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There are 14 rays emanating from the Star of Bethlehem, according to the genealogy of Jesus Christ... Christmas is celebrated three times in the homeland of Christ, even by Muslims. Photo report.

I was lucky enough to visit the homeland of Christ twice: in 2010 - as part of a delegation accompanying the Primate of the Ukrainian Orthodox Church, Metropolitan Vladimir, and in 2011.

When should we talk about these travels if not on the eve of Christmas...


The Israelis themselves do not go to Bethlehem. Many would like to visit there, at least out of curiosity, but the caring government does not allow holders of Israeli passports into the Palestinian territories.
It must be said that the Israelis loved visiting Palestinian cities until they were killed there in broad daylight by their own Arab fellow citizens.

Church of the Nativity in Bethlehem.

The result of many years of peace negotiations was modern Palestine - autonomy in the West Bank of Jordan and the Gaza Strip with the large Arab cities of Bethlehem, Ramallah, Nablus, Jenin and Hebron. Today, Israel and Arab territories are separated by an eight-meter concrete wall.

The Israeli government is concerned about the Jewish people and does not want to be responsible for thrill-seekers in Arab territories.
At the same time, tourists and pilgrims are allowed into Bethlehem without any problems. Tridents on raised Ukrainian passports usually dispel any interest among military personnel at checkpoints. Israel controls only the outer boundaries of the autonomy.

From the moment of crossing the cordon, de jure security of pilgrims passes to Palestinian forces. Israel is not responsible for the stay of Ukrainian citizens in the homeland of Christ.

Market on one of the central streets of Bethlehem.


In Hebrew, Bethlehem sounds like “Beit Lechem” - “City of Bread”, since the birth of Christ became the Bread of Life for the world. Above the main shrine of the city - the cave in which the baby Jesus was born - is the oldest temple in Palestine - the Church of the Nativity. Approaching it through the narrow streets, you involuntarily observe a lot of dull military-themed graffiti on the walls. I did not see any Palestinian resistance fighters on the streets of Bethlehem.

The birthplace of King David, the streets where the Mother of God walked, and where the Infant of God spent the first years of his earthly life, are littered today. Arabs, for the most part, are not particularly clean. This is probably why I don’t want to stay in Bethlehem for long.

A Christmas nativity scene in one of the souvenir shops.

Usually, pilgrims, leaving the Church of the Nativity, rush to buses, they are taken to shops as agreed by the guide, and then back to Jerusalem.
Local Arabs are lucky - being in the homeland of the Savior of the world is a great opportunity for visitors to buy souvenirs.
True, they say that the production of these products today brings in little money. The shops are filled with Chinese consumer goods, which are displacing products self made local residents.

However, the money that pilgrims leave behind is a significant source of income for Palestinians. Fortunately, the Palestinian authorities fully realized this and announced a complete restoration of the Church of the Nativity for the first time since its construction in the 4th century.

About 2 million people visit the Church of the Nativity every year.

Due to frequent conflicts in the region and due to disputes over the ownership of the temple - between the Catholic, Greek Orthodox and Armenian churches, the condition of the shrine was not monitored. Moisture destroyed priceless frescoes and mosaics on the vault of the temple. They say that the rotten beams could collapse on pilgrims at any time, because the roof has not been repaired for more than 500 years.

The Church of the Nativity will be restored for the first time since its construction in the 4th century.

The restoration of the temple will cost 10-15 million dollars, which the Palestinian leadership and international donors promise to allocate. First of all, the leaking wooden roof will be repaired.

The first Basilica of the Nativity in Bethlehem was built by St. Helena, mother of Emperor Constantine the Great, in 333 above the cave where, according to legend, Christ was born. In the 6th century, the temple was burned, and in 565 it was rebuilt by order of Emperor Justinian. The temple was completed by the Crusaders, who crowned their first king of Jerusalem here. The basilica was rebuilt and expanded several times, and today its area is about 12 thousand square meters. m.

