In this section you will learn what a teaser and teaser advertising on the Internet are. How it works and what are its features. How to create teasers correctly and which affiliate programs are best to use to make money on the Internet. You will also be offered a number of articles to work on and learn all the secrets of teaser advertising.

What is teaser advertising?

Above you can see what the teaser ad looks like. As you can see, the ads themselves do not look as simple as the context. It already has some pretty attractive graphics. For this purpose, in some cases, images in gif format are used. It turns out to be a kind of short video clip. Naturally, such advertisements look very attractive. They also attract attention very well, even if they are not located on the most visible blocks of the site.

Teaser network- This is a kind of good intermediary between the advertiser and the site owner. How does turnover work in such a traffic exchange? Let’s say an advertiser comes to a teaser with some budget of his own to buy traffic to his website. Of all the money, roughly speaking, half goes to the site where it will be posted.

The second part of the money will go to the network itself. She arranges the necessary platforms for posting advertisements. Also, if necessary, can help the advertiser create his own additional advertising materials and set up teaser advertising.

Thus, the user does not need to worry about where and how to advertise their product on the Internet. The traffic exchange takes care of all this.

It is also worth noting that the affiliate network controls budget expenditure and the effectiveness of displaying ads on other sites. It is thanks to this advantage that many advertising platforms make good money, and advertisers attract a ton of traffic to their products or services.

If a teaser is compared with contextual advertising, then the context will be more effective in search. For example, if a person enters search query about a bicycle, then he is shown advertising related specifically to bicycles. Then the user clicks on the ad and is taken to the advertiser’s website. As we see in this case, the context is more effective.

If we are talking about individual sites or online platforms (for example, a news portal) and they have a block contextual advertising, then it will look gray and dull. In addition, the context does not know what the visitor will want to find. Therefore, on websites such advertisements are often irrelevant.

This is where effective teaser advertising wins. A block with catchy headings always attracts more attention. Accordingly, the site, with other equal conditions earns significantly more from teaser advertising than from contextual advertising.

Advertising in teaser networks

Then this trend continued and the exchange of news traffic turned into some kind of entertaining behavior. That is, there was some kind of real boom in entertainment and hard, catchy headlines.

Now all systems are aimed at increasing earnings from teaser advertising. Thus, you have to stay in the market. There is already not so much tininess and entertainment, since absolutely any type of business strives only to increase its income.

Even the teaser ad itself has matured quite well. Now she is trying to convey a specific goal to the right target audience. Pay attention to the female direction. Especially advertisements about weight loss. In my opinion, it is almost impossible to ignore it.

Teaser advertising is effective when your product, service or content is targeted specifically at a wide audience. For example, the desire to lose weight. If you estimate this way, then 50% of the world's population are women. Let's say only 25% of them want to lose excess weight. As you can see, this is a fairly wide target audience. This type of advertising works quite well here. Because the scope of the topic is huge.

If you advertise to absolutely everyone (including men), then these 25% of women will still click on the ad. If such an advertisement is given in context, then the cost of this type of advertising will be simply exorbitant. This is due to wide coverage and strong competition. Therefore, the teaser here copes with the task very well.

Teaser traffic

News portals use teaser advertising quite well. There are literally tons of teaser traffic going to the site. But this is not surprising. Firstly, contextual ads for such wide areas will be prohibitively expensive. Secondly, news teasers are very attractive.

People themselves are interested in news or certain events. And if such news is wrapped in an alluring teaser, the result will not take long to arrive. Therefore, for news portals this type of advertising is a real salvation. You can always easily attract huge teaser traffic to your site and still pay little money for clicks or impressions.

It is also worth noting that in Lately Teaser advertising is trying to be as thematic as possible. That is, teaser networks try to place only those ads that are suitable specifically for the theme of the site.

Let’s say if you have a women’s-themed website, then your advertising will no longer be broadcast on websites about cars. In general, they all have their own specific themes. Thus, this property allows advertisers to increase the effectiveness of their advertising campaigns on the Internet.

If your site has a general theme and has a fairly wide reach of target visitors, then teaser ads are perfect for you. If you use context, you will not achieve the desired results. Here the cost per visitor will be very high. And you need a lot of these visitors. Therefore, the budget for such an advertising campaign is simply not enough. So it’s better not to use context in this case.

