The colorful variety of products in stores is the result of many years of struggle by manufacturers for buyers and to reduce the cost of goods. But in last years Visitors to retail establishments trust bright labels less and less and are increasingly attentive to the quality of the products they purchase. Nowadays, products made according to old recipes in compliance with technologies designed for quality, and not for low cost, are in demand. Lovers of natural products did not ignore ice cream, because many Russians remember the taste and consistency of ice cream produced in compliance with GOST standards.

With the right approach, making ice cream at home can be a good start for a business, since a high-quality product is in demand on the market today.

How to make money on ice cream

A housewife who has at least once made ice cream at home knows that this is not a very complicated process. To produce several servings from three liters of milk, you only need a mixer, a steam bath, a freezer and a simple set of products (cream, sugar, eggs and toppings to taste).

Perhaps it is precisely because of the low cost of the ingredients and the simplicity of the preparation technology that the temptation is so great to start and develop on ice cream.

However, making a batch of ice cream for a family is one thing, and quite another to start selling a full-fledged homemade product.

Yes, to trade surpluses from your home kitchen, you won’t need registration with the Federal Tax Service or permission from sanitary services, but let’s try to calculate whether there will be a financial result from a business like producing ice cream at home.

The cost of preparing 10 kg of ice cream will be about 1 thousand rubles. excluding payment costs utilities. The average wholesale cost of 1 kg of finished product is about 200 rubles. Accordingly, the entrepreneur’s income from wholesale sales will be equal to 2 thousand rubles, and profit – 1 thousand rubles.

Any housewife would agree to have an extra income of one thousand rubles every day. But such profit is good for additional replenishment family budget. Projects with a larger turnover will require completely different conditions for both production and sales of products.

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Equipment for the production of

Industrial automated ice cream production is an expensive project. The lion's share of the costs will be the purchase of equipment for making ice cream and bringing production facilities into compliance with the requirements of sanitary standards.

Do not be afraid of complex administrative procedures, official registration is today retail business It is quite possible for any entrepreneur.

Retail sales and prospects

In order to install a mobile refrigerated display case or a soft-serve ice cream machine, it is necessary to agree on the location of the non-stationary retail facility with representatives of municipal authorities.

The equipment must have a sanitary certificate. Display cases and machines for making soft-serve ice cream are sold with such books. The cost of one mobile showcase will be from 60 thousand to 300 thousand rubles. A machine for making soft ice cream can also cost up to 300 thousand rubles.

The cost of purchasing ingredients is about 1 thousand rubles. per 10 kg of finished product.

A mobile outlet can sell about 10 kg of ice cream on a hot summer day, and the retail cost of 100 g of ice cream will be about 50 rubles.

Thus, daily revenue can be up to 5 thousand rubles, and monthly income – 150 thousand rubles. If you subtract the costs of ingredients, labor costs and small taxes for individual entrepreneurs, then the entrepreneur will have about 50 thousand rubles at his disposal. net profit per month.

At such turnover, equipment for the retail sale of ice cream can pay for itself within five warm months, and next season the entrepreneur will be able to either expand and purchase another mobile storefront, or receive net profit from the point that has already paid off. We also suggest that you familiarize yourself with another interesting and easy-to-implement business idea -

According to statistics, every year one resident of our country eats about 10 kg of ice cream. This dessert is loved by people of all ages. It has been the most popular delicacy for decades. Both large and small businesses take advantage of this to generate income. Equipment for the production of ice cream today exists in many modifications. These include large technological lines and milling machines that allow you to organize the production and sale of dessert in one place. There is a device on the market today for preparing it at home. However, today we will not talk about household appliances, but about the equipment that can be used for business.

  • Ice cream production technology
  • What equipment to choose for making ice cream?
  • Ice cream production line
  • Devices for small businesses
  • How much money do you need to start a business?
  • How much can you earn
  • Which OKVED code must be indicated when starting an ice cream business?
  • What documents are needed to open
  • Which taxation system to choose for an ice cream business
  • Do you need a permit to open an ice cream business?

There are several types of ice cream: seasoned, soft and homemade. The first type is a product manufactured in large enterprises. It must be frozen at very low temperatures (-18 C). This is how it is stored and delivered to the consumer. Soft ice cream has no shelf life, but looks like thick cream. The recipe for its preparation is simple, and it immediately reaches the buyer. The product does not require deep freezing. Its temperature does not exceed -7 C. At home, the product is frozen as hardened ice cream. To do this, use a household freezer.

