Bake a kilogram of sockeye salmon in a sleeve or foil in the oven for 45 minutes at a temperature of 200 degrees, in a slow cooker for 55 minutes on the “Baking” mode.
Bake a layer of sockeye salmon steaks with sauce in the oven for 20 minutes at 180 degrees, in a slow cooker for half an hour on the “Baking” mode.

How to simply bake sockeye salmon

Sockeye salmon - 1 fish weighing 1 kilogram
Carrots - 2 pieces
Onion- 2 heads
Provençal herbs (can be replaced with Italian ones) - 3 tablespoons
Black pepper - 1 teaspoon
Salt - 1 tablespoon (heaped - to taste)

Food preparation
1. Clean the fish from scales and gut the insides.
2. Wash the sockeye salmon with running water inside and out.
3. Cut off the fins and head of the sockeye salmon.
4. Cut the sockeye salmon into portions 2 centimeters thick.
5. Peel the onions and finely chop them.
6. Peel the carrots and cut into slices 0.2-0.3 centimeters thick.
7. Place carrots and onions in a bowl, sprinkle with herbs de Provence, ground pepper and salt, stir.
8. Place sockeye salmon into the mixture and stir.

Baking sockeye salmon in a sleeve in the oven
1. Preheat the oven to 200 degrees for 5 minutes.
2. Place the sockeye salmon along with onions and carrots in a sleeve or foil, and achieve maximum tightness.
3. Place the sockeye salmon in the sleeve on the middle level of the oven and bake for 45 minutes.

Baking sockeye salmon in a slow cooker
1. Place sockeye salmon in a multicooker container greased with vegetable oil (2 tablespoons).
2. Set the multicooker to the “Baking” mode.
3. Turn on the multicooker and bake the sockeye salmon for 55 minutes, stirring every 10 minutes.

How to bake sockeye salmon steaks

Sockeye salmon - 1 fish weighing 1 kilogram (or 800 grams of thawed steaks)
Lemon - 2 pieces
Rosemary - 1 teaspoon
Dill - 1 bunch
Salt - 1 tablespoon
Ground black pepper - 1 teaspoon
Sour cream - 150 grams
Hard cheese - 200 grams
Vegetable oil - 2 tablespoons

Preparing sockeye salmon for baking
1. Clean the fish, gut it, wash it and cut it into steaks 2 centimeters thick.
2. Grease a baking dish with vegetable oil.
3. Place the fish on a dish in 1 layer, salt, pepper and sprinkle generously with lemon juice.
4. Wash the dill, dry and chop finely, sprinkle the sockeye salmon with herbs.
5. Cover the sockeye salmon with an even layer of sour cream.
6. Rub cheese on top evenly.

How to bake sockeye salmon in the oven
1. Preheat the oven to 180 degrees.
2. Place the pan with sockeye salmon on the middle rack of the oven and bake for 20 minutes.

How to bake sockeye salmon in a slow cooker
You need to cook in 2 batches, or reduce the amount of food by half
1. Grease the multicooker with vegetable oil.
2. Place sockeye salmon in a slow cooker, sprinkle with salt and pepper, and sprinkle with lemon juice.
3. Sprinkle sockeye salmon with dill, cover with sour cream and cheese.
4. Set the multicooker to the “Baking” mode and bake the sockeye salmon for 30 minutes.

How to cook sockeye salmon - 5 step-by-step recipes

Sockeye salmon is a red fish belonging to the Pacific salmon family. It is often confused with chum salmon due to its similar shape and size. But sockeye salmon meat is much tastier, has bright red color and low calorie content if prepared correctly.

Fish is a delicacy dietary products. Pediatricians recommend including sockeye salmon cooked in a double boiler or slow cooker in the diet of babies. The uniqueness lies in its nutritional value - with a relatively low calorie content (only 157 kcal per 100 grams), it contains a lot of proteins and fats.

Nutritional value of baked sockeye salmon per 100 grams

  • calorie content 153 kcal;
  • proteins 19 g;
  • fats 8 g;
  • carbohydrates 0.2 g.

When cooking, fish is not capricious, and there are a great variety of cooking methods: sockeye salmon makes delicious balyk, wonderful fish soup, it is salted, smoked, fried, made into cutlets, baked.

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Whole sockeye salmon in the oven with herbs and fennel

More often, sockeye salmon is prepared in portioned pieces, in the form of steaks or fillets, but there are tasty and quick recipes holiday dish– Sockeye salmon can be baked whole in the oven. The recipe is designed for gutted fish weighing about 2.5 kg. The head and tail are allowed to extend beyond the baking sheet.


  • Sockeye salmon – 2.5 kg;
  • Potatoes – 1.5 kg;
  • Fennel – 6 roots;
  • Salt and pepper - to taste;
  • Dill, parsley, tarragon;
  • Lemon – 2 pcs.;
  • Olive oil – 3 tbsp. spoons.


  1. First, prepare the pillow - cut the unpeeled potatoes into slices, add salt and place on a baking sheet. Place fennel roots on top. Cut the fennel into 2-4 parts. Drizzle everything with vegetable oil. The pillow is ready, you can start fishing.
  2. Clean the sockeye salmon, wash and dry. Make 6 vertical cuts 1-2 cm deep on both sides. Rub well with salt and pepper.
  3. Finely chop the dill, parsley and tarragon, mix the herbs well with lemon juice.
  4. Rub the sockeye salmon thoroughly with this mixture, paying attention to the cuts. Coat with olive oil. Carefully place the fish on a bed of potatoes and fennel.
  5. The filling for the belly is lemon, cut into slices, and a mixture of finely chopped herbs (dill, parsley and tarragon).
  6. Place the pan in the oven, preheated to maximum and cook for 15 minutes. Then reduce the temperature to 180 degrees and bake for another half hour.
  7. Sprinkle the finished dish with lemon and olive oil.
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    Dietary baked sockeye salmon

    The recipe is suitable for children and people watching their weight.


  • Sockeye salmon – 1 piece;
  • Salt and pepper - to taste;
  • Lemon – 1 pc.

How to cook:

  1. Clean and rinse the carcass well, cut into fillets or steaks.
  2. Dry with a paper towel, add salt and pepper if desired and sprinkle with freshly squeezed lemon juice.
  3. Carefully wrap in foil so that there are no gaps or tears, and place in a preheated oven at 180 degrees.
  4. Bake sockeye salmon at 180 degrees for about half an hour.

This is a basic recipe for baking sockeye salmon; the meat turns out very tender and juicy. Based on this method, baked fish is prepared with vegetables, lemon slices, and various sauces.


  • Sockeye salmon – 1 piece;
  • Shrimp – 1 kg;
  • Forest mushrooms- 1 kg;
  • Juniper berries – 50 g;
  • Garlic, salt, pepper - to taste.


  1. Gut the sockeye salmon, clean it, carefully separate the meat with bones from the skin. Cut the meat and set aside for now.
  2. Peel a kilogram of large shrimp. Wash and chop wild mushrooms. Mix shrimp with mushrooms and lightly fry over high heat.
  3. Add juniper berries, chopped garlic, salt and pepper to the chopped fish fillet. Mix everything thoroughly and pour this mixture into the fish.
  4. Place the fried mixture of mushrooms and shrimp on top. Carefully place the preparation into a culinary envelope.
  5. Bake for half an hour at 220 degrees.

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Dry salt


  • Sockeye salmon fillet – 1 kg;
  • Salt – 1 tbsp. l.;
  • Sugar – 1 tbsp. l.;
  • Favorite spices – 2 tsp.


  1. Mix thoroughly and pour part of the mixture into the bottom of the salt container.
  2. Place a layer of fillet and cover with the mixture, place the second fillet on top and sprinkle with the remaining pickling mixture.
  3. Place in the refrigerator for 2 days.

Salting in brine


  • Sockeye salmon – 1 piece;
  • 1 liter of water;
  • 3 tbsp. l. salt;
  • 1 tbsp. l. Sahara;
  • 1 tbsp. l. vinegar.


