A beauty salon administrator is an important and responsible profession. It is he who meets clients, eliminates conflict situations, resolves issues of labor discipline, and creates a comfortable atmosphere. From our article you will learn what the responsibilities of a beauty salon administrator are, and we will also tell you how to write a resume correctly when applying for a job.

The face of the company

Every successful businessman knows that the beauty industry is not as simple as you might think. Fashionable room design, specialists high level, new technologies, modern equipment - all these advantages cannot bring success if the position of administrator is taken by an amateur. Unfortunately, in our country there is no educational institutions who train such specialists, so many salon owners try to train employees on site or, which also sometimes happens, lure them away from competitors. How wrong are those who believe that an administrator must have a pleasant appearance? beautiful figure and know how to dress beautifully! Of course, all these characteristics are important, but we must not forget about the other side of his work. So, let's look at the main responsibilities of an administrator in a beauty salon.

What a specialist should know

When an applicant applies for a job, he will have a conversation with the general director. It is the head of the company who issues the order appointing an employee as a salon administrator, and only he can relieve him of this position. Most often, a person with at least secondary or secondary vocational education is hired for this position. In the future, the administrator will report to the manager and (or) to CEO. Before beginning his duties, the specialist must study:

  • Laws and regulations that affect the services provided by a beauty salon.
  • The structure of the organization in which he will work, as well as the job responsibilities of employees and their work schedule.
  • What rules must be followed when serving visitors?
  • Types of services provided by the salon.

In his activities, the administrator must be guided by the laws Russian Federation and the charter of the company in which he will work. In particular, he must know the internal labor regulations and regulations.

Job responsibilities of a beauty salon administrator

What exactly should the hired specialist do? You can read about this below:

  • First of all, the administrator must work with clients - meet them, answer questions kindly and create comfortable conditions for them.
  • The next point is consulting on the services provided, bonus programs and promotions that this moment available to clients.
  • The administrator accepts applications, conducts reception, informs employees about the registration, and keeps records of the client database.
  • The responsibilities of the administrator in a beauty salon include ensuring cleanliness and order. He must monitor the work of the cleaners and all staff.
  • If necessary, a specialist must be able to eliminate a conflict situation. If there are any complaints about the work of the salon employees, then he must consider and make a decision on the complaint.
  • The responsibilities of an administrator in a beauty salon also include monitoring workers’ compliance with labor and production discipline. They also include checking workplace safety, industrial hygiene and sanitation requirements.
  • The administrator must promptly inform management about any deficiencies in customer service and take all measures to eliminate them.
  • The specialist must carry out individual instructions from his immediate superior.

The functional responsibilities of a beauty salon administrator, as you can see, are quite complex. Therefore, a person with a strong character and extraordinary thinking can cope with them. Leading a team requires not only the ability to show flexibility in a conflict situation, but also the ability to make tough decisions.


After we have looked at the main responsibilities of a beauty salon administrator, let’s look at his rights:

  • The specialist may demand from management the creation of acceptable working conditions.
  • The administrator has the right to know what decisions management makes if they directly affect its activities.
  • He can inform the manager about shortcomings in the organization’s activities and take part in eliminating them.
  • A specialist can make independent decisions if they are within his competence.
  • The administrator at any time has the right to make proposals to improve his or her work or the work of the company.

In addition to duties and rights, a specialist must observe labor discipline, setting an example for other employees.


A specialist may receive a reprimand, lose a bonus or a job if he systematically:

  • Be negligent in your duties.
  • Will not comply with management instructions and orders to maintain trade secrets.
  • Violate the internal work schedule, discipline, safety rules and regulations fire safety.

Next, we will tell you how you can find a job in the beauty industry, if, of course, you are satisfied with all the conditions and you are ready to perform the duties of a beauty salon administrator.

Resume of the applicant for the position

Before you go looking for a job, you should prepare all the necessary documentation and, first of all, write a resume. Please remember that this document is yours. business card, the main objective which is to force the manager to invite you for an interview. Therefore, your resume should include your strengths, present yourself as a highly qualified specialist in your chosen field. Let us consider in detail how to correctly compose a document:

  • Contact information is your last name, first name and patronymic, date of birth, telephone numbers where you can be contacted (indicate at what time this can be done), home and email address.
  • Resume Objective – In this section, write the name of the position you are applying for.
  • Education – indicate the educational institution from which you graduated, the name of the faculty, specialty and period of study. If you have additional education, be sure to indicate that as well. If you are currently still studying, but write the year of graduation educational institution. Here you can list your achievements and merits (certificates, diplomas, participation in seminars and trainings).
  • Work experience - remember that this point is yours future leader will look at it most carefully. Therefore, indicate your previous places of work, describe your professional responsibilities and the reason for leaving.
  • Additions – here you can write information that can play a positive role in your employment. For example, this could be knowledge foreign language, ability to work with a computer and office equipment, as well as having a personal car and license.