Ice cream production technology

Before buying equipment for the production of ice cream, you need to familiarize yourself with the technology of its production. Anyone who has eaten this dessert or cooked it at home at least once in their life can easily guess the products that will be needed to make it:

It is also more convenient to present the stages of the technology itself in the form of a table:

Preparing the mixtureAt this stage, the aqueous phase of the raw material is mixed with fat fractions. This happens in various tanks, containers, and pasteurizers. Before mixing, milk or water must be heated to a temperature of 45 C. For this, heat-generating equipment is used, for example, plate heaters. A dispersant is a device that helps introduce dry substances and fats into a liquid. Oil melters, screw lifts, and bunkers are also used to prepare the mixture. They help make the process much easier.
Filtration, homogenizationThe finished mixture is passed through a series of filters. Cleaning it from lumps and other foreign debris is necessary, since in the future the equipment may fail due to incomplete structure. Next, the raw materials enter the pasteurization and cooling unit. There it is kept at a temperature of +85 C for about a minute. Homogenization is a cooking process that gives a mixture a fluffy, thick consistency. It occurs in two stages at different pressures. The first time at 12.5 MPa, the second time at 5 MPa. After homogenization, the product is cooled in special tanks. First they are affected cold water, then ice, and then a coolant is added to the coolant, which is capable of creating a temperature of -50 C around the tank. Then the ice cream is left to settle for 1-2 days.
FreezingAt this stage, the mixture is saturated with air and partially frozen. Not at home, but in production, two types of freezers are used: periodic and continuous.
HardeningAt this stage, the mixture is quenched with a stream of air. It is in freezers. The temperature is adjusted so that the ice cream comes out at a temperature of -12 C.
Additional hardeningThis is a cooking process - holding in special chambers for 1-2 days.
Baking cupsThe process takes place in a separate area. For preparation, two recipes are usually used - unleavened and sugar dough. Cups can be single or double layered.
Dosing and packagingProduced on automatic lines. Depending on the technology, natural ice cream can be poured into cups and covered with glaze. Next, the product is sent to a freezing chamber and then packaged.

What equipment to choose for making ice cream?

Ice cream production line

If we analyze the market for equipment for making ice cream, we can highlight domestically produced machines “Progress”. They have optimal prices, and the line productivity is 1 ton of finished product per shift. The set we offer does not include a packaging section. It can be purchased separately from the M-pack company for 560 thousand rubles. The line allows you to produce creamy natural ice cream.

In addition, you will need refrigeration and freezer chambers and two sets of equipment. For our volume, the Polair-KHS refrigerator for 227.9 thousand rubles and the Polair MM-2226 monoblock for 105.2 thousand rubles are suitable.

Devices for small businesses

If the costs of opening a full-fledged production facility are still unaffordable for an entrepreneur, then you can open a point selling soft ice cream. The equipment for this is simple, no more complicated than a machine for making high-quality ice cream at home. It's called a freezer. The device mixes, freezes and packages ice cream. A person only needs to dilute the dry mixture with water and pour it into the hopper. The contents in it increase significantly in size, and its temperature is not lower than -8 C. As you can see, the cooking recipe is quite simple.

There are two groups of freezers: floor-mounted and tabletop. The former usually have greater productivity, which is why their prices are higher. When choosing this equipment, they also pay attention to the number of pouring horns. Tabletop ones can also be used at home.

Freezer for soft ice cream Taylor C606.

The best brands are considered to be the American Taylor, Electro Freeze and the Italian Carpigiani, Frigomat, GelMatic. In an hour, such a machine is capable of producing 300 servings of ice cream. It must have an air pump. If it is not there, the quality of the product will decrease significantly. For the same reasons, experts do not advise buying Chinese devices. Ice cream may contain liquid inclusions or pieces of ice. The time to prepare the finished product in a freezer usually does not exceed 10 minutes, and the whole process usually takes about half an hour.

Dry mixtures can be purchased domestically. The company Icedream is successfully operating in the market. There are more than 10 different flavors in its assortment. Among others, the most popular: chocolate, banana, strawberry, caramel.

How much money do you need to start a business?

You can start a business by purchasing used equipment. American and Italian models, even after 10 years of operation, can still be used normally. You can buy them for 2-4 thousand dollars. If you plan to sell ice cream in a crowded place, then you shouldn’t skimp on equipment. A sudden breakdown will lead to a loss of profit at the height of the ice cream season.

