Edita Piekha is a popular and talented performer, a Soviet pop legend, and French by birth. She was born on July 31, 1937 in the small town of Noyelles-sous-Lans near Paris.


The girl grew up in a miner's family. My father died early, and before that he was constantly ill due to difficult working conditions. And already at the age of 4, Edita found herself in the care of her mother and older brother. Soon she lost her brother too. In order to somehow provide for his family, he, very young, also began to go down to the face, where he became infected with tuberculosis and soon died.

Edita in childhood

Soon her mother meets a Pole, Jan Golomb, whom she marries. Edita has a younger brother, and some time later the whole family moves to Poland, where the girl finishes school.

Edita loved to sing with early childhood and was very artistic. She took an active part in all school concerts, studied in the choir and was even a soloist. Being very cheerful and active, she still managed to attend sport sections and could have achieved good success in sports, but she chose music. Or rather, the music chose her.

Moving to the USSR

Edita never dreamed of becoming a singer. She always wanted to become a teacher and after school she entered the pedagogical university. The excellent student and activist was immediately appreciated by her teachers. At that time, studying in the Soviet Union was considered a great honor. And Edita was rewarded for her excellent academic performance with this opportunity. That's how she ended up in Leningrad.

But the girl couldn’t imagine her life without music, so, having gotten a little accustomed to the new place, she again enrolled in the choir at Leningrad University, where students from almost all countries of the former socialist camp studied. At one of the performances, Alexander Bronevitsky approached her and invited her to join his team, which existed at the conservatory.

Edita made her debut with the new ensemble in New Year's Eve 1956. The ensemble performed the song “Red Bus”, which the next day was sung by the whole of Leningrad, despite the fact that it sounded in Polish language. The guys began to be actively invited to various events and concerts, their popularity grew every day, and Edita became a soloist and star of the group.

Real success

But real success came to her a year later, when the ensemble recorded its first record, which included songs different styles in Russian and Polish. The group with the symbolic name “Friendship” literally toured all socialist countries with concerts in just a couple of years and even became a laureate of the international youth festival in Moscow.

But critics reacted differently to the group's performances. Some people really didn’t like the fact that the ensemble’s repertoire included jazz compositions, others criticized Edita herself, who sang in Russian with a characteristic foreign accent.

This was one of the reasons why the rather popular and beloved team broke up, and in 1959 Edita began a solo career.

They decided not to change the successful and already promoted name of the ensemble. But from former composition Only Bronevitsky himself and Edita Piekha remained there. The musicians were carefully re-selected, and the band worked with the new lineup for almost 20 years until 1976. During this time, eight solo albums were released. But for personal reasons, Piekha left the team.

In 1976, she created a new, already her own group and began performing independently with a completely new repertoire, which included songs specially written for her by the best Soviet composers. Edita now spends almost all her time on foreign tours, since she actually became the first world-famous Soviet pop artist.

However, she was the first in many ways. The first one began to sing songs on different languages, and Edita knew several of them fluently. The first one descended from the stage into the auditorium, creating a warm and trusting atmosphere at her concerts.

The first released an anniversary creative program and gave a solo concert in the open air. The first celebrated the half-century anniversary of pop life - no one has ever managed to stay on stage for so long.

Today the singer no longer tours, but performs only at concerts of close friends as an invited guest. But viewers continue to remember and love the talented artist. She still remains a world-famous star, and the songs she sang were included in the golden fund of Soviet and European pop music.

Personal life

The artist’s personal life in the first 20 years was inextricably linked with creativity. Her first husband was the head of “Friendship” Bronevitsky. From him she gave birth to her only beloved daughter, Ilona. But after 20 years of marriage, the creative and marital union broke up.

With Alexander Bronevitsky

Edita does not disclose what happened the real reason breaking off all relationships. However, they believe that the culprit was KGB captain Gennady Shostakov, with whom she entered into her second marriage shortly after the divorce. However, the union quickly fell apart, and in 1983 the divorce was officially filed.

The singer’s third husband was politician Vladimir Polyakov. She lived with him for 12 years, but also broke up. Now the singer devotes her time to her beloved great-grandchildren, of whom she has two. The children were born to the singer's grandson Stas and granddaughter Erica. Edita is still in great shape, cheerful and happy.

Edita Piekha - last news about the health and life of the legendary pop singer. Initially, I would like to talk about the biography of this great star. Edita Piekha was born on July 31, 1937 in the town of Noyelles-sous-Lans, which is located in the north of France in the department of Pas-de-Calais. The real name given to the girl at birth is Edith-Marie. After the death of her father, her mother remarried, and in 1946 their family moved to Poland, where they settled in the town of Bogushev. There, at a local school, the girl studied Polish, since in France she spoke only French and German.