Scam in ads

Unfortunately, there are a lot of scams in teaser ads. As a result, this type of advertising began to acquire a negative aftertaste. Even search engines began to lower the rankings of those sites that were full of enticing teasers. A very popular scam is advertising about weight loss.

The reset question itself excess weight is the most pressing problem for many people. Knowing this, smart marketers decided to find a special approach to presenting advertising and further profit from attracted visitors.

Therefore, this scam is very well used in teasers. In addition, to create the greatest effect, the names and faces of various celebrities were attached to the scam. This further enhances the interest. These are the secrets of teaser advertising.

You've probably come across a celebrity's method of losing weight. (for example, from Alla Pugacheva). And without any diets or going to the gym. So, such advertising in the first days gained just a huge flurry of traffic. Not only is losing weight almost... the main problem many people. So another celebrity offers his own unique way of solving the problem. You can see a similar example of teaser advertising below.

When a person clicks on an ad, he is redirected to a page describing a solution to this problem. Well, there is already blatant lip service about various methods of solution this issue. As a result, the person is offered dubious products (tablets, ointments, creams, etc.). This is all a scam.

But time does not stand still. Now teaser networks are trying to combat such dubious advertising products. Some products simply do not pass moderation. But despite this, advertisements of a dubious nature are still broadcast on the Internet.

Therefore, I recommend that you only advertise a good product. This way you will gain confidence in yourself + find a mountain of regular customers who will buy from you again and again. Only when using this type of advertising, try to sometimes change the display of your teaser.

The fact is that a teaser brings the greatest effect in the first days of broadcast. In the future, efficiency may drop significantly. This is due to the fact that the ad itself begins to bore users.

Popular topics for teaser advertising

In what topics does teaser advertising work very well? Works great here women's theme. Women click the most on any advertisement. And if it is a teasing teaser with an advertisement for some kind of weight loss, cosmetics or women's clothing, then you are almost guaranteed a click.

It’s not for nothing that many webmasters rushed to create sites specifically targeting women. So then you can earn a lot of money by selling advertising space. Therefore, women's themes are very well suited for this type of online advertising.

Also in demand remains medicine. However, not everything is so smooth here. As I said earlier, this direction is more susceptible to various scams and deception. However, despite this big drawback, the volume of clicks on teasers is no less than in women's themes. Therefore, medicine remains relevant to this day.

Subjects computer games also deserves attention. Some products are simply amazing. Such toys can be very addictive to people. And a product with high demand will always be popular. Therefore, the gaming theme should be related to teaser advertising. Also, such advertising will work well in the news and other entertainment areas.

Secrets of teaser advertising

  • Come up with an enticing and small headline. It is short headings that are easily perceived and perfectly remembered by users. Therefore, the shorter the name, the better. Moreover, in short texts you can easily maintain intrigue. And this, as I said above, attracts attention well. This is such a special advertising move.

  • A picture is required! A teaser without graphics is not a teaser. Graphics are much better perceived than text. Therefore, we also pay great attention to the advertising image. The most effective images are in gif format. The graphics in such an ad will be constantly changing. It turns out to be a kind of living picture. And everything that moves on the site always attracts attention. You can also use regular static images in a different format. But the main thing to remember is that the picture should attract attention. It is better not to use simple and uninteresting images. Photos should be unusual and creative. Only then will you have a chance to collect a large number of clicks on your teaser advertising.
  • Descriptions can be used. This will be a small text that will perfectly complement the main ad headline. It is not necessary to write a description for your ad every time. I recommend doing this only when you have various promotions or good bonuses. For example, you can write: “Hurry while there’s a 40% discount” or “When purchasing, the second product is free”. Only in this case will your advertising become even more effective. Thus, in the description we indicate only significant bonuses that your customers may like. This is the most important secret teaser advertising on the Internet.

  • Show only to your target audience. Don't try to embrace the immensity. Broadcast your ads only to a certain circle of people. If you have women's products, then advertise only on women's sites. If you sell only in your city, then set up geo-targeting so that your ads are broadcast only for a specific region. This method will help you save your advertising budget very well.
  • There must be a landing page and metrics from Yandex. With a landing page or capture page, you will be able to grab the user’s attention to the product you need. And thanks to the installed Yandex metrics, you will be able to collect statistics. This way you will determine the effectiveness of your advertising campaign. You will already see where people are coming from, from what pages, and so on. Also, statistics from the metric will help you analyze and test your advertising.

