List of documents for passing the ITU

To determine the disability group (category “disabled child”):

); or Certificate from the medical commission in cases of refusal to refer a citizen to medical examination; or Court ruling.
4. Medical documents (outpatient card, hospital extracts, R-images, etc.).
5. A copy of the work book, certified by the personnel department for working (original work book for non-working) citizens.
6. Education documents.
7. Information about the nature and conditions of work (for workers) - .
8. Pedagogical characteristics of a child attending a preschool institution.
9. Pedagogical .
10. Certificate of disability upon re-examination.
11. Individual rehabilitation program for a disabled person (IPR) with notes on its implementation upon re-examination.

To determine the degree of loss of professional ability:
1. Application from a citizen (or his legal representative), employer (policyholder), insurer (FSS), court ruling.

3. Referral to a medical and social examination of a medical institution (); or Court ruling.

5. Report on an industrial accident in form N-1, or Report on an occupational disease upon initial application to the ITU.
6. A copy of the work book, certified by the personnel department for working (original work book for non-working) citizens.
7. Conclusion of the State Examination Body of Working Conditions on the nature and working conditions of the victim during the initial application to the ITU.
8. Conclusion of the medical commission of the health care facility on the need for medical rehabilitation.
9. Victim Rehabilitation Program (RPP) with notes on its implementation during re-examination.
10. Certificate on the results of determining the degree of loss of professional ability as a percentage during re-examination.

To develop (correct) an Individual Rehabilitation Program for a Disabled Person (IPR):
1. Application from a citizen (or his legal representative).
2. Passport or other identification document; citizens over 14 years of age have a passport (for persons under 14 years of age: birth certificate and passport of one of the parents or guardians).
3. Certificate of disability.
4. Referral to a medical and social examination of a medical institution (); or Referral of a citizen to medical examination, issued by a social protection authority.
5. Medical documents (outpatient card, hospital extracts, R-images, etc.).
6. Information about the nature and conditions of work (for workers) - production characteristics.
7. Pedagogical characteristics of a child attending a preschool institution.
8. Pedagogical characteristics for the student.
9. Individual program for rehabilitation and habilitation of a disabled person (IPRA) upon re-examination.

To develop (correct) the Victim Rehabilitation Program (RPP):
1. Application from a citizen (or his legal representative).
2. Passport or other identification document.
3. Direction of the medical institution ();
4. Medical documents (outpatient card, hospital extracts, R-images, etc.).
5. Information about the nature and conditions of work (for workers) - production characteristics.
6. Conclusion of the medical commission of the health care facility on the need for medical rehabilitation.
7. Victim Rehabilitation Program (RPP) with notes on its implementation during re-examination.

Documents required in accordance with regulatory legal acts for the provision of public services for conducting medical and social examination

“Administrative Regulations for the provision of public services for conducting medical and social examination”, approved (Extract)

1. For all types of examination:
. Identification document of a citizen of the Russian Federation (stateless person).
. Application for the provision of public services.
. A referral for a medical and social examination issued by a medical organization providing medical and preventive care, a social protection body or a body providing pensions; certificate of refusal to send for a medical and social examination.

2. To determine the degree of loss of professional ability for victims of an industrial accident or occupational disease (additionally):
. Act on industrial accident; act on a case of occupational disease; a court decision establishing the fact of an accident at work or an occupational disease; conclusion of the state labor protection inspector, other officials (bodies) on the causes of damage to health, or a medical report on an occupational disease, issued before 01/06/2000.
. Work record book (for non-workers) or its certified copy (for workers).
. Conclusion of the body for the state examination of working conditions on the nature and working conditions of the victims that preceded the industrial accident or occupational disease (provided by the employer or insurer).

3. To determine the health need for constant outside care (assistance, supervision) of a close relative of a citizen called up for military service (contract serviceman) (additionally):
. Certificate of family composition from the housing maintenance authority or local government;
. An identification document of the father, mother, wife, husband, sibling, grandfather, grandmother or adoptive parent, in respect of whom the need for outside care is determined for health reasons.
. Birth certificate of a sibling.
. Birth certificate of the parents of a serviceman or conscript (if a grandparent needs care).
. Court decision (if the adoptive parents need care).
. Marriage certificate (if the wife or husband needs care).
. A certificate from the social welfare authority stating that the person in need of care is not fully supported by the state.