Since childhood, Edita-Marie has been involved in sports, sang in the choir and dreamed of becoming a teacher in the future. For this reason, after graduating from school, the girl entered the Pedagogical Lyceum, which she subsequently graduated with honors. In 1955, Piekha was sent to the USSR to study, where she entered the State Leningrad University (she graduated in 1964). The girl studied at the Faculty of Philosophy, then enrolled in the choir, where she was noticed by the head of the student ensemble, Alexander Bronevitsky, and invited her to perform with them.

After the first successful performance, Piekha began working as a soloist of the ensemble, which in 1956 became known as “Friendship”, and the following year it turned into a professional group of “Lenconcert”. In the same year, Edita and Alexander Bronevitsky registered their marriage, which lasted twenty years. From him Piekha gave birth to a daughter, Ilona. The singer’s film debut began with the documentary “Masters of the Leningrad Stage.” After a divorce from Bronevitsky, the woman remarried Gennady Shestakov. The second marriage lasted until 1982.

After twenty years of work in the Druzhba ensemble, Piekha left this group to organize her own ensemble. Grigory Kleimits became its musical director. Edita was a jury member at various international and all-Union song competitions and festivals. In 1998, Edita Piekha’s personal star was opened on Moscow’s Square of Stars.

The life and state of health of Edita Piekha at the moment.

In 2012, the pop singer gave concerts in St. Petersburg on the stage of the Oktyabrsky, as well as in the Moscow State Kremlin Palace. This was timed to coincide with Piekha’s double anniversary - she turned 75 years old, and she has been performing on stage for 55 years. In the spring of this year, information began to appear in the media, that Edita Piekha is terminally ill. At a concert in the city of Severodvinsk, the singer interrupted her performance and called an ambulance. The artist had to return to her native St. Petersburg to undergo a course of treatment at a local, highly qualified clinic.

This caused a surge of new slander in the press, about that Edita Piekha died. As it turned out, the artist needed urgent hospitalization due to lung problems, and not because of heart problems, as was reported in the media. Against the background of bronchial inflammation, a respiratory spasm occurred, which made the singer feel ill. However, as the star herself says, in the 77th year of life anything can happen, and therefore, information that Edita Piekha died is a complete lie and fiction. The woman says that she feels well, she diligently follows all the doctors’ orders and hopes that soon she will again delight her fans with songs.

Despite the fact that the death of Edita Piekha is just an invention of the yellow press, the pop singer, unfortunately, often has health problems. She herself admitted that for several years now she has been tormented very severe pain in the back area, which does not allow standing for a long time. In addition, the star’s blood pressure often rises.

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Edita Piekha is a singer who was in many ways a pioneer on stage: in the distant USSR she translated and sang a foreign song in Russian. She was the first person on the stage to take the microphone off the stand during a performance and began talking to the audience in the hall. Also, thanks to her, many artists organize grandiose concerts on their birthdays.

During her career she was awarded numerous prizes, awards, and titles. This amazing woman is Edita Piekha, who since childhood dreamed of becoming a teacher and did not even think about becoming a singer, and even a world-famous one.

Height, weight, age. How old is Edita Piekha

Several generations enjoy listening to songs performed by the honored artist. Many people are interested in her height, weight, age, how old is Edita Piekha. Not long ago, the pop singer celebrated her 80th birthday. According to tradition, which Edita Stanislavovna herself was the first to implement, the celebration took place on stage. Thus, the singer gave all fans the opportunity to once again enjoy her truly enchanting voice.

Photos of Edita Piekha in her youth and now prove that if a person devotes himself to his favorite business all his life, with early years goes in for sports, rides a bike, and also plays badminton (the singer loves this game), you can stay young for many years and weigh 65 kilograms, with a height of 1 meter 73 centimeters.

Biography of Edita Piekha

The biography of Edita Piekha began in the suburbs of France, in 1937. Father - Stanislav Piekha - worked as a miner and died from severe dust in his lungs. Her mother, Felicia Korolevskaya, was a housewife, so Edita’s older brother, Pavel, at a young age also went to work as a miner. However, three years later he was diagnosed with tuberculosis and soon died. Then the mother marries a second time, and the girl has a brother, Jozef. The whole family returns to Poland. Now Edita Piekha is a happy grandmother of her grandchildren: Stas and Erica, as well as great-grandchildren: Pavel and Vasilisa.

The girl had to learn Polish, since she knew her native French perfectly and, in addition, German languages. In the last class educational institution, Edita wins a competition held for students. The prize was a referral to any institute in the USSR. Thus, Edita ended up in Leningrad and became a student at the Zhdanov Institute. In order to combine studies and performances in the choir, the girl had to switch to extramural and abandon the sports section.