Since the main responsibilities of a beauty salon administrator include communication with clients, the employer will pay attention to personal qualities. Therefore, the applicant must fully reflect this data in the resume. If possible, attach to the document letters of recommendation from previous places of work, which will highlight your positive professional qualities.


A good manager knows that skimping on training his employees is unacceptable. The specialist must not only know and perform the duties of an administrator in a beauty salon, but also have communication skills. Therefore, many companies pay for advanced training courses for their employees, where they learn how to get out of difficult situations, resolve conflicts and improve telephone speaking skills.


Any organization needs a good leader who can effectively solve current problems. Therefore, the work of a beauty salon administrator is extremely important. The responsibilities of a specialist include many areas of activity, which means there must be special requirements for him. If you decide to master this profession, then consider all its pros and cons. Remember that additional training, personal qualities and a desire to work will increase your chances of finding a job.

Structure job description beauty salon administrator

A job description for a beauty salon administrator is developed by an employee of the human resources department or a person responsible for labor protection, after which the document is submitted for approval to the administrator's immediate supervisor. The final version of the instructions is approved by the head of the organization, and the employee reads it and signs it.

This document usually consists of four sections.

  1. General provisions
    Here it is advisable to indicate the name of the administrator’s position in accordance with that accepted at the enterprise staffing table, issues of employee subordination and options for replacing him with other employees in case of absence. You can also specify in this section the requirements for the administrator and the procedure for his appointment and dismissal.
  2. Job responsibilities

    Depending on the specifics of the beauty salon and the presence of assistants or other administrators, the employee’s responsibilities may vary. The most common ones are:

    • ensuring work to create conditions for effective service to visitors;
    • consultation of visitors;
    • taking measures to prevent conflict situations;
    • making an appointment and providing contact information about the salon masters;
    • Ensuring cleanliness and order in the salon premises.
  3. Rights
    The salon administrator is endowed with a set of rights that he needs to properly fulfill his duties. labor responsibilities. In particular, he has the right:
    • require subordinates to strictly comply with instructions;
    • get acquainted with management orders relating to the activities of the administrator;
    • report to your boss about any shortcomings identified in your work and suggest ways to solve problems.
  4. Responsibility
    This section lists the types of liability to which an employee may be held in the event of failure to perform or improper performance job responsibilities. We are usually talking about disciplinary, administrative and criminal liability.

    For reference: if changes are expected to be made to the administrator’s job description, the employee must be familiarized with the draft in advance and signed. Otherwise, they will not have legal force.

It's just general description job description structure for a beauty salon administrator. The contents of the document may vary depending on the wishes of management and the presence/absence of specifics in the employee’s work.

Job responsibilities of a beauty salon administrator

Due to the fact that the work of a salon administrator involves a fairly wide range of responsibilities, since the employee actually becomes its manager and is responsible for the entire work process, we will analyze in detail the section of the job description dedicated to the employee’s responsibilities.

All job responsibilities of a beauty salon administrator can be divided into several groups:

  1. Working with clients. In this part we're talking about about the employee’s readiness for the appearance of a visitor, as well as what he should say and how to behave in the event of emergency situations (for example, a conflict). As a rule, before employment, a conversation is held with the applicant for the position, during which the main directions of the company’s policy, etc., are explained to him, it is even possible to conduct some training. However, even in this case, it is advisable to note such points in the job description, indicating, for example, that he must:
    • greet visitors and clarify the purpose of visiting the salon;
    • consult clients by telephone;
    • greet salon clients with an offer of tea or other drinks;
    • clarify the client’s record and offer him current discounts and promotions, etc.
  2. Organization of work with salon staff. At its core, a salon administrator is none other than its manager. Accordingly, he must monitor order in the salon and labor discipline. This must be reflected in the employee’s responsibilities in order to eliminate conflicts between employees. The following paragraphs may be devoted to this topic, stating that the administrator:
    • is obliged to monitor the order in the salon and make comments to the cleaners when they detect garbage;
    • If an employee is absent from the workplace for longer than the allotted time, reprimand him, and after a repeated violation, draw up a memo addressed to the head of the organization.
  3. Drawing up documentation. The job description must indicate a list of documents for the preparation of which the administrator is responsible, and the procedure for submitting them. As a rule, he is responsible for registering clients with specialists and, accordingly, must keep appropriate records. The administrator can also make calculations, that is, perform the role of a cashier, which means the need to maintain accounting records.