Best teaser networks

I would like to show you some of the best teaser networks as an example. I'm sure some of them may be useful to you:

  • Teasernet— you can buy fairly cheap traffic from this site. Payments both on Yandex and WebMoney. The income from this advertising teaser is quite good. There are detailed statistics and various advertising formats. For website owners, I recommend carefully filtering all unnecessary and shocking advertisements. Stream only useful ads, otherwise you may fall under the Yandex filter. But unfortunately, problems are sometimes discovered with filtering. Adult advertisements may just pop up. Therefore, you need to check advertisements on websites every day. If this doesn’t suit you, then I recommend taking a closer look at other teasers. For example, Adlabs or Bodyclick. There are no such problems with filtering.
  • Teaserlady— this teaser affiliate program is well suited for women’s themes. She accepts women's sites. All sites should focus on RuNet and with a significant% of traffic from search engines. Otherwise, your site will not be allowed into this system. The site is pretty good. You can collect good traffic for your projects.

  • Ladycash- another female teaser with pay-per-click. They accept sites with traffic of at least 50 people per day. The system itself has an interesting and attractive design. It's quite easy to work here. Some of my friends make very good money in this teaser affiliate program. However, for this the site must have a lot of traffic. I do not recommend registering here for those webmasters whose traffic is small or average. You won't make a lot of money here anyway. The only thing is, you can just experiment and try out this teaser for women's sites in practice. But don't expect much.
  • Bodyclick- a good replacement for teasernet. Excellent help with setting up teaser advertising. They will help you adjust everything more optimally. You can also perfectly filter out unnecessary advertising and view detailed statistics on campaigns. Traffic is not bad. However, like the clickability itself. Each ad can have its own cost per click. In addition to teasers, you can use banners, contextual advertising, clicker and messenger.
  • Adlabs- another good teaser advertising exchange. Unlike teasernet, there are no problems with filtering ads. Moderation is very thorough, which is very good for normal sites. The quality of advertising teasers is normal. Therefore, you can try this affiliate program.

So, now you know what teaser advertising is and how a teaser should work for an online advertising campaign to be productive. Also, do not forget that there are teaser networks that will help you save time on creating your ads. They will also be useful for website owners. Some people make quite good money on their websites using this type of advertising.

If you want to further reveal the secrets of teaser advertising, then below I will provide you with articles that cover this topic in more detail.

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Each of us knows what it is to tease a person in a good way by showing him something attractive. The action of teaser advertising, which is so popular these days, is based on this principle. Having appeared simultaneously with the massive spread of the Internet, this type of advertising is still the leader among many tools for increasing sales and attracting customers. Surely the inquisitive reader has already ripened the question in his head: “Teaser advertising - what is it?”

What is teaser advertising

It's simple: if you see a picture (often of provocative content) with text on the Internet, then this is a teaser. The main task is to intrigue the site visitor with this information and force him to make the transition by clicking on the picture.

There are special teaser networks where advertisements like this are placed.

Internet resources with high rating in search engines as a platform for placing such advertising.

Let’s say right away: there are more advantages and we will continue our story about this marketing tool by listing them.

Pros of teaser advertising

  • Teaser advertising does not require large investments

In terms of savings for successfully running several advertising campaigns, teaser advertising certainly takes almost the first place. Let's demonstrate the benefits of this aspect of teaser advertising in concrete numbers.

In most RuNet teaser networks, the cost of one click ranges from 0.5 to 3-6 rubles. Moreover, the “cheapest” include categories such as “News” and “Politics”, and the most expensive (up to 10 rubles per click) are “Products”, “Services”, “Real Estate”.

Cost per click in the Yandex advertising network - Yandex Direct - example of advertising air conditioners

  • Simplicity is another clear advantage of teaser advertising

There are many constructors that help you create required images with text to be inserted into teaser advertising blocks. They are easy to use and do not require professional design skills or mastery of sophisticated graphics packages.

Even a beginner can cope with this task. The main thing is to place the emphasis correctly, and then teaser advertising will definitely find its user.

  • Ease of setting up a teaser for the desired users

A fairly flexible system for setting up teaser advertising can be considered one of its other strengths.

The main thing is to choose specific teaser networks that you decide to work with, because a lot depends on them. But even the most modest system in terms of service settings still has targeting options.