4. To determine the cause of disability (optional):
. Information from a medical organization confirming the presence of persistent disabilities in the applicant under the age of 16 (for students under 18 years of age) - to establish the cause of “disability since childhood due to injury (concussion, mutilation) associated with combat operations during the Great Patriotic War” .

Information from a medical organization about the existence of grounds for attributing the onset of a former serviceman’s illness to the period of his stay at the front (fulfilling international duty in Afghanistan) - to establish the cause of “military trauma” without military medical documents.

Conclusion of the military medical commission on the causal relationship of injuries (injuries, wounds, concussions), diseases - to establish the causes: “military injury”, “the disease was acquired during military service”, “the disease was acquired during the performance of military service duties (official duties) in connection with the accident at the Chernobyl nuclear power plant", a radiation-related disease received during the performance of military service duties (official duties) in connection with the accident at the Chernobyl nuclear power plant", a disease (trauma, mutilation, contusion, wound) received during the performance of military service duties (official duties ), is associated with direct participation in the actions of special risk units.”

Certificate of injury (wounds, injuries, contusions), illness during military service, including in active units, issued by medical institutions, the Central Archive of the Russian Ministry of Defense, the Archive of the Military Medical Museum, the Russian State Military Archive - for reasons “military” trauma”, “the disease was acquired during military service”, “the disease was acquired during the performance of military service duties (official duties) in connection with the accident at the Chernobyl nuclear power plant”, “a radiation-related disease was acquired during the performance of military service duties (official duties) in connection with “accident at the Chernobyl nuclear power plant,” a disease (trauma, mutilation, concussion, wound) received during the performance of military service (official duties) is associated with direct participation in the actions of special risk units.”

Conclusions of interdepartmental expert councils on the causal relationship of developed diseases and disability with radiation exposure - for the cause of disability due to the disaster at the Chernobyl nuclear power plant, the accident at the Mayak production association, direct participation in the actions of special risk units.

5. To determine the cause of death of a disabled person, as well as a person who suffered from an industrial accident, occupational disease, disaster at the Chernobyl nuclear power plant and other radiation or man-made disasters, or as a result of injury, concussion, injury or disease received during military service:
. Statement from a family member of the deceased.
. The applicant's passport or other document proving his identity.
. A copy of the medical death certificate.
. Extract from the protocol (card) of the pathological examination.
. A copy of the disability certificate, if the deceased was recognized as disabled.
. Medical documents of the deceased in the applicant's possession.

6. To establish permanent disability of an employee of internal affairs bodies, employees of institutions and bodies of the penal system, the federal fire service of the State Fire Service, authorities for control of the circulation of narcotic drugs and psychotropic substances and customs authorities of the Russian Federation:
. An employee’s application for referral to ITU.
. A referral for a medical and social examination issued by a medical organization of the federal executive body in the field of internal affairs.
. Certificate of illness with a conclusion of unfitness or limited fitness for military service due to military injury.
. A copy of the order of dismissal due to illness.

