Immediately after purchasing a device running on the Android platform, to the delight of the user, it brings a lot of positive emotions with its stability and performance. But suddenly, the consumption of system resources begins to increase, the system began to crash and slow down, and, in the end, notifies its owner that the device is now operating in safe mode. What does this mean? And how to disable safe mode on Android?

In order to understand everything and take control of the situation, you still need to, as they say, “dance from the stove.” So.

The Android operating system is designed in such a way that in the event of any critical error, in order to protect the device, it automatically goes into safe mode. That is, a certain part of the functions is disabled, only pre-installed applications begin to work, and programs installed by the user not only stop working, but even their icons disappear from the desktop.

What can cause failures?

Logically, this is main question. After all, if you immediately find out how to remove safe mode on Android and perform this action, the cause of the problem will remain, which can lead to the same failures, or even more serious consequences. So what could cause the device to automatically enter safe mode?

  • Incorrect user settings
  • Installing third-party programs from untrustworthy sources
  • A virus was downloaded under the guise of an application
  • Any system error

All these problems can be solved in safe mode. And even if your device does not automatically switch to this mode, if all sorts of “braking” and “freezing” occur, the speed of the gadget slows down, applications do not work correctly, the sensor reacts unstable, etc., it makes sense to find out how to enter the safe mode. mode on Android and perform a number of specific actions.

How to enable safe mode on Android

When you enable safe mode, the Android device will boot with default settings, i.e. only those programs that were installed by the manufacturer. This does not mean that your settings will disappear completely - when you exit this mode, they will all return to their place. What should be done:

Press and hold the hardware power button located on the side panel until the shutdown menu appears. Select “Turn off power”, press and hold for a couple of seconds:

In the window that opens, you will be asked to switch to safe mode, we agree (the “OK” button):

After these steps, the device will reboot, and the following message will appear on the desktop in the lower left corner:

I must say that this is the most common method, but on some models it may look different. Therefore, if this method does not produce results on your device, you need to look at the algorithm of actions on the official website of the manufacturer of your particular Android model.

Being in safe mode (and it doesn’t matter whether you entered it yourself, or how the system worked), you can see how your device could work without being burdened with all sorts of launchers, background applications, and other “improvements” with which you personally overloaded your device. "Andryukha."

And if third-party programs do not start in safe mode, then you can easily remove them. To do this, go along the path “Settings” -> “Applications” -> “All applications”. In this section, all programs will be visible, including those that you installed yourself. Look through them, remove unnecessary or recently installed ones, because there is a high probability that they were the reason that Android automatically switched to safe mode:

How to remove safe mode on Android

First way: After you have made the necessary changes that we talked about above, you can turn off Safe Mode. Usually the simplest procedure is sufficient, i.e. Reboot your smartphone (hold the power button until the reboot menu appears):

Second way: If you are unable to exit safe mode in this way, you can remove the battery, wait about a minute, return it to its place and turn on the phone again.

Third way: It’s also worth checking the notification panel. In many Android versions a notification is sent, after clicking on which, the device will reboot and the system will automatically exit safe mode.

Fourth method: If this does not help, then we do this: we reboot the device, but while turning it on, press the “Home” button and hold it until the system is fully loaded.

Fifth method: Well, one more option (if all the previous ones fail): reboot the device, and when turning it on, press the volume rocker up (or down) and hold it until the gadget starts up completely.

Sixth method: Unlikely, but if all else fails, you will have to perform a factory reset. Just remember to back up your data first.

Have you ever experienced the situation described in this article? Please share with our readers how you managed to resolve it. Good luck!

A new smartphone or tablet based on Android always works without failures or glitches. But what to do if, in further use, the device suddenly “slows down”, its speed slows down, applications do not work correctly, the sensor reacts unstably? Such problems can be resolved by enabling Safe Mode. On a device running Android, Safe Mode will make it possible to determine why problems are occurring.

If the phone works normally in safe mode, then “glitches” with it occur due to some application.