  1. To get a spicy fish, you can add spices to taste. Pour all ingredients into boiling water, boil for 1 minute and cool.
  2. Cut the carcass into steaks, place in a salting bowl and pour over the cooled brine.
  3. Keep refrigerated.
  4. The salted fish will be ready in 2 days.

Video cooking


  • Sockeye salmon caviar;
  • 1 glass of water;
  • 2 tbsp. l. salt;
  • 2 tsp. Sahara.


  1. Carefully remove the caviar from the films and rinse.
  2. Place it in a convenient container and pour cold brine for 1 hour.
  3. After an hour, drain the caviar in a colander and rinse thoroughly.
  4. Home-salted caviar can be stored for a maximum of 2 days.
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Sockeye salmon - what kind of fish, where it lives, how it is useful

Sockeye salmon - inhabitant Pacific Ocean, found off the coast of Kamchatka, Alaska, the Sea of ​​Okhotsk and Sakhalin. It stands out among other fish of the salmon family due to its large size (average weight of an individual is 2-4 kg). The meat has a bright red color and rich taste thanks to the Kalyanids - red crustaceans, which are the main source of its nutrition.

Red fish meat is very healthy, it contains many vitamins and minerals. But it is sockeye salmon, with such an abundance of nutrients, that has low calorie content. Its meat contains many fatty acids and antioxidants, which have a restorative and rejuvenating effect on the human body as a whole. Fluorine and phosphoric acid are present in large quantities, which are responsible for the strength of teeth and bones.

Vitamin composition of sockeye salmon

  • Vitamins – A, E, C, D, K, all B vitamins;
  • Minerals – phosphorus, potassium, fluorine, sulfur, sodium, magnesium, iron, selenium.

Regular consumption of sockeye salmon helps lower blood sugar, prevents the accumulation of cholesterol and provides the body with a lot of useful substances.

In recent decades, the sockeye salmon population has decreased significantly, so its price is approximately 1.5 times higher than other fish of the salmon family.

Sockeye salmon in the oven. Detailed step-by-step description with many photos.

It is impossible to ignore a special fish dish: sockeye salmon baked in the oven in a creamy sauce. The Internet is replete with photos of this delicious food. There is an opinion that dairy products are not suitable for cooking fish dishes, but in combination with salmon fish, especially sockeye salmon, the cream will reveal unforgettable taste, will add tenderness to the dish. You could say that this is classic recipe cooking red fish.

For sockeye salmon baked in the oven, you will need food foil and creamy sauce. You can bake whole fish if it is small sizes, but first you need to clean and rinse it well, remove the head, fins, tail and blood clots along the ridge from the inside. Then remove the seeds.

If the carcass is large, then it can be cut into steaks and each individual piece wrapped in foil; in this case, there is no need to remove the bones. You can marinate the fish before cooking, but this is not necessary. How to marinate sockeye salmon? Just let it sit in the sauce prepared for baking for twenty to thirty minutes.

An integral ingredient for sockeye salmon baked in the oven is cream sauce. To prepare it you will need three hundred grams of cream, salt, red and black pepper. You can add a little mayonnaise. Mix everything in a separate bowl, tasting it so as not to over-salt the sauce. Add three tablespoons of vegetable oil, preferably olive. Finely chop the greens (dill, parsley, cilantro) and mix everything thoroughly. Add lemon zest if desired.

If the fish is not large in size, then it is not necessary to cook it in foil. Place pieces of equal sizes on a greased baking sheet (add more oil than for frying) and pour cream sauce. For steaks, the foil is folded into a small plate with high edges, one for each piece, and greased with vegetable oil. You can also place a large sheet of foil on a baking sheet and place all the fish pieces in it. The steak is placed in foil and sauce is poured on top. Lemon is placed on top of the steaks (optional). Then put the fish in the oven, preheated to one hundred and sixty degrees and bake for forty minutes. To bake sockeye salmon with an appetizing crust, you can keep it in the oven for another ten minutes.

Baking sockeye salmon in the oven does not require too much time; it will take no more than an hour and a half. The cooked steaks turn out to be very juicy, in separate foil plates they themselves are ready-made individual portions and are very convenient for serving. For taste, you can use lemon by sprinkling a little juice on the finished fish.

You can read about how to cook sockeye salmon in the oven in many reference books and books on preparing delicious food with photos and illustrations. Appearance dishes should be aesthetically pleasing and appetizing, so for novice cooks it will be useful to familiarize yourself with the design options.

You can also bake sockeye salmon outdoors. This doesn't require much effort. Special attention It’s worth paying attention to preparing the fish for baking (clean and rinse well). It is better to bake fish over a fire in foil. own juice, pre-salt. The smoke from the fire will add a delicious aroma to the dish.

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how to cook it in different ways

One of the most expensive breeds red fish - sockeye salmon. How to prepare it without spoiling the precious product? This question worries those housewives who do not often feast on such delicacies. We immediately hasten to reassure them: sockeye salmon is not a “capricious” fish. And you can cook it in any way that mankind has invented for fish. And you shouldn’t worry about how to cook sockeye salmon deliciously either: any culinary decision will definitely be successful. This fish is never tasteless.

Fish under lemon

Most recipes tell you how to cook sockeye salmon in the oven. This is not surprising: baking is one of the most successful ways to process fish. And lemon is a completely traditional ingredient in fish dishes. As for sockeye salmon, the recipe will look like this. The carcass is cut into fillets or steaks. The oven sheet is lightly greased and pieces of sockeye salmon are laid out on it. The melted piece is mixed in a cup butter with lemon juice. This mixture is poured over the fish, sprinkled with salt, pepper and dill (fresh in the summer, dry in the winter). If you don't mind garlic, you can add it too (preferably dried). Thin lemon slices are laid out on top of the carcass, and the baking sheet is put into the oven for 25 minutes.

Tomato sauce for baking

The most interesting thing about this recipe is the method of preparing the gravy in which the sockeye salmon will be stewed. How to prepare such a sauce? To do this, two large red onions and a couple of cloves of garlic are chopped, placed in a container, sprinkled with olive oil and placed in a heated oven for ten minutes. During this time you will need to stir a couple of times. At the same time, the tomatoes (0.5 kg) are peeled, chopped and poured into a mold along with their juice, a teaspoon of fresh lemon zest and half a spoon of fennel. The resulting sauce is enough for a kilogram of fish. It is cut, rubbed with pepper and salt and dipped in the gravy. After 10 minutes, if the carcass was not too plump, you can take the fish to the table.

Bake with cheese

Another recipe that produces tender and juicy sockeye salmon. How to cook meat with cheese crust? After washing, the carcass is dried, traditionally rubbed with pepper and salt and laid out in a mold. It is baked for about 20 minutes straight in this form until slightly browned, and then covered with cheese shavings and returned to the oven for another 10 minutes. The method is simple, almost primitive, and the result is impressive.

Sockeye salmon in foil

Foil is a unique invention of mankind. Thanks to her, cooking has been enriched with a lot of absolutely wonderful recipes. Among them there is also a way to cook sockeye salmon in foil. A not too large carcass, cleaned, gutted and washed, is cut into two halves along the ridge, salted, seasoned with at least pepper, but other spices can be added, and sprinkled with lemon. Each part is placed on different pieces of foil and coated with light mayonnaise. You can stop there, but it will be tastier if you put onion rings on the half carcasses. The foil is rolled up tightly, and the sockeye salmon goes into the oven for half an hour. Delicate and fragrant results are guaranteed!

Spicy sockeye salmon in a sleeve with vegetables

A culinary sleeve is no less useful in baking. Sockeye salmon will also be good in it. How to cook it using a sleeve? There are many recipes. One of the most successful is the one in which it is prepared together with a side dish, that is, baked with vegetables. The dressed carcass is cut into portions and salted. Potatoes are cut into large cubes, carrots into circles, onions into half rings. The ratio of vegetables is according to your taste and according to the size of the fish. All cuts are sprinkled with herbs. Provencal ones are quite suitable, but you can make your own mixture. Mixed vegetables and fish are placed in the sleeve, it is tied, pierced to allow steam to escape and put into a hot oven for half an hour.