Moisture destroyed priceless frescoes and mosaics on the vault of the temple.


Christmas in Bethlehem is a holiday for absolutely everyone. In the homeland of Christ, it is celebrated three times, even by Muslims. They revere Jesus as Jesus, one of the prophets, and in their own way they honor His birth.
Catholics are the first to celebrate the miracle of the Savior's birth - on December 25, then Orthodox - on January 7, then - representatives Armenian Church. The latter celebrate Christmas and Epiphany as a single holiday of Epiphany - January 19.

December 25 - the day of the Nativity of Christ was approved in 337 by Pope Julius I. The Orthodox Church also celebrates Christmas on December 25, but according to the Julian calendar, which is 13 days behind the Western Catholic calendar. The Church did not accept the Pope's reform Gregory XIII. But the secular world lives according to the new, Gregorian style, so “our” Christmas comes on January 7th.

Right to serve Divine Liturgies in the Church of the Nativity of Christ there are Orthodox Greeks, Armenian Monophysites and Catholics.
According to our guide from the Russian Spiritual Mission in Jerusalem, Orthodox Christmas celebrations in Bethlehem begin on the morning of January 6th. From the Jerusalem Patriarchate to the birthplace of Christ goes procession, which is headed by the Patriarch of Jerusalem Theophilos III. From Jerusalem to Bethlehem it is a 2 hour walk.

On the night of January 7, representatives of the Palestinian Authority, guests of the Jerusalem Patriarchate, and Orthodox Christians who were lucky enough to celebrate Christmas in Bethlehem gather in the Basilica of the Nativity. The Patriarch serves Matins, which turns into Liturgy.

There are 14 rays emanating from the Star of Bethlehem, according to the genealogy of Jesus Christ.


There is a low entrance to the Church of the Nativity of Christ, which is called the “gate of humility”: everyone who crosses the threshold is forced to bend low. Once upon a time, Muslims, wanting to desecrate the shrine, rode into the temple on donkeys. Then the gates to the basilica were blocked, the entrance became low, and since then you can only enter it by bowing your head. Thirty steps lead to the basilica, the birthplace of Christ. The cave itself is about 12 meters long, its width is 4 meters, and its height is about 3 meters.

The Star of Bethlehem is in a small-looking marble niche. To venerate the great shrine, you need to kneel before the Star marking the birthplace of the Savior and lean forward a little. On the silver frame there is an inscription in Latin: “Hic de Virgine Maria Jesus Christus natus est” - “Here Jesus Christ was born of the Virgin Mary.” You can touch the birthplace of Christ by reaching with your hand into the round hole in the center of the Star.

There are 14 rays emanating from the star of Bethlehem, according to the genealogy of Jesus Christ: “So all the generations from Abraham to David are fourteen generations; and from David to the deportation to Babylon, fourteen generations; and from the migration to Babylon to Christ there are fourteen generations.” (Matt. 1:17).

The 15 lamps that burn around the niche belong to different faiths: 6 of them are Orthodox Greeks, 5 are Armenians, 4 are Catholics. In total, 32 lamps are burning in the cave. The birthplace of Christ is under the tutelage of the Orthodox Greek Patriarchate.

If you first take a small bottle and syringe with you, you can ask for a blessing to draw oil directly from the lamp above the birthplace of Christ. Not everyone is allowed and not always, but if you offer something new lamp oil in return, the chances of getting what you ask for increase.

To the right of the Star there is a manger, where the wax image of the Infant Christ lies, and here is the throne of worship of the Magi - all this under the supervision of Catholics.

The miraculous icon of the Bethlehem Mother of God.

In the Church of the Nativity of Christ there is another great shrine of Orthodoxy - miraculous icon The Mother of God of Bethlehem is the only image where Holy Mother of God shown smiling.
After all, it was here, in Bethlehem, that she was truly happy. Here she brought the Savior into the world. The great mystery of the incarnation took place - the union with the human race, for the reconciliation of one’s now relatives through the Son with the Father.