Let's demonstrate one of specific examples such a setting: the teaser will be seen only by women between 35 and 50 years old who live in Kazakhstan and are interested in the products of well-known cosmetic companies. Or the teaser will be shown on sites found by request: “Teaser advertising - what is it?”

  • Audience coverage with teaser advertising: as wide as possible

TeaserNet boasts of a figure of one billion! In last place is the well-known MarketGid service, whose results are more modest and are displayed at 2.5 million impressions per day. We can also say that teaser networks have almost completely covered the RuNet user audience with their advertising.

  • High traffic conversion rates

In terms of effective conversion of the user audience, a lot depends on the correct setup of teaser advertising. A pro can customize his teaser so that the conversion will be, according to many criteria, at least satisfactory, and at maximum - simply excellent!

Disadvantages of teaser advertising

In conclusion, it is necessary to mention the disadvantages. They are available in almost any online marketing tool, and teaser advertising is no exception. To avoid mistakes in carrying out an advertising campaign, it is better to get to know them before its launch.

  • Ineffective work with highly specialized goods

To increase sales in this way, products that are interesting to ordinary people are great.

Products that are successfully sold in teaser advertising

  1. cosmetics, creams, etc.,
  2. mobile phones, tablets and other gadgets,
  3. clothing, clothing accessories (glasses, watches, belts, etc.).

But if you use teasers to sell dental instruments, don’t expect high returns. The need for the goods from the first example and the extremely specific equipment from the second are undoubtedly different.

One more point - even general-purpose products must maintain the price-need ratio within reasonable limits. If you have a product that is prohibitively expensive, then no matter how much you advertise it on the teaser network, there will be no sales at all.

If you still have questions - what is teaser advertising, how to set it up, what it looks like, etc. - watch the video below

The question of teaser advertising, what it is, how to set up and successfully sell services and products, is the basis of marketing knowledge. It is important to understand that in addition to teaser advertising, there are many other types of advertising that will successfully sell. For effective sales, it is also necessary to test all advertisements that were launched through teaser networks, some of them will not be interesting to users of Internet resources and visits (clicks) on advertisements will be low, some, on the contrary, will be successful and conversions (efficiencies) for them will be high .

Internet users daily encounter all kinds of advertisements, bright banners and pictures with promising headlines - all these are advertising tools designed to interest a person in taking a certain action (purchasing a product, subscribing to a newsletter, registering on a website, ordering services, etc.).

Teaser advertising occupies a special place among the tools for attracting targeted traffic. It allows webmasters to cheaply bring a large number of people to their sites, sell various products and earn good money from it.

Teaser advertising is...

If we look at the translation of the English word “teaser”, we get “bully”. Indeed, teaser ads are also called “teasers” because they provoke users to click on them and find out what the short text and image are hiding behind.

A teaser is a marketing tool whose purpose is to attract the attention of users. Teasers are images small size, equipped with advertising texts. They are necessary in order to shock a person, create some intrigue and arouse his interest.

This traffic attraction system has a good click-through rate and low cost of transitions. For comparison, let's give an example: the price of one click in contextual advertising services in highly competitive niches can be several thousand rubles, while a click on a teaser will cost the advertiser 0.3-5 rubles.

Teasers with animation effects are often used, which significantly increases user interest. This tool can also be used to attract unique visitors to a web resource when conducting. For this purpose, interesting teasers with intriguing titles are created. For example, with their help, news sites are promoted very well.

Principle of operation

In order to promote goods or services on the Internet, you need to master channels for attracting targeted traffic. One of them is teaser advertising. To understand the mechanisms of this tool, it is necessary to understand the principle of its operation.

Let's give a simple example: a person is sitting in front of the TV; during an advertisement broadcast, an announcement of a new film is shown. The short video shows the viewer a compilation of the most spectacular and exciting scenes, and also gives the opportunity to imagine the development of the plot. This approach creates intrigue in a person and forces him to watch the film.

Teaser advertising works in a similar way: a user visits a website, sees a bright picture with attractive text, which piques his interest and encourages him to click on the ad. Please note that the inscriptions must contain a riddle that makes you want to click on the picture. For example, when promoting product offers, the product itself may be absent, but the user is given some hint about its extraordinary characteristics or uses that he has never heard of. In addition, the subject of the picture itself may be far from the product or service. This is done in order to increase click-through rates.