Salted sockeye salmon

Don’t forget how delicious salted red fish is, including sockeye salmon. How to cook it yourself? It's easy and pretty fast. First, decide whether you will salt it whole or in steaks. The second option is much faster. A brine is made from 350 g of salt (per 1 liter of water) and two full tablespoons of sugar. It would be nice to add to it Bay leaf And different types pepper In order for the aroma to transfer into the water, the brine is boiled. But you need to pour it into the fish when it cools down. The sockeye salmon is placed in a container, covered with brine, pressed down with a weight and put away in the cold. The time it spends there depends on how salty your fish is. For lightly salted, a day is enough, for strong salting - two.

The best side dish for fried sockeye salmon

Let's first look at how sockeye salmon is fried. We’ll describe how to prepare the side dish a little later. There are no special subtleties here. You can simply fry the steaks in vegetable oil, after salting and peppering them. You can make a batter. In this case, only the whites are beaten with flour - it turns out tastier. In principle, sockeye salmon is fried in the same way as other fish. And the side dish will add an additional note to this dish. For it, take ordinary white cabbage, finely chop it and scald it with boiling water. Two small pickled cucumbers are cut into slices, and a small onion into rings. The kernels of six walnuts are chopped and fried a little in a dry frying pan. All components are combined, supplemented with a jar of canned corn, seasoned with salt and pepper, and seasoned with low-fat mayonnaise. I can't think of a better side dish for fried sockeye salmon!

Sockeye salmon steak in the oven - recipes for cooking in foil.

The most delicious fish?

Sockeye salmon can be called one of the most delicious fish of the salmon family. Its tender meat can amaze the taste of a discerning gourmet. Excellent seafood recipes will help you please your guests, surprise your friends, and collect compliments. Sockeye salmon steak in the oven turns out appetizing; by adding a little spice you can achieve a wonderful aroma and original spiciness.

Classic cooking options are distinguished by a small number of components. In order to get a complete lunch, you can bake vegetables together with fish and add a little cheese.

Traditional recipe

Everything is simple here, the ingredients can be found in any housewife’s kitchen, and the result will be stunning.


We cut up the whole fish: cut off the fins, the head, then you need to remove the insides, wash them thoroughly, then cut them into steaks. Mix spices, salt, rub into the seafood, place in a container, pour citrus juice on top. Marinate the pieces for about half an hour to an hour.

We bring the oven to condition by turning on 200 degrees. You need to blot the fish slices with a towel to remove moisture. Coat the steaks with oil, add juiciness and softness. Place in a prepared heat-resistant container and set to bake.

After fifteen minutes, you can take out the dish, place it on plates, and put butter on top. Serve hot, garnish with herbs.

Sockeye salmon with bay leaf

This spicy recipe complemented by that very zest, the “cherry on the cake.” The aroma will spread throughout the house, attracting guests to the table.

  • steaks;
  • Bay leaf;
  • lemon;
  • bulb;
  • seasonings

First of all, prepare the seafood for baking. We carry out all the necessary procedures, which should result in dry, washed steaks. Take the onion, peel it, cut it into rings, and also cut the lemon. The pieces need to be rubbed with seasonings. You can use any ready-made set or add herbs to your taste. And also rub in salt.

We use foil in cooking, place it on a baking sheet, then sockeye salmon, a layer of onion on top, then a lemon cap. Squeeze a little lemon juice on top and seal with a layer of foil. Heat the oven to 210 degrees, set the fish to bake.

In total, baking takes twenty-five minutes, however, a few minutes before the end, you need to take out the baking sheet, remove the top foil, send it back, wait for an appetizing crust. Serve as a separate dish, garnish with herbs, and be sure to place citrus slices nearby.

Sockeye salmon steak with sour cream

The version is similar to the traditional one, however, we add sour cream. The pieces turn out tender and juicy.


  • pieces of fish;
  • rosemary;
  • salt;
  • lemon;
  • dill;
  • sour cream;
  • pepper;
  • sunflower oil;

We wash the prepared steaks, cut into 3 centimeters thick. Lubricate the container thoroughly sunflower oil, add the fish, add salt, pepper, and lemon juice. Finely chop the washed, dried dill, sprinkle the fish on top, spread each piece evenly with sour cream, and sprinkle with a cap of grated cheese.

The oven should be on the middle level of the oven so that the slices are evenly and thoroughly baked. Twenty minutes is enough, temperature 180 degrees. Then you need to put the pieces on plates and garnish mashed potatoes. You can put the tartar sauce in a separate bowl.

We figured out how to cook sockeye salmon steak in the oven. The main recommendation is to choose quality food products, only fresh fish may be delicious.

Baked sockeye salmon, prepared according to the classic recipe, has low calorie content and many useful qualities. In addition, seafood is not only healthy, but also tasty. You can diversify your diet with tasty, attractive food.

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Sockeye salmon steak, recipes for preparing delicious red fish.

Useful sockeye salmon

Red salmon fish, sockeye, is an elite seafood, has an impressive list of beneficial qualities, and contains many vitamins that the body needs daily. It is not difficult to prepare steaks from this fish, since the meat is not capricious and dense.

The size of the carcass is small, reaching 40 centimeters in length. The specific iodine taste of sockeye salmon is loved by many gourmets; indeed, properly cooked fish is amazingly tasty.

Recipes for preparing this delicacy are varied; they are often decorated with fried or baked fish. festive table. Can be salted, cooked delicious soup, steam steaks. Some popular recipes Let's take a closer look, step-by-step instruction will help the hostess surprise her guests with a restaurant dish, without any effort, at home.

Fried sockeye salmon

Quick preparation option, does not require large quantity ingredients. The appetizing appearance attracts attention.


  • steaks;
  • flour;
  • vegetable oil;
  • spices.

Cut the carcass into three-centimeter pieces, wash and dry them. Next, you need to roll the steaks in flour, heat the frying pan thoroughly, and place the pieces in hot oil.

Fry the slices for 5-6 minutes, turn over, repeat the procedure. Place the steaks preferably on a lettuce leaf to open taste qualities squeeze a little lemon on top. It is best to garnish sockeye salmon with rice.

Sockeye salmon steaks baked in foil

Foil invariably preserves the juiciness of the product, seals the juice inside the pieces, while preserving all the beneficial qualities of the dish.

  • red salmon;
  • lemon;
  • mayonnaise;
  • seasonings

Cooking takes a little more than half an hour, including preparing the fish for heat treatment. We take the carcass, carry out preparatory measures: gut it, cut off unnecessary parts, wash it thoroughly. Then cut into slices, rub with salt, pepper, lemon. There is no need to additionally marinate sockeye salmon, since the seafood is quite fatty.

Place in a heat-resistant container, a few slices of onion on top, then a layer of mayonnaise and send this splendor to the oven. Thirty minutes is enough for the seafood to be completely baked and the top layers to be thoroughly cooked. You can serve it yourself, add a side dish, garnish a little with herbs and citrus fruits.

Steaks with garlic

Garlic added to fish gives a unique taste, spicy spice, and a memorable aroma.


  • carcass;
  • garlic;
  • eggs;
  • flour;
  • seasonings;
  • water;
  • vegetable oil.

Cut the prepared carcass into small slices and leave aside. Prepare the batter: beat the eggs, season with salt, and throw in some dried herbs. We add flour gradually, constantly stirring the ingredients to get a homogeneous gravy.

First, roll the pieces in flour, then dip them into the resulting batter. Immediately place the slices into a preheated frying pan and fry for a couple of minutes on each side until the batter sets.

Place the half-cooked fish in a pan, add a little water, crush the garlic, close the pan, and simmer for fifteen minutes. During this time, the steaks will be saturated with the aromas of garlic and herbs, and the taste will be unforgettable. Potatoes and fresh vegetables are suitable as a side dish.