Field of shepherds.

I buy a pipe as a souvenir from the Shepherds’ Field - where the angels announced the birth of the Infant God, and try to depict on it: “Glory to God in the highest, and on earth peace, good will towards men!..”. Every time I leave Bethlehem truly happy.

Anna Gorpinchenko, UNIAN-Religions.

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It has its own symbols. The eight-pointed star is one of them. Each of the symbols characterizes Orthodoxy in a certain way. Probably everyone has thought at least once about what it means in religion and beyond. After all, it was found in the culture of many peoples in different eras. Surely its meaning is diverse. To understand all this, you need to trace its appearance in the history of mankind and in the symbolism of Orthodox Christianity.

Star with eight rays

In Christianity, this is the Star of Bethlehem or a symbol. According to the Holy Scriptures, it lit up in the sky when the Messiah was born. Its eight rays were brighter than other stars. Seeing them, the ancient sages (magi) remembered the prophecies and realized that the long-awaited Savior had been born. They hastened to the east to worship the Son of God. The star of Bethlehem showed the elders the way, moving ahead until it stopped over the place where Jesus was born.

In the Cave of the Nativity there is the Star of Bethlehem. How many rays there are on it is known for certain. The place where Jesus was born is indicated by a silver star with fourteen rays. This number is not random. It symbolizes the stops on Jesus' Way of the Cross in Jerusalem.

Star of Bethlehem. History of origin

Today at Orthodox churches There is an eight-pointed star, the meaning of which can be understood by referring to the history of its appearance.

But initially the Star of Bethlehem had five rays, according to the number of wounds of Jesus Christ. It also symbolized health: the number of fingers, sensory organs. But its main meaning was in the human nature of Christ.

During the Renaissance, the star was associated with the occult. And inverted, it became a symbol of Satan. But Christians considered this option a sign of the rebirth of Christ. And even canonized by the church, Constantine had a seal with an inverted five-pointed star. It was he who made Christianity the state religion.

For Russia, the symbol in the form of a star with five rays is historically alien. It is more commonly associated with Judaism and Freemasonry. Although during the years of Soviet power it was the star with five rays that was chosen as the state symbol.

Eight-pointed star in Orthodoxy. Prerequisites for the appearance

The five-pointed Star of Bethlehem was replaced by a six-pointed one around the fifteenth century. In general, this symbol arose at the beginning of the Neolithic period. It meant the six cardinal directions. Everyone knows that there are four of them, but, for example, the residents Ancient India, seeing a symbol with so many rays, they understood its meaning as “six sides of the horizon.”

Then, in some period, in Russia there was a seven-pointed star of Bethlehem. Once upon a time, magicians wore the same symbol as distinctive sign, but with the planet indicated next to each ray.

The meaning of an eight-pointed star in Rus'

And finally, an eight-pointed star appeared - a symbol known in Rus' since ancient times. Long before the twentieth century, the inhabitants Ancient Rus', back in pagan times, it meant the presence of the main deity. The image of such a star was placed on military banners, clothing and on various items life and worship.

IN Orthodox Rus' the eight-pointed star was no less important. After all, it lit up in the sky at the moment of the Birth of our Savior and led the Magi to the place where Jesus was born.

Eight-pointed star in iconography

Today this sign is present in all Orthodox churches, symbolizing Russia. A star with eight rays can be found on all Russian icons Mother of God, patroness of our Fatherland. Here in Russia they say about this symbol: the star of the Virgin Mary, Russian, and also the star of Bethlehem.

As mentioned above, on the icons Holy Virgin Mary is depicted with an eight-pointed star, the meaning of which is very important in Orthodoxy. This is understandable only from one fact that the symbol is located on the shoulders and head of the Virgin Mary. On the “Burning Bush” icon, the image of the Mother of God is inscribed in an octogram (this is also the name of a symbol with two squares superimposed on each other, forming an eight-pointed symbol). The star is closely connected with the Virgin Mary, her secret.

