Sooner or later, every person thinks about life values. It's amazing, but if you ask completely different people about what is most important in life, they will probably answer the same way. Exactly the same! They will simply arrange the values ​​differently, in their own order according to their importance. This order depends on many factors: age, gender, worldview, character, etc. However, the list itself will remain unchanged.


No one will argue that health is the value in life that depends less than others on our volitional decisions. However, without health there remains neither the desire nor the opportunity to realize one’s aspirations in life. If you ask a question about what is important in life, for example, to a child, he is unlikely to put health first. He had not yet experienced serious shocks, did not feel severe pain and did not encounter serious illness or death. But it’s worth asking the same thing from a pensioner, and you will probably hear that health is the most valuable thing in this life.


For many people, close and dear ones are their greatest treasure. We all need support and care. And who gives us all this selflessly, without demanding anything in return? Precisely our own people: our children, parents, grandparents, sisters and brothers. In a family we always feel protected, with it we can be ourselves, we rush to the family for advice, for comfort and warmth, we simply rush to the family because we can’t do otherwise!


How many words have been said, written, and how many have not yet been expressed about this feeling! We all strive for it. Love! Someone finds it, someone loses it, but they are happy only because they finally found out what it is! We all want to be loved and give love. There is unconditional love, like the love of a mother and child. There is passion between a woman and a man. There is even love for God. We cannot explain all these feelings, but they are the ones that help us understand that we are important and needed, that we are not alone!


Another type of relationship that gives us the feeling that someone needs us is friendship. If we know that there are people in this world who are able to understand us, support us, share our joys and troubles, who will not betray us or leave us, life looks much more attractive.

Material goods

Most of us cannot imagine a life in which there are no wallets with credit cards and money, a comfortable bed and delicious food, entertainment and other little joys of life. We want to surround ourselves with beautiful and comfortable things, we want, we want and we want again. This is quite normal for a person, but Einstein was right when he said that everything is relative. For some, the above list will seem ridiculous, for others - the ultimate dream, and for others, even basic things for survival are quite enough.

Personal growth and spiritual development

We live a new day, and it brings new impressions and experiences. A person cannot freeze at a certain stage; he always moves forward. We strive to learn more, understand and realize more. This is precisely why we receive education, and not always within the walls of institutes or universities. Sometimes the best education comes from the people we have met, the situations we have experienced and the trials we have passed.

Internal and external freedom

Personality in a broad and deep sense cannot fully exist without a sense of freedom. If a person's will cannot be expressed, the person turns into a being. The restrictions, prejudices, and conventions that surround us can infringe on our freedom, even internal. However, even in the most difficult situations a person never stops looking for a free outlet for his thoughts and emotions.

Social status and career

Man is a social being. We cannot be absolutely independent from society. That is why we constantly strive to show ourselves, our talents, abilities and advantages. For many career and the social ladder become the number one value. And we have no right to condemn them, because by doing so a person shows others and proves to himself that he is irreplaceable and unique.

Peace of mind and inner harmony

This value is probably the most difficult to achieve. A person can have everything and still remain dissatisfied. We constantly want something, strive for something and cannot stop and think: “Does all this bring me peace and harmony or am I just running in a vicious circle?”

What does your list look like? What is more important in life: love or peace of mind? Think about what is most important in life for you? Better yet, write this list for clarity. Maybe then you will become a little happier from the understanding that you have absolutely everything for happiness! And what doesn’t exist yet will definitely appear, because we ourselves build our own destiny every day!


Each person has his own views on the surrounding reality and his own values. Therefore, when asked what is most important in life, people will answer differently. We propose to look into this issue together and come to a golden mean.

Key life priorities

Family, friends

For a huge number of people all over the planet, it is the presence of like-minded people, relatives, and loved ones that is the most valuable. Moreover we're talking about both about the family in which a person was born and raised, and about that “unit of society” that each of us builds independently, and of course, about friends.

To truly understand why friends and family are the most important thing in life, you can probably only find yourself alone with your problems, fears, and hopes. After all, in difficult life moments, it is our loved ones who help us not to lose heart, provide the most powerful moral support, and sincerely empathize.