How much can you earn

Each retail outlet can bring in up to 50,000 rubles per month during the season, and maybe more if the location is well chosen. It is the implementation finished products is the most difficult in the ice cream business. To achieve success, you should open at least 10-15 retail outlets. From such a number of points you can earn up to 2,000,000 rubles in net profit per year, minus current and fixed costs.

For production: average cost 1 kg of product - 250 rubles. Producing 250 kg each, we get 7.5 tons of ice cream per month. Thus, gross receipts will be 1,875,000 rubles. Let's discard the cost part and come up with 1 million net (55% profitability). But this is subject to wholesale sales of the entire production volume.

If you have the opportunity, take up investing. You can even start from scratch. Find out aboutthe secrets of creating cash flow from scratchand earn money. Your income can be up to 150,000 rubles per month.

Which OKVED code must be indicated when starting an ice cream business?

We select the code from section C of the classifier, which is called 10.52 “Ice cream production”.

What documents are needed to open

To expect to enter the markets of other regions, it is advisable to immediately register a legal company. If equity capital is not raised, a limited liability company would be the most sensible option. For complete registration, it is necessary to prepare a package of documents, which will necessarily include:

  • founders' agreement;
  • decision of the owner/s to open a legal entity;
  • charter;
  • lease agreements for space and purchase of production equipment;
  • registration certificates from the regional statistics office, Pension Fund and Social Security.

Which taxation system to choose for an ice cream business

A simplified system can become good choice for the first years of business development. In 2017, the transaction limit for the simplified tax system was increased to 120 million rubles. The maximum volume of fixed assets should not be more than 100 million. If taxation is only on the income side, the tax rate will be 6%. The fact of income is considered at the moment when funds from customers are credited to the account in the form of revenue. Another option is to tax the difference between the amount of income and expenses, and the rate in this case will be 15%. Depending on the location of the business, this rate may be reduced.

Do you need a permit to open an ice cream business?

In order to be able to make ice cream, you must obtain a permit from the sanitary and epidemiological service. This is preceded by the approval of regulatory and technical documentation, according to which the technological process will take place. There are government standards that the manufacturer must adhere to. If you develop your own technical conditions, they must be approved by the Inspectorate for the Protection of Consumer Rights.

Do you want to increase your income? We can offer you several options. If you need additional income and there is free time, try to make money on the Internet. Meet me With 50 ways to make money on the Internet and work for yourself

Ice cream is a whipped sweet food product made from milk, dairy and cream products, butter, whey, buttermilk, products with complex raw materials, oils, fats and proteins of non-dairy origin with the addition of other ingredients and substances or from water, sugars and/or their substitutes with the addition of other ingredients and substances by freezing.

Hardened ice cream is produced under production conditions. Catering establishments produce soft ice cream, which has a consistency similar to cream.

Basic technology

The preparation of an ice cream mixture generally consists of the steps of preparing the aqueous phase and mixing the fat fraction and solids of the mixture in a flow or batch manner. To mix raw materials when preparing mixtures for ice cream, universal heat exchange tanks, cheese-making baths, long-term pasteurization baths, tanks for heat treatment of milk and other container equipment are used. Baths equipped with a steam bubbling jacket and a high-quality stirring device can also be used for pasteurization and cooling of the mixture. The aqueous phase of the ice cream-milk and/or water mixture is preheated to a temperature of 40..45°C using plate heaters or other available heat exchange equipment. To process dry substances and fats, devices such as dispersants are used. Depending on the productivity of the mixture preparation area, appropriate equipment is used to automate and simplify the process: screw lifts, oil melters, bunkers, etc.

After preparation, the mixture is filtered. Typically two-section capacitive filters are used. The filtration process is fundamentally necessary because... subsequent equipment critically perceives undissolved lumps of dry substances present in the mixture, not to mention burlap and other “results” production activities enterprises.

Pasteurization of the mixture on a plate pasteurization-cooling unit is carried out at a temperature of 80...85°C with a holding time of 50...60 seconds. When pasteurizing in periodic capacitive heat exchangers, the following modes are used: 68...72°C, holding time 25...30 minutes; 73-77°C, exposure 15...20 min; 83-87°C, holding time 3...5 min.