In order to legally recognize a person as disabled and determine the extent of damage to his health, a medical and social examination is carried out.
Medical and social examination (hereinafter referred to as MSE) is the determination, in the prescribed manner, of the needs of the examined person for social protection measures, including rehabilitation, based on an assessment of the limitations in life activity caused by a persistent disorder of body functions.
MSE involves a comprehensive assessment of the body condition of a disabled person.
The procedure and conditions for recognizing a person as disabled are determined by the Rules for recognizing a person as disabled.
The conditions for recognizing a citizen as disabled are:
a) health impairment with a persistent disorder of body functions caused by diseases, consequences of injuries or defects;
b) limitation of life activity (complete or partial loss by a citizen of the ability or ability to carry out self-service, move independently, navigate, communicate, control one’s behavior, study or engage in work);
c) the need for social protection measures, including rehabilitation.
Depending on the degree of disability caused by a persistent disorder of body functions resulting from diseases, consequences of injuries or defects, a citizen recognized as disabled is assigned disability group I, II or III, and a citizen under the age of 18 is assigned the category “disabled child.” "
A referral for a medical and social examination can be obtained:
- in a health care institution (clinic or other organization where a person receives medical and preventive care);
- in the social protection authority;
- in the body or branch of the Pension Fund of the Russian Federation at the place of residence.
To receive a referral for medical examination, a person must undergo the necessary diagnostic, treatment and rehabilitation measures at a health care institution. Specialists of a medical institution themselves determine a specific list of such examinations and measures if the patient has persistent impairments in body functions caused by diseases, consequences of injuries or defects. Only after a complete examination, which confirms the doctors’ fears, does the medical institution issue a referral for medical examination.
The social protection body or a branch of the Pension Fund of the Russian Federation can also refer a person who shows signs of disability and who needs social protection for a medical and social examination. But such a person must have medical documents confirming impairment of body functions caused by diseases, consequences of injuries and defects, for example, certificates or extracts from the medical history.
The form for referral to MSE by an organization providing treatment and preventive care is approved by the Ministry of Health of the Russian Federation. This form indicates data on the citizen’s health status, reflecting the degree of dysfunction of organs and systems, the state of the body’s compensatory capabilities, as well as the results of rehabilitation measures taken. Today the form is in force (M° 088/у 06, approved by order of the Ministry of Health and Social Development of the Russian Federation dated January 31, 2007 No. 77.
The form of referral to MSE, issued by the body providing pensions or the social protection body, is approved by the Ministry of Labor and Social Protection of the Russian Federation. Today, the form approved by order of the Ministry of Health and Social Development of the Russian Federation dated December 25, 2006 No. 874 is in force.
The referral to the ITU is filled out by the organization sending the person for examination. Organizations providing medical and preventive care, bodies providing pensions, as well as social protection bodies are responsible for the accuracy and completeness of the information specified in the referral to the ITU.
If a medical institution, a body providing pensions, or a social protection body refuses to send a citizen to MSA, he is issued a certificate, on the basis of which the citizen or his legal representative has the right to apply to the bureau independently.
MSE is carried out free of charge, at the expense of funds allocated within the framework of the basic program of compulsory health insurance for citizens of the Russian Federation.
The direction indicates the name of the ITU bureau (at the place of residence (at the place of stay, at the location of the pension file of a disabled person who has left the Russian Federation for permanent residence)), where the person should apply.
A citizen referred to ITU must personally contact the ITU office. If the child has not yet reached the age of 14, then his interests are represented by a legal representative (parent, guardian, trustee or adoptive parent).
MSA can be carried out at home if a citizen cannot come to the bureau (main bureau, Federal Bureau) for health reasons, which is confirmed by the conclusion of the organization providing treatment and preventive care, or in a hospital. where the citizen is undergoing treatment, or in absentia by decision of the relevant bureau.
Anyone applying to an institution for MSA must have a referral for MSA and medical documents confirming the health impairment. A citizen (his legal representative) draws up a written application for conducting an ITU (a sample application is usually available at the ITU institution). The application is submitted to the head of the school. reduction. A referral and medical documents are attached to the application.
If a person only has a certificate of refusal to send him to the ITU, then the bureau’s specialists conduct an examination of the citizen and, based on its results, draw up a program for additional examination of the citizen and rehabilitation measures, after which they consider the question of whether he has a disability.
The day the institution receives a citizen’s application to recognize him as a disabled person with the documents attached to it, after conducting the necessary examinations, is considered the date the disability is established.

Disability can be registered if there is:

  • impairment of health with a persistent disorder of body functions caused by diseases, consequences of injuries or defects;
  • limitation of life activity (complete or partial loss by a citizen of the ability or ability to provide self-care, move independently, navigate, communicate, control one’s behavior, study or engage in work);
  • the need for social protection measures, including rehabilitation and habilitation.

The decision to recognize a person as disabled is made based on the results of a medical and social examination (MSE).

Depending on their health status, adults are assigned disability group I, II or III, and children under 18 years of age are assigned the category “disabled child.”

2. How to get a referral to the Bureau of Medical and Social Expertise?

Referrals for medical and social examination are issued by medical organizations (the legal form of the medical organization and your place of residence do not matter).

When determining whether you have signs of disability, your doctor must rely on diagnostic tests, treatment, rehabilitation, and habilitation results. Therefore, it is best to contact your attending physician for a referral to MSA. But you can also go, for example, to the chief doctor of the medical organization where you are being treated.