Responsibility of a beauty salon administrator

In his activities, the administrator of a beauty salon is responsible not only for the property of the salon entrusted to him, but also for the actions of employees in the course of their implementation. labor functions. In this regard, in the administrator’s job description, we recommend that all areas of responsibility be specified in more detail in the “Employee Responsibilities” section.

For example, mention that the administrator may be held liable:

  • for neglect of one's duties;
  • insensitive attitude towards clients and staff;
  • unclear and untimely fulfillment of duties provided for in these instructions;
  • illegal actions with documents and information about the activities of the enterprise;
  • disclosure of trade secrets about the operation of the enterprise;

The job description of an administrator in a beauty salon should be drawn up in as much detail as is convenient for the employer. It is important to remember that the document is written for the position, and not for specific person, therefore, indicating the personal qualities of the employee and individualizing individual provisions is inappropriate.

IN major cities There are hundreds of beauty salons, spa studios and other beauty establishments serving thousands of people every day. Their work is managed by administrators - special employees who build a “bridge” from the client to the master and help solve problems that arise. In this article we will talk about, about what they do and who can apply for this position.


Some people believe that the entire job of an administrator consists of sitting at the counter and making appointments for clients at a convenient time. But in fact, this is far from true - the work of the salon, the number of clients and the reputation of the establishment depend on the administrator. Essentially, he is the face of the beauty studio, who receives clients, answers their questions, conducts consultations and coordinates the activities of the salon.

The work of the salon depends on the personality of the administrator

His job responsibilities include:

  1. Sales of services and cosmetics.
  2. Supporting the work of a beauty studio.
  3. Ability to communicate with clients.
  4. Accepting orders for procedures via the Internet, by phone or in person.
  5. Knowledge of the services provided by the salon, the ability to advise the client.
  6. Marketing skills, ability to invent and carry out promotional events.
  7. Ability to lead social media and general knowledge of SMM.
  8. Ability to maintain internal documentation and accounting.
  9. Monitoring labor discipline in the company.
  10. Ability to conduct customer surveys to determine their satisfaction and expectations.

Administrators are often engaged in a variety of economic activities - displaying and selling cosmetics, purchasing necessary medications, providing craftsmen with the necessary tools, etc. Often they are the ones who clean the salons and monitor the cleanliness of the entrance area. In this case, the administrator must be good psychologist and be able to communicate with people in order to repay possible conflicts without consequences for business.

Who can become an administrator

So you already knowso let's look at who is usually hired for this position. In 99% of cases, this should be a woman - men are practically not suitable for this role, although there are exceptions everywhere. There is also a certain “discrimination” by age - 80% of administrators find work between the ages of 30 and 40. Under the age of 30, only 15% work, and after 40, only 5 percent.

Next we will consider Family status. The best option, which is “accepted” on Russian market, this is a divorced woman with a child over 7 years old. There is a reasonable explanation for this - she will not get pregnant, that is, the owner will not have to pay insurance, she is attached to work because she needs money, and a child over 7 years old is already quite independent and does not get sick often, so the mother will not regularly take time off from work . U married women There is always a risk of pregnancy, so employers are wary of hiring them.

Administrator - the link between the client and the master

If we consider education, employers prefer women with higher technical education. People who graduate from engineering universities have a mathematical mindset, that is, they plan better, solve system problems better, are less stressed and less emotional. The problem is that people with a technical education rarely remain unemployed and go to similar positions, but still employers try to find just such employees. Often, psychologists who are able to manage people and resolve stressful situations are hired for this position.

Attention:Special attention is paid to appearance when hiring. A woman should be pretty and well-groomed, but at the same time not “overshadow” standard visitors.