We can say that Edita became famous literally overnight. As a participant in the New Year's concert, she performed the song “Red Bus” in her native language and captivated everyone with her mesmerizing timbre of her voice.

Until 1976, Piekha was a constant vocalist of the Druzhba ensemble, under the direction of Bronevitsky. “Edita Piekha funeral, photo” - these were the headlines that filled the first pages of the yellow press after her departure from the group. Fortunately, this turned out to be another invention of unscrupulous journalists. The singer simply began performing solo concerts.

Personal life of Edita Piekha

The personal life of Edita Piekha is as eventful as her biography. During her long pop life, the singer repeatedly went with concerts to Afghanistan, Peru, Bali, and went on tour in many countries around the world.

The songs performed by the singer formed the golden fund of Soviet and Russian stage. She recorded about twenty discs, which were later reissued in many countries. Edita Stanislavovna’s repertoire includes more than five hundred songs. The artist herself admitted that she never counted the songs she sang, she simply did what her soul wanted all her life - performed songs.

Edita Piekha's family

Edita Piekha's family is constantly replenished with new family members. Her only daughter Ilona gave birth to two children. The People's Artist has already become a great-grandmother twice. Her grandson Stas Piekha had a son, Peter, in 2014; and granddaughter Erika Bystrova gave birth to a girl, Vasilisa, in 2013.

Despite her venerable age, Edita Stanislavovna loves walking. When the opportunity arises, she enjoys spending time with her big family: in the fresh air, on a site where there is still a two-story country house.

Children of Edita Piekha

Many listeners, fascinated by the singer’s beautiful contralto, want to find out as much information as possible about this truly great woman. One of the questions that interests people is the children of Edita Piekha, how many there are, what profession they chose for themselves.

The honored artist gave birth to one child, in her first marriage - a daughter, to whom she and her husband gave the name Ilona. From an early age, my daughter went on tour with her famous mother, her father taught her vocals, so it would probably be unnecessary to say that Ilona followed in the footsteps of her star parents.

Daughter of Edita Piekha - Ilona Bronevitskaya

Edita Piekha’s daughter, Ilona Bronevitskaya, was born in 1961, five years after the official marriage of the artist and Alexander Bronevitsky.

Ilona Aleksandrovna is now a famous TV presenter; she also tried herself as an actress, starring in several films, playing supporting roles, and played in the theater for some time. Initially, the girl wanted to become a singer, she entered hometown to the Institute of Music and Cinematography. Ilona released two solo records, toured with concerts around different countries, performed in her mother’s band for two years.

The actress was married three times. In her first marriage, she had a son, Stas Piekha, who followed in the footsteps of his grandmother and mother and now successfully performs on stage. In her second marriage, Ilona gave birth to a daughter, Erika Bystrova, and she decided to master the profession of designer.

Edita Piekha's ex-husband - Alexander Bronevitsky

Edita Piekha’s ex-husband, Alexander Bronevitsky, led one of the first ensembles in those days, “Friendship”. Edita Stanislavovna met him when she became a vocalist in the choir, where the young man also worked. As soon as Alexander saw the girl, he fell in love at first sight, their marriage lasted twenty years.

The reason for the divorce was the husband's jealousy of his wife's fans. Edita never flirted or cheated on her husband, but Alexander more than once started affairs on the side.

Edita Piekha's ex-husband - Gennady Shestakov

Edita Piekha’s ex-husband, Gennady Shestakov, was a KGB colonel. For the sake of his beloved, he divorced his wife, and in order to be close to his beloved Edita, he graduated from the Institute of Theater, Music and Cinema. The second education made it possible to become the director of the Piekha ensemble, which she created when she left VIA “Druzhba”

The second husband was not distinguished by wild jealousy, but he could not live a day without drinking a glass of something intoxicating. The artist cannot stand her husband’s behavior and starts an easy affair - Gennady, in turn, also finds a hobby. Ultimately, their relationship came to naught and, after almost seven years, the couple filed for divorce.

Edita Piekha's ex-husband - Vladimir Polyakov

Edita Piekha’s ex-husband, Vladimir Polyakov, worked in the Russian presidential administration. Edita Stanislavovna is grateful to her third husband for the care with which he surrounded her. Be that as it may, their marriage lasted twelve years. The decision to “scatter” became mutual; they suddenly realized that they were completely different people and could not live their whole lives together.

In general, in one of the programs, which was dedicated to the work and life of Edita Piekha, the great singer admitted that she regretted divorcing Alexander Bronevitsky, despite his numerous infidelities. And he considers the last two marriages to be a huge stupidity in his life.

Instagram and Wikipedia Edita Piekha

Instagram and Wikipedia of Edita Piekha are not full of confessions and shocking photographs, like younger celebrities. However, the singer’s official website is quite original and contains all short biography singers.