Important: If a person clicks on a teaser ad and ends up on a site where he is offered a direct offer to buy something that he is not interested in, most likely the user will quickly leave such a page. For this purpose, so-called intermediate sites – “spacers” – are created. They are imitation of well-known portals that contain selling texts. Their task is to maintain the interest of users and further involve them in the created intrigue. A person reads a text that pushes him to solve an existing problem, and as a compelling argument, he is given reviews of famous personalities who have already been helped by a particular product. Ultimately, the person agrees with the information, follows the link to the sales website and buys the product (orders a service).

Advantages and disadvantages

  • low cost of advertisements;
  • simplicity and speed of self-production of teasers;
  • the ability to customize your ad for the target audience;
  • reaching a large number of Internet users;
  • high conversion rates (with correct setting campaigns).

Each person, with a certain amount of dexterity and skill, can quickly produce a large number of teasers. To do this, you don’t even need to have skills in working with complex graphic editors, since there are quite a large number of services with the necessary tools.

A teaser ad is easily customized to suit the needs of the target audience, and the webmaster can direct the campaign to users with certain targeting parameters. However, not all teaser networks provide this opportunity, which is something you need to keep in mind when choosing platforms for advertising.

With proper setup of an advertising campaign, testing, monitoring the quality of traffic using special trackers and using creative promotional materials, the conversion rate can be very high. It should also be taken into account that teaser networks come in different directions (women’s themes, cars, merchandise, etc.), which contributes to the effective promotion of various products.

Despite a number of obvious advantages, teaser advertising has its drawbacks. These include:

  • impossibility of promoting highly specialized goods;
  • the presence of a large amount of low-quality traffic;
  • short life spans of teasers;
  • difficulties in selling expensive products.

All kinds of consumer goods, services, information and news sites are well promoted through teaser networks. There is no point in trying to promote, for example, welding machines or solid fuel boilers using this tool (by the way, they can be used). This is due to the fact that for the sale of highly specialized products, it is used, which is addressed exclusively by users who are already ready to buy a specific product.

Inexperienced advertisers and webmasters do not know that a fairly large part of clicks on teaser ads are made by robots and lead to a waste of budget. To avoid this, so-called white and black lists are created, which contain lists of trusted and unreliable sites that provide “slag” traffic.

Teaser advertising - examples

A webmaster needs to know how to create teasers correctly so that they make users want to click on the ad. Good success Ads are used that briefly and concisely demonstrate to people the benefits of a product. If you need to promote using teaser advertising, for example, women's clothing, as images you need to choose pictures with beautiful fashionable girls. Also, individual photographs of things or accessories are well suited for these purposes.

Teaser graphics are perceived by users much better than the text itself, so it is important to pay due attention to the quality of images. If the picture is uninteresting, you cannot count on a large number of transitions. It is advisable to create creative, unusual teasers.

But a small, enticing headline also plays an important role in the effectiveness of a teaser. It is easily perceived by people and arouses interest. To create intrigue, webmasters often use understatement in the text. For example: “Joint pain will go away in a week if every day...” or “Afrikantova told how she lost weight in 10 days with the help of...”.

This format makes a person find out “what will happen next.” The presence of a photograph has a very good effect on click-through rates. famous person. This allows you to manipulate the minds of consumers, saying that if a star uses it, then he will help me too. As a result, the user goes to the selling site and makes a decision to purchase a particular product.

Discounts are often used to increase sales and engage users. For example, you can compose an ad as follows: “Hurry up to purchase (product) at a 30% discount” or “When you buy a watch, you will receive a second one as a gift.” It is important to indicate here that the client will receive a significant bonus, which will have a positive impact on making a profit.

Teaser networks - what is it?

Teaser networks are usually understood as intermediary sites that provide services to advertisers and webmasters. If a person has a website, he can add it to the teaser network to earn money. This is done simply: the resource owner receives the code for the advertising block and installs it on the site. Income is obtained from clicks on advertisements made by visitors.

An advertiser uses the services of teaser networks if he needs to purchase traffic (users to the site). To do this, he launches his advertising. The webmaster receives a certain amount from the advertiser for each click, in turn, the “teaser” withdraws its percentage for completed transitions.

Teaser networks accept various thematic sites with traffic from 50 “uniques” per day. You cannot use ATS and other “cheaters” to increase your performance. Teaser networks also differ in the type of traffic used. The most popular topics include:

  • goods and services;
  • entertainment;
  • women's theme;
  • news;
  • sites for adults (adult).