If we recall the meaning of the symbol with eight rays, then according to tradition it was understood as eternity, unshakable stability and transcendence of this world. Also, the octogram is a sign of Paradise, Heavenly Jerusalem and the final Transfiguration.

The meaning of the star among different peoples

An eight-pointed star is a symbol of balance, order, and creation when inscribed in a circle. This is how in ancient times they designated the calendar and the seasons (everything material changes, but the main thing remains unchanged).

The eight-pointed star is found in the cult of Latvians and Udmurts. In the form of a double cross or with forked ends, it can be seen in folk ornaments among the Finns and Karelians, as well as among northern peoples (for example, Finno-Ugric). Here it means guidance and rebirth, and is a symbol of light and glory.

In addition, a star with eight rays can be found in Karelia, Likhoslavl and its region (whose residents are also Karelians), Colombia, and Peru. The flags of Great Britain and the Philippines also display octal symbols.

The eight-pointed star, the meaning of which among the Egyptians was the identity of the divine sign, is also found among the Sumerians. In their language, this symbol was used to denote a word that translates as “god, star, sky.”

It is believed that the eight-pointed sign symbolizes seven periods in the history of mankind, and the eighth ray symbolizes the life of the next century. That is, the time when the kingdom of God will come.

Star in Christian traditions

The eight-pointed one has always been the main one on the tops of holiday trees. It also served as decoration in houses and on the street. During Soviet times, the star was replaced with a five-pointed one.

Children were given the eight-pointed star of Bethlehem for prosperity and happiness.

As church tradition says, one of the apostles was the first to bring the news of Christian faith. Apparently, this is why in tsarist Russia the highest award, shaped like an eight-pointed star, was called the Order of St. Andrew the First-Called. Today it also has a high status, restored by presidential decree in 1998.

The Star of Bethlehem, no matter how many rays it has, is of great importance in the history of Christianity. The Magi, led by her, found out where the Savior was and told the world about his Birth. Today, this symbol, as always, is a guide for believers, reminding that the material and spiritual are interconnected. But if one passes without a trace, then the other is eternal and imperishable. As we strive to live in the kingdom of God, we must remember that in this world everyone can become a guiding star for someone by doing good deeds and thereby drawing closer to the Lord. Maybe this is the true meaning of the symbol with eight rays. Peace and harmony to you!

The Star of Bethlehem is a mysterious celestial phenomenon, which, according to the Gospel of Matthew, was called a “star” by the Magi. The Gospel of Matthew tells us exactly how the Magi went to worship the Infant Christ, and there is a certain mystery in this story. The fact is that they were led to Christ... by a star. That's right: they saw a very bright star in the sky, unlike anything else, and followed it. The Magi knew from legends that this heavenly phenomenon would lead them to the new King of the Jews, who would be the Savior of the world. The star, as stated in the Gospel, led the Magi to Bethlehem and stopped over the house where the Holy Family settled. They joyfully bowed to the Child and the Virgin Mary and brought gifts to Christ - gold as a King, incense - as God, and myrrh - as a Man who must die for the salvation of people. Then the Magi returned to their homeland and there, according to legend, they also preached the birth of the Savior. They are revered as the “three holy kings” and their relics are in the Cologne Cathedral.

But the question is: could some star really guide the Magi? Is this not fiction? Some critics of the Gospel argued that this story was a later insertion into the Holy Scriptures, made by the Greeks in order to “decorate” the event of the Nativity, which the evangelists told very sparingly. And indeed, all this looks like a fairy tale... So how should we relate to the story about the star? And does the modern Church really believe that a certain body moved across the sky, showing the way to the Magi?

Let's start with the “latest insertions”. This version could well be accepted, but... The text of the Gospel has been analyzed many times for the author’s style and historical accuracy. It has been proven that the events described in the Gospel do not contradict other historical sources, and the manner of their presentation, rather, indicates that the authors did not invent anything on their own, otherwise a whole series of episodes would have looked fundamentally different. After all, if you’re going to invent some stories to make the Gospel seem more reliable, then why describe something that might cause bewilderment? It is unlikely that any person interested in the “promotion” of the Gospel would have thought of deliberately mentioning the episode with the star. It would be more logical to write that the Magi were led sky Angel– for the consciousness of believers this would look more logical.

