships, fleeting acquaintances and unprecedented falling in love cannot be ruled out.

The second ten days of the month will pass under the influence of the Moon in Aquarius. During this period, intuitiveness, impressionability, dependence on external circumstances increase, imagination takes on fantastic forms. Thanks to strong intuition, many will be able to not only avoid most problems, but also improve their personal lives. This is what can explain the unexpected manifestation of tenderness, love and respect for others. Secretive and stingy people will show interest in the lives of others, which can cause bewilderment on the part of others. But despite all the external well-being, their souls are incinerated by a problem hidden from prying eyes and ears. During this period, strong friendships are formed, as they say for centuries, as well as promising personal relationships. Compassionate people will be eager to help those in need, sometimes even to the detriment of themselves.

The third ten days of September will be characterized by pragmatism and following the will of common sense in everything. The manifestation of even the slightest emotions will be suppressed in the bud, and practical tools will be used to achieve what is planned. During this period, Mars will be in Capricorn, which means that strong and resilient people will enter the arena, not losing heart in the face of insurmountable obstacles and looking for a way around for further qualitative advancement. It is on these days that patience combined with perseverance and perseverance will bring the greatest results. Brave, but at the same time, cautious people will take a leading position in the team and will be able to achieve the expected results in a relatively short time. short term. Managers will appreciate hard work and initiative, which means they will soon shine real opportunity career growth.

Month September 2016, monthly horoscope

Read zodiac horoscope for the month of September 2016 for each zodiac sign published on the Kaleidoscope of Horoscopes website.

The general horoscope for September 2016 predicts a decline in the implementation of new projects, so during this period it is advisable to think about improving your skills and establishing business contacts. September 2016 will be good for those who are not looking for easy ways to achieve their desired goals. But you should prepare for the fact that not all plans will come true. Therefore, try to concentrate on the main task, and let the small ones wait in the wings.

Unfavorable days in September 2016 for all zodiac signs - 1, 9,16 and 23.

Aries (March 21 - April 20)

In September, the horoscope does not promise a quiet life for representatives of the Aries sign. You should especially be wary of the middle of the month; at this time you can, without meaning to, “break the woods.” Therefore, be careful in your personal relationships. Your categorical statements can hurt your loved ones. Only constant control of emotions will help avoid sad consequences. The best way out is to direct the flow of energy in a peaceful direction. Why not start renovating your home or start learning a foreign language?

Work and finance

The financial situation of Aries in September 2016 is likely to be stable. There may also be pleasant surprises: an old debt will be returned or high interest will be charged at the bank, and this will improve the state of your wallet. After the summer vacation, it will be difficult to get into work mode, but you should switch as quickly as possible; summer stories can be told to colleagues on long, winter evenings.

In the first month of autumn, you may receive invitations to a new job that you have dreamed of for so long. This is where your inherent persistence will help.

Aries businessmen in September must show maximum caution and prudence in business.

In the second half of the month, there is a risk of finding yourself at the epicenter of a scandal, so try to keep your opinion to yourself during this time until better times.

Love, family

Nothing is simple in love: September is rich in contradictions. In the combination of planets, moments of significant meetings and events that foreshadow great love And high relations. On the other hand, everything is so changeable that one careless word can turn everything upside down. Free Aries will rush into a new relationship, but soon they will be disappointed just as quickly. Be careful at the moment of separation, your passion will try to do as much harm as possible in the end.

Family Aries can also get confused in relationships, but close relatives and friends will come to the rescue. Passions will subside, especially since the younger generation will require a lot of time and attention. At the end of the month, the troubles will recede, the cooling-off period will end, without leaving a big mark on the marital relationship.


In such a turbulent period of life, you should monitor your health. To avoid big problems, the horoscope advises to save nervous system. Spend less time watching TV or at the computer. Stick to your diet and sleep schedule. In the second half of the month, exacerbation of gastritis is possible. Therefore, it would be good to resort to a cleansing diet.

Daily walks in the fresh air will help strengthen the immune system and get through the autumn period without special problems with health.

Favorable days - 1, 2,16, 20, 21, 24, 30. Unfavorable days - 7, 8, 14, 18, 26, 28.