To decide on the choice of a teaser network, you need to check a number of parameters. If such a site has been operating for more than 3 years, this indicates the stability of the company. It is also worth considering the possibility of setting up targets and selecting sites (black and white sheets), which will allow you to customize your advertisements as accurately as possible.

The main selection criteria include prices for the services provided. You should remember the need to test the operation of teaser networks, which will allow you to select the best option as efficiently as possible.

What is better to sell with teasers?

The first thing a webmaster should pay attention to is women's products. Products in this category sell very well in teaser networks, since women are the ones who actively click on advertisements.

Tether advertising works effectively to promote consumer goods. We should not forget about medical products, which will always be in demand by users. For example, corsets for posture correction and some popular drugs, including aphrodisiacs, work well through teasers.

It cannot be ignored that computer games They are also making good progress. This area is of great interest to webmasters, since this product is of interest not only to children and teenagers, but also to adults. Among the proven teaser networks that help attract quality traffic are Tovarro, Redtram, Recreative, Marketguide, Direct Advert, LadyCash and Kadam.

Save the article in 2 clicks:

It should be noted that mastering such a tool for attracting targeted traffic as teaser networks allows webmasters to earn a stable income. You just need to understand the nuances of setting up advertising and the basic principles of its operation; besides, it is cheap and effective.

In contact with

Advertising is the engine of trade. Modern world It's hard to imagine without her. Thus, any manufacturer, releasing a new product, does not even dare to hope that it can become interesting on its own, without additional effort.

And here all means are good: presentations and TV spots. But, since we live in a world where the Internet reigns, your product must appear there.

Teaser advertising has become a completely new trend in the industry. Its biggest surge occurred in 2013-2014. However, in order for advertising to work for you properly, it is worth understanding it. To do this you need to know possible options its embodiment, the secrets of craftsmanship, because advertising should not only shout: “Buy!”, it should interest and attract. That is why everything should be harmonious: both texts and pictures.

In this article we will try to answer the question: “Teaser advertising - what is it?” See below for explanations on the topic.

Since the “teaser” is a derivative of this, its structure is based on this element. Teaser advertising is built on intrigue, understatement, and mystery. A similar effect is created through the use of short phrases that tell about the object of advertising. There is also an option when teaser advertising does not contain a new product at all. In such cases, the consumer becomes even more interested: “What is hidden there?”

A good example of intrigue in a teaser is advertising company MTS. White eggs on a red background - who could know what they were talking about.

Very important element When creating teaser advertising, there are photos or pictures. After all, in addition to the intriguing text, the external factor is no less important for the consumer.

And here it is very important that the picture is unique. When selecting materials for a teaser, you can use original photographs or pictures created using photo editors.

An indispensable assistant in this kind of activity is the canvas program.

2. Canvas technology

The Canvas teaser advertising constructor allows you to create contextual templates, animations and just a banner. You can create 2D images using a scripting language (JavaScript). The default size of the program is 300*150, which can be changed. Canvas is used for drawing graphs in the field of articles, less often - in browsers playing field. Additionally, you can use a video in your teaser. Canvas teaser ads support .mp4, .ogg formats. All you need to do for the video to appear in your banner is to upload it.

The main advantage is the absence of links to go to advertising. The program fixed this problem for you. Thus, you get the most protected banner, which will only be accessible to living people.

Canvas minimizes the number of accidental clicks through a special indicator. Additional protection It is also built using drawn elements - a set of dots, the so-called captcha.

3. Teaser advertising. Examples

As an example, imagine that you are a manufacturer of dietary yogurt for healthy eating, and your new product needs advertising. TV spots are not affordable for you at this stage, banners do not give the desired effect, and tastings do not allow you to capture the desired audience. There is an exit! You simply must advertise your product in the teaser.

A good platform would be a women's portal. All you need to do is post the news on the website: “To effectively lose weight, eat...”. For the best effect, supplement the message with a picture suitable for the topic.

The result of placing a teaser advertisement will be a visitor to the resource following a link where, after reading useful information about ways to lose weight with a mention of your diet yogurt for a healthy diet, he will get the maximum useful information. Since the topic title is very relevant, you are guaranteed to get numerous clicks on your teaser ad. Thus, the goal has been achieved. The right audience is notified about the new product, and costs are minimized.

To ensure that the audience is taken to the maximum, the news can be posted on several sites.