Sockeye salmon stewed in sour cream

The fish in this recipe is stewed with vegetables, which creates a variety of flavors and different shades. The dish is perfect for a festive feast.

  • sockeye salmon slices;
  • tomato paste;
  • carrot;
  • bulb;
  • olive oil;
  • spices;
  • sour cream;
  • lavrushka

You can use seafood fillets or backbone steaks in this version. We wash the slices thoroughly, chop the onion finely and coarsely chop the carrots. Using a frying pan, fry the onion, wait until transparent, stir constantly.

Throw in the carrots and a few tablespoons of tomato paste, mix the ingredients well, and fry for a couple of minutes. Place the fish in the sauce, set the heat to high, fry for three minutes, watch the color of the seafood, it should turn pale. Pour in sour cream, sprinkle with seasonings, add bay leaf, mix thoroughly.

We wait for bubbles, reduce the heat, close the lid, and simmer for fifteen minutes. Next, turn off the dish and leave it alone for about twenty minutes. Serve beautifully decorated with bright elements: lemon, herbs.

Sockeye salmon in the oven

An interesting cooking method in which fish is combined with egg and cheese mousse. Tender, very tasty.


  • steaks;
  • egg whites;
  • lemon;
  • spices.

Place the sliced ​​steaks on a prepared baking sheet, brush with fresh lemon juice and olive oil, place in the oven and cook for ten minutes. Beat the egg whites thoroughly and combine with grated cheese. We take out a baking sheet, place a fluffy mousse on the fish, and send it back to bake.

We wait for an appetizing crust and a tempting aroma, take the sockeye salmon out of the oven, and place it on plates. Pour fresh lemon juice on top, lay out a cereal and potato side dish. Separately, chop the greens, sprinkle the dish, decorate with olives and citrus slices.

We have examined, step by step, several options for preparing noble sockeye salmon. The technologies are quite simple and do not require additional equipment or complex components. There is also no need to marinate the fish, it is quite juicy, the main thing is not to overcook it on the fire, then your loved ones will be able to enjoy a unique, soft steak.

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How to cook sockeye salmon deliciously? - Useful information for everyone

Fish sockeye salmon Can cook deliciously.

Sockeye salmon baked in the oven is delicious.

E red meat is very healthy. It contains a lot of vitamins (A, D, E, PP, B12) and microelements (iron, fluorine, zinc, phosphorus, sodium, potassium, magnesium).

The fish must be cleaned, removing the entrails, cut off the fins and head, and then cut into steaks.

Cut the onion into half rings.

Cut carrots into slices.

Place onions and carrots, as well as Provençal herbs and salt, in a deep bowl. Add this to the fish pieces and mix everything thoroughly.

Place the fish in a baking bag, and then in an oven preheated to 200C and bake for about 35 minutes.

Sockeye salmon baked in the oven can be served with mashed potatoes.

Sockeye salmon makes a very delicious kebab. The fish must first be marinated a little (about an hour). We prepare the marinade as standard: olive oil, salt, pepper, juice of half a lemon, a little garlic.

In order for it to acquire a slightly exotic shade, we will fry it with kiwi - put a piece of fish, a quarter of kiwi, etc. on a skewer, alternating.

Sockeye salmon prepared in this way is juicy, not greasy and unforgettably tasty.

Instead of kiwi, you can try frying it with a piece of tomato, in which case you can add half a glass to the marinade tomato juice. The taste will be different, but also very interesting.

I will share with you a simple but delicious fire-baked sockeye salmon recipe. Sockeye salmon turns out simply delicious. For cooking you need: 1 kilo of fish, 1 medium lemon, 1 onion, spices.

Cut sockeye salmon into steaks 1.5 cm thick. Cut the fish into steaks. Their thickness should be no more than 1.5 centimeters. Add onion, cut into rings and any spices - pepper, salt to taste. Of course, you can add those you like. Knead with your hands. When the onion gives a little juice, add a third of the lemon and stir. Leave for 20 minutes.

We are preparing the grill. Then place on the grill and bake for 9-10 minutes on each side. When preparing to add lemon juice. Sockeye salmon should have a golden color. If this happens, the sockeye salmon is ready. It remains to place on a dish and sprinkle with herbs.

Fry the sockeye salmon pieces in vegetable oil on both sides, over high heat only. The crust should be dark golden brown. Then put it in the oven for 7 - 8 minutes at a temperature of 150 degrees so that it is cooked inside.

Separately, fry finely chopped onions in a frying pan until dark golden brown and pour chopped fresh tomatoes into it. This should all simmer for about 10 minutes. Add more salt and pepper to make the sauce a little spicy. Pour this sauce over the fried sockeye salmon and serve. Everyone who has tried this dish at our place says it’s delicious. Instead of sockeye salmon, you can take chum salmon, pink salmon, etc.

You can make delicious fish cutlets from sockeye salmon.

We take per kilogram of minced meat a raw egg, a glass of milk, 50 grams of cereal and seasoning to taste. Mix the egg with minced sockeye salmon, and mix the cereal and milk in a separate bowl and leave for 10-15 minutes.

Cook either in a frying pan (non-stick preferably) or in the oven at 180 degrees for 10 minutes.

Sockeye salmon belongs to the salmon family. I prefer to fry salmon fish in a grooved frying pan without breading.

Cut the fish into steaks about 3 cm thick. Salt on both sides, sprinkle with lemon juice. Fry in a preheated frying pan with oil. Fry on both sides, add a little white wine and into the oven until done. Serve with boiled vegetable side dish.

Sockeye salmon is truly a very tasty and nutritious fish of the salmon family, if you cook it tasty, it will decorate any table, so let’s begin:


1) sockeye salmon (fillet, 500-600 grams)

2) hard cheese (150 grams)

3) ground black pepper and salt (to your taste)

4) medium lemon (1 piece)

5) sour cream (200 grams)

6) fresh dill

7) rosemary (one teaspoon)

8) sunflower oil

Method of preparation: wash the sockeye salmon fillet thoroughly and cut into small pieces, then put them in molds, pre-greased with oil, then finely chop the fresh dill, and cut the lemon into thin circles and place on the surface layer of the fish. After that, pepper and salt to your taste, grease with sour cream and put grated on top. Then we put our form in a preheated oven to one hundred and eighty degrees and cook for about twenty to twenty-five minutes. A very tasty, and most importantly, healthy dish is ready.

  • Sockeye salmon is a red fish, quite fatty, it can be cooked in the oven, in a frying pan, a little vegetable oil on the bottom, salt, pepper, seasonings for red fish - the less the better, a bay leaf is enough. You can wrap the portions in foil, then the taste will be closer to boiled, or you can put a little oil in a saucepan, put the fish in pieces, add coarsely chopped onions, salt, pepper, a little mayonnaise, a little water and put it on low heat, everything cooks very quickly.

    It is impossible to ignore a special fish dish: sockeye salmon baked in the oven in a creamy sauce. The Internet is full of photos of this delicious food.

    There is an opinion that dairy products are not suitable for preparing fish dishes, but in combination with salmon fish, especially sockeye salmon, cream will reveal an unforgettable taste and add tenderness to the dish. We can say that this is a classic recipe for preparing red fish.

    For sockeye salmon baked in the oven, you will need food foil and creamy sauce. You can bake the whole fish if it is small, but first you need to clean and rinse it well, remove the head, fins, tail and blood clots along the ridge from the inside. Then remove the seeds.

    If the carcass is large, then it can be cut into steaks and each individual piece wrapped in foil; in this case, there is no need to remove the bones. You can marinate the fish before cooking, but this is not necessary. How to marinate sockeye salmon? Just let it sit in the sauce prepared for baking for twenty to thirty minutes.