Particularly ardent fans of Edita Stanislavovna’s work, eager to learn as many details of her personal life as possible, can read the book “Edita Piekha. Declaration of love." The author is her friend Nina Bakhareva. You can also watch the series “Born by a Star” - the biography of the heroine is somewhat similar to the life of the great singer.

Edith-Marie Piekha, or Edita Stanislavovna Piekha, is the most famous pop artist, performer of the USSR and Russia. This woman has gone down in history not only as the owner of a beautiful voice, but also as an innovative singer. Beautiful, talented, charming - all these words are about her. How amazing Edita Piekha is, so amazing is her life!

Edith-Marie Pieha was born on the last day of July 1937 in a small town called Noyelles-sous-Lans in France. Her father, Stanislav Piekha, worked in coal mines, providing for the whole family. His work turned out to be detrimental to the man’s health, and soon after the birth of his daughter, the man died from lung disease.

His only son, Pavel, was forced to follow in his father’s footsteps in order to somehow feed the family: his mother was a housewife, and Edith was too young to help provide for the family. Three years after the death of her father, little Piekha also loses her brother - he dies of tuberculosis.

At the same time, the Second World War is thundering throughout Europe. World War. It becomes more and more difficult for a widow with a small daughter in her arms to feed herself every day. Luckily for them, Felicia meets a man named Jan Golomb, whom she marries. Soon their son, Jozef, is born.

When the war ended, the family moved to Felicia’s homeland, Poland, where Edith went to school for the first time. There she had to learn her third language, because before that the girl was already fluent in French and German. At the same time, Piekha’s passion for music manifests itself for the first time - while studying in primary school, she enjoys attending a choral singing club.

After graduating from school, Piekha decides to enter a pedagogical school - she really wanted to become a teacher. While the girl is an excellent student, she does not forget about her favorite hobby - singing, thanks to which she soon wins a student competition. The prize was a referral to one of the USSR universities. This is exactly how the future singer’s road to the Soviet stage begins.

Moving to the USSR

Having taken 1st place, Piekha was very happy - now she could study in one of best universities world, and besides, she was free to choose the direction of her studies. So, an eighteen-year-old girl enters Leningradsky State University them. Zhdanova.

Still very young, Piekha found herself in a huge city, in an unfamiliar country, and at first the girl felt insecure and was very homesick. In order to somehow drown out this melancholy, the girl enrolled in the choir of the Polish community.

It was at one of the rehearsals of this choir that she was noticed by the head of the conservatory student ensemble, Alexander Bronevitsky. Having listened to Piekha’s voice, the man was fascinated - the girl’s beautiful, extremely pleasant voice with a peculiar accent simply captivated him. He immediately invited the young artist to join the ensemble.

Edita's first performance took place on the night of December 31 to January 1, 1955-56. Piekha performed the song “Red Bus” in Polish and literally charmed the audience. She was asked to sing as an encore four times. It was a triumph! Of course, the very next morning the whole of Leningrad knew about the young talent. After that, she was regularly invited to perform.

And so, when Piekha just began to become popular, the first problems appeared: her rehearsals and performances greatly interfered with her studies, and because of her classes, the girl could not always fully rehearse. The choice was between education and career, and the girl chose the latter. She wrote a letter and went to personal meeting with the USSR Minister of Education with a request that she be allowed to study in absentia. The singer received permission.

Passed less than a year after Edita’s debut, when an ensemble called “Friendship” was organized. Piekha became the vocalist in it, thereby starting her creative career as a singer.

Very quickly, “Friendship” became popular and famous not only in the USSR, but also in a number of other countries (USA, Afghanistan, Finland, etc.), where the ensemble toured more than once. And a year later the team earned its first award - gold medal at the World Festival of Youth and Students.

However, as you know, fame has its own consequences. For “Friendship” they were problems with the Soviet regime. The musical direction in which the artists performed—jazz—was banned in the USSR, and the style of clothing of the “hipsters” was subjected to harsh criticism by censors.

The vocalist herself was the victim of constant attacks for her accent, which not so long ago was considered original and interesting. For a long time the team tried to fight on our own, but everything was unsuccessful - they were forcibly disbanded.

At this moment, Alexander Bronevitsky intervened - the same man who saw talent for singing in the young student. He reassembled the band, in which Piekha was again a vocalist.

“Friendship” existed for 20 years, during which it continued to perform both in the USSR and in other countries of the world. The singer's popularity gained momentum every year, and with each concert Piekha gained more and more fans, but in 1976 the girl left the ensemble, deciding to start a solo career.

Only at the beginning of her solo career, more than 20 giant discs were released with the singer’s songs, which instantly sold out not only in the USSR, but also in France, Poland, Germany and many others. European countries. Edita also gave many concerts, which, like the Druzhba ensemble, took place in many countries.