It is impossible not to emphasize the importance of procreation. After all, in fact, a child is our immortal particle, which with each new generation will move us forward in time, further and further. Exactly from modern people depends on what the planet's population will look like in tens, hundreds of years. This means that without the birth of this tiny child, our life loses its deep meaning... If we think in this way, it turns out that the most important thing in life is children.

On the other hand, not everyone shares these views. After all, in the end, there are incredibly talented people (scientists, artists, builders, etc.) who, even without children, make a tremendous contribution to the development of their country or even the entire world community. Isn't this important? In addition, there are many people who cannot have children. But they can give this world their smiles, good deeds, helping other people, and this is also priceless.

No matter what anyone says, any person needs to be loved. For most people, it is also important to experience this delightful feeling themselves. Otherwise, a person is forced... all his life to struggle with numerous complexes and severe psychological difficulties. In the end, it turns out that love is the most important thing in life.

Moreover, we deliberately did not include it in previous point, because having relatives, friends, a spouse does not always mean that you love and are loved.

Money, career

These benefits often compete with the more spiritual values ​​mentioned in the previous paragraph.

Indeed, it is impossible to live a full, happy life without sufficient funds to meet your needs. And we are talking here not only about clothes, jewelry, travel and other joys, but also about the opportunity to receive qualified medical care from good doctors, about the ability to feed and clothe a child well, give him a decent education, and develop his talents. All this also requires financial resources.

However, having money and a solid professional status does not always mean happy life. After all, having the means and an enviable position, you may not have a family, love, health...

Surprisingly, when wondering what is most important in a person’s life, not everyone thinks about health. At the same time, it is simply impossible to imagine complete positive emotions, a life full of events, pleasant discoveries, and accomplishments. After all, even the presence of money cannot always completely or even partially correct problems with physiology. And for a sick person it will be extremely difficult, and sometimes even impossible, to build a career, see the world, start a family, live in harmony with the world and oneself.

Drawing conclusions

As you can see, it is impossible to select any one from the list above. After all, then you will sorely miss all the other points. Besides, it is very difficult to say exactly how much money/friends/love/health you will need to feel happy man, and what specific characteristics should all these or any other values ​​have in order for them to truly delight you.

Therefore, we propose to define human harmony – mental and physical – as the most basic thing in life. It implies that you have everything you need for the life that you consider happy for yourself.

What is most important in life is something everyone decides for themselves. For some it's money. For others it’s family, for others it’s career. Others rush headlong towards glory.

While many people are now beginning to strive to “just not be touched.”

Everyone has their own “important” thing in life. And most often, people consider the most important thing to be what they have set as their own goal. They count. But how does it really turn out?

Read. Argue. Prove your point.

Hello, readers of the blog “Find Yourself”!

No, I'm not tired of writing about copywriting and .

This has already become the main thing in my life. But today I want to return to the original source of the blog. I admit, I am not very moved by other people's stories. successful people" on the topic: "What do I consider the most important thing in my life?" This is their life, not my own.

But when there is something in common between us that connects us, then I begin to think, maybe it’s worth getting acquainted. Suddenly I find out what I need today.

I wanted to talk to you “almost in secret.” That’s why I ask you to think about the question in the title. I don’t advise you to run and write in the comments the first thing that comes to your mind, because...

What is the most important thing in life or our choice.

Calm down, I won't Once again bore you with your own choices and your plans. Let's talk about you. Truth is born in conversation, not in argument. Moreover, my plans for the next six months have already been written down.

How many of you think the first picture of the article is inappropriate for the topic? Write right away before you forget all your “whys” and “whys”.

You can clearly see that this is a “farm version” of Buridan’s donkey. Social status the farmer here is tall. Before figuring out what the carrot might be, I suggest you take a little ride on the “wheel of life.” There are many of them on the net. But, general essence is the same.

Do you need to “assign” the most important thing in your life?

Remember the movie “White Sun of the Desert”:

The master appointed me as his beloved wife!..