Among the administrators, you rarely see twenty-year-old fashion models with a fourth breast size, since clients begin to have complexes and choose other salons. The best option is a pretty and sociable woman.

Where to look

So, you are the owner of a beauty salon and you urgently need work smart administrator. Where to look for them? First, let's look at the search algorithm.

  1. Don’t stop at the first candidate who responds - you need a good employee, since the fate of the salon depends on his professionalism.
  2. Decide who exactly you need, what actions he will perform and with whom he will work.
  3. Conduct several interviews with candidates to select your favorites.
  4. Be sure to conclude employment contract with the administrator and draw up a job description for him, entering all the necessary points to avoid disagreements in the future.

Where can you look for employees? The easiest way is on job sites. Compose an ad and place it on thematic portals and in local media. Check out these same sites - dozens of resumes from employees looking for work will be posted there.

There are several more options:

  1. Contact an HR agency or local employment service.
  2. Talk to the beauty salon staff - they usually know a lot of people in the area.
  3. Contact schools and courses that train employees for beauty salons.
  4. Try to lure an employee away from competitors by offering him more interesting conditions.

Write down job responsibilities carefully to avoid any disagreements.

Working conditions

As a rule, the administrator works according to a 2-by-2 scheme, that is, you need 2 employees for the salon. The standard shift duration is 12 hours, the average salary is 20–40 thousand, depending on the region.

Let's consider what mistakes an employee can make and what they can lead to:

  1. Inability to manage a team. The employee’s responsibilities include monitoring the work of the craftsmen - it is he who manages the work in the absence of the business organizer. It is necessary to ensure that the administrator does not get used to the role of the “master”, but at the same time, he should not be allowed to cover up the team in every possible way, forgiving them for flaws and obvious violations.
  2. Inability to work with clients. It is the administrator who takes calls and meets clients, so he must be able to produce good impression, not to be rude, be able to advise and be as ethical as possible. The friendlier and more stress-resistant a person is, the more preferable he is.
  3. Lack of proper control over inventory items. Often, craftsmen take cosmetics and other preparations for themselves, writing them off as used up in the process. You need to keep records and understand how much is spent on one procedure in order to minimize losses.
  4. Inability to communicate with inspection authorities. An employee must be able to communicate with the police, prosecutor's office, tax, and sanitation authorities, understand his rights and responsibilities, and understand reporting principles in order to minimize possible losses from unexpected inspections.

Attention:The best option would be to provide a brief briefing to employees, explaining what they can do and what regulatory authorities can do.

It is advisable to conduct such instruction at least once a year so that they do not forget how to act. It is best for the employee to have a brief instruction with points on how to act, what to say and what not to say during the inspection, as well as telephone numbers for consultations (for example, a lawyer or lawyer). To enhance the effect, you can even conduct a kind of training by inviting a familiar inspector or police officer, without notifying the administrator, and see how he copes with the regulatory authorities.

In addition, you need to constantly advise the employee on the rules of cash discipline. If he “forgets” to issue a check to a client, this can lead to serious fines. If the operation of the cash register is disrupted, serious sanctions will follow from the inspection authorities, so train your staff and provide advice on any controversial issues.

Here, in general, is all the basic information about this vacancy. If you needthen you can download it from this link and add it to your conditions. You should not overload your employees with unnecessary responsibilities - he should not wash the floors or beat ice from the threshold; his functions include managing the beauty salon, and not working on the premises. For the latter, it is better to hire a cleaner who will wipe the room a couple of times a day and keep it clean.

In contact with

Super profitable beauty salon. How to succeed in this business Mikhail Kuznetsov

What should a beauty salon administrator be like?

The administrator is an extremely important employee in a beauty salon. According to many managers, both the success and failure of the enterprise depend on it. So who is this mysterious administrator?

So far, there is no consensus among managers and consultants on this important issue. Let's try together to figure out what kind of administrator a beauty salon needs.

The administrator must successfully perform a large volume of tasks, often while simultaneously remaining fully functional and friendly for 12 hours. This is a serious load. To cope with it, a successful administrator will need appropriate personal qualities, serious training, constant self-education, stress resistance skills, and high motivation, otherwise severe fatigue will accumulate. And this will ultimately lead to mistakes and losses for the salon.