The singer managed to work with many famous Soviet composers and poets, including Robert Rozhdestvensky, Nikolai Dobronravov, Vladimir Uspensky and others.

Piekha was also one of the innovators in the Soviet stage. For example, she was the first to hold the microphone in her hands, rather than stand near the stand with it. She communicated with her audience, establishing much closer contact with her listeners than was previously customary.

She is also one of the first to perform a foreign song in Russian; and it was she who started the tradition of celebrating anniversaries and birthdays on stage with concerts.

The most popular songs performed by Edita Piekha

Listeners remembered many, if not all, of the songs of the Soviet and Russian singer. However, there are also those that became the most beloved and most popular compositions of that time.

For example, such works include the following songs:

  • “Our Neighbor”, 1969 – music and lyrics by B. Potemkin;
  • “Only You” is the first foreign song performed in Russian. By Back Ram;
  • “Be like this” – words by A. Flyarkovsky, music by R. Rozhdestvensky;
  • “Love will come to you too” - music by M. Fradkin, music by R. Rozhdestvensky"
  • “The Pier” – words by S. Pozhlakov, music by N. Malyshev;
  • “White Light” – words by O. Feltsman, music by M. Tanich and I. Shaferan;
  • “The Enormous Sky”, 1967 – words by O. Feltsman, music by R. Rozhdestvensky;
  • “Love” - words by O. Feltsman, music by M. Philippe-Gerard and N. Olev.


In addition to the fact that Edita Piekha was a famous singer, she also starred in films. With her participation, not only films were released, where the artist played certain roles, but also those in which she played herself.

For example, a woman played in the films:

  • “The Fate of the Resident” 1970 - the role of Josephine Claire;
  • “Diamonds for the Dictatorship of the Proletariat” 1975 – the role of Lydia Bosse;
  • "Blue Cities" 1985;
  • "New Year's Adventures, or Train No. 1" 2000;
  • "Grandfather of My Dreams" 2006.

Edita Piekha played the role of herself in the films:

  • "Incorrigible liar";
  • “I have a caravel”;
  • “If you only knew how dear I am...”;
  • “And all over again”;
  • "Long live the ball";
  • “The era of Piekha.”

Edita Piekha, being very beautiful woman, has always had a lot of fans and has never been deprived of attention.

The artist’s first husband was the director of the Druzhba ensemble. Alexander Bronevitsky was delighted not only with the beauty and talent of the girl, but also with her character. This is precisely the reason why the young people got married.

The manager, who noticed the young talent and literally raised her up the career ladder, always tried to do as much as possible for his wife. He cared and worried about her, often during tours he brought her food or warm clothes so that his muse would not get cold or hungry.

The man was kind to her, sometimes even too much. He was terribly jealous of all her ensemble partners and other singers with whom Edita performed. Tired of such behavior from her husband, who himself often cheated on the singer, Piekha filed for divorce.

The artist’s second husband was a KGB colonel, Gennady Shestakov. It was because of him, according to rumors, that Edita Stanislavovna left Alexander Bronevitsky. Gennady, unlike the woman’s first husband, did not have a craving for jealousy and betrayal. On the contrary, he tried to support his wife and help her in everything - for this he even studied at the Institute of Theater, Music and Cinema, later becoming director of the Piekha ensemble.

Even though there are vices ex-husband Shestakov didn’t have it, he had something else - he often liked to drink. Pretty soon the singer got tired of this, and she started an affair with one of the members of her ensemble, and in revenge, her husband also found himself a mistress. And so their marriage broke up.

Edita Piekha’s third husband was Vladimir Polyakov, a politician and employee of the Administration of the President of Russia. Their romance began far from the same way as with the singer’s previous husbands and suitors - they for a long time They communicated only by phone, because Piekha lived in St. Petersburg, and he lived in Moscow.

Even then, in the early stages of their romance, the man showed reverent care for the artist, was sensitive and tried to understand and support his beloved in everything. So they got together, lived together for a long time, and then simply separated. Piekha herself said that they were too different people to continue living in marriage.

The artist also said in an interview that she regrets her last two marriages and would prefer not to get married then, because she did not love men, but those images of them that she herself invented.

Perhaps it was for this reason that Piekha had only one child about Bronevitsky - Ilona Bronevitskaya. The woman took after her mother and became an artist, and later a TV presenter. Her son, the singer’s grandson, Stas Piekha became a singer and poet. Ilona has a daughter, Erika Bystrova, and two grandchildren, Pyotr Piekha and Vasilisa (Bystrova’s daughter).

Edita Piekha is honored and People's Artist RSFSR and People's Artist of the USSR.