Not only products can be presented with teaser advertising. Examples of its use also exist for pizza, sushi and other delivery services.

4. The best examples of teaser advertising

Perhaps one of the best examples of such advertising is the Nike company and its world-famous laconic logo. He is without unnecessary words is already a household name in the world of sports. But at the dawn of the brand’s formation, no one knew what the “tick” was hiding underneath.

The very first and quite successful example of teaser advertising was an advertisement for the coffee brand MJB Coffe. Then, back in 1906, mysterious posters with the inscription “Why?” appeared on the streets of San Francisco. However, you can’t really call them teasers, since the company has previously used this phrase in your messages. The answer to the question “Why?” was like: "MJB does best coffee" Only then “Why?” became a direct association with MJB.

The best teaser advertising in Russia is an advertising campaign from MTS. The absolutely laconic logo of the updated MTS is an egg white on a red background. Seeing similar posters around the city, everyone wondered, “What are they talking about?” Just like that, simply and without a hint of mobile communications.

5. Effective teaser advertising techniques

For the work to be effective, you need to know the secrets of teaser advertising.

Here are five effective techniques:

  1. Parallel advertising of your partners' products and services. This is based on the general promotion of goods in similar thematic groups within one affiliate network. So, let’s say, through one affiliate network you can promote clothes, shoes, and related accessories. Networks such as,, and partly are suitable for working with such a group. To promote products for body, face, cosmetics It’s better to choose a well-known affiliate network for the female audience
  2. Availability of landing page and metrics. First, let's define what a landing page is - this is, first of all, your main platform. It is with its help that you will be able to track all movements in the traffic of your teaser advertising. Statistical data will best show the effectiveness of your platform. To create statistical information, an auxiliary program such as Metrica is used. It exists both on the basis of the Google browser and Yandex. It is Metrica that makes it possible to imagine exactly where the main income comes from and where the largest number of clicks are collected. Metrica also helps you learn about the shortcomings of teaser advertising by showing it with reverse side. Using this program, you get the opportunity to increase your income from teaser advertising by 2-3 times.
  3. High-quality descriptions for teasers. In addition to attractive and intriguing text, this also includes animated teaser images. Special attention you need to pay attention to the title. It should be bright, noticeable, but must contain the essence of your advertising and the advertised product. The brighter the headline, the more likely it is to get clicks.
  4. Determine the target audience for your product. Once you clearly identify the audience for whom your product is prepared, you can create the maximum conditions for attracting it. First of all, the essence of this secret of teaser advertising lies in limited opportunity placing advertisements on the Internet. To be effective, you need to clearly understand on which sites your teaser advertising will be visible.
  5. The last secret is analysis. Exactly this important conditions the effectiveness of any business, since a correct analysis of the company’s test version will allow us to understand and imagine the future of advertising and the likelihood of its relaunch. It is these conclusions that will allow us to understand future income. Here you need to track everything: starting from the number of clicks, profit from registration. Analyze the attractiveness of certain headlines.

6. Teaser advertising. Stages of creation

In fact, the practice of Western companies has shown that “mysterious” advertising can be used even at the stage of launching production. That is, precisely when the audience has no idea what we're talking about. But it’s more important not to make a wish, but to surprise and intrigue.

If you need a teaser It is important to highlight two main stages of its creation:

  1. Teaser appears. The essence of this step lies in creating the intrigue itself, which will lure the consumer.
  2. Revision release. This stage implies a detailed acquaintance with the content of the teaser, i.e. it provides a story about the product and service that are subject to advertising.

Examples of such instant teasers are advertisements for shaving cream from Burma Shave. The company's slogan read: "Girls pray/For men/to have faces/Without stubble/Burma Shave." The company took place in 1925 in the USA.

Another example is an advertisement for the coffee company Starbucks, which long time Worked great without advertising. And for the new year 2005 I decided to launch a teaser. The advertisement was published by the New York Times. The essence of the advertisement was that from page to page the number of mugs with the company's coffee grew until it formed the Starbucks branded calendar for 2005.

When creating a teaser, it is important to remember that the written text must not contain errors; it must encourage action. As mentioned above, teaser advertising with its content should promise to solve the problem. Thus, the transition from an interesting title should immediately lead to the text with the answer to the question of concern.

You should not pay much attention to highlighting text with characters. It is enough to make a few highlights to attract the audience. The teaser should be simply noticeable, designed for a specific audience, then the result will be what is needed.