And the often mentioned Star of Bethlehem suggests exactly the opposite idea - that the author did not invent anything, but wrote down everything as it actually happened. So was there a Star of Bethlehem or not?

To be fair, it must be said that this question did not arise today. IN different times people tried to find an answer to it, and each era offered some kind of interpretation. Christian writers of the first centuries thought that it was a special star, specially created for such an occasion. In the Middle Ages, she was considered an intelligent force, just like an angel who appeared in the form of the Star of Bethlehem.

An interesting explanation for this phenomenon was proposed in the 17th century by the famous astronomer Kepler. He argued that the Star of Bethlehem, seen by the Magi, appeared as a result of a rare coincidence at one point most bright planets: Jupiter and Saturn. Kepler based his calculations on the fact that on December 17, 1603, a similar coincidence of these two planets occurred, and the following spring they were joined by a third planet, Mars. According to Kepler's astronomical calculations, the same coincidence (Jupiter and Saturn in the constellation Pisces) should have occurred in 747 from the founding of Rome, and in the next year, 748 (that is, around the time when Jesus Christ was born), to these two Mars was supposed to join the planets. From the Gospel it is clear that the Star of Bethlehem that appeared to the Magi did not guide them the entire way. She ceased to be visible when they went to Jerusalem, and appeared again when they left Jerusalem for Bethlehem. So the accession of Mars in 748 is quite consistent with the gospel narrative. This celestial phenomenon is known in astronomy as the “parade of planets.” It is interesting that at the London Observatory in the 60s of the twentieth century, visitors could see a picture of the starry sky recreated by English astronomers in the year of the birth of Jesus Christ, and special attention was paid to the bright star there.

There was another assumption: the Star of Bethlehem is nothing more than Halley's Comet. The Roman historian Cassius Dio wrote about the appearance of the comet. However, Cassius' message dates back to 742 from the founding of Rome. It turns out 12 years before the birth of Christ, that is, too early for evangelical events. Finally, in our time, American astronomers have suggested that the Magi observed a supernova, or the birth of a new star, in the constellation Capricorn in the spring of 5 BC. This theory seems interesting and quite plausible.

However, is it worth getting attached to one of these theories? Let's say, the same Kepler explained the words of the Evangelist Matthew that “The star of Bethlehem, which they saw in the east, walked before them until it finally came and stopped over the place where the Child was,” approximately as follows: The Gospel conveys the impression that formed among the magicians when they constantly focused on the star on the way from Jerusalem to Bethlehem, that is, simply an optical illusion. And further: “The Bible about objects human life speaks to people in the same language in which they are accustomed to speak. It is not a textbook of optics or astronomy, but has higher goals in mind.”

Indeed, the Bible is not an astronomy textbook. And if one of the teachers of the Church insists on the supernatural nature of the Star of Bethlehem, he does not mean at all the conflict between science and faith.

For Christians, the Nativity of the Savior, the coming of God to earth, is an obvious miracle. And the Star of Bethlehem is an accompanying phenomenon. What, by and large, does it matter, what is its origin? If pagan Persian sages go to the small village of Bethlehem, located in the province of Judea, almost on the outskirts of the Roman Empire, to worship the Savior, then it was not the star that became for them “ driving force" She just shows the way. The Magi are brought here by the miracle of the birth of God. This is precisely the main pathos of the gospel story about the Star of Bethlehem.