Taurus (April 21 - May 20)

In September 2016, Taurus will be successful in business; they can handle any undertaking. During this period, it would be nice to analyze the past, make correct conclusions and adjust something in your lifestyle. This may require resorting to yoga philosophy or other areas of spiritual development. Eastern spiritual and physical practices are more suitable for men of this sign.

The horoscope advises Taurus to remain silent more in September, to listen carefully to others, especially at work. This will save you from a lot of trouble.

Work and finance

Representatives of the zodiac sign Taurus can expect good career growth in September. But at the same time, it is advisable to avoid communicating with people who can bring you out of your state of inner peace. Your superiors will closely monitor your actions and will appreciate your efforts. This will be a chance to climb another step up the career ladder. Thanks to this, your financial situation will improve significantly. You need to hold on to the money; you may need it in the very near future.

If you decide to radically change the direction of your activity, then the decision made on the day of the new moon will be successful.

Love, family

Free Taurus will be intrigued by the news that a person he has known for a long time is secretly in love with him. The Taurus woman will find an impressive admirer who will offer her his hand and heart in the near future. The horoscope favors such a marriage. Taurus Man, having forgotten about previous relationships, will try to start over with a person from the past, but this is unlikely to lead to marriage.

Family Taurus will have to make a lot of effort to maintain balance and warmth in their relationship. During September, situations will periodically arise when Taurus will have to hide their grievances, but sometimes they will have to slam their fist on the table. Schoolchildren will bring a lot of worries. There will be a certain decline in the relationship with your loved one, and there will be a lack of thrill. This means you need to tune in to the wave of love and tenderness. Your partner will feel this, and your feelings will be bright and romantic again.


This month, the horoscope advises representatives of the Taurus zodiac sign not to let their health status take its course. It is imperative to monitor your sleep and eating patterns. Breathing exercises and walks in the fresh air will supply your brain cells with oxygen. Dedicate your weekend to walking alone around beautiful places. This way you can tune in to a positive mood, your body will become light and your head will be clear.

Favorable days - 2, 4, 7, 8, 22, 23, 30. Unfavorable days - 10, 13, 14, 19, 28.

Gemini (May 21 - June 21)

Representatives of the Gemini zodiac sign will experience changes and unexpected twists of fate in September 2016. At the same time, it is important to act and not remain an outside observer. At making the right choice priorities, the horoscope promises Gemini victory and success in almost all areas of life.

In the first half of September, beware of gossip and avoid participating in intrigues: in the eyes of others, you may remain guilty of matters to which you have nothing to do.

In the second half of the month, you will be able to manage your finances rationally or successfully take out a loan. The main advice of the stars: be persistent and do not deviate from your intended goal.

Work and finance

When working, the stars advise focusing on current affairs and doing everything that is left “for later.”

There comes a favorable moment for a change of workplace, and for negotiations with senior management about a promotion.

Until the twentieth of September, refrain from any expenses; it is better to purchase real estate or invest in enterprises in the last week of the month. By this time, you will have a clear picture of everything that is happening, and this will allow you to fulfill your old dream, and even win.

Love, family

In September 2016, Gemini, torn between work and family, will still choose work, and this will affect their relationship with their other half. Constant conversations in a raised voice will lead to even greater distance from each other. The horoscope advises Gemini to slow down and really evaluate their behavior. Isn’t it better to simply explain that the difficult period will soon end, and you will again be able to pay attention and care to your family?

Children during this period will not cause much trouble; they will delight you with good behavior and academic success.

Free from marriage ties, Gemini will have fun from the heart. In the company of friends, you will meet a person in whom you will be seriously interested, and you will want to be constantly close. And Gemini, hopelessly in love, finally admits their feelings. It is possible that the feelings will be mutual.


At the beginning of the month, representatives of the Gemini zodiac sign will suddenly feel a lack of vital energy. The stars advise you to rest and restore your energy potential. Towards the end of the month you will be able to return to your previous pace of life.

Favorable days - 1, 2, 9, 15, 16, 21. Unfavorable days - 7, 12, 13, 28.