Necessary to stabilize the emulsion. It is carried out at a temperature close to the pasteurization temperature. The higher the mass fraction of fat in the mixture, the lower the homogenization pressure. When producing ice cream, it is recommended to use two-stage homogenization. Depending on the type of ice cream mixture, the following homogenization modes are used: from 7 to 12.5 MPa for the first stage and 4.5-5.0 MPa for the second stage. Using the process of homogenizing the ice cream mixture allows you to achieve the required degree of overrun and good consistency of the finished product.


After homogenization, the mixture is cooled to 2...60°C. For this purpose, plate pasteurization-cooling units, plate and shell-and-tube coolers, VDPs, cream-maturing baths, etc. are used. The mixture is cooled first with running water, then ice water with t 1...2°C or coolant (brine) with t no higher than -5°C.

Storage and ripening

The mixture is sent to tanks or cream ripening baths, where it is stored at t 4...6°C for no more than 24 hours, at t 0...4°C for no more than 48 hours. Storage is a mandatory process step only for ice cream mixtures prepared using gelatin (stabilizer). Such mixtures must be kept at a temperature not higher than 6°C for 4...12 hours.

Freezing the mixture

When freezing, the mixture is whipped (saturated with air) and partially frozen. Continuous or batch freezers are used. The mixture enters the freezer at a temperature of 2...6°C, the temperature of the ice cream at the outlet should not be higher than -3.5°C, with the exception of ice cream produced using popsicle generators. The overrun of ice cream is 40..60% depending on the type of ice cream and the freezer used.

Hardening and re-hardening of ice cream

After freezing, the ice cream is immediately at its maximum short term undergoes further freezing (hardening). Packaged ice cream is hardened in a stream of air at temperatures from -25 to -37°C in special freezers, as well as in metal molds in popsicle generators. The ice cream temperature after hardening should not be higher than minus 12°C. Additional hardening is carried out in hardening chambers or storage chambers for 24...36 hours. The hardened ice cream is placed in a storage chamber.

The Inmarko company was founded in 1993 and in 19 years has grown from a distributor of Novosibirsk cold storage plants into the largest Russian ice cream manufacturer. In 2008, Inmarko became part of the Unilever company and the absolute leader in the ice cream market in Russia in terms of production and sales volumes. According to Unilever, the share of Inmarko in urban Russia (cities with a population of over 10,000 people) in monetary terms in 2011 was 20.7%. IN this moment the company produces its products in two factories - in Omsk and Tula.

for the production of Unilever ice cream


Tula city




300 people


42 billion rubles (SPARK)

The plant in Tula was built by Unilever in 2011. By the time construction is fully completed in 2014, the Tula complex will become Unilever's largest ice cream production facility in Eastern Europe and will enter the world top five.

Raw materials for ice cream arrive at the warehouse, which is divided into two parts. In the first, the air temperature is about 20 degrees - packaging and raw materials that do not require special conditions storage In the second compartment, the temperature is only five degrees - fillers, oil, fat and other ingredients that can spoil are stored here. Samples of a new batch of raw materials are sent to the laboratory, where they are checked for compliance with specification requirements.

Everything that happens during the production process is recorded by a special computer program. The operator uploads information about the recipe for the appropriate ice cream, and the program automatically dispenses the ingredients and monitors their movement through the pipes, containers and conveyors of the factory.

Pasteurization and procurement department, where raw materials are stored in tanks: sugar, cocoa, stabilizers, whey. From these, the ingredients in the required quantity go into a common mixer, where they will all be mixed into a mixture.

The ingredients and the ice cream itself move through pipes, the total length of which reaches several hundred meters.

Before entering the maturation tank, the mixture goes through a homogenization stage, at which it becomes homogeneous (without lumps), and pasteurization. The mixture is a flowing substance similar to thick milk. In order for it to freeze, it needs to be beaten in a freezer and saturated with air.

Cone-shaped waffle cones are made in the same way as pancakes are baked. The dough is poured into flat molds that pass through an eight-meter-long oven. Then the resulting pancake is wrapped onto a cone, which gives it the shape of a horn.

The principle of preparing a waffle cup is almost the same, only without the pancake stage. 17-19 grams of dough are immediately poured into the mold. A punch is lowered into it, which distributes the dough according to the shape of the future cup. The workpiece passes through four meters of a gas oven, then the excess edges of the dough are cut off from its surface, and the finished cup is squeezed onto a moving belt, from which a factory employee picks them up.

