Mark Zuckerberg recently asked the world how he would like to return to work from a short stay. maternity leave? They had to choose from identical light gray T-shirts and identical dark gray sweatshirts. The meaning of the joke is quite obvious: successful man appreciates every minute and does not waste himself.

Of course, this suggests an analogy between clothing and nutrition. Many people deliberately simplify their diet so that it does not bother them and does not take up a lot of time. And there is a rational grain in this, since the search for new recipes, queues in stores and culinary experiments are all the same. Although, in truth, a monotonous diet is often associated with echoes of the food impotence of Soviet times.

And everything would be fine if monotonous food didn’t seem unhealthy to us.

Why food should be varied

The more varied the food, the more you eat. Imagine a buffet of several vegetable dishes and compare it to one large bowl of salad. What will you choose? Man is born with an instinct for satiety, so we will step towards Swedish abundance without hesitation. Moreover, the instinct will work even if vegetarian menu replace it with a more realistic equivalent - fast food. For this reason, to avoid overeating, it is necessary to limit the variability of food.

Susan Roberts

A mandatory instruction is built into the human genome: eat more different foods. And there is a good reason for this.

No single food contains optimal amounts of all the nutrients we need to be healthy. Therefore, in order to get everything they need in sufficient quantities, people eat a variety of foods.

A joint study from Brigham and Women's Hospital and the Harvard School of Public Health also supports diversity. Scientists studied the diets of 59,038 women to track the effects of healthy and unhealthy foods on life expectancy and mortality from specific causes. It turned out that those participants who ate 16-17 healthy foods had a 42% lower risk of death than those who ate up to eight such foods. The result of the work was very interesting advice.

Proper nutrition affects life expectancy. At the same time, it is more important to increase the amount of healthy products than to reduce the amount of their less healthy counterparts.

By the way, by useful products included fruits, vegetables, whole grains, cereals, fish and low-fat dairy products. Among the less healthy foods were refined carbohydrates, sugar, and foods high in saturated fat.

The hidden nuance of a varied diet

On the other hand, the scientific world has information that a varied diet is not so beneficial when it comes to the microbiome - the population of microorganisms that lives in the human body and supports it digestive system, helps control appetite and performs many other important functions.

As a rule, the diversity of bacteria in the intestines is only beneficial. But we have found that in some animals, mixing foods reduces the number and diversity of gut bacteria.

Daniel Bolnick

At the same time, the scientist warns against incorrect conclusions. It is a mistake to believe that diversity has a negative effect. Rather, the combination of individual products can lead to unexpected consequences.

Even if you know the effects of food A and the effects of food B on digestion, you cannot predict what will happen to the microbiome when you eat both at once. There's no doubt that modern man eats more varied foods than he is used to. But whether this is good or not is an open question.

Bottom line

So should you eat the same food every day? Of course, a bagel for breakfast, a sandwich for lunch, and meat and potatoes for dinner will cause nutritional deficiencies. However, if you consume at least six high-content varieties useful microelements, you have nothing to worry about. Just make sure to include colorful vegetables in your meals. Color tends to correlate with different nutrients. And stay away from starchy vegetables, such as potatoes.

Dr. Roberts suggests the following daily menu that will give the body everything it needs:

  • Greek yogurt with fresh fruit - in the morning,
  • spinach or lettuce with chicken and vegetables - in the middle of the day,
  • fruit and nut smoothie - for an afternoon snack,
  • fried vegetables with brown rice- In the evening.

Of course, this is one of many options and you can create your own menu in such a way that you eat monotonously, but nutritiously. That being said, Susan recommends being careful with exotic ones if you want to be truly healthy.

A varied, balanced diet is a set of products that provides all the needs of a particular organism. Each person’s diet is different, depending on daily energy expenditure, age, illness and physiological state. In general, the diet consists of carbohydrates, proteins and fats, micro- and macroelements, vitamins and water, but the ratio of parts required is different.

You need to eat a varied diet because each product contains different substances for the construction and functioning of cells, organs and systems. If any “brick” is missing, the building cannot be built.

In the diet of a healthy average person weighing up to 70 kg, the daily set of products should contain 1 part protein (animal and vegetable), 1 part fat and 4 parts carbohydrates.

The required minimum daily diet for a healthy person with total calories 2500 kilocalories – 100 g protein, 60 g animal fat and 30 g vegetable fat, 370 g carbohydrates.


These substances are a source of quick energy. For immediate restoration of strength, simple ones are suitable - sugar, honey and products with them. They give a surge in blood glucose levels, are consumed quickly, but their excess turns into fat. Simple sugars are needed by children, convalescents, exhausted, stressed or cold people. They are harmful to everyone else.