She is the winner of a huge number of awards. Let's list the most basic ones.

  • Prize of the Leningrad Komsomol.
  • Order of Friendship of Peoples.
  • Order of the Red Banner of Labor.
  • Medal "For Labor Valor".
  • Order of Merit for the Fatherland, VI, III and II degrees.
  • "Diamond Gramophone"
  • Badge of honor “For services to St. Petersburg.”
  • "Golden Cross of Merit".
  • Order of Friendship, etc.

Interesting facts from the life of Edita Piekha

Although the first performance is officially considered to be the performance of the song “Red Car,” Piekha managed to perform in front of the general public long before that. So, at the age of seven, she sang the French anthem “La Marseillaise” on the occasion of the victory over Nazi Germany.

Edita Piekha is terribly afraid of driving cars and never does it - instead, she is always accompanied by a personal driver. As the singer admitted, she once got behind the wheel of a car with her first husband, but he was horrified by his wife’s driving and forbade her to drive.

When Ilona was born, Edita Piekha was not in that indescribable delight in which young mothers usually find themselves. Firstly, the girl was only 24 years old, and she dreamed of promoting her singing career, and not about diapers, feeding and eternal crying. Secondly, Piekha admitted that she wanted to give birth to a son more than a girl.

For a long time, there was a rumor throughout the USSR about a romance between Piekha and Gagarin, which, however, never found any confirmation. The fact is that the artist was invited to rest after the next concert, where Yuri Gagarin also came. Edita almost immediately went to play volleyball and in the process of playing she twisted her ankle. The kind first cosmonaut carried her to the hospital, because the singer herself could not walk.

Every concert outfit of Edita Piekha is decorated with roses. The woman came up with a similar style herself when she was just starting to perform - there was no money for expensive jewelry, but the viewer needed to be remembered for something.

Edita Piekha speaks four languages ​​perfectly: French, German, Polish and Russian. She performs songs in more than 10 languages.

Quite often the singer’s questions about her age appear and are asked. “How old is Edita Piekha?” - ask surprised listeners who learn about the singer’s next concert. Edita Stanislavovna always speaks with a smile and honestly about her age, without being embarrassed at all. She admits that she doesn’t feel it at all, because she is doing what she loves – singing and performing for her audience, and in this business the years are not felt.

Edita Piekha now - latest news

On this moment it is known that they are going to shoot a multi-part film about her life and creative path, however, the details have not yet been discussed.

The woman also continues to actively perform and in 2017 gave a concert in honor of her anniversary - the artist turned 80 years old. Not only her “colleagues,” but also Vladimir Putin and Dmitry Medvedev addressed her with congratulations.

Documentaries and programs have also been and continue to be made about the singer, in which the woman openly shares her life story.


Edita Stanislavovna Piekha is one of the greatest Soviet and Russian performers. She made her life’s work out of her simple hobby and, as she admits, she never tried to make any PR or a career, but simply sang. The songs of this performer continue to be listened to even now, more than 60 years after the start of her creative career.

Stas Piekha belongs to that category of show business stars who try to protect their personal lives from the attention of fans and the curious glances of the general public. Therefore, it is not surprising that information about the singer’s wedding appeared in the media twice. For the first time they started talking about a secret marriage in the summer of 2013 - then the chosen one of the stage star was known to be “the charming blonde Natalya.” Only after some time did the situation become clear, because Stas Piekha and his future wife (at that time information about the wedding still turned out to be premature) - twenty-six-year-old model and DJ Natalya Gorchakova - were carefully hidden from prying eyes.

Natalya Gorchakova - model and DJ

Apparently, there was a blessing from above for this musical family. There is no other way to explain why all its members sang always and at all times. Grandmother Edita Stanislavovna appeared on the stage in the early 70s of the last century. A young, extraordinarily beautiful and elegant singer, a mysterious foreigner with a clear Polish accent, immediately won the hearts of millions of fans.

Edita Piekha married Alexander Alexandrovich Bronevitsky, composer, conductor, prominent musical figure, creator of the country's first VIA "Friendship". In this marriage, which later broke up (according to one version, due to the husband’s jealousy of his attractive wife), a daughter, Ilona Bronevitskaya, was born. Edita Stanislavovna always dreamed of a son to name him after her father, who died early. But since a daughter was born, and there were no more children in the family, her dream did not come true.

Ilona inherited her mother's singing talent. She entered the scene early and quickly gained popularity. She later married Petras Gerulis, a jazz musician and theater director. The marriage produced a son, who was named Stanislav, thanks to the wishes of his grandmother. Finally, her dream came true; a boy was born in their family!

When Stas was only one year old, his parents divorced. Ilona married a second time, again to the musician Yuri Bystrov. His daughter Erica was born from him. This is the only person in the family who did not follow in the footsteps of their ancestors. She did not devote her life to music, but is engaged in design.