How to enable: 3 ways

Of all the inclusion methods, the most relevant, perhaps, are the following:

Method 1

Method 2

  1. Turn off the phone.
  2. When an inscription corresponding to the name of the smartphone brand or the inscription Android appears on the display, you must press the volume up button.
  3. In this case, after turning on, the words “Safe Mode” will appear at the bottom of the screen.

Method 3

If the above methods do not work, then try this:

  1. The device needs to be turned off.
  2. While booting, hold down the Volume Down button.
  3. After this, safe mode will be activated.

Note: in some versions of Android, to switch to Safe Mode, you need to restart your smartphone manually, and when the operating system logo appears on the screen, you need to press the volume up and down buttons and hold until the device boots completely.

How to disable: 2 options

No less pressing is the issue of disabling safe mode. Before this, you need to restart the device, and then use one of the suggested options.

First shutdown option

  1. The phone turns on, after rebooting, Safe Mode is automatically disabled.
  2. If safe mode is not automatically reset, you need to uninstall the last application that was installed; to do this, select Settings from the application menu.
  3. When you select this application, you will be offered the Delete option. This is precisely the point that needs to be touched upon.
  4. After completing these steps, reboot your device.

Second shutdown option

If the first method did not work desired result, then you can try the second method - resetting to factory settings:

  1. First, you need to select Settings from the menu, and in the menu that opens, tap Backup and reset settings.
  2. In the proposed menu, select Reset to factory settings, then Reset smartphone/tablet.
  3. Delete everything. After this, the device will be as good as new. But, keep in mind that all installed applications and personal data will be deleted. Only the factory settings installed by the manufacturer will remain.

Thus, Safe Mode loads only the required number of programs and utilities, only the necessary components. It is for the security of user data that the manufacturers developed the above mode, and applications will only work those installed by the device manufacturer. All other programs that were installed by the user themselves may pose some threat and will therefore be disabled.

Even if there were incidents on the phone serious problems, and in standard mode it no longer performs its basic functions, then in safe mode it can still work. For example, if the battery starts to discharge too quickly or the call button does not work, before sending such a device for repair, you can check its functionality in this service mode.

Advanced PC users know about the mode. There is an analogue of this feature in Android, in particular in Samsung devices. Due to inattention, the user can accidentally activate it, but does not know how to turn it off. Today we will help deal with this problem.

What is security mode and how to disable it on Samsung devices

The security mode exactly corresponds to its counterpart on computers: with Safe Mode activated, only system applications and components are loaded. This option is designed to remove conflicting applications that interfere with the normal operation of the system. Actually, this mode is disabled this way.

The latest devices from the Korean corporation automatically switch to normal mode after. Actually, you don’t even have to reboot the device, but simply turn it off and, after 10-15 seconds, turn it back on. If after rebooting the security mode remains, read on.

Method 2: Manually disabling Safe Mode

Some specific variants of Samsung phones and tablets require you to manually disable Safe Mode. It's done like this.

In the vast majority of cases, such manipulations are sufficient. If you still see the “Safe Mode” message, read on.

Method 3: Disconnecting the battery and SIM card

Sometimes, due to software problems, Safe Mode cannot be disabled using standard means. Experienced users have found a way to return devices to full functionality, but it will only work on devices with a removable battery.

  1. Turn off your smartphone (tablet).
  2. Remove the cover and take out the battery and SIM card. Leave the gadget alone for 2-5 minutes so that the residual charge leaves the device components.
  3. Insert the SIM card and battery back, then turn on your device. Safe Mode should be disabled.

If the safemod remains activated now, proceed further.

Method 4: Factory reset

In critical cases, even tricky dances with a tambourine do not help. Then the last option remains - . Restoring to factory settings (preferably by resetting through recovery) is guaranteed to disable security mode on your Samsung.

The methods described above will help you disable Safe Mode on your Samsung gadgets. If you have alternatives, share them in the comments.

When Safe Mode is activated on your phone, only factory apps can be used, and those downloaded from third-party sources stop functioning. Often it turns on without user intervention, which occurs due to damage to the operating system or various types of malfunctions of the gadget. Let's look at how to disable secure on your phone. Android mode.