Cancer (June 22 - July 22)

For all representatives of the Cancer zodiac sign, the time is coming to rethink their life principles. You will want to break everything that has been developed over the years. The horoscope warns that the first half of the month will bring trials and difficulties into your life. But, despite all the problems, Cancers will move forward and move to a higher level of spiritual development.

The stars advise Cancers to be attentive and courteous with the people around them. Especially try not to offend your own or other people's children.

Work and finance

September 2016 is a fruitful period for Cancers as in own business, and for those who work for hire. They will be able to implement everything they have planned, all negotiations and business trips will be successful. In September, business owners can safely change equipment and invest in innovative programs - everything will be successful and bring profit. Your financial situation will be stable and good luck will accompany you.

In the second half of the month, Cancers should be vigilant when signing financial documents, as mistakes are possible due to which you may be accused of deception. A friendly atmosphere will reign in the work team; there will be no time left for intrigue. If during this period you are offered advanced training courses or something similar, you must agree: this will be the beginning of a series of events that will make your head spin.

Love, family

In the days of September, Cancers expect continuous victories. Cancer Man will be able to achieve the intended goal. The Cancer woman will be more charming than ever, and this will attract the opposite sex to her.

Cancers, which consist of family relationships, you should listen to your partner’s comments; there is some truth in his claims. If it is clear that you are not on the same path with this person, explain it to him. In September, even the breakup of a long-standing relationship will be almost painless, and ahead - new love. The stars warn: do not step into the same river twice. If a person from the past returns to your life, do not under any circumstances renew your relationship with him. The consequences of such an affair can be very undesirable for both of you.


After summer season Representatives of the Cancer zodiac sign are full of strength and energy. But the horoscope for September 2016 still advises you to undergo a general examination, and pay special attention to the blood test. There may be problems with cholesterol, the cause of which can be determined by a doctor.

Favorable days - 2, 3, 8, 9, 17, 23, 30. Unfavorable days - 11, 14, 21, 28.

Leo (July 23 - August 23)

September 2016 is a special time for Leos: they will feel omnipotent and irresistible. With the onset of the first autumn month, peace will reign in the souls of most representatives of the Leo zodiac sign. They will finally be able to choose an occupation that will lead to more high level welfare. Thanks to their analytical mindset, Leos will be able to avoid sharp corners and unjustified risks. But at the same time, you should beware of flatterers; it’s easy to fall into their network. In the middle of the month you will be reminded about outstanding debts. The stars advise not to delay or be greedy, otherwise you will lose a lot more.

Work and finance

A very favorable moment for Leo to climb the career ladder. The horoscope for September has prepared for them a happy coincidence of circumstances, thanks to which they will be able to find new ways to earn money. You will receive several lucrative offers for a promising position.

New ways to solve problems will open up in business. In September 2016, a person will appear next to Leo with an offer of partnership in business. Don't ignore it: the stars indicate that your tandem will become a star. The business will be able to be put on a grand scale, and the profit will please you very quickly.

This month, do not take out loans, and in general you should monitor your financial documents very carefully.

Love, family

Love for Leo in September 2016 will become a kind of outlet from work affairs. They will be gentle and attentive to their partners, for which they will receive mutual warmth and care. Leo Man he will literally overwhelm his chosen one with gifts and flowers. The Leo woman will try to spend more time at home, with her family.

There is a high probability that single Leos will meet their chosen one in September. Events will develop very rapidly, it is possible that very soon the matter will end in a wedding.

But family Leos will suddenly begin to remember old grievances. If this process drags on, a break is inevitable. So people born under the sign of Leo should decide in September: either the family is their fortress, or the relationship has exhausted itself, and it’s time for the spouses to separate.


Leos are unlikely to complain about their health in September. You can even try your hand at some sport. But the stars warn: you need to know moderation in everything, and physical activity including. If suddenly the “races” begin blood pressure, you need to eliminate everything salty from your diet and consult a doctor.

Favorable days - 1, 2, 9, 10, 20, 24, 25. Unfavorable days - 7, 13, 14, 17, 28, 30.