The singer's childhood

Stas Piekha was born in Soviet Leningrad. His biography began on August 13, 1980. His mother was then completely absorbed in performances and personal life. Therefore, the son was often left without maternal attention. In one of Malakhov’s programs, Stas even stated that he lived in orphanage! This fact shocked the country at the time. This is a little strange, with living parents! But the grandmother hastened to refute this fact, and Ilona embarrassedly explained this by a catastrophic lack of time and a lot of entertainment.

In one of her songs, “I Don’t Remember Dad,” Ilona Bronevitskaya quite plausibly portrayed her son’s childhood. Although the song was a joke, there is a large share of truth in it. He grew up alone, and learned a lot in life through his own experiences.

The boy's musical abilities showed up early. Grandma began to take him on stage with her early. At the age of seven, he entered the Choir School, where he studied piano and vocals.

After studying at high school Stas was not faced with the question of choosing a profession. He entered the Gnessin School in the pop-jazz department. However, the young man was soon expelled due to frequent absences from classes. But Stas was able to obtain a degree as a hairdresser and stylist at a Spanish school. For some time he made money from this particular craft, and also performed at various evenings, performing songs.

The beginning of a creative career

When Stas was 24 years old, his grandmother advised him to try his hand at the popular show “Star Factory”. And this attempt ended in success! He won third place. Then the singer’s first hit appeared - Viktor Drobysh’s song “One Star”.

Stas was lucky in this project. He had long dreamed of singing with singer Valeria, and this dream came true! They sang the song “Let It Go” together. The young singer also sang 20 duets with different artists. Of course, the most memorable of them is a duet with the popular rock singer Ken Hensley.

Stas Piekha during his participation in the show “Star Factory 4”

Thanks to his victory, Stas got the opportunity to record his own disc and shoot a video. He also got a motor scooter as part of his load.

After the release of the album entitled “One Star,” Stas Piekha gained incredible popularity in the country. In his creative biography there was an unprecedented rise. Several songs from this album were personal, original songs of Stas. Some of them belong to Viktor Drobysh. The singer recorded the song “City of Childhood” together with his grandmother, who played a big role in his life. Ilona refused to sing it.

The song “You're Sad” also became popular. She could often be heard on the radio and television screens. The singer also became a laureate of the Song of the Year festival.

The peak of the singer's popularity

In 2008, Stas's second album was released. It was fundamentally different from the first disc. The singer improvised a lot. It’s interesting that Victoria Smirnova, whom he was dating at the time, starred in the video for the song “About You” from this disc. However, the girl never became his wife.

Stas performed a song from the album “She’s Not Yours” with famous singer Grigory Leps. This brought unprecedented popularity. As a result, Stas received the Golden Gramophone, God of the Air and Muz-TV awards.

Soon Stas and his grandmother began to represent the Moscow Jewelry Factory. They also starred in a television commercial for cough medicine. In 2008, Stas was offered to host the music show “Cosmopolitan. Video version" on the TNT channel.

Interestingly, during the filming of the video for the song “Green Whirlpool,” the singer actually descended in diving gear to a depth of 3 meters!

In 2011, Stas was invited to the show “The Voice” as a mentor. After that, he was invited to take part in the Ukrainian adaptation of the English show “Popstar to Operastar”. There he performed together with Tamara Smirnova. The following year, the singer participated in the popular Russian show"Two stars". There he performed songs together with Maria Kozhevnikova. Unfortunately, they were far from winning places. But the following year, Stas successfully became a mentor in the show “Our Way Out.” His team took second place!

In 2013, the singer participated in the show “Hit”. The song “Soul” performed by him took second place. In 2017, Stas became a member of the jury in the children's vocal project “You are Super!”, which was broadcast on the NTV channel.

An interesting fact, somewhat far from the world of music. In 2012, Stas became a confidant of Russian presidential candidate Vladimir Putin. In 2015, Stas was prohibited from entering the territory of Ukraine. This was explained by his approval of the seizure of Crimea.

Among other things, the gifted young man writes poetry. Two collections of his poems have already been published. One in 2008, the other eight years later.

Stas actively takes part in voice acting for cartoons. Among them: “Rescuers in Australia”, “Aristocats”, “The Princess and the Frog”, etc. He also starred in the series “My great family", in several documentaries(“The Piekha Era”, “The Secret Files of Show Business”, “ Incredible stories love" etc.)

Stas Piekha and his personal life: “married bachelor”?

It was with the singer’s secret marriage that some journalists associated his refusal to participate in the next season of the popular TV show “The Bachelor.” Stas Piekha himself explained his reluctance to act in film by the possible negative imprint that such an act could leave on his life. “...this disgrace will remain for life. And I weighed in the balance that I would probably regret taking part in this show all my life,” the singer noted in an interview.