By Decree of the Government of the Russian Federation dated February 20, 2006 No. 95 “On the procedure and conditions for recognizing a person as disabled.”

">the law, if a person needs social protection, social protection authorities and pension authorities can also issue a referral to MSE, but only if they have medical documents that confirm impairment of body functions due to diseases, consequences of injuries or defects. In practice, this means that you will still have to contact a medical organization.

If you are denied a referral, request that you receive a written refusal. With this certificate, you have the right to contact the ITU office yourself. In this case, the staff of the ITU bureau will prescribe an examination for you, and based on its results they will determine whether there is a need for a medical and social examination.

After you receive the referral, you will need to sign up for a medical and social examination at the ITU office.

3. What documents are needed to register a child for ITU?

To register your child for a medical and social examination, you will need:

  • application (children over 14 years of age fill out and sign the application on their own; for children under 14 years of age this must be done by legal representatives);
  • identification document (for children under 14 years old - birth certificate, for children over 14 years old - passport);
  • medical documents indicating the citizen’s state of health (outpatient card, hospital extracts, consultants’ reports, examination results - usually issued by the doctor who issued the referral for medical examination);
  • SNILS;
  • passport of the parent or guardian;
  • to the guardian (representative of the guardianship and trusteeship authority) - a document establishing guardianship.

4. What documents do adults need to register for ITU?

To sign up for a medical and social examination, you will need:

  • application (can be filled out by both the citizen himself and his representative);
  • identity document (original and copy);
  • referral to medical examination issued by the attending physician;
  • work book (original and copy);
  • professional and production characteristics from the place of work - for working citizens;
  • medical or military medical documents indicating the citizen’s state of health (outpatient card, hospital extracts, consultant reports, examination results, Red Army or military record book, certificate of injury, etc.);
  • SNILS;
  • if the documents are submitted by a representative - a power of attorney for the representative and his passport.

In some cases it may be necessary Additional documents (depending on the specific case):

  • act on an industrial accident in form N-1 (certified copy);
  • act on occupational disease (certified copy);
  • conclusion of the interdepartmental expert council on the causal relationship of the disease, disability with exposure to radioactive factors (certified copy, original presented in person);
  • ID of a participant in the liquidation of the consequences of the accident at the Chernobyl nuclear power plant or living in the exclusion or resettlement zone (copy, original presented in person);
  • for foreign citizens and stateless persons permanently residing on the territory of the Russian Federation - a residence permit;
  • for refugees - a refugee certificate (to be presented in person);
  • for nonresident citizens - a certificate of registration at the place of residence;
  • for those discharged from military service - a certificate of illness drawn up by the Military Military Commission (a certified copy, the original must be presented in person).
">additional documents.

An application for a medical and social examination can be considered up to one month from the date of submission of the application.

5. Which ITU office should I contact?

Medical and social examination is carried out at the ITU office at the place of residence. In some cases, MSE may be carried out:

  • in the ITU Main Bureau - in case of appeal against the bureau’s decision, as well as in the direction of the bureau in cases requiring special types of examination;
  • in the ITU Federal Bureau - in case of appeal against the decision of the ITU Main Bureau, as well as in the direction of the ITU Main Bureau in cases requiring particularly complex special types of examination;
  • at home - if a citizen cannot come to the bureau (ITU Main Bureau, ITU Federal Bureau) for health reasons, as confirmed by the conclusion of a medical organization, or in a hospital where the citizen is being treated, or in absentia by decision of the relevant bureau.

6. How is the examination carried out?

During the examination, the bureau’s specialists will study the documents you submitted and analyze social, professional, labor, psychological and other data.

In some cases, ITU specialists may prescribe additional examination for you. You can refuse it. In this case, the decision to recognize you as disabled or to refuse to recognize you as disabled will be made based only on the data you provide. Your refusal will be reflected in the ITU protocol, which is maintained during the examination.

Representatives of state extra-budgetary funds, the Federal Service for Labor and Employment, as well as specialists of the relevant profile (consultants) can participate in the medical and social examination at the invitation of the head of the bureau with the right of an advisory vote. You also have the right to invite any specialist with his consent, he will have the right to an advisory vote.

The decision to recognize a person as disabled or to refuse to recognize him as a disabled person is made by a simple majority vote of the specialists who conducted the medical and social examination, based on a discussion of the results of the medical and social examination.