Virgo (August 24 - September 23)

In September 2016, all representatives of the Virgo zodiac sign will be full of enthusiasm. This month, Virgos will be able to bring to life plans and projects that have been in the works for a long time. Towards the end of the month you will be on the crest of success, so you can enjoy the taste of victory!

Many of the representatives of the Virgo sign will discover new talents in themselves in September; the horoscope advises using this for the benefit of themselves and those around them.

Work and finance

September will be especially favorable to Virgos who work in the field of entertainment and creativity. A favorable atmosphere at work will give a big impetus to the implementation of plans, and new ideas will be very productive.

Virgos who have their own business will be able to lay a solid financial foundation for a new enterprise in September 2016. To do this, they will have to decide on high-risk activities. The stars promise good luck to those who listen to their intuition. In the second half of the month, you should not make hasty promises and indulge in revelations with your partners. Money will not be a problem for Virgo in September, but you need to be careful with expenses.

Love and family

For Virgos who are not married, September 2016 will be a fun time. You shouldn’t refuse invitations to parties; that’s where a fateful meeting awaits you. The horoscope shows that a new relationship will not lead to great love, but friendship will remain for years, and this person will be a reliable support for you in difficult life situations.

Representatives of the Virgo zodiac sign, who have been married for quite a long time, have no peace in their family. The full moon will negatively affect the overall environment in the house. The other half is jealous of your success in business. Try to reassure your loved one, spend time together more often, nice surprises and a romantic dinner can restore harmony to the marriage.


With the arrival of autumn, Virgos should not spend their free time on the couch. Movement is life, always remember this. The horoscope for September 2016 strongly recommends that everyone born under the constellation Virgo engage in outdoor sports. Gymnastics, brisk walking, walks before bed will saturate the body with oxygen and calm the nervous system.

Favorable days - 2, 4, 17, 18, 22, 23. Unfavorable days - 9, 10, 15, 28, 29.

Libra (September 24 - October 23)

September 2016 will bring new events to the usually measured life of people born under the sign of Libra. These people will be able to evaluate them reasonably, but some will also have a problem: the frequency of fluctuations of the scales will throw them out of their usual rut. To prevent chaos from settling in your soul, you need to focus on at this moment, don't look back to the past.

It is possible that at the beginning of autumn, Libra may plunge into a depressive state. Therefore, if you have even a small chance to go on vacation or take a week off, be sure to take advantage of it.

Work and finance

Relative order will reign in official affairs. Representatives of the Libra sign who have recently changed jobs will need to be careful in their words and actions. But at the end of September you will develop friendly relations with your colleagues, and from now on you will work calmly and fruitfully.

The rest of Libra in September may take advantage of the opportune moment to complete old projects and prepare for new ones.

Private entrepreneurs will need to make some important decisions in the first week of the month to promote their business. Financial side in September it will be stable, but it is advisable to turn on the saving mode so as not to be left with an empty pocket at the end of the month.

Love, family

Love relationships among representatives of the Libra zodiac sign in September 2016 will develop with rebellious overtones. In family relationships, disagreements will arise due to misunderstanding of each other. It will seem to you that your partner is too fussy, makes incomprehensible maneuvers, and generally runs ahead of the locomotive, not paying attention to who is nearby. The stars advise Libra not to isolate themselves and have a heart-to-heart talk with their loved one. In this way, relationships can be strengthened and differences can be resolved.

Free Libras in September can only be envied. Your personal life will be filled with romance. Libra will be very popular with people of the opposite sex. Perhaps the beginning of a new romance, and it will be love at first sight. However, the horoscope warns Libra about the danger of having an affair with a family man. This is a very unsuitable scenario for you, since everything could end in a scandal.


In September, Libra will feel especially cheerful. But you can’t relax: the danger of a return of a chronic disease is always nearby. The recommendations from the horoscope are very simple: relaxation, sports, hobbies. A good time for procedures to rejuvenate the body. Towards the end of the month, beware of hypothermia.

Favorable days - 1, 5, 9,10,16, 24. Unfavorable days - 7, 13, 18, 21, 22, 28.