    An integral ingredient for sockeye salmon baked in the oven is cream sauce. To prepare it you will need three hundred grams of cream, salt, red and black pepper. You can add a little mayonnaise. Mix everything in a separate bowl, tasting it so as not to over-salt the sauce. Add three tablespoons of vegetable oil, preferably olive. Finely chop the greens (dill, parsley, cilantro) and mix everything thoroughly. Add lemon zest if desired.

    If the fish is not large in size, then it is not necessary to cook it in foil. Place pieces of equal sizes on a greased baking sheet (add more oil than for frying) and pour in creamy sauce. For steaks, the foil is folded into a small plate with high edges, one for each piece, and greased with vegetable oil. You can also place a large sheet of foil on a baking sheet and place all the fish pieces in it. The steak is placed in foil and sauce is poured on top. Lemon is placed on top of the steaks (optional). Then put the fish in the oven, preheated to one hundred and sixty degrees and bake for forty minutes. To bake sockeye salmon with an appetizing crust, you can keep it in the oven for another ten minutes.

    Baking sockeye salmon in the oven does not require too much time; it will take no more than an hour and a half. The cooked steaks turn out to be very juicy, in separate foil plates they themselves are ready-made individual portions and are very convenient for serving. For taste, you can use lemon by sprinkling a little juice on the finished fish.

    You can read about how to cook sockeye salmon in the oven in many reference books and books on preparing delicious food with photos and illustrations. The appearance of the dish should be aesthetic and appetizing, so for novice cooks it will be useful to familiarize yourself with the design options.

    You can also bake sockeye salmon outdoors. This doesn't require much effort. Particular attention should be paid to preparing the fish for baking (clean and rinse well). It is better to bake fish over a fire in foil in its own juice, after salting it. The smoke from the fire will add a delicious aroma to the dish.


    Sockeye salmon soup

    Whatever you call it - ear or fish soup– equally delicious! Perhaps no other fish can replace salmon. What a fish! Sockeye salmon soup will certainly turn out beautiful, as in the photo, aromatic, moderately fatty, and both fresh and frozen or canned products are suitable for its preparation. One of the answers to the question of what to cook from sockeye salmon for a dinner party or family dinner will be a wonderful creamy soup.


    • canned food (natural sockeye salmon) – 245 g;
    • water – 1 l;
    • dry white wine – 100 ml;
    • onions, leeks, carrots - 1 pc.;
    • butter – 40 g;
    • potatoes – 2 pcs.;
    • cream 20% – 100 ml;
    • dill;
    • salt, bay leaf, black pepper

    Cooking method:

    1. Place into boiling water canned fish, salt to taste.
    2. Add black pepper, bay leaf, pour in wine.
    3. Cook the broth for no more than 2-3 minutes.
    4. Sauté chopped onions (onions and leeks) together with celery in butter.
    5. Add potatoes, carrots, mix everything, fry until half cooked.
    6. Place the vegetables in the hot broth, pour in the cream, bring the soup to readiness, and garnish with herbs.

    Useful sockeye salmon

    Sockeye salmon is an elite seafood, has an impressive list of beneficial qualities, and contains many vitamins that the body needs daily. It is not difficult to prepare steaks from this fish, since the meat is not capricious and dense.

    The size of the carcass is small, reaching 40 centimeters in length. The specific iodine taste of sockeye salmon is loved by many gourmets; indeed, properly cooked fish is amazingly tasty.

    Recipes for preparing this delicacy are varied; often fried or baked fish decorate the festive table. You can pickle it, prepare a delicious soup, or steam steaks. Let's look at several popular recipes in more detail; step-by-step instructions will help the hostess surprise her guests with a restaurant dish, without any effort, at home.

    How to prepare sockeye salmon

    Cut the fish into portions and place in a deep bowl. Peel the peppers and onions. Cut the vegetables into half rings and sprinkle them over the fish. Salt and pepper generously. Cut the lemon into slices. Squeeze the pepper, onion and lemon thoroughly with your hands so that they saturate the fish. After this, mix everything. While the sockeye salmon is marinating, you can start cooking the coals.

    An important condition is that the coals must produce heat evenly. To do this, before cooking the fish, they should be thoroughly fanned. As soon as the main condition is met, you can put the sockeye salmon on the grill. During this time, it will be perfectly saturated with vegetables and lemon. So, cook the fish first on one side for 10 minutes, and then on the other.

    Place washed lettuce leaves on a plate. The finished fish is placed on top and sprinkled with herbs. That's it, sockeye salmon is ready! The fish, photos of dishes from which are in our review, cooks very quickly.

    Enjoy your meal!

    This fish cannot be spoiled, so feel free to improvise! Good luck!

    Benefits and harms

    Uncontrolled fishing and environmental degradation are the main reasons for the disappearance of sockeye salmon. Poachers also cause enormous damage; they catch fish on a huge scale because of the excellent taste and valuable properties that its red meat has.

    Composition and beneficial properties

    The meat of red sockeye salmon is very tasty and tender; many fish lovers consider it tastier than pink salmon or chum salmon. Nutritionists recommend including sockeye salmon in the diet menu, because it is low in calories. Thus, the calorie content is only 157 kcal per 100 grams of product, while the nutritional value the red lines are as follows:

    • proteins - 20.3 g;
    • fats - 8.4 g;
    • carbohydrates - 0 g.

    This fish not only has tasty bright red meat, but is also enriched with vitamins and minerals that are needed to maintain normal body function. The product contains the following beneficial microelements and nutrients:

    1. There is a large amount of potassium present. It promotes excretion from the body excess liquid, thereby facilitating the work of the heart and kidneys. There is a lot of sulfur, phosphorus and chlorine in fish. These substances support the beauty and health of teeth, hair, nails, and skin.
    2. The strongest antioxidant in sockeye salmon is selenium. The microelement protects the body cells from the action free radicals, prolongs youth and life in general.
    3. Contains B vitamins in significant quantities. They are responsible for correct work nervous system and digestion. It is worth noting that fish contains especially folic acid(B 9), necessary for pregnant women. If there is a lack of this vitamin in the first trimester of pregnancy nervous system the fetus is not formed correctly, which can lead to congenital pathologies.
    4. The composition is also enriched with vitamin D, without which calcium is practically not absorbed human body. In children with its deficiency, rickets develops.

    The beneficial properties of sockeye salmon are due to the presence in its composition of many substances that protect the skin and mucous tissues from negative impact, restore the activity of the nervous and digestive systems. Red fish meat is an excellent natural antioxidant and blood sugar regulator.

    Negative sides

    Sockeye salmon belongs to fatty varieties fish, therefore it is not recommended to use it during the period of relapse of diseases of the gastrointestinal tract, as well as in some pathologies associated with hematopoiesis. And it certainly should not be included in the diet for ulcers.

    Sockeye salmon balyk is a delicacy that is best eaten in small quantities due to its content significant amount carcinogens.

    In the oven

    How to cook sockeye salmon in the oven deliciously and quickly? It is best to use fresh fillet as a basis, but defrosted fish will not spoil the idea. You must try to remove all the bones from the fillet, then the food will turn out absolutely delicious. The general algorithm of actions is as follows: cut the fillet into portions (or slightly smaller), add some salt, sprinkle with pepper or your favorite spices, pour over lemon juice, and then you can use your imagination or search the Internet for new recipes with photos.


    • sockeye salmon fillet – 1.5 kg;
    • lemon – 1 piece;
    • salt, pepper to taste;
    • egg whites – 3 pcs.;
    • cheese – 150 g.

    Cooking method:

    1. Place the fillet on a baking sheet.
    2. Sprinkle with oil, squeeze lemon juice. Season with pepper and salt.
    3. Bake for 10 minutes.
    4. Beat the egg whites and carefully mix them with the grated cheese.
    5. Place the fluffy mixture on the fish and bake in the oven.
    6. Serve sprinkled with lemon juice.

    Red fish with dill cooked in the oven is very tasty. To bake it, you don’t need a lot of ingredients, and the result will invariably please you. The advantage of this recipe is that even a novice housewife can do it, since it does not require experience. It is impossible to spoil such fish; it always becomes the highlight of the culinary program.