Based on the results, a medical and social examination report is drawn up. You have the right to request copies of both the act and the protocol.

In addition, the bureau’s specialists, after conducting a medical and social examination, will prepare an individual rehabilitation and habilitation program (IPRA) for you.

7. What documents are issued after the examination?

A citizen recognized as disabled is issued:

  • a certificate confirming the fact of disability, indicating the disability group;
  • individual rehabilitation or habilitation program (IPRA).

A citizen who is not recognized as disabled, at his request, is issued a certificate of the results of a medical and social examination.

If it is necessary to make changes (new personal data, technical errors) to the IPRA or if it is necessary to clarify the characteristics of previously recommended types of rehabilitation and (or) habilitation measures, there is no need to undergo a new medical and social examination. It is enough to write an application to the ITU bureau that issued the document. You will be given a new IPRA.

The date of determination of disability is the day the bureau receives an application for medical examination. Disability is established until the 1st day of the month following the month for which the next ITU (re-examination) is scheduled.

Medical and social examination (MSE) arose in November 1995 on the basis of the adopted Federal Law No. 181-FZ, which in Art. 7 gives its direct definition within the framework of general trends in activities to protect disabled people in the Russian Federation.

Until this moment, the functions of examining the disabled were carried out by the Medical Labor Commission (VTEK). The principles of its activities were practically no different. Respectively, ITU expediently replaced it in the system of social relations.

Such a replacement was logical, since in this case the question is not only about persons who have lost their ability to work, but also about young disabled people who have not reached the age of legal capacity. This also applies to those who are disabled due to congenital or acquired disorders at an early age, falling into the category of “disabled since childhood.”

Significant differences between these institutions are expressed only in the development of the technical and social capabilities of the state. This is natural, since the progressive development of medical science and the institution of social relations expands the range of state and legal support for people with disabilities and provides more advanced ways of their rehabilitation.

Now let's talk more specifically about how to pass the examination.

Algorithm for preparation and completion

The initial stage of preparation depends on the state of the citizen. In any case, the procedure begins with collecting available medical information:

  • certificates;
  • acts;
  • extracts from the medical history.

They are completed by submitting them to the bureau at the place of residence, they are assigned to areas of residence. The following is the process:

  • Records with the appointment of the date of examination.
  • Direct examination by the commission.
  • Receipt of assignment of disability or refusal of a request.
  • Within three days, he receives an extract and transfers it to the pension fund, if the decision is positive.
  • Receives assignments for rehabilitation and carries them out, also uses possible benefits to receive free treatment, surgery, etc.
  • In case of refusal: we take all additional documents (you need to do it a month in advance) and submit. Or we write an application to the head of the district bureau about transferring papers to the main bureau (they need to be transferred in three days).

How to pass VTEK: overcoming difficulties

Problems can arise already at the stage of collecting certificates; this is the longest process in the entire examination procedure. Each situation requires a specific approach. The options may be the following:

  • A seriously ill patient is in the intensive care unit of the hospital or is in a position prohibited for transportation. In this case, all documentation is prepared by hospital doctors. If necessary, relatives bring the required documents, or a request is made to the production where the person worked. These papers are transferred without the participation of the patient, accompanied by a special certificate stating the impossibility of his personal presence.
  • A similar process occurs when it comes to a patient in a psychiatric clinic.

In these situations, close relatives or other interested parties act as representatives, acting under a power of attorney certified by a notary.

The notary is called to the department, and he certifies the admissibility of the representation. In critical situations, a certificate from the chief physician is acceptable.

In other cases:

  • A patient receiving treatment in a hospital can receive a referral from the hospital if his case qualifies as eligible for receiving social support.
  • A citizen receives inpatient, outpatient, private clinic, etc. treatment for a certain period of time. Having collected extracts from the medical history and certificates with an established diagnosis, he turns to the therapist at the local clinic. The doctor gives a referral for specialists and prepares an extract. It is certified by the head of the clinic and gives the right to apply to the ITU.
  • After an injury, a person collects all the papers at work, from the hospital where he was treated and sends them for examination.
  • At the clinic, the citizen was refused a referral. He requires form No. 6, independently goes through the specialists, collects the necessary certificates and applies to the ITU with an application.

The referral for examination must be signed by the head of the institution and at least three specialists, with mandatory certification with a seal.