Therefore, no matter what the Star of Bethlehem is, it does not change the essence. Even if Johannes Kepler is right and the Persian sages observed a “parade of planets” or the birth of a new star, this does not contradict gospel history. And it does not contradict the logic of the eastern sages, who abandoned all their affairs and went to a distant country to meet Christ. The Magi walked not because they were guided by the Star of Bethlehem, but because they were looking for God. Moreover, they were not embarrassed when they found Him not in the royal chambers, but in a wretched den - a cave where animals are hidden in bad weather. That is, first they believed God, and then they followed the star. This is probably why they found their Savior...

According to the Gospel of Matthew, the Star of Bethlehem is a bright heavenly body, which showed the wise men the way to the house where the baby Jesus was born. A star lit up in the east when Jesus was born and led the wise men to Jerusalem, from where King Herod directed them to Bethlehem of Judea. “After listening to the king, they left. And behold, the star that they saw in the east walked before them, when at last it came and stood over the place where the Child was.”, says the Gospel of Matthew.

If we assume that the events described in the Gospel are true, the question arises of what the Star of Bethlehem represented. Obviously, only a truly unusual and bright celestial body could attract the attention of the Magi, however,

according to theologians, the star may not have been a real celestial object at all.

Yes, interpreter Holy Scripture Theophylact of Bulgaria wrote: “When you hear about a star, do not think that it was one of those visible to us: no, it was a divine and angelic power that appeared in the form of a star. Since the Magi were engaged in the science of the stars, the Lord led them with this familiar sign, just as Peter the fisherman, amazed by the multitude of fish, attracted them to Christ. And that the star had angelic power is evident from the fact that it shone brightly during the day, walked when the Magi walked, shone when they did not walk: especially from the fact that it walked from the north, where Persia is, to the south, where Jerusalem is: but the stars never go from north to south".

Conjunction of planets

In 1614, the German astronomer Johannes Kepler found out that in 7 BC. There was a series of three conjunctions between Jupiter and Saturn. The scientist suggested that planets approaching each other could be visible from Earth, and it was this phenomenon that became known as the “Star of Bethlehem.” However, modern calculations show: the distance between the planets was about two diameters of the Moon, which means that Jupiter and Saturn could hardly have made such an impression on the Magi.

In 3-2 BC. a series of seven connections occurred cosmic bodies, including three conjunctions of Jupiter and Regulus (the brightest star in Leo), as well as an unusually close conjunction of Venus and Jupiter on June 17, 2 BC. and in August 3 BC. However, these events are not very good candidates for the role of the Star of Bethlehem:

The conjunctions of the planets were visible in the west at sunset, which means they could not show the wise men the way to the south and lead them from Jerusalem to Bethlehem.


Halley's Comet was visible from Earth in 12 BC. for about 60 days and theoretically could have been a good candidate for the role of a star, but at that time astronomers already knew how to distinguish comets from other cosmic bodies and considered them a bad omen.

Nova or supernova

Another one similar to the one that flared up new star the object was observed by Korean and Chinese astronomers in 5 BC. This object was visible for 70 days and did not move - just like the Star of Bethlehem, which seemed to “hang” over the house of Mary and her baby.

In 2005 a hypothesis arose that

The Star of Bethlehem was a supernova that exploded near the Andromeda Galaxy, 2.52 million light years away from Earth.

Despite finding traces supernova or determining the exact time of its explosion in another galaxy is extremely difficult, scientists managed to find the remains of a supernova in the Andromeda galaxy.

Heliacal sunrise

One theory says that the expression “in the east” used in the Gospel can be interpreted not simply as an indication of the direction of the world, but, although a little-known, but quite specific astronomical term - heliacal sunrise. This expression means the first morning rise of a star or planet after a period of invisibility. Before heliacal rising, the star remains in the daytime sky for some time and is invisible, after which at a certain moment it rises on the eastern side of the sky against the background of the morning dawn.

However, other translators of the ancient text claim that the Gospel does not contain specific astronomical vocabulary and with the expression “in the east” the author only wanted to indicate the direction of the world.

Occultation of Jupiter

Astronomer Michael Molnar asserts, that the star in the East was the events that happened on March 20 and April 17, 6 BC - the occultation of Jupiter by the Moon. An occultation is an astronomical phenomenon in which one celestial object passes in front of another, obscuring part of it.