    • fillet – 500-600 g;
    • hard cheese – 150 g;
    • black pepper, salt, rosemary - a pinch;
    • lemon – 1 piece;
    • sour cream – 200 g;
    • fresh dill (bunch);
    • sunflower oil – 1 tbsp. l.

    Cooking method:

    1. Cut the fillet into pieces, place on a baking sheet or in a mold;
    2. Cover the fish with sour cream;
    3. Place chopped dill and thin lemon slices on top;
    4. Sprinkle the fish with pepper, salt, and grated cheese;
    5. Bake for 35-40 minutes at 180 degrees

    Whole baked sockeye salmon

    New Year, New Year, Christmas - this is, first of all, a pre-holiday mood. This is vanity, noise, some kind of confusion, everything is spinning, spinning and everyone is in a hurry, in a hurry...

    There is confusion in my head - how to manage everything, what gifts to prepare, how to prepare myself: makeup, dress, decorations, and, of course, the festive table. Oh, this festive table, headache every housewife! I propose to prepare a rare but very tasty dish of red fish - whole baked sockeye salmon. Sockeye salmon is a valuable fish from the salmon family and therefore it will decorate any feast. Whole baked sockeye salmon looks great on a holiday table! Precisely whole steaks, not individual steaks, although they are certainly delicious.

    Sockeye salmon is found in the waters of the Pacific Ocean and stays there for about 4 years, and then returns to the lakes where it hatched to spawn. The law of nature is inexorable - where it was born, it ends there natural life. It is interesting that when going to spawn, the fish changes color and appears red. Sockeye salmon is also called red salmon.

    The weight of sockeye salmon is about three kilograms, although a record figure of 7.7 kg is mentioned as an exception. This fish is very rich in macro- and microelements, omega acids, which are necessary for our body. Sockeye salmon meat has a bright red color, delicate taste and low fat content. One interesting detail is that fresh sockeye salmon must be frozen and only then used for cooking. As they say knowledgeable people During the freezing process, harmful fish toxins are neutralized.

    Cooking fish is not difficult, remember the “three ps” rule - clean, acidify, salt. I bought the fish frozen in a store and thawed it for several hours. Then I added some salt and put it in the refrigerator until the morning. I made punctures, or rather notches, on the back of the carcass so that the salt penetrated into the thickest layers of the fish.

    In the morning I cleaned and washed the fish, dried it slightly with a napkin, sprinkled with lemon juice and salt. She greased it with sunflower oil, put raw onion rings in the belly, and sprinkled the whole carcass with spices. I had a ready-made mixture for fish; this mixture contains paprika, oregano, white pepper, and tarragon. Everyone can choose spices to their own taste. You can add a few pieces of butter to the belly of the fish if you do not adhere to the Lenten rules. I wrapped the prepared fish in foil, then placed it on a baking sheet and put it in the oven. The oven was preheated, temperature 180-200 degrees. Baking time 30-35 minutes. A few minutes before the end of the baking process, I opened the foil and left it to bake until lightly browned.

    So for this dish I needed:

    • Sockeye salmon carcass – 2.5 kg.
    • Onions - 1 pc.
    • Vegetable oil – 2 tablespoons
    • Lemon – 0.5 lemon
    • Spices – 1.5 tsp. and salt.
    • When serving, I used lettuce leaves, lemon slices and cherry tomatoes, as well as pickled ginger leaves.

    Whole baked sockeye salmon looks beautiful and the taste is unique. Need to try!

    And it is good both hot and cold! Cook and eat for your health!

    Happy holidays to you, dear site visitors!

    Sockeye salmon, where it lives and how it is useful

    Sockeye salmon - what kind of fish? This is a representative of the noble salmon family. She prefers to live in the cold waters of the Pacific Ocean and the Sea of ​​Okhotsk. In Russia, it lives only on the eastern coasts of Sakhalin and Kamchatka, and spawns in clean fresh waters, and during this period its silvery body turns red. She's no different large sizes, reaching an average length of 40 cm. Its diet consists of small fatty crustaceans and calanids.

    This fish has a pleasant taste, its tender meat has a lot useful properties. It is not very high in calories and can be used as a diet food, so it is recommended for those who do not want to gain weight. Far Eastern salmon meat contains fatty acids, vitamins, phosphorus, magnesium, iron, selenium, potassium, which have a beneficial effect on metabolism and cholesterol levels; There are antioxidants that supply biologically active substances to the body, slow down the aging process of the body and even reduce the possibility of the formation of cancerous tumors.

    How to deliciously salt sockeye salmon - delicious recipes

    There aren't that many good recipes. Most of them correspond to the salting process of other salmon species. But you can also find exclusive recipes that are characterized by unsurpassed taste. Salted sockeye salmon can serve as an excellent addition to various salads or appetizers.

    Instant recipe

    To do this you need to prepare:

    • 1 kg sockeye salmon.
    • 2 tbsp. spoons of salt.
    • 1 tbsp. spoon of sugar.
    • Spices.

    How to prepare:

    1. The fish is dressed and cut into acceptable pieces.
    2. Pieces of fish are laid out in prepared dishes.
    3. A mixture of salt, sugar and spices is also sent here.
    4. The fish is carefully mixed in this composition.
    5. The fish meat is placed under pressure for 4 hours.
    6. After 4 hours you can eat it.

    Sockeye salmon in brine

    What products are needed for this:

    • 1 kg sockeye salmon fillet.
    • Up to 9 tablespoons of salt.
    • 1 liter of water.
    • 200 ml sunflower oil.

    Cooking method:

    1. Take the fish carcass and cut it until you get fillets.
    2. The brine is prepared in an enamel bowl. To do this, salt is dissolved in water.
    3. The mixture is heated, but not much. It may be warm, but not hot.
    4. Place sockeye salmon fillet in the brine for about half an hour.
    5. After half an hour, the fish is taken out and placed in a separate container, after cutting the fillet into pieces.
    6. The pieces are filled completely with vegetable oil. This way the fish is aged for about 10 hours. After this period, the fish can be eaten.

    Dry pickling

    This method can also be called fast and affordable. All you need to do is prepare the following ingredients:

    • Sockeye salmon – 1 kg.
    • Salt – 4 tbsp. spoons.
    • Sugar – 2 teaspoons.
    • Black pepper – 1 teaspoon (optional).

    How to cook:

    1. The sockeye salmon carcass is cut so that only meat remains, without skin and bones.
    2. Taken paper towel and excess moisture is removed.
    3. Take salt, sugar and pepper, after which they are mixed.
    4. The fish is sprinkled with this mixture on all sides in an even layer and wrapped in parchment. After this, it is placed in a container and placed in the refrigerator.
    5. Somewhere, after a day, not earlier, it is considered that the fish is already cooked.

    Sockeye salmon with lemon

    Required ingredients:

    • Sockeye salmon – 2 kg.
    • 1 tbsp. spoon of salt.
    • 1 onion.
    • 2 lemons.
    • Allspice (to taste).

    Cooking technology:

    1. Sockeye salmon is dressed with the skin and bones removed, after which it is chopped into pieces.
    2. Juice is extracted from the lemon.
    3. The onion is cut into rings or chopped.
    4. Pieces of fish are laid out in layers, along with onions, spices and lemon juice.
    5. The fish is placed in the refrigerator for one day. At the same time, it needs to be taken out and stirred regularly.
    6. After a day, the fish is ready to eat.

    Sockeye salmon is a delicate fish that is prepared using certain rules. For example:

    • It is not recommended to use “Extra” type salt for salting.
    • Enameled dishes must be intact, without cracks or chips.
    • It is not recommended to add vodka to the product, as this makes the fish tough.
    • After cooking, it is better to eat the fish within a week, since it is not recommended to store it longer.

    Salted pink salmon is perfect for preparing various snacks or sandwiches. In addition, salted pink salmon can be indispensable when preparing various salads, when required healthy eating. This is especially true when you need to lose excess weight.