For some reason, in all variants of such schemes, 8 sectors are distinguished. From these specifically, beautiful drawings I do not understand:

  • What, no one works in the country anymore? Is everyone just doing business?
  • Or those who work personal growth not required. However, in any case, they need health. To continue doing your job.
  • Some strange separation of “family” and “environment”. After all, the closest people, excuse me, who take your ideas into the ring of those around you, are your family. In my opinion, I am absolutely right in this matter.
  • I also find “floating finance” strangely naive. After all, even I, a copywriter without an economic education, understands that money should work, not fly. It is easier to grab flying money than to notice money lying under your feet.
  • The Pleasure sector is beyond competition.

In connection with the latter, I recall the formulation of the law of relativity expressed by the janitor Ostap Bender:

For some, a mare is a bride...

What is this for? Yes, naturally, to the fact that the pictures depict stampings of ideas associated with the names of the sectors. This also includes the carrot for the donkey from the first picture.

Think about what you think the “finance” sector would look like for the janitor mentioned above? One way or another...

Stamps ruin you and your life. No, you yourself are ruining it, existing with cliches. On the pages of this blog I always talk about stamps. It seems to me that this was done most clearly in the article about mine.

And I repeat again, cliches impose themselves on you and control you from the outside. They have nothing to do with what is truly the most important thing in life for you. Do you need this?

Do you need to look for the main thing in your own life and why?

But there is some benefit from the above diagram. She can help anyone figure out what is most important in their world. But it doesn’t answer the article’s question. That’s why I ask you to do this in the comments.

Calm down. Relax. And start looking within yourself for the answer to a simple question:

What is the most important thing in life?


The picture will help you. I believe many will succeed.

And to be continued... Because the conversation about the fact that the most important thing in life will never end...

With gratitude for your active help

Copywriter for people

What is the most important thing in life? Some can answer this question at the age of 20, as Benjamin Franklin did (at the age of 20, he thought about what kind of person he wanted to become and made a list of 13 virtues that he had strived for all his life and achieved a lot).

But most people realize WHAT really was the most important thing in their lives at the very end of their lives. What do people regret at the end of their lives? Australian nurse Broni Ver thought about this. She worked all her life in a hospice, in a department where hopeless patients spend last days. She talked a lot with them, they said what they regret and what they now consider the most important in life. Bronya Ver owns the book “The 5 Main Regrets of Dying People.”

I think it is no coincidence that the vast majority of people at the end of their lives named these 5 things as the most important in life. Most likely, they are the main thing in life that we don’t have enough time for.

The 5 main regrets of people at the end of life from the book of Australian nurse Bornie Ver

1. It’s a pity that I didn’t have the courage to stay true to myself and live the way I wanted, to follow my dreams and my calling

We often follow society's ideas and stereotypes. Our environment convinces us that we need to live like everyone else. We betray our dreams, bury our talents.

And only at the end of life does a person realize that it was stupid to listen to others. You had to live your life. Someone dreamed of being a doctor and this was his calling. But everyone around said that to get this profession you need a lot of money. You are from a poor family, so you must work together with your father, become an assistant in his business. And someone wanted to become an artist...

2. It’s a pity that I worked too much and didn’t spend enough time with my family.

To this problem in Lately people began to pay more and more attention. A movement appeared in Europe, America, and Australia. And more and more people follow it. People realized that they could earn more money they always can. But no one can give them back their time. They make a lot of money working for big companies 12 hours a day, but they don't have time to even spend that money spending time with their family.

As a result, people begin to look for jobs where they earn less money, but at the same time work half a day. Some are switching to remote work or becoming... Freeing up time for life! They can now pick up the child from school themselves, play with him in the park, and so on. They have time to live, to live a leisurely life (slow life).

3. It’s a pity that I was embarrassed to openly express my feelings towards others

In society, it is customary to behave with restraint towards other people. Expressing your feelings is considered weakness. Too much emotional people, constantly expressing joy and delight, are considered, to put it mildly, strange.

But at the end of their lives, people regret that they adhered to this order of society, this stereotype. They regret that they didn’t tell their loved ones enough about their love and tender feelings. I think we all miss that. It is no coincidence that World Hug Day appeared. Look how children, with their consciousness still open, love to hug. And express your love to others.

4. I wish I had spent more time with my friends.

The older we get, the less time we have for friends. We work hard and achieve our goals. And many forget friends of childhood and youth, justifying this by the fact that they no longer fit into high level people of their circle. But then everyone invariably regrets it.