Safe mode is needed to protect the operating system. The fact is that third-party applications and programs often cause various malfunctions in its operation. The phone loads slowly, constantly lags, and the battery drains much faster than usual.

Quite often, when you enable safe mode, these problems disappear and the device’s functionality is restored. This suggests that the glitches are caused by applications downloaded by the user after purchasing the gadget.

In such a situation, it is necessary to detect the source of the problem and remove it. Only after this can the device be switched to normal operation.

On a note. Enabling safe mode does not always indicate any problems; sometimes it is activated during normal operation of the device and operating system.

Most often this occurs as a result of the volume control key sticking out. The cause of this problem may be that the cover is too tight.

How to understand that the option is enabled

The main sign that safe mode has been activated on the device is the stoppage of the resources downloaded by the user after purchasing the phone. At the same time, factory applications function without interruption.

However, other factors may also be the reason why third-party programs stop working, so you should pay attention to the lower left corner of the gadget’s screen. If Safe Mode is activated, the corresponding icon will be displayed there.

If there is no icon on the screen, but third-party applications still do not launch, it is worth checking the status of the phone. You need to do it this way:

  1. Unlock your device.
  2. Press and hold the power off button.
  3. When the menu window appears, see if the message “Go to safe mode” is displayed. If this does not happen, it means it is already turned on.

Below are the ways to turn off safe mode on your Android phone.

Disabling safe mode using Android

You can remove safe mode from the notification panel. To do this you need to act in this order:

  1. Unlock the gadget.
  2. Move your finger across the screen from top to bottom.
  3. Click on the inscription: “Safe mode activated.”
  4. Restart the device.

On a note. If the user was able to detect an application that caused a crash in operating system and enabling safe mode, you can deactivate it by deleting the malicious resource and rebooting the device.

Using a combination of buttons

You can remove the gadget from safe mode by pressing certain buttons on the device. There are several ways to carry out this procedure.

Method 1: Home button. In order to restore the phone to its previous mode, you need to do the following:

  1. Unlock the gadget.
  2. Press the reset button.
  3. When the phone starts to boot, hold down the Home key.

On a note. Some mobile devices do not provide for a reboot; in this case, you can simply turn off and then turn on the phone again.

Method 2: Volume control . To turn off safe mode this way, you need to do the following:

  1. Unlock the gadget.
  2. Click on the reboot command.
  3. While starting the phone, hold down the volume control.

Safe mode will be disabled regardless of how the key was pressed, increase or decrease. The main thing is to hold it until the gadget is completely loaded.

Through a return to factory settings

If one of the downloaded applications interferes with the normal operation of the device, but the user was unable to detect which of them was the problem, the best solution would be to reset the phone to factory settings. This can be done in the gadget settings by clicking on the appropriate command, or in this way:

  1. Turn off the phone and then turn it on again.
  2. During the boot process, hold down the Power and Volume Down buttons at the same time.
  3. When the menu appears, select the factory reset line using the volume key, and then activate the process with the power button.
  4. Confirm the action and wait for the reset to complete.

Attention! As a result of a “rollback” to the original settings, all data saved on the phone will be lost. Therefore, you should back up your data before performing the operation.

You can do this in your phone settings or transfer the necessary information to another device and then download it again.

Other ways to turn off safe mode in Android

There are others, more simple ways disable safe mode. To deactivate it, you can choose one of these options:

  1. Remove all downloaded applications. If the reason for the failure is one of these, after performing these steps, Safe Mode will be disabled.
  2. Reinstall the battery and SIM card. First you need to turn off the phone, then remove the battery and SIM card, wait at least 30 seconds and insert them back. After this, turn on the device again.

It is important to understand that, despite their simplicity, these methods are not always effective. If after carrying out the manipulations the safe mode is not disabled, you should resort to resetting the settings.

Possible complications

In rare cases, it happens that none of the described methods helps. Most likely, the reason for this is a malfunction in the firmware.