Complex carbohydrates are whole grain cereals, durum wheat pasta, legumes, mushrooms, unsweetened fruits, all vegetables, cocoa. In addition to energy, these products supply us with fiber for the formation of the food bolus and the entire range of minerals, trace elements and vitamins.


There are saturated and unsaturated, they are necessary for many processes:

  • fat oxidation provides energy for biochemical transformations that take place at rest;
  • an integral part of the membranes of all cells;
  • component of many hormones;
  • vitamins A, D, E, K – fat-soluble;
  • each internal organ is “wrapped” in a layer of fat;
  • The fat content in the human brain is 60%.

The most healthy fats found in vegetable oils (for example, olive), sea ​​fish, nuts, lard, cheese.

Without a sufficient amount of fat, full-fledged construction is impossible cell membranes and normal metabolism.


The main material for the synthesis of cells, enzymes, hormones, hemoglobin, antibodies, muscle function, food digestion, blood clotting. The protein is not synthesized in the body and can only be obtained through food intake. The DNA molecule that transmits genetic information is made up of protein. Without protein, life itself is impossible.

During protein starvation, the body tries to preserve the functions of the heart and brain by consuming muscle tissue. If lost muscle mass more than 50%, continuation of life becomes impossible.

Any protein consists of amino acids, which are replaceable and essential. Replaceable - those that the body can create from existing components. Essential ones - there are only 8 of them - cannot be synthesized inside the body in any way, only obtained from food. Essential amino acids are called essential because without them it is impossible to create a complete protein molecule.

Essential amino acids are found primarily in animal foods. Some are also found in plants, but an attempt to create protein only from plant components often ends in failure, and the half-assembled molecule disintegrates, its remains being excreted naturally.

Foods containing various amino acids

If consumed during at least 24 hours minimal amount foods containing essential amino acids, your health will be fine.

Amino acid Products
  • all whole grains;
  • legumes;
  • all types of meat;
  • all dairy products;
  • peanut;
  • mushrooms
  • eggs;
  • meat of animals and birds;
  • liver;
  • fish;
  • rye and lentils;
  • cashews and almonds;
  • chickpeas or chickpeas;
  • vegetable and fruit seeds
  • meat;
  • eggs;
  • fish;
  • brown rice;
  • oats;
  • nuts;
  • lentils
  • fish;
  • meat;
  • nuts;
  • dairy products;
  • wheat;
  • nuts;
  • amaranth grass
  • legumes, especially beans;
  • dairy products;
  • meat;
  • dairy products;
  • eggs;
  • legumes;
  • nuts
  • meat, especially chicken and turkey;
  • dairy products, especially natural yogurt and cottage cheese;
  • Pine nuts;
  • sesame and peanuts;
  • oats;
  • legumes;
  • dates, especially dried dates
  • meat - beef and chicken;
  • milk and cottage cheese;
  • eggs;
  • nuts;
  • legumes

There are 2 more conditionally essential amino acids - arginine and histidine. Arginine is necessary for children for the synthesis of growth hormone; with a lack of this amino acid, children grow up short. Arginine is found in pumpkin seeds, sesame seeds and peanuts, cheese and yogurt, beef and pork.

Histidine is necessary for tissue regeneration and growth, the formation of myelin sheaths of peripheral nerves, and is needed by adults and especially children. Contained in legumes chicken breast, beef, salmon, tuna, soy, lentils and peanuts.

People who adhere to a vegetarian diet need to structure their diet so that they receive all the necessary substances. During the period of infections, it is better to abandon veganism, since without complete animal protein the immune response slows down or does not develop at all.

Every year in our country everything more people are introduced to the culture of observing fasts. And in addition to the philosophical and religious component, such periods of abstinence from certain types of food contain a completely healthy beginning from the point of view of doctors. Nutritionists agree that regular avoidance of animal products and a simultaneous increase in the proportion of plant foods in the diet contain certain health benefits, namely:
- there is a natural (without drugs!) reduction in the level of “harmful” cholesterol in the blood;
- enriching the daily menu with plant fiber helps to effectively cleanse the intestines of toxins and normalize its microflora, and also has a beneficial effect on the functioning of the gastrointestinal tract as a whole;
- vegetarian food is a priori low-calorie and low-fat, which means that during Lent you have every chance to get your figure in order after a “nourishing and passive” winter.

Lent- strict but humane

According to Orthodox canons Lent is very strict and involves not only a complete abstinence from meat, fish, dairy, fermented milk products and eggs for 7 weeks, but also days that are more like real hunger strikes. However, these nutritional rules should be strictly observed only by those who serve in monasteries and churches. For the laity, a number of concessions are allowed, taking into account the characteristics of their lifestyle, age and state of health.