5. I wish I had allowed myself to live a simpler life and just be happy.

We often tell ourselves that I will be happy when I get rid of loneliness or get new job or build a house or when I have children or when I earn a lot of money and so on. By doing this, we allow ourselves to be happy only when we achieve something. But nothing prevents us from being happy already at this moment, without any conditions, from feeling inner joy and harmony, love for ourselves, for the world and for our family.

We often don't notice how much we have and therefore cannot be happy with what we have. And we dream of getting something else. But having received it, we understand that this also does not bring us joy and we begin to want more. And so on ad infinitum. We need to appreciate what we have.

What is the most important thing in life?

Notice that no one summed up their life by saying that it was important that they worked as a sales manager or had a distinguished career in sales. Apparently Career is not the most important thing in our life.

Everyone regretted that they spent little time with friends and family. This means that the main and important thing in life is not the result, not achievements, but the process, the path itself and life itself!

It's also important to be yourself do not betray your dreams, realize your gifts and talents, !

Still important appreciate what you have, be happy in every moment of life. Don't regret the past and don't be afraid of the future. Conclude yourself, as Dale Carnegie said, .

This turns out to be what is important in a person’s life!

I wish everyone to enjoy life, live in the moment and moment, appreciate your loved ones and tell them about it more often!

Of course, I would like to believe that we live for a reason, but for a reason. Does anyone know what the meaning of life is? Everything is relative, since humanity still does not have any specific goals that everyone and everyone can move towards.

What is the most important thing in life? Any person sooner or later begins to ask this question. A lot has been said about the meaning of life and at the same time nothing has been said at all. Each of us must determine for himself personally what is a priority for him, what is worth living or even dying for.

What is the most important thing in life? There are people (by the way, there are many of them) who believe that career should come first. Why is she? Yes, many people really don’t understand the point of wasting themselves trying to curry favor with their superiors. Yes, a good position means status, money, respect, but do not forget that careerists are not so often happy in

A person who devotes himself entirely to work will sooner or later realize that he is lonely, and those around him are not friends, but simply people looking for some kind of benefit. What happens after such an epiphany? A person can realize that a high position is not the main achievement in life. At the same time, he will most likely try to change and rethink everything. Another option is also possible: a person, realizing his loneliness, will become an even greater careerist and finally withdraw into himself.

What is the most important thing in life? Many say it's love and family. There's really no need to generalize these two concepts. Why? Because often strong families are not created out of love at all, but those relationships that were originally based on love collapse. Family is perhaps the most beautiful thing a person can have. How nice it is to constantly feel the support of someone, to understand that they are waiting for you at home. Love is what time will pass. It is very good if affection comes to replace it. The main thing is that there is no emptiness.

People who see the meaning of life in the family, as a rule, live happily no matter what financial situation they depend on who they work for, what position they have reached, and so on. Is it good? Without a doubt! Family can really be called the main thing in Is it easy to argue with this?

Is love the most important thing in life? Perhaps, just don’t confuse it with passion. Love-passion is vanity, and love-affection is something eternal.

What is the most important thing in life? Some will say that the most important thing in life is education. Yes, some people are truly ready to learn throughout their lives. Is it correct? Here you can also look from different angles. The fact is that educated people have always been valued, but why devote your entire life exclusively to theory. There is an opinion that a scientist becomes one who is afraid to live life to the fullest.

Some people believe that the most important thing in life is some kind of achievement. Such people set a goal and go towards it, no matter what. What is this goal? So it does not matter. The main thing is that it exists. This could be winning some competition, skydiving, or opening your own business. What is important here is not the result, but the process. A person sometimes feels alive only when he is busy with something. Constant self-realization is the main thing in the life of some individuals. It also sounds quite convincing.

How can you determine what is most important in life for you? Analyze yourself, your character, think about your aspirations, goals, and so on. Surely you will find something that can be developed to global proportions. Do not be afraid that the path you have chosen will one day seem false or incorrect. Remember that it is never too late to change everything. Meaning in life can only be found by those who want to find it and are constantly looking for it. Don't dwell on little things and don't pay too much attention to other people's points of view - look for your own path.