Scientists believe that

The occultation of Jupiter by the Moon could not be visible from Earth with the naked eye, which means it would hardly be mistaken for a bright star.

On the other hand, when the Magi came to King Herod, who directed them from Jerusalem to Bethlehem, the king was surprised by this visit. It means that " guiding star“He didn’t see the Magi - but they, being educated people and knowledgeable in astronomy, could well have noticed the covering.

Despite a considerable number of theories that could explain the appearance of the Star of Bethlehem in the sky, none of them is generally accepted as correct.

The Star of Bethlehem is the main souvenir that tourists bring with them from Jerusalem or Bethlehem. The star is especially popular among women, who wear it as body jewelry. The reason for this is that the Bethlehem star is considered a purely female symbol of motherhood.

Dear tourists! On private tours I will show you outlets, where it is actually realized original jewelry. You will also consecrate the Star of Bethlehem with your own hands, attaching it to the original located in. If for any reason you cannot come to Israel, then just write to me and I will ask the seller to contact you to discuss the purchase and shipping. Accordingly, any Star of Bethlehem you purchase will be illuminated in the original before shipping (you can ask the original owner for a photograph or a short video of the lighting as proof:))

Important!!! Dear tourists, I do not sell stars :) you can ask any questions about prices, quality, etc. directly to the seller (in Russian) who will contact you. I can only introduce you (physically if you come and virtually if you write :))

Many books have been written about the Star of Bethlehem. Everyone knows that it is a symbol of the birth of Jesus Christ, who showed the way to the wise men going to worship the new king of the Jews. Until now, astronomers and historians are studying various materials, trying to find out whether the star actually existed or was made up.

However, be that as it may, for two thousand years this symbol has been depicted as a multi-pointed star. In particular, in the tradition Orthodox Church number of rays - 14.Her image can be found on various icons, as decoration for iconostases and other church utensils. In addition, the Star of Bethlehem is used as a body decoration.

Among tourists and pilgrims coming to Israel, there is a tradition of buying various jewelry or products in the form of the Star of Bethlehem. This could be jewelry, a pendant or other item. Local craftsmen make similar jewelry for every taste and in various price categories. In particular, both from expensive (including precious) and budget materials. Therefore, you will have an excellent opportunity to choose the decoration you like on Individual tours of Bethlehem. Where is the best place to do this - ask your guide.

There are many places in Israel where you can buy such jewelry. Including directly in Bethlehem, where the main image of the Star of Bethlehem is located in the Cave of the Nativity. The fact is that pilgrims are allowed into the designated Cave in small groups. And people are waiting in a special room. When will you order private excursions to Bethlehem, be sure to ask the guide to create a program in such a way as to visit this sacred place.

However, keep in mind that such an excursion will not be entirely ordinary. It implies a certain sacrament, after which it is better for a person to spend some time in solitude, think about his own soul and life. Therefore, it is better to devote separate time to this trip, after which you can devote at least one evening to yourself.

You can buy jewelry in the shape of the Star of Bethlehem only in Jerusalem or Bethlehem. Unfortunately, it is not sold in other parts of Israel.C Prices on them vary significantly depending on the size of the decoration, material of manufacture and other factors. You can find out more information about the best places to buy this or that jewelry from Russian-speaking guide in Israel.

In addition to the direct purchase, you will also have the opportunity to consecrate the purchased value. This can be done in two places - on the Star of Bethlehem in the city of Bethlehem or on the Stone of Anointing in the Church of the Holy Sepulcher in Jerusalem. These places are famous all over the world. The guide will show you their location and also tell you about the consecration procedure.

Consider one more thing. If the jewelry is expensive, then you may want to keep the receipt from your local store. The fact is that Israeli customs is famous for its integrity, and local laws are very strict regarding the import and export of jewelry and historical artifacts. We advise you to verify this information before purchasing from personal guide to Israel.