Important information. Pregnant women, children under 7 years of age, as well as people engaged in intense physical or mental labor, and patients suffering from serious chronic diseases internal organs, you don’t have to thoroughly follow the menu for those days of the week when you are supposed to eat only once a day, but eat 4-5 times a day in moderate portions.

If you approach the menu organization wisely and make it as varied as possible, then fasting will not harm a healthy body, because it will receive everything vitally essential vitamins And minerals in sufficient quantity. To do this, we recommend that you look into the Boffo culinary boutique and open a specially created section of the catalog that is entirely dedicated to those food products that will be the ideal choice for a fasting person.

Simple rules - delicious solutions

1. Do not sharply limit the caloric content of your diet. For an adult, it should still be 1600-2200 kcal per day. Nutritious products in the form of rice, pasta and noodles will help you reach this indicator to the required level, with which you can turn a lot of classic, extraordinary and, of course, your own recipes into a tasty and aromatic reality.
2. The daily menu should contain a sufficient amount of vegetable protein (physiological norm - 80 g per day). Complete sources of proteins will be legumes, soy products, cereals, and nuts. Among our assortment you will find a wide range of soup mixtures with peas, beans, lentils, which, if desired, can also be used for preparing main courses. In addition, whole grains are also a source of vitamin D, without which the body cannot absorb calcium.
3. In order for fasting to really go to fruition, you will have to give up not only food of animal origin, but also negative emotions. Therefore, it is important that you really like what you cook. Only food that brings pleasure will benefit the body, and at the same time give good mood.
To improve the taste and aroma of food, we recommend paying attention to sauces, spices and vegetable oils(olive, sesame, hemp, coconut, etc.), which will reveal the most simple dishes for your taste buds from a completely new side.

A good full lunch is ideal. And if you have the opportunity to have lunch like this - no matter in the office center itself or nearby in a good cafe or restaurant - great.

Unfortunately, this is not always the case. But we will tell you how to get out of the situation and how to eat healthy and healthy, despite any problems.

Working dinner

“Lunch at work is sometimes a really big problem, but I wouldn’t reduce it to just lunch,” says Mikhail Bogomolov, psychoendocrinologist and president of the Russian Diabetes Association. - Because of long work and the long journey home in the evening disrupts our entire eating schedule. Dinner that starts at 9-10 pm, or even later, cannot be called healthy. And this is directly related to the work schedule; few people have time to come home and prepare a healthy dinner by 19-20 o’clock. What to do? I recommend either moving dinner to work, or having at least a small snack before finishing work. This is important for two reasons. Firstly, after this, dinner at home can be very light for you and you will not overeat before bed. Secondly, long road Home from work will not be stressful: when you are hungry, it is much worse tolerated.

This healthy snack is easy to make. Place chopped tomatoes, cucumbers, and herbs on rye, grain or other wholemeal bread or grain breads, of which there are many sold. It’s good to add chopped tongue or boiled pork cooked at home. They will be much healthier than any sausage or prepared meat products. And I always recommend cooking them yourself - it's not difficult.

It’s also better to cook lunch yourself. In any case, this is healthier: you know all the components of the dish and won’t add anything bad, you control the salt content - in cafes, restaurants, in semi-finished and ready-made dishes there is usually a lot of it. In the evening, cut cabbage, zucchini, eggplants, carrots and other vegetables, do it all to your taste. Already in the office in a slow cooker, it’s quick and easy to make a vegetable side dish from this. You can also use frozen vegetables, they are also very good and healthy. Microwave frozen fish or meat. Dry herbs and spices add variety to lunch. There is no need to be lazy, all this is not difficult and pays off in its usefulness.

Vase - for the office

Often at work there is a vase with all sorts of goodies to grab while passing by, or to have something to drink tea with. As a rule, it is filled with candies, cookies, waffles and other sweets. It is not right. There is a better and tastier “filling” for the vase.

What should be in a vase at work

  • Fruits: apples, oranges, tangerines, bananas, pears, kiwis, etc.
  • Nuts: walnuts, cashews, hazelnuts, peanuts and any others
  • Berries: be sure to add currants, strawberries, raspberries, cherries, cherries and other fresh berries during the season
  • Dried fruits: dried apricots, raisins, prunes and any other dried fruits - all year round, it is better if they are without added sugar, and do not confuse them with candied fruits - the latter contain a lot of sugar and are less healthy

What drink

What you drink during the workday is extremely important for your health. And in order to separate the good from the bad, we present a rating of drinks compiled by the Russian Diabetes Association. It is designed for healthy people who seek to avoid obesity, atherosclerosis, hypertension, diabetes, and for those who are at risk for developing these diseases. All drinks are divided into 6 levels, the most useful are on the 1st level, the harmful ones are on the 6th.