In order for an administrator to cope with his job, he needs the following psychological qualities:

High motivation to work, as well as a desire to engage in this activity;

Organizational abilities: ability to work with people, communicate, interact;

Ability to lead economic activity, practicality;

The ability to foresee future developments and the consequences of decisions made;

Ability to control several objects and parallel processes at once;

Emotional balance and stress resistance;

Self-confidence, desire for self-improvement;

Discipline, responsibility, initiative and honesty;

Activity, energy and high learning ability. What should an administrator do?

The administrator is the face of the salon, the first person with whom the client comes into contact. In other words, he is the “voice and face” of the salon. The administrator must do everything possible to form the client’s attachment to the salon, and he can do this. Although it is also possible reverse effect. In all situations where the client has a bad impression of visiting the salon, the administrator is also to blame.

In addition, if the administrator has a “gloomy morning” in his heart, then it may be “cloudy” in the salon. If the administrator has a “holiday” in his heart, then the registration for services is often quite impressive, and clients leave satisfied and with good mood, and everything is going well in the team.

We have already considered the question of how and why the client’s attachment to the master is formed. The administrator plays a significant role in this process. A bad administrator does not create a bright and memorable impression of the salon. Often this happens because he does not know how to do the right thing. No one taught him, believing that there is nothing difficult about meeting and seeing people off, counting out change to the client when paying for services rendered and goods purchased. The set of functions is simple and really does not require high qualifications. But this is only the visible part of the iceberg.

First, let's define the responsibilities of the administrator, since there is ambiguity on this issue.

As mentioned above, the block of tasks in the activities of a customer service administrator includes the following points:

Answering a phone call;

Meeting the client who came to the salon;

Arranging a client visit;

Presentation of the salon's capabilities;

Client settlement after service;

Sales of goods for home use;

Seeing off the client after the visit;

Resolving conflict situations if they arise.

Creating a first impression of a beauty salon begins with answering the phone. At the same time, the number of clients “lost” at this stage cannot be practically assessed, since it is very difficult to objectively assess the consequences of errors. For example, to a client’s question over the phone: “What is myostimulation?” - he heard in response: “This is when electrodes are applied to your body and an electric current is applied to them.” Agree, an intriguing explanation, after which you will definitely want to visit the described procedure.

In order for potential clients to sign up for a beauty salon, the manager should consider several important things:

Duration telephone conversation should not exceed 5-10 minutes;

Incoming telephone calls must be answered by trained personnel;

Answering telephone calls should always follow the corporate policy framework known to employees.

When answering a phone call, the administrator’s task is to get a visit to your beauty salon to receive either a service, a consultation, or to purchase home use products. The success of the response largely depends on the literacy of the administrator, as well as on the presence of formulated corporate rules at the enterprise. When answering a phone call, the interlocutor should feel caring and friendly. The result should be an appointment to visit the salon, as well as a replenishment of the client base.

Solutions to help improve the effectiveness of answering telephone calls are: purchasing a cordless telephone, which allows the administrator to calmly move around the salon while staying in touch; active promotion of the “beautiful” number of your salon; presence in the cabin of two telephone lines: one for incoming calls, the other for outgoing and local calls.

Meeting a new client who comes to your beauty salon should help create a favorable first impression.

To do this, the administrator must either leave the reception desk or stand up and greet the client. In this case, it is worth finding out the purpose of the visit, making the client feel as comfortable as possible, and relieving the forced tension of finding himself in an unfamiliar environment. A good administrator will also find out the client’s wishes regarding the implementation of the service he needs. This information must be transferred to a specialist invited by the administrator.

When meeting a client, the administrator often receives a fairly significant amount of personal information about the client, which must be stored in his card, which we discussed above.

To create a comfortable environment, you can offer the client drinks, if this is customary in your salon. More detailed rules for meeting a client are created by the director in accordance with the characteristics of your salon.

Calculation - one more important element in customer service. The very first task is to correctly calculate and give change. It is worth paying attention to possible provocations on the part of inspection organizations, which sometimes, while organizing an allegedly personal visit, try to register facts of non-issuance of a check. In addition, the administrator should inquire about the results of the specialist’s work, since this determines whether the client will come to your salon again.

Seeing off the client is no less important in creating a positive impression of your salon. There are often situations when both the master and the administrator forget about the client, especially after payment. In this case, the client has a feeling of “abandonment”, uselessness. Pay attention to this. The client should feel the attention and care of the salon staff the entire time he is in the salon.