    How to prepare sockeye salmon

    How to cook this fish? First, peel the potatoes, cut them into small cubes and place them in a blender bowl. Add sockeye salmon cut into pieces to it. Grind everything thoroughly. Add egg, spices, salt and starch to the prepared mixture. Mix everything well and leave for 5 minutes to infuse.

    If liquid has formed, it should be removed. After this, the cheese should be cut into cubes and placed in a blender bowl. Add garlic, cream and cilantro to it. Add the remaining egg to this aromatic mixture and mix well.

    Grease the mold with oil and sprinkle with semolina or flour. Using a tablespoon, add layers alternately. The last one should be the cheese. Place the pan in the oven for 20 minutes. Cut the tomatoes into slices and arrange them beautifully on a plate. Place the soufflé on top of the tomatoes. That's all, our delicious sockeye salmon is cooked. The fish tastes simply amazing, especially in this version. Enjoy!

    Traditional recipe

    Everything is simple here, the ingredients can be found in any housewife’s kitchen, and the result will be stunning.


    • red salmon;
    • lemon;
    • salt;
    • olive oil;
    • spices.

    We cut up the whole fish: cut off the fins, the head, then you need to remove the insides, wash them thoroughly, then cut them into steaks. Mix spices, salt, rub into the seafood, place in a container, pour citrus juice on top. pieces for about half an hour to an hour.

    We bring the oven to condition by turning on 200 degrees. You need to blot the fish slices with a towel to remove moisture. Coat the steaks with oil, add juiciness and softness. Place in a prepared heat-resistant container and set to bake.

    After fifteen minutes, you can take out the dish, place it on plates, and put butter on top. Serve hot, garnish with herbs.

    How to simply bake sockeye salmon


    • Sockeye salmon – 1 fish weighing 1 kilogram
    • Carrots – 2 pieces
    • Onions – 2 heads
    • Provençal herbs (can be replaced with Italian ones) – 3 tablespoons
    • Black pepper – 1 teaspoon
    • Salt – 1 tablespoon (heaped to taste)

    Food preparation

    1. Clean the fish from scales and gut the insides.

    2. Wash the sockeye salmon with running water inside and out.

    3. Cut off the fins and head of the sockeye salmon.

    4. Cut the sockeye salmon into portions 2 centimeters thick.

    5. Peel the onions and finely chop them.

    6. Peel the carrots and cut into slices 0.2-0.3 centimeters thick.

    7. Place carrots and onions in a bowl, sprinkle with herbs de Provence, ground pepper and salt, stir.

    8. Place sockeye salmon into the mixture and stir.

    Baking sockeye salmon in a sleeve in the oven

    1. Preheat the oven to 200 degrees for 5 minutes.

    2. Place the sockeye salmon along with onions and carrots in a sleeve or foil, and achieve maximum tightness.

    3. Place the sockeye salmon in the sleeve on the middle level of the oven and bake for 45 minutes.

    Baking sockeye salmon in a slow cooker

    1. Place sockeye salmon in a multicooker container greased with vegetable oil (2 tablespoons).

    2. Set the multicooker to the “Baking” mode.

    3. Turn on the multicooker and bake the sockeye salmon for 55 minutes, stirring every 10 minutes.

    Use in cooking

    Krasnitsa does not feed on everything that comes her way. She chooses food enriched with carotene, which is what gives the fish its bright color and taste. Sockeye salmon meat is suitable for preparing both professional cuisine and simpler food. It is noteworthy that gourmet meat has special taste characteristics that allow the use of few seasonings when preparing dishes.

    Fatty fish meat is perfect for smoking and making balyk. In addition, it perfectly complements various snacks and salads. There are many recipes for sockeye salmon, but among them the simplest and most popular are:

    1. In the oven. Using this method, the fish cooks very quickly. For cooking you will need 1.5 kg of fresh fillet. It is washed and the seeds are removed, if present. Place in a form greased with vegetable oil. Then add a little salt and pepper, and sprinkle with lemon juice if desired. Bake at 240°C for 7-10 minutes. While the fillet is in the oven, prepare the sauce: grated cheese (200-300 g) is mixed with lightly beaten egg whites (3 pieces). After 7 minutes, the fish is taken out of the oven and poured evenly with the mixture, then put back in the oven for 10 minutes.
    2. In a slow cooker. Fillet (1 kg) is cut into small pieces and placed in a mold on small pieces of butter. Sprinkle your favorite fish seasoning on top and place tomato and onion rings. When finishing cooking, grease with grated cheese and full-fat milk (cream). Cook the dish in the “Fish” mode with the valve closed for about 5-7 minutes.
    3. In a baking sleeve. First you need to prepare a vegetable base from chopped carrots and onions; if desired, you can add potato cubes. Everything is sprinkled with spices, herbs, salt, and placed in a sleeve. Pre-cut fillets are also sent there. The ends of the sleeve are secured with a special fastener and placed in the oven for 25-30 minutes.
    4. Grilled steak. The steak is rubbed with salt, spices and vegetable oil. Place on the grill. Cook the steak for 10-15 minutes (for pieces 3 cm thick). Add a slice of lemon and any garnish to the finished fish.

    You can prepare delicious sockeye salmon in the usual way - simply fry it on both sides or stew it in sour cream. And fish broth can become the basis for a delicious and aromatic soup.

    Sockeye salmon stewed in sour cream

    The fish in this recipe is stewed with vegetables, which creates a variety of flavors and different shades. The dish is perfect for a festive feast.

    • sockeye salmon slices;
    • tomato paste;
    • carrot;
    • bulb;
    • olive oil;
    • spices;
    • sour cream;
    • lavrushka

    You can use seafood fillets or backbone steaks in this version. We wash the slices thoroughly, chop the onion finely and coarsely chop the carrots. Using a frying pan, fry the onion, wait until transparent, stir constantly.

    Throw in the carrots and a few tablespoons of tomato paste, mix the ingredients well, and fry for a couple of minutes. Place the fish in the sauce, set the heat to high, fry for three minutes, watch the color of the seafood, it should turn pale. Pour in sour cream, sprinkle with seasonings, add bay leaf, mix thoroughly.

    We wait for bubbles, reduce the heat, close the lid, and simmer for fifteen minutes. Next, turn off the dish and leave it alone for about twenty minutes. Serve beautifully decorated with bright elements: lemon, herbs.

    What kind of fish is sockeye salmon? It belongs to the salmon class, is rich in vitamins, useful microelements and omega fats. What are the benefits of eating the meat of this sea creature, and how to cook it? delicious dishes from sockeye salmon, we will consider in this article.

    What are the benefits of sockeye salmon? It is not bony, and its meat has a very delicate taste. The advantage is that the fish is not fatty, so it has absolutely no calories. Its use is allowed even for those people who have problems with gastrointestinal tract and constantly stick to diets.

    Sockeye salmon meat contains many essential substances. Among them it is worth highlighting: selenium, fatty acids, rich vitamin complex. All these components help normalize metabolism and reduce cholesterol levels in the blood. Fish also contains natural antioxidants that slow down the aging process. Omega fats prevent the formation of cancer cells.

    From this we can conclude that sockeye salmon is very useful product, which in mandatory should be present at least occasionally in the diet.

    We will look at recipes for cooking sockeye salmon below.

    Fish baked in the oven with lemon

    Sockeye salmon can be deliciously cooked in the oven. The dish turns out to be low in calories, but healthy and nutritious.

    We will need the following ingredients:

    • fish – 2 pcs. medium size;
    • lemon – 1 pc.;
    • vegetables (onions, carrots) – 0.5 kg;
    • mayonnaise – 30 g (if you need to prepare dietary dish, you can replace this ingredient with low-fat kefir);
    • dill – 20 g;
    • spices - to taste.