Level 1

Water. Activates metabolism and saturates the body with calcium, magnesium, iron and other minerals. Has no calories. Even slight dehydration manifests itself in rapid mental fatigue, loss of mood, and disturbances in thermoregulation. Excessive water consumption is rare, but can cause functional impairment and increases stress on the kidneys.


Tea. Black, green and oolong teas - all these teas are rich in beneficial flavonoids, antioxidants and microelements, in particular fluorine compounds. Protect the body from cancer and heart disease. Contains the amino acid threonine, which enhances immunity.

Coffee. There has been a connection between coffee consumption and a reduced likelihood of developing type 2 diabetes. Reduces the risk of Parkinson's disease in men, but not in women, which is likely due to the presence of estrogens in the latter.

Level 3

Low-fat and skim milk. Milk is the main source of vitamin D, calcium and protein for children.

Soy drink. Alternative for people intolerant cow's milk. But it contains much less vitamin D and calcium.

Level 4

Diet and light drinks. Contains no calories, essentially water, sweeteners and flavors.

Level 5

Juices. Rich in micro- and macro-elements, contain vitamins and other useful substances. However, they have a lot of calories and a lot of sugars and less useful components, especially pectins and fiber, than fruits. It is preferable to consume the fruit itself rather than juice.

Natural fat milk. Along with many useful components it contains a large number of calories and saturated fatty acids, harmful to blood vessels. For adults, it is an optional component of the diet and can be easily replaced with fermented milk products and cottage cheese.

Alcoholic drinks. Their excessive consumption is extremely harmful, but moderate consumption can be useful for the prevention of atherosclerosis and diabetes. They are superior in calories to carbohydrates, proteins and fats. Better than others are dry red wines with alcohol content up to 12% and a high content of antioxidants.

Level 6

Sodas and drinks with a small amount of juice. As a rule, this is water with glucose-fructose syrups, flavors, dyes, preservatives and other food additives. Rich in calories, there are very few macro- and microelements or none at all. Sugars cause tooth decay, obesity, and type 2 diabetes. These drinks can only be consumed in extremely limited quantities.

If there is fast food nearby

There are often fast food restaurants near work, and to be honest, many people often stop by there for lunch.

You should not do this - this is a sure path to ill health. Just a month of such nutrition - and serious problems begin with the liver.

Recently, Swedish scientists from the University of Linkoping proved that just 4 weeks spent on such a diet can cause serious harm to the body. They conducted an experiment in which students ate fast food twice a day for 4 weeks. Not only did they lose their slimness, increasing their waist size by 7 centimeters and their weight by 10-15%, many developed changes in the liver, often they began after a week of such nutrition, and then everything only got worse. The tests performed showed changes indicating damage to liver cells. At the same time, fat accumulation in the liver was observed. Its content increased on average 2.5 times. In fact, all this suggests that while eating fast food, the so-called non-alcoholic fatty liver disease has developed (see expert commentary). This disease, if it has gone far, is reversible. But not very quickly; it took the experiment participants up to 6 months. And if they continued to eat a fast food diet, like many of their peers, the disease would quickly progress. And by the age of 40-45, or even earlier, they would have acquired a bunch of diseases - diabetes, hypertension, ischemic disease hearts.

Alexey Bueverov, Doctor of Medical Sciences, Professor of the First Moscow medical university them. Sechenova, specialist in liver diseases:

Non-alcoholic fatty liver disease is well known to specialists. It is characterized by the deposition of fat in the liver cells, and some patients also develop progressive inflammation. All this leads to the development of fibrosis and even cirrhosis of the liver. Such changes are also typical for alcohol abusers. But since the cause here is completely different and to distinguish this disease from alcoholic liver damage, it is called non-alcoholic fatty liver disease. Fast food is usually fried high temperature fatty foods. Consequently, its regular use leads to overload of the liver with fats. And fatty acids formed in our body from the fat we eat can, in turn, trigger the process of inflammation. Which makes the course of the disease even more difficult. The increase in the level of liver enzymes in the blood, which Swedish scientists revealed in a study, speaks precisely to this. Of course, this chain of processes is not observed in all people - a certain genetic predisposition is required. However, the results of this experiment should further increase caution regarding regular consumption of fast food. This especially applies to children and people with additional risk factors: obesity, diabetes mellitus Type 2, with lipid metabolism disorders, as well as alcohol abuse.