When registering for an examination, you may be required to bring additional certificates from specialists. This is legal, this requirement should be fulfilled. It is often necessary to bring additional certificates or characteristics about working conditions.

Experts should be provided with originals, as well as copies of basic papers.

If you called an ambulance, it is advisable to take the call slips and file them with the documentation.

The main stage of the entire examination procedure is passing the commission. All specialists who are authorized to resolve the issue of your disability will gather here.

For a positive decision, they will need to conclude that the treatment, and upon re-examination, the rehabilitation program, did not bring lasting positive changes in health.

When you find yourself in front of specialists who examine the patient independently of each other. Everyone draws conclusions regarding his state of health.

After examination by all doctors and answers to their questions, the examined citizen is asked to go out the door. The decision is made by voting, which does not allow the personal presence of outsiders. Everything in your power should be done at the time of inspection.

Do you think that an examination by a specialist who is not related to your disease does not play a significant role? It's a delusion.

Every vote in your favor will guarantee the successful completion of the examination. This suggests that each of the commission members should be aware of your problems not only with health, but also with the possibility of self-care.

For example, for diseases of the musculoskeletal system, it is recommended to remove socks. Don't be fooled into thinking that this is being done to examine your feet.

The doctor observes how difficult your movements are and how much pain they cause. Therefore, it is worth showing everything as it is.

For hypertension, you should keep a diary of pressure changes, indicating the name and dose of the medications that were used to reduce them. This will allow doctors to further verify not only the development of the disease, but also your responsible attitude towards maintaining your health.

How to behave at ITU to get a group?

First of all, doctors pay attention to the motives for examining citizens.

If the basis of the application is the desire to receive pension benefits, completing the procedure will be difficult. Psychologically, the patient will not concentrate on demonstrating the true state of affairs, which will reduce his presentation abilities.

When passing, you need to focus exclusively on the health disorder, and be able to show yourself as a person who really needs government subsidies. The goal of receiving retirement benefits should be put on the back burner.

Keep in mind that your documents do not play a significant role in establishing the group, although examination without them is in principle unacceptable. The main decision will remain with the commission members. You should behave kindly with them and do not be offended by incorrect questions and requests.

For example, patients with hyperthyroidism, while maintaining intelligence, often feel offended when they are asked to show their tongue.

Doctors check for characteristic bite marks if the tongue involuntarily falls out.

There is nothing offensive about this, it is a common diagnosis. But resistance on the part of the patient speaks volumes. In particular, that he is extremely adaptive and tries to lead. Keep this in mind. Such characteristics will lead to a refusal to establish disability.

Basic things you need– is to show a low level of survival without outside help. These are the characteristics of a person claiming to be disabled in life processes. Feel free to share the most unpleasant details that confirm this.

If you have severe lameness, come to the commission with a badik, even if in ordinary life you can do without it. Well-groomed women who are accustomed to taking care of themselves, regardless of pain, should not:

  • apply makeup;
  • dress up beautifully or brightly;
  • come in shoes with heels.

You need to show doctors your weakness and helplessness (but not go too far). The ITU is the only place where such behavior is appropriate and even useful.

In addition to the above, try to prepare for answers to the most unexpected questions of a medical and social examination.

Set yourself a task: if you cannot answer a question, it is better to react with embarrassment than with aggression. At the same time, try to give a precise answer rather than vague reasoning. Questions asked may include the following:

In addition to the above, they ask questions related to the immediate characteristic manifestations of the underlying disease.


People often assume that doctors should get answers to all their questions from medical papers and certificates. In this case, doctors are interested not only in the opinion of their colleagues, but also in the subjective idea of ​​the situation of the person being examined.


In this article we will try to highlight the examination of the definition of disability, analyze the document that regulates this, and also highlight several points that you need to know when undergoing a medical examination.

MSE is a kind of medical social examination, which is needed in order to determine whether the patient needs social protection from the state. A medical examination is carried out to determine the presence of restrictions in a person’s life that are caused by health and physiological disorders. ITU is regulated by Federal Law No. 181 “On the social protection of disabled people in the Russian Federation”. All organizations that have the authority to conduct MSE are within the department of the Ministry of Labor and Social Protection of the Russian Federation. The purpose of a medical examination is to officially recognize a citizen of the Russian Federation as disabled, as well as to identify the degree of his disability. This examination is in the nature of a complete, that is, comprehensive, examination of a person. Let us immediately note that MSE is absolutely free. Money for this program comes from the compulsory medical insurance fund for citizens of the Russian Federation. In addition to disability, the ITU determines the level of a citizen’s ability to work, the causes of disability, and the development of the disease.