Scorpio (October 24 - November 22)

In September 2016, Scorpios will be full of energy; in the first half of the month they will experience many interesting events. An unexpected meeting with a person from the past will give you pleasant memories of the time when you were close. But the stars advise you to be on your guard, not to believe everything that they tell you about your mutual friends. Also during this period a business proposal may be received. which you should not refuse, over time it will become clear that this was the very chance that is given once in a lifetime.

Work and finance

Scorpios, whose work is connected with big business, will have very important trips in September, which will become the impetus for a new round in the development of the enterprise. The main task is to put together a strong and reliable team.

The financial side of life will improve significantly due to bonuses or repaid debts. Thanks to these proceeds, all expenses for the summer vacation will be fully covered.

Love and family

In September, many Scorpios will not resist the temptation to go all out. There will be so many temptations that your head will spin. You will radiate charm that will make others pay attention to you; many want to build a serious relationship with you. And even family Scorpios will try to have an affair on the side. However, the horoscope suggests that Scorpios will still be able to set their priorities correctly. If you spend more time with your family and try to show maximum attention to your marriage partner, then intimate life will sparkle with new bright colors.


In September 2016, Scorpios will not be able to avoid stressful situations. To avoid harm to your health, you should organize proper rest. Sleep and vigorous walking will have a very good preventative effect. The daily menu should include fresh vegetables and fruits.

Favorable days - 8, 17, 18, 22, 23, 30. Unfavorable days - 1, 4, 10, 13, 14, 15, 28.

Sagittarius (November 23 - December 21)

Many representatives of the Sagittarius zodiac sign will have to spend the beginning of September 2016 on the road. A change of environment will have a beneficial effect on your energy potential.

A business trip or vacation will give Sagittarius activity; in the business sphere they will be very enterprising. The horoscope advises not to shoulder an unbearable burden during this period; this is fraught with unexpected outbursts of aggression. Don't try to relieve fatigue with alcohol.

Work and finance

During this busy period, Sagittarius leaders should avoid open conflicts with subordinates and find fault with them over trifles. Otherwise, your authority as a leader will be at risk. It is possible that spiteful critics will spread unflattering rumors about your person. The stars advise in such a situation not to succumb to provocations and behave as usual.

Material affairs will be at the same level, but for this you need to study financial documents with special meticulousness.

Love and family

In the personal life of representatives of the zodiac sign Sagittarius in September there will be everything: “laughter, tears, and love.” You shouldn't continue a relationship that has exhausted itself. There is a fateful meeting ahead, and mutual feeling will arise from the first minutes of communication.

For married couples, September is a time of calm and tranquility. At the same time, it is undesirable for Sagittarius to be excessively demanding of close people. Pay maximum attention to the younger generation, show interest in the children’s hobbies, and have a heart-to-heart talk with them. This will make the family atmosphere even more friendly.


Sagittarius will be able to safely overcome seasonal epidemics of acute respiratory infections and influenza. But sudden mood swings should be controlled so that things don’t become stressful. The best prevention is to do it wisely organized holiday: visiting the gym, exercising, walking. People born under the sign of Sagittarius are contraindicated to start a diet in September.

Favorable days - 8, 17, 18, 22, 23,30. Unfavorable days - 1, 4, 10, 13, 14, 28.

Capricorn (December 22 - January 20)

In the first month of autumn, Capricorns will have to complete things that they have not gotten around to and that do not allow them to move forward. This was reflected in Capricorns’ frequent rejection of innovations. The horoscope advises to reconsider conservative views on reality, only then will Capricorns be able to quickly achieve their cherished goals.

In the second half of September 2016, a long trip related to family matters is possible.

Work and finance

September 2016 - good time to establish contacts useful in solving business issues and career growth. The stars advise not to refuse advanced training courses and trainings. work related.

This is a difficult period in Capricorns’ relationship with the work team. If possible, do not argue with any of your colleagues, and especially with your superiors. If Capricorns have the patience to ignore provocations, then after a while success and recognition will await them. The horoscope predicts that financial difficulties will pass thanks to a lucrative contract or sponsorship.