If you want a positive result from your campaign, then you should remember the main secrets of its creation. Do not forget about the simplicity of the slogans, the riddle, the intrigue. Choose high-quality, unique pictures. Remember that your teaser advertising should be such that you yourself react to it.

Teaser advertising has recently become increasingly popular on the Internet. More and more often it can be found on various websites, more and more advertisers are using it to attract customers, and more and more webmasters are selling space on their website specifically for teaser advertising.

    • What is teaser advertising?
    • Advantages of teaser advertising
    • How can you make money from teaser advertising?
    • What services are there for buying and selling teaser traffic?
    • TeaserNet
    • bodyclick teaser advertising system
    • Teaser advertising system medianet.adlabs

What is teaser advertising?

In most cases, teaser advertising is a banner on which there is a picture and some teasing inscription, which can be provocative in nature, due to which many people do not mind clicking on such a banner. It is thanks to the provocative inscription that the click-through rate of such advertising is usually higher than the click-through rate of many other types of advertising, which is undoubtedly beneficial for both the advertiser and the webmaster.

Self English word teaser, from which the name of this type of advertising comes, means something teasing or attractive, which very well describes the essence of this type of advertising.

Advantages of teaser advertising

7 secrets of teaser advertising

For many webmasters, nowadays, teaser advertising is one of favorite methods of earning money. The main advantage of such advertising is its high click-through rate, on which income directly depends.

If, for example, we compare teaser advertising with Google Adsense, then in some cases a teaser can bring in 10 times more money. In addition, usually a teaser has a larger number of settings, allowing such advertising to fit very well into the design of your own website.

As for the disadvantages of such advertising, constantly flashing and annoying teaser advertising can scare away some site visitors. Also, many Internet users have already understood what such advertising is and that most of the sensations on banners, to put it mildly, do not correspond to the information that can be found by clicking on them, so they do not really trust such advertising. In any case, many of these shortcomings can be covered by high click-through rates and, as a result, good income from such advertising for the webmaster.

How can you make money from teaser advertising?

If you want to earn money on teaser advertising, in this case you cannot do without your own website. Having your own website with more or less good performance, you can earn quite real money from a teaser.

To do this, you need to register in one or another system for buying and selling teaser traffic, of which there are a large number nowadays.

Having taken advertising on such a service, you will need to customize the advertising block to match the design of your own website, after which you will receive the block code by inserting it on the site in the place you need, and a teaser block will appear on your resource. In the future, you just have to wait for the income that will be accrued to you in the system you use for buying and selling teaser traffic for each click.

You can quite simply guess that your income will largely depend on site traffic; the more site traffic, the greater the likelihood of clicking on a teaser advertisement, and this completely affects your income from it.

It is generally accepted that a teaser is much better suited for entertainment sites and this makes sense; usually this is exactly what happens. But do not forget that many other types of advertising on entertainment sites do not work very well, so if you are the owner of an entertainment resource, teaser advertising can be a wonderful source of income for you. If your resource is not of an entertaining nature, you should not worry about this, since teaser advertising has proven itself well on websites of various subjects.

What services are there for buying and selling teaser traffic?

Undoubtedly the most important aspect Successful teaser advertising is the selection of the right teaser network. Now there are quite a large number of resources that are engaged in the purchase and sale of teaser traffic. Among them we can distinguish both sites that focus on any topic, and sites that work with a specific topic. As an example, here are some of the most popular and relevant teaser networks at the moment:


This network appeared quite recently, however, in a short period of time it was able to become one of the most popular and favorite teaser networks of many webmasters and advertisers. The site offers a very flexible system of settings for advertising units, allows you to target traffic and has a number of other strengths.

bodyclick teaser advertising system

This system differs from many others in that it pays not only clicks on banners, but it also pays for banner displays, which can be a very good bonus for any webmaster. Also, sites hosted on free hosting are allowed into this system; in addition, the resource pleases with very good prices.

Watch a video on how to attract clients from teaser networks:

Teaser advertising system medianet.adlabs

Really high-quality websites, neatly designed and with interesting content, are best suited for working in this system. The system features flexible settings, competitive prices, and an excellent targeting system.

Such cheating can lead to very sad consequences, since if you are identified (and you will definitely be identified), you will simply lose all your funds. Therefore, there is no need to take risks, create good websites, attract visitors and your earnings from teaser advertising will delight you.