Where can I get an ITU certificate?

It must be remembered that to obtain an ITU certificate you need to act in one of three possible directions:

  • Bureau of Medical Social Examination. Expertise is created in regions and cities, which are “representatives” of the main bureaus, usually at the place of residence.
  • Main Bureau of Medical Social Expertise. The commission is convened only as a result of an appeal against the results of the bureau, as well as through referrals when the patient requires special conditions for examination.
  • Federal Bureau of Medical Social Expertise. As you might guess, this commission is convened in the event of an appeal against the results of the examination of the main bureau, or when a citizen requires special conditions for passing the ITU.

MSE is sometimes performed at home. The reason may be that the patient simply physically, due to poor health, is not able to come to the main office. In this case, there must be official confirmation of the organization that is caring for this patient. For example, a medical dispensary or hospital.

How to get a duplicate of the ITU certificate

If you have already received an ITU certificate, but for some reason (it was spoiled, lost, or your last name changed due to marriage), then you can freely receive a duplicate of your document. This is confirmed by the order of the Ministry of Health and Social Development of the Russian Federation in 2010, number 1031n. To get a duplicate of the ITU certificate, simply submit a number of documents to the ITU: an identification document (passport, for example), an out-of-use ITU certificate (if you have one) and an application addressed to the head of the bureau. The application must contain a request for a duplicate copy of the ITU certificate, as well as a link to the order that we announced above. Please also indicate the reason for issuing the duplicate. For greater confidence, you can add a copy of the ISE certificate, which is in your personal pension file, to the package of documents. Ask for a copy to be certified with the seal of the pension organization.

Do I need a direction for the SME's certificate?

Naturally. A referral is needed for the examination itself. It can be obtained at the following institutions:

  • Social protection authorities of the Russian Federation
  • Bodies and branches of the Pension Fund of the Russian Federation. This institution may send you for a medical examination if you suspect a disability and if you have an official documentary basis issued by a medical organization.
  • Clinics, dispensaries, hospitals (if a citizen receives medical care there), that is, any healthcare organizations. This structure also refers you to MSA if you have a permanent health defect that is not subject to systematic treatment and if rehabilitation health procedures are carried out.

If a person receives a referral for an examination by the medical examiner, then he needs to contact the appropriate bureau himself (read about the bureau above). If a child is sent for emergency medical examination, then one of the parents, guardians, and so on must stand up with him to protect his interests.

List of documents required to obtain an ITU certificate

As it became clear from all of the above, you need to bring some papers and documents to the medical social examination: the referral itself, which is issued by the authorized body, an application written by the applicant for disabled status, as well as all the necessary medical certificates that prove the presence of a violation of your health. MSE is carried out by doctors from the bureau’s specialists. A medical and social examination is a comprehensive examination of a person, a careful and thorough study of medical documents that record the fact of a health disorder, as well as a study of the psychological, physiological, social, financial, labor, and professional characteristics of a person. Remember, during a disability examination, a protocol must be kept in which all significant events of the medical examination must be reflected. Sometimes the head of the commission may invite a representative of an extra-budgetary fund of the Russian Federation or an employment service. Before the examination is carried out, the entire procedure and its requirements must be explained to you. Do not hesitate to ask questions at this moment, since later the medical specialist will no longer have time for them. Upon completion of the ITU, if the results of the disability examination are positive, you should soon receive an ITU certificate stating that you are officially disabled, and also that you need social protection from the state. If, based on the results of the ITU, you were not recognized as disabled, then you can still take a certificate in the ITU format, which will indicate the final results of your medical examination by specialists.

We recommend that you watch the video, which contains some important tips for obtaining an ITU certificate

Thus, in this article we have examined a whole layer of information that relates to obtaining an ITU certificate. We found out what documents are needed to obtain, how the ISE process itself works, and who is authorized to issue such a certificate. We sincerely hope that our article helped you deal with this difficult issue.