    The cooking process takes on average no more than 1 hour and includes the following steps:

    1. Rinse the fish under running water. Prepare the carcass by removing unnecessary parts (head, tail, fins, entrails).
    2. Cut a lemon in half and sprinkle the juice over the fish. Give time for the sockeye salmon to marinate.
    3. At this time, start frying the vegetables. Cut the onion into half rings and grate the carrots on a coarse grater. Fry the food until half cooked.
    4. It is better to cover the baking sheet with foil or parchment so that the fish does not “stick”. Salt the sockeye salmon and place it on a baking sheet.
    5. Place a couple of lemon slices and your favorite greens into the belly. The ideal option is dill, basil, thyme. With their help, you will add piquancy to the fish and remove excess bitterness.
    6. Lubricate the carcasses with mayonnaise, place onions and carrots on them.
    7. Add spices (to taste), sprinkle with lemon juice and place in the oven.

    The fish should be cooked for 40 minutes at 180 degrees. Be careful not to burn the vegetables on top.

    Sockeye salmon soup

    Fish soup is liked not only by adults, but also by children. We offer a classic recipe for making sockeye fish soup.

    You will need these ingredients:

    • fish – 0.5 kg;
    • potatoes – 300 g;
    • onion – 1 head;
    • carrots – 1 pc.;
    • vodka – 30 ml;
    • herbs and spices - to taste.

    It is not necessary to use only fish fillets for the broth. A head and tail would be perfect.

    The cooking process is quite simple:

    1. Place in a saucepan cold water. A medium saucepan will require 2 – 2.5 liters of water.
    2. Place the cut fish in the pan, trying to make sure that the liquid completely covers it. If you use the head, be sure to cut out the gills, otherwise the broth will taste bitter.
    3. Place the pan on the fire and after boiling, add the onion (whole) to the broth.
    4. Peel the carrots, cut into small slices and add to the broth.
    5. Remove the foam - only in this case the broth will be transparent.
    6. Add bay leaf and peppercorns, then simmer the broth for 20 - 25 minutes.
    7. After this time, remove the fish and strain the broth through cheesecloth. This must be done so that small bones do not accidentally get into the soup.
    8. Let the broth continue to simmer, and at this time cut the potatoes into small cubes and add to the future fish soup.
    9. Add salt and pour a glass of vodka. The chefs allow you to replace the drink with a glass of white wine. Don’t worry, this soup can be given to children, since the alcohol will completely evaporate when boiling. But the soup will be very rich.
    10. Cook the soup for another 10 - 15 minutes. At the end, return the fish fillet to it and add fresh herbs.

    This is a classic fish soup recipe. Many people add millet or rice to the soup, but remember that in this case the broth will lose its transparency.

    Recipe for cooking in foil

    Red sockeye fish is distinguished by its low calorie content.

    To prepare an excellent dietary dish from it, you will need the following components:

    • fish – 1 pc.;
    • lemon juice – 30 ml;
    • herbs and spices - to taste.

    The cooking process is simple:

    1. Prepare the fish carcass.
    2. Rub with salt, spices, sprinkle with lemon juice.
    3. Place your favorite herbs or greens in the belly.
    4. Wrap the fish in foil.
    5. Place in the oven.

    The fish is baked for about 30 minutes at a temperature of 180 degrees. Want to get a delicious crust? 10 minutes before the end of cooking, simply tear the foil and place the carcass under the heat of a grill or convector.

    This recipe will appeal to people who are on a diet or on proper nutrition. The fish meat turns out tender and, most importantly, juicy.

    How to deliciously fry sockeye salmon

    Fried sockeye salmon is an excellent main dish that can decorate any holiday table. Its advantage is that the fish cooks very quickly, and its taste will not leave anyone indifferent.


    • fish steaks – 1 kg;
    • any spices – 15 g.
    • olive oil – 30 g;
    • flour – 60 g;
    • sunflower oil (odorless) – 250 ml.

    The ideal combination of seasonings for fish is paprika, thyme, coriander, oregano. Do not burden its taste with too rich a set of spices.

    Cooking process:

    1. Prepare the steaks, dry them with a towel and brush with olive oil.
    2. Mix the spices, rub the fish well with them, not forgetting to add a little salt.
    3. Heat the sunflower oil.
    4. Dip the steaks in flour and immediately place in the pan.

    Sockeye salmon fillet is very tender and juicy, it is very important not to spoil such a delicate product. The optimal roasting time is 3 – 4 minutes on each side. Believe me, this will be enough for the fish to be completely cooked.

    Salting at home

    Sockeye salmon fillet can be easily salted. Anyone who respects fish dishes will enjoy eating a sandwich with such fish for breakfast.

    The recipe is quite simple, the ingredients are as follows:

    • fish fillet – 0.5 kg;
    • salt – 15 g;
    • sugar – 10 g;
    • Provencal herbs or any spices for fish - 30 g.


    1. Mix all dry ingredients.
    2. Pour half of them into the bottom of the container in which the salting will take place.
    3. Place fish fillets on top.
    4. Sprinkle with remaining herb and spice mixture.
    5. Place the product in the refrigerator.

    Salting time is 2 days. Such delicious fish will go perfectly with buttered bread toast and will fit wonderfully into many salads.

    Juicy red fish cutlets

    Sockeye salmon fish cutlets turn out fluffy, juicy and tasty. Of course, you can buy ready-made minced meat in the store, but it’s much more useful to cook it yourself.

    To do this, remove large fish bones and grind the fillet several times through a meat grinder.

    For the cutlets we will need the following components:

    • sockeye salmon – 0.5 kg;
    • onion – 1 pc.;
    • chicken egg – 1 pc. (can be replaced with several quail, since they are considered a dietary product);
    • white bread (can be stale) – 20 g;
    • milk – 100 ml (if you need a more high-calorie dish, add cream);
    • breadcrumbs;
    • spices - to taste.

    But the chef doesn't approve of greens in this recipe. It “interrupts” the delicate and original fish taste.


    1. Cut the bread into cubes, dip in milk.
    2. Grate the onion on a fine grater or, better yet, pass it through a meat grinder.
    3. Add all ingredients to the minced meat except breadcrumbs. If it turns out too liquid, the cutlets will not hold their shape. To correct the situation, add a little semolina (5 - 10 g).
    4. Form into cutlets or balls and dip each side in breadcrumbs.
    5. Place the preparations on a hot frying pan.
    6. You need to fry for a few minutes on each side.

    Sockeye salmon is one of the elite fish varieties and its meat is highly valued by gourmets. From this inhabitant of the seas you can prepare a lot of tasty and healthy dishes. Use our recipes and appreciate the unforgettable taste of this red fish for yourself.

    In addition to sockeye salmon, you can bake any red fish under a cheese and protein coat. This means pink salmon, chum salmon, trout, and salmon. I wrote this in ascending order of price, and sockeye salmon is somewhere in the middle of this list in terms of cost.

    In the ingredients I indicated ready-made spices “for fish” because they are suitable different variants, as well as just fresh or dried parsley, ground hot or allspice peppers, lemon juice and zest, etc. My spice bag says white pepper, saffron, suneli hops and ginger.

    To cook sockeye salmon with cheese in the oven, prepare the ingredients according to the list.

    If you bought an unfinished fillet, then additionally prepare the fish yourself. To do this, cut off the skin from pieces of sockeye salmon and remove the backbone with bones. Sprinkle the sockeye salmon fillet with spices for a few minutes. You need to be careful with salt, because the cheese will add saltiness anyway.

    Place the sockeye salmon pieces in a preheated oven on a baking sheet greased with butter or vegetable oil. Bake for 7-10 minutes at 180-200 degrees.

    While the fish is in the oven, prepare the filling, that is, the “fur coat”. Beat the egg whites until light foam.

    Add grated hard or semi-hard cheese and stir.

    Remove the baking sheet with the sockeye salmon pieces from the oven, quickly cover them with the protein-cheese mixture and return them for another 7-10 minutes.

    Juicy and very tasty sockeye salmon, cooked in the oven, is ready.

    Serve sockeye salmon with side dishes of potatoes, rice or vegetables.

    Bon appetit!