This problem occurs for various reasons, and only a specialist can deal with it. In such a situation, you should not continue experiments; it is better to seek professional help.

In most cases, when activating Safe Mode, the user can solve the problem on his own. The main thing is to adhere to the described algorithm of actions while it is turned off. And in order to prevent problems in the operation of the gadget in the future, it is worth installing a powerful antivirus program and avoid downloading programs and applications from unreliable sources.

In this article you will encounter topics:

  • What is safe mode on your phone?
  • Why did the phone boot into safe mode?
  • How to enable safe mode on your phone?
  • How to disable safe mode on your phone?

Are you tired of being your samsung phone Does it often go into safe mode? How do you deal when this happens? Exiting Safe Mode for Real headache. Since the phone keeps rebooting until it is turned off, you need to quickly fix this situation. Although it sounds quite complicated, booting into Safe Mode does not interfere with the normal functioning of the device. Also, you don't have to worry about whether the phone will be able to return to normal mode. Before talking about all this, let's learn more about Safe Mode on Android phones.

What is safe mode on your phone?

This is a security condition that occurs due to improper installation of any application or corrupted software. Safe Mode uses the phone's default boot settings, which, as a result, disables any third party application in order to run in this mode. Any personalization made on the phone or user settings will disappear from it. Even apps downloaded from the store Play Store, will appear as deleted. Only pre-installed apps and features will be displayed, and any app or file that you manually downloaded will not be visible in Safe Mode. However, once you return to normal mode, all applications will be there and the phone will function normally as before.

This mode is usually used by developers to debug or remove any application that is interfering with the smooth operation of the phone. You will not be able to install or run third party apps in Safe Mode and a 'Safe Mode' watermark will appear at the bottom of the home screen. Sometimes users accidentally boot into Safe Mode without knowing what they have done. This often happens as a result of experimenting with the phone and hence they have no idea how to resolve the situation.

Why did the phone boot into safe mode?

The reason for getting into android safe mode may be different in each device. This may happen due to some third party application that is interfering with the normal functioning of the device. Or it could be some malicious link or application that is embedded in the software. Too much from time to time a large number of experimenting with your phone and third-party tools and apps may accidentally put your device into safe mode.

How to disable safe mode on your phone?

Whatever the reason for your phone getting into safe mode, there is a way to get out of it. We have a number of techniques to help you break out of safe mode. These methods can be applied to anyone android phone, including models Samsung Galaxy, such as Galaxy Note, Galaxy Grand, Galaxy Grand Neo, Galaxy S series, Galaxy Y series and other models such as HTC, Nexus, Motorola, Sony Xperia, LG, Lenovo, Xolo, Micromax, etc.

(1) Reboot your phone

Before using complex solutions, start with the simplest ones. Rebooting the phone will help solve any technical problem, including disabling safe mode on your phone. Find the latest installed application, which caused the phone to enter safe mode and remove it before rebooting the phone. To disable Safe Mode, follow these steps:

  • Go to Phone Settings > Application Manager.
  • Find the app that is supposedly causing trouble > Click on it.
  • Click on Uninstall and remove the application from your phone.
  • Now press and hold the phone's Power button > Tap on Restart.

Wait for the phone to reboot to return to normal mode.

(2) Press and hold the Power button and Volume Down or Volume Up key

If you still have problems with your phone even after restarting it, try this method.

  • Press and hold the Power button, click ‘Power Off’.
  • Once the phone turns off, you need to turn it on again by pressing the Power button and Volume Down or Volume Up key at the same time.

(3) Removing the phone battery and SIM card to disable safe mode

If you still can't exit Safe Mode on your phone, then things are getting serious. But don't give up, you can try another method to disable Safe Mode on Android.

  • Turn off your phone using the Power button.
  • Remove the back cover > take out the battery and SIM card for 2 minutes. This will help remove any remaining charge from your phone.
  • Now put back the SIM card, battery and back cover and turn on the phone by pressing the power button.