There are situations when the administrator cannot see off a client due to being busy: answering phone calls, counting other clients, etc. Then, instead of the administrator, the specialist who served this guest should see off the client.

Salon personnel management by the administrator is often considered in terms of monitoring compliance with labor discipline requirements, corporate culture rules, customer service, and creating and maintaining a positive psychological climate in the team. It should be remembered, however, that everything internal rules must be clearly formulated, documented and approved by the administration of the enterprise with mandatory review and signature by all employees of your salon. Otherwise, it is almost never possible to achieve their implementation and compliance. The administrator needs a reminder of these rules and responsibility for violating them. The administrator must notify the director in writing of violations.

The organization of the enterprise’s activities by the administrator is to ensure the timely operation of the salon. For example, a light bulb burned out, a faucet leaked, a device broke down, some medicine or paper ran out in the fax machine, etc. The administrator must quickly and effectively resolve this situation without slowing down the pace of work. Otherwise, there will be downtime and loss of money. It is unprofitable to have a caretaker position on staff.

Conducting accounting and control activities on the consumption of cosmetics and other materials is also within the authority of the administrator. This requires the formalization of accounting policies, the creation of appropriate instructions for employees of the enterprise, the distribution of responsibilities and the granting of rights to certain members of the team. The detailed distribution of job responsibilities depends on the manager’s policy, personnel composition, and other characteristics of the enterprise.

Do not try to copy other people's instructions and other documents; this is dangerous because, most likely, they will not work for you in the same format.

The fact that a good administrator serves as a “breakwater” for various checks is no secret for many directors. A weak administrator, most likely, will not protect, but will “hand over” the manager “without giblets.” How to behave correctly when checking the interior will be discussed below.

The administrator's job descriptions are given in Appendix 13.

Administrator errors

A beautiful salon has been created, equipped with modern equipment and high-quality cosmetics, qualified specialists, and a lot of advertising is given. However, clients do not stay or do not come. What is the reason? In the administrator!

Many salons lose customers and profits due to the poor or unprofessional performance of this employee.

The work of the administrator depends on:

What impression will the client have after the first call to the beauty salon;

Will the client sign up for services;

How often and what services the client will receive in the salon;

Will he purchase medications for home use?

Is the administrator wrong? Certainly! Only those who do nothing make no mistakes. But how much are his mistakes worth? Quite expensive. After all, he is one of key figures in the activities of a beauty salon.

However, the professional training of these specialists is still very weak. A detailed analysis of the administrator's work allows us to identify the most common cases of incorrect administrator behavior.

Working with clients

It is no secret that often it is the administrator who demonstrates in every possible way to the first-time visitor that this salon is not worth coming to. Quite a lot of mistakes are made: creating a negative first impression as a result of an incorrect answer to a phone call, an incorrect meeting with the client, as well as during his visit, mistakes when seeing off the client.

The administrator speaks illiterately on the phone with clients and does not know the rules for servicing incoming calls.

“I didn’t study to undress clients!” - a statement by an administrator in one prestigious salon in Moscow regarding the need to show the client the wardrobe area and offer assistance in removing outer clothing.

Errors in the sale of cosmetics for home use lead to a loss of part of the proceeds. Here they are manifested in the sales technique itself, in the design of shop windows and maintaining them in “working” condition, in the untimely replenishment of inventory.

Maintaining a customer database. Administrator errors are possible:

When collecting information about the client (too persistent questioning, leading to tension and “closing” the person, deliberate concealment or distortion of information);

When maintaining client databases, an information deficit is created and it becomes difficult to establish and develop contacts with clients;

Negligence in obtaining information about customer satisfaction from visiting or receiving a service.

The administrator may also show signs of incorrect behavior in a conflict situation, which often leads to the loss of clients and the creation of a negative attitude on their part.

Personnel Management

Mistakes in personnel management also cost the salon dearly. The manager cannot always be on site, so the administrator is responsible for implementing his plans. Here errors can be expressed in excessive polarity of behavior. The administrator either gets too used to the role of the director (his deputy), or remains in the “common boat” with the employees. In the first option, he can become a threat to the manager, “harassing” him. In the second, to become a “roof” for the craftsmen. The administrator is always “a friend among strangers, a stranger among his own.”

What tasks does an administrator face in managing beauty salon employees? First of all, this is the creation of a favorable psychological climate in the team.