The love for ice cream - this wonderful dessert, whipped into airy cream, does not depend on nationality, religion, gender and age.

This sweet product is produced from a liquid mixture in accordance with a special recipe. Here, in certain proportions, the milk component is contained with fruit and berry, egg, and sugar-containing components added to it (exactly in accordance with the recipe). Stabilizers, aromatics and flavoring agents are often added.

Modern technology is also known today industrial production This wonderful product has a complex raw material composition of oil, fat and protein, which do not contain a dairy base. Supplements are also added here in the form of water, sugar derivatives (substitute), fruits/berries/vegetables.

Modern technology for the production of hardened ice cream

The production of ice cream in production consists of three main processes (stages):

  1. Making a mixture.
  2. Ice cream production.
  3. Ice cream storage.

When preparing a basic mixture for ice cream in production (including a mini-factory), you should use universal heat exchange containers, pasteurization units, containers for mixing products, and a homogenizer.

In order to clearly represent the process-technology of ice cream production, it should be depicted on paper in the form of a strict plan (process flow diagram for ice cream production):

  1. Delivery of raw materials to the production workshop. All necessary raw materials for making ice cream must be stored in special chambers, where the appropriate air temperature and humidity must be maintained. The necessary raw materials, according to the recipe, are delivered from the warehouse to production to be prepared for use.
  2. Recipe calculation. At this stage, you should calculate, to the nearest gram, all the components included in the mixture for preparation, weigh them and measure out the required amount. In large industries, and sometimes in mini-factories, electronic strain gauge weighing systems or mechanical weighing machines are used.
  3. Preparation of raw materials strictly according to the recipe. All components for the mixture are prepared properly for them: the liquid raw material must be filtered (purified) from all kinds of impurities; all bulk dry raw materials are sifted and mixed; oil - melts; eggs are checked for freshness and combined with a sweet food component; The fruit and berry component of the recipe is added to the mixture in puree or liquid (juice) form.
  4. Composing the mixture and pumping it into heat exchange containers (tanks). At the first stage of preparing the mixture, liquids are poured, then melted butter and dry products are added with a sweet egg mixture.
  5. Filtering the mixture.
  6. Pasteurization is a high-temperature treatment of the mixture so that no microorganisms remain in the ice cream that can shorten the shelf life of the finished dessert. The ice cream mixture is always pasteurized at a temperature of 85 degrees for 15 seconds.
  7. Homogenization - crushing large fat globules into small ones of approximately the same shape. This operation makes the mixture homogeneous, and it does not separate into fat and “water.”
  8. Cooling the mixture to 6 degrees in tanks, in which it matures for at least 6 hours (milk formula) and at least 4 hours (non-dairy formula).
  9. The final stage of preparing the mixture is the addition of dyes, flavors and citric acid(for some types of ice cream).
  10. Freezing the mixture and forming ice cream from it by whipping. In other words, simultaneous additional cooling of the pasteurized mass during the process of whipping it. As a result, the volume of ice cream increases by 2.5-3 times. Continuous impact freezers are used for this purpose.
  11. Packaging of prepared ice cream in large and small containers. The large one consists of metal container sleeves weighing 10 kg. This packaging is intended for catering facilities: cafes, restaurants, street pubs, stalls and stalls. Small ones are waffle and cardboard cones, tubes, cups, cones various colors; rectangular, oval and elongated briquettes, both uncoated and in wafers, coated with chocolate; everyone's favorite popsicles, cakes and pastries.
  12. Marking. Packaged ice cream is marked (the date and time of production must be on the packaging).
  13. Freezing ice cream to -10-15 °C and sending it to warehouses for hardening and further sale.
  14. Hardening or hardening of ice cream is carried out in special quick-freezing devices (hardening chambers), which cool the ice cream in a few seconds with icy air-wind with a temperature of -25 to -45 degrees. Then the temperature drops to a maximum of -55 degrees. The process of hardening (hardening) ice cream in these machines depends on its packaging. If the ice cream is in 10-kilogram container sleeves, it will take at least half a day to harden it. If it is in small packaging, then an hour will be enough.
  15. Storage of finished products until sale. Ice cream is stored at the manufacturing plant itself. The finished product warehouse is a huge freezer room, which is always very well maintained. low temperature around -50 degrees and 90% humid air.
  16. Sending ice cream (transportation) to points for sale.

Whenever possible, the entire ice cream production process is automated, which makes work easier.