Safe Mode will no longer appear.

(4) Reset your phone to factory settings to exit safe mode on Android

If despite trying all these methods, Safe Mode still appears on your phone, then it is better to start again. Unless you are a developer and don't know how to debug an application, you shouldn't try to play with application codes to find what's broken. Better give your phone a fresh look.

Before you reset your phone, you need to back up all your files and folders and contacts from your phone book.

  • Go to Phone Settings > Backup & Reset.
  • Click on backup and run the backup process before doing the reset.
  • Once the backup process is complete, select factory reset.
  • Confirm the action and the phone will be like new.
  • Once the phone restarts, Safe Mode will be disabled.

(5) How to disable safe mode using a hard reset (hard reset)?

Hard Reset is similar to factory reset, but it is done using the developer method. Hard reset erases everything from the phone, including cache and memory, which cannot be cleared by the factory reset method. Hard reset clears the phone starting from basic level to make it like new. To remove Safe Mode by doing a hard reset, follow these steps:

  • First turn off your phone.
  • Now, you need to boot the phone into recovery mode. How to do this depends on the model of your Samsung device. Typically, you need to press the Power button + Volume Up button + Home key to turn on the phone and hold the buttons until various options appear on the screen. For other brands such as HTC, Motorola and LG, press the Power + Volume Down buttons. You can also look up the button combinations for your specific model online or in your phone manual.
  • Use the volume buttons on your phone to highlight ‘wipe data/factory reset’ and press the Power button to confirm your selection.
  • Select Yes to confirm the reset > use the Power button to select Yes.

Wait a while until the reset is complete.

You can apply the above methods for all Samsung platform android phones including Samsung Galaxy 1, 2, 3, 4, 5, 6 and Samsung Galaxy Note 1, 2, 3, 4, 5, Galaxy tab, Galaxy Grand, Core, Ace, Pocket, Alpha, S Duos, Star, Young, Sport, Active, Zoom, Express, Fresh, Round, Light, Fame, Exhibit, Mega, Trend, Win, Y Plus, XCover, Premier, Mega and other phones.

How to enable safe mode on your phone?

The application of this technique varies for different phone models.

(1) Enable Safe Mode on Samsung Galaxy

  • Turn off your device.
  • Press the Power button to turn on the phone.
  • During the startup procedure (when the Samsung Galaxy logo appears on the screen), hold down the Volume Down button.
  • Your phone will boot into Safe Mode.
  • Safe mode will not load any third party apps or games.

To return to normal mode, simply restart your phone.

(2) HTC

  • Turn off and then turn on your phone by pressing the Power button.
  • When the HTC logo appears on the screen, press and hold the Volume Down button.
  • Hold it down until the home screen and safe mode appear.
  • You will feel a vibration when the phone enters safe mode.

(3) Nexus 6

  • Turn off your phone and remove the battery. Turn it on.
  • Then power off again in the following way - when you click the power off button, a dialog box will appear, long press the power off option in the dialog box.
  • Click OK when the Safe Mode Reboot confirmation window appears.
  • The device will boot into safe mode.

(4) Sony Xperia

  • Turn off your phone.
  • Press the Power button to restart the device.
  • Once you feel vibration during startup, hold the Volume Down button.
  • Press and hold it until your device boots into Safe Mode.

(5) Motorola Droid

  • Turn off your phone and slide out the hardware keyboard.
  • Press and hold the Power button + Menu button on your keyboard.
  • Hold the Menu button until you feel a vibration and a robot eye appears on the screen.
  • The phone will boot into safe mode.

So, from this article you learned about how to enable/disable safe mode on your phone and how to work with it. The only difference between safe mode and normal mode is that installed games and third-party applications, including those downloaded from the Play Store, simply will not work in this mode, and you will not be able to install any third-party applications or games. Safe mode moves the device to a safe zone, and this property is used by developers and programmers to debug any application that causes problems with software phone. Thus, you need to use your phone very carefully in this mode, and if you are not a developer, try not to corrupt the operating system files.