Personal life

Stas Piekha usually keeps some facts of his biography and, in particular, his personal life secret. Many fans are interested in who his wife is and look for photos on the Internet.

Despite the fact that Stas Piekha actively uses social networks, on his pages it is difficult to find information regarding his biography and personal life. There is no information about his wife, children, or photos of them.

However, there is information that on the Star Factory project Stas met a charming participant Victoria Smirnova. She was the cousin of singer Timati. An affair with an attractive blonde ended sadly. She went to study in England and invited him with her. However, the singer did not want to change his performance schedule. Apparently, his career was more important to him at that time than love.

Wives of Stas Piekha

For the second time, the media reported that Stas Piekha and his chosen one registered their relationship in the fall of 2014. The Internet and periodicals published the news that the secret ceremony took place in Spain, where Natalya Gorchakova permanently lived with her child together with the singer, Peter. Remaining committed to the rule of not talking about his personal life, the singer did not tell fans the details of this event, and did not publicly post photographs from the wedding. Only his star grandmother, Edita Piekha, casually mentioned the past event.

Dad and son

The birth of Stas Piekha's first child was shrouded in no less a veil of secrecy than the wedding that took place. The child was born in the spring of 2014, but only a few months later information about this joyful event in the life of the singer and his lover became available to the general public. When Stas Piekha and Natalya Gorchakova said “Yes” to each other at the wedding ceremony, little Petya was already seven months old.

Stas Piekha and his career: is family a hindrance?

Unfortunately, the singer’s family happiness turned out to be fleeting. After three years of relationship, Stas Piekha and his wife separated. As the singer himself said, he was prompted to make such a decision by his unpreparedness for a serious relationship and the inability to combine family life with show business. And, choosing between home and career, he decided to focus on the latter. According to the artist, despite the separation, Stas Piekha maintained friendly relations with his wife and son, and also takes part in raising the child and helps Natalya Gochakova and her son financially.

Stas Piekha and his son on a walk

It is worth noting that the singer made such a statement in response to numerous attacks and accusations of abandoning his family. And at the beginning of this year, an event occurred that served as a reason for fans of the singer’s work to reflect on the possible reunion of the artist and his family. On Children's Day, Stas Piekha, his ex-wife and little Peter appeared in public together.

Stas Piekha, Natalya Gorchakova and little Peter during a walk together

Photos of young people walking around with their son shopping center, Natalya Gorchakova herself posted on Instagram.

Wife and son of Stas Piekha: whole life on Instagram

Natalya Gorchakova likes to post photos with her son on Instagram

It is worth noting that ex-wife Stasa Piekha regularly pleases fans of the singer’s work and her followers on Instagram (and the thirty-year-old model and DJ currently has about sixty thousand of them) with new photographs of Peter, without failing to accompany each photo short story about her love and tender affection for the baby (however, the girl posts her own photographs no less actively, and even became the author of an ambiguous hashtag, which not only gained popularity among Instagram users, but also became one of the topics for the Vesti story on channel "Russia 24"). Having looked at the latest photographs showing the already grown-up Peter, fans of the singer’s work suggested that Stas Piekha and his son are very similar. However, the artist himself claimed that the child is a copy of the mother.

Stas Piekha and his separation from his wife: unformed divorce

In a recent interview, the singer briefly hinted about his new relationship, but, remaining true to himself, did not name his passion. However, some fans of his talent did not believe in the veracity of what was said. Not least because of the story of the protracted process of divorce. After all, even to this day the spouses have not filed for divorce. Without wanting to expand too much on this topic, Stas Piekha explains the absence official document about the divorce from Natalya Gorchakova due to lack of free time to attend court hearings and reluctance to deal with issues of dividing joint real estate.

And she insisted on his admission to the Glinka Choir School. Stas also bears his current surname thanks to his grandmother: Edita Stanislavovna did not want the Piekh family to be interrupted, and insisted on making changes to her grandson’s documents.

Among the singer’s famous compositions are the hits “Where Will I Be,” “She’s Not Yours” (in a duet with Grigory Leps), “Me and You” (in a duet with Slava), “You’re Sad” (in a duet with Valeria) and others. His songs were not only loved by listeners, but also received recognition from the jury of Russian music festivals. Stas Piekha also appeared in the cinema. However, in most cases it was participation in documentaries. And besides, the role of himself in the television series “My Fair Nanny”

Natalya Gorchakova is a Russian fashion model and DJ. Born on January 26, 1987 in Leningrad (currently St. Petersburg). Graduated from the St. Petersburg State Institute of Culture. The girl met Stas Piekha at a party in 2010