The main mistakes in this case are:

Excessive “tightening of the screws”;

Playing off employees, management according to the principle of “Divide and Conquer”;

Finding the role of a “gray eminence.”

Such behavior leads to an increase in the level of psychological tension in the team, the growth of conflicts among employees (decreased performance and motivation). All this will definitely be felt by your customers, which will lead to a decrease in their satisfaction.

At the same time, another behavior of the administrator in relation to specialists is also possible: protecting them from the administration, choosing the role of “their guy.” Sometimes such a manager puts the interests of the staff above the interests of the enterprise, and then a specialist under the “roof” of the administrator rules the roost. The result is a serious loss of money for the salon.

The administrator’s functions also include transmitting objective information to the manager about the quality of staff work in order to make timely personnel decisions.

Resolving conflict situations within the beauty salon team may also be within the competence of the administrator. The ability to recognize and find solutions to interpersonal or intergroup conflicts is an important skill for an administrator.

Behavior during inspections

Interaction with inspection organizations often also presents significant difficulties for the administrator. Errors in this matter arise due to complete or partial ignorance of regulatory documents, inspection rules, and psychological unpreparedness for the appearance of a person “with a red crust.” What are the consequences of such errors? Additional fines, costs to eliminate identified violations, as well as additional stress and conflicts.

In addition, the administrator must know the main inspection organizations, their requirements and his responsibilities and powers. To do this, the manager should develop and approve special instructions on actions during inspections, as well as conduct classes on this topic and, possibly, take an exam. The head of a salon business enterprise has every right to include clauses in these instructions that protect the interests of the salon, since these provisions are based on:

Article 51 of the Constitution of the Russian Federation, which states that “no one is obliged to testify against himself”;

The Labor Code of the Russian Federation, which instructs the employer to issue local regulations, which are such orders, instructions, memos, etc.

Training is necessary for the practical acquisition of behavioral skills and relieving stress from the first contact with officials.

Knowledge of the rules of behavior during scheduled and unscheduled inspections will allow the administrator to emerge victorious even from the most difficult situations. The point is that in regulatory documents There are quite a few provisions that can be interpreted in different ways.

One of common mistakes in behavior during inspections - the administrator’s fear when the inspector appears, inattention to the documents provided, the desire to give a bribe, rude or incorrect behavior.

There was a case when, during an inspection, the administrator betrayed the director “without his guts”, opening his office, in which all the documentation was laid out. Subsequently, the manager had to spend a lot of energy explaining things to the inspectors.

Situations often arise when inspectors exceed their official authority. To avoid getting into an unpleasant situation and paying too much, be prepared and attentive. Include in the instructions for interaction with inspection organizations a list of all organizations indicating contact persons and telephone numbers, requirements for information provided during inspection, and other necessary information.

In addition to briefings, we recommend periodically holding business games with administrators to interact with supervisory authorities. If necessary, you can ask “friendly” inspectors to visit your enterprise in order to increase the preparedness of your employees in the event of a difficult situation.

Failure to issue a check, lack of change, or unauthorized change in prices for services leads to several unpleasant consequences: a possible fine, for example, for non-use cash registers– for citizens in the amount of fifteen to twenty minimum wages; on officials– from thirty to forty minimum wages; on legal entities– from three hundred to four hundred minimum wages (Article 14.5 of the Administrative Code). And what’s even more scary for the salon is a decrease in the level of customer loyalty due to real or alleged shortchanges, which leads to significant losses.

Carrying out accounting and control policies

One of important tasks The responsibility facing the administrator is to implement the accounting and control policies of the beauty salon. Violations in this area can lead to opportunities for theft Supplies from the experts.

Error results

Failure to comply with customer service rules leads to psychological discomfort among visitors to your beauty salon. The result of such an incident will be possible loss client. The amount of financial losses due to poor quality service provided to one client is quite significant.

At the same time, possible financial losses may amount to 43,200 USD. e. per year. Agree, quite a significant amount. And this is only from the departure of one client, but what if there are ten or more of them? At the same time, the prices for this calculation are taken to be quite average.

There are quite a few reasons for unsatisfactory customer service in a beauty salon: rudeness on the part of employees, obvious and hidden, inattention to client requests, disorder in the salon lobby, poor-quality cleaning, incorrect resolution of conflicts with clients. Many of us have encountered “Soviet unobtrusive” service and maintenance, when they show you through various means that few people are interested in you and your interests.

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