Love, family

The love horoscope for representatives of the Capricorn zodiac sign does not promise a cloudless existence. The other half will demand that more attention be paid to her, and as a result, Capricorns will have to take time away from work to sort things out. family problems. The stars recommend taking your family out of town or inviting old friends to visit. Spending time together will relieve tension in the relationship.

For lonely Capricorns, September promises neither new novels nor romantic adventures. Most likely, this will be a period of calm development of existing relations.


At the beginning of autumn, Capricorns are advised to pay close attention to their health. If you ignore the rules healthy image life, you can provoke an exacerbation of chronic ailments. Therefore, it is worth listening to the advice of the stars and regulating your diet, sleep, and proper rest.

Favorable days - 7, 17, 18, 22, 23, 30. Unfavorable days - 1, 4, 10, 11, 15, 28, 29.

Aquarius (January 21 - February 18)

Aquarians need to know that September 2016 will be a landmark period for them. Great mood, successes in business started earlier will fill Aquarius with pride. On such a wave of positivity, you will achieve new victories. The personal life of some representatives of this sign will not fit into this picture; it will be stormy. But for most Aquarius, the situation will change in the second half of the month.

In September, the charm characteristic of these people will especially noticeably attract the attention of others. The stars advise you to use their help to make what you dreamed of come true.

Work and finance

The state of affairs in September 2016 will largely depend on what method of earning money Aquarians choose and how wisely they can manage their own and budgetary funds. The horoscope predicts that those representatives of this sign who choose the right position will have a substantial replenishment of their bank account or interest from a successful transaction.

The stars warn that during this period, and especially in the first week of September, Aquarians should not change their place of work or borrow money - it is best to wait for a more suitable arrangement of the planets.

Love, family

This is a good time for Aquarius to solve many problems. The diplomacy of people of this sign will finally make it possible to come to an agreement with a partner who has been haunted by endless claims and reproaches. The horoscope reminds that in September the parents of Aquarius will especially need their attention and care.

Free from marital responsibilities, Aquarians can easily afford to have fun and make new acquaintances in September. You can’t count on a serious relationship at this time. But flirting with new acquaintances will leave the most pleasant memories.


The stars recommend that people born under the sign of Aquarius find the opportunity to undergo a full medical examination in September. Special attention- condition of internal organs. On cool days, you should dress according to the season, this will protect you from colds. Include fruits and vegetables in your diet, do exercises, visit the pool, spend more time in the fresh air - and you are guaranteed protection from colds.

Favorable days - 1, 5, 9, 16, 20, 24. Unfavorable days - 7, 8, 22, 26, 28.

Pisces (February 19 - March 20)

For Pisces, September 2016 should be a period of some calm. In the first days of the month, you may have to make a decision related to work, and this will affect further events. The stars advise not to isolate yourself in your problems, and not to forget about friends and loved ones. Some of them will need your help and even mercy. But you should be guided not only by your heart, but also by your mind.

Pisces should take advantage of this period, which the horoscope considers favorable for sorting out relationships.

Work and finance

At the very beginning of September 2016, Pisces should focus on their professional activities, since this time is destined to become a new starting point in career growth. The result will take a long time to show.

If representatives of the Pisces sign use opportunities wisely, at the end of September there will be an opportunity to get a managerial position or go to work in a large and influential structure.

Everything will be stable financially, but revenues big money not expected.

Love, family

The beginning of autumn for Pisces is characterized by calmness and a reasonable attitude towards personal life. The stars warn that Pisces will have to take care of the affairs of their significant other’s relatives. They will not arouse enthusiasm, but a sense of duty will force Pisces to spend maximum effort and money on settling family affairs.

Marital relationships will benefit from spending more time alone in September. This is especially important if your union has suffered a deep crack.


The health of representatives of the Pisces zodiac sign in September does not cause concern. However, minor injuries to the limbs are possible. Therefore, special care will be required not only on the street, but also in household chores. The horoscope promises that from the second week of the month your attempt to lose excess weight will be successful.

Favorable days - 6, 7, 15, 23, 26, 31.

Unfavorable days - 5, 10, 12, 18, 21, 25.

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